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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Learning Strand Number 2

I. Objectives

a. Describe the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere. (LS2SC-


Across: Shows willingness to help and care for the environment: (LS5DS-ID-PSA-

 Avoid destroying plants

 Take care of animals

Within: Describe the interrelationships among plants, animals and other organisms
concerning their food. (LS2SC-AS-PSB-BL/LE/AE-19.30)

Learning Tasks

A. Topic: Levels of Biological Organization

B. Materials: Power Point Presentation,
For the Activity: Chipboard and Pictures
C. Value Focus: Give importance to plants and animals
D. References:


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

o Preliminary Activities

 Everybody please stand up and let us The learners will stand up and pray.

 Good afternoon class. Good afternoon ma’am.

o Motivation

 So, before we start, let’s have a short .

game first!

So are you ready? Representatives get


Now, arrange yourselves according to:

1. Height Students do so.
2. Age
3. Length of your hair
4. Skin Color

Announcing the Winners!

(After the activity)

So thank you for cooperating class, you

may take you seats!
o Presentation

 Based on our game a while ago, I will

ask you class about your observation on
our activity.

(Selecting of at least 3 students to share Possible Answer:

their observations) They are arranging themselves base on their
height etc.

 I can see that all of you know how to

arrange yourselves based on your own
structures like your height, measures,
colors as well as your age. Now to sum
up our game today, you werw
organizing based on what I want you to
organize themselves.

 So there is a keyword here, “Organize”.

Our game is only an organization base
on your structure.
But do you know class, that living
things also has their levels of
organization? No, maam.

 If that’s the case class, then be with me

this afternoon as we go tackle about the
“Levels of Biological Organization”

 Who can read to the class our

objectives for this afternoon? At the end of the lesson the learners are
expected to:

1. Describe the different levels of

biological organization from cell to

Alright, thank you.

o Activity
 Pre- Activity

 Now, let’s have a group

activity. You already have your
permanent groupings right?

 I have here 4 envelopes.

Each group will have an
activity to do. Just
follow the instructions

 After you finished your

activity, each group will
choose a representative
to discuss your work in
front of the class.
 I just want to remind
you the standards of our

 Present the standards for Give thoughtful feedback

group activity and the Respect others
learner will read it. On task, all the time
Use soft voices
Participate actively
Stay with your group

 Choose a reporter to
explain your work in

 (Students will be doing their activity)

 Activity Proper
Card Sorting Activity

The learners will be given cards containing

pictures and description of the levels of
organization. The students will sort the "Levels
of Biological Organication" cards, matching
each level of organization (picture card) with
the corresponding definition card and paste it
on the cartolina provided.

 Post-Activity  The learners will present their work in

the class.


 In your activity, what is the basic unit  Cell.

of all living things?

 What have you observed in the  It is composed of different parts.

illustration of a cell?

 Very good.

 Who can go to the board and paste in

our pyramid the first level of our
biological organization?

 Thank you. What is next to the cell?

 Tissue.
 How will you describe a tissue?
 It is a combination of similar cells that
work together to perform a specific
 Who can go to the board and paste the
next level of biological organization?

 How about if the tissues work together

to perform a specific function?  It is called an organ.
 Can you give me any example of an
organ?  Heart, Lungs etc.

 Very good? Who can go to the board

and paste the next level of biological

 What is next after the organs?

 Organ Systems ma’am.
 Why do you think organ system is next
to organs?  Because it is a collection of organs that
work together to perform a specific
 Who can give me an example of an
organ system that we had already  Digestive System ma’am.

 Very good. Now, who can go to the

board and paste the next level of
biological organization.

 Thank you. Now, if the different organ

systems work together, what will it  An organism ma’am.

 Give me an example of an organism.

 Human, ma’am.
 Very good. Now look at the picture
what have you observed?
 There are group of human beings
 Very good. When organisms are ma’am.
grouped together it forms what?
 Population ma’am.


 How many levels in a biological  10, maam.

organization are there all in all?

 Who can enumerate all those?  Cell-Tissue-Organ-Organ System-


 Answers may vary. Let the students
 What is the importance of biological
defend their answers.
levels of organization?

Direction: Compare the Life Cycle of the Frog, Butterfly and Mosquito by filling in the table



Prepared by:

Markee Joyce O. Galan

Teacher 1

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