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The Monthly Moose

The English language magazine by ISU

In This Issue:

Creative Contest Results p.14-19

Winter Holidays p.20-26

What’s On in December p.11

And More...

// 1

Vol.2 Issue 6 — December 2010

Dear Readers,
Christmas is knocking
on your door. Beginnings and Endings.
Seriously. A host of
evil monsters is trying
to take your house
by siege: a Cocacolian December is upon us, and with December
Santa (ushering the comes many things - holidays, lights,
infamous reindeer and questionable advertising, exams, winter,
shorter days, longer nights, arrivals, and
some impish elves), goodbyes. With the end of the semester,
an unknown lady with some of you are leaving Oslo, to return to
candles on her head, whichever city or country you call home.
an army of ginger bread men [pepperkakegutter] and We would like to end the semester by
the straw goats from IKEA. Resistance is useless. Those thanking you for sharing the semester with
creatures have been at it for several months now, and us. Whoever you are, whatever you have
made allies with the darkness of the winter. done, we know that your presence here
in Oslo has contributed to our collective
I can’t help noticing that the period of Christmas experience. We hope that your time here
preparations is sprawling further and further back each in Oslo has helped you, even if things here
year. Christmas items crop up straight after Halloween, have not gone as you hoped or expected.
the streets of Oslo shimmer with illuminated garlands
by mid-November, Christmas trees are erected in places
like Oslo S well before December and suddenly your post For some students, the semester brings
box is full of offers to buy cheap juleribbe [Christmas your time in forced cohabitation at Kringsjå
pork ribs] or marsipangris [marzipan pig] in case you to an end. All semester, the Moose has
are a vegetarian. I had my lion’s share of premature done it’s best to highlight the experiences
Christmas celebrations on the “julebord” [literally: of international students here in Oslo by
Christmas Table] party organized by my employers as publishing accounts of your trials and
early as November 19. It featured a slightly obnoxious tribulations, from SiO problems to UDI
speech on how women were like cars (blooming with problems and beyond. We can assure you
that these articles have been seen, and that
unnecessary technical details), Christmas carols,
we are doing our best to champion the
Norwegian golden oldies and bluegrass. The two drinks causes of international students and those
on the house could not erase the memories of that who support us, both within our pages
night. and behind-the scenes. We are currently
doing our best to increase our visibility by
All you can do to combat the treacheries of the winter increasing our distribution locations, a plan
holidays is relax. Most of you have accomplished your which is meeting with some unexpected
exams; some (lucky ones) have already ticked off the resistance. But that won’t stop us from
long shopping list. For the rest of you: hold on to those trying, and we hope that you, our readers,
reins and the Monthly Moose will jingle you safely to will not stop as well. So, as 2010 ends,
point B. go out, have fun, and, when you feel like
it, raise some hell. And for those of you
For those of you leaving Norway, farewell. For those staying in Oslo, we’ll see you in 2011.
returning, we will be back again in January Until then,
the Moose of Norway will be missing you.
Moose herder,
2 \\ Editor's Note


The Monthly Moose — Villa Eika, Blindern 0314 Oslo, P.O. Box 1088.
Chief Editor: Marija Cabuskina — Writers: Anita Iyer, Bianca Løkkeberg, -C.C.C. Prius, Dj Un
Jee Hee Hwang, Josefien Breedvelt, Julie Rousseau, Kjersti Blehr Lånkan, Luis de Ita, Mariam Nodia, Marija C
Readers: Anita Iyer, Blayne Sapelli, Mitch Molstad, Sara Fegelman, Steph Haas — Photo Edito
Grigaliunas, Marija Cabuskina, Miguel Arcángel Fraticelli, Miranti Wirastuti, Robin Bergseth, Sara Fegelma
Fegelman— Layout: Marija Cabuskina.

4 A Letter to the Editor

5 Universitas in English
7 Famous Norwegians
8 Debate Column p. 12
10 AIESEC: an Exciting Opportunity
11 What’s on in December?
12 The Lady Behind Munch’s Madonna

14 Photo Competition Winners

16 Prose Competition Winners
17 Poetry Competition Winners p. 20
20 Christmas in Iceland
p. 26
22 New Year Resolutions: Go Eco!
23 What’s Behind St. Lucy’s?
25 Cooking “All’italiana”
26 Learn Norwegian
27 Moose Comic Strip
Contents // 3

nderforest, Dóra Gudjónsdóttir, Francesco Spinali, Hrafnhildur Hauksdóttir, Ingeborg Marie Østby Laukvik,
Cabuskina, Melvin Junming Chen, Ria Tobing, Zhenya Bakin— Copy Editor: Anita Iyer — Proof
or: Sara Fegelman — Visual Content: Irina Osepashvili, Jee Hee Hwang, Luis de Ita, Mantas
an, Summer Choi, Vangelis Tasoulas — Cover Design: Irine Osepashvili, Marija Cabuskina, Sara
A Letter
criticism since Chinese people are no less harsh in
criticizing themselves; what we would not accept is
to the Editor irresponsible criticism in defiance of the dignity of
China, especially considering that the critic himself is
To whom it may concern,
also Chinese.
I am Xiang, a Chinese student studying at UiO. I have
I believe most of the Chinese people would not
read your Letter to the Readers in The Monthly Moose
think giving the award to a Chinese dissident shows
Vol. 3 Issue 3 [November 2010] and I want to express
that Norway has guts. By contrast, China has the
my comments about it.
guts to confront the Big Brother of Western-centered
Clearly, the letter describes Norway as an audacious
ideology and dares to defend its national interests on
yet righteous country which dares to challenge the
the international stage. If Norway, with its Western
imperious, autocratic and evil China. Even if this
brothers behind the scenes, decided to wage war, China
comment was meant as an ironic joke, such humor
would fight back to the end.
is so subjective that it is very partial, ignorant and
Being Chinese, I cannot understand why Norway,
misleading, especially considering that The Monthly
or the Western world, is so interested in criticising
Moose is a magazine targeting international students
China blindly, considering that China owes them
who may not have in-depth knowledge of China.
nothing. Being the biggest developing country, China
I am hesitant to discuss whether the prize should be
of course has defects and that is why Chinese people are
awarded to Mr. Liu, since it will lead to an argument
so stringent when it comes to criticizing themselves, as
without final agreement, considering that East and West
I mention. But the way we go is a constructive one: never
have different understandings and interpretations of
criticise for criticism itself but to suggest how we could
human rights. What I totally disagree with is the notion
make it better. For us, the solution is much much more
that merely awarding the prize to a “Chinese dissident”
important. I think China welcomes all constructive
denotes “guts.” If that is the case, why didn’t Norway
criticism but not defamation; the line between such
have the guts to award the prize to Vidkun Quisling,
constructive criticism and defamation, in the disguise
the well-known Norwegian political dissident - at least
of criticism, is very fine. And that is why I repeatedly
in regards to mainstream politics - who also brought
emphasize that please gain thorough knowledge
peace to Norway under cooperation with Nazis? In
before making your final and responsible  judgement.
fact, what is ignored in your reasoning is the feeling
Such requirement should be understood impliedly,
and thinking of the nationals of that specific country,
since we are all adults. Moreover, never presume that
i.e. the Chinese people. For Westerners, you may think
the Western ideology is the only model followed by
that is guts, and you may presume such a Western idea
the whole world. Self-centered thinking contributes
is prevalent or even dominant worldwide. But please
nothing but ignorance. If equality is indeed a value
do not take it for granted when it comes to China, as
recognized by your heart, you should realize that no
we have had an independent value system for four
country is superior to another. Times are changing,
thousand years and it is the thinking of the Chinese
and so should the Western world.
which has the final say.
Marija, it is  OK to express yourself to the readers,
I do not know whether you editors have a good grasp
but it is NOT OK to defame a country, especially
of Chinese; I do not know whether you have in depth
when you possess only shallow understanding. What I
knowledge of the past and present of China; I do not even
expect is careful, rational and responsible commentary
know whether you have read any works of Mr. Liu. But
4 \\ A Letter to the Editor

from the editorial staff in the forthcoming days.

what I do know is that if you have none of the above,
Should you want any further discussion,
or if you merely have superficial knowledge, you do
I am more than happy to participate.
not have the right to draw conclusions. Unfortunately,
the members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee did Regards,
not have such knowledge, although they did make the Xiang
decision. Their secretary, Geir Lundestad, confessed in Editor’s response: My comments in my letter to the
readers last issue were meant to be ironic, and were not
Oxford on 26th Oct[2010]. that the award is a political meant to cause offense to anyone, Norwegian, Chinese, or
decision, and that they do not have a grasp of the views otherwise. Nonetheless, the issue of cultural sensitivity
of the Chinese people. is very important, and the editorial staff appreciates your
Personally, I have read some works of Mr. Liu when I letter, and the chance it provides us to learn something new.
I can’t promise my sense of humor will change, but I can do
was in school. I can still clearly remember his remarks my best to be more aware of the subjective nature of humor
in Liberation Daily, where he stated that Chinese in the future, and write accordingly. – Marija Cabuskina
poverty stems from the race, and the only way out is
another three hundred years’ colonization. Maybe such Do you agree with the views expressed in this
letter? Do you have an opinion on anything
remarks suit the tastes of modern Western colonists published in this issue of the Moose? Please send
but it is never accepted by any Chinese people, except your comments to us at monthly.moose@gmail.
those traitors.  In China, there is no problem giving com!
Thus Spoke
Universitas is Norway’s biggest
student newspaper, and has 35 issues
per year , with 17,000 copies printed
of each issue. It is sponsored by SiO
and is therefore free of charge for
students. Here’s a short summary
of some of the headlines hitting
Universitas over the past few weeks.

Issue 31, November 10 The Ministry of restricting illegal residents from

Energy for the Price of Gold Education and Research (KD). In getting enrolled. The author
addition, the report is erroneous. of the book “Ulovlig Norsk”
According to Norwegian
Water Resources and Energy Application Fees for International [Illegally Norwegian], Maria
Directorate (NVE) and Statistics Students Amelie, holds a master’s and
Sweden introduces application no documents. Possibly more
Norway (SS), an average owner of
fees for international students of Norway’s 32,000 illegal
a 30m2 flat spends 3201 NOK on
outside EU on EEA next residents are students, but no
energy per year. In comparison,
year, which mean an increase data is available. Amundsen is
a Kringsjå tenant pays 5184
in international students baffled that universities can’t
NOK for an 11 m2 room and
to Norway. The University check applicants’ personal
common space. However,
of Stavanger introduced numbers against data in UDI.
tenants living in renovated
buildings with electric meters application fees to sieve out SiO and OAS Uniting
pay significantly less, especially unserious candidates. K. The two organizations catering
during summer. According to Lisperguer, the president for students, SiO and OAS, are
Norwegian Consumer Council, of International Students’ hoping to merge by January 1 to
this proves that the fixed price Union of Norway, criticizes become Studentsamskipnaden
is overcharged. It is also anti- application fees, complaining i Oslo og Akershus (SiO).
ecological since it discourages about the high cost of living and However, before the fusion,
students from sparing energy. financial guarantees required the Parliament has to exclude
Director of Student Housing for obtaining residence permit student organizations from
of SiO, T. Olstad, admits that for students outside EU and paying a document fee applicable
Kringsjå, aged 50, needs EEA. The Norwegian Christian to all merging companies. In this
enhanced insulation, and Democratic party (KrF) case it can be about 100 million
electric meters are SiO’s long- supports application fees, while NOK.
term objective. 68 percent Norwegian students Christmas with Choir
Researchers have to Apply are against the measure.
The world’s oldest academic choir
The Ministry of Education and Communal Housing for Students for women, The Song Union of
Research (KD) cancelled the The Liberal Party of Oslo Female Students at UiO (KSS),
Universitas in English // 5

agreement between itself and (Oslo Venstre) offers SiO to is preparing for massive carol
the universities guaranteeing remake communal housing into singing and invites students to a
every academic employee a 50 student buildings in regions concert on Lucy’s day (December
percent position as a researcher. like Sandaker. This measure 13) with coffee and special
Now universities themselves will increase the amenity of buns, where profits will go to
decide the percentage. The those districts and provide Norwegian Refugee Council.
Norwegian Association of students with more housing in Other 13 university choirs are
Researchers dreads cuts and proximity to the center and the also singing the holidays in, with
acute competition between universities. With 3500 students 3-4 concerts per choir.
researchers. on the waiting list, SiO gives its
The Impeached Professor approval.
Issue 32, November 17
Only a year after the incident Illegally Norwegian and Yet
Educated 90% get A or B
with a professor swindling Nine of ten students of
the university, UiO reported P-W. Amundsen, PM from
Progress Party (FrP), criticizes Norwegian School of Marketing
it to Auditor General (BI) get top grades on their MA
(Riksrekvisisjonen) and Norwegian universities for not
papers. Students, teachers and a factor decreasing study quality, UiO Anniversary
employers are not worried about according to a recent survey. Norway’s oldest university
grade inflation and ascribe the The government decided to give is getting ready to blow
grades to high motivation and prizes to good lecturers. 200 candles on its cake. The
proficiency. UiO in meantime More Exams for Future Lawyers program of Saturday festivals
adopts the normal distribution in May, June, September and
Law students rejoice about
curve to assign grades. October is held in secret as well
having two exams instead of
Theological Faculty Stays one. Among other changes, as the Anniversary weekend
Contrary to the aspirations of human rights are put in focus September 1-4. Despite its age,
A.B.Sterri, the leader of the and more varied teaching forms UiO is eager to use Internet
Student Parliament at UiO, are adopted by the faculty. and social networks instead of
the Theological faculty was not New Law on Security Guards brochures.
eradicated during the recent The Norwegian Parliament
parliament meeting. In contrary, Issue 32, December 1
(Stortinget) adopted a law,
the majority agreed on educating stipulating public places to hire Erasmus Survival at 19 000 NOK
priests of more religions. Sterri competent guards from certified Some of the 3000 Erasmus
was criticized by parliament companies. Student pubs are not students receive around 19 000
members for promotion of his excluded from the law, which NOK a semester to survive in
own views in the media without means drastic expenditures: as Norway. Research shows that
the parliament’s consent. of now all guards are voluntary. Erasmus scholarship covers 36%
No Insurance – No Compensation
of costs in a foreign country
About 60 percent of Norwegian Issue 33, November 26 and for 61% of European
students have no accident students financial difficulties
insurance; only university Fight for your Rights to Study
are a hindrance to go abroad.
employees are compensated for Students start queuing at 7:45 Addressing these problems, the
accidents in universities. Thus, to study at Georg Sverdrup’s European Comission is thinking
students like S.Ø. Hjelmås, who and other study halls in Oslo. of establishing a student loan
lost an eye to a gas explosion, Meanwhile, many tables for Erasmus students. However,
have to contend with flowers reserved for MA students remain the European Student Union
from the rector. Tekna (The empty. Additionally, exams are (ESU) warns that such a solution
Norwegian Society of Graduate held in study halls despite the will put even more press on
Technical and Scientific existence of vacant rooms. Next financially unpriviledged
Professionals) campaigns for year Humanities’ faculty will students.
insurance for students, claiming have additional study halls in
Preclinical odontology building. Programming On Paper
that it will cost two hours’ oil
production a year. The Student UiO is searching for solutions. Until this day informatics
Parliament issued a petition on Sex, Drugs, Exam Roll students at UiO are forced
the topic to the UiO. to write programs with pen
A recent research by Sentio and pencil on their exams.
Prime Minister and Climate shows that two percent of T.Vederhus, representative
6 \\ Universitas in English

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway’s PM, Norwegian students take of the Student Parliament
visited UiO in connection with prescription medicine or illegal encourages the university to use
his book “The Climate Paradox” substances to enhance exam computers in reading halls or to
[Klimaparadokset]. Students performance. Ritalin, an ADHD adopt a practice from Bergen,
asked about the prevalence of oil medicine, and amphetamine are where students are allowed
topics in education and research especially troubling. to use their own computers,
and lack of sustainable energy New Board in Chateau Neuf but only within the range of
projects. After the conference, The Norwegian Students’ Society a specially provided memory
Stoltenberg was available for (DNS) elected a new board. For stick. The administration point
book signing. the first time in history the to financial difficulties with
Lazy Students? No, Incompetent winning candidates did not run changing exam practices.
Lecturers! individually, but as a group. The Icy 30 Hours
While lecturers blame lazy They are planning to renovate November in Oslo has not been
students, students point the lobby, make an art gallery as cold as this year since 1968.
to insufficient pedagogical and open up rehearsal rooms for In addition, SiO switched off hot
competence of their lecturers as bands. water and warming in selected
housing units at Sogn, as a inconvenience. flavours should visit the
measure for switching over Study Bob Dylan! student handmade brewery
from oil heating to district (Kristianiastudentenes
From January 2011 you can
heating due to environmental Haandbryggerlaug) where
take a course on Bob Dylan at
reasons. It took longer than beer is brewed using orange
UiO worth 10 ECTS. Rather
expected, so the tenants were peels and spices. An easy-
surprisingly, the course is in
without heat for 30 hours. T. to-follow recipe is found on
Olstad from SiO admits that (in Norwegian).
the works could be postponed Brewed by Students
til spring and is sorry for the Those thirsty for new beer by Marija Cabuskina

Have you ever been standing in the check-out line at Kiwi or

Rema, idly scanning the newspaper headlines or glossy
pictures in the tabloids and wondered who all those
people are? If so, you're not alone! Join the
Moose as we continue to examine some of
those names and faces appearing in Nor-
wegian media, and learn more about
just what it takes to make
the headlines in Norway.

Einar Gelius: criticized for, among other things, suggesting

Promoting the Lutheran Church, that empty Lutheran churches be sold to other
One Crazy Stunt At A Time. religions, agreeing to judge a beauty contest
while attending a julebord, and engaging in
For hundreds of years, the Church of Norway several theologically questionable actions
– which belongs to the evangelical Lutheran stemming from his supreme devotion to his
denomination of Christianity - has been part home football team, Vålerenga. Gelius, who
of the fabric of Norwegian society. In modern has a tattoo of his team’s logo and the cross on
times, the Church has found its influence in his forearm, has been criticized for using his
modern Norwegian life severely lessened. sermon to thank God for Vålerenga’s success,
However, while the Church continues to soldier using his church as a meeting place for the
on in the face of increasing apathy towards supporter club, and holding a mock funeral for
religious expression on the part of many a rival football team ahead of a big match. Most
Norwegians, from July 2011 the church will have recently, Gelius made headlines after achieving
to survive without one of its most prominent the lowest-ever score on the Norwegian reality
members, Einar Gelius. Gelius, who currently show Skal Vi Danse [Shall We Dance?], and
serves as the priest of Vålerenga Kirke here in for publishing a book called Sex i Bibelen [Sex
Oslo, has tendered his resignation, following a in the Bible] which also reportedly discusses
long and colorful decade-long dance across the Gelius’ own sexual exploits. The book, widely
headlines. believed to be the last straw
for the Bishop in Oslo, has
Gelius, who was resulted in Gelius agreeing
ordained in 1986, to resign. Moose readers
first hit headlines in interested in reading
1996 following an more about Gelius and his
episode where he writing, or checking out
Norway QUIZ // 7

danced up the aisle his apparently awful dance

in full priestly garb moves, are encouraged to
while appearing on use their Google-skills to
an NRK program, find out more.
a move which his
Text: Anita Iyer
bishop felt used Picture: Summer Choi
the priestly cloth
as an entertaining Sources:
accessory. In
subsequent years,
Gelius has been
Deb Do you agree
Want to disc
Let us
at monthly.moo

Meth. Meth is cheap, super fun, and probably has

a ton of Vitamin C and stuff in it. Plus, you’ll never
have to go to the dentist again because your teeth are
Picture Picture by Miranti Wirastuti
all going to either fall out, or you’ll pluck them out
with a pair of rusty pliers because you could swear
Do Drugs to God (with whom you are now communicating via
by C.C.C. Prius
Morse code tapped out by your left middle finger)
Recently, I found myself engaged in an “There be gold in them thar molars!” Even more
argument with some friends about drug policy bonuses: You can make it yourself with nothing
reform. We generally agreed that marijuana was more than a stove, cough syrup, and a willingness
A) Awesome, and B) Should totally be legal, but I to have your house, your dog and yourself randomly
thought this sentiment should go further. Much explode in the middle of the night. You really need
further. I think all drugs should be legalized. to start doing meth.
One of my friends responded by saying: “That’s a One day, while walking through the University of
terrible idea! It would promote the use of drugs!” Oslo’s campus, a frizzy haired girl walked up to me
I disagree. This is how you promote the use of and broke out into, what was as far as I could tell,
drugs: her best Swedish Chef impression. After politely
Please, if you are reading this, go find some asking her to switch to English, I quickly realized
illegal drugs, buy a shitload, invite me over, and she wanted me to get into a relationship. With
then let’s A) do them, and then B) give them to Jesus. It was all moving a little too fast for me, so I
children. My idea has no drawbacks, save for asked her about herself. “Are you like a missionary
the inevitable, insane increase in prices that will or something?” She told me “No,” and that she was
accompany a sudden surge in demand. But that’s more like an amateur. She continued, “This isn’t a
not really an issue, because once a few dozen great example, but have you ever seen a movie you
micrograms of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide are really, really liked, and you wanted to tell all of your
coursing through your brain, you’re not really friends about it? Like you wanted to share it with
going to care all that much about anything that the world how awesome this thing you found was?”
isn’t tie dyed and/or shiny. To be fair, while And at that moment, I felt an intimate connection,
coins are in fact shiny, you’ll be more concerned a vibrantly spiritual, yet almost tangible embrace.
with whatever window the famous dead guy is “Oh my god, I know exactly what you mean!”
commanding you to jump out of, rather than said I announced, enthusiastically. Her eyes lit up.
coin’s monetary value. Just look at those clouds, I continued, “Have you ever tried LSD!? It’s so
man! Do you think, like, angels are real? Imagine awesome, and I’ll totally go to church with you if we
how carefree and life affirming every second of can split a tab or two beforehand!” Needless to say,
the day will be when you stop worrying about she didn’t respond to my offer very well, but this
8 \\ Debate Section

classes, or your love life, or your j- HOLY SHIT encounter was the inspiration for this entire line
LOOK AT THOSE DRAGONS! of thinking. We need to not only do drugs, but we
Now, of course, there are a whole lot of need to push them. Hard. There should be a legion
drugs you can, and should be right now, taking. of warriors, ready to enlighten and proselytize the
Marijuana is for pussies who want to play guitar gospels of the Opiate, the Hallucinogen, and the
and not bathe and potentially grow up to be Amphetamine. The Cult of the Uppers, the High
President of the United States of America. No, priests of Downers, the ego destroyers and the
you need to get into much harder shit. Cocaine is ego boosters: We need to start going door to door,
on the right track, but you’re still falling into that person to person, bucket of acid to City Water
potentially growing up to be the President of the Supply Reservoir, to push this message.
United States of America trap. My suggestions? And that is what promoting drug use looks like.
cuss a topic?
s know

Gender equality
or chasing after Viking – gentleman
by Dj Underforest Printed with written permission of

“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he having a bouquet of lovely autumn flowers. Get me
takes out. “ right, I have nothing against woman holding strong
George Bernard Shaw position in society or in family, but why in such
romantic country with so many candles outside and
Who comes to your mind when you hear inside during the winter season, beautiful nature
the word “gentleman”…. Richard Gere, Robert and Northern lights there is no space and time for
Clooney? Now grab a picture of any of your romance but only for one-night stands.
friends who can be given this title? Have you met Is it due to past few waves of feminism that
any, maybe one, two?! resulted in quite rigid definition of gender roles in
In this short note I argue that the question Scandinavia? Is it historically? Some friends tried
of being or not being THE gentleman is a to explain me that by fact that in old times women
universal one. And in any case it is not connected waiting at home for their Viking men fighting
to nationality, weather conditions or history abroad. Therefore had to take care of everything
background. what enabled them to go around without any help
How does he look this contemporary of strong men. Being so masculine for a woman
gentleman? Is he all dressed up in a suit with means destroying all potential for a man to be a
umbrella caring all the time, holding the door for truly gentleman. It also gave me impression that
women, and paying for dinner and her cab ride strong independent woman make their man to
home? Or is he also well educated having long become weak.
complicated conversations, and never revealing Being gentleman means just being more attentive
his real emotions? Or maybe, he has to be a poet, a to people around you, treating everybody patiently
dreamer or a lonely fellow hoping for adventure? with respect, never hurting anyone’s feelings
Nowadays concept of “ladies” and “gentleman” intentionally. Concluding this note with saying that
is seen like a retro, outdated, old-fashioned I miss men offering me a place in public transport,
concept. What picture we see, for example, on opening the door in the car, giving a hand or just
streets of Olso? Tough guys and rough-skinned holding a hand for walking along the streets and
having to endure such harsh weather in the long waiting with flowers. All these indeed small gestures
winters, maybe even aggressive like Viking is the make you feel truly lady. Just one suggestion for
general stereotype of Norwegian man (Norsk you guys reading this column - try to act more
mann). Norwegian woman (Norsk kvinne) is noble, as gentleman treating everyone well. It’s a
extremely good looking and independent, never fake bubble, that being gentleman requires a lot of
asking for any help. time, it just means to be more attentive to people
Debate Section // 9

Gentleman and ladies are rare exhibits and around you. And romantic is so easy to make part of
looks like can be soon found only in museums. everyday life, it involves just a little fantasy from a
Looks like their contemporary ancestors are even dinner with candles, love notes, invitation for a slow
too busy (read: lazy) to hold the door for the lady, dance, or glass of hot wine on a balcony to sunrise
to give a hand while walking from car, bus, tram, coffee in the bed. And for us girls, sometimes we
not even mentioning regular flowers, presents. don’t need to be so pushy, and show our strength
Flowers bouquets are mostly used only in case of and independence, maybe sometimes it’s good to
marriage proposal. Otherwise “unnsyld” girls…. show our weakness. That will give a feeling for man
Having this question in my mind, I had around us feeling that they are truly needed and
observed situation around in order to see how would definitely stimulate them to give you a hand
many I could find man caring flowers. The only with joy and pleasure. Girls acting as ladies like, and
man I’ve seen this week was an old man over 70 guys being gentleman like….are you one?
AIESEC: Seeing the world, while works with companies. Technical internships
involve participating in information technology
doing something meaningful or engineering projects, such as web development
and management, software development and
Text & pictures :JeeHee Hwang programming, system analysis and design, and
Do you have any plans for next semester or network or database management.
want to spend extra time in a foreign country Students are able to participate in AIESEC by
doing something meaningful? becoming members of AIESEC or applying as
Here’s something you might want to hear interns. The difference between these two roles is
about. leadership experience. As a member of AIESEC,
Have you ever heard of AIESEC? AIESEC is the students participate in programs mediating
world’s largest international student organization, between students and companies. AIESEC
with 107 countries, and 45,000 members. Some members sign contracts with companies regarding
of the readers may have heard of this from introducing foreign interns, and they also make
friends, on boards around the campus, or at projects themselves. To be specific, AIESEC uio
your home university. In Norway, there are total has several ongoing projects. They are summer
5 local committees in 4 cities. There is one each camps 2011, market expansion, and summer
committee in Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, and abroad 2011.
two committees in Oslo, including, AIESEC uio.
AIESEC can be described in two words: Summer camps 2011 goal is to bring international
International Internships. What members of interns to work in summer camps in Norwegian
AIESEC do is simple. They send interns abroad, NGOs and organizations. A selection of
and accept foreign interns. AIESEC is like a international candidates will be starting next
mediator between students and companies. year. The market expansion project aims to sell
AIESEC Norway introduces international interns, internships to Norwegian corporations that are
who want internships in Norway, to companies looking to expand to new markets abroad. It will
in Norway. Also, students in Norway, who want provide the company with international students
internship opportunities in 106 other countries, who have local culture and language knowledge,
can apply through AIESEC. corporate working experience in the country, and
a relevant academic and working background. The
Students can have various experiences abroad. summer abroad 2011 project is to send students
There are four exchange types: developmental, on short term internships abroad during the
educational, managing, and technical internships. summer of 2011 to Kenya, Turkey and China.
Developmental internships deal with community
10 \\ AIESEC: an Exciting Opportunity

development issues, such as children’s human The best part of this organization is that everything
rights, environmental issues, education, is done in English, which is no problem for
rural development and entrepreneurship. international students studying at UiO. AIESEC
Through education internships, interns teach may be a good option for both students leaving
underprivileged children languages, about social this semester and staying until next semester.
issues and several other subjects, and also do Students can spend time with Norwegian friends
career counseling. Management internships are by working on projects together. Also,
related to finance, accounting, marketing, project those who are leaving this
management, and human resources. semester, but would like to try
While developmental and something fun, can apply for
educational internships are internships anytime.
mainly working with NGOs, Further information
management internships can be found at
What’s On ? • Guided tour of the Opera House (
• Oslo Philarmonic’s Christmas (Eng.) ( • Christmas Eve@ Last Train
concert @ Oslo Konserthus • Cultural Sunday: Ped 4@ (

in Oslo in December
• Bad Boy? Bastøy Boys’ Home@
Norsk folkemuseum (www.
Trikkehallen (www.trikkehallen.
no) 25 DJ Nuhhh & Bunzi B@
Living Room (

10 Nobel Peace Prize

Rough Diamonds, singer/
songwriter evening@ Stor Stå Pub
• Folk music café@ BokCaféen (w
20 Christkindlesmarkt@
Deutsche Gemeinde
(www.deutschegemeinde. 26
Christmas Rock@ Last
Train, Karl Johans gate
( • Atomic Soul comedy net/neuigkeiten/63/ (
• Torchlight Procession for (Eng.): Russell Kane/ Sadie christkindlesmarkt) • Frank Znort Quartet@Blå (www.
this year’s Nobel Peace Hasler@ Edderkoppen (www. • Exhibition: Grafosfæren@ Galleri
Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo
php?eid=163225707051106) 16
Beer tasting class@ Beer
Palace (www.ol-akademiet.
Norske Grafikere (www.norske-
• Alexander Rybak: Swinging
27 Sacred Treasures from the
Kremlin@ Nasjonalgalleriet
• Christmas concert with Oslo no) Home for Christmas@ Chat Noir • Christmas blues with Kid, Terry,
Fagottkor@ Lilleborg Kirke • University of Oslo’s Women’s ( Bill and Alex@ Buckleys Pub
• Royce Da 5’9’’@Fugazi (www.
Choir@ Vestre Aker Kirke (www.
• Favourites with DJ Tony D / DJ
21 Exhibition: Works from the
collection@ Munch-museet, 28
Opera: Tosca@ Den norske
opera og ballett (www.
• Christmas exhibition@ Tony Anthun@ Café Kaos (www. • Christmas concert @ the Opera
Kunstnerforbundet (www. ( • Goddesses: Women Who Move

ESN White T-shirt
Party@Amatøren ( Sogn
17 The Salvation Army’s
musicians @ Egertorget
(also on the 18th, 20th &21st
• Christmas party @ La Belle Sole
Art II@ Museet for samtidskunst
• Pilvi Takala - You Can’t Do What
student village)(www.facebook. Dec) ( dex=1) You Can’t Imagine@ Finsk-norsk
• Farmer’s Christmas market@
• Bakkjens Bazaar: World Music
• Oslo Gospel Choir@
22 Christmas concert, Music
for December@ Oslo
Domkirke (www.oslodomkirke. 29
kulturinstitutt (
Take Me To Your Leader!
The Great Escape Into
Birkelunden and Vika (www. Oslo Konserthus (www. no) Space@ Museet for samtidskunst • Christmas party@ Emil & (
• The Annual Christmas Fair@ • Christmas concert@ Samuel ( • Live music in the pub@
Norsk Folkemuseum (www. Trefoldighetskirken www. event.php?eid=1689463697972 Scotsman (
• Old-fashioned Christmas@
Bærums Verk (www.
• Dj F.M.C.@ Klubb Süd Øst (www.
• The Black Soul Circus@ Revolver
30 Handball cup finals@
Oslospektrum (www.
• Guided tour of the Parliament
• Guitarmageddon@ Parkteatret
( 23 Ernesto Neto – Intimacy@
Astrup Fearnley Museet
• Fluxus/ Fluxus East@ Henie
Onstad Kunstsenter (www.hok.
building (No./Eng.) (www.
• Nobel Peace Prize concert (www.
18 Free Saturday concert@
Café Mono (www.
• The Creative Act@ Henie Onstad
Kunstsenter ( 31
New Year’s party at Stratos
( • Oslo Soul Experience@John Dee • Marianne Heske: Heaven & • New Year’s Eve party@ Mona

12 Christmas concert, In Dulci

Jubilo@ Oslo Domkirke
• Christmas party with Lille G,
Earth@ Stenersen museet (w
• Kåre Tveter & Petar Tale –
Lisa Huset (www.monalisahuset.
• New Year’s Eve party@ Blå (www.
• Exhibition: Liu Xiaobo - I have Lille Philip and DJ Quast@ Joined by the dead masters@
no enemies@Nobel Peace Center Livingroom( Arthe Kunsthus (
• Dance performance: The
Experiment@ Dansens Hus 19
Sølvguttene boys’ choir
concert@Oslo Domkirke
24 Christmas Morning@ Oslo
• Christmas Eve service w/
by Ria Tobing from ESN
( ( Sølvguttene@ Oslo Domkirke
• Christmas concert, Night in
Betlehem@ Kulturkirken Jacob
• Christmas market@ Blå (www.

13 Big Sign - Little Building@

What's On in Oslo? // 11

Office for Contemporary

Art Norway (
• St.Lucia celebration parade,
Oslo Domkirke – Oslo S (17:00)
• Poing’s Christmas show (www.

14 Christmas beer tasting@
Akersberget (www.ol-
• Christmas concert, The
Norwegian Chamber Orchestra@
Frogner Kirke (www.
• Snake and lizard feeding@ Oslo
Reptilpark (
• UNICEF Christmas stand up
show (No.)@ Latter (www.latter.

15 Exhibition: Nudes @
Munch-museet (www.
world. Władisław Emeryk, the man who shot first

Munch’s Lady:
Dagny and then himself, left a letter for Dagny’s
five year old son, Zenon. He tried to explain the
reason behind his conduct, stating that Dagny

Dagny Juel “was not of this world, she was far too ethereal
for anyone to understand her true nature… That

Przubuszewska she was an incarnation of the absolute, that she

was God, you will learn from others. I only want
by Mariam Nodia to tell you that she, to put it in an earthly way,
was a saint. She was goodness itself, the kind of
There are some paintings that one cannot forget. goodness that is called regal, and that arises from
It is enough to look at them just once and they stay contempt…She believed that she had come to the
in our minds forever. Edward Munch’s Madonna is world only so that you might be born” (quoted
one of them. Almost everybody who has seen it from Norseng 1991, p. 168).
admits that there is something mysterious about
the painting that makes them think afterwards; Dagny Juel herself was born in Kongsvinger,
feel something that one cannot explain. Norway in 1867. Her father, Hans Limmich Juel
was a doctor, married to Minda Blehr, sister of the
Very few outside Norway know that Edward Norwegian Prime Minister to the King of Sweden-
Munch’s Madonna had a real life prototype. She Norway. Minda and Hans had three daughters
was a lady of a contradictory nature, a person of besides Dagny: Astrid, Gudrun and Ragnhild.
extremes. She could love without boundaries. The Juel sisters were talented and beautiful.
She had enough courage to challenge society’s According to the family tradition, Gudrun once
conventions, break the unwritten rules and be danced with the Swedish king, who asked her if
free, unlike other women. She was adored and there were many beautiful girls in Kongsvinger.
hated at the same time. She was simultaneously She answered “There are four of us”. All of the four
both a cult figure and an object of loathing. She sisters were musically talented, and their talent
was an inspiration for many. Some considered was not unnoticed. One of Munch’s paintings,
her to be beautiful and others did not. But all called Two Music-Making Sisters (To Musiserende
agreed that she was seductive like no one else. She Søstre) portrays Dagny sitting and playing the
was described as secretive, distant, aristocratic, piano and Ragnhild standing next to her, singing.
12 \\ The Lady Behind Munch’s Madonna

enchanting, extremely intellectual, restless,

magical and unique. Dagny wanted to become a professional pianist.
For this reason, in January 1893 she left for
The name of this mysterious lady was Dagny Berlin to study at Hollander’s Conservatory. There
Juel. She was the wife of Polish writer Stanisław Edward Munch introduced her to the avant-garde
Przybyszewski and a childhood friend of Edward artists and thinkers of the late nineteenth century,
Munch. The correspondence between Dagny and the Schwarze Ferkel group. Dagny became one
Munch shows that they truly were
friends. Nobody knows whether the
story about them being lovers, as
some researchers believe, is a myth
or reality. But the fact is that Munch
used her as his model for many of
his famous paintings, among them
Madonna, Jealousy, The kiss, Ashes,
Vampire etc.

The life of Dagny was full of

controversies and secrets. Her death
was as mysterious as her personality.
Dagny was found murdered in a Grand
Hotel room in Tbilisi shortly before
her thirty-fourth birthday. Her death
raised many questions. Hundreds of
articles were published all over the Dagny and Stachu
of the most enigmatic later, as he had promised,
members of the circle, and bring their passports.
the subject of the Her letters written to
admiration and rivalry. Stachu shortly before her
She met Stanisław death are full of fear and
(Stachu) Przybyszewski despair:
at Schwarze Ferkel and
fell in love with him. “I’m about to lose my mind.
Stachu adored her too, Not a word since a month
called her “Ducha”, a ago. I have telegraphed to
polish word for “Soul”. Krakow, to Lemberg, to
Soon they were married Warsaw. No answer. Fine…
and became the king You must absolutely send
and the queen of the my and Zenon’s passport
bohemians. “Ashes” by Edvard Munch right away. Otherwise I
can have a lot of difficulty.
Being the wife of Stanisław Przybyszewski was You promised me to send a passport already the
not easy. There were times when they did not have following day!
money for rent. Sometimes they had nothing I beg you: send it right away.”
to eat. Besides, Stachu was a bohemian striving (quoted from Norseng 1991, p. 168).
for freedom. Therefore, family was nothing but But Stachu neither sent them passports nor replied
chains for him and the children were obstacles. to her. At the time he was having a love affair with
Dagny had to leave her newly born daughter at Jadwiga, the wife of his friend Jan Kasprowicz,
her parents and follow her husband to Poland, whom he married after Dagny’s death. Therefore,
knowing that it was best for all, especially for the he did not care much about his lawful wife. Dagny
baby. and Zenon travelled with Emeryk for three weeks,
Stachu had many affairs before and after meeting until they arrived in Tbilisi (Tiflis). They stayed at
Dagny. He had two children with a woman called the Grand Hotel, where Emeryk introduced Dagny
Marta Foerder, whom he impregnated for the as his sister and Zenon as his nephew. Dagny
third time while being married to Dagny. Later, suspected that Emeryk was up to something

The Lady Behind Munch’s Madonna // 13

when Marta committed suicide and Stachu was terrible. She could see it in his eyes. She asked for
imprisoned for some time as he was suspected of help from the man she loved most, her husband,
her murder. During this period, Dagny supported but in vain.
him and never abandoned Dagny Juel was murdered
him. Dagny had lovers too. on the 5th of June, 1901,
But according to many, shortly before her thirty
including her murderer fourth birthday. She
Emeryk, Stanisław died abandoned and
Przybyszewski was the only desperate, as portrayed on
man she had ever loved. Munch’s “Ashes”, but still
Paradoxically however, beautiful and mysterious
Dagny Juel died desperate, as “Madonna”. Dagny died
abandoned and betrayed by young, but her memory
her beloved husband. continues to live. Edward
Munch made His Lady
Her murderer, Władysław immortal by his paintings.
Emeryk, was the son of a
rich Polish businessman Sources:
who owned mines in Norseng M. K. 1991, Dagny, A
Samuel and Althea Stroum Book,
Georgia. Emeryk invited University of Washington Press,
the Przybyszewski family Seattle & London
to the Caucasus. Dagny left Valla K 2006, Skuddene i Tbilisi by
Poland with him, taking Kristin, Kagge forlag Oslo, 2006.
Store Norske leksikon, http://www.
her son Zenon, hoping that
Stanisław would join them “Madonna” by Edvard Munch utdypning
The Monthly Moose
wishes to thank all
our readers who par-
ticipated in the photo
competition for their
brilliant submissions.
However, due to
space constraints we
can only publish pho-
tos from our 3 final-

Mantas Grigaliunas,
Robin Bergseth,
and Vangelis Tasoulas.

We congratulate
Vangelis Tasoulas
for winning our
photo contest!

The Evil T-bane by Vangelis Tasoulas

14 \\ Graphic Competition Winners

Destination Unknown by Vangelis Tasoulas Elg by Robert Bergseth

The Monthly Moose
creative issue returns
in May 2011, so keep
the creative juices

If you want to
become a regular
contributor write
us at monthly.

Graphic Competition: winners // 15

h Sunset in Smøla by Mantas Grigaliunas

The Monthly Moose wishes to thank all our
The Monthly Moose readers who participated in the prose compe-
tition for creative and varied submissions.

The winners of this year’s competition are
Kjersti Blehr Lånkan, Bianca Løkkeberg and
Luis de Ita. The moose-ly prize goes to Kjer-
sti Blehr Lånkan.
The contest is back in May 2011. However,

Competition if you are interested in submitting creative

writing to the magazine, write us at

second floor.
“They grew up when this country was poor.”
The blond girl seems surprised.
by Kjersti Blehr Lånkan
In a coffee bar somewhere in Oslo, a soft voice is “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
singing, the barista joins in, humming: “Yes, it should, but it’s not. They are poor up here
“I liiiiiiiike youuuu….” as well.”

He stares at a girl with blond hair, the only person The barista taps his fingers on his head. Then he
in the room. She is sitting behind her computer, walks around the bar, towards her table.
typing, drinking coffee. A short glance is all she “Sooo… Mr.Right, is he studying or working?”
offers him, looking swiftly up from her computer.
He leans over the bar. She smiles.

“Is the music bothering you?” “He’s studying.”

“No, it’s fine.” “Oooouuuh, Mr.Right is studying. But is he funny

like me? Is he handsome like me? Can he dance
“Okay, okay, good. You see, my Norwegian bosses like me?”
are complaining. They are old and grumpy, you
know, fat and ugly! They are complaining about He puts his hands over his head and shakes his
my music.” hips.
“Or is he also white, Norwegian, serious…”
16 \\ Prose competition: Winners

He makes a face and his voice turns nasal to copy

his bosses’ voices: He places his hands on each side of his face, to
“You are playing too loooouuuuudly!” show how he is shut out from the world, how he
cannot look to any side. Like a racing horse, with
He taps his fingers on the side of his head. She black blinkers, setting out to win, but with no clue
laughs. He continues: about why it is participating in the race. But it can
“How old are you?” sense the other horses, so it also breathes quickly,
stamps its cloven hoof in the ground and goes out
“20.” when the gun fires. All the horses are running,
they’re going fast, really fast, and they can all
“20? My God, that is so young. But it’s great, you feel the legs of the jockeys pressing firmly against
know why?” their sides.
He has her attention now.
“Your generation is going to change this country.
Children who are born after 1990 have a different
mentality; they grew up with kids from Pakistan,
Somalia, Thailand… And they know that this
Anne by Bianca Løkkeberg
country is rich. You know, those other people…”
She was just there one day, as if she had always
At this point, the barista points his finger been there. Looking at me from behind the
upwards, as if his bosses have their office on the counter, wiping off a glass that she had washed.
She smiled, such a familiar smile. As if we saw and smelled of warm summer rain. I came up with
each other every day, not across a bar counter, but her that night, saw her apartment and learnt the
maybe across a kitchen table, or at least a room name of her cat. “You will probably forget it by
with proper furniture. It took me a couple of tomorrow”, she said, but I assured her I wouldn’t.
weeks to understand that even if I dared to speak Her room had a sweet smell, the walls were purple
to her, she wouldn’t hear what I had to say. At first and the shelves filled with books. She asked if I
I felt a tremendous loss, as if I had ever been close wanted to drink tea, and looked at me. I told her
to having her. But I shook off my grief and did that tea was actually my favourite thing to drink.
the only right thing, I went out and got a teach We drank from big, yellow cups, and I looked at the
yourself book. flowers that hang on her walls. She said she liked
dried flowers, because she knew they wouldn’t
As so many times before, our eyes met, she smiled die. “Your thoughts make me smile”, I said,
and came over with the menu. She didn’t usually immediately wondering if I had said something
serve people, and sometimes she was too busy for wrong, but seeing that I hadn’t.
me too, but this day seemed like a slow one in the
café. I pointed at a cappuccino, she wrote it down. Many nights and many cups of cinnamon tea went
“Hello”, I said, my hands shaking, “How are you?” by, sitting in her room, spelling out to each other
She laughed and looked surprised. “I’m well, thank who we were and what mattered to us. I told her
you. You can speak sign language?” she asked with about my boat, about sailing. About the wind in
quick gestures. “A little bit”, I said, leisurely, as if my clothes and the salt on my face, the feeling of
I hadn’t practised many weeks just to be able to being at the end of the world when the night falls.
say these words. “Can you say anything else?” she I could see that she felt it too. She told me about
asked. I hesitated. “I’m a girl”, I said, “I’m 24 years losing her mother at the age of ten. I went home
old...and I’m a student.” She laughed and said that night, carrying her grief with me, carefully,
something I couldn’t understand. I smiled and like the most precious gift I had ever been given.
nodded, and she left.
As the days grew brighter, our soft spoken love
My small vocabulary expanded, and I invited her grew stronger. She read my hands, and my hands
out for a walk. I said I wanted to improve my sign read her, every part of her telling a different story.
language, which wasn’t a lie. We walked in silence Her soft arms, the curve of her spine, the pit in
through the streets of Oslo, in this white winter the back of her knee. Sometimes I would dream
light that made everything transparent. We that she was gone, that she had left as quietly as
walked the streets, and the city saw right through she had once appeared. I would wake up terrified,
us, breathed through us. “Do you like the winter?” in her room smelling of cinnamon and all things
I asked. She laughed a bit, “Yes, yes I do.” “Me too”, sweet. She would wake up too and pull me close.
I said, and we smiled. Summer rain kiss, cinnamon bliss. And I would go
back to sleep.
One walk became many walks, often several times

Prose Competition: Winners // 17

a week. We followed the sun as it travelled across
the sky, taking twists and turns and small streets
we hadn’t seen before, absorbing the warm light
for as long as we could. We usually ended up by
the harbour, seeing the orange sunset disappear
Hytte by Luis de Ita
in the water and not being able to catch up with it. To understand the cultural spirals in a foreign
When the blue December darkness came seeping country, one must observe the rituals, paying
in between us, to make our conversations vague attention to every detail, and thus appreciate the
and indistinct, I was filled with an immense timing with pauses and movements.
sadness. Looking at her, being able to make out
her dark eyes and hesitant smile, but not being In Norway, there is a ritual that keeps many
able to speak to her. I wanted to tell her that when Norwegians busy on their holidays and week-ends:
a journey to their cabins. Hytte is the Norwegian
she looked at me, I felt touched by the sun. That name for the cabins located in recondite corners
when she smiled at me, I felt wrapped in gold. In
of the mountains, in inhospitable valleys or on
stead I would wave her goodbye, she would wave
islands only accessible by boat. Like wooden
back, and our roads would part.
temples, with low ceilings and soot stains,
Once I walked her to her door, and we stood there the hytte is an excellent place to observe and
for a second, not quite knowing what to do. “With understand the Norwegian culture and its people.
you, the city is new”, I told her, “we are travelling
companions, chasing the sun.” She hugged me It is a cult to the antique, to the vintage, to the
simplicity of the sea and boat life. The usual
activities of the lucky owners of such time portals are old-school The Monthly Moose
hand work, fishing for your dinner, Nordic walks across snowy roads

to buy coffee and taking showers with buckets. Electricity is the least
important. In the summer, the days last so long that when the night
covers the sky with a dark blue blanket, the sun has already shown its
first eyelashes. Thus, candlelight is enough, because there is no need
to turn on any bulbs. The stove’s typical artifacts from the city-life are
cast away by their ancestors the grills, the stones and firewood. They
take care of the slow cooking of the fresh fish, aromatized by forest
herbs (or herbs from exotic lands introduced by the new generation
The Monthly Moose wishes
of Norwegian globe-trotters). The winter is owned by chimneys and
gløgg, a spiced warm wine. to thank all our readers
who participated in the po-
In the cabins one can observe an exciting cultural dynamic, so intricate etry competition for fantas-
and complex that it is only possible to interpret it as romantic. The tic submissions. The winners
mornings in the hytte are filled with sighs of the old good times, of this year’s competition
when life in Norway was tougher, but simpler, when there were no are: Dóra Gudjónsdóttir,
oil-funds to pay charter tours to Mallorca. Nonetheless, the Big Melvin Junming Chen and
Mac fever is also contagious in the country considered by the UN to
Zhenya Bakin. The first prize
have the highest living standard. Nowadays it is more common that
goes to Melvin Junming
cabins are stacked with sumptuous articles. Thus the rituals in the
hytte are interrupted by electric connections and Jacuzzis, turning Chen.
The contest is back in May
the place from an altar to the simplicity to a spa-hotel in the Alps.
2011. However, if you are in-
However, it is not necessary to be disappointed because what really
terested in submitting poetry
push the Norwegians out of the urban zones towards the outdoors is
to the magazine, write us at
impossible to buy.
The main reason the Norwegians love the cabin life is the opportunity
to feel closer to nature. Several cultural historians, experts in A Winter
Norwegian culture, have observed such a special relationship to
nature that can be traced in time and through the development of Night
the young nation. Based on in depth studies of art expression like
by Dóra Gudjónsdóttir
paintings and literature, they claim that is in nature, the outdoors,
where Norwegians really feel ‘home’. If one pays attention to the
paintings in the national gallery or other museums in Norway, it is Snowflakes fall
possible to see this distinctive feature. For example, when authors slowly, definitely.
18 \\ Prose Competition: Winners

describe interiors, they tend to use darker colors and the motifs
are full of nostalgia and closed windows, whilst when the painter Shivering teeth dance
portraits outdoors a lighter atmosphere full of vivacity is appreciable. to a grin of delight.
It is not necessary to go to museums to appreciate that, once you
are outdoors a change in the behavior of the people happens almost Blink of bliss in the eyes,
magically. The Norwegians suddenly become more polite, smiley and spark in the heart.
say they say hello to everybody. They just look happier.
Flashing life
As visitors to Norway, there are several ways to experience life in a in blushy cheeks.
hytte. The most simple is to join the national trekking association
and plan a route to take advantage of all the cabins widespread in Tickles the nose
Norway. Nonetheless, the most recommended way is to be invited a spicy scent.
by a Norwegian to her hytte. I would not be lying if I said that it can
be tricky because Norwegians are a little bit shy. However, if one is In the feet floats a rhythm
fortunate enough, one must be prepared to cross impressive fjords of the evenings tones.
in small boats, fishing and bathing in 16 centigrade waters, and if
it is winter, kilometres long marches with cross-country skis. If one What a night,
manages to prove oneself worthy, one can be offered the chance to sign this silent winter night.
in the ‘Hyttebok’ and thereby become a part of the hytte’s furniture.
When your friend asks you to sign the ‘Hyttebok’ one should return
the courtesy with the highest compliment a Norwegian can receive:
“Det var veldig koselig!”
Oslo Limericks A miracle of rare device!
In Solberg’s whirling maelstrom
by Zhenya Bakin For Rybak was his name – Norwe-gee-ian-English
Like Rubek, Ibsen’s sculptor, he I languished – ikke sant? – for
There lived an Algerian hooker Awoke the dead with fame. hours;
Who would never let go her hookah. Slow he was to finish
She would puff all the time II. THE LOTOS-EATERS
(Even when she was mine).
At Ulleval I lost my way, V. ITHACA
Such a gifted Algerian hooker.
Distracted by the pants Till at long last I spied the end
There lived a sweet dancer from Bådar Of the Norwegian curling team To my long odyssey;
Who decided to stop getting older. As they were playing France. A life spent training for the
She would jump, spin and hop sight –
On her bottom and top, Red, white, and blue – in worse Here before me was he!
Entertaining the people of Bådar.
There was a young woman from Drammen Yet never have I seen, Wearing mutton-chop side-
Who would proudly call herself “damen”. Than on those pants which won whiskers,
Every Sunday, amused, the day Here stood the ‘boy bewitched’;
She just f***ed, drank and snused. (French outrage in between). His iron gait as he approached
Such an elegant woman from Drammen. Matched footsteps sombre-
Once a daring traveler Roald “Rest ye!” The pants they seemed pitched.
Went to Grønnland for silver and gold. to say,
But without delay “And never wander more.” I asked him for his autograph,
He was robbed on the way, But fashion sense would not And he obliged, grim-faced.
Such a daring traveler Roald. demean He signed Peer Gynt and
Once a hobo from Karl Johan Street Such argyle to adore. League of Youth,
Spent a month on the road to Madrid. With bored impatience laced.
He forgot his Norwegian III. SCYLLA
But came up with some Pidgin: So by and by, I forged ahead Then he was gone – but I
All the questions he answered “In-did” Renewed by my desire forgot!
There once was a bisexual troll To find the man from Skien who My song for him to sing;
Who enjoyed drinking beer with “skål”. Could sternly light my fire. But there’s still Bjørnson to be
But its sweet mellow tone sought
Quickly made it alone I caught a bus at John Colletts – Or Eurovision’s king.
With a nickname “big hairy doll”. A ‘Russbus,’ it was called.
There was a musician at Blå Six heads popped out when I sat
Who performed in a hat out-of-straw. down;
He would come out naked, Their youthfulness enthralled.
Through the hat and yell “Take it!”
And the crowd would ask him for more.
Poetry Contest: Winners // 19
They plied me with their beer
There lived an old chap near Rema and snus,
Who would always have a dilemma: And made me Russpants wear;
It was too hard to choose We passed the nights with deeds
Between condoms and booze to make
Every time he went shopping at Rema. Fair maidens blush, I fear.

A Norwegian Ballad IV. CHARYBDIS

by Melvin Chen To rouse myself from this excess
Was no mean feat indeed –
I. SIREN But from Scylla six-headed to
On Norway’s shores I first arrived Charybdis was I freed.
Quia multum amavi –
In search of Ibsen and his ghost I hitched a ride with dear old
To sing this melody. Pete
To make up for time lost;
At Oslo S I heard a man ‘No demper problem,’ he chimed
Pipe sweeter than a dove; in –
Yet as he sang he vowed he was Good English at what cost?
With fairy-tales in love. Picture by Miguel Arcángel Fraticelli
Icelandic Christmas: over the years, and often
reflect what could be called
’tis the season for vicious cats the national psyche of the
Icelanders. One of them is
and vandalizing Christmas the last minute Christmas
shopping on December
Lads. 23rd. The Icelanders, who
are famous for leaving
Text: Hrafnhildur Hauksdóttir
everything to the last
Picture: Miguel Arcángel Fraticelli
minute, crowd the center of
Reykjavík a few hours before
Although there are many very mischievous, they came into
similarities between the Icelandic town to scare children, steal food the shops close (which is
way of celebrating Christmas and from the farmers and play pranks quite late in the evening)
how the rest of the world goes on people. to buy the last Christmas
about it, like spending quality presents, or even all of them.
time with family, presents under However, with time they have Although it may not sound
a decorated Christmas tree, become a lot friendlier, and pleasant to outsiders, this
dressing up in one’s finest clothes nowadays every child in Iceland is usually a very neighborly
and eating too much good food, puts their shoe in the window, and atmospheric event, and
there are some traditions that and receives small presents from greatly missed by Icelanders
are specifically Icelandic and are each of them, from December 12th, who can´t make it home for
a mixture of folklore and old when the first one, Stekkjastaur the holidays and have to
traditions connected with the (Sheepfold Stick) arrives, to spend it in foreign countries
celebration of winter solstice in December 23 , when the last
rd with normally organized
heathen times, which meant that one, Kertasníkir (Candle-beggar) people. There are always
gradually lengthening days in the comes to town. The Lads haven´t the unlucky few though,
midst of the dark and gloomy totally lost their original purpose who end up receiving car
northern winter were around the of scaring children into obedience; polish or window wipes as
corner. If a child behaves badly one day, it a Christmas gift from their
is common that it finds a rotten husband, who was a little
potato in its shoe the following too late to the lingerie shop
Christmas preparations: and had to buy his presents
This is traditionally the season to morning, instead of a small toy or
at the gas station instead.
scare little children half to death. candy.
According to Icelandic folklore,
anyone who did not get at least Þorlákur´s Mass: Christmas Eve:
one new piece of clothing for December 23rd is called The Icelanders celebrate
Christmas risked being eaten by a Þorláksmessa (Þorlákur´s Mass). Christmas at 6 p.m. on
December 24th. The national
20 \\ Christmas in Iceland

vicious beast: The Christmas Cat. It is still a very common tradition

And in case that wasn’t enough to eat pickled and putrefied radio is switched on in
to keep overexcited children in fish (skate) that one day a year. practically every household,
place (bear in mind that this was Some people even throw special to hear the ringing of
long before the mass medication skate eating parties at home, and the bells of the Lutheran
of children), the Christmas Lads many workplaces offer it in their Cathedral in Reykjavík,
(jólasveinar) certainly did. cafeteria. However, most people which is broadcasted
prefer not to cook and eat it at nationally. The ringing of
The Christmas Lads are 13 their own home, because it will the bells is followed by a
brothers, descendants of trolls stink with ammonia at least until special religious service,
that live in the mountains. They New Year´s day. and for most Icelanders,
wear rags, much like farmers did this is the only time of
in the 18th century (although they Not all Icelandic Christmas the year they encounter
are usually to be seen wearing red traditions come from old folklore. anything remotely religious.
baggy clothes and a white beard Some have simply developed - Christmas dinner most
these days) and they used to be from people´s widespread habits often consists of hangikjöt
(smoked lamb) or some
sort of smoked ham. After
dinner, when the table
has been cleared and the
washing up is done, the
gifts are exchanged. The
rest of the evening is spent
indoors with the family and
the kids get to stay up late.

December 25th and 26th, are

spent visiting more distant
relatives. Many people go
from one Christmas party
to the next, depending on
the complexity of their
family relations. So far
everyone has been on their
best behavior, but that is
about to change.

New Year´s celebration:

Most people start the
evening of December
31st with family as well.
After yet another luxury
dinner, the family often
watches the TV-event of
the year together, which is
Áramótaskaupið, a comedy
sketch program about
all the most important people have started drinking and 7 in the morning.
events that have occurred seem to think it´s a brilliant idea
in society and media the to take their fireworks with them For obvious reasons, Reykjavík is
passing year. Black humour and shoot them up in the middle more like a ghost town on January
is key, and nothing is too of the crowd. The fireworks will 1st, apart from the occasional
holy. And you better not go on exploding all night, but the party pro heading home at noon
miss it if you don´t want to highlight is at midnight. Many from an after-after-afterparty and
Christmas in Iceland // 21

feel out of place at work the foreigners actually come to those few who passed out before
first week of the new year, Iceland for New Year´s specifically midnight, and still want to shoot
since most discussions will to witness the amazing fireworks. up the rest of their fireworks.
involve rating of this year´s Since you don´t need a special
Áramótaskaup compared to permission from authorities to The Last Day of Christmas:
last year´s etc. have them, everyone buys them by January 6th is Þrettándinn (the
the ton, and then some… 13th), and the last day of Christmas.
Bonfires are held in various Decorations are removed and all
places that evening and it Now it´s time for the Icelanders that´s left of Christmas traditions
is a tradition to take the to do what they do best; party like is the long wait for the extravagant
family there afterwards. the end is nigh! Whether you go credit card bill that´s in the mail.
Around that time, fireworks clubbing or go to a home party, be But everyone has had the time of
are already exploding prepared for the party of your life, their life, and is already looking
everywhere, and watch your heavy drinking and a loooong wait forward to doing it all again next
back at the bonfires, because for a taxi-ride home, even if it´s at year.
Save the Planet, Before it is too Late:
New Year Resolutions
Text:Josefien Breedvelt, Marija Cabuskina It is important to start thinking about
Picture: Sara Fegelman environmental topics; the effect you have on
As we all know, mankind has a non-extinguishable your environment is bigger than you think. For
impact on planet Earth. We, as man, influence example, the amount of land used for one year of
almost all aspects of nature. For us, this has benefits your existence is called the ecological footprint.
on the short term; it allows us to overpopulate the This is the amount of meters that is used for
planet and choose the cheapest instead of the most your food production, your paper use, your use of
durable options. We indulge in a world of fast, easy electricity etc. If everybody in the world would live
and cheap with growing proportions. Getting the like Norwegians, for example, there have to be at
newest iphone or the best deal is a normal way least 2 worlds to support global consumption. You
of life in western societies. In my opinion, this is can calculate your own footprint on: http://www.
quite insane. Because, in the long run, the planet
will be damaged and there is possibly no way There are some New Year Resolutions we have
back anymore. But what can we do about it? The thought of to help you act more environmentally
University of Oslo has formulated its own policy friendly, without too much sacrifice! Make a
on this. In 2020 the university wishes to establish resolution today and follow it in the year 2011!
itself as a green university. It will take responsibility
for climate related challenges through research
and teaching related to environmental topics, and
1 I shall only buy things that can be reused or
refilled. NO to disposable cups and cutlery,
YES to soap refill, changeable shaving blades,
through operations at the university. rechargeable batteries and cotton shopping bags!
One of the measures they want to take (as stated by
the rector at the international question hour last
month) is cutting down on student media to make
2 I shall print, write, draw and doodle on both
sides of paper.
the campus more environmental friendly. We as
student media obviously have some criticism for 3 I shall not throw away my mobile phone
unless it is broken. I shall repair it using a 5
year guarantee (in Norway) if it is broken.
this plan, since it regards cutting down on us! We
think this has to be seen in a more moderate way.
4 I shall put a notice “Reklame – nei takk” on
22 \\ New Year Resolutions: Go Eco!

Environmental measures should be reasonable my mail box to protect myself from spam and
and not impede democracy and the spreading of reduce the waste of ink and paper.
information. Also, student media could inform
and encourage people to be greener(and save
money!), so deleting all newspapers from Blindern
5 I shall try to have no impact on the
environment for one week by joining http://
is not going to help. However, an option might
be to expand the internet versions of the existing
newspaper, make all printed media on recycled
6 I shall not leave my coffee machine on after I’m
done with coffee. I shall instead put the coffee
in a thermos.
material, or a have certain quota for printed
material. Some innovative measures can be
incorporated, right? 7 I shall not boil more water than I intend to use.

8 I shall take a bottle of water from home with

me instead of buying it. Tap water in Norway
is fresh and clean. Manufacturing of bottles and
transportation is not eco-friendly.

9 I shall have one meat-free day a week. That will

reduce CO2 by 170 kg.

10 I shall not throw away things others can use.

Instead I shall give them to flea markets,
Fretex, Upps and charity.
(New Year resolutions are inspired by a festival brochure by
Framtiden i Våre Hender)
Santa Lucia: connection to the blind is founded on her name
which comes from “lux”, light. In Sicily she is
Horns or candles? celebrated as a regional saint: candle processions
are arranged, and pastry with eyes, “uocci di Santa
On December 13, much of the Nordic world Lucia,” is eaten. For Sicilians this particular saint
celebrates the holiday known as St. Lucy’s is additionally famous for bringing a fleet full of
(Luciedagen). This article attempts to look bread in the year of famine.
into the origins of the holiday and its But let’s not mock the Catholic Italians with
modern development. their regional pride. What does St. Lucy have to
Text and picture: Marija Cabuskina do in the protestant Nordic countries?
It is not only the distance that separates the
You’re in a dark hall. Sugary singing reaches your sunny Sicily and snowy Scandinavia: it is also
ears, soft steps of several little girls in white dresses religion. After Protestantism made its way in
resound in the silence. The light of the candles the the North, pious veneration of Catholic martyrs
procession brings into the hall slowly spreads to was condemned as idolatry. After all, everyone
the spectators. The girl is front is wearing a crown following Christian belief is a saint, claimed the
of burning candles and for one moment you try Protestants, and the dead Christians can be
not to think about her long blond hair at risk of imitated, but not worshiped. Until this day, Lucy
being smeared with wax… is the only martyr who is celebrated at large in the
If you come from Sweden, you most certainly Nordic countries, and God certainly knows why.
recognize the scene of December 13, the Day of However, while God knows, humans argue. The
St. Lucy (Lusiadagen). Although the holiday has first written source describing the celebration
spread into the neighboring Nordic countries, in Sweden is from the 19th century. However, it
the celebration has not yet become well-known is possible that the customs are older than that,
elsewhere. but had never attracted interest before National
The sources tell that December 13 is a day of Romanticism with its quest for folklore. The
commemoration of Lucy (Lucia), a fair maid of source describes that on December 13, the oldest
Syracuse who was martyred in the days of early unmarried girl in the household was to don white
Christendom. From this fact the story deviates: clothes and awaken everyone with coffee and
the official hagiology states that she refused cake. Some researches point to the similarity
to marry a pagan and ordered to distribute her between a white-clad gift-giver Lucy and the
dowry to the poor: as revenge, her would-be German Christkind (Jesus as a child). This was
fiancée denounced her as Christian, or criminal in also usually a girl in white with sweet buns for
other words. During execution, the guards could children. Additionally, Christkind would wear a
not lift her and could not cut her throat with a paper crown with burning candles (a recipe for
knife. One of the versions mentions that even fire
shied from her. So the guards took out her What's behind St. Lucy's? // 23
eyes with a fork. Other versions, however,
say that Lucy herself took out her eyes to
send them to her godless fiancée (in one
of the variants, she was refunded with
new eyes by the God). Yet another legend
particularizes that prior to execution she
was placed in a brothel. Another legend
makes her a partisan, helping the Christian
refugees in Sicily to carry the provisions at
night: in order to have her hands free she
was said to put a candle on her head. There
seems to be a Lucy for every taste.
It is hard to say which of the versions
is true and whether the eye incident
really took place. Whatever it is, Lucy is
often depicted with eyes on a plate and is
regarded a saint of the blind. Possibly the
disaster), much like modern Lucias do. has become commercialized, when a Stockholm
But the bright white maiden serving coffee in newspaper organized a pageant to elect Lucia and
bed is only one part of the story. In Norway Lucy her followers. Keen on gender equality, Sweden
has a dark side. The dark side of the Sicilian virgin introduced boys in the procession, either as star-
is called Lussi and it is anything but songs and boys, or, surprisingly, St. Stephen “the stable-
sweets. boy”2, although St. Stephan’s is actually two weeks
According to folk beliefs, December 13 is the after St. Lucy’s. Wikipedia illustrates how myths
longest1 and creepiest night of the year. During are created even nowadays: in the Norwegian
this night animals could talk, quarrel and rebel article on St. Lucy’s it says that St. Stefan was
against their owners (sounds like Animal Farm “the little stable-boy who witnessed St. Lucy’s
doesn’t it?), thus it was necessary to give them a martyrdom”-- A major career decline for the first
“lussebit” as a treat. Everyone had to stay at home, Christian martyr.
because the wicked she-being Lussi could be seen Another confusion of modernity is the song
riding around with a host of evil creatures. All sung by Lucy’s procession. The song is indeed
called “Santa Lucia”, but the original text of the
preparatory work for Christmas should be done folk song (documented along with the melody by
and seized. To give a case study: one woman was Teodoro Cottrau in 1850) has nothing to do with
allegedly baking Christmas lefse on December the Christian Saint. Here is the first refrain of the
13. She was visited by a creature that asked her two versions:
if she knew what kind of night it was. The woman Italian Swedish
answered promptly “Let it lussy as it might, but I Sul mare luccica l’astro Natten går tunga fjät
will lussy this bread tonight”, and accordingly her d’argento. rund gård och stuva;
The original

right hand got paralyzed. Lussi was also known Placida è l’onda. Prospero kring jord, som sol förlät,
è il vento. (X2) skuggorna ruva.
to conduct inspections of Christmas preparations:
Venite all’agile, barchetta Då i vårt mörka hus,
if something was not according to her taste she mia, stiger med tända ljus,
would shatter the chimney. Thus, Lussi can be Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia. Sankta Lucia, Sankta Lu-
seen as a motivating force for people to do their (X2) cia.
work in time. Over the sea shines a sil- Night walks with a heavy
A literal translation

The remnants of the name “Lussi” still prevail ver star. step
in the modern Swedish celebration of St. Lucy’s: Placid is the wave. Fair is Round yard and hearth,
the wind. (X2) As the sun departs from
the saffron-dyed curly buns are called “Lussekatt” Come to my swift little earth,
[Lusse cat] and in earlier literature djöffelskatt boat, Shadows are brooding.
[Devil’s cat], despite the fact that the celebration Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia. There in our dark house,
itself is called Luciedagen. Indeed, “Lussi” reminds (x2) Walking with lit candles,
one of one of the Devil’s names, Lucifer which just Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
like ”Lucia” comes from Latin “lux”, light. Hodne Further examination shows that the original
song refers to the district of Santa Lucia (in the
24 \\ What's behind St. Lucy's?

theorizes that the Lussi-tradition is an instance

of demonizing the Saint by the propaganda bay of Napoli), not the saint. It is sung by a boat
of Protestantism (thus stating that Lucy was rower advertising his ride: “To eat supper among
commemorated before Lussi). However, this the sails/On an evening that’s so serene”. The
claim is dubious: firstly, the cult of a local Sicilian somewhat funny bit starts when a Nordic Lucia
saint is unlikely to have become as popular in the choir decides to interweave the Italian lyrics in
Nordic countries, as to force such crude methods; their singing and thus, unknowingly, ask the
secondly, Protestant priests were against audience to hop on their boat. It is as appropriate
venerating the saints, but they still honored them. as wearing “flowers in your hair” on St. Francis’
A more likely hypothesis is that in Sweden the feast day.
church authorities gave up on restricting the cult But despite all the confusions, the St Lucy’s lives
of Lussi, and introduced the virtually unknown St. as long as the parents are eager to see their children
Lucia as the “legal” counterpart, and eventually in white dresses and preferably with candles on
the new tradition replaced the old one. their heads. The author of this article admits that
From the beginning of the 20th century St Lucy’s Lussekatter buns make for another good reason to
continue with the travesty of St Lucy’s.
1 Due to calendar shifts and planetary changes December 13
has seized to be the longest night centuries ago.
2 According to the folkloric tradition of the Nordic countries St. Sources:Bø,O. ”Vår norske Jul”, Berg, K.A., Tessem, L.B., ”Julen”,
Stephan worked in Herod’s stables. Hodne, Ø. ”Julen i Norge”
Pasta al forno alla Siciliana
(Sicilian Baked Pasta) Text: Francesco Spinali
Picture: Summer Choi

Hi! My name is Francesco Spinali and I am from kinds and brands. Check the package to be sure.
Italy. I have been living in Oslo for 2 months and Simultaneously, you have to cook the tomato
I am working as Italian teacher. I am also able sauce and ground meat with garlic, basil, salt and
to cook very well and I like to do it a lot for my olive oil in another pot, so finally you will make
friends, so I would like to give you a very delicious the ragù. Then, you have to spread some butter on
recipe from my home country – Sicilia - that you a big baking tin, just like you use to make baked
can make around Christmas. We generally make it chicken. When the pasta and the ragù are ready,
very often, because we like to eat very good food you can put everything together inside the baking
and wine. tin, plus the ingredients you bought before:
Do you like Italian food? I hope so. Then I’ll tell you mozzarella cut into very little pieces, ham cut
about the “Sicilian pasta al forno” (baked pasta). into strips, eggs into slices, green peas, and finally
My mother makes it on Sundays, because I like it bechamel (white sauce) or kitchen cream .
very much, but be careful, it has many calories, After completing that, you put the same tin into
so don’t eat too much and make sure to skip the the oven and cook it for about thirty minutes at
dessert! 180°C. When “Pasta al forno” is well cooked, you
(Just Kidding!) are also ready to eat it.

First you need to buy some ingredients: for about Of course, you will please and satisfy your friends,
four people. It’s never fun to eat alone! but remember to tell me how it goes! I’ll be back

You have to buy 1 kilo of pasta (preferably Italian: next issue with another delicious Italian recipe.
maccaroni, penne rigate or fusilli),
200 gr of mozzarella, 200 gr of ham,
3 boiled eggs, a tin of green peas,
300 gr of ground meat, a liter of
Cooking All'italiana // 25
tomato sauce, a package of béchamel
(white sauce) or kitchen cream, 50
gr of butter and finally salt, garlic,
basil and olive oil, only the quantity
you need for the cooking pasta and
tomato sauce.

After that you need to boil a pot of

water with 2 spoons of salt. Once
boiled, you can add all the pasta,
but pay attention to the cooking
time, which is generally about ten
minutes, but is different for many
ELGINT0110: The Moose Norwegian Course
Learn Norwegian on your own, with a little help from the Moose.

Text: Julie Rousseau

Picture: Summer Choi
Lesson 4: Ønskeliste til Jul
In this festive time, The Moose has put together
a Christmas wishlist to give you Norwegian gift
ideas, and to teach you some Christmas-related
words. Moose t-shirts and mousepads are of
course awesome, but the following items are
kjempefine too.
Norsk mat og drikke
Bringing some typical mat [food] back home is a
great way of sharing your experience in Norway
with your friends and family. Easy-to-transport
classics include brunost, sjokolade, and akevit.
Klær: Selbuvott Bok: Se torsken!
The selburose (Selbu rose, from the Selbu kommune Oppskrifter [recipes] are easy to understand
in Southern Trøndelag) pattern is one of the once you have mastered some basic cooking
most used knitting pattern in Norwegian woolen vocabulary. This kokebok [recipe book] is a tribute
clothes. Bringing back traditional wool sweaters to norske fisk, and presents both oppskrifter and
(the hand-knitted ones, not the industrially-made stories. The book was born from the efforts of the
ones that can be found in tourist shops on Karl Folkeaksjonen for et oljefritt Lofoten, Vesterålen og
Johan’s gate) for your whole family would seriously Senja, with the participation of some of the best
impair your budget. Luckily, votter [mittens] are authors and chefs in Norway. By promoting the
as nice, and relatively cheap. If your budget is natural resources of the region around Lofoten
26 \\ The Moose Norwegian Course

limited, go for a cheesier lue [winter hat] with the islands, the group hopes to protect this traditional
colors of the norsk flag. fishing area from destructive oil drilling. A great
gift that supports a great cause.
Musikk: Kråkesølv
Film: Flåklypa Grand Prix
This Bodø band has just released its andre plate
[second album] Bomtur til jorda. They are young This stop-motion dukkefilm [animated movie]
and trendy, and they sing in nordland dialekt. released in 1975 is the most popular Norwegian
The CD pockets—featuring original movie of all time. It is a juletradisjon, as it is
artwork by two norwegian artists— usually broadcast on TV on juleaften (Christmas
were hand-packed by the band, Eve) or on the første juledag [first Christmas day,
making it a nice object in ie. 25.12]. It has been translated into 70 different
itself. Your indie friends languages so chances are you can find a version
will like it (and you that you can understand. If you plan on bringing
might want to Norwegian DVDs back home, be aware of the
get a copy for DVD region code system. DVDs sold in Norway
yourself are rated Region 2 and will not work in most non-
too). european DVD-players.
Lykke til [good luck] finding the best julegaver
[Christmas gifts] for your friends and family. God
Moose Comic Strip
by Irina Osepashvili

Moose Comic Strip // 27

28 \\ Moose Comic Strip

The Moose would like to thank all our regular contributors for an excellent semester.
We’ wish you all a Happy New year! Lykke til videre!

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