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Date time (min) work

Neomie Almario - Health Fair 2020 Coordinator

10/16 30 signature 1
10/23 60 Update meeting
11/03 60 ace announcemnt ad, monday message ad, ptsa presentation
11/15 60 Update meeting
11/18 20 Meeting for poster ideas
12/02 60 research offices to call
12/3 60 Update meeting
12/06 10 update email lapin
12/13 60 updated booth document, responded to emails
12/15 30 signature 2
12/22 10 update email lapin
12/25 60 responded to emails, started portfolio
12/27 240 advertised health fair/handed out flyers
01/12 30 responded to emails
1/14 60 Update meeting
01/15 30 signature 3
01/16 30 responded to emails
01/23 30 therapy dog permission documents
01/26 80 responded to emails, updated booths list, submitted booth forms
01/29 30 responded to emails
02/03 60 responded to emails, updated booths list, discusses booth layout
02/04 180 health fair poster final
02/05 30 responded to emails
02/11 30 responded to emails, sent health fair poster, fianlized therapy dog
02/12 180 responded to emails, updated booths list, submitted booth forms
02/13 30 responded to emails
02/15 30 signature 4, responded to emails
02/19 90 responded to emails, booth layout, bandage presentation
02/20 30 discussed with lapin booth updates
02/21 40 posted health fair posters at school
02/22 180 posted health fair posters around Simi Valley
02/23 120 vitals presentation, booth layout, responded to emails
02/25 110 lunch volunteer meeting, bought activities booth materials, booth layout
02/26 60 recruited volunteers, responded to emails
02/28 540 sterilization presentation, set up at the MPR
02/29 390 Steam Expo and Health Fair Day!
03/02 60 follow up meeting/reflection
54 hours

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