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SWOT Analysis of Igor Dodon


- Charismatic and Young Candidate

- Understood the potential to reach younger and elder voters
- Surrounded himself with a good team with experience in social media and marketing;
- Excellent political relations
- Strong financial support from a variety of sources;
- Decades of experience both in and around the job and with regard to politics in general;
- Willing to take big risks.


- Low public speaker;

- Lack of relevant contacts;
- Poor handling of problematic history related to communist government;
- Had many failures, mistakes, “specks” of imagine;


- Appeals strongly to those who want a change;

- Availability of and access to social media as a tool of mass communication and
- Major support from the voters of Republic of Moldova.
- The parliamentary and governmental majority is owned by the socialist party from which
he is a member.


- Not an adept/follower of Romanian language, history;

- Verbal attacks on his opponents;
- External financing of the campaign (from Russia)
- Neglecting the public opinion of citizens


This swot analysis is to point out what parts of the solution needs to be fixed, what threats need
to be mitigated, and what parts need to be supported and not broken. It forms the basis of a
strategic plan. If we build a plan without doing this, we end up either screwing up something that
didn’t need to be fixed or not addressing something that does. By the way if we match the threats
to the weaknesses you tend to highlight the things you need to fix first. Because of our
weaknesses can result a problem for us, especially low public speaking, our candidate should
take urgent some courses of public speaking to be more confident to the audience. For the other
week points we recommend to make positive actions to provide a better imagine for himself in
this elections. Maybe our threats are visible for anyone, but our strength points are more
representative for Igor Dodon as a candidate. That’s why we have a lot of opportunities, we are
able to make our strength points more strength and much more.

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