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J u l y 1981



Stephen A. Leeper

U.S. Department of Energy

Idaho Operations Office Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

This is an informal report intended for use as a preliminary or working document

Work supported by the U. S. Department

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Stephen A. Leeper

July 1981
ABSTRACT ................................ ii
NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii i

I. INTRODUCTION ........................... 1
11. DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

B. Outlet Air Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

C. Tower Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D. Loading Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E. Tower Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F. Water Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

G. Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

H. Cost Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

I. Sample Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

111. SAMPLE CALCULATION ........................ 16

FIGURES .................... 1 . . ......... 19

REFERENCES ............................... 24


A survey of wet cooling tower l i t e r a t u r e was performed t o develop a

simplified method of cooling tower design and simulation f o r use i n power
p l a n t cycle o p t i m i z a t i o n .

In the report the theory of heat exchange i n wet cooling towers i s

briefly sumnarized. The Merkel equation (the fundamental equation of heat
transfer i n wet cooling towers) i s presented and discussed. The cooling tower
f i l l constant (Ka) i s defined and values derived. A rule-of-thumb method for
the optimized design o f cooling towers is presented. The rule-of-thumb design
method provides information useful i n power plant cycle o p t i m i z a t i o n , including
tower dimensions, water consumption r a t e , e x i t a i r temperature, power require-
ments and construction cost. In addition, a method f o r simulation of cooling
tower performance a t various operating conditions i s presented. This information
i s also useful i n power plant cycle evaluation.

Using the information presented i n this report, i t will be possible t o

incorporate wet cooling tower design and simulation i n t o a procedure t o evaluate
and optimize power p l a n t cycles.


a - S p e c i f i c Transfer Surface ( f t 2T A / f t 3 fill)

A - Approach (T2 - twb; OF)

B - Base Area ( f t g2 )
- B1owdown (1 bs HpO/hr)
c - A constant

- Heat Capacity o f Water ( B t u / l b°F)
D - D r i f t ( l b s H20/hr)

E - Evaporation ( 1 bs H20/hr)
F - A i r Flow Rate ( a c t u a l cubic feed per minute; acfm)

G - A i r Flow Rate ( l b s a i r / h r )

h - Enthalpy o f A i r ( B t u / l b d r y a i r )

H - A i r Humidity ( l b H20/lb d r y a i r )
- Head of Pump ( f t )
K - A i r Mass Transfer Constant ( l b s a i r / h r f t T2A )
Ka - 3
Volumetric A i r Mass Transfer Constant ( l b s a i r / h r ftfill)

-- Tower C h a r a c t e r i s t i c ( 1bs a i r / l b H20)

L - Water Flow Rate ( l b s H20/hr)

i - Loading Factor ( 1 bs HpO/hr f t i )

L/G - Water-Air Flow Rate R a t i o ( l b s HpO/lb a i r )

M - Makeup ( l b s H20/hr)

P - Power (hp)

Q - Heat Load (Btu/hr)

R - Range (Tl - T2; OF)

t - A i r Temperature (OF)

T - Water Temperature (OF)

TC - Tower C h a r a c t e r i s t i c ( K a v / c l b s a i r / l b H20)

Page 2

V - F i l l Volume, Total ( f t3f i l l )

B - Specific F i l l Volume ( f t 3f i l , / f t B

Z - F i l l Height (ft)
r7 - Fan Efficiency (dimensionless; $0.80)
P - Density (lb/ft3)

$ - Dollars

Subsymbol s
a - Ai r
B - Base Area
calc - Cal cul ated Value
des - Design
fill - F i l l Volume , ... . , .

F - Fan
mix - Mixture of Air and Water Vapor

OP - Operation
P - Pump
sa - Saturated Air @ Water Temperature
t - A i r Temperature
, '

T - Water Temperature
TA - Transfer Area
W - Water Vapor 0

wb - Wet Bulb Temperature

1 - I n l e t Condition
2 - E x i t Condition


The design of wet cooling towers i s a competitive field of technology, where

design methods and constants are proprietary information. However, the approxi-
mate design of cooling towers using rules-of-thumb i s presented and provides
information suitable for use i n power plant cycle optimization, including tower
dimensions, water consumption rate, exit a i r temperature, power requirements
and construction cost. A method for the simulation of cooling tower performance
a t various operating conditions i s also presented.

Several types of wet cooling tower exist. Wet cooling towers can be natural
or mechanical draft. Mechanical d r a f t towers can be either forced or induced
draft. Air and water flow can be crosscurrent, countercurrent or both. The
fundamentals of wet cooling are presented by McKelvey and Brooke (1). Mechanical
d r a f t cooling towers are the predominate types of cooling towers b u i l t i n the
United States. Therefore, the design of mechanical d r a f t cooling towers i s the
subject of t h i s paper.

I n wet cooling towers, a i r and water are intimately mixed to provide heat trans-
fer. Therefore, psychometry i s the basis for analysis of heat transfer i n wet
cooling towers. Air-water psychometric data and psychometry theory are pre-
sented i n several references (1, 2, 3 ) .

Heat transfer i n cooling towers occurs by two major mechanisms: transfer of

sensible heat from water t o a i r (convection) and transfer of latent heat by
the evaporation of water (diffusion). Both of these mechanisms operate a t the
air-water boundary layer. The total heat transfer i s the sum of these two
boundary layer mechanisms. The total heat transfer can also be expressed i n
terms of the change i n enthalpy of each b u l k phase. The heat transfer a t the
boundary layer i s equal t o the heat transfer i n the b u l k phases. After manip-
u l a t i o n o f the terms, a fundamental equation o f heat transfer i n cooling towers
(the Merkel equation) i s obtained.

The Merkel equation, named a f t e r F. Merkel who f i r s t derived i t , i s :




The theory of heat transfer i n wet cooling towers i s presented i n several

references (1, 3 , 4 , 5 ) . An especially clear derivation of the Merkel equation
i s presented by Kern ( 6 ) . The enthalpy of the a i r stream i s ha. The a i r
stream i s i n contact w i t h water a t a different temperature. The enthalpy of
saturated a i r a t the water temperature i s hsa. Air does not reach this
enthalpy. The d r i v i n g force i n the Merkel equation (AhDF) i s the difference
between the enthalpy of saturated a i r a t the water temperature and the
enthalpy of a i r a t the air temperature:

"Driving Force" = AhDF -- hsa - ha

Strictly speaking, enthalpy difference is not the d r i v i n g force i n wet cooling.

The driving force in wet cooling i s actually the difference i n water
pressure between the water and a i r phases ( 7 ) . The tower
o r design p o i n t i s determined by solving the right-hand

The Merkel equation i s presented differently by various authors. Before using

the Merkel equation, care i s required t o determine the units required by K.
As defined above, K i s an a i r mass transfer constant. In other sources, K i s
the water mass transfer constant ( 2 ) or the convective heat transfer coeffi-
cient ( 5 ) . Also, C i s frequently l e f t o u t of the Merkel equation since i t s
value i %1.0, a convention adopted i n this paper. The units of C cannot be
overlooked , however.

The mass and heat transfer characteristics of cooling tower f i l l are described
by Ka, a volumetric mass transfer constant. Mass and heat transfer occur on
the wetted f i l l surface and on the surface of the drops. As a result, the
specific mass transfer surface ( a ) i s d i f f i c u l t t o measure. Therefore, Ka
i s regarded as a single constant. Ka i s a measure of the mass and heat

transfer rate through the boundary layer per u n i t of f i l l volume. Larger
values of Ka reflect better mass and heat transfer characteristics of f i l l .

Cooling tower and f i l l vendors do not release values of Ka. However, Ka

values can be determined by back-calculation for existing towers. For 16 cooling
towers built by Research-Cottrell ( 8 ) , Ka values are between 64 and 140 w i t h
an average value of 95 - + 35 (two standard deviations). For 39 Marley Company
cooling towers ( 9 ) , values of Ka varied from 49 to 152 w i t h 100 -
+ 30 a s the
average value. For conventional types of cooling tower f i l l , a Ka value of
100 gives reasonable f i l l heights (6, p.601). This value of Ka applies to Ka
as defined i n the above form of the Merkel equation. Ka i s n o t s t r i c t l y a
constant, b u t i s a complex function of several operating variables. Ka does
remain relatively constant over normal operating variable ranges.

Detailed design of cooling towers i s a t r i a l and error iterative procedure.

Once a set of design conditions is defined, designs are performed a t several
outlet a i r temperatures. These designs are compared t o determine the optimum.
Optimization requires a trade-off between operating and construction costs.
More detailed discussions of cooling tower optimization for use w i t h power
p l a n t s can be found i n Dickey (9) and Clark (10).


A. Problem Statement

For a given cooling tower design, the q u a n t i t y o'f water t o be treat-

ed ( L ) and i t s inlet temperature (T1) are known. The outlet water i
temperature (T2) i s specified. The difference between the inlet&and
outlet water temperatures i s the range ( R ) . An ambient wet-bulb
temperature '(twb;tl)i s chosen for design, such t h a t i t i s exceeded
only three t o five percent of the time. The difference between the
wet-bulb temperature and the outlet water temperature i s the approach ( A ) .
The outlet water temperature approaches the a i r wet-bulb temperature,
w h i c h i s the l i m i t i n g temperature t o which-water can be cooled. Gen-
erally, cooling towers are designed w i t h an approach of 10 t o 15 de-
grees (Fahrenheit). The approach i s seldom less t h a n five degrees.

B. Outlet Air Temperature (t,)/Water-Air Flow Rate Ratio (L/G).


For a given set of cooling tower design conditions, an optimum de-

sign (outlet a i r temperature/water-air flow rate r a t i o ) exists. The
optimum design will result i n minimum construction and operating
costs. A good correlation exists between the optimum outlet a i r
temperature and the inlet and outlet water temperatures:

- T1 + T2
t2 -

As i s apparent i n Figures 1 (1, p.177) and 2 (9), the approximated

outlet air temperature i s very close t o the actual design outlet a i r
temperature. The approximation for the outlet a i r temperature can
be used as a f i r s t guess for a detailed design or may be considered
as the optimum outlet air temperature i n a rule-of-thumb design.
When the approximation i s used, air flow rate will be w i t h i n -
of the optimum design i n most cases.

Water i s evaporated d u r i n g the wet cooling process. For each 10°F
d r o p i n water temperature, approximately 1.0% of the treated water
evaporates ( 3 , p.757). The water flow rate i s not s t r i c t l y constant.
However, the evaporation rate i s small and i s commonly neglected,
yielding the following energy balance (11, p.589):

The outlet a i r i s usually saturated a t the outlet air temperature.

The enthalpies of the inlet and outlet are a s found from a table
or chart of psychometric data. Therefore, by specifying an outlet
a i r temperature, the water-air flow rate r a t i o i s fixed.

c. Tower Characteristic

The tower characteristic i s determined from the Merkel

equati on :

- Kaa
- i' hsa

- ha

The right-hand side of the Merkel equation i s d i f f i c u l t t o integrate

directly because hsa -
h i s d i f f i c u l t t o express explicitly i n terms
of T. However, i t can be graphically integrated or solved by
Simpson's rule (see sample calculation). The most commonly used computer
solution i s the Tchebycheff method ( 2 , p.12-13). A nomograph i s
also available f o r estimation of the tower characteristic ( 2 , p.12-14).

D. Loading Factor

The loading f a c t o r ( L ) , s p e c i f i c water flow r a t e o r water flow r a t e

d e n s i t y i s the recommended water flow r a t e per u n i t of tower c r o s s -
s e c t i o n a l a r e a (base area; B ) . Through experience w i t h various types
of f i l l , optimum loading f a c t o r s have been determined a s a function of
design wet-bul b temperature, range and approach. For d i f f i c u l t
cooling j o b s ( l a r g e range and/or c l o s e approach), a low loading f a c t o r
i s required and v i s a versa. Two graphical methods a r e presented f o r
determining the loading f a c t o r (Figures 3 , 4, 5 and Figure 6).

The loading f a c t o r s determined from these two methods agree well,

b u t a r e lower than the loading f a c t o r s used w i t h presently-used
f i l l s . Methods f o r determining modern loading f a c t o r s a r e not
a v a i l a b l e , however. The back-calculated value of Ka (100) was de-
termined from the a v a i l a b l e , o l d e r loading f a c t o r s . Therefore, the
a v a i l a b l e , o l d e r loading f a c t o r s m u s t be used when c a l c u l a t i o n s a r e
performed using the recommended value o f Ka.

E. Tower Dimensions

The required f i l l height (2) i s equal t o the specific volume (q

and i s determined from the tower c h a r a c t e r i s t i c :

The required base area o r cross-sectional a r e a ( B ) is:

B = L/i

A l a r g e r loading f a c t o r will result i n both a smaller tower height

and i n a smaller base area. The f i l l volume ( V ) is:


F . Water Cons ump t i on

Wet cooling towers consume water i n three major ways: evaporation,

d r i f t and blowdown. The evaporation r a t e ( E ) i s approximately 1.0%
of the water flow r a t e per each 10°F of cooling range ( 3 , p.757).
Drift ( D ) refers t o water w h i c h leaves the cooling tower e n t r a i n e d
i n the e x i t i n g a i r and i s approximately 0.2% of the water flow r a t e
( 3 , p.757). As water evaporates , sol i d s and chemicals concentrate
i n the cooling water. Blowdown ( B d ) i s the water removed from the
system, and replaced by fresh water, t o prevent sol ids/chemicals
buildup i n the cooling water. Blowdown i s expressed a s a percentage
of the evaporation r a t e and depends upon the solids/chemicals con-
c e n t r a t i o n w h i c h can be t o l e r a t e d i n the process i n which the cooling
water i s being used and the solids/chemicals concentration of the
makeup water. Blowdown i s usually about 20% of the evaporation r a t e .
Makeup (M) water i s required t o replace the consumed water:

Water Consumption Rate = M = E + D + Bd

E = .001 x R x L
D = ,002 L

M = (.0012 R + .002) L

The evaporation r a t e can also be determined from a mass balance

around the a i r stream:

E = (H2 - HI) G

In this case,

M = 1.26 (H2 - H1) + .002 L

This second method of determining the evaporation rate is more
accurate than the first method, but the first method is easier to
use because it involves fewer variables.

G. Power Requirements

Pump power (P ) is determined from the following equation:


L x H
pp 1.98 x :1 6 x IT

The head (H ) is difficult to determine. Dickey (8, p.12) recommends

a 75 foot head. However, the power requirement obtained with a
75 f o o t head i s two t o two and a h a l f 'times g r e a t e r than t h e r e q u i r e -
ment obtained from other approximations. McKelvey and Brooke (1, p. 178)
present the following approximation:

Fill Heiqht (Ft.) hp/1000 gpm hp/106 1 bs/hr

20-24 7 14

24-28 8.5 17

The power requirements obtained from the above approximations tend

to be low. From an analysis of data, a good estimate of the pump
head has been found to be:

Hp = Z + 10

This equation is convenient and allows the tower height to affect

the pump power requirements.

Fan power requirements can be estimated from the following approxima-
tions presented by McKelvey and Brooke (1, p.178):

F i l l Heiqht ( f t . ) hp/1000 gpm hp/106 1 b s / h r

20-24 14 28
24-28 12 24

Fan power requirements can a l s o be estimated from the volume of

moist a i r moved by the fan. For forced d r a f t towers, the volume
of the i n l e t a i r i s used i n the calculation. For induced d r a f t
towers, use the volume of the e x i t a i r . Assuming t h a t one hp i s
required f o r each 8,000 actual cubic f e e t of a i r per minute (acfm)
moved by the fan (1, p.178), the fan power i s approximated from the
following formula:
pF - 8,000 ’

where PF = Fan Power ( h p )

F = Air Flow Rate (acfm)

Ht = Air Humidity @ t ( l b s HpO/lb dry a i r )

G = Air Flow Rate (lbs air/hr)
Pmix,t = Density of Moist Air (3 t (lbs/ft3)

t + 460

PW,t =Density of Water Vapor (3 t (lbs/ft3)

- 26.6525
H ( t + 460)
The formulas f o r c a l c u l a t i o n of p a ,t and p w , t a r e derived from
the i d e a l gas law. The assumption of 1 hp/8,000 acfm i s c o n s i s t e n t
w i t h d a t a reported by Research - C o t t r e l l (11).

The t o t a l power i s obtained by adding fan power and pump power.

McKelvey and Brooke (1, p.179) present a method f o r approximating
t o t a l power requirements from range, appoach, design wet-bul b temper-
a t u r e and water flow r a t e .

H. Cost Estimation

Zanker (12) has derived an equation f o r the estimation o f cooling

tower c o n s t r u c t i o n c o s t :

- Q
$1967 C x A + 39.2R - 586
= 1967 d o l l a r s
where $1967

Q = Total Heat Load (Btu/hr)

R = Range (OF)
A = Approach (OF)

C =
[ 1 t 0.0335 (85 - twb)1.143]

= Design Wet-Bul b Temperature


M u l t i p l i c a t i o n of 1967 d o l l a r s by 2.7 [ l.0813] will approximately

c o r r e c t t o 1980 d o l l a r s .

Dickey (9) presents a method f o r estimation of cooling tower con-

s t r u c t i o n c o s t s . From a n a l y s i s of 39 cooling towers b u i l t by

Marley Co, cooling tower construction cost was found t o be $14.45
(1978 dollars) per cooling tower u n i t (TU). The number of tower
units in a given cooling tower are found as follows:

TU = Water Flow Rate (gpm) x Rating Factor. .

The rating factor i s a measure of the cooling job difficulty. For

the 39 Marley Co. cooling towers, a linear relationship (correlation
coefficient = .9844) was found between the Rating Factor and the
tower characteristic (TC) :

Rating Factor = .9964 x TC - .3843

A method of estimating cooling tower cost from the tower character-

i s t i c i s therefore:

- L ( .9964 x TC -3843)
$1978 500
To convert from 1978 dollars t o 1980 dollars, multiply by 1.4. From
the tower characteristic equation, a separate construction cost i s
obtained f o r each design (outlet a i r temperature); whereas, the
Zanker equation yields only one cost for each set of d e s i g n con-
di tions.

I. Sample Calculation (Example 1)

Design a cooling tower t o cool 120,000 gpm (60 x 106 lbs/hr) from
119'F t o 89OF, when the wet-bulb temperature i s 75OF. Also, estimate
water consumption rate, power requirements and construction cost.
Assume Ka equals 100.

Sol u t i on :

Estimate o u t l e t a i r temperature (t2)and t/G:

T1 T2

= 104OF
t2 - 2

+(104°F, s a t ' d ) = 79.31 B t u / l b dry air

= 75OF) = 38.62 B t u / l b dry a i r


L h2 - hl
- 79.31 -
G Cp (TI - T2) (1.0)(119 89) - =

Calculate tower c h a r a c t e r i s t i c by the Simpson rule. Divide

range i n t o f i v e equal sections o f 6OF each, then
79.31 - 38.62
Aha - - 5
= 8.139 B t u / l b a i r .

89 54.85 38.62 16.23 .0616

95 63.34 46.76 16.58 .0603
101 73.58 54.90 18.68 .0535
107 85.59 63.04 22.55 .0443
113 99.74 71.18 28.57 .0350
119 116.50 79.31 37.19 .0269
Ave = .0469

(T KaB
x ( hsa- ~
)= R ~ 1
ha) ~ ~
30 x .0469
= = 1.408

Determine the loading factor:

L = 2.75 gpm/fti

= 1375 l b S / h r / f t B2

Determine the tower dimensions:

1 KaV 1 L
1.408 x 1375
= Idc x-
Ka 100
= 19.4 ft.

B = L / i = 120,000/2.75 = 43,636 f t g

V = B x Z = 844,740 f t f i l l

Estimate pump power:

= Z + 10 = 29.4 f t .

L x Hp (60 x lo6), 29.4

- - 2 1100 hp
pp 1.98 x lo6 TI - (1.98 x lO6)x(.8O)

Estimate fan power (Induced d r a f t ; t2 = 104OF):

P - = .0756 l b s / f t 3
a,t t2 + 460

H t = .0491 l b s H20/lb air

P - = .9624 1bs/ft3
w,t ( t + 4 6 0 ) ~Ht

(1 + H t ) G
F = 6 3
= 10.52 x 10 acfm ( f t / m i n )

- F
= 1300 hp
'F - 8000

Total power requirement i s approximately 2400 hp.

Estimate construction cost:

- 14*45 L (.9964 6
$1978 500
x TC - .3843) = 1.77 x 10 d o l l a r s

Estimate water consumption:

M = (.0012R + .002) L

= 3.36 x 10 lbs/hr

= 6720 gpm


Cooling towers operate most of the time a t conditions different than their
design conditions. Prediction of cooling tower performance a t various con-
d i t i o n s i s important i n the optimization o f power plant cycles. A change i n
one operation parameter changes the performance of the tower. Simulation
calculations are required t o determine the new operating state.

The parameter which changes most often i s the ambient wet-bulb temperature.
A change i n the wet-bulb temperature will affect the range and the approach
of the tower, b u t the tower characteristic
(K;) wi 1 1 remain unchanged.
The a i r flow rate i s also frequently changed by reducing the fan speed.
When the a i r flow rate i s changed, not only i s the approach affected, b u t the
tower characteristic i s also changed. Water flow rate also affects the tower
characteristic. A change in the i n l e t water temperature does not affect the
tower characteristic, b u t does change the approach and can change the range.

The tower characteristic (‘-

p) i s a function of L/G by the following
re1 ationshi p:


The slope (M) i s approximately equal t o -0.6 f o r most conditions (13, p . 2 . 8 ) .
I f one p o i n t on the l i n e i s known ( f o r instance, -
KaV a t design L / G ) ,
the intercept (logloC) can be c a l c u l a t e d and C determined. Once C i s deter-
mined, the tower c h a r a c t e r i s t i c can be determined for o t h e r L/G. The above
equation i s accurate w i t h i n the following range:
< -3X ( k )

Mathematical s o l u t i o n s t o simulation problems must be solved by t r i a l - a n d - e r r o r .
Two examples of a r i t h m e t i c a l l y solved simulation problems a r e g i v e n below.
The s o l u t i o n of simulation problems u s i n g Cooling Tower I n s t i t u t e Performance
Curves (14) i s given by the Cooling Tower I n s t i t u t e (15, 1 6 ) .

Example 2

A cooling tower i s designed t o cool 8950 gpm (4.475 x lo6 lbs/hr) from l l O ° F
t o 84OF ( R = 26) a t a wet-bulb temperature of 69OF ( A = 15OF) w i t h a tower
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of 1.49 (L/G = 1.30 and t2 = 97.3OF). When the wet-bulb temper-
ature drops t o 6OoF, what will T1 and T2 be f o r L/G and range held constant?

Solution ( T r i a l and Error)

hl ( t w b = 6OOF) = 26.46 B t u / l b a i r

Guess 1: T2 = 75OF (T1 = 101OF)

- T2) = 60.26 B t u / l b a i r

hsa ( T = 75, s a t ' d ) = 38.62 B t u / l b

hsa ( T = 101, s a t ' d ) = 73.58 B t u / l b

= 2.34
hsa - ha

Guess 2: T2 = 8OoF (TI = 106OF)

h2 = 60.26OF

(F) 2
= 1.43

Guess 3: Interpolation - T2 = 79OF (T1 = 105OF)

h2 = 60.26OF

(F) 3
= 1.56

Guess 4: Interpolation - Tp = 79.5OF (TI = 105.5OF)

h2 = 60.26OF

('<) 4 = 1.49

0 0 T2 = 79.5OF and T1 = 105.5OF

Example 3

Consider the above cooling tower. I f the fan rpm i s reduced 50% (an
approximately 40% reduction i n a i r flow r a t e ) , what will T1 and T2 be
f o r twb = 6OoF and the range held constant?

Solution: ( T r i a l and Error)

- - = 2.17
(:)op = &(:)des .60

c = x (;>” des

= 1.7442

(F)op = C x(:)

= 1.096

0.0 1.096 = i1 hsa


- ha

Solve by t r i a l and e r r o r a s i n Example 2.

T2 = 89.6OF and T1 = 115.6OF.



J 70
b> 50
50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Air o u t l e t temp., O F

FIGURE 1: Average o f water i n l e t and o u t l e t

temperature vs. Design a i r o u t l e t
[From McKelvey & Brook ( 1 , p.17711

v) aJ
aJ L
c, L
I1 Q
Q c1
> 5
L ) .
0 0
m co



QI 20
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 _ _ _ . -
sq. ft/1000 U.S. gpm
FIGURE 3: 6OoF wet b u l b -Design chart
f o r mechanical d r a f t towers

[YOo Approach
15' 10' 5O

CEI 25



200 400 600 800 1000 1200.
sq. ft./1000 U.S. gpm
FIGURE 4: 70° wet b u l b - Design chart
f o r mechanical d r a f t towers

20' 15' 100 50 I

200 400 600 800 1000 1200

s q / f t . 1000 U.S. gpm

FIGURE 5: 80' wet b u l b Design c h a r t

f o r mechanical d r a f t towers

FIGURE 6: Loading Factor (Water Concentration)

Determination Chart f o r Induced-Draf t
Cool ing Towers


1. K. K. McKelvey and M. Brooke, The Industrial Cooling Tower, Elsevier

Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1959.
2. E. Bagnoli, F. H. Fuller, V. J . Johnson and R. W. Norris, "Psychometry,
Evaporative Cooling, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration," Chemical
Engineers Handbook 5th Ed., R. H. Perry and C. H. Chilton, Editors,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York , 1973.
3. W. L. McCabe and J. C. Smith, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1976.
4. W. S. Norman, Absorption, Distillation and Cooling Towers, Longmans,
Green and Co. , Ltd., London, 1961.
5. B. Woods and P. Betts, "A Temperature-Total Heat Diagram for Cooling
Tower Calculations, No. I," The Engineer 189 (4912), 337 (1950).
6. D. Q. Kern, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1950.
7. W. Gloyer, "Review o f Cooling Tower Calculation," Cooling Tower Institute
#TP-l94A, January 1978.
8. Research-Cottrell (Hamon Cooling Tower Division) U. S. Installation List,
1980; Obtained from Mr. Allen J. George, P. 0. Box 1500, Somerville, NJ
08876 (201) 685-4045.
9. J. B. Dickey, "Managing Waste Heat with the Water Cooling Tower, 3rd Ed.,"
Marley Cooling Tower Co., Mission, Kansas 66202, 1978.
10. S. D. Clark, "Sizing Cooling Towers to Optimize Plant Performance,"
Cooling Tower Institute - #TP-218A, January 1980.
11. Research-Cottrell (Hamon Cooling Tower Division), "Mechanical Draft
Cooling Tower Construction,'' Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805; data on the
city of Tallahassee's Arvah B. Hopkins Unit #2 given inside front cover,
A. Zanker, "Coolin Tawer Costs from Operating Data," Calculation and
Shortcut Handbook 07-X), McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, pp.47-48.
13. Cooling 'Tower Institute, "Chapter 2: Basic Concepts of Cooling Tower
Operation," Cooling Tower Manual , Cooling Tower Institute, Houston,
Texas 77037, January 1977.
14. Cooling Tower Institute, Cool ing Tower Performance Curves, 1967.
15. Cooling Tower Institute, "Acceptance Test Code for Water-Cool ing Towers,"
CTI #ATC-105 , February 1975.
16. Cooling Tower Institute, "Chapter 3: Cooling Tower Performance Variables,"
Cool i ng Tower Manual, January 1977.


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