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Thermal stability of chemical vapor deposition grown W and WNx thin films

in low-k integration structure

Sungho Jeon and Kijung Yonga兲
Surface Chemistry Laboratory of Electronic Materials, Pohang University of Science
and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 790-784, Korea
Sung-Gyu Park and Shi-Woo Rhee
Laboratory for Advanced Molecular Processing, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 790-784, Korea
共Received 23 November 2005; accepted 17 April 2006; published 12 May 2006兲
The Cu/barrier/low-k SiCOH / Si structures were fabricated and their thermal stability was
investigated. SiCOH films were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using
divinyldimethylsilane 共DVDMS兲 and O2. As barrier materials, tungsten and tungsten nitride films
were deposited by chemical vapor deposition using W共CO兲6 and NH3 sources at 450 ° C. Variations
of scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction results of Cu/barrier/low-k SiCOH / Si were
examined depending on the annealing temperature. Both results showed that W and W2N film were
stable up to 500 and above 600 ° C, WO3 nanorods were grown from the sample surface. It is
thought that the thermal stability of the Cu/barrier/SiCOH / Si structure is closely related with the
thermal destruction of the W and WNx films. © 2006 American Vacuum Society.
关DOI: 10.1116/1.2203638兴

I. INTRODUCTION mal stability of the integrated structure. SiCOH films were

As the feature size of semiconductor devices such as ran- deposited on Si using plasma-CVD process. As diffusion bar-
dom access memory and microprocessor unit shrinks to rier material, CVD-grown W and WNx films were tested for
nanoscale dimensions, there has been a pressing demand for this study. In this particular low-k integration structure, CVD
Cu interconnect due to lower resistivity, higher resistance to process integration was also realized for the growth of diffu-
electromigration, and stress migration compared to Al.1–4 sion barrier and low-k materials.
However, in the Cu interconnect, a reliable diffusion barrier
is required to retard Cu diffusion because copper is easy to II. EXPERIMENT
diffuse into silicon well and dielectric layers. A thin barrier The low-k SiCOH films were deposited on Si共100兲 at
layer should prevent diffusion and reaction between the Cu 40 W, 100 ° C by plasma-enhanced CVD 共PECVD兲 using
overlayer and the low-k dielectric layer in a stable Cu/low-k divinyldimethylsilane 共DVDMS兲 and O2. A capacitively
contact system. For these reasons, various materials such as coupled plasma reactor was used where both O2 and
TiN, TiSiN, TaN, Ta, TaCx, TaSiN, WCx, and WNx have DVDMS were introduced into the reactor through the show-
been investigated as diffusion barrier for Cu interconnect.5–10 erhead, which is also an upper electrode with 6 in. diameter.
Most of these films were deposited on SiO2 or Si substrates Both gases were flown vertically toward the substrate on the
to test barrier properties. Compared to other barrier candi- bottom electrode. The film was deposited on 共100兲 oriented
dates, the WNx film has several good barrier properties such p-type silicon substrates. DVDMS flow rate was fixed at
as thermal reaction inertness with Cu, relatively low resistiv- 10 SCCM 共SCCM denotes cubic centimeter per minute at
ity, possibility of simple CMP process, and availability of STP兲 and O2 flow rate was varied with total flow rate ad-
precursors for chemical vapor deposition 共CVD兲 application. justed at 210 SCCM with helium. The chamber pressure re-
These characteristics make tungsten nitride one of strong mained constant at 1 torr. Finally as-deposited SiCOH films
candidates for the Cu diffusion barrier.11 were annealed at 450 ° C for 1 h in Ar ambient.
To reduce resistance-capacitance 共RC兲 time delay in Cu The WNx films were deposited on Si共100兲 at 450 ° C by
interconnect, another requirement is the integration with low CVD using W共CO兲6 and NH3 precursors in a vertical-type
dielectric constant 共low-k兲 materials.12,13 Though numerous cold wall reactor. The tungsten 共W兲 film was also deposited
low-k alternatives exist today, much attention has focused on by CVD using W共CO兲6 in the same system. A typical film
CVD-based carbon-doped silicon oxide 共SiCOH兲 composite thickness of W and WNx was about 50 nm.
films due to their low dielectric constant with good thermal In order to investigate the barrier properties, the
and mechanical stabilities.14 Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si structures were fabricated. A 60 nm
In this study, we fabricated the integration structure of thick Cu film was deposited by evaporation onto the pre-
Cu/diffusion-barrier/low-k SiCOH / Si and studied the ther- pared barrier materials. The annealing experiments were per-
formed for 1 h in argon ambient. After each annealing ex-
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: periment, scanning electron microscopy 共SEM兲 images, X-ray diffraction 共XRD兲 patterns, and four-point probe were

1428 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 24„3…, May/Jun 2006 1071-1023/2006/24„3…/1428/4/$23.00 ©2006 American Vacuum Society 1428
1429 Jeon et al.: Thermal stability of CVD grown W and WNx thin films 1429

FIG. 1. SEM micrographs and XRD patterns of as-deposited Cu/barrier/

SiCOH / Si structure: 共a兲 SEM and 共b兲 XRD of Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si, respec-
tively; 共c兲 SEM and 共d兲 XRD of Cu/ WNx / SiCOH / Si, respectively.

examined. Field emission scanning electron microscopy 共FE-

SEM兲 was used for the film thickness measurements and the FIG. 2. 关共a兲, 共c兲, and 共e兲兴 Variations in SEM image and 关共b兲, 共d兲, and 共f兲兴
cross-sectional structure imaging. XRD was used for the dif- XRD pattern of Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si as a function of the annealing tempera-
fusion barrier property analysis by measuring change of the tures: 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 400 ° C, 关共c兲 and 共d兲兴 500 ° C, and 关共e兲 and 共f兲兴 600 ° C.
crystallographic structure. Four-point probe was used for the
diffusion barrier property analysis by measuring the sheet
resistance, respectively.
thermal annealing at 500 ° C and the intensity of WO3 peak
increased with increasing annealing temperature up to
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 600 ° C. As reflected from XRD analysis, thermal annealing
Figure 1 shows the SEM images and XRD patterns of the has induced the main structure of W films undergoing a
Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si structure, which is fabricated for the change from W phase to WO3 phase. Judging from SEM
thermal stability test. A uniform, thin barrier film is shown images, nanorods were generated at 600 ° C annealing tem-
between Cu and the SiCOH / Si substrate at Figs. 1共a兲 共W兲 perature and the grain size of Cu film increased to form Cu
and 1共c兲 共WNx兲. Figure 1共b兲 showed the definite Cu共111兲, agglomerates at this temperature. The XRD analysis results
Cu共200兲, and W共110兲 peaks. Figure 1共d兲 showed the implied that the grown nanorods were tungsten oxide. It
Cu共111兲, Cu共200兲, W2N共200兲, W2N共111兲, and W2N共220兲 seems that WO3 nanorods grew up with Cu agglomeration
peaks. The SiCOH films showed a low dielectric constant of because nanorods could not grow if Cu film blocked W film.
2.2 at an optimum growth and annealing conditions 共not The W film was annealed in Ar ambient without oxygen.
shown here兲. Since no additional oxygen was introduced into the system,
Thermal stability of the Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si structure the origin of oxygen has not been proved. The growth
was investigated by SEM and XRD analysis. Figure 2 shows mechanism of the WO3 nanorods is under investigation.
the SEM images and XRD patterns of the Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si Similar results were also found for the
films annealed at different annealing temperatures for 1 h at Cu/ W2N / SiCOH / Si samples. Figure 3 shows the SEM im-
Ar atmosphere. The SEM images show that the ages and XRD patterns of the Cu/ WNx/ SiCOH / Si films
Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si structure is stable up to 500 ° C. However, annealed at different annealing temperatures for 1 h at Ar
a drastic morphology change of the integration structure was atmosphere. SEM images show that the Cu/ W2N / SiCOH / Si
observed for annealing temperatures above 600 ° C. The structure is stable up to 500 ° C and the nanorod formation is
roughness of Cu surface was increased and nanorods ap- observed for annealing above 600 ° C. These results showed
peared on the surface of the 600 ° C. Figure 2共e兲 clearly exactly the same trend as the Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si structure.
shows Cu agglomerates and nanorods produced from the The Cu agglomerates and tungsten oxide nanorods were
tungsten film. The XRD analysis results indicated that the found on the surface of the 600 ° C annealed sample. The
grown nanorods were tungsten oxide nanorods. For the as- XRD analysis results indicated that the WO3 peak appeared
fabricated sample, the definite Cu 共111兲, Cu 共200兲, and after thermal annealing at 500 ° C and the intensity of WO3
W共110兲 peaks were observed. The intensity of W peaks de- peak became stronger and sharper with increasing annealing
creased with the increase of annealing temperature up to temperature up to 600 ° C. The XRD data showed consistent
600 ° C. On the other hand, the WO3 peak appeared after results with SEM data.

JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

1430 Jeon et al.: Thermal stability of CVD grown W and WNx thin films 1430

creased abruptly after annealing above 600 ° C. Judging from

SEM images of both samples, nanorods were generated at
600 ° C annealing temperature and the grain size of Cu film
increased to form Cu agglomerates at this temperature. The
results of four-point probe showed consistent trend as in
SEM analysis. The destruction of Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si
structure may induce the increase of sheet resistances. Our
results of W and W2N films showed lower barrier failing
temperatures than the reported values in literature.7 We be-
lieve this discrepancy might be due to the destruction of W
and W2N films.
For better understanding of the nanorod growth mecha-
nism, annealing experiments were performed for W / Si
samples. Figure 5 showed the SEM image and XRD pattern
of the grown tungsten oxide nanorods. These tungsten oxide
nanorods were produced simply by thermal annealing of
CVD-W / Si film for 1 h at 700 ° C in Ar atmosphere. This
result shows that tungsten oxide nanorods could grow up
without Cu and SiCOH. Since annealing was conducted in
Ar ambient, oxygen source may come from residual gas or
oxygen in the films. Recent study of tungsten oxide nanowire
growth showed that they could grow WO3 nanowires by
heating W filament in high vacuum conditions 共10−7 torr兲.15
FIG. 3. 关共a兲, 共c兲, and 共e兲兴 Variations in SEM image and 关共b兲, 共d兲, and 共f兲兴 Also they found that the nanowire length was not extended
XRD pattern of Cu/ WNx / SiCOH / Si as a function of the annealing tem-
perature: 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 400 ° C, 关共c兲 and 共d兲兴 500 ° C, and 关共e兲 and 共f兲兴 by extending growth time, which may support that the oxy-
600 ° C. gen source comes from the film. However, we still cannot
rule out the possible role of residual oxygen gas for the
growth of tungsten oxide nanorods. We also performed an-
Sheet resistance measurements were also performed to in- nealing experiments in O2 gas flow, but in these cases only
vestigate the thermal stability of the Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si WOx films were obtained without nanorod products. The
structure. Figure 4 shows that the variations in sheet resis- same results were observed for W2N / Si samples. Currently,
tances of Cu/ W / SiCOH / Si and Cu/ WNx/ SiCOH / Si struc- we are investigating the growth mechanism and further char-
tures as a function of annealing temperature for 1 h at Ar acterization of nanorods grown from the integrated samples.
atmosphere. The sheet resistances of both as-deposited
samples were between 0.8 and 0.9 ⍀ / sq. Both samples IV. CONCLUSIONS
showed that the average sheet resistance values initially de- Tungsten and tungsten nitride deposited by CVD have
creased after annealing 共⬃400 ° C兲 with respect to that of the been studied for thermal stability in the
as-deposited sample, as shown in the inset of Fig. 4. We Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si structures. After annealing, SiCOH
believe that this is due to grain growth and the defect anni- films showed a low dielectric constant of 2.2 at an optimum
hilation of the Cu film during annealing. The resistance in- condition. The low-k integration structure was stable up to
500 ° C for 1 h annealing. After 600 ° C annealing, the Cu
agglomerates and tungsten oxide nanorods were found on the
tungsten and tungsten nitride films. The WO3 XRD peak
appeared after thermal annealing at 500 ° C and the intensity
of WO3 peak became stronger and sharper with the increas-
ing annealing temperature up to 600 ° C. It is thought that the
thermal stability of the Cu/ barrier/ SiCOH / Si structure is
closely related with the thermal destruction of W and W2N
films. W and W2N films grown on Si substrates also pro-
duced tungsten oxide nanorods upon annealing about
600 ° C. Residual oxygen gas or oxygen in films is thought
as an oxygen source to produce tungsten oxide nanorods.

This work was supported by Grant No. B1220-0401-0165
FIG. 4. Variations in sheet resistance of Cu/barrier/SiCOH / Si as a function
of the annealing temperature. Inset shows magnification of the results in low from the University Fundamental Research Program of the
temperature region. Ministry of Information & Communication on Republic of

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 24, No. 3, May/Jun 2006

1431 Jeon et al.: Thermal stability of CVD grown W and WNx thin films 1431

FIG. 5. SEM micrograph and XRD pattern of WO3 nanorods grown on Si.

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