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Name: __________________________________________ S#: _____ Date: ____________________ 

Editor: __________________________________________ 

Mathematics Peer Review 

Analyze your partners work. Be sure to give critical feedback that will aid and assist your partner 
to edit their response. 
Success Criteria 

Work paper is organized and easily read.    

Math calculations make sense to the problem.    

When using the equation editor, the equations are written horizontally   
(↔)and the steps are stacked (↕).  

Equations and answers are labeled   

The written response was clear and explained what the answer means   
using the CER method. 

Non-negotiables were used throughout the writing process.    

Compliment(s)  Area(s) for Growth 

After the peer editing phase, what did you go back and change in your writing to make it a 
better response?  


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