Marketing Is Overrated

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Marketing is overrated!

The negative effects of marketing on society are tremendous.

1. Marketing is a culture of overconsumption!
Justify: Marketing is worsening the quality of our lives by entrapping us in the net of greed and
mindless consumption. In order to escape from that trap, we need to realize that buying stuff won’t
and can’t bring us happiness.
Although material things are good to help us cover our basic physical needs, they can’t satisfy our
thirst for what we truly deep down long for — that is, connection with people and nature, play and
creative work, meditation and inner peace. They only offer substitutes — and substitutes are never
enough to touch the core of our being.
Examples: “Fast food advertisements focus on fun, family, and appealing food. But what are they
According to statistics on Fast Food Global Net Worth

“There is no connection or indeed there is often a contradiction between the way of life presented
and the product sold”
2) Marketing has an harmful influence.
Example: “Beer and liquor advertisements make false promises of good times and a carefree
lifestyle. But do they show what happens next? ”…. Accidents
From National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoolism:

Marketing is everywhere.
“As are designed to have an effect while being laughed at, belittled, and all but ignored ” Source
“They are not selling soap or petrol, but a vision a way of life” Source
“Advertising …promoted the continued social acceptability of smoking and encouraged the
incorrect belief that the majority of people smoke ” Source
“Fast food advertisments focus on fun, family, and appealing food. But what are they hiding?”
“There is no connection or indeed there is often a contradiction between the way of life presented
and the product sold” Source
“Beer and liquor advertisements make false promises of good times and a carefree lifestyle. But
do they show what happens next? ”…. Accidents

“…The advertisers know that rationality is not important, what is important is the emotional
“Cigarette advertisements target people with manipulative techniques which omit the truth. The
Tobaco industry will adapt, persevere and remain a vivid testament to the power of advertising.
It’s even affected children
“Teens establish buying habits that will carry into adulthood..Reach for a girl in her Seventenn
years and she may be yours for life”
“29% of adult women still buy the same brand of coffee they preferred as teenagers” Sourse
“41% buy the same brand of mascara”
Advertisements have created a society where a children are exposed to sexuality at a younger age.
A;thought not directly intended for children, children are affected nonetheless.
Advertisements discourt our perception of reality by featuring unrealistically “perfect people”
“Althought few people admit to being greatly influenced by ads, surveys and scale figures show
that a well-designed advertising campaign has a dramatic effects” Source
“Using the most sophisticated knowllwdge are techniques, they create unfulfilled desires and then
they push us to buy the products that we do not need”
“ Adverisements can make us unsatisfied with who we are , greedy for what we don’t have and
oblivious to the miseries of millions who haven’t a fraction of the comforts we take for granted”

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