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Market Analysis


1. Social moods and assessment of the political situation;

2. Current support for political parties and politicians in your environment;

3. What are the key issues for the voters. Why will these issues get your candidate elected.
Why will people care about these issues;

4. The market share of the main competitors and the characteristics of their election

5. Opinions of the electorate on politics and political parties;

6. Who are your allies and how can they help;

7. Who are your opponents.

The above data should be presented graphically and discussed together with the resulting
conclusions. Use the real data coming out from the contemporary marketplace. 
I. Social moods and assessment of the political situation;

One of the more important pursuits in the study of political attitudes has been the effort to
explain the nature and sources of public satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the political system
and its authorities. To understand this fact, we will look bellow, at the statistical representation
which was created by Center for Insights in Survey Research. Data was collected throughout
Moldova (with the exception of Transnistria) between December 5, 2018 and January 16, 2019
through face-to-face interviews in respondents’ homes. The sample consisted of 1,226 permanent
residents of Moldova aged 18 and older and eligible to vote and is representative of the general
population by age, gender, region and settlement size.

According to the answers of the respondents we can conclude that majority of population
trust more in our candidate, Igor Dodon (31%) which means that our candidate is a reliable one,
because the fact that he leads the most influential parliamentary opposition party; the fact that he
has an impressive party infrastructure; the fact that he has at its disposal significant media and
financial resources; the fact that he is relatively young and has a remarkable work capacity; the
fact that he has a certain political and working experience in the state structures.

In comparison with our candidate, the other candidates have the lack of political experience,
the lack of a partisan structure branched into the territories, the lack of financial means.
II. Current support for political parties and politicians in your environment;

According to the map the supports of Party of Socialists of Republic of Moldova (red
color) are located in the northwest of the country, in the east of the country and a little in the
southeast part of the country. The northern part of the country is the supporter of the socialist
party as well as of the political candidate Igor Dodon because Igor Dodon's previous actions
favored the development of commercial relations with the Western partners where they export
local production.
III. What are the key issues for the voters. Why will these issues get your candidate
elected. Why will people care about these issues;

Income and small pensions, corruption and bribery, unemployment - are at the top of the list
of problems that Moldovan citizens face daily. This shows the data of the survey conducted by
the International Republican Institute (IRI), between December 5, 2018 - January 16, 2019.
Respectively, 38% of the respondents replied that they have low incomes or pensions, 31% said
that the biggest problem in the country is corruption and 29% - said they are facing
unemployment. These problems are followed by emigration, poverty, high market prices,
leadership, economic crisis, health and medical system, civic indifference, politicians, education,
low standards of living, instability in society, lack of social aid, theft of billions and crimes.

The survey was conducted on a sample of 1,226 respondents aged 18 years and over, with a
maximum margin of error of ± 2.5%. The sample is representative of the adult population of the
Republic of Moldova, excluding Transnistria.
IV. The market share of the main competitors and the characteristics of their election

Market Share
Igor Dodon Maia Sandu Dumitru Ciubașenco
Iurie Leancă Others



Our candidate for presidential elections is Igor Dodon – Socialist Party of the Republic of
Moldova 48%.

The main competitors are:

1. Maia Sandu – Political Party “Action and Solidarity”39%

Characteristics of the election program:

 The security and the good condition of each citizen is my priority and will
become a national priority.
 Bring the Republic of Moldova closer to the European Union and to add value
and to living European at home.
 Fight with the corrupt system.
 Work with state institutions to stimulate job creation, to bring money in every
locality and in every family.
 Prohibit, by legislative initiative, any relations between public institutions and
offshore companies.
 Ask for international assistance in investigating the theft of the billion, so that the
money can be restored in country, and those guilty are punished.
 Make all information of national interest public to work transparently, in the
interests of the citizens.
 Use of independent media for citizens to be accurate information.

2. Dumitru Ciubașenco – Our Party 7%

Characteristics of the election program:

 Dissolution of the Parliament;

 Anticipated parliamentary elections;
 Convocation of the Constituent Assembly with the participation of the necessary
representatives of Transnistria and the founding of the fourth Republic of

3. Iurie Leanca – Popular European Party 5%

Characteristics of the election program:

 Moldova supported by friends from the West

 Hard and independent justice
 Well-being and prosperity
 The creation of a Moldovan - Romania – Germany Axis
 Transparent and professional governance
 Development of economic relations with partners from the East
 A state that take care of its citizens
 Free economic relations with the West
 A single country for all citizens
 Creating the conditions for the return home of the departed citizens.
V. Opinions of the electorate on politics and political parties;

As a result of this survey we can conclude that the Party of Socialists of the Republic of
Moldova has very carefully exploited the opinion of the citizens regarding the way of life, the
quality of life, especially and the feelings they live, the needs, but also the fears they have.

VI. Who are your allies and how can they help;

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova doesn’t have allies.

VII. Who are your opponents.

The Igor Dodon’s major oponents are: Maia Sandu from Political Party “Action and
Solidarity”, Dumitru Ciubașenco from Our Party, Iurie Leancă from Popular European
Party, Marian Lupu from Democratic Party of Moldova and others.

Party Our Popular Democrati
"Action European c Party of
and Party Party Moldova

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