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Course: HBSE6: Social Deviations and Social Work| Mrs. Basilisa Silvano, RSW, MSW
Aira Cindy Denalo Catindoy| BSSW AS 2-1

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. -Napoleon Hill
This is very true because all our actions emanate from our mind and is processed by our
heart, depending on our values, of we act on the thought or not. Without our mind conceiving the
thought, we cannot put things into action. The movie “The Secret” made me realize that the mind
is very powerful in directing the body.
Just think about the masterminds, they have only their minds at work, some even in jails,
yet they can direct and make things happen. Just like those crooked drug lords that we hear in
the news. As what one of the line in the story goes, “We become what we think.” Because the
more we think, the more it will happen for the universe is reacting to what we want, which basically
means it attracts what we think.

As a college student, there are times that I’m stressed out due to lot of paperwork,
deadlines to meet, reporting and others. But watching the movie made me realized that stress is
a negative thought or the mind. We should always stay active rather than passive because “idle
mind is the workshop or the devil.” The movie taught me to keep myself busy from doing the
things I need to do instead of letting my self be succumbed with the thoughts of not being able to
finish my tasks. Because in keeping busy, the mine stays alert and keeps the body young because
there is no room for negative thoughts to destroy our countenance. And what could be our
demons? It could be our obsessions, fears, anxiety, the social media, etc. We should be able to
face our own demons through acknowledgment of things needed to be done and acceptance of
our wounds like disappointment in love and failure at various endeavor, which has taught us to
more about ourselves. Sometimes those who cannot move on are prone to depression and are
tempted by despair. It is very important that we can talk to somebody, a confidant, our parents or
seek professional help perhaps, of our faults and fears and be naked, so that we can be free.
After all, it is always our choice in the end.

Another realizations from the movie is that when we are feeling negative vibrations, we
have to change it with positive one. If you want or strive to be happy, contented, honest, peaceful
and principled person, you have to fill your thoughts with positivity. We should never let those
negativities get the better of us.

Hence, when we are tempted to rely on our own will power or intelligence, let us stop and
meditate on the passage below so that we are not deceived and become proud of our
achievements. For God works in mysterious ways.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be
mindful to him and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord
and turn away from evil; This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.” Proverbs

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