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Jamia Millia Islamia protest

On 13th of December 2019, the

began to protest against the CAA.
They marched towards the Parliament
where the police stopped them from
entering and going ahead. The police
used batons and tear gas to stop the
crowd from moving forward. Around
50 students were detained by the
policemen during the clash. The
students claimed that first the police
got violent and attacked the peaceful
protest by throwing stones ,sticks and
releasing the tear gas, which injured
students in large numbers. The
students then retaliated with the
stones and it was then when the clash
ensued. The police denies all the
allegations claiming that when the
students were stopped to take their
march onwards they attacked the
policemen with stones and in order to
disperse the crowd they used the tear
On 15th December 2019 during the
morning around 2000 students of
protests against the CAA in Delhi.
Jamia Millia Student Body and Jamia
Millia Teacher’s Association
condemned the violence on the same
day in Delhi stating that neither the
students nor the teachers were
At 6:45 pm on the same day hundreds
of police officers entered the college
forcefully without the permission of
the college authority and used batons
and tear gas on the students involved
in the protests. Around hundred
students were detained by the police
and were later released at 3:30 am
next morning. The visuals of the
students being hit and dragged by the
officers were telecasted continuously
on the news channels. Students from
other universities of Delhi began to
agitate. Many got injured and were
taken to AIIMS and Holy Family
On 16th December 2019, two students
of Jamia were admitted in the
Safdarjung Hospital with bullet injuries
received during the protests. One of
the victims M. Tamin stated that he
wasn’t a part of the protest and was
just passing through that area when
the police started canning the
protestors and it is then when he got
shot in the leg. The doctors treating
him confirmed that the wounds were
caused by gun shots.
For now, the university has been shut
until 5th January, 2020 and the
residents are asked to leave thr
campus as soon as possible.
The vice chancellor of the college has
given a statement saying that they’ll
be filing a case against the police for
forcefully entering the college
premises and assaulting the students.
– Versha Singh

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