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bb Complete the following sentences using the correct form of make, let or allow. 1 I wanted to watch the film last night but I wasn’t to. 2 Id love to come but | don't think my boss will me have the day off work. 3 hate cabbage but my mum ___ me eat it. a Rhiannon is talking about being taught at home by her father, Complete the gaps with a verb from the box. must mustn't need to have to don’t have to The best thing about home-schooling is that | (1) get up very early to go to school. OK, | (2) start studying at eight o'clock but my school day's over at 2.30. can carry on working in the afteroon, but | @) if I don’t want to. Well, that’s not quite true actually my dad feels | (4) spend more time on a certain subject, he says, ‘Well, | think you'd better arty on, don’t you?’ He's good like that, my dad; not strict. You know, he doesn’t get all bossy and say ‘You (5) cdo some extra work this afternoon’ He just tries to persuade us. There is one thing | (6) do, though and that's chat to my sisters when we're supposed to be working. Tess, Abigail and | all (7) work alone in our own rooms at certain times of the day. James and Alicia, on the other hand, both (8) spend more time working together with my dad, because they're a lot younger. better carry on bb Be supposed to and had better both appear in the passage. Doing your duty ee ‘Which one means ‘should do because ofa rule or because it is expected! and which means ‘should do because itis a good idea’? ‘Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 When | was young | wasn't allowed to watch much TV. let When | was young my parents much TV. 2. She had to wash up before she could go out. made She wash up before she could go out. 3. I'mnever allowed to do what | want. can 1 ‘what | want. 4) Why can't we go to the party? allowed Why go to the party? 5 In my opinion parents ought not to smack their children. should ‘don’t think their children. 6 There's no need for you to hand the report in until next week. need : You inthe report until next week. 7. think you should tell your parents exactly what happened, better I think you parents exactly what happened your 8 Do you know what the homework is? supposed Do you know what we for homework? ©) Bak about the things you have to, should or ought ‘to do and those things you don’t have to or aren't allowed to do at: * home * school/collegelwork * the weekend Example: home: I ought to tidy my room more often, but | never seem to find the time. I don't have to clean it, though. My mother does that for me. oF

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