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ations, Networks, TUN EET /© 2001 by Pearson Ea ion is published by arran shove-mentioned pu N97B-81-317-0994-8 mpression, 2007 dad Ip ‘pression, 2008 ‘th Impression, 2009 ‘edion s manufactured in India and is authorized forsale only in Indi, Bangladesh, Bhutan, istan, Nepa, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Circulation of his elton ouside ofthese territories AUTHORIZED. lished by Dorling Kindersley (Inds) Pv. Lt, licenses of Pearson Education in South Asia. 4 Office: 487, ELE, Patpargan, Del istered Office: 14 Local Shopping Ci ted in india by Sawbh Printers tight of Fed Halal tobe identified as author of tis Work ha been asserted by him in accordance shortcontents Prefice chapter5 standards for mattimedia Acknowledgments communications 261 52 Inwodueion 261 chapter 1 multimedia communications as 52 Fawoducion aa Ad Iouesduetion 25 5.8 Sandards relating to interpersonal Mulimedia information representation Multimedia networks Multimedia applications 15 Application and networking terminology 16 Summary chapter 2. multimedia information representation 68 The HDLC prosoeal 385 6.9 Summary 393 3 text and image compression 35, chapter 7 circuit-switched networks 400 138 7. Inuoduction 400 on principles 439, 72 Transmision stems 408 146° 73 Soitcing gstems 40 e274 Signaling stems 48 19075 Sommary a3 19 hapter 8 enterprise networks ama i a4 195 8.1 Induction 415 195.82 LAN ‘48 Miao comprenion 215-83 EthernevIEEESOE a 2a Summary 255. 84 Token ring 8 auowinaop parla e+ sadel 1% oon wordy 663 ‘uStsop 19po790 GES usp 197020 32% ‘sqeulis Sopeuy (Zz sojdiouud woneznidic. ‘woR=anpont wonewasasdas uorrewsoyuy expawnnut res sd wordy oS goD WOMAN TST Supuorquso dM FE! tou pomten FS sopou uopesqunaney 251 sdk eo ST oouyusor Burman pe comedy siopwoyade usunesaieg 6 tourna ap sono soot sues] ST ‘Romeorunerutyeuousdinel TFT onegdde ep oa spomau suomi pueIPROHE epraou yedip somos pend yom co EPH ‘poMoU eed spomon suoudaiaL 1s't SpOKIoU PSII, vonmiuoseudas uoneUIsOpU eIP>URIO ‘woppmponnyy suoppeatunuiuios eypouurinus sop) Adesdouaye onuo>.o:19 pamauog — aapuaddy wonenouaydut gy Vxtpuddy “un395 St os ogee pe et Copa perompey FEL 18h “petit auunteew ran ononpont rs 13 aaydeys 7 coma ouoman ste ot suoneaydde yausaquy pT s2ideu2 so mung st enon wopegnn fon 8a CE a eopeonony gE onmpedasson ot et zl tt avi syuayuod sydd Buon pe ve ‘swapow paads-yoty pue ‘SMonjau WuSUNEYEWD TT Koew eqionsou WIV HE 2 NWN ‘won20p ‘sysomyou Waly pueRPeDHa 0 howe Aaggqesdor2% Fa ‘ae quserear pu wonenu2! ‘ee yuo a be exfop wopseu0ot3nus NT! "yo20%02 sney 1 p22 suse 424 Linear predictive coding 42.5 Codeexcited LPC 42.7 MPEG audio coders 4.2.8 Dolby audio coders 13 Video compression 331 Static Huffman codi an coding 3.3.2 Dyzamic Huffman coding 33.5 Lempel-Ziv Welsh coding 43.1 Video compression principles 432 H261 433 269 Summary Exercises standards for multimedia communications Introduction Reference models 5.21 TCP/IP reference model 5.2.2 Protocol basics Seandards relating to interpersonal communications 53.1 Circuitmode networks 5.32 Packevovitched networks 5.8 Electronic mail Sard relating to interactive applications over the Inter. 5.4.1 Information browsing Ba: BAS Intermediate stems SAA Java and javascript ‘Standards for entertainment applications 5.5.1 Movie/videcronsiemand 555. Interactive slevision Summary Exercises igital communication basics Introduction ‘Transmission media 6.2.1 Tworwice open lines 82.2 Twisted pair lines ow iF ow ” ow ow wr sale oni TSB ‘10201004 NYT suo mae 8 souatgg weg PIHTIMS ZL pouring ses 128 NWT Pood, raz salpiag Sunnos 23105 3°58 so8paq maredsueny 198 sa Buy uaxoy, Szosasay/euIng SNVT ‘wononpony ‘Shomya ear sears uqeades pomou NE, BL BuyeuBs youu: sui yun Baga eiia $6 Sonprasa90d5 0 Bunprs ULL TSE sus BUDS JAyoresony pedip snowenpuds £24 6 s31dey> ors Agpzesary renStp snouonpowerd FEL sou saquosgns exe 5 ¢ stuspout NISd ZL soul oquDsqns BOTCUY FFL Squom2u paysyas-ye94}9 soepiong Areanung prod 10H aL sound aoe 98 6129 oneayo0ds Yoong £9 umn painie 919 sioquinu a3tanb9 $9 Tonos aig ¥ 29 DUmouNUED E79 Ow aL EL9 tanwos ious 129 ‘59564 (2010 sap Louepunpar mDIg ¢99 PAP UNS OIE FOS duea 199 spowyau won>2i9p 20113 powapong ¢s9 pouauosoremey $59 toneqwoinauleig £59 dogprumuen snouosypls eoneruonpuis surg gg vwonenuaiyouie aiereKS £9 qvonuls Ng 19 ‘uolssrursuen snouospuisy: HON FE9 wonsowtp AEP f¢°9 ‘wpmperg parry Eo HOMeNUY 159 usury e830 93h ‘n9p woncedosd wuts 879 ompee £29 we ve Lande 69 9 Contents 94 Paddeses Gait Sobnets 95, ARP and RARP 951 ARP S52 BAR 95.3 ARF/RARP mess os este” orto ansision Siale ending Distance vector routing sorts pat oting Clases inter domain roti Tunneling o Multicast routing Ice Mobone 97 97.1 ICMP mesage formats on 22 LOM megs oma an imam GAA Integrated services 99 1 suo 912 Summary Exercises broatband ATM networks itching principles 104 Protocol architecture 104.1 ATM adaptation layer 1042 ATMIger 67 contents | 13 105 ATM LANs 689 105.1 Call processing 65 106 ATM MANs Ww 706.1 Subnetwork architectures 705 430.62 Protocol architecture 07 10.6.3 Queued arbitrated access protocol no 10.64 Bandwidth balancing m 1085 Peioritized diswsbuted queving ns 10.68 Slot and segmem Sornats 78 106.7 SMDS 720 10.1 Wide area ATM newworks ™ 108 Summary mm Exercises m8 chapter 11 entertainment networks and high-speed masems a 1A Introduction 1 112 Cable TV networks 732 1121 HEC networks 736 television networks 159 1 Bre 761 2 Di 766 1133 hr m0 114 Terrestrih television networks ™ 1141 Broadcast television principles ™m 1 vision ms 1143 Interactive services 8 ILS Highspeed PSTN access technologies 78 ADSL 7 2 VDSL 1 116 Summary 728 Exercises 181 chapter 12 _ transport protocols co 121 Introduction 101 122 TCP/IP proiocol suite mm 128 TCP 704 123.1 User services 705 123.2 Protocal operation 500 1233 Additional features as 833, LLY 12844 Protocol specification em STE IT OO wonesado gam, es 8 sdyogeref pue “ashy pue sisaros Seong 2 sposas qaga © Busn Surueang ‘wonanponuy 2M 9PtIA PON UL ‘esp IoK searing joooi0id UF woneutoyuy esurafeuen jo among TLL aNNS a9 6901 eussoy aessou fyd31 poe puEUIWIOD FF" twonesado dL €F yen a8esay4 ESL aH v1 4 pt sadey Vaal V¥Et paepums uonddsou mep UL FST vwonesado o20ug 2” sooq 89,1 set vel oer ser vel set wel ret et ardey> 158 cendix A endix B graphy Index 15.7.1 Search Engines 15.72 Portals Summary Exercises RC implementation Forward error control 1006, 1008 1009 son 1030 108 preface Objectives ‘Multimedia communications embraces a range of applications and network: ing infrastuetures, The term information daa relating to an a of different ypes of medi different media types example applications are video telephony (speech and video), multimedia electronic mail (tex ple, public (and private) switched telephone net to provide a basic telephony service but ced multimedia applications involv ‘of multimedia applications, In terms ofthe different types of media, text and images are generated, and represented in a digital frm, Speech, audio and vdec ‘erated in the form of continuously vary 2 fos: manta ii 1.2 (-person comm 1 people communicate with went (TE) while a person inter ia personal computer (PC) or these are located either in the home of om a desktop ‘each other through acts with a system ‘connected tothe settop rent types of network that are used to provide the networking infrastructure, These include not only networks {hat were designed from the outset to provide multimedia communication ser vices butalso| to provide usta single ype result of advances in various technologies that these can rer services, For example, public switched telephone known as general switched telephone networks lly to provide a basic itched telephone ser ‘of advances in digital signal processing hardware an they now provide a range of more advanced services images, and video. Simi iyo support basic data ap \wansfers, now support a much richer audio, and video, Im this chapter we media types ae repr used to provide m ddata networks that were designed ions such as electronic m: of applications that invo 1c amplitude of the speech, audio, or video signal varies. This ype of signal is known as an analog sigaal and, sypi- cally, the duration of applications that involve eudio and/or video can be video, however, the audio and video eral minutes while a movie (comprising audio and video) «: 43 long. ical telephone convers ‘becomes necessary to repre: Tn the ease of text and images, this corresponding wih the wo other media pes mation and the informa available on, sy, the sereen ofa computer. We shall describe a selection ofthe compression algorithms that are used with text and images in (Chapter 8 and those used with audio and video in Chapter 4 Multimedia networks ‘There are five basic types of communication network that are used to provide ‘multimedia communication services telephone networks, data nesworks, broadcast television networks, . integrated services digital neoworks, ‘Ym broadband muldservice nesworks, -wapou g-H we ea 5991195 adn (2) Ssur9 1 (a) squsuoduios yuonqou (e) SqoMIoU BuOKssIaL TT BA ‘aponr eigip © uy aezado mow wou 290 I NSA HIRI NO e> 0} “220527010 ‘pau ‘uysn uoyssiusuesy qo = als esta = si p Bopeue we owt su punt a4) 50 ‘su eps dsnonuni> ye> parenpul a4 sy denon peuonetsoyuy sous 224 eis Hoyeue iq pours pur o porno! syne lonon® panos «351 open lenae = 25 ‘ie = yon yuo oud = Pose pa = ‘5 sUsng ee ® U! 40 9 ‘ay moys axe Yromnau aun so suouoduoa -aoiuy ue apyosd ou Aap egy yrowaay auoydarn ain J5. ng Lntin09 2 ‘renter “eomou pro) 24) 02 p>rr2uU0> e aear ue) soquDsqas © 430 aoqsoe suoydaps pro aap yo uaape orp (py 9 pounds syuonou (pas aoa s91p0 Aue 2 fe pl susan <— ome epauninn CT Chapter 1 ultieslaconmuriatons 13.2 to carry digital signal stream of binary Is and Os ~ over the analog access circuits requires device known as a modem. The general scheme is shown in Figure 1 the sending side, the modem converts the digital signa ‘output by the source with a normal speech s way as a speech signal a igital form before rela have the necessary terminate a call, Hence by using a pair of modems ~ on access point ~ a PSIN can also be used to provide a sitched digial service. The early modems supported only avery low bitrate service of 300bps but, as of. 1g techniques ‘mean that modems are now available for use with the same access circuits ‘that provide a high bit rate channel whieh isin addition to the epeech chan: for telephony. Typical rate of this second channel is uch and video and hence they are used since the early modems were introduced in the early 1960s deduce ftom this, a PSTN can now support not only speech appl also'a wide range of other multimedia communication applications. Data networks Data networks were designed to provide base data éo such as eleéeOaie all (em meni oniieeted to these ne computer such a8 a PC, \worksition, or an email/Sle ser two most widely deployed networks ‘of this ype are the X95 network and the Internet. Becatse ofits operational hoivever, the X25 netwo applications and hence is unsuitable fo ‘The Intemet is made up of avast of which operate using the same tation protocol is an_ agreed communicating parties forthe exchange of information, The rules define n only the sequence of messages that are exchanged between the communicating Parties but also the syntax ofthese messages. Hence by using the same set oF multimedia applications n of interconnected netwo 1.3 Muitimedta networks | 29 juers that are connected tothe Internet her irrespective oftheir ype oF manufac: -syuomyau yseapeod ‘syuouyati ayaea (e) £5420my9U UO!SIAa 2 (B) ape a og dees as HSS no 09 028 1Ng ponBPa! age 1ou sapioud woman uoNGEN unig Uf 205 UeD 28 SY pg UF NOMS ame ysOMIDT HED apout ages uot ode. des sjaubegp UOIa|A 2m JO “sp 24QH> 299 © PaY >THE XOD “oi -poosg peynsonsn/ ree won aoe a ayy Brddue soy pe Sued soe TSBues mand “ads oso 2) 9 Fi ayador "ya soNG9u Bg HM 2ygeese 0999 AE SADE UO syd uonbepese =) se TD pamton ogee ware Ba 0 a OM HORNED ges » speunzou st wexpare 1639 wage [wlydesBoa api oH 40 uotsnprp ayy oddns 01 paul ip 0 way ae] © 36 are 919 UY Srrao at ousiaayay jseopeosg “oapu pu ‘ompne oaods Busjonu suoneandde womesyunnto> epoxy! 8049 sem onesado 30 3 pagn st yoru sndusoo 2p ynosip wyped oy) ain 219 30 sazppe oe ‘peaK a = ijenuaseg “2pou ioyped v p 5] omeU Papauue> Xp wos sdojas pur Bumnos 40 aged 51 aen94 ty ea omiaqur te Yfhonp WoaIou suOPPeG IUIET 34 Or porrauuos ye a yrousau yo sada wonpymp au, 9UAaNU 3H 305 POUND HOR se sosoraud uomroyunurut0> jo 135 aur agp Buisn papuaud at ‘som ue Buss 247380 parsuuo>sayt are 2pow2u apmasudaua we 303 “aes gly BE woe IPHONE wONDAG FTE [HS aA EY (NSD spoaion yeni soso poms, ue Snare a0 stp Wes NIST swoon NP oMau ast 249 cr parout> axe sa9Hop Jos HF KA Chapter 1 Multimedia communion: 13.4 1.3 Multimedia network is integrated into the STB this provides both a low bitrate channel and high rate channel from the subscriber ack to the cable head-end. Typically, the rate channel is wed to connect the subscrt pxéaibpe chai ‘works alto provide acces the range of that are avilable with both a PSTN and the highspeed PSTN moder vith an interaction channel so enhancing the range of services these networks "support. This is the origin ofthe term “interactive television”. PP i ie 1.5/2.0 choral iyo oes) Integrated services =. er fal networks erated services digital neeworks star ally designed to provide services. This vas achieved firs, by converting the access the network ~ a telephone for sided dees t wil Connon enol phone [B= orb atonement yre.1.4 Alternative services provides by an ISDN. support a range of multimedia applic ofthe relatively high cost of di ‘ofthe services associated with an ISDN are provided by a PSIN. the subscriber phone. zation ofa telephonegy analog speech signal produces a constant bitrate binary siream ~ normal referred (o aa bitstream ~ of 64 kbps. Henc DSL of the ISDN — 1,3.5. Broaifhand multiservice networks 18 multiservice networks were designed aide the mid-1980s for use a5 i fo appleaons. The en“ i Sree aan exces fhe maim ite of Satope aoakpspronted by an SDN. As such, they a et bn fad hence were called broadband mntepted services meee gr BISDN. Also forthe sate reson an ISDN i sombimes — referred to as narrowband ISDN a lependeatly. Hence to synchronize the tvo separate 64 kbps bitstreams into a single 128kbps steam ‘equires ap additional box of electronics to perform, whi itched 128 kbps network operators. Indeed, the service supports a single svitched channel of px 64 kbps vatous services provided are summarized in Figure 14nd, as we can deduce ‘nasa 2qp 1240 su saveredos 108: reas ay satna8on paresSanus ase sad ‘suoneaqunaio> jeuosseds2 sojdurex> aos ss Jo om siaifo ul ayy peatOnUt st ‘eum “ypoods aout det st suoryeorunuunos euossadaquy T'p'T sao. aanyp yo 240 ort paved aq wed Lown aomoy ‘ys0U98 1 sade pou ajdninus axjonut yetp suoneoridde poties pur Avew axe 2x24, suoryeaydde eipawMyiny pT ‘anon 5 earupaus =) yy s200N 1 sy suon Boe Surnoyoy xq ut KaoBiove ype> wus sajdarexo ou -yaomyau aaqiuasnynut purgpeoig WAY we Jo aydurexa S°T MBL youu 0 ‘pons cae pom pvt spew pon OM = AY jp a40u! yn sopuoxd ‘qo HP unouy siyped paxspoxy ar ay pue saqpafor pores red © yom parezose sad pou Uas29N 2M "adh aus © apvond 01 paulo Fo snus owou aon ey poss a ip spoxpaur vrsmunuen po {a pausuusnp Surg ate a ua x 2 gn MONI SHIN ‘yuosaou 29s3e5j pegpeo seq 2x9 oe pom uaoq ane NAST 2 rey 0 Jo Haque a.OK0H OST I© Mawoydop 1p AEP enya 0 2 me 230}0949 29H PU ein uomu yo sada sm go 97 We> oF ose 0 SOP PME! A enidde voneyunuuos epaumyna odds mou NGSL Ue Heo Su9 0 suopequmuves gpaunian Las Speech only ‘Traditions hate been provided us lephone network (PSTN/ISD! erpersonal communications involving speech ~ telephony — iclephones that are connected either to a lar phone network) or a Wa rea -{ fi STN eiSON Pr sei lpn tcc i ee Be dia nao SIN = Abi swithad ilghone mick SDN = nag FBX» ve broek cronge terpersonal communications: public and private switched gure 1.6 Speech-only j lephone networks. 14 mat ia applications | 3 requires a telephone interface card and associated sofware and ‘computer telephony integration or CT, instead of a conventional telephone create his or her ow i nferencing he event ofthe called party being unava n be left in the voice mailbox of the « ral repo telephone because these both operate in a phony gateway Tegistered to use this service, the gateway requests from telephone nuinber ofthe called party. On receipt of this, tes session (cll) withthe wephony gateway n apni usa), eu natura» fetoriadiayu yo 2jdumexs uy Tuo iar Bupyrom wun yarn sdo sane] 244, 21eHH}05 ay unm sy -auiypew xej jeuonuaxuo> © hq paonposd aBewt Op amp Jo aed pe Jo a8eus, twowesado Jo ouin20p © J “sayduexa (xe)) aquisoey ssuoyye2qunusivos jeuossadsajuy Kjuo-afiewy g°y 2unfly NaS? NSS yfnonp woq9amI0> NP tp sae ‘eng parmpord ve pon parpidip ny “pouuess 28rd pea oop 217 jo aed yaeo amnSip pu we>s of Es (uo) aur fy 2 2tp UALINOP E pei say SuomDop jo adore an a euosrodsoys yo uy ane uy ‘quo aouy woo seapp 01 panoyfoy § aunpavord seyus “oR UD [19 2 i" eB somnos tn nautp — sos Oa ath 01 eg sTeUsis wp Aeware pa au -yausaquy ayy 2ato KuoudopaL Nasvnss , 4 ‘Chapter 1 Mutimesta communicators near he ee ver and ie sent to mulple recipients each of whoa header, the acronym "cc" being the abbreia the original means of making (paper) eof contents of textonly mail comprise usfoti ASCII characters, + 1.4 Muttineia applications | 42 Text and images ‘An example’of an application that involves oth text and images integrated. together is computersupported cooperative working (CSCW). The network IN, or the Internet and the general scheme PC/workstation. The la part and an update control the contents of his or her 1e change-notifieation parts F support programs, one in each vo parts a change-notiica the update-control in each of the other PCs/workstaions and these in turn ‘proceed to update the contents oftheir copy ofthe whiteboard. Speech and video Stored whisboos eye Encrsevce he wea, (BN ore eat Figure 1.10 Text-and-image computer-supported cooperative working (escw). 1 ato ve apdosd yo sdnos8 anonu ety suo eo ve uorsad 28s Ayu sasfoxu pags “y0na2u tuo pasjonuy are auedinsed yo saquimt snp 0 we 1 ue mot UoEsas BuroU012yU09 © PIOY uurey> tone>quntstH09 anny ‘2onseid sp 01 pasn ag pmnous ‘opuya ayezeds © * and us uous st 3[4ure39,Y HO sou snp nut pareboose — 9808 ay yonsio> yoda © p>} suoddrs 0 ispio ut ‘pur soxpat 2ydgqnur Sexson suone “spyuanospia dowyeap © =e jpateso qpea ajdoad pesa1os nq — sd /sTeutura) 2 ou ayjonuy feus ye aoydayan tut Se 1910310) exp wer 19484 512 idas 01 ip Jo.qupespuy amp ein ‘pa /tea joddne 02 (pH Spinosd anu uowsau ayy, "u90IDs woREISYION/I a sip dosed pay sip jo ae ) am | seein Se Yow ari/NOSYNISH @ ner oreunp copped: ‘aoa semsayon fon, ‘Chater 2 Mulimasia corrnicaions person at one location is communicating with 2 group of peopl the transmision of (location In terms of communi- lar to.those for a wo-partyvideophone ‘all. Alternatively, ifthe lecture is being relayed to multiple locations, either a ‘separate communications channel is required to each remote site or an MCU ISON /troodbond neve Seeach ony specvond deo ISON teen rewat/ ‘edcouderant nteok Yebocotoarcing ‘nde Veeco ‘ad interpersonal communications: (a) remote lecture; encing, 1.4 Mutimeaaglicatins ple 64kbps cham Inthe example tion, This ype of appli ‘example of videoconfere at each location, speci audio equipment, all of whic ing system. A conference normally used to mi the network. In the figure, the MCU is shown as a central facility within the ‘network and hence only a single two-way communications channel ie required for each acces circuit ofthe network. This isthe type of arrangement telecommunieations provide suomeandde shies ‘a suapeondde wonttunin Sujoq yeuguson an 3 uo: psnta004 2q ves aBbesour quo 250g 3) 211909 Butag sf aBesrou 201 anny deus Lk pur rea nen, | [pes vives [= e205 * ay | seoneyste awauninn vt "yr iis | @ranera. mutta conmaiatins Entertainment applications ‘= motie/video-ondemand, interactive television, ink references from it to any other document on the Web. ach acu: asa unique address known as a uniform resource locator or URL — stored and also the file reference on that server, ‘known 25 we home page and all the hyper- links on this and the other pages have similar URLs asocated with them. As ‘we can deduce from this, the physical location ofa page i rans user and, in the ‘The first page of a documen since widescreen televisions and ste shall describe in Section 4.3.3, a di equi 1m channel bit »port tis typeof rate modem ~ a we showed the type we showed in Figu software to explore the total contents of the Web, that the contents of the Tinked information on all the Web servers. The client function ie called a ‘modem is used only ver the access circuit and provides additonal services 0 the other switched services thatthe PSTN supports. The general operational scheme in both caes is shown in Figure 1 ‘swe can see, the inforinatign stored on tons are relayed to the server through the high bit rate F course the presence'of at bsings 3 document to life and adds value ‘dvie-on-demand (MOD) or sometimes video-on-demand (VOD). In add tio to selecting a movie, the subscriber can contral the showing ofthe movie bys sini pls to thote used on a conventional video cassette .fastforward, and so on her journals, and documents may be by sub- ions such as homethop pag hare baking, hopping ind veebainking a. to browse through the information ata site but also aid’so on more TELLS AEE TEC, “puewap-u Bupyaom au ( prowep.oarou eos GOWN PUEUEPLONEN + ADHH see —y— 1 — (eeonbeg ogmms “Teuveur PS cow (a aqout reronsed e 40j asanbos ypu ax0}o2041 “pose Ose 2pow aapeusaye uy asatbar y>ea usamioq jeassiUt aun 104 © unm ateour ours ayy wonbax or s1aq}osqns (e1o4as 40} uouruo> va “siaqusgns jo soquunu afi» Sunsoddns 51 sas ap J ‘2anDed uy ws dae UIA HL Chapter Multinela communications ication channels pr lection of the term: describe each term separ the other term. See compar Mimo temicagy -——_ Connon mes Mato yes —44_— Seti frre gure 1.36 Interactive tele able distribution netw adeast network. Comecoorened — Comacions ¢1.17_Acs@fection of the terms used with multimedia. opt Jo Moy yeuonoauprun e 2qoid aredsdaap toyut porsanbax ayn Suruanios sme] a4p put Jks28 2.0urDs © wos wom 2jdurexo ue pe apeusaie Sen-o0 nq suonzanp in0q wr soy posse uoneULZojut ayn sueDu Srp xapdes \dde ue yas paresosse OU am Se°s5d4 10M suse> 947 0 S99 'sopourany yo uo ur aed aye ue fsuvons yonesojut axa yo soysuen ayy "gy| NS “ysearyinus (2) 347 snoures apd pop are Tei sued? Uo ‘aseapeoug (q) yseaqun (e) :sapour Se Sopow uonesjunuiog py © un asou ou.2q prnoue sty Liindgo> mater tee ay ne den-pomos ain se som 219 "expaut apouy2044 eats 22np2P WED aN, por” ‘uaoUy 5 wonezodo jo apour sta “uresBosd uoneandde Bunsanbai sp o 1g “ew tuapuadape-auin © ut pax nEUL9yU! Jo Y0Ig aus ‘ somuduso> uomeuioyur aoinos 2x) ‘expour apouryo0|q Jo aee9 2x0 Uy soxp009) iq Bunioa9s om "ye pareposse {peo up poreposse uoneu0 too @ 18 paressua8 ase 0: an ‘2 UT “adres ypes aznip on pasn ase sy uuoyasen oxpne an Zouanbay aun iq pa re porennuoS sy ureans ospm ayes ng aygeBRA © 30 (HED) _at ooneutuogu yo swans snonunuod 3yes0U98 1 ‘ou poresouo8 Bung 3 epost az008 9p ater 3p pin ane aq yn pen 6] reap jauuey suoneoqunusiuo> 2xp 30 ates Hq 919 « nde 2pou sy ‘panpsor papsuemthinsap aye ie ‘pur pa ‘uoneanruaues epauniny 1 aideug 5 Chapter. Multimedia communications 5.3 ‘Sypdions{communicadoss channel sine it provided a cons 15 App and networking terminology | 5 subscriber terminals/computers are connected. This ype of network s know: as a cireuitswitched network and, prior to sending any information 'up a connection through the network. Each subse hhas a unique nesvork-wide number/address assoclatee ‘make a call, the source and soon. network. An example i the broadeast ofa {elevsion program over a cable network a all the television recefvers that are connected to the network receive the of programs; 1 Matticast: and, in general is is used over the access circuits ‘multicast group and ing which ‘of terminals/computers connected to's network exchanging integrated speech and video streams, 16 up a fe Known as signaling messages. As we c switched network the ‘In the case of half-tuplex and duplex communications the bi ciated with the flow of information in each direction can gifferen:if the flows are equal, the information flow i said wo be symimete and ifthe flows are different, asymmetric. For example, a video telephone involves the exchange of an integrated digitized speech and video tuream in both directions usly and hence asymmetric duplex communica: tions channe! is required. Alternatively, in an application involving a browser (program) and a Web server, ‘ate channel from the browser to the urposes and a higher ber for the transfer of, say, the up delay and two idan ISDN. With Chest te rte, Sencue erry Network types mn the same way that there are two types of information stream vith the difterentimedia ypes - condinvons {ho pes of comm HP ta operates ina ime dependent ay Bao as dene modes the dtherin a iesirying way known a packet mode, "The rs Know oes vice at 2 specified rate, The’ second: is: knownrlas. an hcn/echonge *ssajuoygaauuos (q) ‘payay0-uon 2auu0s (e i re ‘pu romson p ven — ev VON f safaeyors Sepyasroxped Jo 198 p21221 eesodo Jo 2100 Fayvoman apoursayped jo soda Sgn pezaat of yBaomp spuossatU Jos au we 30} 66 | ojou us supponsn pu uonEaNey 5X 60 | Chanter muitimesia communications 1.5 Application and netwecking ter 1, with a connectionless network, the e fot required and the to communicating terminals/compu ate and exchange information as and when they wish. In or abo kno 9 fas paket ihn comics calwhng oatvoris, We sbul Serie fe networks in Chapter 10. 1.5.4 Multipoint conferencing determine the outgoi “queue ready for or warding on the selected outgoing link. All packets are t ‘ited at che maximum link bitrate, However, with this mode of operation, i possible for a sequence of packets to be received on Finks all of which need forwarding on the same outgoing siting tobe tran the number of pack packet arrives for forwarding, This mod Moreand-forward and, as we can see thes the conference: ‘The decentralized mode lelayis known a8 the mean packet transfer‘ about the mean the delay variation or ites. fof a packetsitched network that operates ‘which we shall describe in some det networks that operate in, the connectig In addition, a third mode known shove in Figu ) and, a3 we can see, itis used when th ‘ ten the various te: nals/computers that make up the conference are attached to differ © steer types. In the example shown, the conference comprises nals/computers, (wo:attached t0 a c ily for the tansfer of files containin, "Because ofthe packet format bat is used, dhe routing of pad he X25 networ for 15 data conferencing: this involves data only and examples includ : amples include data sharing and computersupported cooperative working; 115 Apoliation and neborkng terminology | & 1 application. In practic in relation twitched network are diffe cach separately Gircuit-switched network “The QoS parameters associated with a constant bitrate channel that is set uf {switched network include: the mean bit error rate, ‘© the transmission delay for the sending terminal/computerto divide locks ofa defined maximum size and forthe dest "When this occurs the des copy of the missing block. The ser iy, this wil introduce a d jon procedure should be invoked relatively infreque? however, leads to high overheads 5 ‘mean bit error raté (BER) of a channel fares {known a5 codec delay als as they pass from the source (othe destination acros sign: 1 physical separation ofthe two com randon contr an error but the probe ‘of propagation of a signal acros the equal t this in physical me ifthe BER probabi random eto} delay in each case is independent of t the codec delay re [Nx Pif Nx Pis ess than 1. ‘The QoS parameters asociated with a packetswitehed networ 1m the maxiqum packet size, the destination ~ both packetswi 1m the mean packet transfer rate, wks Hence ifthe application dictates that only errorfree blocks are ‘yen umotny ® Jo 99)I38 ae pur rueisoduy rou uayo 51 &ap dm ‘2 02 seadde pan 320m2u po nd 1q pasmnbas ayp axe siorourezed um odutt jauuy suoneay de 404 sopyoid red aif 34 9949p sHmaumsed go) HOMIDY HLL ‘sop uoneaiddy ‘eyop uonwSedosd peut Supeaqumantuoa ow 2tp Jo Y>e2 Ur fej2p 29P09 ‘p40 apou royzed v uysatesodo yuowau aM asion 20p toyped ueous 24) rmyped ueaut ay) 21 ajdurexg ee ‘work would appear 10 appropr Til setup delay and any variations in the packet transfer delay ate not important. ‘an example application that lustrates the benefits of a packetswitched net wwork over a creutwitehed network s the transfer of a large file of data from a 3 PC/worksaton ina home. ‘As we showed earlier in Figu "et from home ‘an be by means of a PSTN (with a modem), an ISDN connection, or a cable itewitched the homes ina cable region timeshare the use of nel/cicuit, A typical bitrate ofthe shared channel is however, the main parame! ‘but the time to transmit the complete file. With a however although they time-share the use of the 27 Mbps channel, when they gain access oi, the file transfer cakes place “Hence assuming the file die i 100Mbits, the minimum time le using the different Internet acess modes is: PSTN and 28.8 kbps modem: 57.8 minutes ISDN at 64 kbps: 26 minutes ISDN at 128 kbps: 13 minutes 27 Mbps: 8.7 seconds In the case of a cable modem, if other transfer requests occur during the being wransmitted, then the completion time of each ttansfer increase as they shar¢ the use ofthe channel. Neverthel : ultipe users requesting a transfer yi then a packetswitched network can be used. To overcome the Technigue known as bufering is used, the general principles yn in Figure 1.22. the figure, the effect of defined number of packets in a memory buffer atthe dest sd, The memory b 15 Apotcaan and networking terminolny | 69 Figure 1.22 rat switched network: rate stream over a packet- ) FIFO buffer operation. in the buffer befor sec ticeue ofthe laformation steam. However as sow in pa ete nen using a paketewihed network for thi pe of verted into pac twansmission delay of the chan the packe cient size t overcome the eff ih order to simplify the process of determining whet can ment the QoS requirements ofan application, a numberof standard applica tion service classes have been defined, 220 aH, sad oppo suoddas 01 pasa a suoneandde ypounyeus ur pam 920 re) spassnosp aman 1 sui w uanaze ouay poe Sujurauo> s9yred we eT apdur summary | 73 Chapter Mute vio 5 esteny veo eco he The fs Spon od dbo in Chapter 3 and a selection o audio and video in Chapter 4, Network types (Dowd vo/noie ‘Scie ond teeta rodeos rts ecg /digilato New vbo/ movie Ma ondisson booscot —ocenord fa communication vos [Nanasbond ISON! | Ct Proadord SON eli communion secs =25: Multimedia communication netwarks and their services apie wiiedbiphneok Ns as ras "spo borhan 'SPNe~ inna tres prove rete IN Thnegeed vn digi hk pen ‘¢1.24 Multimedia communication networks. ‘Nast puvqpeosg pue pucgnosseu nog pue sousaruy amp ‘Nusa © Aq parsoddns og soda yuosaw aaiagep 70 qu © Aq panrod pom vopoudun ge Ut fire Seno evoneuit, ‘gnu Bai 29008 xa “sno pus aia souofare> ide eipournqrur te apeyd or uas04> 2 yo nopesasoa1 0 oy 3h e THORS See! pur sxy1 pasdeasig 29 31) S9]>UION, joddus ou ue roxomoy ‘2onsead ty ‘sad espaut mo} (Te asfoxt YEH nme yroddns 01 178 ain wou pouBlsop 5% NS] PuEgpeOsG suonEDH|dde ypauininar yo a8ues apis e vod iGap yo a8cesw ey ‘2[durex9 10) NST PuEgNOD ie poouequ we apnosd: som ~ Nast PueapEO;N UE pueqnossEU soe wos puree aues a9 4 pa>ureyuo 909 ane sxz0Mat ide eypout ‘aoyoe evep poUpHN aTe 14 wo] © paptoud ray agp Jo 1uaupe axp yp ‘Ooty “(Xa e) aa apSus we PLE yraonen iog 2oqs398 auogdaya1 Poy>rs © apie op ofam aso ‘sys0mi9u suoyda|> JO 95ED ax UL aogeaqununics epauninN CMe ‘Chapter Multimedia communications cate over a PSTN and the pes of signal ~ ‘Salo or digital ~that are wed over each part ‘fie neces cet, Sow inthe f of a diagram how speed modem provides a range of addtional Services to base telephony and data services ‘State a piel acess bi With the aid ofa dia Sune enterprivwide pate network. Why isthe later sometimes ced an intranet? plain why snost data networks operate in a packet mode, Hence explain why services [ivolring audio and video are supported broadcast television net. yao dns, explain the meaning of ‘the folowing terms teloing to ISDN: ig sberbe ine, Tasierate access, aggression, rary ate ees, PX64 (0 Beplin ui ean’ of tte roadband™ nd iy the deploy lain the meaning ofthe following term ‘st, cell oching, ection 14 12 In elation to speeshonly interpersonal com ‘munizations lnvabing Both public (PSTN/ artes | 7 J of diagrams, explain the meaning foal modes ofa com ,speeshavthideo, speechon 128 the fist version in ovtpot iagram to explain the meaning fg tee relating © interactive (Gt) symmetric and srmmetic. iagram expla the principle racine and why mo mode network, Include isthe meaning of he sage ‘Som setop delay svciated 1.28 Wi hei ingrams, xpin he prc of ‘peraton of CO paket mode network. Fela ‘tour explanation te need fora vital connee- the aid of diagram, explain the prin leoondemand. 130 afeuy/ares-punos re puowapo> fq pause uonsnpoquy 12 sage ve Buneredo umpou 2g (8) cdgneg ve Bunesado uopow pods ® (a) ‘dant sande Nast ae (seu ywoog ayn x40 Bed 2 yhoen “jowbu unn pur au 9 fe 1198 PM sh ef orem eed o weons 21219 ab say 249 mo 2449p 2909, ‘hoor? Mute formation representation signal whose amplit i known a an analog| signal. In order to store and process such signals~ and hence types of media = is necessary frst to convert any timevarying analog sig. oa digital form, In addition, the signals used to operate devices such as loudspeakers - for speech and au display of digitized images for example are also analog signals. Thus digital sponding times known as signal decoder. nedia types astociated with the va chapter are stored and pro igital form. This means thatthe diferent media ypes integrated together and, equally important, the resulting inte- ‘gated bitstream ean be transmitted over a single allligtal communications ‘network, This chapter is concerned with the way the different media types are represented in their digital form and, where appropr ‘operations that are used. Before discussing this, howeves Digitization principles Analog signals signals varies co nown as Fourier ‘each other. As an example, the highest and loves the signal shown in Figure 21a) may be those shown led the signal bandwidth and to e=2 toan audio signal, the 22 Dis Sige engine (late aro — = Loahaqincy compere Fe 5 oe noun ose ot tegen ol Figure 2.1 Signal properties: ( (b) sinusoidial frequency component (@) effect of a limited bandwidth transmission channel. ares aq 01 YORE OL aims Buds squauodutos ynasta (e):u6ysap s2pooue [eUBIS yas uuo}2nen payeia0sse ( \ | redo sous pp 39 Hh yasagrp Jo ‘ta jo apmdure oun fos plow pue-spdanes 2¢p 01 p2} U2 uoduroa Sovonb: woo ap “1% WoRDDE Ur pareDIPUE sy ‘u6ysap saposug penton 2.2 Digzation pi add to those making up the original source signal passing the source signal through hap the bandwidth ofthe source sig ‘may have higher frequency components than thase dictated by through a ban frequency components which are within the bandwidth of the transmis ‘ tudes ofthe set of analog samples ignals caused by unded shown earlier in Figure 22 ire a ‘number of ‘sampling the out Sigal is avoided. 5) binday digivosince, when fir used, each sample can f conlybe represented by a corresponding numberof discrete levels. The effect fof using afnite number of bits can be seen by considering the example shown fn Figure 24. In this example we use just three bits to represent each sample ; in four postive and four negative quantize mined by the particular the time of each sample. Vga i the maximum pos itive and negative amber of binary bits used, then the magnit ig syqendanoe st apmyduse reuse eat sou uopemenb yo pro] 24p exp 2unsu9 oy resa99U" ‘avg. aqumu sup pe ~[essonuy donemuenb oyp Zuruyuss919p aH 39H, ae™4/A) "B01 0z=c1 Jap 20 joqpep se wou 2798 gunperesoye Bussn poyuenb a apne wn “Jape 101 [oulls © Jo apmntdare yeod ain 0 ower au, astou uonezqen 6q remem von eee saferredyunb 41387294 01 fueodat idurexo 403 ‘psn Ayiaperaiy quay “opmnydiue yeod “ho apmadae soyeus a ee ejoned oy porn sjeasonu: uopezavenb Jo faquanes ap Jo 39]0q> axp FoDUENYFUL YUH 01989 Pr ‘Sqwopue: joperpenb se unot om #| s01s9 vonranuenb agp 22u3q pu oqdures jure jeurwou & jamspoo Azeuiq ures atp Aq paruasoidan 24 01d uoneanuen pz aang uoneueavoes uopeauoyyeauNIONL 28K) s a | exter 2" mum 23 tet | a9 2.2.3 Decoder design conv ga ‘riven by an analog current signal. The conversion operation is known 282 (signal) decoder, the pring are shown in Figure 25. fring audio and video 0 the terminal equip- or neously. Hence the ignal encoders and decoders in eal terminal equipment ate often combined into a single unit called an audio/video encoderdecoder ot simply an audio/video codee o [100 | 000 | oot [oro | oor | 000 volo |, eon tt ft ie o10 t = * co fe Fit pos tegrated set of documents (each comprising a T hich have defined linkages between them. ro fg L -1. Unformatted text : sch to examples of character sets that are widely used to i ples of ty ur sormord pu “sorgdes “oyqn yp pure Sup 1uatung0p saad areudosdde 1. ‘peau ruotayp wa qoeo‘sydesSesed pur suond05 Simpans 01 soypne we >yqeua 0: pasoddns ase suondo Sumeusz0j w214n90p 3 wpe ‘adeys 3q 01 siuauimaop £21Qeu9 1f “Uo 08 pu {Jo wonesedoud 249203 20795 Surysqnd 9 i | run eyes’ ajduns Apane jo: awa 01 “paren tua.eseyp aseaxoddn snotses aun ype 1249861 ‘Pasn <9 a8 a6, wo EID fem Jo 2524 >HI 205 us ees) yD (pa2jeu JT" (2oednpeR) SUPE & oewesides vendo) epauNIAN 223% ) adesfesed Sou yo apd w woavaag payowspues Pe? Mpuewuso> Suewzo} 860 24 au pue THLE rund paws92u0> fom ah gH 281 10} ut suse amp SV sain Jo indino 21 sendy deen tuondunap aed (0 orn sayenueur yo passe sen Piaparn wip Buroa ,dnaseu, wer 24 rc yo uua0n 2x OU 2gUHDP OPA, 7 vane yo 15 estas aus ej 1due audos 30 30} 2% 30 pq 01 288 U9 ya saumag reness St 0} 224 vet TRALEE S10 EUS 2A vee “LEE tbe orooth 943021 199202 8 qin pareosse Sin yo 1419901 UO Pt fon pues restoud sosnong aun 4a vo. ynonsed fesBoad sosnoug ayn sages AE sures ax oste pu pasors 28S parepossy reudosdde tp uo aenous aun Sunpgp pee Sunuiod ‘sn oup pue Buln “ron pour sa8ed 3019890 unoy aun se unouy ated © _ 6 |vaee . -romnduoa ayousa aesedas © poo Bsns om 2H vduio> aus ap nsw, ano HOE weasoad quay e Buisn pawois puE re Jato sejnonaed © ut pasoks 2x6 tp sed Jo 9s POU MLL ce % ¥ Chapter? Multimedia information represertaton 2.4 24. where the required page Tink. For example, the specifi "Further details’ would have the form compute’ asplaysereen ca os iment ‘al matrix of individual picture elements — phx I “ootated with it For example, VGA ‘as we show in per pixel which allows eac een clo ‘Al objects ~ including that are connected to each rm objects - are made up ofa serie fs, what may appear as 2 cUFVe veach made up ofa string of pixels which, ‘of adjacent pixels on the screen. Fol pation I ode ps Clot pe yeuuoy won: foqyeutayas (e) :s9pdiousd auwjoew aymysseg TT'Z HANA LL Fe soy SBenBueyja.o¢Usy ayy anawoy ex9u08 ul "ut raKp UI YLOMNIT, Jono pauigjsuen 2q ue a44deu8 y “(ey dewraiq ty pue ueaford a1p jo apo 2ui4>eu [49] june atp on se) Snydead ap jo news axed emnse oun pl ty © 30 peo a21noF 34p oF cdiy © auydes8 somnd jasaudas Jo susoy on 220 2324) pert qoe/00i + : snopes spuds rewnu0o 2tp of nd v uy uonDury/asnparoid ‘aoafgo prepuras Jo 128 ax WOH} Poy ty [9] @ Jo xjul& 94 te>umafloud ¥ Ut suorauny /saunpa2o.d axp exp dem owes Ve ay day n 9990 HRD 20 MEI oe fes3 veo fs your tose eb pang wee ure op Saud Sm ax) Aq 99508 2tp WO wes op uy ‘Buopuas ve usury off st wopesodo SL. ‘ur whos 9x8 you Jo sdiut spose zou ap 49 paonpord rep 1d a 920040 paHOP as ~ xed aures pula put 11s 104 op Aap sf eK) ~ paT22uU0> OU axe Japsoq §399f40 in ayer ve 24 we] AXP Jo pus axP pu aU AG =AR Jo zs om “Al, {ue Jo a> oxp tu -p9sop 40 ado saya aq 0 PES! ade 191 LY ‘paBuryoun sainqiane Suyueuss 319 Suwe>| ‘uoRe291 1US.0I IP & OF axenbs w 2noUr Fax machines use white pel and aI for a black pel. Hence the digital repres scanned page's as shown in (b) which, fora typical page, p bi, The printer part ofa fax mac jes~ such asa printed picture or scene ~ normally, more than a single bitis used to digitize each picture element. For example, good qual ined by using # bits per picture of gray per element ~ varying stantially improved picture qual image when reproduced. In the case of color images, in order to understand the digitization format used, itis necessary frst to obtain produced and how the pic used in computer mo hich the images are eventuall 8) operat, Color principles, as ben hv fo may ye ‘when a particular st of y colors are mixed and displayed sim pecritor colors ihown aba eo at mary colors R, jose used with personal computers Us also possible to perform the complementary 2 tractive color mixing operation to produce a similar range of colors. This shown in part(b) of the figure a soysaauoo Soyeus-or-eeStp © yo sueaus Aq wssoy Soyrue Suyksea Ajmonunto> res gf pee sues Uso tH {ZOU ay seu pasorsedeydtp 2 J9pt0 mt party © qui soxid Jo Zuunsw asd joqo> auf zninduzoa yo Axowaur ap, id poem pe ~ wor ip Jo age> ay) ‘paUUTEDS Miqnonuguoo = sjeuds 20109 3231p 2tp JO toed JO 9M “Spout Sop ue ut ayesado saqmy axmatd 1095300 ORY 2 itunod sano 30 quite pe ado yo Hou pue SuDIIY 4 ra 949 30 02 ‘ap areke 10U 5 249 2tp aun OF Duy, “suesy y>e9 20) poan ane se 203 aya ‘ounesy Supanaad a4p wes 01: ‘uonow 24p 19aya4-o1 Bue ‘Sujou v Jo 250 ap Uf pure dnypgnb A2an heap Buour feydsp o1 "sino2 Jo ‘pauBlop asaM soqma dumaxd UOISs919I, suo Seu snonupuoo & ‘oueisp WARNS e wo) paAa! UAHA ‘pie (GED) rds eaudhvy sronu rar Hayseed pxid qpee aapoeid ur ‘sjoxid Suuroqusiou tue iuaraidas pwd ype 4a0aKp tr qBnoupre sign wo3y 2np9p wea ae sy “IST'S am HI theo ages uo spegn ovp jo uauafuene peed © pue PEED Sr oetd Yoo epi pareposse ssoydsoyd aautp JO 298 2H, ‘asoul spas at 403 qoe> auo ‘sio1dsoud axes peo Sung 108 sianap = ssn ras Uae id ap go uaanns Aedsyp aun zo apse au,“ foinUNOD zaMo Jo HeqaEN doug) $39 20 (eisy Jo Wow Pu BHSUTY BRNOS PU TON) SBE peep sur wes ipnipul "Jo dn apeus st 9urezy seD "396 MED (ewvorto) Jo-198 9>|dWOD HET el Samu 0 wn ems asp Semon ae ond ‘21 pur s9u209 33] dor ayy 0 Sy "o> aysiu wionog ud ueas-s9ysed (4) mayen, ez aang @ eye soy 29 oa 9 a> (pot [pos poosvaupz "oy pron oa : awa adic jamie * ome | —————_—_ _ 2.4 tmagis | 105 presentation 304 | chapter2- Mutime xy color yielding in excess eye cannot discriminate be of some instances a selected s the subset are then stored in the tble ales, The table is known 25 ‘its and the CLUT cont rent colors selected f memory requis is range is used fale is used asan adress ontains the corresponding three color sor lookup table or CLUT: For example 24 bit enti rovide : fom a palette of 16 million (2° 13 to store an image can b- play con Eommands and converts the ste piel values into the video RAM. The later i eae the Frame/deply/refresh buffer N es used being aterm wee eubwstem that teas the pixel values stored in the video RAM 5 0 oe timesynehronism with the sean ‘The aspect eee he eguitent ect of re. green, and Se a gbich P monitors are based = 2 for output to the display. Pixel depth is known asthe pixel depth and determines juced. Examples are 12 bits~ 4 bi ‘As we indicated cal xs — and 24 bits ~8 bts pe the three European stand 5 ‘splayed 576 with een which has a 4/3 aspect rat pines — itis neces to have 640 or and (616 %-4/3) pixels Togetier with the mage are shown in Table ‘deduce from rage can be ‘on a VGA (video ‘An exampl vite frames per second to produce a sharp esc Meee refresh rate Figure 2.14 Raster-scan display architecture. ruoursfuesse eid y Sawioos pun sossmne pondig pve = 0X ] i felaeep ee 3 ebay apm IED cd GOL/0PO=K ‘er Multiesia Information representation Sarge. The te postion is then read out and converted into a cig ft inage cane r q iiqueis used in scanners except the ‘ideo cara 4 single row of photostes. These are exposed in the scanning operation ined before the next associated ed in a number of ways. in Figure 2.16(b). ™ ferred to wh coupled to the BARN row is ra ‘paruasord wou 8 89 ype9 ut pos rexa yesnaead y “systar Jo afiessed seyn2 ee 4 a00x¢doxzmu 2 64 paonpoid YEU ope sam 2104 pur Zz, uo Pus © 30 uflsap om pu “2porap feusofpme we pan ee a as andes e 0 deauiur out mre IEvats Hopeue Busey oun 8 yan faa det sami a uot eso ot fie os poem ee emp Bou] stoned eoutodmut yo ouee ee poe se aeteaooods ts one osama pouiouss amen hereon ‘a8ew u>e> inp prenosse (Sumas eraun ours pu aU ne Goes) eep Sepp ay se {009 103 7169 455 ‘Beare posoes © aeprdtseus ov pas 34 ue 2 ‘Aomewioyy -u9 0p 2p Hasuya past ay eo areas sondunos 34 Un stot fq sonidos at oF popecqunop. a 4zoaU 3th Jo sustoes ‘Puoods ain ut put atnceazae 70 20% YEDDA am oni Pano ——- : BIE ip UNL pox 30 pat> syqesoules ar sqeuSis yons en uyoauy su0n Geniot x2) sdet08 m0 0 05 pare ne bn v0 2647 UE 30 PANE GE, at 10} (41408 & 3) UFROF PUuE YPBOds 2 ong ssp 230 3 Siaydnes ip ony mths ot YSNON TH: 2eT4an 04 wea Os Uno eu Woo peas ay 341 OF uso avow xinERH ay ui Suod satno ee vonewesadas uotewsoru eyewney 2 a ik "2.5.2 PEM speech ‘As we described in Gh speech use for comm work (PSTN). Because replaced by digital circuits, This was caried because of the need to interwork between the eatlier analog and newer di the tansition period, the des required to avoid aliasing. fer sample were selected ‘ample in Europe (both incl [56 kbps and 64 kbps respectively. More modern systems have moved to using, 1g a much improved performance over 8 bits per sample in each case, ‘pa POM encoder and decoder ‘As we can se, both the encoder shown eaten Fign, 2:23) and 25 compressor (encoter) and an exp ules cam best be described by recons For clave, just 5 bits per sample are used 25 avo | 3 Sig decoder 1 | i “] ie sd REM principles: (2) signal needing ‘and decoding schematic; (b) compressor {0) expander charaet suonerado sopuedxo pc ssid 1p 200 utp 108F9dwo> 2xf JO ip wos dno Boveue OU OVC. oypne parssoumuts €°S% jromapoo paxaoas yea ‘uoneuTsop axp ve AeqHaNS wen seauy © swsopiad "Use ESD possoudigon Sunynso) ou, S95 toy aas ued om se cydurexs 1x94 2p Hf P9UTEO SN 2 fue“ fraynduioo © univ pavoxs 29 uo orp J panuyuog L172 dq : i ci ep pm open wanton v9 © PERI [10 84H ajdues sad sq x ae poumbs wana 1 9q 01 uNCHS gt s2uyap prepuers qo sagas 4B © se 5 AD Ho fouUENP ig “seasaruy puoroso.>iur gz ve patd ‘p85 pam snes Sages 4p J0 280 ese iq ou wotssustEN 124 nq upnsan 2ep Ip 05 “ypuo22s puE pug auf ur stronoayzoda Joy woye oF “psy ae? SHI TENE ene aq sorsvog ‘paepues aun up sdsyop 6 aver Syd un uta pur HAO O HON AEST woM} Jo MAPLPUEG *» parenput sy "BAEPURS (YE-D) empHte TA ‘yoyo aydures 0d uogezquenb wy sun pue sug 3 en paurengo a>ueuojod au ype aygeneduson se AI 8 yoosad v sou8 8 25 auto | 07 imple 2.5, ido 1 Figure 2.18 Audio/sound synthesizer schematic. cate to the com the generated ' juence of mes memory required to tore a lows the seq) {dF relative including those atociated with the control panel ~ relating 10 & piece of audio to be saved ‘The three-man componens are the computer programa), the keyboard (hoped generators. Essentially, the computer takes input con board and outpexs these fo the sound generators whic llr to those prodiiced by the keyboard. Hence io Betieen the inputs from the different possible sources, for bo and read by the f messages used by a sym diate such things as which key on the Keyboard has bee signals that are ov yg 290» pay uo 010 €oRIPPE wos Sangenb-44 Ro ad 1k UO On eo Cromernany Bugera uefa pare aq prne> 4 EE OA (emma pea peo eu pas = SOD youd sppeapieg wossrasen 2 square pone spon 0d sours 5/09 ORE sup uy “2on2end fa oqano 34 aes meg, 1p HURLED ore 9 “ekg oun wf unos 270 HT se uaoury anbyuyaa & Sussn 20970003 ug ane spo Om HL, uo Sepsydoo way 240 “PF aS 0 a rar ag oui uossa(a th 8990010 1 PRES ‘Samu oF J9p30 Wi 22H, sod soup uonour qreomss 2npozd fad mt Fee gg ates wsnas wos 0 ASSO ‘eanowNY ‘aouanbos Surusos pyro pes ve 001 ee 24 HEURES um pae porn “00 ee asa As sesade 3 2070 peougjsutsd uf 8 prion aunpo2cad 2p Sees Suuue3s ve dn yeu wun se + sureu atp Jo Aouanbaiy aun 4a paUTuHY2P 4 2g 09 igo ae © PUD Ua) 2 Feros wosros ton 24. “(VOES/HTOO/ TV) age ngder 0} yo] WON} HO rueog oH LL xtdvod YEDIO5H 2930p 3025 ME foe uaaid ‘pou siojo> etd luted 9909 a8 PPS uoystaajay yseapearg T9°%s pis agpads fe yams Yo woos mmesopun ue omb>e ‘suipuooas GAG/ADA pur woRa(a ieopeog ausUETEIUD de expoumyrun o a8uexe ut somme95 O9ptA Sate ae nono owe 9 aime Sean eaariee oncaeid Sleep aoe Fara meee ces pao seem ae yo one 2p0> 3 sd aro 0s, psDNpON! | pune Jo ad yur Surpuodsa1s09 ima information representation Feld 2 ens =o ns oB varies on a gray independent TWansmnissron channel for color broadcasts must be the same 5 “The term luminance i used to ref rey are concerned Ww asits chrominance ‘As we saw in Section 2. the tee primary colors R, visio 0299+ 0.587G+ 01148, Jen the color w! iminance of a source is only e rape any color source its luminance can be determined by summing v ehree primary components that make up the colo % ope! portion. Thats, ¥,=0.290 R, +0587 G,+ 0.44 8, se of the luminance ‘componet nce signal sa measure ofthe amount of white 1e same as the signal used by a monochrome television, fe blue chrominance (Cy), and the red chrominance (C.), ae ered to represent the coloration ~ hue and saturation — ars see, These are obtained from the two color difference signals: GaBnK and GRY, vii, scce the Ysgnal has been subtracted es ltormation. Alo, stice Yisa function ted fromm these two signals. Chrominance components enor teevon tems ute this same bac principle 0 of soure, there ae sme sal diferentes nance signals, The yo winayaads puegaseg .02°z: i 9°z ajduey (ea) 0+ te -w avo-2 Ga) wo- Eto D Las 6oE0-k ISIN prog aumouspouot np q porn poweyp wos 7 pgs) wee | pe se 2.6.2 st of the energy asvocited with the him we reency signals and hence the loner par ots frequen ea order to minimize the level of interference betweenf and two chrominance signals, fi nd the upper part of the luminance fre carvers and secondly to res vance signal NTSC gem the ee fs more responsive to the Fig to maximize the we of he iain he love of ierterees al has a movulatedbandvidth of about 2 of about IMH With the PAL system, the larger lu ea about 5.5 MHz relative to 4.2 MHz - allows both the ind Ve , the audio/sound sign: separate subcarriers which are all just ouside ‘Typically the main audio sub audio subcarrier is for mono so subcarriers are used for sterco sound. When th video signal, the composite signals Digital In previous section ve described “leon and are used. In ‘ost i Sigal form i integrate them wih ation tough for ronson feagns te tes tobe combined for analog telenioa rosea iSmore ual to digs te tice comp transnioion Again tis iedons tone ca realy pettorned : Since the ree component signa ie eat separ sion, fh prncple tb penibc see ak up the plete: The dade of tg Taon in terms of sampling ie thre signals Ses ret nponent rah cpr pr mga othe operant and bits pers means that the ova ehrominance aan hat he oo tolerate a reduced resolut 9 the luminance signal, Hence as 2.6 vidwo | 125 term of the resulting bt rate ~ and hence transmission bandwidth ~ can be achieved by using the luminance and two color difference signals instead of the RGB signals directly. Digitization of video signals has been carried out in television studios for may years in order, for example, to perform conversions from one video format into another. In order to sandardize this process~and hence make the ‘exchange of television programmes internationally easier ~ the international body for television standards, the International Telecommunications Union = Radiocommunications Branch (ITU-R) ~ formerly known as the Consultative ‘Committee for ternational Radiocommunications (CCIR) ~ defined a stan ation of video pictures known a5 Recommendation x standard have been defined {for use in other application domat video telephony, and videoconferencing. Col zation formats and, in practice, they all exploit the fact that the two vance signals can tolerate a reduced resolution relative to that used for the luminance signal, We shall now describe a selection of these xe original digitization format used in Recommendation CCIR-601 for tse in television studios, The three component (analog) video signals from 2 source in the studio can have bandwidths of up to 6MEIz for the luminance signal and less than half this fr the two chrominance signals. To digitize these signal, ax we described in Section 2 necessary to use band: limiting filters of 6MFf for the luminance signal and $ MHz for the wo inance signals wit yam sampling rate of 12MHe (12Msps) and 6 Mile respectively In the standard, however, a line sampling rate of 18.5 Miz for luminance and 6.75 MHz for the two chrominance signals was selected, both of which fare independent ofthe particular scanning standard ~ NTSC, PAL and s0 00 aijeing used, The 13.5 MH rate was chosen since its the nearest frequency a whole number of samples per line for both er of samples per line chosen is 702 and caa be derived as follows In a'5254ine system, the total {is 68,56 microseconds but, the blick level - for time of ine sweep time of 52 microseconds. Hence in both cases, a sam pling rate of 135M yields 52 10% 195 x 10° = 702 samples per line creased to 720 by taking a slightly longer active line time which res ‘number of black samples at | 2010.9 xove='9=" 908 ‘peo 29s yo uowsod paxy e us are snd sopdures jo saquimu paxg, S 529 € 1057 jo aves ysousos Ouray © e pos euLs0} Zeiy Mp 20U ‘ty, Tesodind 2943305 9 {ign ofthe term 420, The postion of te three sample ‘are as shown in Figure 2.22. " ‘swe can se fom the ig, thy the same luminance ashe 422 forma bt hal be hvominance rslaton “ Seine system: Ye GHG 625line quem: ¥=720%576 y= 6," 360% 288 ‘The bitrate in both systems with this format is: 135 x 1088 +2 (8.875 x 108) ~ 162 Mbps 12345 M Horson i Vera in/ ce On =G, X=C sample ions 525tne gpm f= 720, N= 480, GOH bash oe ece 2 vid | 309 {should be noted, however, that, as we pointed out in Example 27, this is ‘samples during the retrace mes when ker effects are often reduced fer storing the incom) rate of double te normal rate {used with the stored st of signals used forthe second. HDTV formats which relate to the jo tubes can be up to 1440 x 1152 pixels and the resolu- ich relate to the newer 16/9 wide-screen tubes can be up © 1920 x 1152 pixels. In both eas 11980 which produces a squar jr the 4:22 case bit rates ate four tim: and proportionally high SIF “The source intermediate format (SIF) has been f ‘comparable with that obtained with video casset half the spatial resolution in bods horizontal and vertical direc {in the 42:0 format-~a technique know a subsampling ~ and, in ‘means thatthe the values derived in the previous two sections for the widescreen format. 10 give a picture quality scansling'is used, The digitization format is known, therefore, posiigns ofthe three sampling instants per frame areas shown in Figure 223. "As we can deduce from the figure, this yields resolutions of: S2BYne stem: Y= 360% 240 = G.= 180% 120 Y= 360% 288 y= G,= 180 144 62tine system: "The worstcase bitrate in both systems with this format is: 6.75 x 1058 + 2(1.6875 x 10° x8) = 81 Mbps 2p the receiver; the missing setwten each pai of values that are sent ated by interps eu sodas Jo 125 (uoa425 12820] € Jo mop sreadde xuveur Buypdwes ox ut srxig= =D 96x 2-4 as mgd ue pur g1035 29 TODAS wo Fe SUDHA ‘ess esonoy sou, NEESA Bn PE apOU = Aq papNerd TED eH yeydde uy no} popusi 9 ap I osaiiano] ae 024) “Uon!PE 190 2th pu jouulenp sda 59 pow sdqnn cob = (G01 x SLEP'0) @ + OX HOIXSLEE sy yews0} sp pun aves ug aseoasion autL 2H{SL 20 GI s94N2 Jo WORSE sod E HA wex06=9°9 sol 081-4 neds e spppu si 520 s0xn124q POPP reds up se sen pe TD 24) WO} POMP opus wan sey pou 199q sey WH0} GTO) AFD soHENb 198 9s x0RL = or soydurexa omy, “oapis 249 J Aen amp 9803 .29q ued gTD 29seq 94 Jo WoIs WonNjosarsoMBY v HON {ons 36 ano eae = soySry yom s Nas 2594p J0 2 p 2201p put sq donysap yo 195 poy e ayo 1 ex 25019 0 soda wuasaypp Jo saquanes © eo )0 sop ayy, Buen aamslord Huon 10g woos fms Hr xo8t «9 "9 885 x 096 = eneds « sprout iq. ‘worsds ausecge amp ur pasn pus wiorsis ouy-gz9 240 ut gg 241 05 patn woRnjoras [aqui © seen pue gis ayn wos pasuap sy euonEdde Susouai9}uoD09pt oy 25m 10} pouyep u2q seu (AID) YeMLLO} areypamsane uouUED Si, a9 “419 five 41s 20) suowysod ajdues ¢2-z aunbig 4 ‘a8 x00e =4 95 =N'0ze=W 3D wots aduor’y = x75 =4 4-0 i 5 eleeeeeee le 3 é i ent sn 2957621 operand vo 2.6.3 10 Heron pn O2¥,46G, X= spe posers M720, N= 576 wi 1SHs or 7 Ste heh a once Ya 1803146, G =, =90%72 Figure 2.24 Sample positions for QCIF. PC video ude desktop, sand videoconferencing, and alo video-n-ewindow. cussed under the subheading “Aspect ratio” in Section 2.43, in ‘order to avoid distortion on a PC screen ~ for exasnple when displaying a square [Nines itis necessary to use a horizontal 640 (4804/3) 1168 (576% 4/3) pixels per line pling rate the line sampling rate mi 14.75MHz, In the case of desktop video telephony and videoconferenc the video signals from the camera are sampled at this rate prior to tran 2.6.4 Video content In the preceding section we described the Hiave been defined for use in different a In erms ofthe actual video content, therefore, fe, in entertainment ap} lar application. For exampl De elther a broadeast television program 0 glued move tats cressed oi ideo pends on the prt ro 15, the content will ther page contents nother apy ia video camera. This ype of video conte rather than avid ype of iden conte gs computer animation or some soanernb vorrei surypinn essv0 pe saunas 2a wey sono] a1ed © 1 jo Bodes oy weep © ve yey dope uo yo Sug duss 249 saa Suyoyos 24) Jo duueo.e % jayduos jo afuer © aquosap ax aorder> »:9U “oapts put “oxpme ‘psoads xp aydurexa 203 ~ uosrusuen st 30) pastabas fo — sade pur ‘ej "x) quem apdurexo Dunya aup 2onpas 0} s2ynt2 2UOp 51 SLL ‘unos ayn or paydde oad "unouy anbiuyoar e “azojeseKp‘suoneoqde empauinyoar oUt “pont 2¢ i e> 2t7 30 1809 94 “om Jo sonny Aq paotpas s rep jo 1unoure 2x) J ‘ajdurexa 204 "pa2npas Ponyusuen 9q 01 sep jo 1unowe 2¢p Jt 9peUr aq wo sues 09 axgesapIsUOD fo eyo uoremnp aqp uo poreg aue sfieyp TR {PIM UI NST YE 20 NSA see ove aut Jo awodaoy Guo So dn ape eu sspueq jo yunoure Fsuioj aseq 2soyn qua ‘oonoead ul “paqunsap ose a1a4 ios skp Suupuiods 21109 say o1uy wi9} Boyeue a5unos s>1p Wow watp H2AU09 OF en 2ze Tf swonezado worsoauo> oy ‘oapua pu oxpae Jo 2889249 09a pu. pe ypoods inoq ~orpne ‘saumaid pur nuswunaop paznifip ‘soe sedivsnoyres papnyour a: “tog peudep stom us pawuoroudos are y zndeiy) res aun yuus pareposee sad p paqusep asey aa soideto sn ap orn “er sour pansp amp e VA OapiA eH ft 28eiat jd Suxpuodsasyo> ayp aonpoad ot sounzusad Jo 198 yea 21n99%9 tp Yoresa[2008 a, ies aveudosdde o1p Bin 01 sounrumid jar3}-oj Jo aouanbas aup sasred (due 208829034 (304) Bn siqeotdy,suon2uny asain amo Ause> (d¢) feuonsppe we axey oF vouuio2 now }Douss aonposd 01 19ps0 ut wey Ks94 payn>eKo 2g O1 oxeY — UO Os PUE “IK afgo pafqo ayeios *PO%Go 2xour~ s9sn areond ay eMp SoA one PAPO] ogy eM $F wHIOG ursBoud [on9;-yBiy © Jo apy aageoU ay "u0} wwe worssuusuen pur Asousut uaH iejdsp 219 uo uopou : pe enna Jo may 3p uy ponuoso1das que umeaBoud suydei8w iq poonposd etree By/means of examples, show how the 7-bit ASCII character set canbe extend to create ‘addidonal characters and ambos Sate one of the uses ofan extended character set the meaning of snd “document formating ‘What isthe origin ofthe aerongma ©. “pages/doco- appropriate, lowing terms Wide Web i) clipar, Gy SFanjecu: agree kaning fens Vela to graphical sido grapes array, Jinage objec, object aibtes, (open and closed object shapes, rendering, bitmap format, Alighizationresohuion. ‘What isthe diference between a biton and a continvoustone image? ‘With the aid of lagrams where a horizontal and vereal retrace, phosphor wiad, Jmige with each of the folowing ine to want an image wih each op assuming @ bit rate of of a diagram, explain how 2 image produced bya scanner or digital Tpreaptured and stored within the of computer scaptured within a camera or scanner chofthe following methods: single image sensor, [single image sensor with fer, three separate image sensor. Include in th the aid of diagrams, describe the fll igtzation formats 422, ope ijour agra the operon of te in Ge encoder and the expander E decoder, Use for example purposes 5 anole soar. For each format, state the temporal resolution ih iain Yetires of he MIDI san shocted temas ‘adiagram, explain the pan- soning a wed insist applications Include ‘monitors not we interlaced caning ‘Sate and explain the three main proper of ‘color source thy the eye makes of. Hence ee ny uagaode wopsoadedo soso 0 52 21D oe pogise 2a uo susoe wosouduoD uo}ss audios Kssoy ple $59I8507 np eapne "raed Sat woRanposUT T"¢ uolssaidwios afew pue pxay 1 Supeyas woReassopuy 3osnos tp Slapoosp uonyeurysap pue siapoaua aaunos T'2"E Suypooua s21n0s a ‘Supoous Kdonua faopsaxdauoo Aso] pur s2j0] ‘axapooap uopeunsop pur s9pont 291n0s ‘pase ase ha ba gr 1nsdjou 2 uo soydjoutad 2 a4 9m peasdsopi Test and rage compression ‘example, ifthe output ofthe scanner was Desinaon come 3 0000001 110000011, this could be represented 2: 0, ‘wo binary digs 0 and 1 are involved, Many applications For example, as we di t may be missing fi ed number of binary bits, for exam she original source signal after decompression are not detectable. ple 7 bits in the case of ASCIT. In many applications, however, the symbols — ; and hence codewords — formation do not 3.23 Entropy enc Entropy encoding is lossless an is being compressed sented. We shi ‘Ror example, in x string of text, the character A may occur more tet P which occurs more frequently than the cliaracter the set does not form the start of a longer codeword other interpret the string on the wrong codeword bounda that avoids this happening is said to possess the prefix property and an ex pt ofan encoding scheme that generates codewords that have this rope lei vo qyse Jo Buses © i saugnbox jeu8s aup Jo soqdures asa00 nos otf unaqe or Te ade Borg Z- 9H Mdonug oun tno Ada Stine ona exe Daybar are ag aie laqumne afsane uma feomeooin Pa uong agape yon ede Spenser nls bal ‘more readily to the application of compression. In general, there of information associated with the transformation oper nique is used in a number of application: For example, as we saw in Section 2. tone monochroma ww of gray in a particular post 3.2 Compression principles | 145° the’ Hom! ston 1 horizontal or the vertical direction and 1 horizontal and vertical frequency components of| eae the image. In practice, the human eye is les sensitive tothe higher spatial fe associated with an image than the lower frequency amplitude of the higher frequency compo Incocing horn sec Fes companets Perceived quality ofthe orginal image, ‘The transformation of a two-dimensional matrix of pixel values ‘equivalent matrix of spatial frequency components can be cari ‘mathematical technique known asthe ‘ansformation operation itself is loess ~ apart ‘errors the mathematics - but, once-the equi Ler ts 1 el ‘reqeney components in eke matrix whode amplitude Pa threshold can be dropped. 1tis only at this point thatthe operation becomes rch Increasing (sates Tomy The ai the DCT sas shown in Pgre Ehlers still describe Section 3.4.5 whet we disc TDCT = dure csne room ‘image compression, “Tratéform coding: (2) example pixel patterns; (b) DCT transform principles. 9p 223 sued aan apes uewyyny EE BUnbL sapoa qm 3949 [2 AB Wr UO 1D a= MpOHban ‘Uy “pouilise axe popo2us But2q e1q 8 Jo od uoneunUIa) suesg Hays oan Cremng est 220 (9poo) weUNTOT "Jan 9po9 UetayH XN Se OU, 23 ayy, an tp 9 paoueyequn s10u! oxp ‘peas oun Jose] a4 ‘siopeseyp oup Jo aou2aana00 yo fovanbaxy aeneyas at Jo wonsuny e sau in, | vossouues par ce ka 2 qe Jo safop au, satn0 we soupreag ous iq 3an poougjequn oy popu pus Buypooua Ad me 1p atp ut ups» mop s sy “sed ye sUEN a1p SE PaALIDP 1u9 Jo a8n oxp (2299014 ur'spsonapos souoy pe) 119 sanjoaut uonesado Sunpo> ur sonsuonoereyp usiouy Fey pasazdiso> aq 07 131 aun 214, 1801 10] pasn Bu;po Jo fe 2m “210,94 "Te19 remap au enh uolssauduioa yxal ¢"¢ versa oom, canto | 99 Example 3.2 seiducs va, e¢ wan code tee (and hence codeword) varies for dit 4 ra Rane ansmitted, for the receiver to perform the da Thea bean Eth codewords relating othe des beng TBS can be done in two ways. Either the codeconde *elating tothe nex Sree before the datas tanned or the ec s in advad hat codewords are being used. The first approach leads 9 ~ and codeword ~varies a the tee is being igure 3.5 38. constructed. Itis represented in Figure 3. extort cn Shaye ne ene aeoeg moe oe Seinen a : ‘codeword set to use forthe next set of dass oe Fereximpleancenvoneoe ene oy wa by ard pce nd a satis dacs aE th aera the Engh apee eT ——— informant ted wconten et 7s ot data is being sent, the transmiver and nao * of codewords. Other common daa sets hae ba the narnia may and, for further examples you sey se coms the bibliography at the end of the book Dynamic Huffman coding ters are being transmitted/recelved, Wit this method, ithe character w be tranatecg is currendy presed Gate ete codeword is determined and sent in tee way. I characteris not present ~ th fist occurrene cite bye dbcompressed form, The encoder up ing the frequency of occurrence et ‘Scie or by introducing the new character into the wee ae tnmited Codewsrd i encoded in sack sway thatthe received ing able to determine the characier tha is rencieg can ut the same medications tots own comy erage 0 th cneglbret the next codeword received according ee oe updated wee structure. crtetibe the deta ofthe method, assume thai the data Mile) to be ‘ransmited Sart withthe folowing character sing Figure 3.6 Dynamic Huffman encoding algorithm. ‘This is simple “ ‘ponuisven og o1 ss ssizesetp arp uous (Bog sundly UL UMOgs| 1 2jdummessotpoury “tojoq se pou paypour ap so wonssod amp saxepdn pue panunuog 9°¢ sunbiy {3402 Aqun fq ~ aodauinsz0 Jo fouonboy ~ myfiam 5 00eFE a4p OL ins Bulop uc alu hq paruaosouy 51 9pou eoq Jo 2ua43n00 pabayy ayy uoqa ‘san axp ur uasoud dpe) 1p 4g pamonts sea] Adina ax uauuno a s 31 24a Su Mopoous aap se 2an ours oy “3pa> possordworun ap 4 pane ' urefe yea Aadura au 105 puowapo> ww21ano ayn spuds Jopooua a4p Hath ‘quarasd you sa "29m ap ut ssivex¥ID amp Jo UoNIsod stp Aq paUTUUDY2P in spurs au soynoA 8 01 spaaooxd pt ‘Chapter 3 Text ard image compression 333 We ean deduce f wight ont when ring wn Be ‘Sed in's numberof eommancaon spicaons that vor te a sion of text. a ei js example that the savings in transmission Arithmetic coding Dr codewords produced are rarely op duced ung arihmetc coding says coding, hore, more complicated than Hilfinan coding nd 0 we Scosin of tt tetas sate oding mode of operation crate how the coding Scog of acters with pr e=03, n=03, (02, w=01, =O. making up a message, a knoe ca {which nth crampl, i prod. When this decoded ath nec thras the endo the eng meso was a parte coder foreach card le codeword foreach encoded sing te the momerc range from Oo ° ot the ented cha maybe as shown in Figure 3.70) AS we can se sine there rc onl five difetent characters there are fg sect he wih ofeach sient beng eter For eaipl, the character hs prob [tlhe range oi Oto 08, he character m= which seto8 erg 08 9 8 wn Nhe age) 0.8 to 09, means ta he probly Se ainoube gee ois ep 0ge60- Once thas hen doe Sereda ending sen. a cn ton Fre 370) this example We some the character ing/mesage tobe ehcoded 3.3 Texteompresion | 157 © gad vein cb cet sting went 8a Se 3.7 Arithmetic coding prin 3) encoding of the string went. : : olds : 0.81548, et \. L LLoaued on wf oe Lf: 0008 exdewod merge 081802 «catowerd < 08162 1) example character set and their range ‘As we can sce inthe example, since w is the first character inthe sting, the range 0.8 to 09 ied into five forther segments, the veal ofeach segment again determined by the probabiiis of vers, Hence the segment for the character ¢, for exam igs (oO KO, the character m rom 0.88 0 0:86 (088 + 0.80.) ‘eand hence its range (0.8 to 088) is th the new assignments, therefore, the the character a again subsided int ive segments. aractere has a range fom 08 to 0.509 (08 + 0:3 x 00% Fr i809 wo 0818 (0809 + 03x 0.03), and soon. This procedure continues trot the termination character js encoded AL tis point, the segment range carte Mifom 081602 to 0.8162 and hence the codeword for the complete ‘any number within the range: (0.81602 < codeword > 08162 cone soy epson 2840 “yim statis passauduroo aq 01 1x9) “d pus oner norssaiduio> Jamo] © aXeY [[!M spsom J9LI0Ys ae i 249 ol 9qUDS9P 01 29P10 UL 4 roudazoo uy sps0N9p09 TTOSV ea, sq 4, JO pearsut arses Joo 2p Se 8 ' p 29 u potor spon 3p dgntal as0u 2 ‘ pasos aie — oq 19) 3p spiom ah din ayes ey 331504 J 229 of wre ap > gus Sours a pat futon otf 20} pe Burysoy> 12d aap wip auansse sm ot “dn yng Are idurexa sg x91 gL I> [quo ayy reidoo pre 49p020p ue J2peru2 am spo fa enue dn 09 ip ae kreuononp ay spun Buruteuas 2 39} oy pam uo9q Setieip ~ TOSV atdurexs 30} ~ 19s J0}>emep ap Ayo suiuo> Jeponsp Pu “opoou avn «og &q pray Azeuonoyp agp rurewsp 422U0N>4p 24 J0 i a é soy af woe Baypoo (ZT) UseMatz-dua7 ate Jo adund a, b> po) 4h 30990 Tey ~ spson >pNeND 105 uypoo ysjann-AIZ-12duse7 a jugeywo> agen © 2891 Jo uossaidwso> a4 405 a4durex> see sisizeseyp J0 $8 -zodo Burpo> aqp Jo seq amp se 813) np 28a Buss Jo pray ‘wopsaudwe> (77) arz-fad] a, Suypoo ayz-taduiny p'e"e ranayap 70 19qUUNU a4 ‘go pu ponpuen Sua . : sareulp 1009 24 Jo pus aqp re zdey> sup 303 AydeBongrg axp ut puro Sunpo> anaunptre o1 Sum pes eas Ayu sassdiuoo Beyped Susso00ud-prom puepuers & Bun paras u29q Se an 2yp 303 21qend200" nowy 39022 2M pure tapoou 21n 1n09 44 pred 2p Jo Adoo ee vip anim uguoamnboraseq ai “spounom Supoo nes 49190 aun SAM SY se 4909) 1 solesu popoots ef so}erep Jo 198 219 sow 19pOD9p 21p “pou! IAN 3A UY voysaiuo> seus pue pay €sideun | @ ox 33 teitcopresin | 6 by the encoder using the index of each of the fo acters T, A i and & At this point, wh from the string ~ the ‘Tsim ite dictionary, ‘The same procedure is followed by both the encoder and decode transferring the other words except the encoder, prior o sending eac Bauch ot be as shown in Figu : sthe second occurrence of the word i ides ng dma ‘This requires an index/codeword length of ati pee bees pee F ; wad rv pce fr he 8 cae oe ‘papiatp $1 wep Passoudwso> a4p ng 8 9BeuK possaxdusoa9p aig wip oF pamuEsa 109 ayseq aun Buupuonx> Aq 94 “pu votsasdwio> wa) pasos 9K U>UH SEE Due ep afeum passoadise> arp yun soynaloy owou amp SsOIRe Tua ase sy ea a3 Jo uojtod e 0 10 ~ = sfeun gous arp 09419 ‘aware 2 ey deaysuonio pase 5p (azo) veMsOy aBcEGasON yeu} aGueyssayyy soryderg eit | emsrados stew 4 pain Renae 00 won 0 a ron men og areose paepues jeuotveUs31u NL ue pakoyduia aq Aeutiod ast vs fe para pen op ih 01 st ony /a Sep 247 UH as0qH 0 agdarexa 20 es pom poy urs03 wresBoud son panuasaidas Uolssadduios afieuy pod Sse om 2x00 249 pur yf plow a 9 Bunenx> am wy Au why ayn weap pauunere gr a}darers aunpasod aug, 3TANOP PInoH z9p099p 2un99q stORE 3 2 290 WeXp spuds: 195 FuENEIOL BEI A94RaNy E cartes 3.4 mao comoresion | 165 Inage wih Geng 1 o2 | SOKO ven eee Ineg wih Grp 12.304 Figure3.9. 4b) dyna LZW coding, d . + Giep 2 io Be 7 = 8 4 “Te tga aig fe Format (THF) is lo used extensive retolutiont of ap to 48 bts 16 bits each for R the trander ofboth images and digit documents. The image dats, ther fo ed ~and hence of different formats. The number and these eve om 4 sass stow “aunp2aoud Guypoo gay PaYIpoW-PaYIPOW ETE Bung rd oe on paprsoud st yp nwisdo aan 234 |e P 2 pue paindus f29P1 2x9 203 puonspo> ay, eruomioy 20 4 219 01 para sy jo apmyueur mp 01 ox ainepr'y Jo uonsod ap Supedao>, %P wats apou an. ‘pareoy axe powopoa aut ap 20) % pa stonsod ap ‘pouuzarap 1229 sey % a] 230 Fa aay ou at fad 2 PION SUG amg uy unogs ream orspiono nur 30 sry we asoun A Peon owg uripSugpuns ayy Pouaiaar aq ur qiduapuns aka way 9 ‘pou sved ou ‘au Stxpoo ann wo jad np 30 ya 2m) fy sonasojax ox ux Bupp-uns ou uy ase> tp #30 JO suns axp aporuD O1 po per 4%) oun Suypoo axn uy si PPh antag capes sane cepmsin | 78 Table 3.1 Two-dimensional code table contents. restrict our discusion here o the los sequential mode - also known as the ‘optionally be used. T signals, G and G, requir 3.4.4 Digitized pictures chrominance com We described the digitization of both continuousione monochromatic pic ie ¥ matrix so producing a reduced form res'and color pictures in Section 2.4.8. We also calculated the amount of| computer men tostore and display these pictures on a number ‘of popular types of di ied Table 2.1. The amount of 1307 Kbytes through to 24 Mbytes and, sompresson is two-dimensional aray of pixel values that represents a fcoded As we'cant deduce from the name, the JPEG standard was developed by a a team of experts each of whom had an in-depth knowledge of the compres- sion of digitized pi hey were working on behalf ofthe 1SO, the ITU, and the 10918. In sedaid ‘unbig u jonesedard y2oiq/a6ewy St arg (a) tuonjexedaud afew radars 9.04 EE ¢ 8 8 @ if | aT | > # ef spo 8600 4 Pep mtr 4 ba ° pein 2 wm i aH! oucepm4 + odo Voce bau veda 8 " e sit | voersutuos sseur 9 (auapgpee> fouonbass oe 24p '9=f=# 208 "anew paunoyen 211 UE Ano ype 01 singunuos C]e rane vad ai sons fo ‘oge uowsside aip Ba SY uBwoRn 9 woirkn 39 ne 94065 1 = = F305. /1 = ho pu Gig a0 soa eZ Oowok toy. * +) iT +88) 1m s14q @ Bussm pazruenb st anpes foxtd YE “ANEMHON FEE WORDS UE Ea Og amp Jo so}doULd axp PaqEEsP AM, “19d paoesso yeredas 39019 y>e2 ‘219 on drepusnbos poy uoup axe afm “aun aun 30, ‘pue ypoqa ese wnouy st (PET saoUNRUIGNS gx B Yay mine eo oF da fuse waa o los 11 "pass3D0.d aq oy same agp Jo stORE2O| nbor xinew © 3 fyoreredos posssiduso> aut xine 30 5 249 “pamedand pure paraqos. 6 su0y ater sno} 3,05 30 0% pip Supnpar os xenew paonpos 249 ut es oueURWOLE BuoqysoU M05 Jo og unease o Guo} gy Y Woqeanbo 240990 ———— 1% Since the vues in all the other locations ofthe transformed mate coefficients within them, Thus a frequency coeiicient associated with them ether horizontal (x for y=0), vertical (x=0 for y= 1~7) of both (= 1-7 for y= -7)~th known as AC coefficients For j=0, only hor 1 coefficients are present which increas in frequency for i= 1-7. aly eric requenc coefficients represent which nr lacey ee id tet say. floating point arithmetic, chee i very lite los of information during the 2 DGT phase. Aliough in practice small loies occur oming tothe use of fixed are present to varying degrees, point arithmetic, the main source of information loss occurs dh . tization and entropy encoding stages where the compression ta order to gain AAs we identified earlier in Section 3.2.4 when we computed to a high precision using, ‘The above points are summarized in Figure 3.16, ¢ 8060 or 4800 blocks eal for a screen width of, say, 16 inches (400m by dropping ~ in prac. It shoule nsitive to these frequency we same coefficients cannot be retrieved during. moO 1294 5 67 0 responding threshold value, a division opera . eid defined threshold value asthe divisor. 2e10, the coefficients ineates th to be wsed with a particular Inthe snatex. Clearly a8 we can see from the above, the choice of {important and, in practice, isa compromise between the = Yhat is required and the resulting Figure 3.16 DCT computation features. : -aopeoaa se unos 3 uoneiodo sg 300% YOR LP 20 Ee a s3nf88 50 i yon Spence Adon fr fxd we 2 205 Qe eq a8er uopemuenb 3 aoa oe BE ie poquap am suo Bu mp asamou * naan Bopoges mp Sua parorsen are am mand ont A upouo ® eg woRDeS ‘dona soouea 94, Buqs01994 coma ane aapoqgoo> ounbassan om J0 AEN pods a nunca pousogoann > sgpeseda das wo 10 a ‘sey pe onus earns He Mio} togaduao aes Sempoous Adonys aun ‘Ft: ™ sys ae WORE a0 s pr psn 94,09 p jo 2s OM) 20 very 3 YS 25305 900 ~ STE ems on sopnpur pispues oaal WHERE OE ‘09 os | ov | se " a nueeb e[sis[el3 o}ofo[ ooo ele ofo[efolole ° of o[s efefofelole ° o| of efofolo|olo °. ole. efelolololo ° vf ofelolololo ° vr ofefofololz ° «| 2 ofofofolzle ° «| reat Sree PTO cre sven seus ue OL C297 61t | vopsaiaues seu ve Chipter3 Text and image compression 54 tag corersion | 182 \ ype of compression 3 encoding since this encode the relatively large magnitudes of the DC coetciensis reduced, For example, ifthe sequence of DC coeffentin consecutive quantized blocks — one per block = was: higher irequency coefficients are ina sequent m of representation more compression. AS fo dierent encoding schemes apple i the corresponding ference values would ber 20-1, the frst difference value always being enco Diiferential encoding The first clement in each transformed Bock ence values are then encoded in the form a Ceaicent which isa measure of the average color /luminance/chro lndicates the number of bits ceded te cu of the aca bts that represent largest coefficient and, because of high as possible during the quantization ph: area covered by each block, the DG coefficient Loa maiee binary form and a negative value by the comslene value of zero is encoded using a single O bitin the o * eta costices o123 4567 eno e765 432 BE: example shown in Fig psn 203 Bune 2p Jo PUP. Cawo wo wore sureanig paposue pstaoas 0 ue ~ P53 woRD9g UH 34 PRY og amp wg 3H 6 >ydurerg uy nous se w0}Kaeuig pauilisun 2 39 iq 3tp “HpOFA 9H UE BUI!YPED Od PAPX agp 3tp tog Jo ydino 2% Jovanbas sae 9150 +2909 sasoxs nus jo Buys © hq oot ppp pa Progeny ome SONG ee eee Cy cd yseuduco abeun pursean conde | Zt er syed abe We that make up the skip and SSS fil symbol and this is then encoded using either the default table of coiwords shown in Table 3.2 or a table of codewor ‘eneoded bitstream, Again, ite symbols all have the prefix prop received bitstream on the corr separately and the composite symbol replaced bythe equivalent Hutfman codes ~“Aswe ca deduce from Example 3.8; variable-length coding gre aidures 2) 40 s9pu0 wy “ogeatp wou 298 UeD 94 SY sainduto> aowtas © wo Sur -ssonp8 20 Ars200u repo oqo tp Session spa 30} dpeos wndt0> Jo Aaouiou aun ut pouors sf ~ azmo4d parutd Jo worsi9n ppsax ‘hes ‘0 Suspuodsa1109- saposus gate Aq ndino wreannrg 2 Pon PP panuuog Z son aoew pow xo. se PEC dearer ‘corresponding decoding oper JPEG decoding ‘As we can see in stages whieh are lel? lol (othe related table and passes the eonirol infor: then starts to pass the compressed bitstream “a__ Stl Hinoncedeverde_— (orb bck Figure 3.20 JPEG encoder output bitstream format. 0-2 complete ima Jaader contains a number of fields that include: the image in piel nts thatare used to represent the 12- the overall width and height 1& the number and type of compos image (CLUT, 8/G/B, ¥/G,/C, the digitization format used (4:22, £210 etc). ‘ea icon Thos are also preceded by a header wh i elie: R/G/Biete); ‘he number ofits used wo digize each component, the quantisation table of valves that have been wed to encode each component. ‘Typically, each sean/compone hick ean contain a group of (8%. tains the Huffman table ML sh aonpau 01 3910 ur Sad 18 salen pe 12930 Hoe uo I uoyssasdinon 24 $0 UORDAL © P fev uote ydivo 303 HORI? an Se ST SH POM sauoo1ye02 peo jo nD ‘Sraanboxy sain ap Uap PURIST ow arson’ ‘Guanbasyot por sop 210% BuIppe: a, hem, ats. oud 2 sig gcapsimrcamb LEI smoures ax apis posrmbos jousaut Jo Now ie pmen4 00 2 sare 9 P egoot i 279 sone uo us x Bo parti0> passed sagen sopeout mige nto Sune ext Huo} sureUO, “yayaeae 10H 35, tn 2 Uo np es Yams [oats rate pu G0 228 = a ta aa ‘nee ihre ptt gern toe Bbw We? HU) $30 aoe ous rie dong Suypooue som 1 pogise bom “Dogue nee ‘PaME=P poe pal By g ce spy ou pega swopts UN IDG LT : SFauajyjoo Ove00) Sora ue s0 pasors Bur>q) fe weuyyayy Om0 94 re Buypo9 uewyjapy gureudp paquossp jojssaud> yew we renurayip -poquosap ason sojduex> ony "uossosdWo: yo ajfeuoue 910u 40 uo} uo ago worsion pssouduoo v3 steip uontauasoidas so uioy ase ue sonposd 0 Jop10 ut sainos at) Jo fiadoud sensed mojdza Buypou a>sn0s eniuo> suontoa sou s20 weg sous 290 2p09U9 0} pos sono W91048 Mp «qs pos a spromapoo wpStiofqqmuta Sposigpon sup PaxG tp sloguds th Suypooua yo pears uw sjoquais ‘Bujponua eansners pue Surpoous wpa] x9 oxi paquatap om pue parussoadax st uonewoyut 291n05 joidx> Sutpoots sep pue paynuap! way diam spose Worssosdwo> qe yu pareDosse sanbrUyaa 2189 SALE et sewing swometsoju 323008 3 diipox ov suomeaydde axqzes0qut ur 30 wonsauuo yomau 219 Jo pau 01 sa4pita auop ss, HOKIBU WsaN0 LOREUOyU} 204Nos ay Jo} foqea aun 9xp aonpos 04 sapz0 ul sad expaus oq 01 paydde st u duto> eiaua8 uy saBeuH| pue x2) Jo uorssxdat0> 2x rnuo8e uotssoudiuoa ax Jo UoRDa]3s © paqUD.ap axe aM 11 188x049 joer patina Gow PMHON 7 008) LATO 89! 95034 pu ~ 9 /AD/A 30 4/9/~ 110 pate Fe woneso ped yoeo suum uasonen, ‘Lo srebu somes uoqsxdlon “somo po pas oj pe —suonten 20903 A. uo osx som n sod ax0n04 Chote Text and imag com " a9 one data link frequency of 0 ‘Aos0, B05, COo5, Dos2, Foo, Foo, Go2 Derive the entropy of the messes. n32 ain the meaning ofthe f ing to comprestion ‘ure encoders and destnaon decodes, Toes and los cor entropy encoding, source encoding 820 ing terms 321 Derive the serage number of codeword for your codeword set wane mit a message and compare this with overscanning, the EOL code and is wes, 323 Given a scanned line of pels, suming a coding scheme, deduce an 39 Shannon's formula, ding ffcency. Explain the meaning of the f ating wo source encoding ‘ferential encoding, transform encoding ‘With he dof gras expan im a g Tre way the meaning of te following sing to ator encoding th the ad of a diagram, identify the five tages asncintd with the baseline mode ning ofthe following terms compression algorithms: patie correponding to the char bes aad 26 With thea ofa diagram, explain how the ind oad re derived by ‘in the al fan exam This the image and block preparation stage foreach image forms ea ane scuming ASCH coding is being use. ving (i Deduce the extensions to the existing P Huffman tee if the next word wansmit tedisthe" be applied tothe (compressed) Image dat. Tpclude in your explanation compeenon eagpieved and how ther Incerprerte tontprewed information, sor au Seu MDa 20 woneinpou 2PO? A 3g seuss oFpve 30 HORE uojssasduios olpny 2"b soos wy ates ue 2109221 01 DIE ecg ea spuepypo0 10 Bu essa popoota af 2U1209P esoBane> BaIpo> 40 398 20 fos soup say “SupHsOSTe ose J de> sip sande 5] 9H! P2gLD-P 1p Hy areDosse soup UoUn 9 Soquasap t1eus 28 "220]209KR uasagp 48 09% Pa syensvas oy pom 98 966 PIG OT Sip Jo sued snojes wei8p F Tires au se ‘20094 “IPM Gy posarpe ee pe 1209 38 uononpoauy Tb 2 oo pe we uoissaadwies oaplA pue olf osm prowess pu ABIDE oH “uno O ay oF pI per? amp IF coaaline > peoupe ov e pay popon 2g) 2822 20H Jpdepyana Buen p2poove 2 20028 So ay prams g9 210 HOM BARD 96 | copter 4 Ado ane video core signal A the (frequency) bandwi channel to be used is less than, determined by the banc thes asa bands ied. Although the first approac sampling rate has the .2.1 Differential pulse code modulation Differential pulse code modulation (DPGM) is a derivative of {or a comparable and decoder are shown, the encoder is shown in (DPCM) is computed by subt ;ed sample output by the ADC (PCM), The value in the tris then updated by adding tothe ci puted difference signal from the new Lay string of, say. 7 Cc) Sep W Foe ere! rte cf epi ond Figure 4.1. DPCM principles: (a) encoder/decoder schematic; (b) éncoder timing. accuracy of Section 2.2, ation errors and hence a ‘effect on the accuracy of| hater Aaa ie ori 42 had cormson | 204 4.2.3 Adaptive predictive coding Even higher ‘vels of compression but at higher levels of complexi be obtained by also making the pre Th ‘of adaptive predictive coding nts continuously change. segments and, for each segiment, the currently prev ‘determined. The optimum set of coetfcien acceptable perceived quality Linear predictive coding All the algorithms we ave considered so far are based on. varying speech waveform an Airectly (PCM) or sending the qh derivatives). With the advent of inexpensive digi an alternative approach has become posible ‘stot percep ex spect the re feats which determine ADP, the sanplng ite ofthe upper subband sg ‘A Stil bythe ear are forthe presence of the higher Sequeney componens in ids has the advantage that differ < . loudness this is determined by the amount of energy in the signal In addition, the origins ofthe sound are important. These are known as vocal tract exctaion parameters nd chsifed ss 2 5 voiced sounds: these are generated through d - ‘examples include the sounds relating to the chords and sm,¥,and } pue “(y)6su ‘622 ‘8649 sHOREPLONM fio pare ave Teg aigetfene spsepuras ‘pourago s fayfenb punos ur wound re 400qaPO9 Tenplapur tn ‘u 19p099p put J9po0U9 2m Jejduray ua0}48s SE UNOKNL vodand Sutpooua 30} ARUP Jo toeg 100eP) ida JO. (pa) OREN paouEyD se spnoesd tt porpxo-apos © se UNO Jp pour seq Kae © wo pase ame sty snened yernanzad st “guowy~ saydures poznsSip Jo 3p0¥a "ME! syn yooads wadut sured ‘qeunad pase are s19p099 ear uo 30 sda 5 MOL p prs ut 3} Has =e pmnos pates2u38 aq) 2999 be saves 39 250 pu (OF 1 ayy apasd oF NUBU}20> [Apoul mie parnenb pu patie weed yp arn ua 8 dt am sppo242 OT awOS “sHUEBHO? pow parr 7 fe 19p009/39P% paods euro arp jo Uo! 10 922108 1 sxnays yo uoneypoU & ures aun Aq, pauruuarap s} pouled 2a) ~ #20 ¢ un aatpator pe TuatH8as Y>e2 10) 240 SSE ge ath tod} 995 ued 28 SY uatufos pamnuenb uyse2 10) HUD jonas wou e spuos pue sulurap J9po21 21 4995-99 > SPE “spur sion9] 24 sejdiu poe ade ar poy (208.249 218 (DIA SPUHOS PoP. 02 voseidu cap HEIR 2 | vopseutwo> opny 2 Dhapler + Auto ans video compression application, a low delay coder ie required since a large flow of a conversation, In co the output of speech stored in a 5) associated with each standard and the principal application for which each has been developed. The use of the extension -1 ‘used to discriminate this standard from the ear now been integrated with G.72 CELP-based standards. Perceptual codirig Both LPC and GELP are sed prima e she compression ofa speech signal. Pereepnuiencadets, however, have be designed for the compression of general auio i ita television broadcast. They also us Inown asa psychoacoustic model since its rl the human ea this approach, sampled segm alyzed ~a5 with CELP-based cod the ear are ans ~ pritcal bandwidth 4.2 Audio compression | 208 than others. Also, when mule signals are present ~as isthe case with general audio ~a strong signal may reduce the eve of sensi of the ear to other sig- ‘als which are near to it in frequency, an effect known ab frequency masking. In addition, when the ear hears 2 loud sound, it takes a short bur finite time before itcan hear a quieter sound, an effect known as temporal masking. A pey- the loudest sound ‘964B. As we have just seen, however, frequency ofthe signal and, assuming jus a single frequency signal is present the perception threshold ofthe ear ~ that i, its miimurn level of sensitivity ~as a function of frequency is shown in Figure 45(a) ‘Aswe can se, the ear is mos sensitive the range 2-5KFz and hence signals within this band are the quietest the ear is sensitiv to, The ver tical ats, therefore, indicates the amplitude level of all the other signal frequencies relative sitivy-curve of the eat to be the region of signal B. As a signa vil Tonger be heard even tho frequency as we show in Figu "The various curves show th quency signals constant at about For example, for ag wy sow] aqu28p > opie 143339 J0 28 40 suai yo p10 a4 soe -yeusis pnoje Aq pasmes Bupyseu jexoduiy Zp 24N64 rain eB ge fos ost 10 ¥ dog $ yoo sors xopis “iuyysem fouanbay Jo 4oaya yo Aouanbagy ym ue tse | voerentwo> ony 26 ‘Buypoo jemdoor0d "3 siapoa oipne gad LZ" eA 9b 2unbLd fupysew fount 28829 pUOs suas (e) sea wow 24 40 £97 0 20 (0 $00 20 100 fi 0 | ee po eprwdutipass ewos4 (ee) =r optie pe awe @ fap oe preuo wus aay leper 4 Aveo and video compression 2 pao ceesin | 208 se of video with sound. The coders asociated with the audio compre part ofthese standards are known as MPEG audio coders and a numb ese use perceptual coding. the signal processing operations associated with a perceptual code rematie diagram of a basic encoder ang 1 sampled and quantized using ‘sample being determined (1232) PCM samples. to filtering the input safaples into separate frequency sui the maximum ampli subband sam thegubband and these are passed both to the psychoacoustic mod together with the set of frequency samples in eack subband, to the co sponding quantizer block "The processing associated with both frequency and temporal masking carried out by the psychoacoustic model which is performed concurrenl ‘and analysis operatiops The 12 sets of 82 PCM samy tfetof frequency components or aa re Thathematieal technique known asthe dserete Fourier transform (DF ee ‘Then, using the known hearing threshols and masking properties of ' Suband, the model determines the various masking effects ofthis set of aE nals. The output itset of what are known 2s sgnal-to- ‘ation (SMBs) and indicate those frequency components whose ampli = below the related audit Tn addon, the se of scaling factors ; the quantization act [MPEG perceptual coder schematic: (a) encoter/decoder implem tie (b) example frame format. quency components th st enstty can be quanti with more accaracy ss quantization noise ~ than those regions where the ear ina basic encoder, all the f in a sampled segme frame the format of which is shown in Figure 4 pu od ‘depo 0 Apso sa409 orpne aa qesoduos 9 B auies amp 0) {Ho pasn 29 ue sippour ansno.eoypied dam ioduut ae sf 19p022p aif Jo 509 a4 HoH peoig oar pu orpne UL aumeay a1qeASOP ip wep xo[duioo s83] 511 "aouanbasuo> e se “pue 4aporap 24) ou s| [9pou opsnozeoypésd ayn “oun a4 {2991 poonpas aip Suryseus preg jo apmiaidure sof tn ip 2outs paonpas justiodwo> éouanbay 0 128 24) se pea ur asou uonezpuenb Jo Aa] ay sysaqquls jo yueq ayy, somes Sums aney spueqgns pubqgne qoe> 40) 8 95 J0 0s 9058 : ee ony yea yo teuloy ous Uo pare re proput UE AYDISAN : pnorpunosms noun poepann ey yenuopl sso} Hopo2op pe s9peDus a HP “ade 05 $Summnoad euonippe or Bano sons aa Suu 2934 0 Om xy 218 rep uononoy ppp aodinoorind er a, aur 09 sidus bE erdues woase es Spuosoneg POC 109 sop aL, ; auto poe 19 2a sodas puns 30 -uoudinbs punos euorssazoud qn ast 1s uOReULZUE ap Ife ‘yuourdinbo ofpne Ayenb-ay ya 2s 205 SEP mL yusuodwios Aouonbayy gt ‘auaudinbo suonearumunuon rseapeosg sien sn sop stg dora hs ‘51a F sBKRAMG © pure — 92491 }9 40 T Bus zoe posn sane Su fo soroyy Seas axp = pueggns y>e> ‘odwexa 10g “2x 9uesy Suypuodsos109 aq) pu pase 2 ‘aun Aq pourutiap aze sn 8y Aeyap s2por9p pure J9p0>1> 21, Tre | vosseatwos opny 2 4.2.8 Dolby audio coders ization accuracy of each subband sample by compu ‘number of bits to be used to quantize each sam) is used for each simple in a subband may from one set of subband samples t0 the next, the bit ‘used to quantize the samples in each subband is formation is then used by the decoder to deq tie the set of subband samples in the frame, This mode of operation of: cepa coder is how, therefore, athe forward apie Bt loc ‘mode and, for comparison purposes, sm twas designed for ase in sa associated with television programs model with 40 subbands ata sampling rate of S2ksps and propor more at 44.1 and 48ksps. A typical compressed bit rat channel stereo. ‘A second vatfation, which allows the bit allocations per subband to be adaptive while at the same time minimizing the eerheads in the encoder bit Stream, is for the decoder alo to contain 3 copy ofthe psychoacoustic model ‘This is then used by the decoder to compute the same ~ ot very similar ~ bit i encoder has used to quan: however, in order for the ‘backward adaptive bit allocation mode. Figu inciple of operation ofboth the encoder and decodes ‘This approach is used in the Dolby AC2 standard which ‘many applications including the compresion asociated with the audio of & ‘number of PC sound cards. Typically, thee pr bitrate of 256 kbps, For broad: ce the same psychoacoustic nae is required in the decoder, the encoder cannot be modified without changing all decoders. To meet this requiremei variation hasbeen developed that uses both backward and forward bi Inybrid backward forward Figure 4.10(b). ised to compute the difference berween the and those that are computed by PM, using the “4gheme. This information is den Used by PM impr aes oxpnve ogaye amps” suoneande jo ay wu oem 40) PUI taoaq sey ypu prEpUS GOV Kao MH Ut porn st yreosdde ‘pore ane sprepersatp Y>tyM U 200 aquosop asst) 1 a8 980% fan pue sprepuress ‘9s om aynuoo ism Wd 219 1 sotasaptp paanduson 24) Is 0 ponap pure 29poDuo ayp ul gd 94 J0 Sio1ouexed [euonesado i 29 pinoy “donuppe uy Yeap" uonezaueNbop 210 fu o1 29po29p aif Ut aWid 218 Aq p2sn s ple auLes} Paports ayy UL AUIS 5) uonéuriojut wonragpous 3, Sojduwes pueggns jo 25 a Jo Kovsna2e 239 ue> tloneuLzoyut “(say Aa -¥ Aqiod) wonyesoie wa oxnidene paewy2ed (e go toques pot 38, 3) 2 ‘pur % «gueayusontp ong pure {‘20ueURUIN 9tp $05 pasn st yyy ares Buy uses aun souyop yeutio} wane” 3 At Nok SY "pash STE YS] DUS pure revinzoy womeenisip 24) Aq pauruuaiap # put ‘Ur pasn opis 240° puwuiop-to-oapi/oqou pu ssunzog snows w 099 -Supuaraguozoapss pue Kuoydajn o2p) udde espounres paquosap 94 Sy jo aaquanu e u s23nP9] (Punos yum) oapte tarde uoissadwios oaplA €'b ie ea © Su poiq 190 20 snowoad 24 sajdures pureggns 953, munuo> ule 0 s9ps0 ut HoxoKOH -sadunes pueq ‘ sapter Ale and vide compresion 4.3.1 Video vompression principles In the context of compression, since video i simply a sequence of digitized Pedision Podcion and “picture” are used interchangeably. In ge frame except where a particular standard wses the term pi «“8@88e888 wane we” ond pts ohne aidrecteelprdicons ecaded ona ange tome frames, only the difference and the predicted frame contents are sent. Figure 4.12 Example frame sequences with: (a) - and P-frames only; peration is known as motion estimation an q (0) I, P- and B-frames; (c) PB-frames. exact, additional information must also be sent s between the predicted and actual postions ved. The later is known as motion compens- issue separately ton process to indicate any small die of the moving oF interpolation ial sequence of frames involving Prames is shown in Figure 4.11(a) and a sequence involving al three frame ‘ypes is shown in part (b) ofthe figure. ssuonesedo pueaso},sty pue 1x paroadxo ase vein spade soy aun v8 papod3p 29 UW TPH 1d sf saureyy jo antanbas uonnjosos.No] € urea} paL9rUt e2 yo ausragjo09 Da paposua aun Muo yo ueaus ep 51 ~ sqeus ue ase 1p pera 88 He ‘uoiseaudo soay> 088 {ph parepose 194 Pe> Og aH 198 U4, "ONIaUEE oF par2aKIOD 494398 DOUDA E UI P2xOr > (aot 28) s980 fasou Ut 28h 05 pSUYaP 994 quis mone yes aus 2m tur uodn puedxa epuad ayy, ou ureeg 10-1 Sut sponap ay SHWE MEU “agaamraaaaaat 1g prom 2ouanboe pasopsoas ayn USIP ragadaaaat sj aureayg oyp vaya aygeyrese ase soUmexye 1 Sad ain tog eqn os paSurap ef ure) (p2po2us) 2xp Jo (uowssLEN Suapooua jo z9pro ain ‘sures yore 2p02ep oF pesmnbos own axp 277 (2 s9pso 920K, “squauoo un on aq pUE jawu0> popov9p i PE pOPODP: yipousun paponap aq ue) somes 0 Buney>s Uo ‘uonezado Buypoasp aun wiojsod oy ‘sos19 syeedosd you op foun ‘3ne20q ‘Pue dowsexd ead ty “22unb35 aba sy xan A012 “430-1 Sut Pe on Suopysuoa fq papoous axe susiu0> s34p funous soouanbos auiesy aydurexe om 24 wos alo sayzotue purtoq 20 Jo 140 ann 240 24D jot we ypns suone oud woyy aes sony sy sumeapd He daquints ay sx9u ayp 01 paeiedosd 2q ouuesy Jo ated "gureyg Buip22aud & 40 are yore aurea. 30 Sutpoots a4) 39 pitas 351009 jo ‘uate ayp uo paseq axe ie yo oFe9 aq) ft pandasod ses tes} ut pg ponds Buoy aur p9peou ue J sunioo an 30 ossrduss aap pue ory 220) Chapter 4 Aud and vise compression encoding each Pframe a ‘As we show in Figure ciated with each frame a oy eee oma 1 Mule co) Sec ogen tage ame ee mach roestlk My |) ee Figure 4.12 P-frame encodin; procedure. the encoded contents of both P-and Be ‘ny motion that has taken place between, 8 af Fy Fe 1 moceblak = 48) Bock er ¥ xa (b) encoding 42 Video compression | 22a block size ued for the DCT oper. ation is also 8 x 8 pi ck comprises four DCT blocks for Juminance and one each forthe two chrominance signals, To encode ‘known as the target frame ~ are compared on a pix contents ofthe corresponding macroblock inthe preced later is known as the reference frame. If close match is found, then only the address of the macroblock is encoded. Ifa match isnot found, the seare in Figure 4 us standards do not specify either the extent search area or a specific search strategy and instead specify only how the results of the search are to be encoded. Normally, only the cot matrix ich is said to be found if the mean of, the absolute ert the difference macroblock is less than a strategy, all the possible macroblocks the reference frame are searched are encoded. The feet ofthe macro- inthe reference nce offset~can on pixel boundaries, ‘The second para roving objects are normally yen an abject moves, mul are then Huffinan encolled. The three difference ma ‘encoded using the same steps as for Hrames: DCT, quant Py encoding: example if the moving object he extended search area ~ the macroblock is encoded independently in the same way as the macroblocks in an Lirame, ‘To encode a Brame, any motion is estimated with reference to both the immediately preceding I or Prame and the immediately succeeding P- or frame. The general scheme is shown in Figure 413. The motion veetor and difference matrices are computed Ws \e preceding frame as the angen ploysosu 24) 5120708 up ut papontis s1pejgoDeU aouaaor ap w}ypo‘gosveU 3A pin pee 30129 BoROU! a4) yO “OP 4394 papoow ‘un ypoyqosoew atp yo stsppe ain Aiuo ‘rues at ase 5100 je andino 2tn wo 3se> atp ‘papoou9 24 ot pron poygosseus y>es “souRutUTOSYD 405088 we aousy] “Buipoous Adonus pus ‘Buypooua axa ‘aun aye yo (e) ed ‘ayn fa yndino rea Sadsar frp 22n84g 30 (9) PUE () Suypoous 2¢n yaya parenose foo tp Suymous wesSeIp newarps Vv sonsst woyspyuamayduay azz | worsoues ovine "y22uosgps 9 se ur Bexpaozons aun Hog PE 32H “ampazoid 6ujpooua suesy-g ET-b aunbig ‘woo apo ter Audio and video compression = the provision of video telephony and videoconferenci 43 Video compression | 225 in the macroblock ye Hacks present ind rake up the macroblock are if any~and, the JPEG-encoded DCT coefficients ‘each block, As we can deduce from this, the amount of information it by the encoder varies and depends on the complexity of the s Video. Hence a basie video encoder of the ype shown in Figure 4.14 ates an encoded fencoded image, To decode a immediately preceding (clecoded) together with the received encoded informat ged. W ly tents transferred tothe buffer. ‘2 motion vector and a set of difference matri- related set of matrices in the first full-encoded macro- bates to de The decoding of B-rames is taining the decoded contents of decoded contents of the succeeding P frame being assembled, Performaiice “The compression ra similar to that obtained with JPEG and, for video frames, tents,The compression (nthe search method used. He through 3041 for Pframes and 30: H.261 “The H.261 video compres: tandard has been defined by the ITU: DN). Hence, as we suman ai yeuio) Suypoaua 192"H St'b 2a ‘goo Sumaye tub afexs Suspoaya Adonuo 2p ur pasn spiosiopo2 Jo 21gh 24) “Spoo epSusp2iqens jo azuanbas pres ou 1 05 128049 5} Yo abaun ‘okt 2tp U398I94 syeuusoy aamyaydauresy (q) ews9) yoogoz2eu pag fone p05 = 20D ‘Towa neg se p30 2 rt mone am oueo 00) ) da ew sosoee “hm spoqg O9pI y>Rs FeO yy sruasaf oso sours op (P>PORUD) AU pep 94 popo2- Daal 1 a4 fe azpueN or nb ati papoose ~ awe Suspanaid ¥ ut YO|qo.IeU! oF 290919 ‘unoys s1pokgoz7eWr papodta Y>ea Jo UO} HAL 5 pur’ pia pure at 21p 103 5d 0 cou) aassaiforg axe ="9 PL xget =4:100 WL x= 9-9 “BeBxXzEE=A AID Popinjosos ened 2x9 ‘Teulis ouetuan ay 303 poem ave 2p maior os ap Jo Buyduesqas ain seu2I05 tog 29U 291 unpssvduoaoapn pur payed azz | vorsenswos oan, ev OTT 2 14 Augie and video compression target applications of the this in order to the variable bit rate produced by the basic encode ‘This achieved by fist passing the encoded bitstream output by the a firstin, firstout (FIFO) buffer pri providing a feedback path from coder. The Mootle addess contents will decrease. In order to exploit this property, wo are defivied: the ln threshold and the high hreshld. The amount of informa mn in the buffer is continuously monitored and, shoul i below the lu thresiold, then the quantization threshold is reduced from the encader. Conversely, should beyond the Aigh treshold, then the qui in order to red level of transmission bandwidth ese papoous sod 1y8iy 247 urergo OF s2pI0 Uy sadG aus roe se $9869 x04 UL BUH se tpne suoretdde 205 p9sn 24 estou su0snats oad SU) Hy NUS ip so) oHs9ta8se 2p T>HED paveaxpul an sy epe BU 970% pa uf peaar oo onan vonow a vows Oy eon ai post 3 B: deus no\ sy “uatf jo 2uo fjuo iuoddns paow sapoous aq) pure 12por2p SEF ae ares} xp Jo 2p , ras0y oq yo woddns ay; “sonowd uy ® sonpoud 92014 HL 30 Gt a9 Jo ates ysasj28 aes © yum pases} SuruuEDs aypssou801q yosay aup ur nuauragord soxig=b> — “96xeat=4 HOS WxEB=="] WT XOLI=A ADD ‘eo staxid 2sotp 10) 21940 OL poygor2eu 211 50 Jovep UE O43 2 posse seulioj Uopezniitp sno}ses 1 PogUsep 24 aiid asay papo22p st 9uHEsF- > Tuauy, 3POIgO>EU on ‘ourespg Sumparasd “puodsa2i09 ayn 1 0}: a1 Sanday ’ suone2yde 25041 tpen parepowse axpia a S109 rusen wang © 2 24 4 : aioe] ‘pop Bs oun so yuaurannbos nosy sdq3 883 oxo Suppo? eee Bobi suogpouue> pognis sono ser q muae peed, “tapout worsens oapn ue pay Nd reg | vores oo Eo 4 ey E—sndksud dE aad 4 1 2 3 4 ca aaa mye 4p A 28 ear aE IE 4 : + fee EE Jependen segment decoding, and reference picture selection We sal i 4 inciple of operati . vied ee lene con 608 = goon noc {1,31 GOS in bone compied racking scheme: (a) example error propass ) same example decoder touend sSigment (NAR) meseage back to the encoder In the via bot he ame umber and the 1ocation of the i error pre mn relating to this GOB kely to be affected. Ic then proceed 22M ater frames that ‘tq wos pasta sures; pope Dap waanag dejap sum ayy te ‘den-punos tp Aq poujuso2p Sutoq soqu fe apes We sOponUD 2120} ress Suxpooosd (papor9p) atn so Adoo © souleyy popo>saits li "vt 22nd ut P2WOYS aM Se SONBMOHI URI} 2209 jn paposu> are 52 erp amnliy 30 peroda 99 We> 2UIDy>S 24, rouspaynouyoe Sum onuiseds 9UDy>5 ut mous as se ~ Suroyps uo pasn Ajreut > uonotr 2ip Jo UIU? 2m mpage YoU aye 5409 SuUOgyTaE — Z9porua 24 4q ww>E st oan yea Ul GOO 2uIES red 03) 395 Ue> aM SY puyDs 21N 10 OD 4>e5 twoyys40z49 agaep yuasaud 0124082 84 FOO rapuge sp yo ie 2]. Buyponap yuauiSes ruapuodepey poayge a1 205 aouoy MUO} 4 ‘ig 2areyy paTaye yee ews pads Bo ann moy ensog apeuruesBeIp ut sHoUp oxo UL 2218 | crepter + Aus an video compression ceding onenes yA. oe : scoot sane "687 Geode [3 Orc ® coding eee freed [3 S< Twedectng << P= preded/emcodad te ACK mode. 4.2 Video comp ‘acknowledged by the decoder reduce the encoding efficiency forth best when the round-trip delay of the communica ‘dally, less chan the time the encoder takes to MPEG feof VHSquality rites up to 1.5 Mbps, Normal 1920 « 1152 pix lap to 8DMbps or 100 Mbps with the 4:2:2 format. -anuanbas aurea) ydusexa T-934W 02"» EL ue: L (rv 201) 7Hg6 PUE yun posn sy SuyuensaassauBoud (1pm -oa4ay Jo uewiop uoneondde aip au ‘o51y DRAPRPALPACA “Hembeggeeneey ‘gaa x28 =4 ava ‘ovextsp"4 —-OSIN fe 29:n0$ 09py.JO ‘uoneznp a1p‘paveaspul sy "195 HSE roads 241 ead ben uy de> 1021 po oranda pu de ao spor 2/2 YOR asm now s puepurss eons sures RAO. puanbas peso om St io jpuo22s au, OSIN ve sey youye) “Tyg HH yaagaasaadast pur “laadaeaaal sy souonibos ures) 3tf ut sures JO HOR i yen oops ie Suofe = 201283 UIE var paudao7e 2, joy pan 94 1 yo Ae ut aye soouaibos due OAL a. | vomitus enn ©» oy Shaper 4 Alo and video comer 42 vie cms | 2m 2 Continued ‘one or more corrupted of between two timestamps ‘an comprise from I ber of macroblocks in, the number of macrabloc! because of ‘resulting increase in the separation of moving objects with Prame window in the reference frame is increased. Al, to impro the motion vectors finer resolution is used, Typical compression 1 from about 10:1 for I4rames, 20: for Pfamnes an ‘As with the 1.261 standard, the compressed bitstream produced by the video encoder is hierarchical and is shown in Figure 4.21(a). At the top level, the complete compressed video is known a sists ofa string of groups of pictures (GOPS) each comprising a string ofl, P or B pictures/rames in the defined sequen ‘ypes. These are followed by the encoded video steamn isin the form of a string of GOPS. and a paranaters field which defines Sequence of frame types that are used in each GOP. This is by the string of encoded pictures ames in each GOP. Each is Separated by a picture star followed bya peel (I, Por B), bur parameters, which inde: the memory buffer shouldbe before the ‘ecoding operation sh nd encode paranaters which indicate the rex au) wresSosd poseqoipms © pue apout play ayy Busse papoou 24 oF ‘1 1ua49 Buy sods an ¢ ‘apdure9 205 02p1 Jo ad am 2M “ase ‘nuoutanour apt sf 319%) Jt ‘er totsraidivo> Joys © aompond 2x 0 uoqesodo ypenu> 94 2th HO} o xe unpeapueg 2tp q paurusarop But2q posn aya ene {weg 28ues wep sxo}dnow uBIKs Ip WOH nad 97% OGL, 10 21108 © SOXIE OF x OL 0 woe 09 ATV wondag uy paqunsap 24 Y>tys ~ pa ‘ALaH © Sune 2p paw (A@aN) (HoT urea om we ayjoud uqEUL a1p 01 Z-DAAW JO WORST? jan Ta ABI panei 81 BOTAN JO PHL Hol 2 9vty Bupqen 93 ge 99 i aqyoud ua bz | worssardund cain cb ge jeuorsusulep-ong © 50} 6 pe pouijap ua9d aie aq “YBry pure Oe yeposse sopyord ‘poroies ype ~ sOadNN “¥'¢'$ UOND2S UF PSYEDIPUL 8 SY z-aadN Eb -yeutt (a) ‘uopysoduuna (e) :aanyanays weosysyiq 091A T-93dW TZ CET T= cos [ean vere] 8s row 40 400 98H" sgeap pce oe unsszou09 o2pi pue pO 4 ter 4 Audio and video compression 45 Video compreson | 245; rectors for both field and fame modes are computed and (mean) values is selects, ‘on what is Known as the SSP@H1440~ spatal}-scaeable profile at high 1440 hat used wih MP@HL. The audio 2 MPEG-2 DCT block derivation with I-fram te; (c) frame mode. erlaced scanning; 1 pauyjap 51 2uaas/aued) uaqueg €2'p 2anBd ‘purnyos 4 9806 fqo ayy arouse « is an ae "vafqo oapi e Jo 3669 349 Uy ‘pue 12FGO UE (sata) savane 203 yeus0s Kreayg 2% eid pe pap! pr sould s91au ap xi papinoud sey O2pi. soyears am 3 syezedas sey 9{Go O9pls pu o1pRE PET ‘papoaop aye 419 yes up 221U0) muy euontppe sey yea ‘522159 we s08 I "uoo SOAY J0 ase9 24p ut “puE Ajoresedos vay He2 pue punos}y2eq ayy Jo Burpoatia att ‘2U0p U>9q fa pte 949 a4 405 of ‘pe peoy 247 s0} 2u0 s123F es aastf Jo wet} 2¢p Ut PAUP 1dx9 01 nous wig sBup Aquo 24p2Fe NOU dq apeur uzaq se pauysp aq sant Kew 19910 gy soideyp ayy sye9 paqunsap 2m 250 16] ‘eums aunpanosd w usa papo2ta axe JOA oe ‘aL >pojqorsear yayon aup Jo s91eU}pI009 aH 0 anHeTPI UAHA 9X8 JON joo eneds ayy, sppoyqos2ew jo sequins wrnuaurur ayy SUIT uanod Afoio}duroo 7 rep o§ Uasoyp sf aon red Ut HOH sc pavetnaeaua st OA s>e> 240Siy 2M) Hous OM SY j prepums goo 110 0 aanewsane a pu onus odes uo pare rete papo>te ssojoryy suoprontdde dons 20g 91S Due #923145 ns UOT 40 ape puncudyoe xn J spumetos 200 ZJON Pu 900 27 PMO “oy poem os # PIED osm se ay yo sputeuas 2) [JO 9 an Hunypeoadde wossad ap os4 4 -8t015409 540A 2980 J Busey wo 2 idurexe ads 3 Hoe seu cuonippe uf 349s © 2085p 2s010 Jo QA We 1 spodi=ns0> {PIU 9 W>E> (GOA) #20 : sour ai soe 30 atop “uonssodas 0} ~ 09H 3H ype 5 U0 ‘oapia pass9228 2tf JL 02% peo dn aqeur exp lusuiaf Tenplaipu 3tp arejndqueut pur $22: a —spureuraroo aaned /dos ies ‘aydurex9 205 “Bussn ~ (09 up ‘apdurexa 105 73 Bruantos oapu e 2920 Aatsed 01 Aso 201 91 378 SAV SNOLES ppauyop st sured soy e1y ‘vonn|oso! pure Jo 0g ap wy pawn 7 2a%qoqns pur saalqo amt iao> arp pue woasredejdep 2x8 UO OAY {PED JO UC a0 “Hom sogy am osm ‘Pam Bujoq feuruin vee w io pated 9g or OAV He Jo HHEUOD Ps poadW Leb yeutues oops puB pny vith wopsucios gta C2 “hapten 4 Aco and video compression bitstreams are the related object and. associated with an AVO is compressed using one of the algor lier in the chapter and depends on the available Dolby ACS or MPEG Layer 2 for interactive TV appli ment networks. separately In prac 0 frame into various objects ~ from whieh the other standards, For applications tha swith a particu lar VOB, a numberof advanced coding algorithms are availabe to poor the thape coding functian. Transmission format same packet form sinc working with the encoded bisreams asciated ith the MIC 19 Jo J9quine jenbs we 294) o> ype sno o1u; popup sy eansug passorduo> atp F-NgANY wt ‘2947 stp auH091240 0}, ;pz7>24F 29 01104 J3Jad HOM 2M Lo a4 51 "38INOD 30 StyL “baDAIze 24 [HM §AOH TEN aygegoud Aydin, ‘u1s09 UppSIUISUER « pINOYs YON Aaa J2Tpo 9p we} J2BU9y yon 5330}, 91343 “Y>ty § BOO 1 BuUsN2>» 81 ate 9A 30 ou! HeNP PE Pawn Bitoq Se aetai0} 41D op esa patimere =f ydusex> 30) ‘aang 24a uy EA GOO. v2 ul ig Jo saquimu amp “(e}Qerp amg UI Mogs am SE sc “aUKK 3H 30 ued pavefas aun ut 2>e4d Bupqes Lonow/unse 30 99] 249 UO Spuadop DUE 91 gO Y>RD UT HoNeULIO;UE passaxdwio> yo YOUTE aip"3aq}>ed UL ‘pondasio> 218 rein sx20;901 eur aypode-aty Buy 1a poiqosseut yo 198 a ‘3889 GDR pur sfsontve ss ‘yun quentod: 100 u3q28 ae senbruypar ‘ap at ya as OsyDUK 3 ‘uo 51 9u3>s/auney y>ea 0 Sunes oFpnE 2 "uBaHES deydsIp ay NdIMO of dpeos Janes e9 aod oF 51 9K “aOReEROGGY ICyCUDS9p 2UDD8 a {pus 380) ;pue OAY UpeD or SunEPH eep passasduioaap ayy so¥ea OME sw pase ee | worsen oopin ed 919803 ‘suns fous yndino 2. 191g 2apoD9p Pare|DE ‘on passed orje ace asaqi par stoeans Keetuseza(y steredas Us ALLIED a1e yp014 sorduosap 2u2>% ayn pue S919 serduIeAP 199/90 Jo uTEaN “aesuy ae 1231809 aga te s9p299 Agi OF pase sf OAY HED Ot SUL 10> api pur pny ade Chapter & Audi and video compresion 43 video compression | 253 rca hone canes (QF + irate home conn Say, wo cas] gl it 008s Pa - cigemes, Ta the header of a packet, the encoder sew a bt in the known as the header extension code (HEC) bit Reversible VLCe Section 3.45, any bit errors nization and, ically, spacing ~ and hen ‘of each video packet ~is 512 bit of each video packet is shown in Figure 4.26(c) and, as we 1t ofa GOB — which we showed eat after the resynchronizatc then produced by corresponding VLC. ‘own in Figure Hamming weight ne ~ in the packet. In adel tents of each packe the packet a pagnuapr nq fazadoid yaad a1p ase 10u Op 44 sP0MPO9 JO 798 -aunpasoud Sujpooap uo s10119 uoysstusue, 40 yoana (a) ‘495 puomapon aydusera (e) 391A 91gIS19A2Y. L"h BUNDLE sve pa woo bts peng sy ort) 2) smo sonEpUDUOAY L Pre ee uojmasdtenyooeds 0 Bune 1000111110001 ttt ttt t ‘ues © psn ; ‘eiuadle cru popup aze wowsasdu oxpne 1 Sues PFEPLES 2 uo 3Bues 25m fae wasn soy poop woe 2464 I out we eedaead any am uontpre opm pus pn om a. z tpncbone eqspunsd Ba sop sar om Ben os ez | Kreuuns a RE TET ee 4 ucla and video compression Sxercses | 257 jon standards for general audio. 25a Kips 192 ibe st ain how the performance of basic ‘by ling 4 more viola euty vO: an “ney gd €30 ‘yey 3d 9} 300 uses ad 30d J 29a roa Sogn ow soy progsann sor pur ty paeposse2tp ue 29159 OLE Jo 2mm a) voneur[dx9 2006 wt 9pMPUL "POA fonuos uoneannab ayp jo vous Shot am viedao ‘rg nla yo pre saqevur uonervossui94/2700 asap od sb 18 p2Po> ‘jes one poy Boao} 283008210 upp ‘gr'r aang of esos spas ast owes} pur yoIgoea app ple ae od s]09 Jo BqUM ID ute sad yoy q@.De Jo J2quI TP sped of wongosas mas pur favoztoy ap o neto} $0, py Sposa vay pawn aay) 2049 Faye Jo 01009 2 Jo LORE AB “aur ae yo Suiponus a0) () rads ‘ers 28 suesfeyp speuaype 10}8 a0 oS sous wonsxpand omy poe sono uoRom 28 poe pon ampavoid Buyposss 2p weidto PUE TOS 6 _oopioss nde, wm ayo Buena 2 cptmdag sok wt pap SRIF} “too a sou wonpaxd pur (60024 6 | ssp03 “pure 290219}1 5 nur 29092 "ues 98sE1 ssorppe omgonett an poe Squeous ap wrtdn> "oUF PS Prey ampoooud Buxpooue ax oF wonsH pian sauauior age sures > A aus anno Soe ap EER Soaanbos sere © Jo pat a sop0apg90 as popuonas ©2220 are s20100s00018%0 utes porasdo ovoqt tan Sin dumneasen yo suonesdet eD raaaaaeaanor sj ouonbop aus popentn 249 SOHN weds wop2gp2nd, put (409) samoyd jo dood, smo amy we 02H voonboi} Agape urease 1nd!80 PF ovata 2 aus] Aya OE soureya, “Buea “ar aon a 03 suet 2 pr ous psf JFetals Sueoyy 249 fo Saeous a0 “aouanbos soe, ap vi genvaduos pe uonewnr2 wont oath utr SOU de our A aI oe Kp pom se 2poul UoRe>OIe 7 PrEAIOG Hp U3DNIg 2UDI9P avy “ped jon pen Sopozosd yo spt aon a) URES our ‘spueggns Guana, “uapooue WD 3p Squeaes/30 woneiado su aap sp Bunoideo jo su gr vu“ Suryeer esodsan, Wy) cop ug ded eo Pre HIM HF {Pinas 29 wo agp ste son ne Buyogysiou wou Hunyreas ay) ude pseu! uanbosy 30 21 3490 949 pu preoy 24 fe 240 ox pedo des mad Uo 5 jenbo ox Son sree ou 30 5 “Ouanbasy im saree Feo weuny 24) JO A “stan ay Ao moe eB € 70 PRE PIM 29p02 ATED PIED wou sap date now pit pare axe 9p0° ended goign vo ra}douud ap pods 20512990983 sp uago keap 1990924 s2P02 (@THD) USL ou candepe gay 94 paeposs nUAHIEC sopypoad ony Auneutdqpaugega 99 0 “anduoo yo sot soy Moy AoE Tee posn ame weg sorerig Bunese aydusexs autor an ue 29po> ywetdusc $eU'9 € yo wonessdo yo 2jdround amp a9 nsasdue cape gue ofpmy 249 Chapter 4 Auto and video compres 1) errors within a GOB may propagate to ‘other neighbouring GOBS th the aid ofthe fame sequence dagram hhow the choice of reference frame is ‘made inthe ACK mode. the MPEG frame sequence shown in State how the co vet, MPEG i resion algorithm used from that used in the Sed by an MPEG encoder fr bo the NTSC and PAL digieaion formas. ad encode pirameters standards for multimedia 5.1 Introduction 148 the multimedia appl eof medi ay, For example, an 2a gy 24 oN. 1 s88p1g Jo uon ‘ue se ‘pur ¢ 9 Hom796 Wi! SNVT Sue uoyor puL gg VSD 240 UO paseg 2FE U>t ‘eda ay, omrouqas suoqyPed (2 58 unouy ss>19p 10 siayeadas 1: aie sons am te Bsn aresedo ~ ausnsx9 ut “uadionso aus © 01 8u0p99 4 40 dnoi8 pamyeao x 10 ‘Surpring ajBus e‘204y0 we pune! ‘eaup eondAy "uo os pue ‘rubs ‘suoneieyion ‘sa eApou|MUN Bupa “SNL Jo ratto9 ayy ut suoqeys se oy p21I3}91 uaJO ~ suns pa Jo 9p “nunuo> painginap rasucouy 0 pasa aze SVT “poweoxpuL snl ney 2 SNWT ‘showy seudiotua. aye219 01 pasn ase seep soqpeode snoues om pue NYT sad wa9}p axp Jo wonesodo 24 uo sN20} [Res fe sandey> sp uy 90 TenSkp 20 Bopeue sainr> Buss Yqd 2M 01 paDouu0D tuouudinba feuruoy aif ipa omiau oygnd w Ut 4jo pus /iuEy>x= [EO] or dem seus us erezodo Xa @ so\deyD we] a UL pauTEdxD om Sy ‘00 298 au0ut 9 0} paxapisuod st Ysowr3u aTeaLd E~281n09 Jo souy uowsstusuen ap wrogy rede ~ areapd st oomiou [eon aap aste39q “osty saSeueus yuowiou asudss1us ax yo onuo> ayy 19pun s{ SOU P9FED| ‘sion atp 30 sppemplneg axp yo Uonezqnn aap aous seouUas pareonsydos 210u! 19990 0) 198K UA 8 ‘ranoy flowiau areaud e Suwa jo ruouoq pappe uy sot, axp Bupeay Jo $02 axp spaaax. sors spo 01 SLED qpvoidde sip 20u94 pue seq sineuioN. n09 14943} Sqongau agudioqua yeqopte“pls0m 2 snepoy are sais aff 0 roman asdovu2 2 ineas oq sopwosd Yrowasu (eUOM saxon sus 24 posse SINHIER} I aneasaye ue se ayssoyut yo uonsodosd vuo1 1a 40 sorezado wu) asuidioqu ue 304 “HOMOU (AST) ve oj 20uayy 36udi91U 3p audios Stop ans ve padi wo se 2 “ie st 0 i uosiad © UIA uosnpouy T'S S)4OMyaU SHdAay 8 Enterprise networs More recently, higher bit rate versions of the older LAN types ~ ‘known as legacy LANs have become availabe, To obtain the higher nen 1 that are required with mulimedia applications, the central the earlier LANs have been upgraded to operate a rates, Alo, as we shall explain, the older hubs operate in a ‘duplex mode and support only a single frame transfer ata time. Hence ple calls tobe and Ethernet svitehing bl In terms ofthe link layer 8.3 a shared. 10Mbps bus and the CSMA/CD MAC the use ofthe bus in an equitable way: We shall explain the principe of ope this ype of MAG method first and then other se folloicg subsections. ¢sMA/cD Since ll the stations are atached directly to the same eable/bus, operate in x multiple access (MA) mode. To transmit a block of data the source station fret. ye data in a frame with the address ofthe every frame trans attached tothe bus. Hence as each ofthe other stations receives the frame, 8.3 Ewemevseeesees | ary first cheeks the frame i ree of ertors using the FCS and, the destination address ent the station simply contents are passed up to the LC sublayer for processing together addres of the source station ees two (or more) stations may attempt to bus atthe same time, Because of the broadeast present on the cable al frame. Then, ifthe transmitted and monitored signals are differ assumed to have occurred - collision detected (CD). As we show iene atthe sar of imum number of . in the fig Inv the figure tation A has determined ‘mined by the length “The maximum length of cabl the cable tothe other, given by Ty=Yu=25 x 10" /2x 10°= 12.5 microseconds st bit of the frame arriving at its is free and starts to ‘up Sugen arosado (ge suet dnjo qn dsp ogg wndo ne Bord . sutgot dno sq domp sepa Boqodo . Ge apes 20 9 Sans ‘rode pues numer e yp a1 eeo> (o.oup wu 0) SHIM sEEOT ae amureeur © ep 2qge> epxw09 (272UETP YoU gz) ‘peg auedoad on 51 woes B2seGOL A 4 sea ona 21p '44 2] © pu Oy, 22MIN guys porn 2q te> veup 2qqe> Jo sada 1uas2yN Jo suopsounyfuos Susy, sworyaayap woysio ase2-istom aa/VWSD T sep yo wooo vara = ‘oy ov st um syOPEG INN “PrEPUINS >HP aroun 'yz>4750 98es yp UF Y 2282 Ys Wo|s}O> puor op urnupeur ay pu poressua8 Sutoq (soun 1 Sayzma0o sup Jo Aayigeqosd aun ‘AweaE spuod2sq rar IGT = QOT x O1/8 x SIST ‘our paris wi cae orp se uot "potted 04s © canuo>g ‘uogsoo 219 SuRDa2p wo 'Y dq po12219p 24 gs, | Seoeaaquemna o spon spina 8% all Ef emcee eerie mors £3 eeemaneesio3 | 4 cle segment Upto fv ble segment —and hence fur epee Seed nis ay Hens the ium lng ose Be pel pel {hess 25m pra epee che ongin she ot es Ewan “Tae ditage of iie castrate ao andere nal Tooter ie ca sed tinea ‘leo anon aunt it ee maion tater exh geen 100m in length. Als offices, the maximum length of cable used for telephony to reach ea top from the wiring closet than 100m. Hence wn (UTP) cable ~ as used ~ has rapidly become beth thick and thin wire coax ions involve the cable passing neat to each in the wiring to it by means of twisted-pair drop cables, Normally, category three (Ca UIP cable is used as for telephony. Each cable contains four separate ‘Taeemulate the broadcast mode of working associated with CSMA/CI we show in Figure 8.2(b), the repeater electronics wi broadeasts out the signal received from each of the input pais other output pairs. Hence the signal output b byall the other statins and, as ares involves the MAC unit within each sat currently being received on is Hub configuration principles: (a) topology; (b) repeater ‘Frame format and operational parameters ‘The format ob franie-and the of peraona paraiso CSMA/CD net iown in Figufe 8.3, Mf mo ‘The preamble field is sent atthe head ofall receiving electronics in each MAC unit and efore the actual frame contents are are connected by repeaters in Section 85, bridge eee the caie of repeaters, the maximum length of cable between any two ~inchuding the 100m drop cables ~ must not exceed 1.5km. To achi coverage/distance, however, normally it ie necessary to use a central ul hich each twisted pair hub is connected by means of optical fiber cabl svi Jo soquinu resSoauy ue sureuo9 1 25 ‘par gog pamduro> 2p HOM UoUL snooty ‘paeuut st suey mp 4 possavosd pure pantoo1 aq 0 aurey Buse 247 s¢ now) Aejop euonppe ous e Igy “suey Sussed Sue of S12} “res20U IM OI 218 Aq paeqesdeou ay ate st ra uot (2) 9 ay ut pamseuruns st 2uanb wossdaoas pun se amoung ‘pappe st song Jo a>uenbas e “(271 9ume + 405 pastnbas soquinu tay saulq jo s2quiew a1 28 ae spppy SUPE SKA SHO “jog Svespaunmy paged akqow xp ‘prepures 9uso%p3 TeUsBHO tp TM, gay | ezoszaaiiunns 8 ford uoxp 5x dnoad 2 unseat 30 a spe dos v 20) "pur “an ul (es2sppe Tegord 101 ype dao: Diey SsuD toa enul azs oi wommresur NV see 19 ap 20 9F 230H19 24 U9 Pl peg sjaansadsou wOnENS Juonets woneunsop papusaa af spog yo a3epanu aH -srayourezed yeuonyezado (4) uayaereys ¢Z08TaaTNAMAN’ £8 NBL ‘yeutsoy owes (2) sazis o> yeni = 27 rr ‘pte? 8 Energie nedrorks @ » (Gi) receive, we 8.4 CSMA/CD MAC sublayer operation: 8.4 Tokenving | 485; 8.4 Token ring ‘Token ring networks are also used in technical and office environm in dition, in ind ie, during heavy load condi are frequent, the transmission ofa frame may be delayed and, in the ‘Although in an office environmen have different levels of impor- ‘The MAC method, higher priority before lower priority Control token Th a token ring LAN, ectional links inthe form of a frame ofthe sations take place aver it by circulating th its basic form, only one frame time, When the i header -retains a copy ofthe frame and indicates ting the response bits at the tall ofthe ‘A sation releases the token in one (speed) of the ring, Wi received. is released immediately after transmitting the ‘known as early (token) release and, as we thisis done to improve the level of suoqyeiado jo aout aon au Su} waHOL S fe Suu axp ques parepossy bin pure ‘uopaa1ap 20839 pue wones2ua3 goa “UON “eynsdenu aures se suog9Ung Yous susz0ps0d URNS Yee aonfiaqus Bury snout snunue> Seu 249 Jo. -sppurewas yp re qn prmous dea ssp up sovenua2U09 /qny an 30 dds anod 2ip woyy 5 — Suu 31 8104 pawpene #} pe ADA, ath osu ouay pure sfeaa dip atean 0} damod atp rewy dow (19s ue se Wag ures un se SEL, “(qOM.) HM Bueno> ons SE ANON qqe> uns st gnu] soe UH pareDosse ‘2509 tue sayy Jo sueaU A soto sx01ER “atu Aq puny 228 stoesnSiyuod 22 wen 403 900 “ponun poppe © fa (198 2401 Parsouwo> st uoneas ype weed a49es tp UO ‘Pee padoo| stated wise atp uo indhno wp Aue abu suoN Ny TIS IMP “hoo we> yan yp a 37 posedg arp sry SOUT panos 3yp o8 poioop a Peder none y Cres enpeansagrs Seige en le Setnceryont @- up ¢pareanse wom sr ange doap aqp 37508, [potpene are sone 2 [E WOH 0 — 24H ‘poreso pur soyeraaoq0> e se WAT Ose — Qn a ip uy ‘ans ue om sy (e)grg anSly UL UAOYS s| LOMoN But: uO v suoyyoan3yfuoa Busia, pea prec gn EE sovoauasudiea 8 1a | op une, ab cnenot Mien sin Thnk cole SIP or ep bee 5. Token ring wiring configurations: (a) single hubs (b) station coupling u ‘Ne hubs/concentrators. 2.4 Tolan ring | 489 Bach active ring phase lock th ‘explained in in each ri received. In addition, the ing has a minimum | at the ring data trans around the ring. The ring rough the ring transmission medi through each MAC u ind the ring when tations are simply in the repeat mode), the Inteney time of at least the number of bi tha the token is not corrupted, ‘The token is 24 bits Jong, so when 2 MAG unit provides a fixed 24bitbutfe, wi ichester encoded by the the ring frequency and ‘ons requi ted a5 the latency eases. To maine buffer with a e> Jo puD PU A id ogsspuswsy 4d f sed on 2 doo 108 ' put par Bu 21 en a) 8 pppoe 232120 fe sumupau IGE? 218 00 fo) sq patdoo.aureayoup pe (¥) jo do apeu! 5 (Sp) suanbos pay awef LL Buoy uimunced fed “uayor jonuo> ayy Sur sneueas 21 4 ertussap pss pu sews auess oom BUH HOY ce sanbia gular 20 pie ares = -eupop pur ones 4100 fun A Ayo paasdsonu ane 9 (0 uct = uc ps ane aun fq past ‘ueay Aveugpz te pue woyor © w9aN829q, 1 (ow) jonues xg sain aE1p tH ip ave qq pue-1 249 Pog ‘aya Tor | sus ve id Tks | the priority ofthe token bbe transmitted the AC field to token to a start ‘ops repeating the incoming signal sequence with the preformatted frame contents, While the frame contents are being wansmied, -omputed and subsequently appended after the frame contents, before transi In addition to repeating the incoming signal/bitsteam, the MAC uni cach active station on the ring detects the start of each frame by recognizing the special startofframe bit sequence. It chen determines whether the frame iy be repeated or copied. Ifthe F copied and the C-its are Token ring MAC sublayer operatio () receive, (a) transmit; hyde 20s J 0 = XS Ou H2EYS PUE UOIYELOURB UayOL 6°9 BANS -—#_t—_ css es 5 p95 § inp onary 15 PAS OW "so aHsns besa ssa, lo-aze gen, i 3 asnaempaeoa oa, @ oye eas sso Ho ssaanene sol wsaugnsna ory uye= aor, fem, ea/anay= aoe = apve = 4a sway aon parr nen, ip 2uyuexo vuayor Ks949 suirep atu OVW ‘e ueuy soya pens] 288 &OsTY be Aauot » nye ‘But ax wo tod ud apyuos Sus 30 daqugysuodsou (a) Auoud ays Bus “xg uo porpen a aun wey Jo dae ye ‘use 0) Kpeot sure ou 218 2191p Ua [19] Ai 21p JoMo] 01 uonts Bune oy soutor2q EH aq) #114 fe ‘panes aze sanpea asou 3g UIE ene ve ou amp pus as Pe UO Supp ug pu ayo wreasB oun = wpue sd 4 (0 ng OY ayy Ha pour Aq pouusaiap =r a YM 4 HOE ie uoypssdo GuoMd yon aout 8 Raptor 8 Enterprise etwas imple 8.1 value in the Rbits of the AC to determine if the service priori if the value contained in the R-bits( greater than Sr. The ne Sx and the sation continues ifthe value contained ily on the top of sta es are then empy, ‘These two operaior (2) P=Sr and R= Re (unchanged) ring service pi role a a stacking station. the Rrbits is less than or equal to Sr. Both values ef ‘summarized in Figure 8 9(b). Ring management ‘We have been prima tokens ‘operational ring, the st To ensure tha ots necewary foreach correct operation and, funct ‘ ning ring A ist of the various MAC 85 Bridges | S02 {e) tnd sation End station ‘develop and so the ov the whole, modest. 8.5 Bridges There are two types of bridge, known as transparent bridges, an ‘ridges. Before received from a segment are buffered are repeated (forwarded). Moreover, are addressed to slations on a different segment from the were received-are forwarded. Consequc ~ tions connected the network. A bridge thus ope four reference mode! higher. ln most cass, the server and the set of dskless nod attached to the same LAN segmtent. Hence there is no necessity for frames associated with such fF 8%.2.Transparent bridges fon which they are genes 7 With a vansparent to, routing decisions are imeaconnecting LAN sepments However ven bg ae wed al amd : sutra ranpaent bridge somadealy ian and contgures felt ‘ -aydurexa woneaudde (9) ‘samyaayyoie (e) qewayss afipug yuavedsuen, 219 aunbig PP Pf 8 Pe 8 (@) 5 | 600 8 sofpug wosedsuen yim uaigord y Buys) ape fod pose2one 2x open Mary a 2umy panna ypeo u zppe doeupsep amp cwonezado dnOO4 vonut Wospap Sunn feuilOU aq, 2seqerep Buypresso} mp Ul use a4) ‘PaNBDa! ‘aseqeiep Saqpaensos e surtuTeu 289 ¥ (Buraayyf) Buspspmiof ounsy jpasn Surpq joooroud 28pr4q mynopsed a4) i atp Jo wou au To>d10%d 0 dussapord pu sors patuzes s areayos fiqud jorovoud aug axp pue azenyos weauraSeueu traonaog suovuiod Axowsou jo Sussed 24 yores 24 Wom, " au Ae $9UNE3 240 30 ON I pure pagooas mp ‘pure ourey nou © 405 128d aoadiyo ve tp 324399 POUBISE 2Hp Om bey aug uagas SOM 5 J0 PED UO P>s Boon sueau yori apow snonosruod a9 ‘us onan ~ 9us210 >in snes pawebose kd jd pr224u09 Jo Z2quiTe sey afpiag o1seg y 0d om 98p1y & 04 parvaUIU09 pur (aye amily ur waoys s pg oq sey 1 soye Ae ayuvadp © ur (wonemoyey Sumner onan sions @.sSeU9 alle te duadvantage ita he les bave to be changed whenever in mest ged LANs the coment of efor da Setup but rather are dynamically creat c fe. This accomplished ws during normal operaton of the bridge. ing maton oa leary proces and » log with ther bigs (ed LAN. An overview of the learning proces this procedure is way all bridges their forwarding databases. "This procedure works satisfactorily as long a stat migrate around the network (change the (overall LAN topology isa simple tree str paths (routes) beoween any svo segments) vapid fleet rach We nthe predefined tener te ide frame is received from 25 ors | 50g total bridged LAN hha a simple ‘This means that there is only 3 ‘may not always be k wo segments, for example, AN is Jetreen tw segments cannot exist with the bas algorithm we have cuted since the flooding operation during d phase would cause entries in the forwa ‘overuriten. We cap see this by considering, in Figure 8.13, Clearly the learning phase, then bridges B1 and B2 ‘forwarding database ~ station 10/por ‘omta segment 2. Bach of these fi bridge, and an er in turn be received by the other be made of station 10/port 8 and a copy o each of these pdated. The tries for each port ‘multiple paths beoveen stations, wwe need an additional al ‘ames between any two segments. As we «Fite 8.13. Effect of dual paths on learning algorithm, Soyoden nau © ysqes391 0 pug e yo wa 2ep ut sso Afojodon anne 2xp wuzguo> ot (own omy amp Aq pauyNAp) seas0.01 ryafo! re paweadox uoin s} ainpaoosd sry, 200 Suruueds © avers Buoyoorg at 0136 are sxoqno ax quo 28919 yiod poreuslsop 19.03 30 Sep ya 999 ose pug uojpap tof e axeur or saliptaq (ax0w J0) om 249 mot (Giow 10) 098 a1p usoe92q sds onEMByuoD axp uauios 249 0 prs2utoo sod yoosuou atp uavmiag snips] 0d pareup pareullsap © aui020q 0 2anpo2o.d woneniqre tp uy sed qe 100 ‘uous © qs pasn aq 01 40d apg pareulisop amp ret wauizos e or parzouuo> mod aBlpuq asa Jf "Vonexaplsu0d Japun vuout ‘Sos 2x9 eros} 38p1q 100% arp 30 ped seo] ayp Uo parEG s| oNDapBs NT ‘Bpiag pareuSisap 2x1 fe unio ss, uous YEE ws} SUE] pres} tuo Bup22j25 fa 240 gum 200 249 ‘DaRI aus 21H ane Od OM ‘xp ey ep od axp pu (OanH) 1800 ped Yoo Dip 58 UNOL, pe yatm pareposse oo tped axp pout Shap aneq qs so8puq saxpo aye ‘paysiges> Suxoq aBpusq roo! agus w 0 ‘vomppe ut sng, ‘pamndiuo> s| yoox axp on 3>eq saH}puq Yoyo axp Te 0 Hod peo thy pareorse o> ped at ‘aun ates ath ve “PUR oMsoH 2x30 998 1001 tp wo Kee p mnguoo aep het ayn pareposse o> pe 2tp Supp Aa spanooud of ea nage one 3p GO POA ee -gurex] pasja2oa 2) Pse> wpm st ie wo eet nanan yas 2p) ao : rd at 10 a3 Poin feeds ca auusaiop 0 men pas 8p > yrssuen sem 1a 240 PD ‘qa 2tp Bunsen 28192 any) 1001 940 yo ragausp! a A 10> ada woresnSju0> WER yu uu sej9Ru We (110 PIATLOD fe wo gad woresntyu09 © 0 UOIS oq re pu v a8 -Surprpuy spay yo sou Br woos a Jo 109 pareuBap am MOU xg ‘21889 1 s2U8 9 os 9 318 AP xd ey 9 3809 Se ee fraueds pf oso Aree = 4 Mang Jagny onan panes op © ap ood pag ve uno“ G>BESIU fs Sucre genta spon ype -aeunse aon Bae uynaalo 28 Buguuods _qpuogesodo Aquozsno asomp wosy #98719 3028 © runs sy eaupsoe ax 21SUIEXO nnpas Hu Feige ana wSnorne wp 200X tpode 298 Sorel 2X0 7 “Surumeds ajfuts & se saaeyaq ABojodo aapre od “ers nL 8:5 Bridses | 509 fo) Seppe Si Som a Signe ‘panuguog pte aunbia 0g 3 fa pe a BT W608 APR aR Boro meng 9 4a ey eRe Se CQ) sa6pig Gunnos asunos. z'S"8 nis | soa 6 SSS 85 erdaes | “sis hapter @ Enterprise networks tion before any frames are transmitted. 1e frame and is used by each ple network are shown in Fi ‘On receipt ofeach frame, a bridge needs only to search the ro ion (bridge). Routing algorithm ‘The modified frame format is thus as shown juting information fil : jons are on the same segment ~ the Figure 8.16 Token ring frame form: Information field; (b) structure of routi Since the number of segments (and bridges) traversed by a frame when soing from a source toa destination may the number of route de the rest of the routing route designator elds, The routing control and routing field information field. Each route designator comprises a pair of segment and ; bridge identifi igorthm. The frame type y ‘The two additior nue routing bridges can be used for the interconnection of die shina the caghe types of LAN segments in addition to token rings. Sin faite. ‘To find a route, a station ‘maximum frame size ascociated with each segment type, the maximum, broadcast frame witha zero Foating Stefi deyermines the largest to the known largest valve for th ing tree ‘ridges operate in the promischous mode and hence frames at each of ther ports. On receipt ofa a bridge simply broadcasts copy ofthe fr nected to its exher ports, Since this procedur inthe LAN, a copy of the frame propagates throug hus received by the irrespective ofthe segment on whichit is atached > isp siBas igen oyna tg aaia eared epee ICM RIT 30 sted unos se ASojodon singe ou (P) “amos fe xe aeae1 pe 29.20) Sod paieul\sap >a) pg pee soy 30d 3098 3 NIV paws pou Joy sourtay woneMHIO;UN 1 pareduno> yep 8 sourey Supuy 204 Jo saqui 2qa Feo} Somes sp Jo Ato benno au Sup wom pai se ue} a0 3 a8 fe yudsaid Apeasje axe Stuod SujoRino pur ubey ay) mR 01a ‘uate rod 19410 jo ype? te quauoduios Gupyiontau Tad 6T"8 HNO so oanoe sat 248 2810 TOG rojo sz Buxydnoo yeads asm a nr 'sva por sys 2 1q pu paSuetp axp uonard in yo pua y>e2) fap portieyod yim au09 fenp s} a]qe> 29g 21809 euro ap ur yeep se ates 3 geo © ur suo a > sapwoud Ay nowy wontons se 0 V3 Mapas poe (os ae ee tgono ay ut dewneg & se Ajaand 40 ee6 romp pasn 99 we> Sunt Ax yas 21 rps 3uequa O2 gure 305 yop 2998 tH odds osye wea Buu ‘agou we ‘Greurop aunyre ot, ‘pasfedsu pu paredo] 192g sey UE ia papuodsns uaaq sey jond.01d Sutssed-194¢ ‘aojut ot pasn are aso 0 ‘oye exep TeuOU OF 2U0gyPe Suara S087 fuooas ay pam covoiosd =u, Pq ean q m1 on da padojasap sem psepuess NYT Idd Nt Frey sau aus pe UO ea yh 2H0qyPER a4 10 or au ued Bu IITTEL rydesBoa8 spy squxo0t 2m NORE D: soggy jo ated a8 © dquo wo 2 ‘aopvesd span asu01ON3 ars | 1003 98 i er TE ster Enterprise nebvorks 2s root | ser J posible atachiment points asso mata particular point, the ring is type of conned shown in Figure 8:2. ant, here isa single active ring mo eae iq papoou wean fdns ‘sfuagp s9qi0 Buoue wea | yo vomwvenaus oi | cual @s | 100s v8 aa Cae field contains one or two contro DDL. The end delimiter (ED) field cs €or oo contol symbol Rand. the physical yields a data rate of 26 Foor | 525 Dut, allowing for addi rounded v per ring interface, register transfer delays, this is normally ion and reception shown in Figure 8.24, basic token ring, the source station removes a determine ifits own address frame fragments ~ comprising SD, FC, and DA fields cir ting. This means that a station, on receipt of the token, stars to transmit a ‘waiting frame and concurrently receives and discards any frame fragmen ‘hat may be cieulating around the ring sd on a timed token rotation protoco! th parameter known as the target token rotation time For each rotation of the token, each station computes the time that has expired since it last received the token. This is knowm as the token rotation time (TRT) and includes the time taken by a sation to transmit any waiting frames plus the time tiken by all other stations in the ring to transmit any waiting frames f ightly short but, as the loading ofthe ring increases, so the ‘TRT measured by each the total ring loading. The timed tok -ayduexe worssqusuen tga ¥ ‘wayor ey ese pore 6 Buy 2009 0504 syomau ssuaiews @ che 8 Ente brs “en Seton Seton? ‘Seton Seton veto | ar ower | Tet T 19h ° aster 1 aheh 2 77 aehet hy a [ho ° Wh aeheh aieh ry a ° unin ° TR =telan ten to nT war ewe “TT = tage tn tion ine nied ons aon ‘igure 8.25, FODI timed token rotation protocol example. * Performance Sutnable rough a Albu he ona Urughpt ofan HDD ing 100 bs of the ing latency and aces contol mechan, the maximum o than this, Maximum obtained throughput (an ere are always frames waiting tobe sent on receipt of tf Example 85. In this, on = ‘of frames up to the poi 86 Foot | 529 token. All the other stations in the ring frames during this rotation ofthe to station in the ring on the fo mission burst of frames occurs ‘As we can deduce from this, the transmission time lost during successive rotations of the token is ms ‘wo parts the time lott while the set or frames transmitted by th jon rotate around the ring ~ the ring latency and the time take ioken to be passed to the next station on the ring. We can express the maximum wtlizaton ofthe nominal ring capac ity, Up 35 Folow: blocked from transmitting any until the token is passed 1 ing rotation thatthe second trans, ae TrRT 7, me” (CIRT= 7) ++ T+) 0)" TRE) +a HT were TTRT isthe target token rotation time, 7; isthe ring latency, 7, isthe time to transmit the token, and nis the numberof stations in the ring. In practice, the TTRT ry muuch greater than T, Hence the maximum uulization can be approximated to: y= ROTA) vey, ERT =T, a acre, APPTONmatey, We can conclude that, to achieve a high level of ring: select a TIRT which i significantly greater than the tot addition, the selected TTRT must allow atleast one frame aye defined asthe tie delay Between the arial ofa erie ofthe souses stan adits delivery bythe Hing Inleriac atthe destinadon satin, Thus acces dl ncades any Ge spre queue atthe sce unl sable throughput ofthe ring, otherwise the interface ‘queves continuously build up and the acess delay gets progresively larger, Providing th offered load isles than the maximum obtainable through. ut, the maximum (worst case) access delay can also be deduced from Example 8.5, Recall that ye their ring interface queues such that they will each {quota for each rotation of the token. Assuming that. i it frames, the mon the ring ~ 1 es | suv paedeusit 3 24 SNVT Jo woneoydde ou Tree sua uy uo SNW1 paads-yiy 28 va Gh nou 094 30 FA Be oq ue tL Wares! a enbo ALL reo 3q ue Buus Jada we Jo md Bonn qeurago we 20 caren sy jap sore canusceu 2X) ALE Saks ion Bus smnoqued 305 poy st ouan] Huy 2) US uojoq se uqueau oases 907 248 yo ayn pue wayor aygesn & an10991 07 2 op ssgone umnuupzeus 2tp and fon Buys axp punoxe pon iohsneed ans | 533 Hb ce dard, the bitrate (00 Mbps over existing UTP cable. Hen Corer ‘standard isalso known as 100BaseT. ‘olson detect Line code “The major technolgial hurdle to overcome with Fst Ethernet wash achieve bitrate of 100 Mbps over 100m of UTP cable, Category 8 UTP rr as used for jelephony, aad the most widely installed ~ contains four ‘nised pat wire. To reduce the Bitrate wed on each pai al fou ted to achicre the required bitrate of 100MBps in each direction. "With the CSMA/CD access centrol method, inthe absence of conte Solortib Sen ile its ransmiting on th thon mus alo be performed the sametwo pars are used fr sPep oo papi is opi o function. The remaining two pars are operated in a bidirectional mod etude shown in Figure 826), - "The figure shows that data ransfrsin each direction uxlze three : fd 4 for wansmissions between a staon and the heb and : * for ansmissions between the hub and a sation. Trans U Line idle ‘be 100/3~ 38.38Mbps. . sme Le Ife use Manchester encoding bitrate of 8.59 Mbp requires a i. = 25 ps Inno bs) ero) aestiod 100 Base T: (0) ube of wi a ee ‘a ie pein ‘Since omly 256 codewords are required to represent the : 4 cornpleeset of 8bit byte combinations the codes wed are elect — Fale DC balance an secon, ensure al odevords hae er 3 4 __ Signal watsions within them. This is done so thatthe reefer DPLL mai ins dock synchronizati an wilh i well within the set iit. . c tion, we choose only those codewords with a com= fined wei 20) code eee = codes meet this condition, To st F second conditon, we eliminate those codes wt ‘the mean line signa ls zero. This maximizes : F five codes and dito those st eee tarting or ending with four consecutive zeros ~six odes. This leaves the required 256 codewords, the first 128 of which are the three signal levels since these are then alway relative toc inherent ret sent Tseshp Table 82. 1 qs eneyp ee (E)8S'S wen qnu-vopeis aux Oy ‘uon2919p 40} soa yo se ypeo uo deep woneBedord ty stonetses eu soy suo su sounote ao oaum zy ewan 2se29 nous se >a fas isp we> #949994 1p SUEDU TLL 1B 40.1 fn sou 30030 om 22s AE $9P09 SOA OM uaa pure Pu042poo so pu a Te a9piN0> sf WORDUNY Si jah wnpoyo 2x se posses aed veg vo sigs eh J es Bue “ana oy soupaqg fq pouusnop sty aed uo ponsussuen PxoNApOD Tred wo s (FOS) #944 OT Io} a 30 | aK sHRE aH HN va amg uy unon 5! sur aun jo add naan w sto} Aannagp paras poo ay, sured sa) 20 “yuuea s9po> (SO) Hans 3o-pU9 1HD:R] Om JO 289 -auey Sq QHD sno atp HF FE Sy L420 o a24ne sheage 1 Stn ep 7 Ur umiBerp wonisuen ayes 21p woyy 2onpop E> 2M “OAD 34 01 Bupppaqp 40129 sowpary saqeus pardope 2unpa20xd poppe HU, aouanbas susp fo-pu sa et stp syehprepouty pastaposd aq we aurea] 2XN CAT "iota Uo pasjanas sfoquus so 2ouanbs Tur unos aouanbor ayy ut sated 28 nig papootia ype> or Smpods91s02 ‘sspoud Suiposop 2¢p Sun es a) UMN a pap areysdosdde 219 uo pon sjoquus Lew 9 cenuze ana 24g sPs02po: ne aun pue p> Sen WV 70 (oot (els ueaure pai ‘uo os pue «+ +— ao g'== + +40 24 pan soe eg promapos ain Susudusoo Suns ta sjoqusdsa¢p 1095 9q 1 sworn ssowzopeuen jo 2ouasaid a4, 2 resopuen get $8 UAOIY pds ewe 24008 [1 99901 1ySian Jo Y>e> spu0H ‘pionapo> amp 1H 0 souoq0q 90 65 | sw pmcuom co yas promapoo aga Jo spu0nape> @ZT WH ZB syomeu suing @ 510 oR per: Enerpse networks 7 Highspeed LaNs | 537 EOS elton conte Tosti slo fo cn a Bet ays YOUMS foUIBUA 3SE4_62"8 24 xaeeea00L i ose00L WH PS soo agp 0d 20d pau put qnu pur oqiy oma S2euiduso> 2(Q89 ULL ea ssoounoyeyfeas9s 0d omaugns auoot>eg © Se At poy sisoHs TAC & pu ~ pow xdnpste ¥ ut ~ anna sdap oT ap sue or pose axe mou 30 a Buss 24," smoap ano Bunion pnp oor a snano¥E Ga ‘iyuaaanouon ssufloud ut oqo syste “qn tg 0 (4oRen) sau a Bun2uU0> {a panuay 5 zauos tp St suORES sno ax Aq poououodxo indus sen ajdaynar ypu YOUsAYTA Se PRUDIMS ZLB a harer © Enterprise networks the fourth pair is used to perform the carrier sense and collision det CSMA/OD is not used and i ‘symbol during PLL can maintain clock synchronism between sucel pointer to ‘required output queue to avait transmission, Tn order to retain the same connectionless mode of operation ofthe o LAN types, when the svitch is frst brought into service ~ and subsequent periodic intervals the conol processor enters lea to that used in transparent bridges which we described in Section 85.1. Hei ‘when jn the learning ste, the switch the onward cof copy ofeach frame ceceived from an input ine onto to doing this, however che control procestor reads the source head of the frame ar keeps a record of this, together with the input rnumberon which the frame was received, in 2 routing table. The conten eck for the presence frame being forwarded and corrupted frames are discarded. Flow control 7 Hishspeed Lane | "543 On receipt of ides 2 Fast Ethernet shown in Figure 8.30, As we can see, in order to obtain a fF whroughy by means of duplex 1 nce the duplex uplink por connecting ech bb as bidgingeruiry within tne hab to tempory Ble al ese snd to perform the CSMA/CD MAC protocol assoc: ‘medium hub ports. ‘Soins RH 10/100¥(CSM/CD Ha pes les etwork configuration with a Fast Ethernet svitch and 10/100BaseT 908 snoysaud 919 Ut Paq¥orap ave ox cys ainfig ur a auf, “3998 208 FEAT 211 Jo js (0001014 STOUR 28 Lg os) ee hy W 31D 8 S248 ANP 217 akon pour aits9p91 no Jo wKa1U09 ‘pomow OVI 1UDd9IRp ep nea] ave aM Sy sjosojo1d NYT 8°8. STO tutor 01 dn 30 ~ (X$2F290001) Buoy. 2yqe> doap nuod ‘ord jo mnvay ‘Suneadas “Bu ‘onpap we> 24 sy “06°83! yd 03 poem Fe 252 res ova Aue. aanaog fejap dis-pun ns wes 2H, yd) sayndoosadn 1g sowodaa opus © 01019 94 gS L208 ur 01 paonponuy wa9q axed AU, asa nei ca pavePorse s9(qe9 Coup yauayya waesig £18 yom apdiug 22808 chapter @ Enterprise networks 8.8.1 Physical layer To cater forthe different cal layer has been divide (PMD) sublayer and th he use of diferent media been defined for use between of the convergence subl the convergence and PMD su hen to make these of different media‘ 025) and ok sett ag ternt pes of Ethernet a gure 832 - s tes in exces of 10MDps a Manchester ~ bees F882 nt weld il the raze sed and resulting hig a wandard set of tise over UTP cable. Instead, igure 8.59, onus so the block of data ig the data tobe wanterred= that the LLG Secee nee ‘example, when a prioritized MAC etal ofthe autciated MA UNFDATA request pense cswaco Medoindopedert MAC sb a ines 8.8.3 LLC sublayer "The LLC protocol is based Figure 8.32 Fast Ethernet media-independent interface. peo ave somsosppe woneunsap pue aamnos ayy. “(ACAN) wun erep ‘St Jone 2tL, “Gum wep 24458) REP J3EN 9H PLE Tuoneunssp pie (qr20}) saun0s 2tp yo uoneampeds e axe dd soy 1960 uo jakowogy uosoud 51 "30e 2A Tua 2 COM, aketgns QW 947 £4 p2pwosd HIN poeazs yey yoaoyoud 36 Yio fu own wr pos wal A Peyveunsww ‘aryl ta purview empower vivauNe ww m aoe mn oe j : pangaa asueious 9 Ade 8.8.4 8.9 89 Molise LAN nteconecton technologies | 549 he preamble and SFD fields, the DA and SA field ficld, and the computed FCS field. The complete frame is then tr serially onto the cable mediu a then passed up to the layer/subs ch the appropriate address parameters, Network layer ‘The most popular protocol ste itis common for all the ted toa using this stack. The network layer protocol asoc ionless protocol known as the internet pac in LANs is Novell NetWare. Hence Multisite LAN interconnection technologies As we sain the introduction to; yo adf sup 1201 oF “22 Uo0N29g ut pautetdxs am sy snuauosInbos wnPAS ‘ava aussziutatp ot 0} pasinbax oe sjousey> sday 79 adn ‘ajqedao7e Mayo s| qpeosdde aures ayy wphnorpe‘sosudau9 p: tuo [puuetp © (UMoP aFop> ue) da Yas o1 st oHIN|Os om ‘Nast porord gt 2tp jo woneiado 130 wos fe voRENe yore sogMUspE IGM rato ayy une (NWT 22oMDU aN ype: djanbyun Tauapr 3u0ni3u © soeidto> ssauppe sona2u y>eo "9129 Sih ssnostp am aye sdeyp yxou amp ur uodn puedx> “aumyaayyoie rowyau asuduaqua ajdumexg 9¢"8 sana ow ya Bp aes) fons axis = NO oc 40 srasppe omen (apimostd ‘aquoes ‘no pauses 2q yuo fax se sos0d 34019 Ua ae ze Ugoaioq uonaauuen wuasedsuen Burpta Te ue 96°g 2undiy ul MOys 26 FY sa rp sayy aay suonDuny 13 xp wusojod “oxonoy‘s20p xf 90m Buruueds axnoe ayp Jo UOREALIAP 248 4 sign tou s90p aus atp we a¥PHG OWE AN PUE NL ys 8 uo rap an tutpuiode aan Suruueds ayy ‘tfeutzon, pug wodp om > og s azo 124oMoN ‘Pash U0 fax snoues “poured nf "g wonDag ty Kes Due UE (6) jauexo ont 2q]2899 UR 2A S12INOI XAT/Al 298 tf pu $119 aI0Urat UO Poreg 1d atp Jo woreado 2xp 29125 1 ‘om pus 3th oneaydde axp yo onto} wshiyd 2 asain revormppe atp s9puosd rexp Kea NWT 2th Sundauuo> ut dx sponge sada @ por 8, Enterprise networks fither 25 of 30 dependi nels as a single high service to that provided by sitched p x 64, inves ‘enable the user terminal equipment to set gated bandwidth ava ie learing channels dynamic ~ emote bridges then the aggregate bat data trafic Being exchanged at any poin has now Been defined in ITU-T recommendation H.221, which ‘with the operation ofthis type of equipment igure 8.37 Inverse:multiple (-) bonding protocol. > eisoral etorion nae Matis LAW ieterconectio = -arqemiayas uomyau Kejas-aued) 21d BES so yp 2404 J sopeay suey pues pup 01 es Sayers Pov pees eee o 4 * ete ee ee SE soy amon fp : Seance -ofemear 32) Be a a A cis . ce sewsnnere ; anb 3 Jo 2 310 FOND &) : eee ones re patna eae oy ‘dn pring or resoduray auz029q a Boing Re nt cmd eee ee oeaar ad a Cade ober aoe peehantete iedgrmeennasine te eo Se oregubeenteredeeeoned Se ee Te tana tenure ecg fu gel Pan eimce ne : I “sass0nen otbedg © se sauerp auojas9Tp PUR Yu OMIT sopword aoy.s95 ox SuLI0}U | mn poe A ee gut unogy soma des se 9rd chen pe aa hence ee ee leet Se ime se ed peti me Sari fojas awery “€°6°8 1665 | serous uopoemonay NYT aISRIHL 62 Spoon sudiews BRE my nt Ks 189 Multste LAN interconnection technologies | 557 Chapter 8 Enterprise etwor frame relay service, error recovery is cenduser stations. The cost of the se frames transferred, : sed on the actual number of 8.9.4 High bit rate leased lines er of channels required between sites. The ltiplexing and is parsieutarly bridge, icwrites the apps Peg the ame tof lal FRA. The tle ofthe FRA is then wo rey each reassigned entries in its ted channels. k management station for figure have network man Tas a a3 a2 36 sages include configuration inform: bandwidth allocations, and so on ~ 39 Frame relay principles: (a) frame format; (b) frame routing; (c) frame relay ae : vay, should a fault develop or are say aep jo s0ussG 2209 9 sero ator Bia Age 4 sofopupa wpawso|n Ny 95H3 sepa 1 some svg acs " up 305 expan net poral ) sun ob teen nw U__—_——__ yomyon oads009 tye ams ‘uy uani@ a sordeyp sign ty passnostp soidor snoren agp Jo Asewsuuns y ors oie a yong susan € rousuns IF Giaiers emecprisenetwors Exercises sat meaning ofthe teem “en ‘Deserbe the factors hat deter Athen such networks are created Juin the meaning of the following fe CSMA/CD medium access Wit the ad of Fire 8.1, explain the mean (CSMA/GD MAC method and exp! exponential proces is sed. plain the origin fhe Senow wed fr Ether ‘Two UTP hubs to which wser stations are fconmecied to 2 third hub by Cable ion fo, galn acces to 8 The clock encoding method used and ning/ se of Droadeaa frame, ‘Singa token. Inlade in Your eX reused by ree the when. the aid of Figure 6.1 {810 With the aid of the to witing x the entries ass ig shown in Fi se of te following topology shown in the learning process 824 “i se Exevebe ould not work. Hence state how the to Ered tobe changed. me nel wat Panel wiring concenta ted duplen 08, a plex connectors 426 imerface sch hematic shown the meaning/we of 8:14. Assume the same operat in Bsample 81. Alera period mon weds “969 20S Ut yon Oe ep JO PE AN GAN, TPE -sampanoad aonequosypules pe vom ve 202 9) IES 58 a oy unos sereiEp 349 J0 BE MN UMA OFS a ‘spi no exowel oypenaro sod ROOTS AE romajoues aa Fo poure 2m suopReyUNUswO? SILT =n a armdho “9¢'g 20 Ur UOYs {HOI Fisiuo we jo wesSep 230 prea IM 6S 6g uon2as suf ut ung saree 240 Jo aE 20 pes adh pur o¥0 a0 Sum Sane ‘ayss pur avsd 9 posnbou says Su uerea ga As wee os “Le BLE “toa au An 96 98 "souoN0> no pou a " ‘ao /¥ISO ty povepoeesuoNDUN} HoRD.| ‘aa sqononod stern Mpomouses oso. 3070 EOE HIN, UB gre uonoas eoydap 05 porn 29 0 Pra aena om i OT D pardn09 aur © 31 n0 pore sug a 20 pur wey) WIND © Jo 2m OM ER anes) maa Prong nee 4p toune Sa pe DULL > ur 2g 2 opened sw opr rd o suo oy yoeo 1 wo} euro « Jn io rio op a fa Sugai 203 Jap ogra nok suondumere Ae AEP 3 20 pp soot ee) ep per Ged ee sao se ve gge amy wy amos ogdorxo 97 P Seo oa nu to oy ni ot ralNDs BOM 18 JO PON UM Fe Sn psge a oy we e Internet Introduction Invodveton | 565 e/a dag pe rome ® eles, any end system (host) that communicates directly over the ver in Figure 5.1] for example ~ does so using the Jimertaninect LAN segmet orm the network interconnection funct = sinigue Internetwide address assigned t “sqonoyoud yountpe a 2°6 2nd sopeaq ped om rpoyoud sae wodsten 1994 248 jo ag oy 1 DEE soe cruga) gm woysoRUsUEN MES 21 asd sioyped 2up jo 228 20 IT ovoid s9%e wodsuen soad nunsojut Jo 79010 2 go sao¥sa $52908 HORT woped am nou /sqz0¥9U 2900 Boson sarge tomy ofa Smnos © de Se ‘uoyaa ‘uomeuszoye A cwoponmy aa4o4 249 RAVE yo ame atn un ‘pur (pEOM EO: joronoud womynfosas SSOAPPE ALL, are (aay) ay o8aser mp pe _swoog set fonor0sd y2e2 0 201 oyoad unl Shapter 9 The Iterset 9.2 1 eatagrams 22292425262728 293031 92 route packets across the gl “The Internet control message protocol (HEMP) is used by the or gateway to exchange error and other contol messages with the IP another host or gateway coup management protocol (IGMP) is used with ie enable a host to send a copy ofa datagram to the othed part ofthe same multicast group. {In this chapter we explain the operation ofthe different parts of the IP ‘protocols in some detail. Also, rk in more detail as tis influences the ov wwe describe the main f ‘with version 4. We until Chapter 12 when we desc IP datagrams indicated in the introduc is wansferred in the payload 9.2 taram. Th format of which are shown in Figure 93. "The varsion field contains the ver (PIE) field specifies the ace swords. The minimus length (withot eve are in multiples of 32 bits \d is 4 bits, the maximum perm si Tao i land cee mnan datagram ne ear _— (smaller) packets, then the val aa ino th orig prend pcre niin i 1, £20} received packet fragment to the corgi os she rig dt (ql aunty uayi8 are sopeay wwesdinep yoe> ur somporoad diquiaseos “aa gue Hus vaqo1 ype wr rep ages Seep y>ea 0 s9pEOq DIA 20UIS Ajquiasseas pue uoyyequawfesy €°6 noyped an potsnoad aun ayy prom on ped uA pono Or ‘oops ponaidioa so pando dures Suu ope Sp one Need some io nuspoerd ype na neon pe sBeooq oe 2h oth 1 mol eens Bx dg syed af A pow} ered an uo somos /Aenayed oes tye pea use am #aI9PE opeapp passe am ue xpath oe sgayped wankonys 30 somos a eos yom 3g Haw APPT TO. gr somoen ce on pedo seed 9) an pa apamst pus Papo ara “tag | Aquoseeas pie uopeuausess £6 jud dyads 0 porn 2q ue sp Bugpan manos 00] ‘soeto2ppE ads 24 eur YoUIRTU fed uy sza1005 POU oynos hen 304 © non panbyos 2q 01 arn03/ed . quaqpne pur peotied sin wddoap 0 oR Priio> un Pr ‘dno saen pospads Joc ao oydusexs 20 pada aq feu peogted 3x9 utor Biene Kaz on sureatinep pos Tjoanpadsas wo uorEuussp DUE pe ay apandunaiuy ain 37 spe waroURSP PEE HIPPO ANOS ‘une waurduso> ST 9¢p 50 yeouiajdin09 2tp uaIp sf wNEYDSHP OM uauraydo> st ue 3980 rapsop 198130201 paino: fi “opean a ov snl 29204 UL 1 ‘gNOL ap se yon fodorexd jy Ur pomong a8 SY "HED 4 1m peorked amp tow 200 fy pons es xp “xep9t9“UO82) pred atop 0} samme: 4q sed pom 8 Perro duunp mauiey eyped Rupes ‘euap 40 907 ae tunout pop © 270 wal 206 troq ue oped 'y saynos 4q pourarexs ‘anmnos'e Aq 988 op 2th #8 WOU 518 ML, ooops ont anus yong oy se uno ae Hq 2000 XO SEL, awa a, 6609 94 Waddreses | 573 | enapter 9 The Internet Sou he ) red over the global internecvork unchanged and, on reaching the way attached to the Ethernet LAN, the smaller maximum (of 1480 bytes m must be further fragment we show in Figure 9.4(c), be fragmented into three smaller packets of 1480 bytes and a far- = 1016 bytes, and the second cach ofthe six packet block of informacion and delivers tl Aswe explained, the imetoii! Jooping around the ble inconsstenc is not received within a defined maximum time Timit, the the complete block. Thus, as we can deduce from only needs one ofthe sx datagran ger the retrans example fragments to be delayed of the complete 7000byte block As a soufee IP, prior co sending any transport protoc ‘MTU of the path to be followed through jj suhaller thas the submit data, the source IP fragments the data using fa jon should be necessary during internetwork. essen Ean (0) Etat ssi ti formation. In the ‘example, we ate jatagram inclu te meter tl ne ns fe ansociated with each LAN, w voz6t prow p= ‘9 Z61 = TTITTETT 10000000 00000000 00G0001E 6 pRNOY GATT PH +1¥009000 01.00000 17090000 00000001 or prow yssep = “e'0101 = 00000000 00000000 09000000 0TL0000 swojjoy se as sdurexa auros pu woR nou yeumpep ponop 2p $e WAOLY 5 SILL THEE vy (paused) 10p © oquima eupep soy 2p se poruasoxda 5521 «Sop uae eno prssauoo ogy tala eg SoG ano} ove MENON _ iy ase nq 2xn s>souppe gf >veznate> OED IF WHE OL supe 4904, 20mnos 24g 30 79H foden0ad toy pan sto He 30 PAU HPS PPE V ADV ued prot amp wruOMIU WoREUNSP pe uy “syeuuoy ssauppe dl $°6 20613 a ng paw pw 0an0u 2tp 012584 01 PART 1 pe sone Bugesdasoo spqsoy pu SPIN NVI ares xp Jog 4g 9T PEE PHAN ‘pu paou am wary ayy go worsod atp ONS 0 0 eee pore me Ag unouy 16 | chapter 9 The Internet Class D addresses are reserved for mul Section 82, eriey2 2 ‘As we can cas group add Section 9.69, mi ‘numbers authority (IAINA). Although most of these are ass (for conferences and so on}, some are reserved to identify specific gro addresses. Examples are 2240.01 which means all hosts (and 104 same broadcast network, and 2240.02 which means all routers on the site network. 9.4.1 Subnets Although the basic structure shown in Figure addressing purposes, the introductior, of multip ‘mean unacceptably high overhea Section 8.5, MAC bridges are used to interconnect they are known col the routers in the gl Jatter are known as subn Because of the p site neosorks, no attempt has bees aries for the local address part. ‘ypes as we explained in Secon 884 the tog important, ae length, mean that ro the fragmentation and reasembl of packeb/frames sa tor ayer rather than the MAC mblayer However the use that withthe Basi adres forma, each LAN most have its Own nei. n Case of lage sites, dere maybe a sgaifcant number of such LANs. Thismean that wit the base pressing scheme, ll the routes gies swasite need take prt inthe ral Inierne routing function. ‘Expand upon in Secon 9.5,the efflefeny of ai routing scheme influence by. the numberof outing noes that make up the Concept of mboes ha ben inrauced to decdyple the routers and hl folleg._anodatd wth snc ate from the overall outing functioning lobal internet faving its own mei, only che site ial Itconsiste of binary 1 including the neti and subnet -and binary 0s in postions hhostid. Hence an address mack of a and the fourth byte conta tached toa site performs internetwide rol 7 Internet part. For a single metid with 255. 285.255.0 94 wasseses | 577 meanssthat the fist three bytes (octets) contain a network/ subnet identifier 8 NVTIUD.BBIp © wo 3804 © 0} 104 s9qLOUE 01 wesBeEp & put o oe ab ie on ron ‘aay amy 40 wonesado JU OMY 40 uorpesado a4) GuIqH9Sap 10) KSojodoy ajduerg. 1-6 21n8t4 yo amndig ur ways Kopodon NV fo woneiado 240 2QU89p 0119910 “0 nfiguoa out Ui pas es mga 200 Ts goreredas peo yo wonesodo 240 ae9 2 $06 DP ing soso 349 209.04, VA PUL 98 DH WE PU Jo SSPE At 24) UD NYT 2ists 2 01 PoAENE x 21088 30 SSIPPE DVN BVANL NVI qe ov pauses axe ei ue (Ry) 10201010 UoRNIOsD SADE A Fg uonbag Ut pauTNo om sy due pur day, fee soy ap re worn ‘OV “Berpooap ssouppe Ajjduis 01 W980" pasta. oon | (Chapter 9 The Internet - the source when the higherlayer protocol responds the datagram resag has the IP/MAC addresepairs) contained in the message hot, it reads the destination IP address from the header ~ host A ~ and ‘obtains from its cache the MAC address of using the services provided by the MAC sublay lowed for bridged LANs and age the neon po es pedeied dine 9.5.2 IP/MAC address pair of all the hosts it serves reply message containing the ts own addrets pair. The server then sends the ‘own addresspair is known, the reformat of the ARP and RARP request and th having a fixed length of 28 bytes. Note that used to refer to a MAC address and “target the ype of hardware (MAC) address con- , for example Ethernet. The ARP and RARP can be used with work protocols (as the IP) and the pratt ype indicates the type of network address being «example, 0800 (hex) is used for IP addresses. The HLEN a F reply (0002) or a RARP request sdvare (MAC)/IP addresspair of the ‘and the target (destination). For example, in an ARP request addresspair ofthe sender is used while in the reply message re used. in the introduction, both the ARP and RARP are integral has, once the MAC ad on receipt ofa frame, the receiving MA able to determine to which protocol the frame contents should be sent: IP, ARP, or RARE. To achieve this, when each of the protocols passes a mes: ‘sage/datagram to the LLC/MAC sublayer for transmission, in addivion to the MAG address of the intended recipient, it specifies the name of the (peer) he destination (IP/ARP/RARP) to which the message/ datagram passed immediately precedes the mes MAG frame, As we explained in Sect <5 mot used with the o ‘sue you sgop woygand sn ‘poeney st pay af) 9e ait 29U9H SONI P sonexpur uot 210 ey a jos Aeqp2unut Pl ‘pore pue siainox {ro Bunetsuo9 ypoxton auoqypeq 2109 + 3 sueatr Aq samp nove sodogy2eq jUaUnOD at, “sHepIvoxd 20H wy Aa fayya ayy euros suey OVIN (9) ‘5% uluop a6essaul guy Pue dUV’ 86° -ezogazal pue vue ss]uusueR} pe ye yeiouad ay 9UIM p Jo wonaqfe> © s5ue! 304 WF ponte abana 2 ca -BE 2) ame cote gs = peg usw, 69% | crepter 9 THe tmerne regional or nao 1er an IP access netwe a Trg aunty UNE 3 9 age Ba px Ue Sy 2 tage soinos Yea JO AGE ‘posn oq 01 aun] SuoBino 2p ynaine: 01 axl wos qed 382 pu 1 sum Sun Guynos anes 196 sunguofye unos jo vonDapss yp 30 29qusTu © 33 “anuogye Sunnos 3 onaoe 82098 24 JO POSTE re ype ageu 0 Pst ven agp 09 WOREPE UL 2p uo paseg way stared yo a.oyn ay pu porn uno _au0Ur ‘woseal sttp Jog “Wuasaid aq prom ined a/Buts eae ‘pinom ned puoass ax 13 ereceen uo 2494 pe Foquosap res 2 pe past 29 WED 1 EL iomiou wonsouuo2z2101 2 fo sued wpoq are oxanoy ‘sod oqo ath pue ¢ au thoq ‘sonqeaw09 247 10} wa8 a10 4 font Fal PUE ga SIAINOL 30} s9}GE BuRNO sions 2100 preno} ov pmpeneste ipo rdi2008 on no oy S20 NOH (6) pare oyqei Bunno: seaetp soytoue oF ap Jo 2u0 yo pearsut ap yBnontp Pano} 9907 84 SEOAPPE ea TraH0p HOH (1) _aruopeunsop ain uy pouteiuo> pao ax mols OT 0 ° y wele se -piowau vonsoutoni sels ole fe f 04 op am uM ti gfe oule t “a woneunsop 20 ‘ rt woneunsop 2un Te oxo) resSenep © PU ons sannon yea wns hop Baan eau ap Pu HERES A roan af au ype yo Aepp woneeand NLT pS, esd agp wo poseg ase sued pando 20808 aarp runou sry woed azo 2 se wow TAS sea] eerie ai oqgeese aye sianoy om uaa STS wos pue aso qed 2 yes «ate peposse ane Re on aped/oyne wo o> A, nem TANS SOS a nua pe saypedseeep Jo Sunn 20 SHRP PL ust ee I eso 29 ego sy agen fo) a Jo8eK AP MEL 2 epap oun — 2° piei/fowneg > 195 | sunnvosie surrey 9% pus 6 ‘The disadvantage of static routing is that all the routing table entries mi ‘need to be changed whenever a line i upgraded or a stew line is added. Al should a fine or router develop a fault, when the faults reported, the rout tables in all affected routers need tobe changed. For these reasons, static rout isinappropriate for larg, continuousl-changing network lke the Internet. 9.6.2. Flooding’ ‘To explain the operation of the flood and again assume we are sending a datagra followed are summarized in Figure 9.12. Host ta bot 2rd eo ‘id onde Figure 9.12 Flooding example. 9.6.3 aes 9.6 Routing algorithms | 589 ‘On receipt ofthe packet rom G1, RI sends a copy of cir COPY of the packet, routers R2 an i ac R2 and RA lower costae han ine, the copy athe pac ofthe packet rom Re Gotand on dekcminng ith are oon of om nein BS eens 1 packe 1 packet will then be received by R buts remenering th ine ange ‘ deli copies the recipient router and the first copy of the packet flow received in the shortest time. Also, should a line o alternative path is available, a copy of each ed, algorithm. Nevertheless, as we can see from this of three hops, the packet is trans th oding means a iat for use wil the age networis that make upthe eros Distance vector routing tne umber and seco he te form diet links (o ater rosters Neca entered by nemo management of bythe sages with the es Te lafoaaon ld noe owt a and he contents ofthe four ssayqey Surin. nyyuosye soyo9a aoueysia €T pe paooas are "yBty faas 200999 te ap (pea aust ans 04, too atp loa} pauterqo doin st ppmeauoy si 93>ed joo au, 21qe 3 Pt two s2qunu 2 ye anu ‘oj sya powepa cumugurar xg (put ped 2x9 pautusirep se, aqui pougep # 40) eadar axnpav0id bap tym sweadas ap ampovoid owes aq, dtqe Fupnos uno my sepdn or spaar0ud 0 ‘paniooau won fr 1p 30 Adoo v spaeauoy pure 29H joqufiau sy 01 sayn0s 2p rouse a+ ‘The Internet 6.4 Link-state shortest-path-first routing Linkstate algorithm As withthe distance vector algort ‘connectivity adjacency informati ‘our exampl tare repeated in Figure 9.14(a). Tl is then run and the build-up of the internet topology by RI estate messages and this enables RI to complete the picture § topology (iv) Also, since each router has carried out the same procedure, each will ave derived the current active topology and, in addi the identi ofthe rauter to which e srithm to determine the # ‘back to the source via the router indicated, Hence thatthe cost of the path back to RI is 4 via Rs nly the path cost of thote routers that are directly connected to RI (R2 and R4) and those not directly connected (RS) are marked jpounour Bunnos Jo 2210" re oso, s3jaea SuNINOS De 3 yp zatpo 9X0 Pal ea enod JO HOREUIGOD ® 2408 saumpaood Suynas wosioy0q joa sayyo yea 0) TY wody syped 4s2}:04s neat ST6 2 ‘pqpsod souoaog Suaseys S) ip $1 91903 Jo 2n!ou> BY PUD 99 Ue nox MEY ee 29400 wowp ‘1 ‘ip o1 zasnos (ABE) ‘uaueused apeut argo ovr ape 29 0 done ae wy aus at corey anol 10 O88 DIK paePon neo gd pedwoa xs ow (0) Hed FL fn se me te TH PI Bupnos 2tp east A PU TAO» gy wHOs} 2809 ped ou pl pstiece. oes SUM Se ee oe tee Mz yo 809 (ned Ee gy Supe ISMN UEDA IR re sane 8 ye igy'g) 30 Astuo -anod payseut avout wio3y uasoup UT m2 (44 09s. sn 9s 220 EP {py Joinos 2x 380049 OF Jo soo pede fp pose 08 _ I 2 oa Ed ony ob ago ow rear (8) 2 pe me we Ta Ho wn 2p (2) ee So! poms Soap on tN 2 ed a i Pf ADM 08 jamor oxy wauwusad 2 0 prs ‘u3t 4{uo pu wip 51 909 sf ans 1809 KB nq on UMoUY Sf anfeA 3602 © “= pauawt aus oreen | Chapter 9 The Internet 56 Routing algoritims | 597 Links tbs Rong bles Comectiy bls Bs Red Pah Coo D Ci/raid o ‘RS fom BD 2 |e oe} a elves? bees [eS ea 3 4 |e m — Peck erworded 1eG3 oni tt Ri) Sovce 9.16 Shortest path de Date esd by fom Gn re eel reg too dao los path cls oes 2,6, rd wi in he dog fer: 3B ess on comeny blo ere h pack othe itu inf bs, 82, sing + Pn icp th pc, 2 od he ecord or am a a 3, ond wes sown contac tbe owt iP ptht cane? by-hop routing is summarized i os 1 ch router computes only its own routin Is keene soa goowae onde hs on connect le frend ions: (a) by R2; (b) by R3; (c) by RA. a hop hop rowing o source routing. We shal explain the procedure fa lowed with each method os te re sending a datagram/ packet Orci lib pet 2 de feos G3 onl 4/17 US=SPF routing examples: (a) hop-by-hop routing; (b) source routing. LL. The packet is then forwarded tothe attached gateway and from there to the destination host ‘The procedure is summarized in Figure 9.17(b)-Usin Ihave built up a pic "hare ofthe current active topology using the ink-state algorithm, they each parsauuoasayuy ue Jo ssssuo> Tousoiuy 2p 29086 ‘op ut yponou suoqypen arp ump shea HaSST 910 94 ‘popueosp ae ynoz ype &q parwsur2129P patgnupy ae 19u21uT axp Hea payeroosse sonoioxd upnou snoHes 9H, -jromau suagyoeg 2102 241 01 urnsls ruouonne te 9ouU09 09 posn sftp JNO est sp KEMAH OUD i) unis sromouorne te un ur ssstnos s0mpo aun Jo 489 antes epee mee ’ ed eee onare8 ouayuy ue 01 oMau ss2200 te aUUOD or pasn st sp Lheoyes S909 ‘gaan Saag s|Sumpugns Hoye soma offs © unpy Kunua soveado yexp donor es sp HOMES oaqNS mL us 22uanbos © SuEiU0> hee up paTeans veep 431801 4) J0 ADYOPL 2D OY f aurosioua oy doo ov 2yped 2ene san Jayna fous sono ger Sudo 2yp uawy “pandas pans ojouruurn Suowoy 29 08 sau jo tod snoyee axp um pasn siginos xp HAHA. ‘Saojodor wtaeis nomouorne (paxmdums prt & ‘andy UF unoyp sf samoanypse rexoua8 aq, 19u mu e pauses pue ~ uoipne rustle i ~ (S¥) waoysis snomouome were Spomens2IU1/s{ONFE fagnuapt uy jo 9s ora € Ayeutsou pa8euew Aaresedse 30 fe dn aprar s yausuy om ey ined ave ara a9uis ‘pure aouCOUUsH ‘xa Susiuedusoove agp wi poured pug amily ul si7> paMoys am Sy poveposre siuynUP 3 as eid uy suondspsop pat ‘idurexa aun durex mores 1p ut 4S Guyjnos yeoyauesatH arampjoued 1g sing uf s2R pano4s 34 6 ‘pu foroio1d But snoys uado 24) se wow st sn uo paseg foacro1d pure sdenanel peo] popuarur st 1d098 UO % 2H “HO 3 reous qq AlRDOU ae eX duno ath pau sudo ayy Wy spEDS Gy ‘toyed a 30 14]9901 UO 138 fo sayyosuy utptio5 tu sjeaaray rear ve ajqe Bupnor ao[duo9 91 Jo susnuoo amp SusoysuEN spynar y>es sa9fox ‘ih ut ‘pure fentasgaé s su9yno woaMEq passed 30} 976 WORDS UI open aauep ath Jo wonduDEap amp wow 2mpap TED om sy “ayer ig ump soyer Aap uunurura uo poseq 2q fear yped Jo 92:04 " “uoneunap paPuRu! 2a pomnriip se ypns wopeuroyuy sum ydurexa tog ‘pornos ey auruns9.9p 0 $94Qe JO 1834p 50~ TL 1 210 utp pouteruoa woewsioyut jo adfa xq uo wwapuadap stenored paypere sf 30 240 WO, "ue> yjed yo aaroyp op ‘speaqioxo vonernduo> jeuonyppe A ‘Surnos mo) Joe aapdos oxy a1ndso> qeusmuy a 65° Chapter 9 The Internet 924 Routing algorithms | 601 To reflect the different ng protocols involved, the otal route {ng information is organi ir me Hloss mal mation to enable them to forward = sul to forward packets other subnet network) oF to the network access gateway. belonging to the same jon to forward terior and exterior are the RIP (based on the distance vector Section 9.6.3) and the OSPF (based on the SPF) algorithm we des. Border gateway protocol ‘The magayément authority associated with each autonomous system fomni- over the Inte protocol termi fateway. The contents the sameway asthe interior gateways of the a attached , - “When ech exterior gatewn IGP. Beam Sy of the autonomous sem ‘Testbed i the previous two sections The EGF, however, 3 it mos , iy of th * TInternevwide standard. vw duo pes a0ede ano8 x {DION “ules mowouorNe we urpM Suppremsoy sop oy7ed & puds ‘1 yong qnoatp Aenaned sotzox 229g axp 132s 01 AewoyeS Sumeanbas a1p soyqeua sip ‘parexput sy “esioe8 souore> Bpuodsas tp wos s9ps0 29ue tp ety Avaane8 Y>eo UU 9 souareo om amp 8 Bupnos oy pur tod 2xp soe ABed 01 pa aoyiod poop ed Aouonbaxy stp soyroads roayus opey au, 2d oSessour eg 30 pragadG@ eappn s9peay efqu0 wt “essa gonbos Suppuods ‘arim pam ppaenBagesv sp: sou suRE.UOD Pay IS oyu Bupa jo a8veypx fee UL ‘Bossom voneuoyul -uogejas ajoin waytoa feaypoued Sow - strays snomouoine 290 sienare avi uoaatag pauyaygens ua9q sey diysuonejaa soqysiou € 20UQ Bese sf uomsindzo ue sonbos mp 230t 01 ues 10U $90. ppiys Kenorell ayeudosdde oun wt doa ov 1 aBestou mbox Siuyueaus arayy pe shemayes uy apa any &q paGueyaxs ave yeu) sod aBiessou 49S 1°6 2198, ue spuoe uoneuoyuy Sunnos aBueypxo o7 LE 8 dena w UaKNA “HO cy 08 1 22u8e deasre8 om ya susis 19109 ‘Bapnos fie 910394 9 ate, 8 UNOS BFE uy, -aBueyox2 aBessou asuodsosasonbas v Suis moog se are 30. 241 tpt pareDons raasds snowouomne 2auad] pu pR2U sen peor fenoned PRU coe asoguy Supinos auey>x2 01 skenare —F sum aL 6 aide agsenall Sa 604 | chapter 9 The Internet Find bade Tipe =5-= Neier Cae = Code cle 20> Tipe! Cite 20 Roving vedo Figuté 9:19 Border gateway protocol (BGP) message formats. Ute gos EH ‘socal om go 1 Indsce oe Le age NER inom glen fndierceadst 9.6.6 Classless inter-tdomain routing ier in Section 9.4, each IP address is 32 bits da hostid part. The allocation o ‘mined by the address clas: (Chass A: netid = 7 bits hostd = 24 bits Class C: netid = 21 bits hosid = 8 bits is way, the manager of a network with many attached hosts can be ‘class A address, one with a small number of hosts a class address, and the rest class B addres. In practice, however, when requesting an IP address, most network man- pted for a clas B address since they cons Caddress with 16 hostids too small and a class A addres though there were plenty of boundary associated with class C and dependent on the number of attached hosts specified by the network the manager of a new network resses, the boundary is made variable manager making a request. For example, to be connected to the Inter recently (post 1996) and, by that time, the general Internet architecture had grown to that wwe showed igure 9.9. Hence in order to reduce the amount of routing informa it was decided to form) i from: 1920.00 through to {8 uosoya ah — yseur souppe st UES] Jo saqumu sae] aU pure eEVAPPE 1 YsEUT 94 Uap “uoddey sgt prnous ‘sos ww Seu! ay) oy Buwear yoreNT a~ Or Sere areata beeen mena arenes eee setae antl teaied couse: aedosdde Xp 0} voyzed ap vimos Oy joomord Keaayes Sue aces areata bb aye -27ppe otp 30 kdoa v surewuo> wed pnsoy ph 01 Pos st se Saupe WE oupeg ami pur ey seca a88'103 > ‘000% “DERULY NOG PE NID, see ase S66 G61 © ¥NONN N'pO'REL SEY MBSON SeeEsE HG G6I Or BBNAKD ODE adosng 9 The Internet 9.6.7 Tunneling 1 nerworks within the global P and its assoc fernerwork operat tocos. In practice, howew ‘accompanying text, the rnaged networks and internetworks +Pilfferent operational mode and/or protocol sca small enterprise consisting of two sites, both of the TCP/IP stack, but only one of the mode and with a differs ran 1 datagram di Kecchnique known as tunneling is used. Figure 9:20 "as me ca se, in order to link the Evo sites tog smultiprotocol router is connected tnulsprotacol router oper col stack on the site si network on the other. 1 the name impl tacks: the IP proto the non IP protocol 20 Tunneling example. data and proceeds to transfer the the remote router using the protocol din a data packet relating to the network layer protocol ‘On receipt of the data packet by the peer network layer protocol in the the user data ~ the datagram - contained within itis passed to address that the containing the ‘work i transparent tothe IP in each lay a packet that contains a router that cary handle multic now by all the other rotters and, on receipt of \dress, the source router encapsulates the packet the IP address of the multicast tion IP address. 3.8 Broadcast routing ‘As we explained in thé last chapter, LANs such as Ethernet and token ring. ‘perate bya station/bost broadcasting each frame over the LAN segment to ‘which iis attached. The frame is then received by processing or _-MAC addre ‘address, or is equal to one ofthe group addresses of member. For a bridged LAN, this mode of workt re sauqas Jo soquunu ase © sostsdut09 jpasanos yped au go s9rd00 U8 >a sasodind uo! Pospa2ooud put THs o 1E4 wed Gh wo saurussoiep ox AIO 2 je gus PUE Su sped Buwase ayy ue plog ul wHOU OM caus 228941 “TAS 01 7H HE js ax wo 204 8] LNS 7 Oa Ss HS pan IEE a 30 E> ‘o1to §4S “ENS Pu UNS poo pu po UN AT SES PES HON He gs mous anan01 is 400 27205 Ase TAS BT wed ngs au wo St ZNS EH 21 rauorop 4S UE dL led oxy yo doo at 30 xd021 Uo “aHepEOH I enw as Pa VS PUEENS OHO AS WPM 1S _peom o1 tatoo pea pow amy 1 og ar nent = PAS R09 rom or on ama ape tes 2p 0 nf pasate SE SAT couy voxped amp so hoo ¥ 5828039 3X gp poMaU sn pp so 20s 24) 1280 770 I Fiynox avn Aq pauruzstep 221049 2 pe oni 1 i pavEDOSsE SPEDE pn2g so pus aup ae papnuo9 24 se pe ayn so ed pat aw: pout Jouq oped ap moy st vorsonb auanoy, 18e9PP014 P2122s1P29H rouge ip sao ryped ayn AsepeDNG wok Ne HLL SAAPPE JT AY rade sau Yugns oxo) ped ap ainos on u0WG a TM Pare stepwode Sunnos aes ai asn ue> oo oxy tg xan UgRs 2H JO taney myo4rou dOReuDeDp put a2sTos ay) HOG Ut 82 aippe iespcoig parastpaaudas € i 2908 °sT¥ Esopus pou woneunsap 2504 Red v on sxtdd ose ST, "S34PPE lense —Joqsax Aess200u Jf put ~ 3 meson yas Ut af 20 UH (paapoar sen goxped aD TBI pu 2fge Bunno yu Aq panos 24 E> Fe oxy amon nour pou UONEUDP aip 2s "yoMaowgE Tego ove papreasoy 29 01 pao! deus PRoY s0snos ayn WO 109! Rrunrop aro ssuppe se9pe01G POHAADIOL eye wpe SL, named axy SAI! UO cdoo © DUH ENS PUE INS TOURS shoaye soon {r-pue shenareB souonur ‘senor 2978 A Py cow aoanos ap wy uasaqsp s PRAM! HOREUNSIP 2 oage fq popseaioy axe s>y2ed Yong S>UPPe AT VOREUBSSP 28 J ‘ed pou atu patoads Yromnu 2x0} porpene ase 04 2K organ on ped eyo Ado>e paso pan st si) AAPM PIMP ‘sheaayed soon 508290 ‘sheasawe ss2008 dg pop ey us ue wos pause ped 2 gt= wo PaNaTE PEE 3 dona us 208 30 0d np 30 Woes oud 70 do» sone quo pue 2 0 ra goes ty gyn meaBenep moe eppeoug) aynox 0 paen urzoBte iporeads U309 24e4 STE BuRNO! 2 224 fo> dou jo 2unou SunNOre wo nos sasped Yong "[ 09g 22 voy sp ana. 01 pore tng sf ip PLE waco 291 UE 2 sr paps yee 12qns 21) BADE A, S2PP% J YOREUBEP St pogaods ous ay} pope are 604 a SL axon nape eyo fo © puss 0} past stp ATPEON PAPA TAA ayaed yon preauoy skeane 9098 200 ssa! TBURNE FEN sag osmrone oot 998 01 51 0090 gf UOREUTE 24) HD ANTEC Fe rsp a0 wwauios YT >UHE2x) on pOUPEE Fe) HOM Tetra or iyoed eo Ado © pus porns sit ame9peONG PHIL ova on sed 111045 91. rope ut g-9'g WonDaS ul pauTerdxe 2 sry E2904 aT (8 Jou ay sn 2 wp Sey og. “nyped weozun aynor 0 wxpesosie (AC) rep eigowans uu Asem pose s eaunosye SL uypremaoy yyed as40A9R ssasppe e2pt039 dL +76 wonsag uy pounuaP 3H SY {ur by “uonoes 1x8 ag) UH “PU LAKE fq nou urea 2m UORD2S SEN] “POHEME sppexpueg Jo nO. fe s940 as82pe0%9 24 01 $524PPE ISEOPROIG umuxur © Buysn sauqns an soy uae 5 SuKQuOBTE 130430 UE AL, papampaou ex 970008 sunnpo6ie Sunn 976 19 ye on puss a 647 nr PE STE sapar 9 The internet a Ibooteas > wa ‘ndbeatest —__» 9 22 Reverse path forw ing @ hop-count idcast seque 4 Copy of the pach network and onl nce both copies ofthe pac packet header, the second copy can these subnets asa dupl (or alternative) access gateway. Also, ifthe Spanning tree broadcast With networks that wea routing algorithm based om the linkstate algorithm, ‘an alternative way of routing broadcast packets/datagrams is for each router { use the inkstate information ha spanning tree active topology ode. ach subnet router builds of the network and then uses Hence with the spannit subnet router computing th AS we sav, a spanni is established in order to avoid frames looping within a bri ione by defining the ports associated designated ports. All ports that are either ing the same approach, we can derive a spanning tee by'set selected subnet router ports into the forwarding and blocked sate. using the network topology we showed in Figure 9.2 Algorithm we described in Section 85 the root SR, each will drive the spanni ‘resulting broadcast sequence is therefo ‘We can makea number of observa '§ For consistency, the port numbers astociated with each subnet router are ‘determined bs the (known) identifier of the attached sul Bach SR hasa shortest path back on hop count and, in the event of number is chosen port (RP) associated with it which with the ‘oq panysop 204) Gujuueds rae se uot 498 (99u2H9Fu09) fend 1S se prs But —— oop Tey S{JOHU TA NAW PaHOU 9 SY 2 a % arp ea su21u02 va) 2198 Sunreonqnus odds 88 pw Jo soquNU ‘aoyjd 9g veo sno ‘osyy “dros yo pop = 4) PAE” ere 1 “uous 2781809 950% ‘pape aq Te tuogrggp akp 9a82259P fo Buoy Te toy woe Aq Pi “ayuonoape Pur 1g 2a AINUOP eR oq 01 2uaiajuoo v ut Sune inbox Supus raed 26 Sy rusoguy 2) 30 Ado> © suoneandd | sadex Guynos yseoninW 6°96 roped ‘qe san Suyuueds ones ‘awgas y9e> sgevep Aayped ponao21 yoe2 30 Adoo af8us w ATU anes PapO|G att sare (qa) sod paveuisep 10 oo! ou are ey) mod aut ou 6 posr cheng oes (TORO multicasting using IP n this mode of working, the organizer of the conference/mecti around the Internet We shall discuss each separately. ‘Multicasting over a LAN 1A tras been allocated a block of Ethernet MAC addresses for app involve multicasting. As we described in Section 8.8, Ethernet are 48 bits in length and the reserved block of addresses in decimal are from through to, 1280.94.00 through to Thus for a parscular conference/mecting, a -byte address in the range 0.00 through to 127:255.25, polies oe inciple; (b) address usage. Bp25 Multieasting over a LAN: (a) address allocation pri 1 bytes 128.0.94 ~ and, 24 bits of the destination TP mullicast address. As we explained eat D IP addresses are 28 bis in length ~ the first four bits being hhence, as we show in Figure 9.23( ng bits are al So to join a conferenc LAN, once the multicast add the host that ism: conference/meeting simp! MAT and the rel fe conference/meet- : ation IP address a -o-TaW yo s9)949 GunAc ssoappe yseanyni pue fBojodoy ajdusexd (e) :Burynod yearn 10}290 901 yn ep 0 7 z 6 t @ g|Suscas ¥[-newne Baa RFPS RHE -seppe sear womeuasop 1 aney eqn stoy7ed Te aynas or pasn ase AHN YK H>e9 UE VIN HN JO st ba Gy “()pe'6 any ut uous ae 90 S2unsIP UCONN Uo paneq (HEPES 1 unino! jo Ys Jeuomppe ue ‘porn aunwaa (2) 986 amy ur toys ange sssppe eon Kp 50 40> musoput sp amex ON Te 9 iva 0, yaad ax DNC UE IE pray satppe poreoypu dnos8 wseonyautayp Jo saquisa est exp 1804 ayene we se PHM YLOMIIU er paYPHNE ‘yuo zyped 2¢n sed 0} ta ‘pea Ssosppe en i e soy smMOIU 4209 VIA sessasppr Gn jo dey mojo 249 SHOUY y>eD IHN oF HayMonKE LaNpO ew caw uw AN ay ANA 219 J9 peo ovo passed 51 xnosu ype> Aq pavauge uopeMOGUE aL UN eye CIN SAN gy LAA PEND Aunaino 290 998 s9)n03 9 soa iseanyout aures 21 044 YOR! sOKe|aNS DYE BDI w 90 ih2295 ae ped ypeg yoprod mesionep 24930 PID pu a 6 ° Chapter 9 The Internet rst consults its MAT and finds that a copy -MR2 and MR6, It then proceeds to cons 1d MRE. ine/port it works, assume that a packet with a (multicast) address network attached to MRI. The lowed by exch, (MR ae as follows: On detecting the (multicast) address in the packet header s A, MRI uses the pruned spanning tre for A to determine that copy of the packet ‘should be sent to MRE. i On receipt of the packet, MR? first determines from its MAT thata copy ‘of the packet should be sentout onto its own network. It then usesits ‘own copy of the pruned spanning tree for Ato determine that a copy of the packet should alo be sent to MRS ‘= On receipt ofthe packet, MRS frst determines from its MAT that it has no interest in the packet. It then uses its own copy of the pruned spanning E luce for Ato determine that a copy of the packet should be sent to MR6. On receipt of the packet, MRE lermines from its MAT that a copy ‘ofthe packet should be sent out onto is own network. I ther uses its atthe port numbers in the derivation of the spanning tree, ‘At any point in time, each MR knows from its MAT the multicast est in. For each address - A. B,and C in thet ‘example ~ eacli MR proceeds to produce a prunell spanning tree by remow- ing selected links. For the internetwork shown in Figure 9. panunyuog 92°6 2anbg a yseoqynus © anea] pa ABojodo} Ysonyau ajduuexe ane stp op 01 pawoioy sda jo 2ouanbos nwioguy Bunnos 3pHys0%N not segues aanpaoasd ‘pasos seq Jaynor eDpmw YED We Pause MNO ~ k4SOWN PBEWAG 2K ~ DopDos se] 2tn paqusap a4 supLUOHE Buns m9 4, AW9I OT'9"6 aussi sy 6 aideu + | enapter The Internet 97 tome | 625 In addres. These wishes to take pat in a multicast sess formed by the ii Of A, We assume that three other APs/hosts attached to the same multi : ‘bone (Me-bone) network. The tw algorithms we router are already members of two 9.6.9 are then used to route multicast packets betwee ‘routers together, the datagram is carried in the user data field ofa second IP datagram. This has the (Known) IP unicast address of the intended dest field of the second datagram. In ‘not already present new contents forwarded to each ofthe atached MRs. leaves a mulicast group, message for each MA of which the shown in Figure 9.26, we assume ip and hence a report sage for Cis not returned. Hence for C from its tables and proceeds to forward the updated table contents the tro ypes of IGMP message — quer and sept ted over the attached net/subnet in an IP pac swith a proto value of and a tnetoliue value of 1. In the case of a quer destination IP adévsis the al hosts broadcast address of 24.0.0. and the IP address the IP address of the MR. In the case of a report, the two addres are the group MA being reported and the host IP addres respectively 9.6.11 M-bone As we explained in : routechange notification, alg ‘only a subset o performance measuring, ‘lobal internetwork are capable of routing IP packets which have a evo aon 40 90 =O yp Sgn pautunnep 24 ‘op payods sauges © os pow sraippy’ BURDENS toyed poprep amg yo s9pe3y axp wt sues > sey ped pope ide,pivio css, Binescen SHOEI a 210 12900 {oy pasyares afessout 1 -avep Aue puss 01 s0ud 21004 ‘UK aped se unou aunparoud v a7 0 aan s0ss ‘a Bessout yea puns or pan uraq puoi’ wees ‘ages psonoes OP {ose meg posse au vod ase godas 1013 69582 160 UE YBOOUDIY aon aay pue sadhy estou! dWOT 76 AME Siunsodaa 20019 2 sO ‘w2q9o! qgeypeasun 104 UonEURSOP lqgexpeatun youu uoneUTSOP ‘Chapter 9 The Internet reachability testing function whieh is implemented ina program called px ‘Typically on receipt of such a report the network manage ing of a eho regu message 10th hed on and responding in the dest -e memory buffers ae available as erload condition, 2 source quench message is returne source host. Such messages can be generated either by ‘or gateway. They request the source host to reduce hi rate atwhich itsends packets. When a host receives such a message it reduce the sending rate by an agreed amount. A new source quen« erated each dime a packet is reduces the sending rate. Sue the global intern ‘imerrelated parameters (known the time the datagram was sent 1 the time the datagram was received by the destination, the time the datagram. red by the des On ecept ofa timestamp request mesage, the ICMP inthe destin sil fil in the appropri the source. On receipt ofthe Fel undrip deay to ‘The address mask is held by the local router associated with the subnet. The SMP in a host can obtain the address matk by sending a request message id reading the mask from the reply. 9.8 QoS suppor | 629 9:7.1 ICMP message formats and transmission Such as the reason why a destination is unreathable. For example, 6 indicates the destination network is unknown and 7 the destination host is unknown, The checksum covers the entre I ‘each datagram header ‘gram to the appropriate protocol ~ ICMP, IGMP, OSPF, TCP. or UDP. ln the ‘case of reply messages these are for use by the local I. When unso- QoS support ‘Congestion arse within a network when the demand for a network resource ‘exceeds the level that is provided. For example, fa burst of packets arrive 2 router (within the global internen Tines that all require the same ouxput j+-———Prenoen — =Aigure 9.27 TOMP message format and transmission. -pureg yo susan uy atiowssumbas go paoruesend axp exp oF stone: 3ou0yuD oy pas st > wsquet2oU jonvueD VTP pe 0 Bunep Nop eds ananb fj Jo uno we pue fn “Srpoid put pasrwerend aqn qioq ut soy ped amp Jo Yea HAE pown st ja yo ry09 yeu pe dA aPAP MI fps 2>u9q pu pase a1 219M 2H 186 se eatp jo soquinte ssn $50 ayy 9nsu9 01 pea 305 idurexo 20g ‘suieans expaw ut {1 7980 ay 07 agendo02e 2q J98U0T om Ae nbas afatp wonsa8u09 Jo qa Jo fo] aeHsU09 eu ‘ua ou ssep sin . F ed ig “aydutex> 20 agen waar ap PE? Te E> qi paveDose . pueg wojsqusuen Jo f Bayoiuo axe iayped jaoyuos jo sass 1u9r9]p aBaKp s9UYNP VoHIN|Os agIU] aH, HO J0 sadid ‘paiauo> rgnp a 01 dune smog 1>y>ed ap Uaawr9g steRUAAYsP oF 12UI2TUT wogjoatag ®t gi siagnos ay) 4@ pass] S141 ZOpead xed dT ap Jo PRGA apres ep yo ng ouapodaid ax) ul Ae 1UOIEBIP © pareDOUTE YPeD ae LOIS fe ro sp tnoaa ut ira ee ote Aq paouatiadxa ous ge Ayo 1p PE poqusop are azagi jo sadse yw awa bm dono9s sip uf" (aSHIG) 5208198 po soouios potesionay pai 9u0 “pazipaepueis Pure 1) pub WONeIMP 140 rene are wey sized runt paar 4 ay ©5093 ed sy 01 2anisuas Aue: io dann ayes ax exp zea st suyoed jo [eas Jo ae rep | odens sop 8% Cher he rat 28 es ant | 68 {rom this, therefore, providing th 7 F ‘monitored and used asa measure ofthe current level of trafic using the line. tothe : ‘The action taken by the letermined by the cursent AvrLEN rela. width and delay/ji #y tive to the ovo thresholds as follows: allocated bandh . cee AWLEN yu JU ou 8 Bessa spoopond ‘9fessou sussas aun Jo vdi2201 uo “y>qy s93n05 ‘tp Suope Jaynon ypeo dq pareadon st apo2oud sw, ‘qqe avenetped fEnua ayp aojap pu pansoeas uo9q aaeu verp seasmosas Ke B5E9|2x 1 J9P0 tw sped wannas pur pres10} “otgnteae you ae saosnosor ayn 31 wped 21p Buoy (Gasay) xp epuse uot pure ‘oBessour amp 1 packet data relates and the output queue ‘should be put. The queve management/scheduling procedure ing to each queue is called a perhop behavior (PHB) and, of packet flows, a PHB is sid to be applied to a be a defined level of resources ‘o high drop precedence. In a the shaper/dropper module ofthis and should be dropped or allowed into the net ic cad. Typi th a defined rate and bucket depth retwork, as each packet arrives ata core router, the if ‘belongs and hed the pe serviced using an appropriate PHB. Currently, two' PHIBs have been defi ‘expedited forwarding (EF) and assured forwarding (AF). The EF PHBissif ilar w the guaranteed service clase associated with IntSery and hence has ‘with this is based on a queue sehedu 9.9 The PPP link layer protocol 19.9 The PPP ink ayer ae [As we showed in Figure 9.1 and explained in the accompanying text, access Aemorks are connected to the Internet global internetwork by gateways, ‘Also, as we showed in Figure 9.9, access gateways are connected to rconneeted together using high provided by ISPs require a link jon entered by a person at home terpoint protocol (PPP) and is “To give the PPP the necessary flexi enable it to be wsed in these and other ap thas & number of features that ‘mode and with a variety of differs feature is necesary, for example, if the access network uses protocol rather than the IP. The PPP is based on the Aeeeribed in Section 68 and the format of ll frames is shown in Figure 9:2 the PPP all frames are made up of and closing flag byte of ol characters in the ASCII character set acters and thelr codes is given in Figure 9.29(b). "As we can se, the escape byte gom ~~ dqual to the escape byte: pure aan2esa1 enwgyoxd om - ao tas fy ean sow Aq sooiuesen8 soissosgo.anpenb s9psey a ‘wonuaassiut wet g yo20youd a4 20) 204 ot sun ano ysONNoU Ip 4 ‘uesy paonpas e jo azn axp asodoud ssoxppe d] We umngo 01 soy & sojqeuD ep AaIIe5 uOREANSYUODSANE ME J 3 103 ‘uond4ous pus voneoauayine Su sounaea AsBanu ep pur fasnoas pasosduut yo uononpo: aise sapped ‘amo pure ssa20ud 0 skonane pur sino 21quU9 0 19peoy pouTdUIS ew bos 9 spout auoqppeg 2809 ayo 5102901 aN paveposse sygeSunnos a 30 589i Sonpax OFFSNONppE TOMEI “uomippe wf wataud 51 wesBevep/ayned pe eH ; dire soy py ua Ya gB1 015g ZG WOH 2>eds ssauppe posea.DUrYaNU em 4 trasaad oxy yosovasd sake] AromIaU 29UDY pur —ry>ed jo ad ayn ston poet go a aT om 430 HH OPP, jod s040 25m 30 Papustul st ddd 247 US yod ays 62°6 24nbi4 wea wn dion /souoyd au p : Ssuopenydde aou se sre uono 2reas2u1 0 paorpasd s} pMoa8 40s (dd soyn0 jo 08 fy 669 | 941 ove 2hapter 9 The Internet 9.10.1 a0 ims | 6m 1 sipportfor mobile computing by the use of autoconfiguration to obua an IP address dynamically via the newvork forthe duration of a addresses to be exchanged. Hence ‘ur discussion toa selection ofthe nev feature that are used Datagram format dropped and others have been made opt header of 40 by 1d format of which are shown in F cis. tis envisaged that both will need to cor Trafic class ‘This field plays a similar role to the TaS byte in the IPv4 header. TP wallocate a different priority to packets yelating to, sy, mul ine stream from those relating to traditional are for packets relating to applieatohs able; for example network ni less Sensitive o delay and delay ) than applications involi ire sensitive to packet los than network ne 7 Flow label This isa new feld and is in bestelfort packets and, ted before them duri P enable a router to ‘category, packets cont call/sesion. As we tos than packets containing jus audio and hence are given higher poor. 1 pakets containing real-time stream: ovped gaat aun Bugutersod rayped peat 24p Jo Bunn03 1/9009 pAgL BUNS = 804 98 19q nay>ed ‘Qhat 2 pag OHS UO! nag us uodn puedx "4 soda oma ane ym Buns sassasppo ys0o1up 1 2m natin = pole usin one i saad ne mop a pos Hoag ewan) sgnonsed ae morppe jo x09 28s see Teg et ory aise susie aod am rioMu Hae es grat Ue ova! PEppat9 aq OF SHAPPE oy oa pe suo pad BUEN yh BU tees soy pont 3 OF) ses] SABEOIOE Jo Joqun se etuppe are mu mopyeong eoydesBood © reoryosexoiy are sssaupPE QAI =2O}2!910 “asNO HH yy ur skemared szoanor axp 6q ou 521g 3 ‘xp Burpaosad apo> afer pu "eso 2ue syzomiau 2u04d Sun pur Agpsesty 2) Uf [989] Mo] Bp WE HYsOMaU SITE roma eur pooauuo2saq0 ase BUNT ERO aA dn ayeUt 5 2anSly Ur Panogs 24 SY aamanays ss2uppy japt az asa (Sonejznu 30 804 24701 20U 9243 21 jun “paan 8usoq st Bunn tore wed 34 ap 1 eomarppe HOSEL 2 947 isaippo woHrDuIsep PHD S524PPP 2470S papzonp sexed aL cust cr parsaurasoap #901 pu 20108 ops uresevep /oyoed amp aun Yoe2 44 PS sopeay ureatevep Far 08 vvojsuann ase] up 30 sped Ut to ep 29 pea fo200038 0d yo ae] a PB POY PEO. i eoypat you pu szpmny Hau aU © CA ert pure pautap JOpeat{ WOSUDTD JO eat yoooword sodsuen 219 Pu 9PeS sare a1 Aas 2h 14 0 3948 re s19pey wo3sua7%? Pa "ake 9g 98 Gan /aDt) fooond sake wodsues sod Mare sdano. wreerep ga 2889 © sapeay 2tp dq POMONOS ig aang UL MOG a SY tap90y 78 sapeoy west sg wonoag wf pour posn pray uy 778 pda] uneret aanpaposd Burpsensos 248 muourosinbox gob) 217 asus 01 ‘3M "wouy pasaias uot 8! WOM by qyed pausoes a Sue ZO (PE? “OY em gmpoposd vonesomes 2x9 Sus 240 ot AES Chanter 9 The Internet ‘upon in Set @ het relating Palco known as top Each TLA is allocated a large block of addrestes by = etna gga Joogegaix Sia sete! opgegaer [4B bol maken gop a: bade ipo dines! up) iin the context ofthe glo Section 9.10.4, nk localus addres Pv6 adilresses: (a) prefix for seul unicast address forma exoreesgoseeveoosd se uanyn 29 ose wea seauppe Sumpo0aud a4 2201 pono 9q wea dnoufie utsosoz SuperT wm 0950 ned « hq poveydau aq ues sous pe yo sox aann99s409 230U! 20 900m jpauyop wood auey suoneTosgge Jo 49qUTUT "HOREPPE .6800:0000:9000:000n-0Tze-PgeL-BOVE DTA souppe ghar we Jo aydurexo uy ddooi8 ypr2_g99q009 woIO> &rpEA uO} [eWDAPE powwosoadas uot 9 sat or age Supme uy dno 21p 30 29quNDUE ‘aon sup UT paaaoar 99 feonewonne iiss ax soe f sonou © seu any 2ouoy pue dnoid weal ues x7 30 suoquod 29 Ud eau nt jo ssoappe anyon 247 mou 01 Sup eaqyna 249 291924 DUIKHINRP 0) poynuspy or soapeasoye sours au, ped aoa suyap peu Os Hy 1 =P 208 ssorppe di spy gz my an ‘sasppe wou 30} a ‘Voneado 3 pelea usp ie stuppe dnd? poommae a JO 8 "seuppe pou jnuouettsod © 02 910 {o00) s¥9xppe (p2N39591) pau aut ML 6, | chapter 9 Te nee e016 | 64% 9.10.3 Extens ‘As we can see, tis ype of header bitwords (8 bytes). The header x .ource routing information fragmented mesage: 1% authentication: identity of the source; ‘encapsulating security payload: information to enable the de decrypt the payload contents destination options: optional in tion to enable the destination to verify the the ing The option significant eo the type is not recognized. These ae: ignore this option and continue processing the other option fields discard the packet and indicating a parameter problem 0 except the IGMP reporsis only ‘examples of each header ype now follow nop: |= sel ce ng y Hop-by-hop options q foie ee ey : Nettie: trp ce 0 range fie 9.32 Exteision header formats: (2) hop-by-hop options; (o) routing. 2 "opeay ue up seresrpur soyped Burureuras 2x) fo, ‘pasn Bulag 2fe Yip S19peoq UOIsusIXD 19 go saquing aap snyd ~ 9pe>q gy UNF Bessa! spontusuen Sug 2Besou 2 iq ponotjoy~s9peay uae & pur xopeay suonde Joo wed ET 66 ang ut ous suata nsue peo Spue spiel snouea 2 9peay Uorsuaixe aud © pur pe el ajo uo 9 yr Bess 1g Ua (9p 0g souk 34) SHUT) ALLY W2#O4> 9tp $22 wdsuen ain Buypnput) oes ‘ue seas st 2 LL Teme atp st 2uI2219P 0 PR anarep pwd 2x0 0 post 9 nr sO 9.8 oun 1/6 wond9g uy pouredao au se 2>up Goino: guar siaped Jo Sunnas/Sussoo0ud asp dn poads “sup po aio: edasoizoys xg uo st yorys soauysiou payee ue Jo 19 24 feunsap om ‘Sunnos aomnos 9800] Jo 2se> axp UT ;paruOuIEZU! St 1 paiumyp SUL oF 0 renbo 30 joad soasauppe (20i¢-9 ‘tp wo3y 29Np9p WED 2 p wooq st s9peay Suto} Jo 20 940 uo Apuos3ND “SF J9PEEL vyenopeny po a, sresfenep PA UH pose si9pea4 TeUODA sor pate Susnos sos (QDI) 24 OF 3 = syd su. Lg adwiexa, us gsaeu9 © lapter 9 The Ioterat packet. The same comps the computed checksut header is it acknowledged that the packet on address indicated in header and payload parts of each packet packet including the main header and any. ‘case ofthe later, the encrypted packet is then carried in a second packet cor. taining a completely different main and, if necessary, extension headers. The first is known as transport mode encryption and the ae vhs culestcton ear TP torso pc hdr n= dessin eps hands 33. IPv6 fragmentation: (a) fragment header fields and format; (b) example. Ered ls Authentication and encapsulating security payload Aswe shall expand upon jectof encryption are both are used to enhance the security of a message during its ables the rei is concerned with ensuring thatthe con tents of a message can only be read by ~ and hence have meaning to ~ Intended recipient. The authentication and encaprulating sec to compute a checksum on the contents of the computed checksum is then ‘powpou ists 9 reoqe an or wy Sooo A pou weopcoug 24n ut nezado (aoHd) jooei6id uowemsyuo> Jo} puooos 2) put (NYT 1URUEA UE SE HD ep aon fs 30} qe 51 SL, maeakp amp Fe unowy yoooroxd von d ‘x8 ive Suesqunume> 15% rs) adn © Sgn an ssaue souppe dH ‘boa 2xp puessoy or wae Ke AoW © se se 19INOS ParEUBIP vow asudioiue 29ze{ 5d wsex9 305 = Jaqaze sasppe UNO st Att 108 520P ‘up sososppe jo sy pafeuew xp wows 2a saveprea “Saud sums ay ‘osty‘pavoy 240 se S2UppE VN THO SHH sp yo pow ath dulpivoad s2yn0s ap ov wos stp “FA © YORE A row aonpap wed ax sy xuaad ap on ss2uppe QV Hah mY Supe AA We gtd UMO mt 21692 07 spaao0xd MOK 94 Ut fig "omou/rouqae 24820) mend spp yore ‘pauyap suondo om ‘uooas ayp pu 3 ave sf21ppE 2 if 2tp Jo J9peDy wleul a, rig p2epues © Hf NYT 241 J0N0 80> ausaruy om qBnoN -peoug vo 61 sane] a ped gag UE HF PayLTED ave 22u2q Pur sOBessout ‘eunsap pie 293008 318 fap us Aewared fanoos ap poudiaoue s raped jo amp ou st 2y>ed Jo sepia a) ast tte qaqa wBnosy Aemared Ayuno9s dueduooze an wr pour poe *saBessaut [0204 janoosip s0quBlEN SE"6 Boxee an pausrynpe oO t. e uo Suoisrusuen a ped feudiuo ai jo stp a veo: vi p20 5 © aingeaaeaou avsnar we er 9 The Inert we identify & ‘where interoperabilsy is required and describe a sel tat are used to achieve this 9.11.1 Dual protocols passa datagram to the appropriat lsare unaware ofthe ype of IP being used at th work ayer, 9.11.2. Dual stacks and tunneling ‘A-common requirement otocols. 9.37 TPv6MPHéingeropera this, the gateway/couter connects each 1Py6, ‘must have dual stacks, one that supports IPv5 packets are then tral approach Figure 9.37(6) retsu24) Suisn Ayygesade fred = 19s. sep YOON = AN Be poureydxo 2 -jaauea fooorosd © ple (WN) Zo1epsten ssSuppe oN rped gagy/ yal wajengnba AfjeamuWrDs © Giut PII8 pxped pat we 140203 P(e) eand~ soley wowgan a1 8 fami uf mous am sy “sKenone/ suoyeisueay “ges eutzou 4p JOpEOH rod pad 341, Hesone mous 3 oped ag eased uatgaSeues ysomou 49 pia 30 ype2 Saws jenp uPAUO> she ul moys 2M sy reed FAT H =H 669 | rygeadcio pravonat 10% Ba 20 | cra stay | 82 ae The Internet Digi fame) Ads sc fod is Secrgine ord pe uo rogue ond ce messages have bpevalues of 8 and 0 the corresponding ICMPvé messages are 128 and 120 scot Anos! Mh LH Stenson beds ——t——_ Reng Fogran A Sn voor Figure 9.39 opposite summarizes the various topics discussed inthis chapter. tay Section 9.1 Section 9.2 eS ape t Pop proc Figure-9.39-Simifnary of the topics discussed in relation to the Internet. pote oman 2409 aoeq gots ap s0r3e maxed Jo Buym0s a4 sow ieee 9°96 HOD enon gos 2 Sus "2 She req sbenuppe 9 sep jo 28urx paonpomu 8 (4a rewop2imy saps Aan ‘poo ye, ut anon 9d 3 wont "ROT po8pug isu San 20} cp fe oe “arg ag wf UnOUS pean 209 26 souanboe saqqe Bun003 0 Suen poino: st 5 wos ex ka pm Sunn dodo Base pono | 30 p9 ped dua ue aT 952140 aun pre Bune ae Yu 05a BL wopeunssp ei 5 Wo 4 pe ser/aed fe 30 suoneanday 249 pur a pOAE bin or Baeias .yuouemed, pur 20 a6 a6 see we ‘enaqe ooo.ordnyun sieayd eouau e078 ‘quousou evan /euotior ‘ponsau 20093389 2309 sposiou auogpeg fau2uau> “Saoyo} 21030 yoeoin 9 uo '66 rn uF Uns Bpanpm rasan] yoo p prema ato gre uonsag, “5295198 YONED) ay aap 20u9H utp Suse gy 31m03 6g de ng ono 2 mo HOME ()F1'6 2 eq 1 poypene oy €or me wou eg ped eo, adh airy ex Par peusoors spa suNw>199 Bos oy ut ataare Ov 28 04 sao 96 gs ne} 20 8 HHO HE HNN SU sour poot won pe ao sy nop HOH HEE caqos Bunsen ot pas guy a8 2 dpe ue jo see ues Bup09g Ha spond toed ou sos fo oq an mo iq pousaep #6 uo Te aod « dq use imped Ue saan on PUSS A Bis soon aay aoe sos snumdsd $06 ew anor oi Sugeno sEpHON9 MN nedno "6 TE ‘unos aesteipwnzpeoag 20 3 PE 2 ou) seds22pp© Q¥H/AI 70 39 dong fenane 2p 94 NV 2 ets fdas QV ue Jo i202 uo pO 2 oy oosnor a4) yo nedsOIpPE A 24949 doo suas oN PED ‘eons guy uJ 15291 U0 fie ud ue suonou 2{deny 34) 0b Wone(s: fay jo Squaw 249 exedxo “16 am tt trot sauna ge Banos a Jo PE Xd HAM sped e048 ‘oyna Sune “uno ‘ico ed 33093 aa, pe amedarpp, ui 348 ssippe fel /aPENpIE, poe IWR s82H00 aT, HH MH BUH 15 so uonrs dejot swat Suyono} ap 30 Brueaw an HO come ve supp ar wou 0 atdurexs we ang 2am 240 Ut wogrueda yo an89p © 1) moe yp Din 3) yee auppe atges NS spo: rouge 0g #380 g 437 Jo PHEW E MI ANE YO -eu seasppe we pe nos ae ya ayp aie 9943} “Poonam sem Bun ngs du uso {dato Ge Jo PEON 6 o oun ‘ooosst “ooo ‘vomrest ‘sto 0st ono ep ponop a pasiudho ssosppe dl e400} 240 Soy pnsou pus pow 3x8 a9p 20UDq us ‘pep panop, wi ayy Jo Suueou ap utes g a so 20 pasoue apt pun SpE ME jo nk us souppe oe sosrosppe Stoney 2 Jo SutweDu 30 MES ‘sep Yoe> 20} wonendde sponte i> diam soe) De AU PU SD ssouppe at, win 9g yo Suqweaus 2p weg < pre wor “snp age nat #04, peo ung posotog sve amp pu 280d onououn poprone #) wopmusuiiey fy 275 NvTeumng a 80 uu wagon xp 980) inoue ype oe Ut ~eulq 0006 ° ALN. jaune a9 so ese ai pry pH 28 tauoys se sou oo ao wos paLIETEN 2 08 9 gpp, JO og aE aN e6uon yur au, 08D \oter9 The Imenet ‘ample of how when using CIDR a host, hho to one network can produce a match the mask ofa second network was ilu sin Example 98. How would ein practice? the dlagram sends an TP daa: ni/packet 10.8 host attached to the humming the network topology shown in ‘ure 999(a) and thar SRS is aces gateway, Termine the spanning wee derived by each det router Use this to derive the broadcast wence. 1 derived from te allocated sddress. Hence th dead ofthe schemas diagram shown in yore 923(0), describe how a host joins a 937 Bs 930 940 8 38 o a2 a Assume the 5 table contents, routing table [Assuming the DVMRP, explain how a pa F the nework topology shown in Figure 9.28 Exercises | 6685 Procedure is wed wo determine the seoding may datagrams ‘eseribe the operation of protocol (RSVP) . ipdon the meaning/role uf the Sect path reserve, and patbtear mesages pathetate bie, 920 958 In relation to to V6 addresses, withthe ai of the prefix formats shown in Figures 9.51(8) plain the meaning/se of (@) address aggregation, p apm HOMU pag] UE ‘onal om 24 poor nod we 16°68 30 PE AD MM 6 sjororoxd jenp Supn 309294 SE PE HT fog wo asontr 0 pode ue Hosat remo uj 96 as EM TN, 99'S Treuonsas use &yps sone ( suas sauppe SOHO EB pauoge sn somppegtar ve mou IE S96 seiner a uo ny sre oy © mou pe sou Yeu Prewanpe somos pu wero 100 3 p aor op apn 0201004 GN 24 J co x um 5 an 0 Ea aoe) ovoid uopsaSiyuo wow auewlp 2 ‘sures 0 ee KA PHU PO ydeoua ap 01 LORE UL 796 aoped yous yes ut word 9m 2 Hamas poe dowledou an Ly (1) ‘pag wos sapmoyr oped on -deaay oy wore we J 04 “ah ups “CQ)9gg anlar unoys EP pe Jo rea a 0097 FoRDe 10, 1 LEN 30 om a wou An Ruapy 2th Jo 200 por serio 0g wype 349 01 Uo} 24130 pe aun qoooto!d, pie CLV) 008 omen, eas 240 Jo” ws 196 pou yoy uous 2 deus ya paveoosse tg poe UDF doo pe an UBaMIG 2309221 sropeay vogruans> Bunnos 2 “od sep ate =3¢date> 30 Pre So satp aves ue z9pen vosiorea jo sd) se 2ip 841 oyped gag we uF 82. 2g eu Sapeny woquorys 940 Jo 9% 2 ead supp poppaquis gaa UF sg 0 ‘jo asnSyuesee axp ures fa umoys reauoy aur} 2¢p 30 PIE spp Pl POPPE "Seuuoy apd | x au, 6aaidey 3roadband ATM networks 10.1 Introduction As we explained in Section 1.3.5, broadband ISDN (BISDN) was desig from the outset to support m igh-resolution images, isknown as at operate ie and a packet however, pared with the actual ‘So in order to keep the header smal CO mode of operation was chosen. In a pas involves a path/route through the network be twansfer of any information packets and, of ng pith is called a viral circuit and, in veaer 1g a new VCI on each line, only suficient identifier are required to identify the packets relating t the diferent callson each lin rather than the differen calls in the total nerwork. This same mode of operation is used in ATM networks The final decision was the size of the payload ofa cell, Small cells ave advantages for constant bit rate trafic since only a short delay is experienced as successive bytes relating to the same call are assembled and disassembled ‘he Grerheads associated with each cell (in terms of transmis ing) até higher. A compromise was reached by the various standards bodies and a cel size of 83 bytes/octets was chosen. This comprises a 48-byte payload (information) field with a S-by other fields, No error control is performed on hence no sequence numbers are required for retransmission purpores However, the header does contain error check bis to detect the presence of transmission errors in the various header fields, Because of the predicted high bit rates per cal fiber access network was to be ued to connect subscriber premises to the core network. ‘As we indicated eatlier, however, the rapid advances that have taken place in ~"Yompression mean that the less 2 sop peed no ae wo on ae A (9) ‘onyewayos fu vate 9A (2) !6uynos eo TOT ambi o “ot uons9g ur sjroMou ELE 2p apeosg jo sseq amp se pas Buyoq aze Garp aoy MOyS PuE g'OT BOR?S WALY 30 woeado axp aquDsop usKp 2yA "SOT HOND9G UT SNVT LS onesado ain pu prot 0 '0T SUONING Ur syZOMIaU BUIG>HNS|99 JO Uo io aun jo ep zxpany uosaxd 2m uy sey YoMaU Suoqy>EG 79UIaIU amp HE PIsN ruwoasaist NT paad=8q (hapter 10 Broadband ATM networks ‘The format of each header is made up of sx the pe of informa the cell; the different ypes are shown in Figure 10.2. All ‘user data have a zero in the most significant bit. The ne whether the ce during heavy load condition user to specify a preference O high priority, CLP= 1 low 1 header error checksum (HE( ICRC on the fist by involves a simpl header of the links, cells may require the same buffers that hold the a bulls rode inthe opt controle athe form of a FIFO queue to ensure the fom each input fed. The output con: ink bit (and hence fe output in the same order as the simply forward received cells atthe appropr ywnload routing informa- ied VCs are being us Point processor. tn both cases, semipermanent the rocting informs routed through the switching fabric directly from the input ‘that receives the ces to the control processor In addition, the wwe ag de apew are 534 pga jo aydurexa ue cnn part poe dresoN wore ar unos ‘ube IV spo ages Hon a ‘une refs v ut paroauuodronur sreawiay> Hampnss soy Jodn apett yo 0 sdqye ot x9t » ‘un ogge ue sq atrerdaae axp Jo wonesodo jo poods 2tp 4a pany Suaq ane uot stisap gonea yuos andy aug sng aueIdH—eq aU 1960 39 nos wnduy Yoeg “uN ‘onan wy purpose ot 2 Gare ts sa [Chapter 10 Brosiband ATA networks fox og X= ng, ea wth og 011 seed cored Figure 10.4 Delta switch matrix example. interconnections between switching elements are suc (any ouput. Assoc nent isa routing control bit called the routing arcting on ether inp ‘upper outp ‘he tag ia binary 1, thea it As we can deduce from Figure 10 the same set of three rout {rom any input port to the sa 103 Suieharcntecures | 677 udvantage of this ype of ple paths through the switch are see, although the cell addressed to port 5 thove addressed to ports at the second switching element simultaneously. Both requi ‘output line and blockin "There are a number of ways of overcor the switching element to discard one of the tching fabric is locking. Three exam- Figure 10.4. As we can inimpeded path 10 the speed of operation ofthe svitching elements ing links and hence for larger switching fabrics Dafering into each i has the disadvantage ice, a combi ‘An exa Figure 105 if two (or more) fequire the same 10.5 shows, the (Banyan ‘and the two are combined effect -aunyaoyyaze 102008 WL 9°0T # Jo eH Y= 1: Byypoar pu woes uousBeueu OHS 50 Chapter 10 Braasband ATH networks virtual path/channel identifies that have been allocated for permane cal layer is known as the transmission-convergence sublaye : With such functions as the generation of the header check sequence in tf “cell header and the d 10.4.1. ATM adaptation ‘layer ‘The AAL provides a range of al higher protocol layer: The service types are classified accord + voice), the bitrate asociated with che ta connection mode (connection-orientr n example use of AAL 2 n ofthe variable bitrate stream associated with compressed video. jeo produces frames at a constant rate, a video coder will pro- duce frames containing a variable amount of compressed data, eal s/e/3) mt or ewer bly {acs Segre PPR in Fes (€5 = coneigonce sb Figure 10.7. ATM ada (b) sublayer protocols and layer (a) service class relationship; ir Functions. “2-Twy (a) SE www (e) 80d un eVep Yos0}04d AVS g°OT BuNbLy 2d oteuo = soubor = aN ‘uo 28 rajod amp 4a pare oun souanbos 21, Peg +g sasdiu0> soquine 50 ondaap amp 105 ~ pay un nuendo ng-g v Jo dn apEW f js2ruonbes 944 1019 ee quae 9lanbas ayy 322,014 01 psn yu uenber pla possaidao9 & 0} 2fdutex> 105 - puor2é tad sige yo su2r = re dusexa 205 ~ puoras 23d GOL 2} © yoy soud doneunsop agp ve wonDuny AjquossEos yen 40} Apes w 9q uoREWOpU no a8puq aowas» YBaorp — SNVT tet 10 Broadband ATM networks ‘The format of each PDU associated with the corresponding SAR p with AAL ly to provide aconnection-oriented data trans vice. Later, this ype of service was dropped and combined with AL # 3/4 provides a connectionless data transfer vervce for the transfer of va length frames up to 65535 byte additional fields added by the CS pr the corresponding SAP hoy Sh gn! ge HF CS and SAR POU formats: (a) AAL3/4; (b) AALS. uree t help the CS protoc (buffer) memory for suid minder (SN) is used to detect mis like a'network server inay havea singe (imi aiage lectively this leads to easier mem ger of €ich segment relating to the same CSPDU. length ield indicates the total length ofthe complete PDU and this suse an. the receiving protocol ro detect any malformed SDUs. On receipt ofeach CSPDU, the SAR prot 48 octet segments ~ SAR-PDUs ~ a shown the segment spe (ST) inl last, oF only Semen teen ar oie spc ion se ad 2 aputosd rosiou 219 uaasiaq DENK e Jo a¥e9 31N 2 aoruesend i) soho fo Alen onan es aep sono Hota be PRO ain uo spuewiap Suma ‘ayes ueaus af soateereT ‘unowr eptk agen sing sodas sup (gAkV) TEA wg ayGETFENE uoneispion way vo sau9s 8 wos} pA pomEetxo9 Reeaer4o> ae, ‘Jo s9pven ap = 2jduer> uy squouranabos up year ou yee ng 2 yen ig 2yqeures suodéns son «(UN WALA) at . Msesso0ou pt poddosp 2q ue> koxp are>tpu 0 33 2pomou off e paBiin axe 9 ‘papanoxe st er yeod 31N rez yead pur weoul parepap e ‘ul uorsiusuen aap st aydusexa uy “nuotuastnbas uN “ner ya aygenoa nsoddns 7 se yons oupen snouasypost uaddas siya . ae as 02 yoads ua9q seq yor conaau aga 8 ut i Jo Hoe sa "OA pauiisse ap 30 en (any) nm FALL 8 HL jodsuen 61 posn “pkey qv 21 20 {ga patetiosse [fet Jo peay ou St a1Dqp 395 ue> 2m sy 250 worsod iditexa 10} ~ sais KsaH0904 Hi 20 oop x or epee saquo> (aS 3) F fo yen ap Ye splay aun ep aFeNLEAPE mT we neaso ea go UD} a Tunouy 5 s(1da VS Pu pa e aien 194 pe TWW 0) 2%aI08 see w SOpLOrd ST pOUYDP Feo adm oi = EBV W709 70 PU 3 688 | chapter 20 Broadband ATI networks parameters may be defined for the cel sve " flowing in each trection ofa connection. ‘The parameters relating tothe user inchie: 18 peak cell rate (PCR): the maximum rate the source will sustained cell raté (SCR minimum cell rate (MCR): the minimum cll rate that is acceptable by the souree be? 1 cell loss ratio (CLR) fol COMP = cl doy ten sre delivered owing to network; 18 cell transfer delay (CTD): the average transfer delay of cells across the network: le of operation of generic cell rate algorithm, 18 cell delay variation (CDV): the average variation in cell transfer delay. 10.5 ATM LANs red into the Yeo whether the param ATM LANs have been designed to meet the high bandwidth demands of mult- I/VC conform to the agreed contract. The algorithm sed d ‘media applications and hence are an alternative to the LANs based on fast ‘own a the gener cell rat algorithm (GCRA) and the principles on whic Ethernet which we described in Section 8.7. Atypical site LAN is shown in isbased are shown in Figure 10.10. Feure 1011 Aswe can se, four examples of eelLinterarrival tim ‘Aswe explained earlier in Section 103, an ATM suumber of ports and its function i to provide a munications path b Cell? arrives according (Cell 2 arrives early cepted: Note, howe expected time ofarival of cell $s, +27 é (ii) Cell 2arvves later than the agreed PCR by cells ata lower rate than the agreed PCR, i switches with a very large number of ports are required. Howev tions require network services atthe same time. To ports, groups of stations — for example, in a build switch through a remote concentrator uni is accepted. Note that 1 cell 2 arrived plus 7: agreed CDVT and hence violates the the network will either set the cell loss I depending on the loading of the network, ep euro ian ap son 2 uouea se uaour ied Bupeeaso} ep jenH29 & Pu S12 (oa) 894 moved de tou 99 we wuatsasb os nd wy “$301508 Jo 98 219 (290,48) SuoqsemAo9 Fue YEN sae Seats se wong 228 sont ag wonouny sup 30) do 928 fpustiemsdd 2¥e (3 paroauuoo ave ne 21p ov aedosdd wapeapeg neunsap pasinbas atp ypod 36 A uo poiprs Jo Suunap> pu dn Humos 249 pur "HYEPUEN Los nog yo usuraBewen [e340 ap ‘S11, (29S) od jonuo> Sere “gamdpor 0 svela portoy we id 4240 no potty ae YowaaU HULV 2 a yBnonp atH019 fia re coe vegeta a8. umple 10.2. networks ba providers are introducing a new generation of publ same technology. As we shall see in Sections 10.6 [ATM MAN which, i wide area network 201018 ouy, mndwor aos 349 ‘2th Buss seer _y>ko Jo seaippe WoHaU 2H) wo 4 yndio /pauoo9y are vex) 99 Jo S9peDH HN UE P9EN S98SDIPHE AAA 2a ‘sf 1eqn Ssacgpe Searaaz poreooyle ap Habs Asip80 posmoU aU UDyAY TED amp Ku PanEDOSSE soy aBessou aup Busts 305 pas rey jo wuapUBdpUT sf >HKH ~ (348) uonsoutio> rouueyo yen Se 9 fauueya aiesedos vs910 21 tyogdaapia pue Kuoudaja se y>ns 405 9 panuasso-worsoouung “avesedas toda sang aug saps009 pe a *NVT 9 -E(s S9oQ.19 ee feugiat a20Ur OF YEN pL pure ¢nog a8essous amp on Eune[as eHY pure sqomenEED pare oy HaaIIR polluowoxe soy afessous amp on Sune! TIN INVT WLLV Ue HbA pareposse UREN 30 sod ova age aman “von pateposee I pUE TTR amg ems aM ey Suyssaa0ud je onupueg 2r°oT 24 yPregasyn = Si moe Fe Ysor aos 405 Chapter 10 Broadband ATM networks station with that ofthe called station. The SCP then informs ton that a VG has been set up and the call commences. In ting up of and the broades ‘and secondly, the users thatthe session can commence. The session thea proceeds wi iuced in cased LAN segments are replaced by segments. A major issue when ¢ ‘As we explained in Chapt umber of LAN seg with a face anda sation connected to legacy LAN, two ‘must be supported: one for use with a bridged LAN an with a router-based LAN. With the first, the interface betwes seamless interworking in the appr ‘each separately LAN emulation The various networking components Figure 10.18(3) “The aim of the various networking com cast mode of operation of a legacy LAN ov sited ATM. LAN. The term used to describe this method is known as LAN emulation (LB). The three components used are an LE configuration server (LECS), an LE server (LES), and a broadcast and unknownaddress server (BUS) [Atthough ach i shown asa separate enti in Figure 10.13, for asimall LAN, they may all be implemented in a single computer. In this case, the mes gto each component are identified by the ype of virtual 1s to emulate the broad- ation: (a) logy and networking components; (b) unicast fc) multicast protocel architecture aug 220 $a 19m WY UY TT am OF Suqurerto3~ afssou wsanbas wo} panuguog exer ant Sunt oT alas seu sosppe RLY 2408 © fue womeyyion eo Ten Trupsap pu 25m08 © 98 Sroiourezed st ssazppe OVW on ‘oe ‘NIT PHONG & AIUD OY ‘wonopur VIVELINA ST pa et (Aa) yooresd won NYT SUE FF uoea tpn pee yoooioad qr (q) SOT 2znBir 18 a uj pur apo Kxoxd sed 69 0 gery MA posed vires saypo wonrue nv = av [NV WA 348 08 PaTIOUUOD 2zE 1 5 tne Jo sossaappe Jo 12s axh axey ST PuE SAT 2xp 1HO4 “2seUd wor 1V “SAA Pe SAT > THO tH TH qo 1 IT 2oug SM 9m Pue ‘ST 21R SORT aun 01 QT WH"? PaTIOD feredatv (e)G1°01 unig Ut 995 Ue 2M FY 2NPPE ‘nojaq paqussep 58 ~ £98892" J0 125 UKO IE mp “so8paq stone potgeua LLY - NWT WY 2 ST 2th 4 wnougun 552190 OVAL poor pu ‘apeeypenag/unse5 sISSDIPPE WLLY 44-03 09 wopeenyom WAY | Sietiay oo. 4 sna uy pxanere ox eH Sere 70 | cnr 20 eran aa ira ‘The unknown address service asociated wi senda ‘o their such frames the LEP retained ~ cached ~ un ier frames received must then be the data direct VCCis in place. Classical IPover ATM ‘The method used when subnet routers form the interface to the legacy LAN connected to the legacy nds a copy of ti hhas been developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The LE ARP request message to red LECs using the « basic method is known as classical IP over ATM (IPOA), tribute VC ‘exchange datagi addresepair of ected ing the ARP protocol t nature of legacy LANs. Once these have been VOCas before. ‘The flow of data frames, each of which its head, can then st rader of the frame. No FCS fie is required performed by the AAL 5 sublayer, Because of| mediate address resol provides datagram /packs relayed directly station permanent VCC. In the station-o-BUS direction, the VCC is known 33, a addresspair ofa st send VCC and in the reverie-drection, the miltieast forward V this way, Uae ARB inh receipt of service primitive wih a multicast destination cB pair ofall stations and router po! creates a frame as before but with its own 2byte LEC Station IP has a datagram to sen this direct tothe LEP in the BUS over the multicast send VC i in the CLS ove ne LEP broadcasts a copy of the frame to all stations: forward VOCs. The LEP in each station ining the address that are connected to it. Whenever a ids the datagram tothe IP layer less from its routing table, The IP then forwards the datagram packet to isis known as echo suppression. ae 8 a - the destination over the sation, the receiving LEP determing arity an LES exet 105 pas 3g wo HON ue ABojodo ng 1 /0P1 /9h/ 8 30 250 SLL Sapou ssa200 aun “axle Od gyi © 350.01 aunty Wy palzuuoss9rUl 30395 E So 2ouoy pue 2pou Jajsuen snouonpuls ‘wou}puwap 2xf rau 01 srapyoad 20% ‘u39q ane GNI) Soarau ware wEOdONAN, SNVIW WIV 9°0T eon | saves nay ot pooud Aiquosseat p pute PauULIRap UstN DA 11008 ge Sussap0ud 30) sale ‘tp of AR2aap posse “apou sit 99094 pur [>>/uoU an ssasppe uoneunsop ayn '2an2e1d 1 gureauys se umotry Susy2on Jo 2poKr pucras E sauiatdunt “you 3 s1a%e oso10xd "wy way jue jor0}o4d pT'OT NGL roe arnt mans | 705 Chapter 10 Broadband ATH nebvorks 250kn (0 mb remote bridge or a router. All frames are rans network in the form of fixed-sized units kn Das cote sponding customer tee are Reracbial ‘ough read and write com head of the write operation. The physi cal layer in each access node reads the contents of each slot without ‘modiffing its contents, and only if new data is to be sent by an. access node ‘does it overwrite the existing contents. We can conclude, therefore access node enly copies (reads) data ftom a bus, tdoes not remov rermitted to do 50 by in this configura same slot generator can be used for both buses. In both cases, 3 connected together 3 = de schig en ring network addition to generating dots, the head of bus is responsible for pass- \dependent a to the access nodes. Typi sénerated by a separate network management station and ite MAN; (b) dual-site private Gaon on Posnbyuodas ayers (oj ‘sag padon, ()!5nq vado (2) :saumprayuose BODO 9t Se won arn Sunes os puter oe Be et Butpuord pou oo pepe re (WO) Paremnqae para arose OH9 oy veg Prone 9p pen sown “(va pavemtgaeasd two js tp 0} e078 Sulu soy sopous aoa aunetsay ono are 2204, 0a ax sy wawsa8euves s9%y pus wOWLO: ‘Suonauay uel 05 SSeUdHGD JoleIgNs OY aM (elation aunty sy salons OVW “ gauoayoe, 3924p 23834 esq 2p Ssoute possaysuen 3g spams yu xojdnp oe UH cage yyw 210 Jo uonesodo ‘sprepuses apg 3a] Ino 210 ws SY 8208 FATAL wt POUT ue yoooyord ay 30 swusuoduon yp FagnUap! (e)L COL 90H aanypayyoue yo20yMd ZT uy 5 = “worers prow Sevens 304391 NOWRA ® 30 pote at uonesado woesntiy ‘Syomen Way puRgpeog ota. ‘suaqunoo ysanbot cape sos poos ey eq 20 220000 un pow s00e Bapion 2 514 assis NRL OT 08 requ udp © 24 UPD 2101 UE EN NON "POL op 3 yey sapoU ss9928 ax WOH} S04 ELA HO HOP qumnu amp sureiuea sng Boxpuodsa110> 2X2 Jo tod Aue ay “240 4a pareeuras>9p ravadass} 105 duro we > Burpuodso.09 210 0 24g Uo SOK 1 sng 4oe3 uo 9 sq 4289 UO HOR AD J yyoq o 2008 SUB AIDY PES apur sarezado sng ype? “omy “SA ADV satne Ie 02 [199/wsauss yaad yeep sopeou 248 paRTe vovad gonuo> worvesnBiguoa 24) JO ros aT Mans | 723 ‘Chapter 10 Broasband ATM networks White a segment is queued for abi 5s that are repeated with fuse the corresponding request counter to be incremente 3 which are repeated atthe opposite bi ‘cause only the countdown counter for that bus to the bus when ‘may not be poss ‘until more than one segment has been queved anc spposite bus. To allow for thi a third counter known as queue counter Keeps a record of outstanding request ample 10.2 BGC As roan que cu fr bs A GE = MAC cag Seton 10.6.4) ‘Elowehart of the he transmission and reception of ‘orbiagiof a dual bus centre ofthe bus, We ean best undersiand the 1 remembering that the node atthe head of each bus h the buses, Also, although the agamie node isthe is pass this node first. Under heavy ‘Busen dq saxomoy "2181 U9 pug (paveroeaid) ey a10N -uonere Sn jo says atp 205 papusnuts[ssep) soBesiou w2UHoS Sunes sa> Jo z9suen auf Jog paasoeas HZ seep pue‘g seep pareooiTe sGene Die paumeyy fjuoerep 01 Sunes nusuifos/s29 “auoud wousiy amp Suse Benys'g pur “9 are sassep Asoqd iad aauyp 29 WED 2324, idns 01 ib as0q ayn ‘panuautaydi Suynanb paynquysip paznuoud $°9°OT rypour Surpaeeq wi ero erpmoy 2xn ut ¥ 1uIod re p2ony ‘unos are pastnbau sdave Sups200xd fevomppe ati, i2iuN0> uMoprunoD O17 rien on ruouids panan ese pug sng 2p MOP 4 (Lang pave ap uo Aq sed sues 707010 & Supoueyeq eUPIpaeG 2xp paie> s21uN09 oy ‘paonponal fem msjueysow SupueTeG MPIMPEG “oSie yonuo> ss2z7e 28e9 amp 01 uoRe>ETPOU E 22y9 su some oot ssvaoe uaa 0 429449 (: o ypauias (q) £99559 ssausqeyun (e) :Sursuefeq mApIMpUEG O2"OT 24NBIA uo ap o @ fap ses20 riber sone aos atu mans | 737 6 | chapter 20 Broadband ATM networks ¥ control method endeavors to ensure that these are trad Defore slots containing other types of LAN ta The general arrangement for controlling acc Figur A sed for access to bus B. As we can see, the class atthe head of each slot/cell The When a slots repeated at for example the acess Vand 0~RC 1 and RCO~and leaves the higher priority = unchanged. This means that lower priority requests do not delay the ‘wansmission of higherspriority segments. sme that a segment becomes ready to transmit on bus A of priority ~ part (b). The stepe areas follows ‘When an empty slots repeated at the interface with bus A, req RC O and RC2 and countdown counter CDG decremented ot wit) an RO of ay pri 2 pase then request counters RCO tnd and countions jementing the loWer priority countdown counter, when a 7 higher priority slot is received, effectively del io} uaubas even 5 yeus0) yuawBas pue yois Zz'OT 24nt ‘4apeay 10) ‘uy suoaso uorssuisren 19819 01 Pa S| PUE OND GOK es! O¥D PEoKEd au ufos aSessouu jo puo 40 afessour wuouiBas aus © ut a}0 Jo soquNG peojded ayy souay pur nia20 Fp Jo sardninut sao 5 Jo sada ur 12790 + 9q 01 no papped axe soures pan DUD Poor ayy pur wSu2y poogkod a4rspyey om sepduOD In ‘ooo 125519 39uDy pu faBessour uauiios 2iSuIS uy poumnbas ou sf soypuapy afessour © Jo ypoIg aresedos & ped oy suleg aures 24 07 areau ren souiios oxy Anu rox 34) S9fqeU> SU, "HUN S599" 2D1N0s a1 tp paresoyre aae aueyy sues omy 01 Sum ‘papaeap 2382 uae Bu 51 yuswies numuod axge29208 Y>E> 105 1 "usus8es Bun lice Sa To cr \—" Ei dan agar 01 s4N280% 7 a) “oar aig separ (KOR) ABERREJO PED ‘oss /2 rr ego pa pue wes 24 uaomiog axe aunuo> atp sempUrsqNOO) ABH Jo woNEMETHCD wm xp sa 2area pomenqns aep 289 sO Os Fedor 10). omougas ap Soe Mp SUONOUUOD ZEN A, Sovoind wono9Ps01 205 "0 4 sng -powtop uoag oat sone ‘oqo ox 2A 9830) "BHE 00 30 usa 20 own 9 1108 ‘eso ate wane a0 4 separ sgow) aBesou jo Suan sou ‘ey pou aq uo ess our amp 9656) ssw waUdes aS go wat way 240515 sd wouter sno} jo 2u0 uy pouaysuen 248 ~ puepumes ap uy atessoure se 0) pausajas— aus; v 0 Sunes nuauifos ay, “(SAGAN ‘oyun erep fooorerd QIK pastop paire> 2x8 foqp ‘our soli © jo y2ed aye wep ssojuonouu09 Bus ‘rey peorded am yop essmous (@)gz‘01 aunts 5 ruduioa snq q>e9 Wo [92/20] B-gG amp “FT YoND.y UT Mes aM SY ‘syeuuoy quauibias pue yo1S 9°9°0T * suromau yy pusapeosa or sdeNS | ro Chanter 10 Broadband AFM networks 10.6.7 SMDS In public neosork the conneciones data service offered by the MAC vergence function is known asthe switched mulimegebit da (SMDS) or the connectionless broac lata service (CBDS) by In such networks the various sublyerfunetions/ protocols shown iF 10.17 are known a the SMDS interface protocols (SIP): the MAC con sence protocol i known a IP leel 3; the queved a level 2; andthe physical convergence protocl SIP tev nection schematic and asocined internetworking protocol architecture Shown in Figure 1023. n part a) the ovo LANs are interconnected MAC bridges wile in part (0) IP routers are wed Recall from Chapter 8 thatthe diferent pes of LAN size differ header formats, adress pes, and maximum frame sizes. To accomed all ypes of MAC frame, the size of the SMDS service dat nit canbe 9188 octets. Also, Decute ofthe diferent addressing formas, prio © frame (SDU), the level 8 SIP first encapsulates standard header and wile In addin, in ener fo the buffering operation atthe dest padding octets athe ple of doaets 7 if mesage unit ~ refereed tose packet Frown aan inal MAC PDU (IMPDU) ~or SIP evel 3 PDU ~and iso isshown in Figre 1024), “Ths the SMDS network pro arent othe customer OF frame the acces gateway ~ known a8 an SMDS edge gate ~ sim broadcasts the frame over is local DODB subnetwork using sitrated acces contol protocol. In this waa copy ofl sub is received by all the other gateways DODB sn decision is made by Jes a counectionless service that sta source and dest 164 addresses as defin 106 aT mans | 721 Hon ‘SABE edge sony BUDS alg goswy Catone prone Hot A SES alge gamer Catone pe E164 ode 10.23 SMDS internetworking protocol architectures: “oqi@ausbos ores (a) fem} nad OWWG LEM (2) sPeawsano uosHUsHEN) aweLS H2-OT HLL at on pvp oun alexa ve Bus sonny aso Jo Y>e> AR PaIU>OST xp fgpuend oq te) 2g sakeyqns 20usBau0> 29 ame 3 vourod 2X ‘won 2uty P: i aya pu opto aay sj qu ep 29108 Sa Dre “wopoumny sa4ejqns ypee Up PaTEDOs fou SAWS 2tp 99058 UIE] OV gag, _vormonios ye sous orzo atm yur aup pure wasasd oft 32P E24 HOU jen vouriio> aU “AGAAT a24dusoo aun wo HON?z19P i nag reuonido Ue apmpput Ge HER SL, re Shapter 10 Broadband ATM networks 10.7 Wide area ATM dontinued Seacal yIRGaeae ae he 0S = Suh mga dl wees SF = $105 eos pote ig function, the E.164 addresses "DU are networkwide addresses which identify the MSS and all members of the group, iterconnected LANs in the two protocol architectures we shower 23 were assu an be used to interconnect ATM LANs. Figur similar app “provided at the MAC subl deus ‘oyoman way puegpeorG 97°OT 28g -koouuns 23 ena oI ‘pylomsou WAY pungpeese any uy vow ‘uy passnasp odor axp yo Aizu ‘syenazu yuay pueapeose ot sade4 Chapter 10 Broadband ATM networks sy n10a Japlsin the origin/meaning of the following rms relating to BASDN networks: Discuss the reasoning behind the choice of ‘onnecton-oiented mode of operation fr Be SDN nerworksand aye ce xplain why the development of BISDN has fen postponed. Identity those networks and ‘evorking equipment of that use ATM, routing. Give ah example of eal routing ape 107 108 09 woo oat roaz ‘With he aid ofthe alagrams shows 10.3(R) and (), explain the prin Sion ofthe following ATM etch mat time dision bus, nthe contest of a multistage de es prising a number of ments, it isthe tlements per stage, X, and the numbel Assume now thatthe rou wing at port 4 is Determine the effect of this and how ‘overcome in pactie Explain the difference between and the neoork management sation, ‘the meaning ofthe CU, and M planes, the role of the AL and ATM layer protocols ith the aid of the diagram shown in Figure10.7, state the application domain of ‘each of the fobr AAL service cases, Alo plain the poe ofthe CS and SAR wblayers Timplementng these services Ince the ‘ue ofthe service access pat. tb the fi Of the two SAR PDU eypes F shown in Figure 103, expan the we of the following elds: wo2i -AALS/4 ‘AALS layers and why the Inter was ‘the meaning ofthe following service cles: CBR, Se BRE, e VBR/NET, cs UBR lowing parameters atociated with it POR, ro MCR, pvt, GR, mos cr, cov. Exercises | 729 2 PC/ workstation stached toa legacy [LAN to access a server that i atached to a different legacy LAN (of the sme 'ype) both of which ste connected to the ATM backbone by bridges fon that a igure 10.15, exp access node/csstomer network inter. face unit, pen bus and dual bus topologies, wee (uinnt -oaani) *4anv08/09 (ue ZOgaN) sdayust/st/6 -Pumos (ump zoaan) sdqyye/9/h unos yuu opt (roan) sds ‘4p 403 swouroutnbor aver uoHanpoauy TIT cot ~uomae aon OE umeideep que #04, wor LOT wonsas “eat nok stoped 5 atpoao Jo soquune [201 2M (0) pop speaysoso ove Jomou SONS BOC ® 5927 Sar or 4 uty OVI a-00T VF OT 4 wor pur afpuge hi 89 an vou sooor0ud gra ds PU 1e0t Jovjgoas amp da P2010} ota, rrfen ue J9Pe24 11M Bove axa i nos afer soxnbos [Sty pue uomauqns aga ® 280 oqorn ep yo suse JuUNSSY OF OL pet aay uptdso yopran nos souay “guowles qaDa, Pur Goa, sia! xp jo Hurueau tp aUi;q ro og paywoads © xe pasonb sf 1aausBos © poe uo 3ydouud 24 Sewn osnuo> 2908 0 JO BREW) BUA, 3809 2298 X80 eq eau 50 rE a UN, 0 ue aay yu yo Yar ot 2inthg ut uot 2apter 11. Entertalment networks and high sped modems (204, 188) coder and a rate 3/4 convolutional coder ~ reduce this fj about 16Mbps (24 x 184/272). This can be used to carry, say, four BM igital TV programs in each 8MHz broadcast channel 11.4.3 Interactive services 1.5 for an ISDN. Bt rates between M4 kbps (basic rate) and 1.544/2.048 Mbp eral miles/kilometers are obtained using baseband. is then knovn asa digital many cable operating companies ‘port various applications of this ype. “= ments over the ised pa the various DSL technologies associated able the signals associated with the existing tel vith those asociated wit the newer high-speed 15.1 ~“Fiber-to-thehome (FTTH) or fiberto-he building (FTTB), 11.5 Highspeed PSTH acciss tecnelsies | 779 te DSL. (ADSL) and the second veryhighspeed DSL. (VDSL). In the cae the highspeed asymmetric channel telephony service. In the case o higher 2symmetric or symmeti 3g telephony or basicrate icuse both these technologies. ADSL. The standa defined broadcast-qualty videoondemand (VOD). Hence the standard allows for a bit rate of up to BMbps in the downstream direction ~ that i, from the local = and up to IMbps be used over addition, 38 we nation at the customer premises rather thai required with ADSL. Access network architectures ‘As we saw in Section 7.2.1, in the earliest PSTN access networks the transmis- ‘wisted-pair wires. Over a period of hhave been replaced with optical fiber cable. The architecture of a typical PSTN access network is a8 shown in, Figure 11.2 ‘As we can see, the amount of twisted: pair cable used varies from zero with 300 yards/meters) drop cables with fiberto-thekerb curb (FTTK/C), one oF ‘portion of the acess _rmainength of twisted uN yyeusayfe woryoauu0g ¢Z°TT 2 sme ayrt-asay (a) ‘IN aanze um ISaV (€) # 2 | Chanter 22. Enterainent networks and high-speed modems 33 With the aid of the COFDM in Figures, the implications of (i) uking orthog ferson the space 11.39 ing between adjacent carter, ding 2 ard intra bene the reltionship betwee terval and the symbol period. 6) ADs, i) Yost mba, rd 4 Assuming a guard interval of $0 us and a ‘wale channel bandwidth of 7M, deve ‘he numberof srr that would be aed Define the origin of 2 and 140 fan ADSL in Tnchide in your dese mat Include in your deserption using a passive network tetminaion (NT) and one of the potential dranbacks thie nae to the discrete malttone (Dstt) rate caused by the guard interval and nmedhod wad na ADE a ee channel interface overheads qua Example 11.1. State the numberof digital TV the numberof cer per ym Programs the channel il suppor ‘ae wed, ‘the reagon hy mutevel mation i. Ea ‘ot used with aller how duplex ransniil is obned State the meaning, bitrate ad wse ofthe fl Co tan BehsPeedaccestechnologies: 1.43" State the allowing for a VDSL ion st, (the ype of acces network and hel st, tion of he VDSL modem, spst, 1) typical bitrates, ADSLLite, }) how duplex tansmision is obtained 12.1 Introduction ftrasocied ith the deren apletion /nework he” ot ncwerk opera ina varey of mode creutowiched or paerviche, stor connecosles and Bence each ype ef network has & it Abone the nemorlyer prove For exampl vices provided by the different types of application proto- service and, m (0095 eBnostp -saoyaayas ssoappe afeysoqu pue ans yosaheed gtiegd Tz neooHTe 43.L HOGUMU Lod uMomp|fan se Unotn idle 309308 au 5 slp © © tl youn na ‘ sponge te — 2 ean joncnosd worteayplde 025 ree esBetep ai 222: jad 9x2 30 303 949 : lenin Su sv afgor ureBerp ap jo auatuo> 240 UY oF fancioad axe Ser Jo shou a0$ et 03 a sy Kae “aWO1 4 ae 14198 aun ase vey sqoD00014 3O 1% ~ soja aBiessour yen Buded -adueyaxo aSesrour asu thus aoa ‘eras og ans pm gui tors a0. ope aa an 10 ash FE ADEN PU IA eID add sup Jos 1a 99 19 510312 {Us Dash jrnonunuco wadino pup: ‘yesfosd woneaydde 2x9 09 poyuy afieyoed Asesqy fp sonanoud seessoad antandoe se ou0y waits apns joroxoAd qI/d IL ‘jooorexd uoneaadde 0 aptioud Koy soa08 pe sooorord anoy asotp Jo uonerado aun aqunap ase zadeyp sp uf uae org om syeooend yosiuei, 21 an 12.3 Transport protocols ‘As we can see in Figure 12.2 all the prot \wansport layers com remote host comps ‘0 communicate on an end-to-end basis. In in each of the to communicating host ls. These, together with the IP in each i internetwork. The IP protocol in each host ave local sig and the routing ofeach datagram is carried out on a hop-byhop basis TCP ‘The transmission control protocol application protocols - norm: this is transparent to the two Which treat all the data subi ‘of bytes. The siream of bytes flowing in each direct (over the underlying network /internet) from one TCP. Se way th Figure 12.2 TCP/IP pre I suite interlayer communica service p y ‘As we explained , besteffon service. Hence in order Section 6.7, before any dat Togieal connection is ‘numbers in each TCP entity ~ that are required for error correction control purpo red. Also, once all data has been in both directons, the logical connection is closed, During the actual data transfer phase, in order for the receiving TCP to detect the presence of transmission errors, each TCR entity divides the sub -d stream of two TCP entities, a rer for the sequence a terminal, a segment may contain just a ge file trans ay contain many bytes, reed maximum segment size (MSS) used with a connection g up of the le proportion of segments are MSS is fa segment over free copies of those In addition, the ‘ensure no data is ‘example ~ is sending data o includes a congestion cont procedure which endea of entry of segments into the networ are leaving. In the f and finallythe formal specification ofthe protocol. Collectively these are defined in RFCS 793, 1122, and 1323, User services ‘number of alternative primi ve shall restrit our die collectively form wi ‘underlying TCP/IP pr 1211 and their use “asm at, poe sand (9) § ee sysetud ossuen 21 aa Chapter 12 Trasport protocol x23 10 | 799 At the server side, when a new connection requ server AP is unblocked and proceeds to create AP toservice tion. Typc: is carried out using the between the new AP and the local TCP e1 wide IP address of the host Ikxnown port number associat col (FTP and so on) Tae results in the local TOP ents crating a th ie given as a parameter) to hold incoming eo The act) primitive then used top reques lective this sequence of four py ican only setup a single TCP con ve and the socket address has only local _ sending over the connection. Similarly, the receive buer is used by the TCP le data receive from the connection ready for reading by ict ) primitive is used by an AP to tranefer a block of data of defined size o the send buffer associated with the socket ready fr reading by ‘Ket. The precedence parameter is a col tenable the IP protocol to spe: header ofthe vrith the nd ) primitive tepent flag can also be sct by a ser AP. Tis again is ured wi _pplietions ta enable, for xa -AP to abort a remote computation Uhseighas previously stared. The (urgent) data~ string of characters assoc n a client host may support maltiple conc + + ated with the &bart conishand are submitted by the source AP with the urgent tions involving different user APs : fag st. The local TCP entity then ceases waling for any farther data to be cogether with the urge immediately. On receipt of ths, the remote TCP entity proceeds to interrupt the peer user AP dhe urgent data and acts upor iely, these two primitives f (comprising the pair of sock agreed MSS forthe connection, the in Jo Sumas om fq poresrp eA ain pue rewudy s2pe9q, Heuune jeswSppccuyro otp 9 ras 2p 0} anes TUoUBos aup 30 Pla vp oun eH ng, 30 uopsod oun sea wu enusnbas 31, 22490b08 ep Ut OH OypEA wean UO}Sas Jeon ay) tH ake UE RIES N10 Ome sg oulTp_e nls 2p 024 died ood mo Ps do c papa ao4 sopesy tuswas ese at aqLesap 224 20 sored 2a onesado joaojod Z"¢-zT pp Stuo wou pasn s annnutad(jumpmys ag toner wore praedes pes a BP 22ctu09 axe sngtae mr poy sex ren JY 98195 Sth ose PUR spsosey Tos | eos e2t Storoeut vodsuen, 2 sey Toe See Chapter 12 Transport potacols cela numbera iRordee enue he chosen ISNOH in th ‘20dyte (IP) header. Hence the d P seg ) primitive (system call fom a client AP, the Hocal TCP logical connection with the TCP entity in the server segments exchange "As we indicated in the previous tion ofa connection is controlled independently. The TCP, ‘connection starts in the CLOSED state and e ‘number (ISN). These are both non-2e ‘nother This ensures that any segment dling their transfer over the afer the connection has been ing to the next connection. ‘bie counter that is incremented a "Then when a new ISN is required, the current conte iy maint ‘or 8 microseconds ead the ISN to be ‘makes an entry ofthis in the SNand send the conneetion record used for this connection. yGP atthe cen sequence variable Itthen sends a segment to the TCP in 10n, the ACK bit off, and the chosen ISN ( field, Note that since no window or MSS o the receiving TOP assumes the default va transfers tothe S¥N_SENT state he SYN, if the required server APas determined by the s already in the LISTEN state, the request by returning a segment with emg then aborts the connection rocedute and returns an error message with a reason AP. Alternatively ifthe server AP isin the LISTEN “entry ofthe ISN (to be used in the fen server direction and contained within the received segment) in its ‘own connection record ~in TBNand re fields - together then proceeds to cr the SYN code bit the sequence (number) fare present, then P entry then sure sviq jo soqusmy uur fanua 45, woutos ye ut sroquunis 93unbos ax WO, pareporse as HopuI aK jum dun-punos 2982 twopsouten ajfus © am 2ouanbos ‘susmuas duns apis ‘un uf aso 03 Jeqms 20 tne n3s-quDqp 2th do pareq rou suonentddeE ovenyut eae wuoyp 2tf woneadde 10.2269 snuous8or wep amor 0 peat pu aves GaHisrTawisa 2 w 278 ps pon HON SUA TY NORA es uy potoput duteg oq ep 2 © 0) oT Hixs eos yo uoudpqnorype a0 wos} 2p2P qawisrtuvas ah sito ow 1 psoes ogra Uso eens pon op au. 198 KN ses GHHSTTAVSa (wono2000) ap 109 Toulpoqeoiye ap U4 30 27e4 UE HOE oon | ex ex paSpanompe sea 29435 pre yup ap or runes 27 SPURS plate 0 pe woudpaourpe myo 17X30 ae uA! PS pisos tnounns (our wor? toon sgment data transfers: ) immediate acknowledgment 123 top | 807 With interactive appli volving a user at keyboard, each charac Jide, The server AP "in practice, in order to reduce the number of segments that are sent, @ ACK segment imme receives waiting for Ua Imay have been typed by the user. Hence when the ACK arrive ‘characters in the send buffer are transmitted in a single segment. A sequence diagram showing this is given in Fg Tn chese examples, the window size has «been shown since, in general, 18 no effect on the flow of the segments. Also, the Nagle algori ed. For example, ‘when the interaction each segment may co tion of mouse m then echoed, the movement of the ‘eusor can appear erratic, An example application ofthis type is X-Windows. Sle acknowidgreent number, Hence shou Gestination host, the receiving TCP can only ret cating the next in-sequence byt the packets relating to a message are being t ‘when the path lowed has alternative routes * jon soiza do Suymoys aouanbas yuausbas ajduwexg £-ZT S4nBld ptonercoes b ee) ‘uaoou Beq AO, Sust004 ‘uauiBos ploy 01279 ws forou pinoys am aun a4) ut unos souanbas 1 ‘ywouafoe yoy reuy ain syse— ajdurex 3 420} uous uossqsuen oy Suwo ~280] y10q ane g pe Zsa commence rms _ ; uous ep 299;301%9 ypeo Jo dlonas uo paummat st uous YOY UE uouiipamouyse we 10} Supzen anoxpie uous Jo 198 arayduzoo oan pu Fou Suppuas ain 2ouay pur sg z619 5 9yMNG a8>204 91P JO 97. 3T » panbas are uatios asm Bureg ssw on 2108 Supuduieg —afiessour 8 wep Jo yP9I9 ¥ SOHN EY smuatulos wep yo Moy TeuOnDaNprU sounose au durex ox Uy 131 Chapter 12 Transport protocols incremented to X + 512, and an ACK (with to the sending side. ‘This time segment (2) i received errorfiee and, ‘TOP is able to cansferthe contents of segments the receive buffer - ready for reading by the ‘Ack = X+ 2560 to indicate to the sending TCP Jnchading byte 2560 have been received and Hence, since no other segments are waiting to bes ‘expires when the segment is reransmitted. {s corrupted and hence the ithe segment is retransmitted. However, since the receiving TCP san ACK to sop 4 iuplicate. Hence it discards it but the sending TCP from sending another copy ‘As we can sce from this example, a key parameter inthe efficiency of the error control procedure is packet/frame and receiving an ACK fo rupted lost. The:choice of RTO, ‘only from one connection (0 “The inital approach used to derive the RTO for a connect al RTO of 1.5 sec ‘on an exponential backoff algorithm. -d, Should this prove to be iple retransmission attempts. oubling process then continues until no retransmissions occur, To ‘network problems, a maximum RTO of 2 Sion attempt or an e2 ambiguity problem and was idei approach was proposed by Jacobson method, the RTO is computed from then updated as each new RTT measurements made. In teach connection is continuously being updated as ea by suburacting the was received. The current estimate of the RTT RIT=aRIT+ (1-a) M hfe Mis the measured RIT and a ita smoothing factor which determines by howmich each new Minfluences dhe computation ofthe new RTT relative to the current value, The recommended value for cis 09. The new RTO is then fect at tie the updated RIT to allow fora degree of variance inthe RTT. "Although this method performed better than the original method, a refine ‘ment of it was later introduced, This was done because by using a fixed muliple > Dea D+ (1-0) RTT ~M 1 Suywoys souonbas uawbas aera, ZT 2n6ld iy pou nop sara © ap es an pu oH pun po sure 2p Supe 2 Ho Jo woRDDI IPE I PEON Seva gg unos Ho 30 HORAN marge 200041 35905 998 Ba23 Se aps Spo a 3503134 Pe sonore oso fe auunese 94 oyu OM UL SSL 5 uayoe ayp wuawa;dy laws 2ydurex> uy “hep 241 Spuas amos a1p 210}0q YON, ‘beds aug jo tunoure postsbaratp sheare ong wats 20U Yo]H9 B71 tp J 9 pews 2ep exp ose yeaa "uoRDIUUED aYp 40j ADL BulBI—1 Bvusuenar 0) Supeias syoy 94) 205 pavepda /posnseow YoU st Ly 24) Fooxd famiquie uosssusienas aq) 2utoa1a40 01 "ie pove>xput aM SY 6+ 1-01 1 tp Bussn possop Uomn #1 OLA JO eo nou ax pue tusurameeat 11 #94 Y>RD JO} parndisod OSes TLL A paunseou aU 2p pu Ta 2M Jo S1eUINS yuozIND oYp UDe! Wi LTal Pu sory TuROOUI ESI 2 syveosd uodzuea, 2c de. ‘hapter 12 Transport protacols im the source AP can write bytes into the send butfer up tothe current ‘of Wz and, providing Wis greater than zero, the sending TCP can data bytes from its send buler up to the current value o ped when W, = Oand the window is Inter, the receiving APis scheduled to run and we ate 4 bytes from the receive buffer. Hence when the TP Finally after the receiving AP reads the lst 1024 bytes from the RB, the said tobe closed . tion th F "TeP vsome de later returns. window update of 2058, After this as eee eae ‘been received, both sides are back to their’ state. ‘We should note that there are a numberof diferent implementation of ‘TCP and hence the sequence shown in Figure 128 is only an example, For ale al oe tea er nee ee 7 cxample, the receiving TCP may return two ACKs ~ one for semen Scyment nih te number ofbyes office pace now walle in the fore Widow deel ofthe segment 4 coher wuld bes of segments betwe the sie of the TCP “The following should be noted when interpreting the sequence: ent buffer Segments. A schematic diagram summarizing the operation ofthe siding ‘window procedure is given in Figure 129. Congestion control A segment may be discarded during its transfer acros 2 internet either because transmission errors are detected in the packet com taining the segment or because a router or gateway along the path bein equ jt transfers its contents to there E we then proceeds to process and transfer the contents of segments (2) bee - he ewan er tba done is en ge lr a une r reenter in wind “ ower widow atiolized to SN + I “s lized 10 (SN + 1) + odvertized window wambers are in seq ingle ACK for them but wth a window siz of eto. sending TCP deletes segments (8) and (6) fom is retransmission Ist but leaves W, = 0. ‘pe auauios om pups 0 a1ge U2 Foes ‘uousfas om on poseaxouy sys yOVen Pa o> auauus af e wos do “apides saveonour 24 Bory WON se pur nuouios ney pu2s Hou WD 4 ‘siuaUos 9948 205 -aunpaaoad no} sevice = 155 ed = sa HOUBe e9DH SSW NN eee nopaps vib = Mt pee xy Kp my HH panenes ov Ze pO) HR Ee tnog “ampaooid 2oueprone/jonue> uonseBue> amp x nope nosso vse one gO. Ype mnpooHd ne ote sa, paddoxp oq 0 axey sed pur ananb yndino rainox panayge ay ty 922d Jo ‘omy ‘2ug SOMops om Jo ae atp Mg pout fox soso muss women jo pods gezx0 20 2 Transport protacels eof the lines making up the pat gested. Providing We remai its congestion window ina way hat ‘The steps taken depend on wh ACKs being received or the retra procedure ‘example is shown in Figure I In this example atts maximum Yalue of 64 segments which, with an MSS of ted and Wi immediately reset to 82 segments/Kbytes. The cremented back up using the conge ies 34 segments, a second peo soo (aso 20a5q w91os umeaRLEU! O1 1 upeo Raunt vou 29es TVA CI veto 999 508 3 m rout fs WV" ASV an yo smwop otf aveaqpu OO NIL © SPUEE ADL [20] a4p NSE w se : Jaop e ones api assed a4) ut AY 2t 270] um 2uOS TY apis assed amp ur oy Bane nou 1 expat 1 ate SEV NIH 207 52109 Fas gop annoe ap Buoyed aL MN HOV 2Ap Jo xdEDar cueans 249 2) Jo 249 ¥ soumsuo> ta aoug {+ ongemba s: oY 2tp u 29quanl>e 2491 TON, ‘agp © 30) Sunes 6 2S4pUL On B18 LIVM~3SOTO 30} pts satpo 2¢p wos HusH09 bu evep 210ur ou rp SpExpUT oF PaUIMIAS st (OA) eau at s20p ay [POT UOK UE NE 347 30 14127 pu Spy We StH HY {DY sased 24) ‘NTA 94 JO AaII24 Ww LUVACNE oR UE WHE ‘2ouanbar ei ~ wo ug NI 9H KA OURS yemiou ~ say 0p yo 200 Aq par sen wep ~ (159) GAHSTTEVISG 20 "DL ip yo syed winsas pur pressoy ayn tog "s>(duress =p spusnbo 1p dps saxon pus eyo g, 248 22124 ue —( Boon oxy cana aTeUIUTDN 01 39 Pouyy 5003 aor2o%tuo> Jo pu2 YDed bB o7e saydurex> snoy pue 100 P: opoead uy aresedas pasop st Nou. 109 © uot ‘HOY JO WONDANP {PED Dur aottanbot 919991 pu pi SSuom2onp 4204 Ut pass2}sueE 24 ADL toed ‘15g paveorpur an sv Chapter 12° Transport protocols ‘maximum time duration a segment can exist in the internet discarded. In practice, therefor ‘used in each IP packet header. Typical values for the ‘connection record relating o this connecto expires, the quence shown in Figure ‘when the AP in both how issue a clout) simultaneously. As we can see, ‘ase the TOP at both si the opposite side. Then, as before, on receipt of the related ACK sega both sides enter the TIMED_WAIT state to wait for the 2MSI. timer toe before closing down. ESTABLISHED (EST) state (On receipt of the shutdown) cal, the local TCP leave the EST sate but proceeds to elese the forward path. Hi FIN seginent and enters te FIN_ WAIT] state. ‘out the active close sequence. Here, 1233 saa tor | es ed to the correspondent AP in the CLOSE, WAIT state. The AP return direction and, since this path sends the data and, in acknowledgment of the FIN segment. ACK for the data a . the state of this side of c, Ako, atsome time later the AP me data to send in the sponse to the ACK for the connection o the FIN_WAT reads the data using a recive call, 1 to the local AP in response to becoming. An tn sides of the té to what is called an th or afterall outstanding ome instances, however, a con side sending a segment with the med by the TCP a. ofthe connection being ‘being held by either TCP wil bel js called an abortive release and an example of is use is when the seq) Additional features “The varjous examples we used explain the main procedures addition, howev ‘hat the examples did not show. In this sect a were chosen to TCP protocol. Persist timer In the example shown in Figure 12.8 it was assumed thatthe duplicate ACK ‘Containing the window update ~ Ack = X + 2048, Win = 1024 —was received by for free. In practice ofcourse, the packet containing this ‘corrupted oF ‘nad occurred, since the TCP the receiving side has initiated the reopening of the window, itisnow i to receive further segments, However, because the ACK i8 not pasion oan sad FE epee =a Pook 4a ‘or0e + yo zaquinu 2qp J9B] a4) 22004 Brae aes ae on nate epee a oe ‘awaspute mopusm Sng i ose x es oraz x= STs) wets 02 +x oro +1°F201 =a edo ain nanos dg, 2H el | sp 20y YOY we suas o> 42. 21p pue~ uo poy>nns ‘roe +x 0-5" | roe x0" | {uo9 24) Jo aps 1UDH>=s9496 2x1 30 ()A, root =a “sr0t + 240 joapuna zuanbas soy pie ep ou set Tuas ‘sqoud 211 #92 01 au stip s9ump aun si9s pue 3u2q> axp 01 wuoLHB9s aqoxd ‘un ap Butinp wonssuuos 1040 paueyxo 2q mattS3e rep ou pnoys “Pur snoy om st zou anedooy a4p Jo onyea yejap ov, 22etd te Apuazana ane exp — Krew aq ued oxDyp HDIK 30} ao. 198536 aun fa ado yesedos ra01 ="M ‘e702 +x Jo=suop2ouu0> ap o= ‘evo *x ye eiojsand ay) eS ak jonoauue> axp jun 99814 noauue> ¥ 29u0) + samy aaypodooy joa anja Mops oxsauod © oun SL ‘eadar ampooosd atp pue powesal Ba e puleaeo beopuua puss sy 9s gL Stmpuss ayy sorousyy “GBT 2mTBEy BE ‘nuduios eep o mots auf tox ‘Ins nop ONARUON BFE oaiipsoeay o[duexo a1) "998 WED 94 SY 3} '906 ue om se pu rep Suqupeuas ayy Jo aq sy aif SUREUOD IUoUIBDS “paprone 24 we sn Ot ons USL SB 3OKBO ‘Sgosd ap soupy “ep Jo na aus puos sheng we> JO. angen pis pea pi. 900 pina POpEDP “paws22z10u soH EPA tas atp yfnoyy wong ‘wuswiies aqosd AopuTA pens ‘polpoywouyze s| suitor ‘gure 12.14 Keepalive timer: application and operation. ina very sill numberof bytes being sent in eacl silly window syndrome (SWS) and can arise the receiving side or the sending de. ‘dded feature defined by Segments containing small amounts of data, Note that both featur plementary to the Nagle algorithm we discussed ate 123 T0P. return a window update o inform the TCP atthe server side t send a further character/byte. Ths it duly does and, on its rec but again with a wi AP. the bulfer capacity ~ and hence window capacity ~ whichever is the smaller. An gure 12.15. Part (a) illustrate the problem ibuted to Clark avoids the problem cach of these may require an ACK and a window update s jowever, a8 we can see from pi fer the fi bytes have been transferred the ing TCP thay then proceed to send each character ina single segment. With however, the sending TCP is made as ple This can also be a requirement with TCP wl yeuusoy uorydo aos mopuim 9T°ZT NBL orrsezeso! 708) lrg ses "i = mops unapens 2 44 Aur 4 fs ye vex 08 sug ped se pa are fotp pue wondo (ON) pes Suqueuog aug Bus Aq pOpaD uy waogs 2735 mopar pondde aq 01 uous oxp so euro ayn BurBue ‘payinbais 2% mopuua wmuipreun 282 19 aus © YBNorA UDAD OUP kejap woneSedosd yeoid *2jdurex 20 210 uoyn sasamory 914g 969990 228 MOP bof ape ruouos a swonmyos sze19 HOD IIo 2 An 8 is st'zT aun Chapter 12 Tansport protocols ‘maximum window size can be up to 6 the TCP entity since it knows the amount of memory that has been al forthe receive buffer Time-stamp option. measurement procedure used go, 3090 © Aq pau we ai. ca pase st fono.oud We pu sures pardniso9 € Up0q #2109190 [020 bos uesy ajdutens ows ase pur gg woNdag Ul SUE Jos aansofor 249 Jo uonesado jo pd ‘suum yay ac Baya201 24 sruiadgyg oun Buupnpput dq parsonbos MUL “pasm 3q E> 2WaH2* JONUOD I ‘tpoq put paratos fulaq uondo tdpuoSpe ~ szaqustu 2ouanbos pods on ‘ojdurex> 205 NWT es 1g Sey © rome 3B 4304 Wat, iwBp woyyaeIa4d vet jo ddoa puooss an ypun powepdn you st mwoaigy “oe uous om pinous pH pare odo0y a, Bu fad. Susfavox af aA YPEG Twn, ue YD YA] :pyoDas HoRa ees ona supe doy, Buwaoor aN af iq 3801/pardnsto> st ouanbs ye ayquuea v uy 1ust32% des O, 094 gc Sus vo pardniioo Bu Chapter 12 Transport protocols Table 12.2 continued ing events, protocol stat ing events, and specifi (internal) aco and server are shown in parts (a) and gan ap 01 wesBeep 1 OL HM SY OIL O OH ‘GoneunsSp oun wep tad aosas 30 138 aX ‘S8UTHNAN DU Teontppe U! 2289, cuemn jo Ta pantuiqns ssp Hep Jo Y>O/aBesoU pee IN. wie sENUOD ‘Suquin270 uous i bani prone o pune ened xn fa dk. adeno v2 le poves 20S Uy nases 98 wnuog ZZT AGEL, ud ocsuey Zt HED hapter 12 Transport protocols Table 12.3_List of socket primitives associated with UB! » thelr parameters Teoria] sche dettipor: Iason pop vheaccer Stace [cose H of ee | 8 a to exchanging any megs ch of u | tablish a socket between itl eswausneo | 0 o | lccoseywar | 0 ° | lusaxe | o | 0 | (= Sends, closto 2 » SandSINACK, [3 SYN. ACYO 4 SpBISED = SonFIN, UST ACK, ‘memory bulfers a : then uses with each of the subsequent primi not-for example ch, in addition to the socket descriptor, has an address paramet eae se the host plus the 16bit port number the AP wishes example, this will be riot used, the port (2.8 Continued, 12.4.1 User services smesoges Hover sae no cones ne and the pre amber ofthe de — = to be s (data tansfers associated with the call/ses- eee the socket is released by issuing a shutdown{ ) cat LF Som have been carried AT TARTS RR TS MRT pog *(s)jo20103d uc 2p pu 19490874 saunas aug, (e)03 21 aang ut UNOS 5] wweBewep ga, red Jo YEU} a wuoyesado o20}0d Z°b°ZT rina ve panoxnsdn st O32 200 © WOMEUISD! Boruoqun Sunn onbunpus wouioao> sy Sun soxna¥o. serps ome qo spon nar Jo Suse jo dn apearSuaq se wes feep Pesan ean Aq panedas mt) 6 UonD3s 08 3S A P= Fate unquodie sures ap fom ctepoyp arn mp Jo wowTandwo> 24, speoy gain 2 ot «pSiay ain way ayes au sd open 94) wos (ACTA 36) Z1=) 201 sg oy pax sovaippe al woneunap pue 290s a) 28 Aa 298 Te ‘spur (q)og-@I amity wt pagnuspr are sau, s9PEI iaed aan 2 vp gai am jo worepda0> 340 gan mm duos 20) sapeay opnosd wy pasn 10} weaseyep gan O2'2T #N6H4 ‘ye aan repo retiat Oy stosoysd wodsuey 2 aid Chapter 12 Transport protocols the same checksum is computed by both iber of bytes inthe original data fel and explained in the accompanying text, synchronize the two media strear missing packets must be detecte ‘aviations in the packet arrival gused, 1c basic header to be defined and es mrp ansrce | 843 «4 and compensated for. Similarly, any delay es must be allowed for. These are the fanc- ing is use is shown pad = gure 5.6 and in this section we describe their main featur the audio and/or video associated [As we showed in Figure 5.6, normally, [ang sere IC) ing, for example, the UDP prot must be reconstructed from the stream of received pach transfer over an internet, however, some packets. since the packets may follow different path 1 atsive at the destination in a diferent order through the internet, they Hence before the reconstructed bitstream can be passed to the decoder, any} Figure 12.21 Real'¥ime transport proto Dae II-Nedeond/o vide tones TevonionBog CC = CSRC cot INS 13) pact aot Pood = ae ) sages (b) packet format, -a6esn (ggay) foaoqodd joxyoa Hodsuen swnyeay zz-zT aunBLa ‘paunbar s ren 34 asamp “za"T aang pomau amp yBnosyy WH mp tp OKRA ‘paouauadx Butag 1241 pue aun Ze}9p jes 1ua1aND otp ausKHsaTep 01 pasn s: 3 ~paTeasD sea 1ay>ed ‘ubys 20u.9j5u 9up amp SaveIpUr pIay diworerayy xp UL anTea SUL wonequosypus oy porns pop 90 wars vouIED egg aunty ‘amas urejuo> Komp eiep 21930 1noKed a10}29 sxe JO nw Busagyng hq ausoasono s pain /soqped aouronbaejono| ‘a panos an se raxpadon parent 9 0 294 2 sean apa pu ca Fen even eninewle-smair ol 2 at, "208d fw pom are asyaed pasos {091400 tse a4 JO AUDIO noe q Siqeatiow ‘paroaiap Burpq r2x9ed 6) 30 ae ax up “oYZed aouiaNb95yO. sev syptpooepe 2p sofesou ip pe > 20 0] aI9p 01 posn sy ube x uREIHOD I2xDed Te eps afhunp pom Burg yronou 9p 30 S08) 24) PInoy 2531 smn uy unos of auoNp eH UL SIRE Beso atp UPI OF 30824 31 30 $0 2th PHO BEL wala 8 eG BLIMP oman sus ook Surip poBuey> aq wed pom Sutoq Jopoous yo od oye " ofits Bue 4 ‘sasoanoyyoed ain ut ep axp apoou> 0 psn cOLX 90 q “Eno snuppuod -spuy edo ue 1} oF gua pepe mM ed (aq) ua Ese aL pe gg amny wr ass oe sneiodo gy 2 9% 28H UE DNC 2A meudpuousno ojo pom 230 A Supt e aos pur so, ap sadeyy ues eg wapnape ap seonouls poe ssn ot ry Baio eee ae Te patgas beUORN apa OD er wate 9 ues ~sneapr us 2504 pe ~ somner So Spot cope ae a) aia ono node SUDHA "te F rr 27s py 00) 8 OUD oe pour it paresone ep pera 7 S823 epopa y3 ) 7 rHODY Dus Jo aqme ay oped mou a ae op yum paersou0d 6 a wos SoHE 9 wos apruoD HD aM SY sna sudosdde ayn 07 2ume/9>019 4 soins ajdt Hosp uoReULAO;u P2zH feed ay Sunnsas ap 2puagyaaxtwee se unouy souap v Aq sosodind 10} 19199801 pax ‘uowsas yeapynnrv Bund “2920s axp Jo saNppe aT 9 sognuapy nag ® yo uous Aq pays esju0d w poyte> st ~ Surusy Ajaassed uetg soepes oso 2) 1U0> wewp mmediop-sed amp Jo y>es ‘uosss/e> EOIN E UL syeoojud wedsvea, 2x udeuy Chapter 12 Transport protocols ing TCP then sends a nesnge ted information to the RTCP in each a2 packet nertorks to suppor Iayer protocols whi pat Features of each pro Atepaon de ee 0¢ ‘aaron bye cra cs tre flow Congesion mT eed cath col 12:23 ‘Wansport protocols chapter summary epauyanep po 29 fu peggy, oF won paterap, tw) ayy Jo Suu eave on wosgoef Kus ap ues sp un 36 peers ‘os 29 ton ssuouer yDY pur eep dveu mou Soupap ‘Pardes rea uous (ep) uo pur rola pZ0t sem vonsuue> (ao) *0 295 SSH 2 BuroNSSy Ss. OV te 9 pape “Bot 0 Adoo puooon xq hus seca) DL fa Hs 239 ancy pron eH ‘paou2es an sonpap ot/poidnsi09 99q 100 pe 209 a4ty pInos same YOY pu ‘req vets now 2anpop 9801/ponds 30> u29q pey muauilos ow Satuanssy —() aedesp sononboe Suuouey ou, fuup 34) 1 efor suo 2s, sn ai yo Smueaen 2p pu n> Suipuos ap fq porn sown votsuseenas east set weet wea wa wat outs 249 203 guaessp2pourE — ‘2010 Bune: ss01 Hay WOU ude uep eae Veet uonsag ‘on ‘wonss8tcs ooo Patnbon sx samnpaoeudonuoo IE [OOD nowy thon saz 219 Jah svonesie 2828 Mea dem 318 ay aay yn Huryzoa Jo apo possapand aps ‘exquodye aay 2 A woman ap ured anpisede a8eN 2 poe nvousipsnompe polep ‘uss paonpot are grat aspiona wr poynuops speawsato aah ‘Nog move on esBeip 22uanbor at 5 um9 aot SOM BHEPORY zLgp saonesado yo 2pom an tea poneposse speaqiano 249 Agyuenb aoa muds areyd yen ‘ep op Sounp sonnua gor w9ptiods3130> ova q_ponaoy ome arp in po ued sit om eoaeg “umiderp 2ouatbae oun © 30 PIE 2 HUM pasn ae saulg ped 4x pe s9pe94 go. a Ut 280K9 1 POPPE 2 seu 19peay ouopippe Ay uonduDsap snot up apapuy apeo wouss gor {Ur pay umnqaat aep J 3108 aM 3qUENOC, “pus opeoy am puesuondo () “aod “ou nop "eng 3909 Chapter 12 Transport protocols ‘The following relate 10 the time sequence pate? Tower window edge, ‘upper window edge. sing window. in your explanation why W, inialiaed to I segment iin relation to the graph shown in-Figure ‘explain the meaning ofthe fllowing ‘constant phase, raph shown in Figure 12.10 relates toa ipoaded ‘During these condi tions, what. effect does the conga ‘window, Wy have ot the end window example, describe how the window ‘option nied in the TCP segment heads E overcome this problem. ‘he input and ourput buffers asociated with the UDP en. 1235 245 ‘mhether lost packet is detected asa ren ‘uplicte ACKS being received or the real mision timer expiring ‘With the ido graph showing the varia of Wasa function of the connection ‘ad explain how W,isaffeced bp 9 1246 receiving FCP overcomes the fac that not all Sepnent are acknowledged! ram is often less than the theor Section 12.5 how protection against wrapped sequence numbers can be overcome by Using the timestamp option, 1236 RTP packet format shown cxphin the meaning and 187 1238. Expl how the phenomenon called thea ivi pir can are nde se

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