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Prof: Manazar Hussain Qureshi


Outline: Natural disasters have been the part of history_____what is corona
Virus_________Kinds of Corona Virus________Signs or Symptoms of Corona
Virus________causes of Corona Virus____________measures to handle this

“Sufferings are sometimes to punish those

who violate Allah's natural or moral laws.
Natural disasters have been the part of history. Tsunamis, hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, fire and other natural disasters like Plague, leprosy, T.B,
Hookworm have been occurring throughout the passage of time. Millions of
people lost their lives in these natural disasters. Now in 2020 Corona Virus has
shaken the whole world. It has engulfed many countries .It started from China
where It has killed almost three thousand people .Now It has spread in
inIran,Afghanistan ,Italy,India,Iraq ,some Arabian countries and even Canada is
not free from this fatal Corona Virus.
“Because of their sins they were drowned and put into the Fire, and they
found not for themselves besides Allah [any] helpers.” [Quran: 71:25]

Corona viruses are a family of viruses known for containing strains that cause
deadly diseases in mammals and birds. In humans they're typically spread via
airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals.
There are four known genuses in the family, named Alpha-corona
virus, Beta-corona virus, Gamma-corona virus, and Delta-corona virus. The
first two only infect mammals, including bats, pigs, cats, and humans.
There are many signs and symptoms of it’s infection .The strange thing about
this virus is, it may appear in two to 14 days after exposure and conclude. So the
patients have to be kept in complete observation. The primary signs of
corona of this virus are the patient; fever, cough and shortness of breath or
difficulty in breathing. The severity of the new corona virus symptoms can
range from very mild to severe, even death. Although understanding of this
disease continues to grow, most people with severe illness have been of an
older age or had other significant existing medical conditions.
As for as its causes are concerned, It’s unclear to the scientists what are
the major causes of this deadly Virus. There are many hypotheses about its
causes on social media and on different sights e.g. eating of snakes, toads,
owls, rats and bats etc.But Still, it is a riddle for the scientists to find the
exact cause of this contagious virus and how it spreads.

Fistly,It appears to be spreading from person to person among those in

close contact. It may be spread by respiratory droplets released when
someone with the virus coughs or sneezes. It's not known if a person can
catch the virus by touching a surface that an infected person has touched,
and then putting his or her hand to the mouth.

Secondly, there are many risk factors for infection. Those who travel from
the country where it has already existed, it may catch anyone. We have
seen the patients who have just come from China to Afghanistan or Iran
became its victim.

Thirdly, having close contacts with someone who has Corona virus, such
as family member, or health care workers, doctors can be the cause of
catching of this virus.

Although there is no vaccine available to prevent infection with the new

corona virus, you can take steps to reduce your risk of
infection. WHO and CDC recommend following the standard precautions
for avoiding respiratory viruses: According to both the institutions, we
should wash our hands with soap. We should cover our mouth, nose,
elbows or tissues when we cough or sneeze. We should avoid sharing
dishes, glasses, bedding and other house hold items. We should stay at
home from work, school and public areas if this fatal virus exists.

In the end, we may conclude that we should pray to Allah Almighty to save
us from such fatal calamities. We should mend our ways and seek His
guidance from the Holy Quran. May Allah Almighty help us and save our
Country from such disasters.(Ameen)

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