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So you’ve decided to try the ketogenic diet. Now what? Do you know exactly what to eat?

If you’re still scratching your head, or perhaps just need a little refresher, not to worry. This
ketogenic diet food list includes everything you can eat for ketogenic diet success. The good
news is that keto is probably the simplest diet you will find.

The bad news? It can feel pretty strict at times, and it’s easy to miss the foods you used to eat
if you focus on what’s lacking. So let’s start with all the delicious whole foods you can eat.

We’re break it down into four sections, fat, protein, carbs, and miscellaneous.

And to make it super easy AND delicious for you, we’ve whipped up a ketogenic diet meal plan
so you can take the guesswork out of keto and put away your calculator.

Healthy fats are really the cornerstone of the ketogenic diet. In order to keep your body in a
state of ketosis—breaking down fat instead of carbs or protein for fuel—you’ve gotta eat a lot
of fat—at around 70% of your calories, in fact. We want a high-quality ketogenic diet, which
means quality fat, which means the source matters. Check out our full article on healthy fats
vs. the ones to still avoid even in ketosis.

This is really one of the best things about the keto diet. Fat is satiating, and it tastes great, so
you can eat a lot of foods that are satisfying and delicious. Just make sure you eat the right
types of fats. Here’s what that includes:

• Butter or Ghee
• Avocados
• Macadamia Nuts
• Coconut Butter
• Cocoa Butter
• Egg Yolks (go with pasture-raised for the extra few bucks) #TreatYoself
• Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, MCT Oil, or Avocado Oil
• Nuts and Seeds or Nut Butter (choose fattier nuts like macadamia nuts or almonds)
• Fatty Fish

Keep in mind that you want a good balance of omega-3s and omega-6s, which are essential
fatty acids you must get from your diet and are important for many things, including proper
nerve and brain function and reducing the risk for heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2
diabetes, and brain function decline with old age.

Although omega-6 is essential, too much is inflammatory to the body, so be mindful of your
intake of sources higher in omega-6, such as peanuts and plant oils like corn oil or sunflower
oil. Focus mostly on omega-3s from fish like trout, salmon, tuna, and mackerel or take a
high-quality fish oil supplement.

Also, be mindful of nuts because they do contain some carbs, especially cashews, pistachios,
and almonds.

Remember that moderate protein is important when going keto, so monitor your intake of
meat and eggs based on their protein content. Too much protein in relation to fat can cause
the body to break down protein for fuel instead, decreasing or stopping ketosis. If you eat
leaner cuts of meat, consider including a fatty side dish or sauce. As much as possible,
choose grass-fed and pasture-raised options.

Source Matters Series: A Guide to Buying Healthy Meat

Source Matters Series: A Guide to Buying Healthy Seafood





• BEEF, preferably fattier cuts like steak, veal, roast, ground beef, and stews.
• POULTRY, including chicken, quail, duck, turkey, and wild game—try to focus on the
darker, fattier meats.
• PORK, including pork loin, tenderloin, chops, ham, bacon, and ground.
• FISH, including mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout, halibut, cod, catfish, and mahi-mahi.
• SHELLFISH, including oysters, clams, crab, mussels, and lobster.
• ORGAN MEATS, including heart, liver, tongue, kidney, and offal.
• EGGS, including deviled, fried, scrambled, and boiled. Use the whole egg.

Beware of meats that contained processed ingredients, sauces, or cured meats with added
sugars. These can easily increase your carb and sugar intake.

A hot tip from our founder, Dr. Anthony Gustin (@dranthonygustin) is to buy your meat locally
and in bulk. This whole lamb from a ranch in the Bay Area cost under $3/lb and is fully grass-fed!

Think low-carb and non-starchy. Choose leafy greens first, including:
• Kale • Lettuce
• Spinach • Radicchio
• Swiss Chard • Brussels Sprouts
• Bok choy • Broccoli
Other options include:
• Onions • Celery
• Bell peppers • Cucumber
• Asparagus • Zucchini
• Kohlrabi • Cauliflower

Fruits must be limited and eaten in VERY small amounts, as they have a high sugar content.
When you do eat fruits, choose lower-sugar options like:
• Strawberries • Cherries
• Blueberries • Cranberries
• Raspberries • Mulberries
For fruits and vegetables, fresh or frozen is fine, and organic is best but not required. Take a
deep dive in the Source Matter Series: A Guide to Buying Healthy Produce

Okay so we hit all three macronutrients, but there’s so much we haven’t talked about! Here’s
the guide to everything else you might consume on your ketogenic diet, but didn’t quite fit the
macro mold.

The purpose of exogenous ketone supplements is to provide the body with extra ketones
(energy). Ketone supplements can be a huge help when transitioning into a state of ketosis or
entering a fasted state.

Exogenous ketones help you get back into ketosis at any time,instead of having to wait for at
least a couple days. They can be taken in between meals to provide a quick punch of ketones
or before a workout for additional energy.

Learn more on the Perfect Keto Base Product Page

MCT is short for medium chain triglyceride. MCTs are a type of fat that can be readily used for
energy by your body and do not have to be shuttled around your digestive system before use.
They are precursors to ketones and help your body burn fat instead of burning carbs.


Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder adds an unflavored creaminess that is incredible in coffee, tea,
and any smoothie you can think of.

Collagen is a type of protein – 1 of over 10,000 in your body. Collagen is the most abundant
protein in your body, accounting for 25-35% of all protein. It can be considered the glue that
holds your body together.

Most other animal-based protein powders can be inflammatory to many people. Casein and
whey are known allergens and egg protein can be quite inflammatory. Collagen protein from
grass-fed beef is made in the same way that bone broth is made, low and slow heating to
preserve the nutrition.

For more on collagen: When and How to Use Keto Collagen Protein

One of the toughest parts of keto is that it cuts out lots of starchy fruits and vegetables that are high
in carbohydrates. However, they are also packed with nutrients. Keto Micro Greens is the solution
to getting enough nutrition from produce, while eating a low carb ketogenic diet. Perfect Keto Micro
Greens Powder is 14 servings of 22 different fruits and vegetables, plus MCT fats for absorption.


• GREENS AND VEGGIE BLEND: 4.5 grams of raw and organic greens and vegetables
from 12 different sources.
• BERRY AND FRUIT BLEND: 4.5 grams of raw and organic berries and fruits from 10
different sources.
• MCT POWDER: 3.5 grams. We use fat from coconut oil so you absorb the vitamins,
minerals and nutrients in plants.
• LIVER SUPPORT AND DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Without this, you would waste a lot of the
benefit and micronutrients of the product.

Keto Micro Greens is what a multivitamin should be. For more: How to Use Micro Greens Powder

Pre-Workout Powders are for people who are on a ketogenic or otherwise low-carb diet and
want a healthy, ketogenic pre-workout energy drink without all the crap in other pre-workout
drink mixes. They can be used any time of day for a quick, clean and healthy energy boost for
physical and cognitive performance without the caffeine crash.


• 7.7G BHB KETONES: Boost ketones through its work with acetyl groups to create ATP,
the energy currency of cells

• 5G MCTS: Healthy fats and a source of ketones for an energy and cognitive boost

• 2G CREATINE: Increases your body’s ability to produce energy fast through cellular hydration,

• 2G BCAA (2:1:1): Branched chain amino acids, composed of leucine, isoleucine and
valine. Together, they promote muscle protein synthesis and cellular glucose uptake for
muscle growth and better endurance

• 1.5G BETA-ALANINE: Promotes muscle endurance and more power output during training.

• 500MG L-CITRULLINE: For reduced muscle soreness, and better endurance for your workouts.

• 50MG CAFFEINE: From green tree, for alertness without the blood pressure and heart
rate elevation caused by caffeine.

Keto Perform Pre-Workout Product Page.

When it comes to topping foods on the keto diet, homemade is always best. When possible,
it’s best to make your own versions of sauces and other condiments to keep at home. That
being said, we know life is busy, so here are some pre-made condiments that are safe to use:













• Yellow mustard
• Ketchup without added sugars (or sugar alcohols)
• Mayonnaise (preferably made from cage-free eggs)
• Horseradish
• Hot Sauces
• Worcestershire Sauce
• Sauerkraut without added sugars
• High-fat salad dressings with low or no added sugars

A lot of traditional seasonings and sauces aren’t ketogenic diet-friendly because they contain
added sugars and carbs, so herbs and spices really become your best friends here. Just make
sure they don’t contain any sugars and are purely the herb or spice itself. Examples include:
• Basil • Chili powder
• Oregano • Cumin
• Parsley • Cinnamon
• Rosemary • Nutmeg
• Thyme • Lemon or Lime Juices
• Cilantro • Salt and Pepper
• Cayenne Pepper

Sweeteners are tricky, so choose with caution if you do use them. The best option is to avoid
sweet foods as much as possible so you lose the taste for them and don’t have to deal with
cravings, but when you do use sweeteners, here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Only use low glycemic index sweeteners, as they won’t affect your blood sugar levels or
contribute to your carb intake.
2. Try to stay away from sweeteners (even low/no-calorie or low/no-sugar) that use the sugar
alcohol maltitol (which is high glycemic) or filler ingredients like dextrose or maltodextrin.

Here are some safe, low-glycemic sweetener options:

• STEVIA: (preferably liquid form, as the powder can sometimes have dextrose or
maltodextrin added as binders
• ERYTHRITOL: (it’s not digested by the body, so it contributes no carbs or glycemic load)

You can often find blends of the above sweeteners at the store too. Just make sure there any
no other added ingredients you need to avoid.

I can hear you now… wait but what about dairy, you haven’t told me if I can eat dairy! Let’s dive
in. Dr. Gustin put together a great guide on how to test for yourself if you should be eating
dairy or not, in keto or otherwise.

Source Matters Series: A Guide to Buying Healthy Dairy

Most dairy products get the green light on keto. Just opt for the full-fat version and preferably
organic and raw, if possible. Remember, fat is fuel, and the reason we would eat dairy is for the
high-quality fat. Don’t be fooled by the “low-fat yogurt with mountains of fruit sugar added is healthy”
garbage claims.
• Full-fat Yogurts • Cream Cheese
• Mayonnaise • Hard Cheeses like parmesan, swiss,
• Heavy Cream feta, and cheddar
• Sour Cream • Soft Cheese like brie, Monterrey jack,
• Cottage Cheese mozzarella, and bleu cheese

We want a high-quality ketogenic diet, which means quality fat, which means the source
matters. Stick to the outside ring of the grocery store, buy foods that don’t make health
claims, and buy foods that have a maximum of two or three ingredients (preferably just one)
and you will be well on your way to a kwality keto diet.

Use this ketogenic diet food list as your guide when planning your ketogenic meals and
helping you stay on track! For more information on the ketogenic diet, check out this post.


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