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1. Name :

2. Age : Below 20 20 – 30 30 - 40

40 – 50 above 50 years

3. Gender : Male Female

4. Marital status : Married Un – married Widow

5. Educational level : Illiterate Primary & H.S.S UG

Post graduate Others

6. Occupation : Private employees Govt. Employees

House-wife Others

7. System of family : Joint Nuclear

8. Monthly income : Below Rs 5000 Rs5,000 – 10,000

Rs 10,000 – Rs 15,000 above Rs 15,000

9 i) Are you aware of Hatsun products?

Yes No

ii) If yes, how did you come to know that?

Media Advertisement Friends and Relatives Neighbours

Shop owners Others

10) What is the reason for preferring Hatsun products? Rank them

Sl.No Reasons Rank


1 Quality

2 Variety of products

3 Reasonable price

4 Taste

5 Nutrient value
11) What Hatsun product do you prefer most? Rank them

Sl.No Reasons Rank


1 Arokiya milk packet

2 Arun ice cream

3 Hatsun curd

4 Hatsun panner

5 Hatsun butter

6 Hatsun ghee

7 Hatsun Flavour milk

12) Preference towards milk packet:

Double toned diet milk Standardized milk Full cream milk

Toned Diet milk

13) Preference towards Arun ice cream flavour:

Sl.No Flavours Tick appropriate one


1 Strawberry & mango.

2 Blackcurrant vanilla.

3 Butterscotch chocolate.

4 Berry vanilla.

5 Almond crisp.

6 Others

14) Preference towards flavour milk:

Badam milk Bista Milk Chocolate Milk

Banana milk Others

15) Amount spends per month for Hatsun products:

Below Rs.500 Rs.501-1000 Rs.1001-1500

Rs.1501-2000 Above Rs.2000

16) Place of purchase:

Petty shop ICE cream parlor Door delivery (Milk)

Milk show room Supermarkets Others

17) How do you feel the location of Arun ice cream barlor and milk showroom in your area?

Good Not Good

18) Generally what kind of problems you have faced with Hatsun products?

Digest problem Non- availability Short life ( Milk, curd, Butter milk)


19) Do you have awareness of all Hatsun products?

Yes No

20) How often do you read ingredient lists on Hatsun products before you purchase them?

Never Rarely Sometimes

Often Always

21) While purchasing any products do you read or note the expiry date of the products?\

Yes No

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