Conflict Development Analysis Framework

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Abstract: This paper outlines the key characteristics of the Conflict development
Analysis framework. The paper is divided into three sections, the first section will
define the role of UNDP with the core concepts of the CDA, followed by the
second section which will explore the critical understanding of the stages of CDA
and finally the third section which consists of the case study which will allow us to
understand and validate the role of CDA in the process of conflict development in
The Gambia.


Conflict analysis is a complex yet dynamic long term process that requires the
engagement of various actors, tools, and frameworks consisting of a proper
impartial and comprehensive methodology in order to figure out the accurate root
causes or proximate causes of the conflict. There are many different models and
frameworks for conflict analysis used by development organizations like UNDP.
The basic aims of UNDP include eradication of poverty and reduction of
inequality. Therefore, according to the UNDP Conflict-Related Development
Analysis tool also known as CDA acts as a dynamic practical tool that focuses on
the structural causes. The main objectives of CDA include analyzing the structural
causes of the conflict and provide the linkage between conflict and development
which makes this process participatory and output-oriented.

UNDP’S strategy and development planning have a crucial role in CDA, It is an

essential part of a strategic planning process. CDA acts as the backbone of the
entire process as it provides the perfect platform to carry out the UNDP’S goals
into practice. CDA can be used as a tool to facilitate national political process
by in which UN is playing a partial or indirect role.
CDA helps to establish a better understanding of the conflict, it not only reviews
but also ensures that suggested reforms and subsequent programming is confict-
sensitive and reflects the clear approach of doing no harm 1.

Conflict-sensitivity refers to the ability of an organization to understand the

context in which it is operating, and the interactions between its interventions
and the context. A conflict-sensitive lens allows a program to continue its
intervention. Conflict -sensitive lens leads to better development
results ,increased effectiveness and validity. Conflict-sensitive programming
can be important in different ways ,whether you are working around, in or on
the conflict. It provides comprehensive framework which allows the
engagement of national counterparts and/or the international community in
deeper discussions of key issues for the development process which ensures

CDA methodology is based on few sets of assumptions such as:

 Each conflict is unique therefore it is designed in such a way that it can be

applicable to any type of conflict at any stage however the complexity of
the work within this framework steadily increases on the basis of the
conflict intensity.
 Conflicts arise from sets of interconnected and interconnected causes of
violent conflict.
 The foremost aim of development agencies should include ‘doing no
harm’. This approach acts as a tool to minimize the harmful impacts of
engaging in conflict. The doing no harm approach includes various
components such as conducting participatory planning, evaluations and
analyzing the impacts of the programme.

 Development agencies should focus on maximsing it’s impact on


See :
Figure 1

Stage 1 : The stage one of CDA aims to analyze the conflict by crucially
identifying the economic, social and political characteristics by validating the
structural causes, demographic features, carefully mapping of current responses
and bringing out the strategic solutions.

Identifying capacities for peace and focus more on the development issues are
the core objectives of the first stage of CDA. The initial stage of CDA also
includes the processes like scenario building and stakeholder analysis which
focuses on the interests and motivations of all stakeholders. In order to understand
the root causes, it is essential to analyze the conflict before moving ahead with
the other two stages of CDA.

The key features of stage one are:-

Comprehensive mapping
Factor Assessment
 Strategic conclusions
 Formal peace processes

All the above features are essential to draw the clarity to understand the
the current and emerging historical, political, economic, socio-cultural
and environmental context in a conflicted area to provide greater
understanding of the root and intermediate factors as well as the triggers
of the conflict . Another important feature of the stage one includes
conflict dynamics and the interrelation of key drivers helps identify trends
and patterns in the confict.

STAGE 2: The analysis of current responses is the main component of the

second stage which requires a comprehensive overview. This stage calls for
mapping current responses that were conducted during the process of stage one,
assessing gaps and complementariness are also conducted under stage two.

This stage provides the clarity of understanding exactly where the gaps exist and
where the issue of duplication needs to be addressed.

There are three steps under the second stage.

 Track One: formal peace negotiations

 Track Two: informal support to peace negotiations
 Track Three: development in support of peace


Identification of ways Forward.

The third stage includes strategic conclusions, advocacy strategies for UNDP on
the basis of the observation of current responses. This stage aims to provide a
broader strategic understanding of what needs to be done by carefully mapping
out the possible outcomes. IMPP2, Post-Disaster Needs Assessment PDNA3,

IMPP: The Integrated Mission Planning Process.
PDNA is essential to identify the need of affected population includes assessment of damage and losses
strategic positioning and other political processes (Decision-making processes and
procedures) are also an integral part of this process.

The main objective of the stage three are:-

 The identification of new areas of engagement

 The strengthening of current interventions
 The adjustment of current interventions.


Gambia is one of Africa's smallest countries and has had just two rulers
since independence in 1965.There has always been a question of
accountability and leadership in Gambia. The basic purpose of the Conflict
Development Analysis update was to revisit and refresh the collective
Knowledge of peace and conflict dynamics shaping The Gambia, and
understanding the internal politics and future possibilities to ensure peace.

The Gambia continues to struggle with unstable internal politics and

authentic leadership. Internal challenges within the sphere of governance,
Threatening peace and security, political tensions such as ethnic conflict
This is linked to frequent protests by the civilians , demonstration of
resistance and problems of youth unemployment pose significant questions
for local and national governance.

In 2017 this tiny African country had suffered major political crisis when it
was on the verge of a military intervention as its leader for 22 years, Yahya
Jammeh, refuses to give up the power to new president Adama Barrow
which resulted in further instability in the political structure of the Gambia.

CDA was effectively conducted with the help of various agencies such as
Project Management Team, led by the Government of the Gambia through
the Office of the President and Ministry of Interior, together with the
West Africa Network for Peace building-The Gambia (WANEP), 4huge
support for the effort was generally provided by committed individuals
from different institutions in Gambia, with a prominent support provided
by the United Nations through the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme for
Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention.

The CDA-inspired methodology is extremely comprehensive and

participatory in nature, it includes the three main objectives which are
classified under three stages of CDA model : Identify
stakeholder/research participants and data- collection activities. Fieldwork
research activities involving mapping which includes diverse set of
agencies and teams comprised of Gambian researchers and responsible
individuals refining, and analyzing data through participatory
opportunities, drawing on the diverse inputs from Gambian and non-
Gambian actors of different gender, generation, professional station, and
regional representation.

The approach followed the Project Management Team’s efforts

and lessons learned during the previous year’s (2018) CDA research and
analysis experience as it was less authentic in terms of validity and
stability. Therefore research activities were again carried out between late
April and June of 2019 which were more inclusive, expansive and output
oriented in nature.

West Africa Network for Peace building- The Gambia. is one of the leading and nationally recognized peace
building organizations working at community and national level in the Gambia
According to the analysis, it is clear that the following key drivers of
Peace and stability play a huge role to ensure future stability.
 Civil Society Organizations
 The media sector
 National Reforms, Commissions
 Peace and political Committees
 Religious & Traditional Leaders

CDA was carried out comprehensively with the help of various agencies
which initially helped to identify the structural default and provided
recommendations, along with an orientation to the context, actors, and
significant dynamics that characterize and highlight the role of conflict drivers
and peace engines at work today in The Gambia. Despite the many instability
generating forces shaping The Gambia today, actors from all spheres and
regions have been working tirelessly to support and establish peace and
stability. It is observed that all peace engines identified in the 2018 CDA
remain viable till date. In 2018 CDA was successful to identify potential trends
and root causes of the instability. The 2019 update process, however, allows for
the showcasing of new and relevant actors and organizations according to the
reports .


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