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Italian Journal of Food Safety 2018; volume 7:6846

notable in market due to its culinary charac-

teristics and the unique taste of their meat
Effects of moringa leaves
Correspondence: Nurul Ulfah Karim, School
(Moringa oleifera) extraction (FAO, 2014a). However, the qualities of M. of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences,
on quality changes and rosenbergii easily to deteriorate due to bac- Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030,
teria and chemical action (Ali et al., 2010) Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
Tel.: +6096685022 - Fax: +6096685002.
melanosis of giant freshwater
and activity of digestive enzymes E-mail:
(Kirschnik et al., 2006). It is probably due
prawn (Macrobrachium rosen-
bergii) during chilled storage to collagenolytic activity caused by the dis- Key words: Edible coats, quality, melanosis,
integration of the hepatopancreas (Lindner Giant freshwater prawn.
Nurul U. Karim1,2 et al., 1988). The speed of this activity is
Uzmaa S.A.A. Siddiq,3 related to storage temperature (New et al., Contributions: the authors contributed equally.
Mohd R.M. Razak,3 2010). In addition, the quality deterioration
Conflict of interest: the authors declare no
Mohamad K.M. Zainol,2 also associated with inappropriate post-har- potential conflict of interest.
Mohd I. Abdullah2 vest handling and preservation (Madrid and
School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Phillips, 2000; Kirschnik et al., 2006). Funding: none.
Sciences, 2Institute of Tropical Preservation is an important process for
quality assurance in seafood industry. Received for publication: 1 February 2018.
Aquaculture, 3School of Food Science Revision received: 31 May 2018.
and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Natural products and their secondary
Accepted for publication: 6 June 2018.
Terengganu, Malaysia metabolites are commonly used as antimi-
crobial and antioxidant biopreservatives This work is licensed under a Creative
(Anastasio et al., 2014; Palmieri et al., Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
2016; Mogosanu et al., 2017). Previous International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

studies by Ratshilivha et al., (2014) docu-
mented that the leaves extraction of ©Copyright N.U. Karim et al., 2018

An aqueous extraction of moringa Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
(Moringa oleifera) leaves were prepared as Moringa oleifera able to fight against bacte-
Italian Journal of Food Safety 2018; 7:6846
the edible coats for keeping the quality of the rial infection and can act as a source of doi:10.4081/ijfs.2018.6846
antioxidant (Khalafalla et al., 2010).

giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium
rosenbergii). In addition, the antioxidant Moringa leaves contains unique nutritional
properties and activity; total phenolic content
qualities where it contains protein, vitamin
Determination of antioxidant prop-
(TPC), total flavonoid contents (TFC), free A and C, also one of the well sources of
radical scavenging activity (DPPH), and fer- minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese erties and activity of M. oleifera
ric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) of and copper (Rudrappa, 2014). Leaf extracts leave extract
of M. oleifera were reported to exhibit Total phenolic compounds (TPC) and

moringa leaves were also determined. The

phenolic compounds and antioxidant proper- antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo due total flavonoid compound (TFC) were

ties in the moringa leaves are low; 16.14 to abundant of phenolic acids and determined according to Taga et al., (1984)
mgGAEg-1 for TPC; 5.57 mgQEg-1 for TFC; flavonoids (Atawodi et al., 2010). Chen and and Chang et al., (2002), respectively. In

1.36 mgTEg-1 for DPPH; and 3.05 mgTEg-1 Verdes (2009) stated that M. oleifera is a addition, DPPH radical-scavenging activity
for FRAP. The experiment was further con- good antimicrobial agent. Viera et al. and ferric reducing antioxidant power

ducted by coating the M. rosenbergii with (2010) emphasized that the extract of M. (FRAP) were determined according to
moringa leaves extraction before chilled stor- oleifera can act against Bacillus subtilis, method by Binsan et al. (2008) and Benzie
age at 4°C for 15 days. Moringa leaves Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholera. and Strain (1996). The absorbance was

extraction were effectively reduced the Therefore, this study is to investigate measured by using spectrophotometer (UV
microflora count in M. rosenbergii (P<0.05). the effectiveness of the moringa leaves Mini-1240 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Total volatile basis nitrogen (TVB-N) value extraction on the quality changes and Shimadzu, Japan) and compared to the stan-
showed a significant (P<0.05) lower amount melanosis of giant freshwater prawn during dard calibration curve accordingly to the

in treated samples compared to the controls. 15 days of chilled storage. This study also method.
Melanosis were obvious in controls com- reveals the antioxidant properties and the
pared to the treated samples. After 15 days of
Sample preparation
antibacterial activity of the moringa leaves
chilled storage, the sensory properties; taste, M. rosenbergii were headed, peeled and
extraction. These biopreservation technique
texture and odour of treated samples were soaked in 0.5 and 1.0% moringa leaves
may offers as a new alternative in preserva-
acceptable by the panelists. Biopreservation extract for 10 min at 4°C. Controls were left
tion techniques, extended shelf life and
of moringa leaves extraction significantly without coating. All samples were super-
enhanced safety by using the natural
benefits in keeping the quality of M. rosen- chilled in blast freezer (Irinox Blast Freezer,
resources such as moringa leaves extract.
bergii. USA) for 5 min before vacuum packed in
polyethylene bags and stored at 4°C.
Analysis were done at interval of five days
Materials and Methods
Introduction during 15 days of chilled storage. All exper-
iments were done in 3 replicates.
Giant freshwater prawn, Sample collection and extraction
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is native Mature moringa leaves were freshly Microbiological analysis
species to the Southeast Asia, northern collected and cleaned before dried in oven Total bacterial count was determined
Australia and Indo-Pacific region that had a (Ecocell EC111, Germany) at 60°C for 24 using spread plate method on plate count
great demand in national and international hours. The extraction was prepared using agar using method by Linton et al. (2003);
market (Reddy and Reddy, 2014). It is methods by Porwal et al. (2012). Karim et al. (2011).10±0.1g of sample were

[Italian Journal of Food Safety 2018; 7:6846] [page 153]


homogenized with sterilized maximum according to method by Nirmal and TPC and TFC of M. oleifera collected from
recovery diluent (MRD). A serial samples Benjakul (2009). Melanosis of GFP were Pakistan were recorded at amount of
dilution was prepared at appropriate dilu- scored through visual inspection by 30 pan- 95.35±0.60 and 65.43±0.60 mgTEg-1,
tion. Accurately, 0.1 mL of the dilution was elists using 10 point scoring test; 0=absent, respectively. Meanwhile, Iqbal and Bhanger
spread on plate count agar (PCA) by using 2=slight (20% shrimps surface affected); (2006) showed the concentration of TPC
sterile glass spreader. All plates agar was 4=moderate (40% of shrimps surface affect- and TFC; 99.50 to 111.7 and 92.40 to 98.8
incubated at 30°C for 48 hours. Plates with ed); 6=notable (60% of shrimps surface mgTEg-1, respectively. A slightly lower
30 to 300 colonies were selected and the affected); 8=severe (80% of shrimps sur- amount of antioxidant properties was found
total colonies were recorded. Total bacteria face affected); 10=extremely heavy (100% in moringa leaves collected from South
count was determined using formula: of shrimp surface affected). Africa. The amount of TPC were recorded
Total bacteria per mL = number of Sensory evaluation was done according at 52.50 to 74.30 mgTEg-1, meanwhile the
colony x dilution factor to Nirmal and Benjakul (2009). All samples TFC were recorded at 32.60 to 108.30
were placed on a stainless-steel tray cov- mgTEg-1 (Siddhuraju and Becker, 2003).
Determination of total volatile basis Present studies recorded DPPH were
ered with aluminum foil and steamed for 5
nitrogen (TVB-N) min. The cooked samples were evaluated by 1.36±5.47 mgTEg-1 and FRAP were
Total volatile basis nitrogen (TVB-N) 30 panelists. Four-point hedonic scale were 3.05±0.15 mgTEg-1 (Table 1). FRAP value
were determined using method from Karim in M. oleifera collected from Pakistan
used to score the samples; 4=extremely like,
et al. (2011). 100±0.1g of prawn samples showed a same range to the present studies;
3=moderately like, 2=neither like nor dis-
were added to 200 mL of 7.5% 0.41 to 2.68 mgTEg-1 (Table 1) (Siddhuraju
like; 1=dislike. All panelists were asked to
trichloroacetic acid before homogenized for and Becker, 2003). The antioxidant proper-
evaluate for taste, texture, and odor.
1 minute. The homogenate was centrifuged ties and activity of M. oleifera of present
at 2000g for 15 minutes and filtered through Statistical analysis study were low compared to previous stud-
Whatman No. 1 filter paper. 25 mL of fil- ies (Iqbal and Bhanger, 2006; Ilyas et al.,

trate were pipetted into the Kjeldahl distilla- The entire experiment was replicated
2015). The variations of the TPC and TFC
three times. The data were analyzed statisti-

tion tube followed by 5 mL of 10% sodium in samples could be due to the temperature
hydroxide. Steam-distillation were carried cally using one-way ANOVA with post hoc
and methods of extraction of polyphenolic
out using a vertical steam-distillation unit, Scheffe’s test to compare the significant dif-
compounds, degree of polarity of the sol-
ferences among groups at 0.05 level of

and the distillate were collected into a vents and geographical locations of the
beaker containing 10 mL of 4% (v/v) aque- probability. All statistical analysis were
us plants (Ilyas et al., 2015). The differentia-
ous boric acid solution and 0.04 mL methyl done using the IBM SPSS Statistic software
tion also depending on the nature of the soil
red and bromocresol green indicator up to a (Version 20). The estimation shelf life of
and season of cultivation (Ilyas et al.,
final volume of 50 mL. The titration was each treatment was fitted as the response 2015).
allowed to run against aqueous 0.05 M sul- curve with microbiology and chemical data.
The microbial shelf life was taken as the Total bacterial count

phuric acid solution and it was shaken until

pink color, neutralization was indicated and time to reach 107 CFU g-1, as recommended Edible coating of moringa leaves

persists for 15 seconds. The quantity of by International Commission on extract on M. rosenbergii were effectively
TVB-N in mg from the volume of sulphuric Microbiology Specification for Food reduced the total bacteria count (P<0.05)

acid (n mL) determined as below: (ICMSF, 1986). Meanwhile the chemical (Table 2). Coating at 1.0% of moringa
shelf life was taken as the time to reach 35 leaves showed a significant (P<0.05) lower

TVB-N (mgN per 100g) = n*16.8 mgN 100g-1 for TVBN (Connell and amount of total bacteria count compared to
Shewan, 1980). the samples coated with 0.5% leaves extrac-
Melanosis and sensory assessment tion. With regards to the storage, the total

Giant freshwater prawn was dipped in bacteria counts of controls were significant-
0.25 and 0.5% moringa extract, 1.25% sodi- ly (P<0.05) increased from 4.82 log10CFUg-
Results and Discussion

um metabisulphate (SMS) as positive con- 1 on day 0 to 8.66 log CFUg-1 at the end of
trol, and distilled water as control at 4°C for storage day (Table 2). A significantly
30 minutes. Samples were superchilled in Antioxidant properties and activity

(P<0.05) similar trend of total bacteria

blast freezer (Irinox Blast Freezer, USA) for of M. oleifera leave extract count; an increasing count parallel with the
5 min and packed in (PE) vacuum pack Total phenolic content (TPC) and total duration of storage were found in both sam-
(DZQ Vacuum Packer, China). Samples flavonoid content (TFC) in M. oleifera ples treated with 0.5 and 1.0% of moringa
were kept in chilled temperature before extraction were 16.14±0.74 mgGAEg-1 and extract (Table 2). Previous study by Onyuka
analysed at initial and 15th days of storage. 5.57±3.01 mgQEg-1, respectively (Table 1). et al. (2013) documented that moringa
Melanosis assessment were done Ilyas et al. (2015) recently documented that extract at 80 µgmL-1 coated on tilapia

Table 1. Total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing power of moringa leaves.
Antioxidant properties and activity Current studies Ilyas et al. Iqbal and Bhanger Siddhuraju and Becker
(2015) (2006) (2003)
Total phenolic content (mgGAEg–1) 16.14±0.74 95.35±0.60 99.5 to 111.7 52.50 to 74.30
Total flavonoid content (mgQEg–1) 5.57±3.01 65.43±0.60 92.4 to 98.8 32.60 to 108.30
Radical scavenging activity, (DPPH) (mgTEg–1) 1.36±5.47 0.87±0.99 - 3070
Ferric antioxidant reducing power, (FRAP) (mgTEg–1) 3.05±0.15 - - 0.41 to 2.68

[page 154] [Italian Journal of Food Safety 2018; 7:6846]


(Oreochromis niloticus) and silver cyprinid produce spoilage odor after 10th day of stor- bacteria count reach 107 CFUg-1 (ICMSF,
(Rastrineobola argentea) were effective to age period. TVB-N value were related to 1986) and TVB-N accumulation were at 35
reduce the bacterial loads. bacterial spoilage activity throughout the mgN100g-1 (Connell and Shewan, 1980).
Onyuka et al. (2013) also confirmed storage days (Cobb and Vanderzant, 1975) By using total bacteria count data, the shelf
that moringa extract contain antibacterial and associated with amino acid decarboxy- life of controls and samples coated at 0.5%
activity and can be used for fish preserva- lase activity of microorganism during stor- reach of 107 CFUg-1 at 8th day of storage for
tion for longer time and safe for human con- age (Huss, 1995; Duman and Öspolat, both treatments (Table 4). Meanwhile, sam-
sumption. A finding by Peixoto et al., 2014). ples coated with 1.0% of moringa extract,
(2011) emphasized moringa leaves has anti- the shelf life were extended up to 9th day by
Shelf life prediction using total bacteria count data. At limit of
bacterial effective against Staphylococcus
The estimation shelf life of each treat- the acceptance TVB-N value (35 mgN100g-1),
aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
ments calculated from the response curve the shelf life of controls was at 12th day of
Enterococcus faecalis and Aeromonas cavi-
with curve constraints were taken as the
ae. Viera et al. (2010) also documented that
M. oleifera extract can act against Bacillus
subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio
cholera. Saadabi and Abu Zaid (2011) stat-
ed that the aqueous extract of moringa
leaves were found able to inhibit pathogenic
Table 2. Total bacterial count (log10CFUg-1) of Macrobrachium rosenbergii stored for 15
days in different concentration of moringa leaves extract.
bacteria; Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas
Storage Control 0.5% 1.0%

aeroginosa. A study by Fahey (2005) stated

1a,A b,A
Day 0 4.82±0.0 4.65±0.05 4.47±0.07c,A
moringa contains 4- (4’-O-acetyl-a-L-

rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothio-
Day 5 6.47±0.02a,B 6.37±0.03b,B 6.32±0.02b,B

cyanate, 4-(a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) ben-

Day 10 7.73±0.04a,C 7.52±0.09a,C 7.23±0.12b,C

zyl isothiocyanate, niazimicin, benzyl isoth-
Day 15 8.66±0.04a,D 8.52±0.03b,D 8.38±0.13c,D

iocyanate, and 4- (a-L-rhamnopyranosy-

Different superscript (a, b, c) indicate significant difference (P<0.05) between treatment (controls, 0.5% and 1.0% concentration). Different

loxy) benzyl glucosinolate that might act as

superscript (A, B, C) indicate significant difference (P< 0.05) between the storage days.

a powerful antibacterial effect.
Total volatile basis nitrogen (TVB-
Table 3. Total volatile basis nitrogen value of Macrobrachium rosenbergii stored for 15

N) value
days in different concentration of moringa leaves extract.
M. rosenbergii coated with moringa
Storage Control 0.5% 1.0%
extraction showed a significant (P<0.05)

reducing effects on the TVB-N accumula-

Day 0 9.52±0.51a,A 6.05±0.67b,A 2.80±0.5c,A

tion (Table 3). A higher concentration of


Day 5 15.68±1.94a,A 12.99±0.5a,B 9.86±0.39b,B

moringa extraction (1.0%) showed more

Day 10 23.41±0.20a,B 19.04±1.94b,C 16.69±0.20c,C

significantly (P<0.05) effective in reducing


Day 15 38.08±3.88a,C 29.90±0.58b,D 25.76±1.94b,D

the TVB-N accumulation compared to a
Different superscript (a, b, c) indicate significant difference (P<0.05) between treatment (controls, 0.5% and 1.0% concentration). Different

lower concentration (0.5%). TVB-N value

superscript (A, B, C) indicate significant difference (P< 0.05) between the storage day.

showed significantly (P<0.05) increasing

trend during the storage period (15 days) in Table 4. Shelf life prediction of Macrobrachium rosenbergii stored for 15 days in different

all samples (Table 3). After 5 day stored in

concentration of moringa leaves extract.
chilling temperature, untreated M. rosen-

bergii started to developed mild spoilage

Shelf life prediction Control 0.5% prawn soaked 1.0% prawn soaked
(day) moringa extract moringa extract
odors. Meanwhile, M. rosenbergii coated sample (day) sample (day)
with 0.5% of moringa extraction were at the

stage of the beginning of deterioration

Total bacterial count 8 8 9

process. However, M. rosenbergii coated

Total volatile basis nitrogen 12 16 18
with 1.0% of moringa extract only started to
Total bacterial count limit for human consumption at 107 CFUg-1. Total volatile basis nitrogen limit for human consumption and prawn accept-
ability at 35 mg N 100g-1 sample

Table 5. Sensory properties of GFP treated with different treatment.

Storage time, days Treatment Melanosis Score Taste Texture Odour
0 Control ND 4.00±0.00a 3.73±0.17a 3.83±0.13a
1.25% SMS ND 3.97±0.05a 3.90±0.08a 3.80±0.08a
0.25% moringa extract ND 3.87±0.12a 3.77±0.12a 3.80±0.08a
0.5% moringa extract ND 3.97±0.05a 3.77±0.19a 3.80±0.08a
15 Control 10.00±0.00a 2.30±0.08b 2.40±0.08b 2.30±0.22b
1.25% SMS 3.33±0.58b 3.00±0.14c 3.80±0.08a 3.53±0.05c
0.25% moringa extract 8.67±1.53a 3.67±0.12d 3.47±0.05c 3.53±0.05c
0.5% moringa extract 8.67±1.53a 3.53±0.05d 3.13±0.12d 3.53±0.05c
Different letters in the same column indicate the significant differences (P<0.05).

[Italian Journal of Food Safety 2018; 7:6846] [page 155]


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