Short Story in English

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Three Little Pigs

Retold by: Flora annie steel (1922)

Story in Eldest Pig’s Point of View I’m the

Eldest Pig,with my mother, together with my two younger brothers live together in
a house ever since when we are kids, we grew in our beloved Mother’s house, but
knowing that now we’re grown, we are to build our own houses in our own
materials, in our own strength. Days later passed me and my brothers planned to
build our very own houses.

My youngest brother built a house made of straw, because it is only a simple one,
he is the one to be finished first among us three, Secondly, my younger brother
made a house out of sticks an he finished it before I do, and finally me, I made
a house out of bricks, cement, and stones, with durability. Because my house was
the hardet one to build, it took me plenty of time building and constructing, I
can even see my brothers relaxing in their very own built houses, while I’m still
here building mine. Days have been and my house is finished; it was beautiful and
I found it worth the wait.

None of us have known that a Big Bad Wolf has been looking on us for days,
planning to make us his food, thinking about getting and eating each one of us,
without anyone of us knowing

The next day the wolf attacked our youngest brother’s house though as it is a
house made of straw, he huffed and puffed, and blew the house away, our youngest
brother, in fear, chased by the Big Bad Wolf, runned to our younger brother’s
house telling that there is a big wolf chasing him, In alarm, my younger brother
locked the door, but still when the wolf came, he huffed and puffed and blew the
house of stick away, as happened to my youngest brother, my younger brother,
together with my younger brother rushed in fear, being chased by the wolf into my
house. As they got in, I locked the door and stayed calm, because of the
assurance that th wolf can’t blow my house away, so he huffed and puffed and
blew, nothing happened not a single piece of brick fell, for the second time, he
huffed and puffed and blew, still nothing happened. We rejoiced knowing that we
are safe because the wolf can’t bring the house down. The Wolf left and we
thought we are in peace.

But then he actually made a plan to climb to the roof of my house and enter
throuhh my chimney, as soon as we heard his footsteps above us, we put a cauldron
full of boiling waiter in the chimney, as the hungry wolf entered the chimney and
fell into the cauldron, the hungry wolf was boiled to his death, and we are now
safe and sound, knowing that there’s now no wolf in threat of our lives.

And we lived happily ever after, together in my Brick House,

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- Mother Pig
- Eldest Pig
- Younger Pig
- Youngest Pig
- Big Bad Wolf

- Mother’s House
- Stick House
- Straw House
- Brick House

The Big Bad Wolf’s Hunger, because of it he chased the pigs just for him
to eat and kill his extreme hunger

A Hungry Wolf chasing little Pigs because of his hunger

When the Wolf was creating a plan on how to catch, kill, and eat the Three
Pigs who just built their own houses

Rising action
When the Wolf blew the youngest pig’s house and chased him; which is also
the sign of the start of his dark plans

When the Wolf is trying to blow the house of bricks

Falling action
When the Wolf died in the time he fell in the boiling cauldron

When the pigs rejoiced because the wolf was gone, and they’re now safe

Learn to have patience like the eldest pig, rewards may not come in an
instant time
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The united Methodist church

Rose of Sharon Christian school

Performance task in

Submitted by:
Benj Wesley lorezco

Submitted to:
Sir oliver santos
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