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1 The ________ objects have been ________ restored.

(holy, wholly)
2 His ________ was short, and there was little ________. (rain, reign)
3 I like ________ trees and ________ coats. (fir, fur)
4 It would be ________ if you could ________ some cheese. (grate, great)
5 The walls were _____, except for a picture of a ________. (bare, bear)
6 The ________ arrived at the castle last ________. (knight, night)
7 This cream should ________ the skin on your ________. (heal, heel)
8 We put expensive ________ in all the ________. (sweets, suites)
9 At the cafe they make chocolate __________ in the shape of a _______! (moose, mousse)
10 If you are ________ you'll never be like your ________. (idle, idol)
11 I ________ when my ________ lost the argument. (side, sighed)
12 Let's listen to some ________ music while we ________ these presents. (rap, wrap)
13 It was too wet to ________ the seeds, ________ we decided to ________ some clothes instead. (sew, so, sow)
14 The ________ looks great, but there is one major ________. (flaw, floor)
15 I was surprised to see the ________ hanging in the ________. (air, heir)
16 I ________ him the get a ________ for the child who identified the ________. (cent, scent, sent)
17 They are ________ so they don't go out in the ________. (morning, mourning)
18 The sun's ________ always ________ my mood. (raise, rays)
19 I won't ________ you, even if you make a bad ________. (desert, dessert)
20 The ________ was killed by ________ fighters. (gorilla, guerilla)
21 These cakes were ________ by a beautiful ________. (made, maid)
22 The old ________ has been ________ out because nobody wanted it. (throne, thrown)
23 We still have a ________ options. _____! (few, phew)
24 Washing an elephant's ________ is quite a ________. (feat, feet)
25 It is the ________ way to save my ________. (sole, soul)
26 They sang ________ a ________. (him, hymn)
27 On the way up they cooperated, but the ________ started on the ________. (descent, dissent)
28 You'll ________ me out if you make me change another ________. (tire, tyre)
29 Our water ________ is about a ________ from the ground. (meter, metre)
30 I want to ________ hands with the ________. (shake, sheikh)
31 Some tribes ________ before hunting their ________. (pray, prey)
32 I ________ the ________ of cows running down the mountain. (heard, herd)
33 ________ of the girls wanted to meet the ________. (none, nun)
34 En-________ to the lake we found a huge ________ blocking our path. (root, route)
35 They ________ hard to capture the ________. (fort, fought)
36 This is ________ a good ________. (knot, not)
37 I want to ________ the amount of ________ time that is wasted. (lessen, lesson)
38 He ________ me to the ________ mine where he used to work. (lead, led)
39 ________ it! The ________ has broken! (dam, damn)
40 I found this ________ on the ________. (key, quay)
41 There are no ________ in _____! (Wales, whales)
1 holy, wholly
2 reign, rain
3 fir, fur
4 great, grate
5 bare, bear
6 knight, night
7 heal, heel
8 sweets, suites
9 mousse, moose
10 idle, idol
11 sighed, side
12 rap, wrap
13 sow, so, sew
14 floor, flaw
15 heir, air
16 sent, cent, scent
17 mourning, morning
18 rays, raise
19 desert, dessert
20 gorilla, guerrilla
21 made, maid
22 throne, thrown
23 few, phew
24 feet, feat
25 sole, soul
26 him, hymn
27 dissent, descent
28 tire, tyre
29 meter, metre
30 shake, sheikh
31 pray, prey
32 heard, herd
33 none, nun
34 route, root
35 fought, fort
36 not, knot
37 lessen, lesson
38 led, lead
39 damn, dam
40 key, quay
41 whales, Wales

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