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Lecturer :

Mr. Dr. H. Ali Akbarjono S.Ag.,S.Hum,M.pd

Arranged by:

1. Chindy Yulia Permatasari Nim: 1811230051

2. Melu Sudarmi Putri Nim: 1811230058

Class :

GKB lt.3 ruang 17/ 3B







First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “School Leadership System ,” right in
the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given
by Mr.Dr. H. Ali Akbarjono S.Ag, S.Hum, M.pd as a lecturer of
Educational Management that always teaches and give us much
knowledge about Educational Management.

In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could
passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of
writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps
in the process of writing this paper. hopefully Allah replies all helps and
bless you all.the writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment
and the content. then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can
help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least hopefully,
this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge.

Bengkulu, Oktober 24th, 2019



PREFACE ............................................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENS ...................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background ..................................................................................................... 1
B. Research Question............................................................................................. 1
C. Writing Purpose ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................ 2
A. Understanding School Leadership Systems....................................................... 2
B. Leadership Theory ............................................................................................. 2
C. Leadership Type .............................................................................................3
D. Educational Leadership...................................................................................... 4
E. Dimensions of Leadership in Education Management ...................................... 8

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 10

A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 10
B. Suggest ............................................................................................................ 10
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 10


A. Background
It is still common to hear the general public about the success of an organization
in the hands of leaders. This statement seems reasonable because if you look at the
history of Indonesia, from the time of the Srivijaya kingdom until the beginning of the
rise of the Indonesian nationalist movement, the success of the Indonesian national
organization was entirely in the hands of its leaders.

But if the power is entirely in the hands of the leader it also affects the collapse of
an organization. For example, the Dutch government's strategy in combating the
resistance of the Indonesian people by crippling the movement of its leaders, for
example alienating to remote areas. Usually when the leaders are lost, the members
will be confused about what to do.

In reality, not all people who occupy leadership positions have the ability to lead
or have 'leadership', on the contrary many people who have leadership talent but have
never had the opportunity to become leaders in the true sense. This is why learning
about leadership in schools is needed.

B. Research Question

1. What is school leadership system?

2. What are the school leadership system?

C. Writing Purpose

1. To know and understand the definition of school leadership system!

2. To know and understand The Arable in a school leadership system.


A. Understanding School Leadership Systems

The system is the merger to be the only component and element in order to
achieve goals. The understanding of leadership according to Indonesia Dictionary or
in bahasa KBBI leadership is “kepemimpinan /ke·pe·mim·pin·an/ n perihal
pemimpin”Leadership / leadership • leadership • leadership • about leaders.

Some definitions of leadership according to experts include:

1) An activity to influence the behavior of people to work together towards a

certain goal that they want together (Siagnin).
2) A process influences group activists in the context of satisfying and
achieving goals (Stogdill).
3) A process influences the activities of a person or group in an effort to
achieve goals in a situation and purpose (Blanchard).1

From the definition above leadership system is the incorporation of elements for
the purpose of influencing activities, individuals, groups to achieve common goals.
School as a formal education aims to form a personality human, in developing
students' intellectuals in order to educate the nation's life. The principal as an
educational leader has a very important role to help and students. In his leadership the
head must be able to understand, teachers overcome and correct deficiencies that
occur in the school environment.

Based on the above understanding, the leadership system of the school is the
forerunner of the leadership system that is applied to schools so that the nature of
leadership leads to influence others to cooperate in accordance with the plan for the
achievement of predetermined goals.

B. Leadership Theory
Leadership plays a very important role in management, it can even be stated,
leadership is the essence of management. This opinion according to the expert

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 285

supports the view of the community towards its leader not infrequently treating the
dreamer so special. The results of opinions about leaders, leadership theory as
1) Theory of the nature of a leader is known through his rib traits. Jhon D. Millet
put forward the four qualities of a leader's ability: making decisions, seeing
the whole organization, delegating authority, and honesty.
2) Behavior Theory, namely the analysis of leader behavior, identifying
leadership elements that can be studied, studied, implemented.
3) Three Dimensional Theory according to WJ. Reddin three basic patterns of
leadership-oriented behavior namely: work relations, results, and
effectiveness. Which produces five styles of leadership, namely biocrats,
compromises, minorities, autocrats, develover. Executive.
4) “According to Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni(2009), “Teori
Kepemimpinan Situasional(Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard)
berpendapat bahwa kepemimpinan efektif bila ada kesesuain tingkat.”
Situational Leadership Theory (Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard) argues
that leadership is effective when there is a degree of conformity.2

C. Leadership Type

One's leadership in being vacated is based on one type, which each type has a
different leadership style. The five types of leaders are:

1) Autocratic type is the leader considers the organization as private property, is

coercive and does not accept criticism and suggestions.
2) Militaristic type, which is a leader who uses a system of orders, discipline,
likes formalities such as ceremonies, relies on rank and does not like to be
3) Paternalistic type is a leader who considers subordinates as children,
overprotects, rarely permits decisions, for example the leader Soekarno.
4) Charismatic type is a leader who has authority over his followers. So that his
followers are interested, amazed and obedient

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 288-

5) The type of Democracy is modern organizational leadership. This type of
leader accepts suggestions, criticisms, cooperates, guides subordinates and
upholds a sense of equal rights and obligations for the achievement of
common goals. Leadership in Indonesia is leadership related to management,
for example the existence of management. 3

D. Educational Leadership
1. School Leadership

In the concept of leadership there are variables that determine the success of a
leader, including: leader behavior, the level of maturity that is led, and the situation
when the leadership is implemented. The variables are:

a. The ideology values of Pancasila

b. Cultural values and behavior
c. Historical Values
d. The influence of Western teachings, Chinese culture, the Japanese system,
and today's technology.

In Indonesian education there were figures such as K.H Ahmad Dahlan, Ki Hajar
Dewantoro, Muhammad Syafei, who gave birth to the concept of the concept of
Indonesian education.4

The leaders of the Indonesian republic government and the Indonesian education
government tried to give birth to a conception of the education of Indonesian cultural
values. From the government produced Minister Soewandi's decision on March 1,
1946, Number: 104 / BhgO, a teaching committee was formed with the leadership of
Ki Hajar Dewantoro and writer Seegando Poerbakawaca. The decision was regarding
the following matters:

a. Plan new arrangements for each type of school.

b. Establish teaching language with practical needs and not too heavy.
c. Prepare lesson plans for each school with a complete list and information.5

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 289
Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 292

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 292

2. School Leadership Competency Standards
School leaders are people in the forefront who coordinate efforts to improve
quality learning. School leaders are appointed to hold positions that are
responsible for coordinating joint efforts towards achieving educational goals at
the respective school level. In practice in Indonesia the school leader is a senior
teacher who is considered to have the qualifications to hold the position. At least
in Indonesia financially the position is actually not on giving an official promise
for a much more decent life than other teachers with very few facilities provided
for assuming such a large responsibility.6
As a result, many of those who served as school leaders did shamefully at the
expense of the students' interests. The dishonorable example of this school leader
is then transmitted to other support staff teachers. School leaders are not just
manager positions but maximize the use of productive resources available to
achieve the goals set by the school. Education is responsible for creating a
conducive learning environment that allows its members to utilize and develop
their potential optimally. Teachers and students are motivated to learn from one
another and motivate and empower one another.

3. Quality Of Education Leaders

Educational leadership refers to certain qualities that must be possessed by the
principal to be able to carry out his responsibilities successfully. What are the
qualities? First, the principal must know exactly what he wants to achieve (vision),
and how to achieve it (mission). Second, the principal has a number of
competencies to carry out the mission to realize that vision. Third, the principal
must have a certain character that shows his integrity.
a. Vision and Mission
The vision was socialized into a shared ideal. Furthermore, he tried
consistently to keep trying to build a commitment to realize that vision. he
would not stand by letting the vision become a beautiful formula that
adorned the walls of his office.
b. Competence

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni , Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 294

Is the ability or skill that someone shows when doing something.

1. Facilitating the development, dissemination, and implementation of

learning that is well communicated and supported by the school
2. Assist, foster, maintain the school environment and teaching programs
conducive to the learning process of students and professionals of
teachers and staff.
3. Ensure that organizational management and the operation of school
resources are used to create a safe, healthy, efficient, and effective
learning environment.
4. Collaborate with parents and community members, respond to diverse
community interests and needs, and mobilize community resources.
5. Give an example (example) of integrity
6. Understanding, responding to, and influencing the wider political, socio-
economic and cultural environment.7

4. Confidence Establishment Of The Head Of School

The principal must have the conviction or conviction to be able to perform. He

must be sure that KKN is a despicable act that is irresponsible yet and damaging. He
does not give the opportunity for corrupt practices to occur in his school.

a. The principal believes that work is worship.

b. All influences are used solely for the benefit of the students.
c. Everyone can be educated and all participants can learn.
d. Principals must be sure that their school members need high-quality
standards of expectation and performance.
e. The head of the school must be convinced of the importance of
followers of the school and the school community.
f. The principal must believe that learning lasts a lifetime (life long
g. The principal believes that there is a need for professional development
as an integral part of school improvement

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 296

h. The headmaster must believe that the diversity of the school community
enriches the school
i. The principal believes that the learning environment must be safe and
healthy and sporty
j. The principal believes that the public needs information that is useful
enough for the school and progress or even the problems it faces.8
5. The principal as a leader
What kind of principal's leadership style can foster creativity and can at the
same time encourage teacher competency improvement? In leadership theory we
know at least two leadership styles namely task-oriented leadership and oriented
leadership in humans. In order to improve teacher competency, a school principal
can apply both styles of leadership appropriately and flexibly, adapted to the
conditions and needs that exist. Nevertheless it is interesting to consider from the
results of a study conducted by Bambang Budi Wiyono (2000) of 64 school
principals and 256 elementary school teachers in Bantul revealed that the work
ethic of teachers is higher when led by school principals with a leadership style
and human-oriented.
Someone's leadership is very related to the personality and personality of the
principal as a leader will be reflected in the following characteristics (1) honest;
(2) self confidence; (3) responsibilities; (4) dare to take risks and decisions; (5)
big-hearted; (6) stable emotions, and (7) role models.9

6. Policy Implications
Establishing a new policy regarding preparation for selection of school head
placement with competency standards. Principals should be chosen in a standard
accountable and democratic manner. Without high enough competency standards
for school principals, it is difficult to expect that Indonesian education will be
known to be of good quality.10

E. Dimensions of Leadership in Education Management

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni, Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 304
Aliman and Osa Juarsa, Anatomi Managemen Pendidikan, (Bogor:IPB Press, 2015) , page 296
Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni , Education Management, (Jakarta:RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009), page 306

Leadership is wider in scope than a manager, a manager is a person influencing
others to perform tasks within the framework of organizational goals. The scope of a
manager's scope of work is narrower than the scope of a leader. The school leader can
act as a leader if he is able to influence others to carry out the tasks carried out.
Through deliberations among members formulated a goal that is a guideline for all
members in achieving organizational goals.
MacGilchrist, et al. (2004) developed nine intelligence leaders needed by schools
to lead teachers, education personnel, and students. The nine intelligences of
educational leadership are as follows.
1. Ethical intelligence: fair, respectful to others, upholding the truth, and
being responsible.
2. Spiritual intelligence: looking for the meaning of life, having noble
character (faith and piety).
3. Contextual intelligence: understanding the local, regional, national and
global environment.
4. Operational intelligence: think strategically, develop plans to manage
management, and distribute leadership.
5. Emotional intelligence: know yourself, know yourself other people, be
able to control emotions, and develop personalities.
6. Collegial intelligence: commitment to shared goals, knowing creation,
multilevel learning, and building trust.
7. Reflective intelligence: provide time for reflection, self-evaluation, in-
depth study, and receiving feedback for improvement.
8. Oendagogic intelligence:. Develops new visions and learning objectives,
improves teaching competence, openness in class, and is educational.
9. Systematic intelligence: give an example of mental models, systems
thinking. organizing oneself, and making work networks effective.11

Husaini Usman, Managemen, (Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2013), page 427


A. Conclusion
Leadership plays a very important role in management, it can even be stated,
leadership is the essence of management. School as a formal education aims to form a
personality human, in developing students' intellectuals in order to educate the
nation's life. The principal as an educational leader has a very important role to help
and students. In his leadership the head must be able to understand, teachers
overcome and correct deficiencies that occur in the school environment.

The leaders of the Indonesian republic government and the Indonesian education
government tried to give birth to a conception of the education of Indonesian cultural
values. From the government produced Minister Soewandi's decision on March 1,
1946, Number: 104 / BhgO, a teaching committee was formed with the leadership of
Ki Hajar Dewantoro and writer Seegando Poerbakawaca.

B. Suggest
Suggestions for good readers, your contribution in order helps to improve this
paper because the author is aware that there are still many mistakes in making this


Aliman and Osa Juarsa. 2015. Anatomi Managemen Pendidikan. Bogor:IPB Press,.

Rivai Veithzal and Sylviana Murni. 2009. Education Management. Jakarta:RajaGrafindo


Usman Husaini. 2013. Manajemen,. Jakarta:Bumi Aksara.


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