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How Important

High school graduate project:

November de 2019
Are Dreams In
Your Life.
Extended Essay
Research Question: How important
are dreams for the lives of students at
The I.E. Francisco José de Caldas
Melanie Carbonó Castro
Sofía Colorado Morales
Catalina Gallego Aristizabal
Melisa Giraldo Ospina
Juanita Giraldo Ramírez
Natalia Ramírez Buriticá
Andrea Rojas Castaño
Laura Sepúlveda Velásquez

Alejandro Villegas
Estefanía Rodríguez
How Important Are Dreams In Your Life


The monograph addresses the effect and importance of dream interpretation. To do this, and to simplify

and reduce our range of research, we address the question to a certain number of students at the I.E

Francisco José de Caldas School to get an answer to our problematic question.

Women contribute in a higher percentage than men, in surveys conducted at the Francisco José

de Caldas School, correlating their dreams with everyday life and connecting many event

factors with what they have dreamed. Mainly, this happens because women easily show that

they are more sentimental and connect their heart and thoughts with details that give beauty or,

on the contrary, go beyond negative things, because these are spiritual things, women tend to

idealize all.

In response to this question, theoretical texts of books related to the subject were used within

the framework of other sources; thus, as primary sources, interviews and surveys of the interest

groups of the institution.

From the above, the data presented were collected to carry out an evaluation of the theoretical

framework, together with the data produced by the primary sources, the surveys, so that there

was a critical analysis in the answer to the problem question.

The women of the José de Caldas Franciscan Institute mainly relate their latest actions to the

projections of their dreams that resemble the reality of their life with the fantasy they have in

their moments of sleep, because they create an emotional relationship with their surroundings

and their actions every day.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Abstract ................................................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
2 Aknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 3
3 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Problem Statement ................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Justification of the approach .................................................................................... 4
3.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 5
3.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 6
4 Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework ................................................................................. 7
4.1 Influence of Dreams ................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Concepts ................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.1 Dreaming ........................................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Onirology ......................................................................................................... 11
4.2.3 Imagination ........................................................................................................ 11
4.2.4 Psychoanalysis ................................................................................................. 11
4.2.5 Unconscious ....................................................................................................... 11
4.2.6 Vigil ................................................................................................................. 11
4.2.7 Fase REM .......................................................................................................... 12
4.2.8 Psyche .............................................................................................................. 12
4.3 Dream Interpretation............................................................................................... 16
4.4 Dream Intellect ....................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Demographic Framework ....................................................................................... 19
5 Chapter 2: About Instituto Técnico Francisco José de Caldas ...................................... 23
6 Chapter 3: Data Analisis ............................................................................................... 25
7 Evaluation & Conclusión ................................................................................................ 30
8 Bibliografía.................................................................................................................... 31

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life


We firmly thank God for the wisdom in the hours we spend doing the rehearsal.

We thank all those who trained and guided us in carrying out this research, our
supervisory teacher, Mrs. Estefanía Rodríguez and Mr. Alejandro Villegas, who had the
patience to help us collect data and our parents, who always motivated us.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life



Along the history people have worried about the meaning that they have of dreams and how

they influence to make decisions. The Oneirology, which is the study of the dreams, has

contributed with big discoveries based on different theories and recent investigations.

Throughout history, people have worried about the meaning of dreams and how unfaithful it is

to make decisions. Oneirology, which is the study of dreams, has found great discoveries based

on recent theories and research.

Just because the brain understands what it sees, doesn't mean it has a critical sense; that is, it

does not mean that a logical explanation appears for these images to appear: "The part of the

brain that knows what reality is not active during sleep, and therefore we do not miss anything

we see and believe everything", adds Urrestadazu. That's the most beautiful thing about

dreams; they have a permit from the mind to surrender to Unrealism.


The interpretation of dreams constitutes an important part in several aspects in general of the

everyday life of people. One of them is in the aspects of mental health: The interpretation of

dreams has helped successfully in thousands of people in their therapeutic treatments, because

commonly some dreams help the therapist to find the problem that affects the patient, finding

its origin, and from this origin will be found the best way to treat the patient.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Dreams in general help us to know ourselves better, because some dreams are the

reflection of the things of our deep desires, failures, and restlessness, what we want to hide

from ourselves. And every day we lie to each other because when we want to repress

something that we don’t like, it is reflected in our dreams, which is an unconscious medium.

The dream presents itself as a call to each person to pay more attention to what he

wants, or what affects him, but he has ignored it. Getting to know each other is essential. By

knowing ourselves we will know to identify what we really want, what we don’t like, and it

will help us to make a more conscious decision about things.

General objective:

Identify the effect and importance that the interpretation of dreams has on the students of

the I.E Francisco José de Caldas school.

Specific objectives:

1. Compare the level of importance of the interpretation of dreams that exists in some

students of the I.E Francisco José de Caldas School.

2. Discuss the reasons why teachers and students make an interpretation of their dreams.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life


To collect information to recognize the importance of dreams, a survey will be applied

indirectly, which will generate answers that provide more accurate data on the topic, and thus

obtain better results from the survey.

The survey will be qualitative, with different options of response, which facilitate to the

respondents a better development of this, generating a better contextualization of the topic


Questions Never Sometimes Yes Always
Do you think your dreams are a reflection of your personality?
Do you usually relate dreams to your environment?
Do you often remember your dreams?
Do you consider your dreams to take decisions?
Do you think that in your dreams there are situations from your life?
When you have dreams, do you search their meaning?
Do you belive that your dreams have importance in your daily life?
Do you have repetitive dreams?
Do you comunicate your dreams with other people?
Do you belive that the last thing you do or think, is what your dream about?

Taking into account the students, both men and women from grades six to eleven of that

institution to which they will conduct a survey with twenty closed questions to validate the

issue in the investigation. This population is made up of students from the upper grades (from

sixth to eleventh grade), professors of philosophy and humanities, to whom qualitative surveys

were conducted, so it can be taken as priority information, which will help to understand the

importance of dreams in daily life. The age range of the population will be between eleven and


How Important Are Dreams In Your Life



Dreams influence the daily life of every person, so, this article evidences like the world of the
dreams use to be more real every time, and the way in which it influences us. Likewise, the
dreams allow us to empathize with other people. 1

The interpretation people give to the dreams is usually very important. Most of the time they

relate them to their real lives. The study of the dream has come very far for the simple reason

because this process is full of mysteries, so the dreams can manage to look like the reality or

they can leave totally off the reality in which p2.eople to take place. 2

Through the Oneirology is a science that interprets the dreams and exist diverse ways of ana-

lyzing information compiled in our mind, it is very slightly probable to have precise informa-

tion of what really happens. Many studies can be made about dreams, why they happen or how

they happen, but the certain thing is that it continues to be a mystery to know the answers of all

the questions that this topic includes since it is very complex to analyze this field accurately.3

“Sampedro says (2013)

Los sueños han estimulado la imaginación humana como pocas cosas, tal vez porque
cualquier teoría sobre ellos es virtualmente irrefutable. Mensajes adivinatorios del
futuro para unos, reverberación interna del mundo según otros y narrativas enigmáticas
para el común, los sueños parecen exactamente la clase de experiencia subjetiva que
permanecerá siempre oculta”

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

This is an example of what will be achieved in this project, the way in which dreams are

interpreted by people, have been interpreted (since it is said in the quotation) for their repetition

or also for the particularity of certain dreams. The reiteration of certain dreams may lead to the

conclusion of some situations that might have occurred

The interpretation of dreams is something completely subjective related to the previous quote,

therefore, the explanation of this or the reason for its origin is something that will always

generate doubts in our world. So many theories of the interpretation of dreams confuse us

greatly, to the point of being indifferent to them, because it is such an incomplete subject

opposed to society.

Dreams are vital for people, because it is like one way to prevent what may happen. Through

dreams people can know different characteristics about them or other people personalities, so

when people have full knowledge of these qualities there will be easier to act in a correct way

or to adapt themselves in different areas of life, in this case, when someone presents a problem

or inconvenience.4

What the teacher from the Complutense University of Madrid, Marina Bueno affirmed: is that

the books which aim to interpret the dreams generalize the whole population, when actually,

the interpretation of these dreams can change according to the culture, and not only it, but also

it changes depending on people thoughts.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

According to the wide percentage given by Héctor Gonzalez all dreams are narrowly connected

by emotions, thoughts or even by the situations that people face every day. So they allow

people to identify feelings that have possibly suppressed for months or years. 6

“Doria says (2018) Soñar es una función de gran importancia, ya que durante el acto de soñar
realizamos una investigación sobre nuestros deseos y necesidades, aspiraciones y temores que
están muy dentro de nosotros. Llegar a recordar lo que se ha soñado puede ayudar a
desenmascarar las emociones guardadas, los recuerdos enterrados y las vivencias no
comprendidas, por lo que soñar es altamente terapéutico”

This fragment is related to one of Freud's theories regarding the interpretation of dreams as it

links the dream, for example, the desires suppressed in our subconscious. It affirms that it is

therapeutic because dreaming allows us to express in some way what we cannot express when

we are conscious, it means that dreaming is a way out of the reality in which we are.

According to what these professionals affirm in the area of the onirology, the process of the

dream allows us to have a more wide vision of our suppressed desires and realizing this form

the derivations that this one has though dreaming is a habit and an unconscious process that we

do not decide to do or not, at the same time it give us the possibility to imagine situations that

can serve us to face adverse situations.

“Jungian analyst and author Robert A. Johnson argues that the experiences we have in a dream

state shouldn't be written off as "unreal." In fact, his work states that our dreams are a

reflection of our unconscious selves, and we can use our dreams to find clarity or peace in our

conscious interactions. It's the type of book to read if you've been having the same unsettling

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

dream repeatedly since it will help decipher what the symbols mean and provide guidelines for

how they may relate to your life” Robert A, Jhonson, Inner Work.


4.2.1 Dreaming: Windt (2004) says:

Dreams, conceived as conscious experience or phenomenal states during sleep, offer an

important contrast condition for theories of consciousness and the self. Yet, although

there is a wealth of empirical research on sleep and dreaming, its potential contribution

to consciousness research and philosophy of mind is largely overlooked. This might be

due, in part, to a lack of conceptual clarity and an underlying disagreement about the

nature of the phenomenon of dreaming itself.

4.2.2 Onirology:

According to wikidictionary (2013)

Oneirology is the scientific study of dreams. Current research seeks correlations

between dreaming and current knowledge about the functions of the brain, as well as

understanding of how the brain works during dreaming as pertains to memory

formation and mental disorders.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

4.2.3 Imagination:

According to Mentesana (2010), 2The science is discovering that the imagination plays

a fundamental paper in the perception that we have of the reality and in the production

of the recollections, the dreams and the thoughts. “

4.2.4 Psychoanalysis:

“Psychoanalysis is both a theory of the human mind and a therapeutic practice. It was

founded by Sigmund Freud between 1885 and 1939 and continues to be developed by

psychoanalysts all over the world. “

4.2.5 Unconscious:

Freud (1895) states that “El inconsciente es el círculo más grande que incluye dentro de

sí el círculo más pequeño del consciente. Todo consciente tiene su paso preliminar en el

inconsciente. Mientras que el inconsciente puede detenerse con este paso y todavía

reclamar el pleno valor como actividad psíquica.”

4.2.6 Vigil:

According toVásquez (2004) “El estado de vigilia es un estado consciente que se

caracteriza por un alto nivel de actividad, en especial en relación al intercambio de

información entre el sujeto y su medio ambiente.” (p. 9)

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

4.2.7 Fase REM:

La fase REM (siendo REM las siglas de Rapid Eye Movement) o MOR (Movimientos

Oculares Rápidos), es una de las fases del sueño más importantes. Se caracteriza por la

presencia de una elevada actividad cerebral, que puede resultar visible en la realización de

movimientos oculares rápidos y constantes. Es en la fase REM del sueño en el que aparecen los

sueños y las pesadillas, así como la capacidad para recordarlos. Psicología y Mente. (2008)

4.2.8 Psyche: “The psyche is a self-regulating organism in which conscious attitudes

are prone to be compensated by the unconscious (within sleep) for their opposites..” Jung



From antiquity to the present day, different cultures have regarded dreams as a gateway to a

magical dimension that allows predicting the future or communicating with spirits or other

intangible entities. Many of these beliefs remain part of some cultures.

In Freudian dream analysis, content is both the manifest and latent content in a dream, that is,

the dream itself as it is remembered, and the hidden meaning of the dream.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

The dreams have a biological function, where the content does not require analysis or

interpretation, but it provides an automatic stimulation of the physiological functions of the

body based on the unconscious behavior of the human. So the dreams are part of the human

and animal, the survival and the strategy of development.

The dream reality does not hide or distort certain contents that come from the unconscious, but

speaks with its own language, the language of the images; this leads to the need to want to find

the why of dreams, and you get to the method of interpret

The interpretation of dreams is something that has created great controversy over the years,

since you can extract different conclusions from these taking into account different aspects of

the daily life of people and the way people they think that dreams can influence their lives.

“Dreams serve to communicate everything that the conscious mind cannot accept. Unconscious
desires that do not want to recognize and that are why they appear in dreams represented
symbolically. That is, dreams are the way to express the repressed desires that the person has.
Dreams are a psychic tool to overcome the barrier between the unconscious, deep memory and
consciousness” Freud (1900)

This is one of the interpretations that can be given to dreams, which speaks of the repressed

desires; it says that human beings tend to possess illusions, goals that finally are not possible to

attain, and are reflected in dreams, perhaps not of a direct way, but yes trying to reflect that

event that has not yet been made, or well could not be done.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Every dream can be interpreted; this means you can find a sense, independent of how the

dream is shown. It becomes a decomposition of the dream to obtain a concrete idea of the true

meaning of this, that is to say, interpreted the dream by parts, because the dream in general

would not give a really plausible explanation.

It can be evidenced then that dreams are only small parts of an exact prediction, they are pieces

of a puzzle, pieces that to which they should be made a thorough inquiry to find their true

meaning, since the dreams are show. In its own way (this mean abstractly), and throughout this

inquiry could present different confusions, since each dream presents different probabilities of


Dreams can contain inevitable truths, illusions, memories, plans, experiences and irrational

visions. Like the psyche have a daytime side that is experienced as conscious life and one

nocturnal unconscious, side that is decrypted to the time to dream. Just as there is no doubt

about the importance of conscious experiences, should not predict the value of unconscious


Dreams point to concepts about oneself, family, friends and environment, generating in some

cases a type of barrier to others, by a simple intuition. They can also show certain conditions,

such as feeling weak, assertive, with lack of affection, dominant or unbearable, for the same

reason of wanting to give importance to that dream, to that unconscious part, and in the worst

case could create some evil Understood with others, for not having accurate information of the

meaning of the dream.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Dreams are the best way to reveal people's thoughts and explain their behavior, it is the

entrance to a person's true self; it could be to say that dreams are a tool to clarify doubts of each

one, this means find an answer to some attitude out of the ordinary.

The dreams reveal the situations that most affect and that have affected the long of the life of a

person, be it traumas, achieved goals, losses, among others, which leave mark in the

unconscious, and can be evidenced in the dreams, achieving thus reflect that state in which a

person is, which affects and has affected of their environment.

This oneiric process could also be interpreted with the help of the cognitive process of people,

their perspective of what surrounds it, their culture, their beliefs, the influence that others have

on the life of the person. It could also give a meaning depending on the stage in which it is

located, since its thoughts, attitudes, perspective, beliefs; most of the times vary in each of the

stages of the human being.

Dreams are attempts to master important issues for the subject. They reflect the unconscious

attitude towards life, and how this attitude is presented as an option to handle certain problems.

In the dream is revealed metaphorical and symbolic WHAT THING? how to handle a problem

or personal matter; it reveals that the subject is busy with a major problem and his attitude

towards it.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

There is a continuity connection between the concerns of the waking state and the metaphors of

dreams. The task of the dream is to attend to the difficulties that we face and give us a solution.

The given solution is governed by lifestyle; and it goes in against the feeling of community.

When they woke up, memories of the contents of the dream could disappear, but always left

some feelings. These feelings that cause dreams are their most important purpose. The feelings

can endure throughout the day, and go hand with the lifestyle, facilitating their expression.

The feelings that the dream produces, is why you really have to worry about the dream,

because this would be the purpose of the dream, alert so that the subject can reach the root of

the problem and find a solution.

Self-deception is best fulfilled with emotions and affections that with thoughts or logical

reasoning. So Adler believes that another function of dreams is the production of emotions,

which with their force push towards a solution according to our lifestyle. When the lifestyle is

in conflict with reality, the person can to produce in dreams ideas and images that in turn

provoke emotions that by their abstract character, do not understand. In dreams, the goal of the

person is the same as in State of wakefulness, but a dream pushes her towards him with greater

emotional strength.


All human beings have the characteristic of curiosity, which leads them to ask questions about

everyday life and leads them to investigate the origin of everything. Especially when

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

something happens to them frequently, as in the case of dreams. Then they are interpreted


For some the fact of interpreting the dreams becomes essential, because they consider that

these are a prediction of what brings them the future; for others, dreams are simply a biological

function, which may allow them to have a better rest, or on the contrary prevent this; other

people do not pay much attention to these perhaps because they consider it irrational to give

importance to something utopian

Giving an inferential explanation to dreams is sometimes are not the most "viable", because

occasionally dreams are simply products of tedious days, accumulated stress, problems that

occur normally, an accumulation of emotions that are reflected in dreams; perhaps for this

some dreams are feeling so real and difficult to differentiate the dreams of reality.

Dreaming is something that even most people do not control, and this can be a product of

endless motives, since when that dream comes change the perspective of a person, and that is

when the dream influences the daily life, and goes to the interpretation of the dream; when it is

considered that it gives an answer or it can predict some important event, or either because the

dream has generated so much uncertainty that it becomes a necessity to know the reason of the


Human beings have taken charge of giving importance to the interpretation of the dreams, for

this reason we relate this as the way in which it influences the daily living of each one. But you

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

have to keep in mind is something that comes from many years ago, and however it is

somewhat complex to study this dream world, due to the many factors that can alter the

normality of a person, be it anguish, uncertainty, stress, happiness, among others.

Many people believe that dreams can predict the future, or perhaps give clues to a better

development of any situation that probably this altering the normal state of the person; or there

are those who believe that dreams are products of the desires and fears that all usually possess.

It is convenient to emphasize that any position in front of the oneiric world is valid, since by

nature, human beings is to be curious, that they are interested to know about them primarily

and what happens around them since some way or another this influences them; so it could be

concluded that to seek a sense of the dream that generates intrigue, is natural.

Usually at the time of dreaming, this does not have a very vast relevance. The real importance

is given when a dream goes from being a common dream to a remarkable dream. For example,

when you dream something like that on a variety of occasions. Or when in different dreams

they have common objects or situations that compose them. When that happens, the interest in

seeking interpretation of the dream grows. And because of that people tend to fall into different

meanings that offer different sources

Intense dreams like, the death of a loved one, accidents occurred, shameful situations, etc.

They are dreams that are generally remembered more easily. Well, they become dreams with

greater relevance compared to other dreams in which the situations that compose it are routine

or monotonous moments. When you have dreams of this type, the common thing is that they

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

are shared with the outside or close people, giving them assumptions of their meaning and


At the moment of dreaming, there are many experiences; parallel and fictitious lives, events

occur completely out of context, most of which are not remembered when awakening. When

you sleep, you dream; and while that happens, the mind produces films with images and

memories, not only visual because in the dream are present the sensations with all the senses.

As has already been said, dreams can reveal desires and anxieties that people usually possess.

This point of view can be of great relevance, as it would unleash a very important element for

each one; approaching life dream with curiosity, and investigating dreams with openness and

honesty can be one more way to understand the circumstances of life and would be a way of

know yourself.

4.5 Demographic Framework

Dreams have always been topics of interest to all cultures or populations by the mystical or

disturbing of their interpretations. From the ancient Greeks, Celts, druids, or indigenous

populations, among others, have historically been recorded even in some characters in the

history of man; It is the case of some religions like the Christian one where the dreams were

revealing to many events like the announcement to the Virgin Mary; The dreams of Moses,

among others; thus also (,,,)

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Genesis 41:1-57; 42:1-8; 50:20.

This is the story about a young man named Joseph. His father's name is Jacob, and

they lived in Canaan from where his grandfather was from.

Joseph was seventeen (old enough to drive a car these days), and he had eleven

brothers; and only had one brother younger than him. Can you imagine having eleven

brothers to play with, or fight with?

Children's version Bible story: Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors Because Joseph

was one of the youngest sons, his father spent more time with him, and he became very

special to him. So Jacob had a special robe made for Joseph. (They didn't have jackets

back then, so this was a very special jacket). It was very beautiful and had every color

you could imagine in it.

All of Joseph's older brothers saw this and they got very jealous. The word jealous

means that Joseph's brothers disliked him because they thought his father liked him

more, and because he got the special coat. They got so jealous they couldn't even say a

kind word to him.

One day Joseph had a dream, and he went to go tell his brothers. He said, "Guess

what? Last night I had a strange dream. We were tying up bunches of grain out in the

field when suddenly my bunch stood up, while all of yours gathered around and bowed

to me." The brothers looked at each other in disgust, but Joseph continued. "Then I

had another dream that the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me."

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

"Who do you think you are?" The brothers said. "Do you think that you are better than

all of us? Do you think that we would ever bow down to you?" This made the brothers

dislike Joseph even more.

When he told his father about his dreams he said, "Those are strange dreams." But he

thought carefully about what Joseph had told him.

A few days later Joseph's father asked him to check on his brothers. They were in the

fields quite a distance away. So Joseph went to find them.

When the brothers saw Joseph in the distance, they made a plan to kill him. But when

Reuben, Joseph's oldest brother heard this he said, "Let's not kill him, just throw him in

a well out here in the field." He said this because he was secretly planning to come

back and rescue Joseph when the other brothers had left.

So when Joseph came to them, they took off his beautiful robe and they threw him in an

empty well. A little while later a group of people came by that were wanting to sell

some things in Egypt. One of the brothers spoke up, "Why don't we sell him to these

people, this way we never have to see him again, and we don't have to kill him."

The other brothers liked this idea, so they sold him to the people who were going to


Unfortunately Reuben had been working and hadn't seen what happened. When he

returned to the well he noticed that Joseph was gone. He had been sold to an important

man named Potiphar, an assistant to the Pharaoh of Egypt.

The rest of the brothers took Joseph's beautiful robe and dipped it in animal blood and

took it back to their father. When the father saw this he cried, "Some animal has killed

my son." And he cried for many days, so much that nobody could comfort him.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Now Joseph had started out as a slave, but the Lord was with Joseph and He helped him

do everything right. So Potiphar made him his helper, and put him in charge of

everything that he owned.

The problem came when Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph to her husband, so Potiphar

had Joseph put into jail.

The Lord was still with Joseph in jail, and the warden put Joseph in charge of all the

prisoners. He never worried because the Lord was with Joseph and helped him do

everything right.

After Joseph had been in jail for some time a cupbearer and baker to Pharaoh had been

sent there. One night each of them had a dream. They told their dreams to Joseph and

he told the cupbearer that he would soon be let out of jail. "Please tell Pharaoh about

me, and ask him to get me out of here." Joseph said.

When the cupbearer was freed he forgot about what Joseph did. So Joseph stayed in

jail for two more years. Until one day the Pharaoh had a dream, and nobody could

explain it to him. The cupbearer then remembered what Joseph had done for him, and

Joseph was brought to Pharaoh.

"Can you understand dreams?" Pharaoh asked. "I can't, but God helps me." Joseph

replied. After Pharaoh had told him his dream Joseph explained, "God is warning you.

There will be seven years when nothing will grow and there won't be any food for


"What can I do?" Pharaoh asked. "God has shown you what to do. There will be

seven years before the bad years that will be very good. So good that there will be

extra food for everyone. So you should save a little bit of each year’s harvest, that way

you will have enough to get you through the bad years." Joseph said.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Pharaoh believed all that Joseph told him, and put him in charge of all the land of


People came from all countries to buy grain from Joseph, because the whole world was

in need of food. Some of those people were Joseph's brothers. When his brothers

came, Joseph recognized them, but they did not know who he was. (It had been over 10

years since they had seen him).

The brothers all bowed to him because he was an important person. Just as he dreamed

they would at the beginning.

After a few meetings with his brothers he could not keep it in any longer and Joseph

said to his brothers, "I am Joseph! Is my father alive?" But his brothers couldn't

answer him because they were afraid. Then Joseph said, "Come here. I am your

brother, the one you sold! Do not worry, and do not be angry at yourselves for selling

me, because God has put me here to save people from starving."

So his father, his brothers, and their families came to live in Egypt with Joseph, and

they had all the food they needed.

5. Chapter 2 Instituto Técnico Francisco José De Caldas


an institution of official character that offers its services to students of preschool, primary,

secondary basic and technical medium, in day time (morning and afternoon). Address: Carrera

23 # 35 – 58 in the city of Manizales.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Pic1. Institute Francisco José De Caldas.

Pic2. Geographic Position Institute Técnico Francisco José De Caldas

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life


1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 2 never 2
sometimes 16 sometimes 17
yes 4 yes 2
always 0 always 1
22 22

By making an analysis between the smallest and the largest result, it was possible to conclude
that most of the time women find coincidences between their dreams and their reality.
Sometimes, men and women correlate, but do not establish relationships between their dreams
and their personality.

Graphic 2

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 3 never 4
sometimes 9 sometimes 11
yes 9 yes 7
always 1 always 0
22 22

When making an analysis of the graph, both genders mainly relate their dreams to the
environment, because the activities they develop are generally stored in the unconscious and,
therefore, their dreams are generated.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Graphic 3

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 1 never 1
sometimes 11 sometimes 4
yes 8 yes 14
always 2 always 3
22 22

Women tend to remember their dreams more because they tend to be more detailed. However,
men also show some interest, but in small quantities because they generally reflect a certain

Graphic 4

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 12 never 8
sometimes 6 sometimes 7
yes 2 yes 7
always 2 always 0
22 22

Women tend to remember their dreams more because they tend to be more detailed. However,

men also show some interest, albeit in smaller numbers, because they usually reflect some


How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Graphic 5

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 1 never 4
sometimes 8 sometimes 3
yes 11 yes 12
always 2 always 3
22 22

Both men and women relate their dreams

to their lives due to the real information
and illusions accumulated in their brains during the vigil. On other occasions there are no real-
life situations in dreams, due to the ability of humans to create fictional images.

Graphic 6

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 11 never 4
sometimes 6 sometimes 12
yes 4 yes 5
always 1 always 1
22 22

Women tend to look for the meaning of their dreams sometimes when they think they represent
something relevant in their lives. Instead, men do not seek the meaning of their dreams,
because although they relate their dreams to their daily lives, they do not pay attention to the
way in which dreams can influence their reality.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Graphic 7

1. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 5 never 5
sometimes 9 sometimes 4
yes 7 yes 10
always 1 always 3
22 22

Both men and women who have their

dreams are important in their daily lives because their children are the reflection of the

unconscious, feelings, thoughts, worries and personal fears; and they live with them daily.

Although the number of "yes" and "sometimes" options are constant in both sexes, the female

gender tends to respond more consistently.

Graphic 8

2. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 8 never 6
sometimes 11 sometimes 3
yes 2 yes 10
always 1 always 3
22 22

Women's dreams tend to be more

repetitive, while men's dreams often repeat themselves, but it is less frequent, since women

tend to be more detailed and analytical in this regard than men, because they show indifference

in these matters.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

Graphic 9

3. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 7 never 3
sometimes 10 sometimes 7
yes 3 yes 8
always 2 always 4
22 22

Women often communicate their

dreams more with the different people

in their environment, while men do not, perhaps because women generally express their

emotions or thoughts more frequently, since they have a greater ability to communicate and

talk to Unlike men, who are generally more reserved An emotional environment.

Graphic 10

4. Men Women

Answers Qty Answers Qty

never 9 never 1
sometimes 6 sometimes 14
yes 4 yes 6
always 3 always 1
22 22
According to the graph, it can be

concluded that women have a higher

relationship between their last acts or

thoughts and their dreams because they probably have a more extensive routine before going to

sleep. Although men also seem to be involved in this relationship, this is to a small extent.

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life

7. Evaluation & Conclusion:

7.1 Women in a higher percentage than men, in the surveys conducted at Francisco José de

Caldas School, relates their dreams to everyday life, and connects many factors of events to

what they have dreamt. Mostly this happens because women, for the most part, are more

sentimental, and connect their heart and thoughts with details that give beauty, or on the

contrary, they see beyond negative things, because when it comes to spiritual things, women

tend to romanticize everything.

7.2 Women in a higher percentage than men, in the surveys conducted at the Francisco José de

Caldas School, tend to communicate their daily events to their partners, with whom they share

their daily lives and have more affinity, for their common preferences.

7.3 . It was discovered that women of the Franciscan institute José de Caldas mostly relate their

last actions to the projections of their dreams that resemble the reality of their life with the

fantasy they have in the moments of dreaming, because they create an affective relationship

with their environment and their everyday actions.

7.4 Men do not relate their feelings with dreams as they do not see them reflected with their

reality because they are more emotionally distant than women. Therefore, they are more likely

to have dreams without connotative meanings because they just give an unconscious

manifestation of their dreams.

7.5 From the previous appointment as most of the time we spend it looking for an explanation

to our behavior within the society (either at the time of making a decision according to a

situation or circumstance), this uncertainty can be seen reflected in our dreams making us

believe that through these we can find an answer to all our questions,

How Important Are Dreams In Your Life


SHIELDS, Linda & SKOMAL, Leonore (October 4, 2011). 12000 Dreams Interpreted.
ROBERT A, Jhonson (Sep 1, 2009) Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for
Personal Growth Paperback
SIGMOUND, Freud, (Feb 23, 2010) the Interpretation of Dreams: The Complete and
Definitive Text Paperback
LARRY, BURK & and O’KEEFE, Kathleen, (April 17, 2018) Dreams That Can Save Your
Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases
1. Moss says (2015),Y sabemos que en los sueños podemos compartir las vidas de otra gente, saber cómo es vivir sus vidas, saber cómo es
andar con sus zapatos. No podemos hacerles daño, incluso ser indiferente para con ellos como lo hacemos de otra manera. Y sabemos que
soñar es una dimensión más profunda de la realidad, un mundo real, quizás más real que el mundo cotidiano, antes de ser un mundo de
fantasía. Entonces traer magia de aquel mundo a este, y volver a llenar de encanto nuestra vida. (pag.7)
2. According to MiSabueso (n.d.),
Desde la antigüedad los sueños han sido considerados una forma de contacto con la divinidad y la mejor forma de vaticinar eventos futuros.
Los sueños nos traen cada noche universos insólitos, personajes misteriosos, visiones infernales o angelicales, episodios maravillosos que no
podríamos vivir despiertos. Soñar es abrir una puerta de la mente. Todas las esperanzas, ambiciones, deseos, miedos, fantasmas, amigos,
tiempos buenos y malos residen allí, son parte de la mente primitiva y constituyen una vía de acceso a realidades que están más allá del alcance
de la lógica, han sido objeto de estudio a través de los siglos y forman una parte importante del psicoanálisis moderno.(pag. 5)

3. According to Copado (2013) “Hasta la fecha la Onirología es menospreciada por muchas personas, pues si bien tiene bases muy
fundamentadas, mucho de lo que ocurre en nuestra mente es casi inalcanzable y no hay forma exacta de interpretar los datos que se obtienen
por medio de análisis de ondas cerebrales.” (pag.4)

4. According to euroresidentes (n.d)

En el momento que dejamos a nuestra mente libre para que pueda descansar, enseñar, advertir, desahogarse. Nuestro cerebro pone en marcha
un mecanismo de alerta y defensa y nuestro subconsciente nos enfrenta a situaciones que nos dan miedo y evitamos. Entender el significado de
nuestros sueños nos puede ayudar a reconocer lo que nos preocupa y enfrentarnos a nuestros miedos y temores

5“Para Marina Bueno, profesora en la facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, los diccionarios de interpretación de
sueños son "pura ignorancia y falta de cultura puesto que los significados son sólo individuales y depende de lo que asocie cada persona".

6. According to LaNación (n.d) “En el 90% de los casos, los sueños son el reflejo de las circunstancias personales (preocupaciones, deseos,
miedos) de las personas, explica Héctor González Ordi, profesor de la Universidad Complutense.”(pag 12)

7. According to CNN (2013)

Sigmund Freud afirmaba que los sueños nos sirven para cumplir nuestros mayores deseos. Robert Stickgold, profesor de Psiquiatría y director
del Centro para el Sueño y la Cognición de la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, cree que los sueños "nos permiten, dentro de un marco
experimental consciente, imaginar acontecimientos y sus consecuencias"


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