Assessment Criteria Key Words

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Assessment What does this mean?

Criteria Key Words should include
Analyse - Wringing out the why/what does it symbolize? Q1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b,
- Picking it apart and explaining why you made this decision 4a, 4b, 5, 6a and
- Always link to your Q1 intentions 6b
- How did this moment develop your intentions? What ASPECT of your
intentions were being communicated
Evaluate During the process Process
- What didn’t work? Q2b, 3b and 4b
- Why didn’t it help to communicate your Q1 intentions
- What will you do to change/develop/add to this? Retrospective
- Why will this BETTER communicate you q1 intentions? Q5, 6a and 6b
After the process (retrospectively)
- What did work?
- How and why did it help to communicate your Q1 intentions?
- If you were to do it again what would you do differently?
- How would that help to better communicate you Q1 intentions?
Creation Initial idea Initial idea
- What activity/stimulus was used to come up with idea? Q1, 2a and 3a
- What was asked of you in activity?
- What were your responses? Application of idea
- What were your decisions based on this? Q2b, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5
- Why did you make those decisions as a group/as an individual – link to Q1 and 6b
Application of idea to piece
- Where does this moment fit in in terms of the overall piece OR overall
- What skill was used?
- How was the skill used?
- Why was the skill used? - link to communication of Q1 intentions
Development – During the process During the
Skills/techniques - What skills/techniques didn’t work? processes
- Why didn’t it help to communicate your Q1 intentions? Q3b, 4b,
- What skill will you use to help communicate you intentions better?
- How will you use that skill? Retrospective
- Why will you use that skill in that way? Link to Q1 intentions 5 and 6b
After the process (retrospectively)
- If you were to do it again what would you do differently?
- How would that help to better communicate you Q1 intentions?
Refinement – During the process Q3b and 4b
blocking (space), - What still doesn’t look quite right?
pace, flow, - Why isn’t it fully help to communicate your Q1 intentions?
clarity, - What polishing tool (see to left) will you use to make you’re your
projection, timing intentions are being really clearly communicated ?
(especially when - How will you use that polishing tool?
working in unison) - Why will you use that polishing tool in that way? Link to Q1 intentions
Collaboration Are you… Q1, 2b, 4a and 4b
- Using phrases like ‘We’ and ‘as a group’?
- Including decisions you made together?
- Exploring disagreements you may have had during CREATION leading to
- Making it clear that you are responsible for everyone in your group and
everyone is responsible for you.
Personal During the process During the process
Contribution Are you… Q1, 2a, 3a, 3b
- Using phrases like ‘I decided’, ‘my monologue’ and ‘I directed’? Retrospective
- Including ideas that you had? 5 and 6b
- Exploring scenes/activities that you lead?
- Including the MONOLOGUE scene that YOU DIRECTED?
After the process (retrospectively)
Have you…
- Evaluated your performance skills (what did and didn’t work)?
- Evaluated a skill within a scene that you would develop to communicate
Q1 intentions better?
Vocabulary Are you including vocabulary to do with… Q2a, 2b, 3a, 3b,
- Physical skills e.g. gesture, posture, stance etc? 4a, 4b, 5, 6a, 6b
- Vocal skills e.g. pitch, volume, pace etc?
- Stylistic skills/techniques e.g. direct address etc?
- Structural techniques e.g. episodic structure etc?
- Character building techniques or exercises e.g. free writing, imagination
- Language creation techniques or activities e.g. broken speech, word
association etc?
- Process - Create/Develop/Refine?
Character During the process During the process
- What Exercises/activities did you use to create your character Q2a, (2b) 3a and 3b
- How have you included your character in scenes?
- Why does your character support the overall intentions you are Retrospective
communicating to your audience? 5, (6a and 6b)
- How are you developing your character?
- How are you refining how your character is being presented () = can be included
- What decisions are you making on the use of physical skills e.g. gesture, here but doesn’t
posture, stance etc have to be.
- What decisions are you making on the use of vocal skills e.g. pitch,
volume, pace etc
- What decisions are you making on blocking of characters to reflect
relationships e.g. proxemics, levels etc
After the process (retrospectively)
- Have you evaluated how clear your character was communicated to your
audience (through physical/vocal skills)?
- Have you evaluated how well your character supported the overall
intentions of your piece from Q1?
Language During the process During the process
Q(2a), 3a, 3b
- What Exercises/activities did you use to create dialogue for your
character through language choices? Retrospective
- How have you included your character’s language choices in scenes? Q(6a and 6b)
- Why do your character’s language choices support the overall intentions () = can be included
you are communicating to your audience? here but doesn’t
- How are you developing your character’s delivery of certain language have to be.
- How are you refining your character’s delivery of certain language
- Why are your development and refinement language choices better
supporting the the communication of you Q1 intentions?
- Are you discussing language techniques e.g. sentence length, repetition,
questions, similes, formality etc?
After the process (retrospectively)
Have you evaluated how well yours or other character language choices and
application supported the overall intentions of your piece from Q1?
Style During the process During the process
- Do you know the difference between style, practitioner and technique? Q(2b) and 4b
- What practitioners have you taken inspiration from e.g. brecht, framtic
assesmbly, DV8 etc After the process
- What stylistic choices have you made e.g. physical theatre, political (retrospectively)
theatre, total theatre, epic theatre etc Q(6a and 6b)
- What stylistic techniques have you used e.g. speaking in 3rd person, () = can be included
object manipulation, packing, slow motion, juxtaposing music etc here but doesn’t
- How have you applied this practitioner, style, technique? have to be
- Why did you choice to use this? How does it help to communicate your Q1
- How and why have you developed how this style is being used to
communicate your Q1 intentions more successfully?
After the process (retrospectively)
- Which stylistic decisions were successful?
- How and why were they successful in communicating your Q1
- Which stylistic decisions weren’t successful?
- How would you develop them to better communicating your Q1
Structure During the process During the process
- What structural decisions have you made e.g. episodic, cyclical, linier, Q4a
non-chronological etc
- Do they fit into a style or practitioner? Retrospective
- How have you structured your piece in this way? Q(6a and 6b)
- Why have you structured your piece in this way?
After the process (retrospectively)
- Which structural decisions were successful?
- How and why were they successful in communicating your Q1
- Which structuralc decisions weren’t successful?
- How would you develop them to better communicating your Q1

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