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National Gallery Of Modern Art, Bangalore

- Sanjana B.S (1KF16AT028)

The first introduction to the building happens when one enters through the
palace road gate and sees the stage on water right in the front. This early 1900s
heritage mansion is a wonderful example of adaptive re-use in the city almost
making it look like the Maniyavelu mansion was always meant to be an art
gallery. One can never get enough of the serene setting it is set up in, the
building inspires the non-writers to write , non-painters to paint and what not ?

It is all the informal spaces in the building that ties building together be it the
broad wide stairs that lead to the upper floor of the gallery or the small garden
with impeccable modern stone sculptures which immediately demands one to
stop and stare. Each transition element of the building has something
worthwhile to look at be it the awning of the café, the stone chajjas of the
mansion or even just the exotic trees present there, making the whole
experience more about art, there is an immediate sense of peace when one walks
in this space, instantly pleading the explorer to slow down, pause and introspect
.The interiors of the mansion are beautifully day lit and air conditioned, which
makes it all the more comfortable for the guest.

A set of painting have a bench right in front for seating(that’s right! Just like
you see in the movies), aiding to the experience of an art gallery. Each corridor
or stairway of the space is so lovely that they could easily display art even in the
broad passages. The huge white mansion with beautiful colonnades and
windows makes it look like an untarnished piece of art by itself in which one
would want to break and reflect upon.

NGMA becomes a busy hub of students, artists, professionals, art enthusiasts

every Wednesday as they host number of exciting events be it workshops,
theatricals, movie screening or even just book readings. Anything in this setting
would only add drama and some sense of surprise to the event being held there.
The water stage , new addition Museum shop right in front, auditorium and the
café to its right; it all effortlessly knits together very well and makes the setting
look like a movie still from say Midnight In Paris, only its shot in Bangalore.

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