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"A + Coffee" Coffee Shop Business is a business that is engaged in selling coffee
with a mainstay menu namely Avocado Coffee. Therefore, we named this shop "Kopi
A +" which will be the hallmark of our business. Since this business requires a large
area of land to build its business, the initial plan for the development of this business
will be carried out at the Spazzio Hotel which will be located on JL. Dwi Sri,kuta.
This business will be marketed through social media by utilizing technology that
is currently developing. The general marketing target of this business is all groups,
from the lower class, middle class until the upper class, especially those who are our
main target, namely students who are in the vicinity of Kuta. This product is sold with
prices ranging from Rp. 7,000 to Rp. 15,000, depending on the type of coffee ordered.
With a relatively cheap price plus many variants that have not existed before, so
creating Caffee Shop business “A+” will develops very rapidly.


A. Background
Kuta is a city that is the center of tourism in Bali as evidenced by the large number
of tourists that become a meeting point for tourists from foreign countries. Thus,
many tourists from various parts of the world gather in Bali for a vacation.Tourists
who are coming here have purpose for having fun, enjoying leisure time, and
pampering themselves, both because of responsibilities and work. Refreshing your
mind for a moment by enjoying a cup of coffee might be able to remove the burden.
Coffee connoisseurs are usually among men while women rarely enjoy coffee
brew that has a mediocre taste. Therefore, we are here to overcome all of this, we
open the "A +" Coffee Shop so that the enjoyment of coffee is not only enjoyed by
men but women can also feel it, with the addition of Tea and fruit, of course it can
provide a sensation of more enjoyment and coffee can be enjoyed by all parties. With
a friendly price, it certainly adds to the customer's interest to buy and feel the pleasure
of this coffee, fruit and tea.
B.Business Form

This form of business is engaged in selling coffee drinks with fruit and tea sold through
the size of 8 x 8 meters where consumers can enjoy coffee in cold or warm conditions.

C. Establishment of business

Capital is very important in business development, so we can realize this business in

January 2020 as well as intensifying promotions because this month is the beginning of
the year where many tourists go on vacation in Bali.


A. Product Advantages
The advantages of this product including:
1. Served in cup or in plastic cup / glass for consumption at Coffee Shop
2. Many fruit flavors such as Avocado, Capuccino, Thai Tea and Americano and
original flavored coffee (sugar, milk, chocolate) with cream topping
3. Can be consumed by all people, both men and women, both old, young and children
because it contains vitamins that are in it
4. Affordable prices for tourists
5. Can determine your own sweetness level of coffee

B. Potential Business Development

For the potential development of this A + coffee is very large because this coffee is different
from other coffees in JL. Dwi Sri becaouse there is no take away and Stay coffee concept
in there. With the rapid sales of our products, so in the medium term we want to add a
large enough coffee shop that can be used to hang out for teenagers who want to hang out
with their friends. In addition, in the long run we want to open branches in various cities
nearby, especially locations close to the bustling tourist because it has enormous potential
to establish a business that allows the target consumer is tourists.
2.2 marketing

A. Marketing Analisys

1. 1Geographical Segments
2. Our business is located in Jl. Dwi Sri Kuta which is full of tourists, starting from
foreign countries and domestic.
3. Demographic Segments
4. The A + coffee that we produce is universal and can be consumed by all groups of
people, both men and women, regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, age, etc.
5. 3. Psychographic Segments
6. Tourists with a variety of behaviors, social classes, manifestations and personalities
can enjoy fruit coffee, because Avocado coffee is a beverage that contains fiber and
vitamins for health.
B. Marketing Strategy
1. price Strategy
The pricing method for the A + coffee product that we use is the Mark Up Price Method.
In this method, the selling price per unit is determined by calculating the total cost plus a
certain amount to cover the desired profit on the unit (margin). We set margins with the
desired percentage of profit based on the total cost spent for making A + coffee.
This A + coffee is a new product on the market, so we established an effective pricing
strategy in this introductory phase, namely the penetration pricing strategy, which
provides low prices to create market share.
2. promotion strategy
The promotion method that we use is the Promotion Mix. The strategy we use between
personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion and public relations and Free Opening
of 200 cups. We will launch A + coffee products through print media containing
pamphlets and through social media, such as Facebook, line and order to
our products can be known by the general public and outside tourists
3. distribution strategy
The distribution determination strategy that we use is the Channel Structure and
Distribution Mix Strategy. This strategy calculates the amount of participation used to
obtain goods from producers to consumers. The alternative chosen can be direct
distribution or indirect distribution. We use alternative direct and indirect distribution,
where we support and market our products as producers directly to consumers and use
Go-Jek, and Grab.
4. positioning strategy
The positioning method that we will use on A + coffee products is the concept of function
method and learning More for More. Method The concept of function raises the
functional needs of A + coffee products, while A + coffee products are healthy and
economical beverage products.The positioning strategy that we use is positioning based
on product categories, prices and distribution. We display A + coffee products with
practical, hygienic packaging at very affordable prices. We also make it easy for
customers to get A + coffee products with time efficiency and good service.

A. Organizational Structure
1. Investor Sponsor

B. Job Description

1. Sponsor
a. As a person who helps with the capital needed
b. Is a person who helps start a business
c. As Main Capital
2. Owner Finacial Controller
c. as a person who makes coffee and new menus


We received the initial capital from the Sponsor, with details:

Personal savings Asia 3500 US

The capital needed to run this A+ coffee shop business is less than Rp35,980,000.
The details are as follows:
1. Rent a place of business Rp 2.000.000
2. Establishment of a business booth Rp 200.000
3. Equipment Rp 15.000.000
4. Ingredients Rp 2.500.000
5. Etc Rp 12.500.000 +
Total Rp 32,500.000

A. Current Financial Condition

1. Profit Projection
Sales Target Table in One Day

Types of products Product Price

No (Rp) Target sold Total (Rp)
1 Thai Tea 7.000 30 210.000
2 Milk Shake 10.000 5 50.000
Chocolate Coffee
3 Cream 10.000 10 80.000
4 Americano 8.000 8 64.000
5 Avocado Coffee 15.000 8 120.000
6 Cappucino 15.000 8 120.000
7 Espresso and toping 3.000 30 60.000
8 Mocacino 15.000 10 120.000
Total 67 824.000

Total Rp 824.000
Expenditure calculation
Fixed fee (in 1 day) = Rp 824.000
expenses (in 1 day) = Rp 480.000 -
Total cost (Rp 495.000)
profit Rp 344.000
2. Balik Modal

This business was founded by 2 people, then the profit is given with a percentage
of 60%: 40% according to the initial capital contribution of the business establishment.
Seeing the condition of the business that was just started, we only took a few of our
savings every month, we took Rp 1,000,000 during the first month.
1 month profit :Rp 105.000 x 30 hari = Rp 3.150.000
2 month profit:Rp 105.000 x 30 hari = Rp 3.150.000 +
Total Rp 6.300.000

Employee salary is 1,900,000 x 2 months (Rp 3.800.000)

2 month profit Rp 4.300.000
Equipment and investment Rp 15.750.000
The rest after return on investment Rp 2.550.000

Then, we can return the initial capital in less time

more for 6 months after starting production.

B. Funding Plans for the Future

We hope our business will continue to grow and be able to achieve our long goal of
establishing another branch outside Kuta. For this purpose to be agreed, we will soon be
looking for investors who receive this assistance together. Mute investors.

No Jenis Kegiatan Month

1 2 3 4 5
Develop a Business Plan
1 Market Survey
Price and Supplier Survey
• L ocation Survey
2 Equipment Preparation
3 Buy Raw Materials
Production Trial
4 Trial production
5 Business Ready to Operate
6 Marketing
7 Manage Business
8 Monthly Consultation and Reports

Business Development Preparation


A. Personal identity
1 Name Abdul Rachman
2 Gendre Laki-laki
3 Main study program Pariwisata
4 Place and date of birth Makassar, 6 April 1997
5 E-mail
6 Number Phone 08989986268

B. Educational background
Elementary school Junior high Senior High School
Name SD Lapasu SMP Al-Fityan SMA Pembagunan
Majors - - University of Tourism
Years 200 – 2012 2012 – 2015 2015 - 2020
C. experience
No Name of activity Job Desk Time and Place
1 Mercure Bali Nusa Dua HRD Receptors and December-Juli 2019 in
trainee managing human Mercure Hotel

All data that I fill in and listed in this biodata is true and can be legally accounted
for. If later it turns out that there is a discrepancy with this reality, I am able to accept
sanctions. Thus this biodata was actually made by me to fulfill one of the requirements
in submitting a Business Proposal.

Denpasar cty, 20 april 2019


(Abdul Rachman)

A. Equipment and Investment

No Justification quantity Total (Rp)
Component (Rp)
for use

Stand 1 200.000 200.000
1 site
2 Cup Hot Coffee 20 6.000 120.000
3 Glass Cool Coffee 20 5.000 100.000
stirring the
Spoon 30 3.000 90.000
4 coffee
5 Dispenser Take water 1 115.000 115.000
6 Gallon Water storage 3 15..000 45.000

Gas cylinder + Make Tea 1 115.000 115.000

7 contents
Burning 1 120.000 120.000
8 Gas stove
2 45.000 90.000
9 Pan Boil water
Store ground
Toples 8 10.000 80.000
10 coffee
Store glasses
Glass rack & spoon 1 125.000 125.000
11 and spoons
Sub total (Rp) 1.200.000
B. Operating costs
1. Fixed fee (in one month)
Justification Unit price
No Component quantity Total (Rp)
for used (Rp)
Place of
business 1 2.000.000 2.000.000
Sewa tempat usaha
1 establishment

Retrieval of 1 100.000 100.000

Transportation costs
2 raw materials

Promotion 1 100.000 100.000

Marketing costs
3 product
Total 2.200.000

2. Variable costs (in one day)

No Komponen Justification kuantitas Price Total(Rp)
for used (Rp)
1 Bahan Baku :
a. Avocado 0,5 kg 70.000 175.000
b. Arabica Coffee 1 kg 115.000 115.000
0,5 kg 70.000 35.000
Robusta coffee
d. Sugar 1 kg 14.000 14.000
e. White milk 2 kaleng 9.000 18.000
f. Chocolate milk 2 kaleng 9.000 18.000
g. Creamer 0,5 kg 60.000 30.000
h. Ice Cube 2 bongkah 10.000 20.000
i. Mineral water 2 galon 5.000 10.000
Sub-total 435.000
2 Bahan pendukung
a. Cup Plastic 60 buah 250 15.000
Straw 2 pak 7.000 14.000
d. Plastic 2 pak 8.000 16.000
Sub-total 45.000
Total 480.000


Kopi A + is a beverage creation that we make by giving various flavors and shapes
that are unique and new. Our product aims to provide opportunities for the public to be
able to enjoy coffee with a variety of flavors that contain many health benefits for the
body both consumed by children, adolescents and the elderly. The marketing process in
the initial stage we do through word of mouth, then the next stage is done through social
media such as Facebook, line, Instagram and blogs. The price we set is quite affordable
by the people especially for tourists.

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