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Organizational Behaviour-II

Instructor – Dr. Vartika Dutta

Project Report
Submitted By: Group 07
Aayushi Lal (002)
Jalaj Sharma (019)
Kaushalender Varma (024)
Puneet Kakkar (034)
Yash Goyal (051)

Table of Contents

S.NO Contents Page No.

1 Introduction 3
2 HCL Technologies Ltd. 5
3 IBM Technologies Ltd. 7
4 Larsen and Toubro 7
5 Conclusion 11
6 References 12

According to Brandon Hall’s State of Leadership Development 2015: Time to Act is Now

 83% of organizations say it is important to develop leaders at all levels

 Only 5% have fully implemented development at all levels
 Only 18% of organizations say their leaders are “very effective” at meeting business
 But only 19% of organizations say they are “very effective” at developing leaders
 58% of organizations top priority is closing leadership skill gaps

Why leadership programs fail?

1. Overlooking context - Too many initiatives we come across rest on the assumption
that one size fits all and that the same group of skills or style of leadership is
appropriate regardless of strategy, organizational culture.
2. Underestimating mind-sets - Becoming a more effective leader often requires
changing behavior. But many organizations are reluctant to act upon these
behavioral traits.

Now, a natural question arises, why do we need leaders in the very first place?

The answer lies in the following reasoning –

 To provide a shared vision of where the organization is heading and what its
purpose is (the mission).
 To set objectives, that is, to convert the strategic vision and directional course into
specific performance outcomes.
 To generate and develop a strategy that will determine how to achieve the
 Co-ordination can be achieved through reconciling personal interests with

Among all the reasons, the most important reason for leadership developing is leading
through the transformation. Organizations that believe leadership development is vital for
their success are 29 times more probable to have a successful transformation, as
compared to organizations that don’t.

Transformation requires leaders who:

1. Step up early in the transformation process.

2. Inspires engagement in employees.
3. Tap into the power of teamwork and collaboration.
4. Quickly build business processes and systems to create the new while maintaining
the old.

Drawing on these abilities, transformation leaders swiftly make sense of the changes
unfolding in their environments. And they act effectively and efficiently to build an
organization that will thrive in a new landscape.

It is clear that L&D can play a significant role in the success of a transformation.
Organizations that report L&D as critical to their overall success were far more likely to say
their transformations were successful than those organizations that do not view L&D as

As millennials constitute an ever-larger percentage of the workforce and continue to

advance into the leadership ranks (including middle manager and senior executive
positions), they’ll also continue to change the face of the workplace. Millennials’ views
differ from those of their older colleagues on what they expect from leadership
development. These views include:

 Leadership development programs lack relevance: They don’t see a strong

alignment between program content and the business issues facing their
 Need for innovation in leadership development: Introducing new content and
delivery tactics, such as gamification, simulation, social platforms, mobile and video
are examples of new learning technologies L&D teams can deploy.
 Use of Technology in development programs: They see a greater role than their
older peers do for technology in leadership development and view technology as a
natural extension of development programs.
 Poor Return on Investment: Failure to make a compelling return-on investment
case as the biggest barriers to L&D program effectiveness in their organizations.

HCL Technologies Ltd.

The following two structures are followed in HCL to induce leadership skills in

 Inverted Pyramid Structure

 Employee ownership

 More autonomy and clarity

 Collaboration across levels

 “Destroy the CEO Office”

 Goal oriented decision making

 Responsibility and accountability

Top Gun, HiPo –

HCL’s Flagship Leadership Development Program for HiPO leaders in various roles within
leadership layer. Purpose of this program is to develop talent for future leadership
development. The focused learning intervention offers high end behavioural and new age
technical learnings programs.

ASCEND Program for Women Leaders –

It offers peer mentoring and coaching (all levels), provides platforms to enable women
leaders to learn and exhibit transformational leadership.

Other Programs include Leadership Acceleration Program, Leaders in Action

(LIA), Leaders in Transition (LIT), Global Business Skills


Ms. Geetanjali Mahor, Analyst, HCL Noida

1. What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership is about guiding and enabling others. Leaders inspire others and are
expected to do the right thing.

2. Leadership development programs and any acquaintance who benefitted?

Aware of both HiPO and ASCEND. An associate manager, Akshita Jain , went on to
assume a broader role as a part of ASCEND.

3. Role of HR in implementing these programs?

Facilitation of the 360 degree feedback and implementation of developmental

activities like workshops, seminars, task forces etc. Conduct periodic assessments.

IBM Technologies Ltd.

IBM introduces a lot of landmark innovations in the field of leadership development in 2015 -

Transformational leadership

IBM identified a set of behaviour that will help it redefine itself. It made the conscious
decision to step away from the competency models that it used in the past and moved to
a framework that is dynamic and fluid. IBM believes that the points described in the
Transformational Leadership Framework (TLF) are important for re-inventing IBM as a
nimble organization.
It launched the TLF with IBM’s top management, and it was embedded into existing and
new development programs.

IBM Leadership Academy

In December 2015, IBM launched the IBM Leadership Academy, a portal from where
IBMers could gain insights into decision making skills and map out their own future goals
and objectives, taking help via peer to peer learning and tutorial videos. IBM wanted to
create an open, single-point-of-access portal to all leadership development content and

ACE app

In support of IBM’s increasingly collaborative and agile environment, IBM introduced the
ACE app in 2015, allowing IBMers to give and receive feedback anytime, anywhere.
Questions include:
 Are you receiving enough feedback?
 Are you doing meaningful work?
 Are you satisfied with your work-life balance?
Managers can use these results to identify ways in which to help team members thriveACE
helps IBMers to evolve as leaders as they grow up the ladder of management.
The purpose of the ACE App is to ensure effective feedback for its users. This will help
employees to improve themselves over a period of time.


Ms. Dipti Raisoni, Project Manager, IBM, Pune

1. What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership is about conveying message of trust, support and guidance, while

remaining authentic, empathetic and compassionate.

2. Do you think these leadership development programs are really effective? If yes,
Yes, these programs can help me in understanding the requirements of project clients.
I’m aware of some of my colleagues who uses ACE app. But, I feel that there is some
lack of awareness about these programs.

3. Role of HR in implementing these programs?

HR conducts regular workshop and seminar to provide adequate information about

the programs and he takes regular feedback and suggestion for better implementation
of the same.

Larsen and Toubro

L&T has set up two institutes in order to hone leadership skills in its employees –

 The Leadership Development Academy

 Offers world-class facilities to deliver learning and development program

 LDA recognizes that learning happens during the dialectic of a classroom

 Offers a platform to interact across geographies, development of future

leaders and global corporate entrepreneurs.

 Project Management Institute

 Its Vision is “To develop a premier world class education centre, for creating
global project management professionals, thereby making L&T a centre of
excellence in project management.”

L&T leadership development programmes are conducted in collaboration with reputed

Indian and international business schools. The Company has a seven-step leadership
development process –

1. Management Education Programmes – An exclusive L&T and IIM, Ahmedabad

collaborative programme, designed to groom young leaders in the discipline of
general management.
2. Leadership Development Programmes – Designed for middle management, it
focuses on the field and forum principles and helps high performing executives to
assume leadership responsibilities.
3. Global Leadership Development – Customized and facilitated by University of
Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
4. Transforming L&T into a global corporation – Conducted in association with
INSEAD, France, and designed for top management executives, the program
covers strategic choices including mergers and acquisitions, risk management and
leadership attitudes, from a global perspective
5. Global CEOs Programmes – Conducted by professors from Harvard Business
School, it is targeted at leaders handpicked for future roles such as CEOs, business
heads, board members and business leaders.
6. International Executive Education – Enterprise leaders are nominated for
Advanced Management Programmes (AMPs) offered by selected globally
renowned business schools like London Business School, INSEAD, etc.
7. Mentoring – A systematic, internal mentoring process by the Group Executive
Chairman is instituted for senior executives of the Company.


Mr. Vineet Nair, Assistant Manager, L&T Constructions, Delhi

1. What does leadership mean to you?

It is an action, not a position and The role of creative leader is not to have all the
ideas; it’s to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they are

2. Leadership development programs and any acquaintance who benefitted?

I’m well aware of our 7 step development program. And Yes, I think these programs
are very beneficial. One of my senior managers, Mr. Atul was sponsored to study
executive MBA in France. Even I have applied for a leadership program floated by
my HR.

3. Role of HR in implementing these programs?

A key role of HR is ensuring that the organization has the right people performing
well in leadership roles at all levels.

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It can be concluded from this report that leadership development programs for any
organization today are of utmost importance, because they not only provide them a
competitive edge in the market, but also guides the organization through a successful
transformation. Effective leadership at every level of organization can also help them in
strategizing & coping up with the fast paced changes and future disruptions.

Also, we discussed that the view of millennials on leadership development programs

completely differ from their older peers. This was the primary reason why we chose to
interview millennials for this project. All the professionals interviewed were aware about
the programs that their organizations have and were able to tell us about the colleagues
who got benefitted from these programs. Their definitions of leadership even though
were different, but all of them were grounded to the idea of providing shared vision. When
asked about the role of HR in implementing these programs, all the professionals
highlighted the working of HR department in their respective organizations.

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References –


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