Earthn Life 1 ST

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I. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the following branches of science studies the universe?

A. Chemistry B. Physics C. Cosmology D.Astrology

2. It is the most acceptable theory about the formation of the universe.

A. Open universe B.Big Bang C.Steady State D. Nebular

3. What are the largest bodies formed after the collision?

A. Stars B. Jupiter C.Corona D.Planetisimals

4. Which of the following is not part of the layer of the Earth?

A. Crust B. Asthenosphere C. Troposphere D. Core

5. The layer of earth which consists of solid nickel and iron.

A. Crust B. mantle C. inner core D. outer core

6. Knowing about the effect of higher altitude to air temperature in troposphere, what would you do when climbing

A. Bring umbrella B. bring wear jackets C. bring enough food D. bring flashlight

7. What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. Argon B. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen

8. What is the correct order of Earth’s atmospheric layer from bottom to top?

A. Stratosphere,mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere

B. Mesosphere, Stratosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, exosphere

C. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere

D. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere

9. Why is the presence of ozone layer in the stratosphere important for survival of living things on earth?

A. It warms earth surface C. It makes jet flying more comfortable

B. It helps in cloud formation D. Offers protection from sun’s harmful UV rays

10. The solid outer section of the Earth is referred to as the ____________.

A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. hydrosphere D. Lithosphere

11. The closest star to earth aside from the sun is 4.2 ________ away.

A. Light years B. miles C.kilometer D. Astronomical units

12. This theory successfully explains the expansion of the universe and the observed abundance of helium in the

A. Big Bang Theory B. Steady state Theory C. open universe D. none of the above

13. He discovered that galaxies of the universe are moving apart.

A. Edwin Hubble B. Georges Lemaitre C. Nick Copernicus D.Isaac Newton

14. ____________ is a theory which states that about 14 billion years ago all of the contents of the universe gathered
under extreme pressure, temperature, and density into a tiny spot and exploded.

A. Big Bang Theory B. Steady state Theory C. open universe D. none of the above

15.Absorption spectra shift to red with retreat of the emitter is called _______.

A.Blue shift B. Red shift C.Green Shift D.Night shift

16.It is the currently accepted argument about how a Solar System can form.

A. Nebular hypothesis B.Planetissimal C. Tidal D. Double star

17. Our sun is just one in many millions of stars in a group of stars called _____.

A. Black hole B. Universe C. Galaxy system

18. The hardest mineral is the______.

A. Calcite B. diamond C. talc D. Quartz

20. The only rock that floats on water.

A. Gypsum B. Pumice C. basalt D. Gabbro

21. A type of rock that that is formed through cooling of melt inside or outside the earth.

A.Igneous B.Sedimentary C. Metamorphic D. Glass

22. It refers to the property of minerals to break into planes weakness.

A. Hardness B. Color C. Luster D. cleavage

23. When layers are piled together and pressure is applied what type of rock is formed?

A. Metamorphic rock B. Sedimentary C. Igneous D. Mineral

24. What is it called when a mineral easily splits along a flat surface?

A. Fossil B. Streak C. Cleavage D. Luster

25. What is the test called that leaves behind a powder of a mineral?

A. Weight B. cleavage C. streak D. scratch

26. The way a mineral shine is through its ______.

A. Color B. Luster C. hardness D. Cleavage

27. When one type of rock changes to form another type of rock is called a _____.

A. Shells B. Weathering C. Rock cycle D. meteorites

28. If something is no longer living but has left behind its marks in the rocks,it is known as ____.

A. Fossil B. Mountain C. Mineral D. sedimentary rock

29. What can be use to identify a mineral?

A. Streak,cleavage,color C. size,color,streak

B.Streak,cleavage,luster D. color,luster,streak

30.Which property is used to determine if it is metallic or non metallic?

A. Color B.Cleavage C. Luster D. streak

31. What is the process where sediments are dropped off in a new location?
A. Deposition B. Transport C. Compaction D. Cementation

32. Which of the following anthropogenic activities has resulted in an increased rate of
A. The release of too much carbon dioxide in the air that turns rain into “acid rain.”
B. The physical disintegration of rocks during construction and mining.
C. Both A and B
D. D. Neither A nor B

33. Which of the following produces carbonic acid?

A. Plant roots B. Bacteria that feed on plant and animal remains
B. Carbon dioxide dissolving in rain water D. All of these

34. What is the term for the general process by which rocks are broken down at the earth’s
A. Deposition B. Erosion C. Metamorphism D. Weathering

35. Which of the following statements about weathering is FALSE?

A. Rocks of different compositions weather at different rates.
B. Alternating hot and cold temperatures increase the rate of chemical weathering.
C. The presence of soil slows down the weathering of the underlying bedrock.
D. The longer a rock is exposed at the surface, the more weathered it becomes.

36. In which of the following climates will chemical weathering be most rapid?
A. Cold and dry B. Cold and humid C. Hot and dry D. Hot and humid

37. In which type of environment would you most likely to observe wind erosion?
A. A hot desert B.A high mountain C. A thick forest D. A rocky sea shore

38. What is most likely to happen in nearby areas when edges of crustal plates collide or rub
against each other?
A. There will be a breaking up of the ground forming faults.
B. Nearby areas are subjected to different weights of the layers.
C. There will be changes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere in the earth.
D. Nearby areas become locations of mountain formation and earthquake origins

39. What is the process referring to the sinking of ocean floor beneath the deep ocean trench and
back into the mantle?
A. Conduction B. Continental drift C. Convection D. Subduction

40. Which of the following was not used by Wegener as evidence of continental drift?
A. The geometric fit of the continents C. Magnetic anomalies on the sea floor.
B. Fossils common to many continents. D. Evidence of glaciation on widely separated continents.
41. . What does the geologic time scale represent?
A. History of the universe C. the age of the earth
B.development of life 4.6 billion years ago D. fossil record

42. What do scientists think the first life form was?

A. Insects B. Blue green bacteria C. Dinosaurs D. mammals

43. What is a fossil?

A. Remains or traces of an organism that lived long ago
B. An imprint or hollow in a rock,shaped like an organism
C. A mold filled with hardened sediments
D. Hardened tree sap

44. What part of an organisms are most likely to become fossilized?

A. Bones B. Teeth C. Shells D. all of the above

45. Why do scientist study fossils?

A. They are clue to earth’s evolutionary history C. Neither A or B
B. To determine organisms maybe ancestors of present day D. Both A and B

46. Fossils can show how the earth _____ has changed over time.
A. Mountain ranges B. Core C. Ozone Layer D. Climate

47. How can the relative age of fossils and rock layers be determined?
A. What area of the world the rock layer is found in
B.. How many fossils are found in the rock layer
C. What type of rock is present
D. The law of superposition

48. The rock cycle includes the formation of new sediment and rocks and that are often found in layers with the oldest
generally on the ____________.
A. Top B. Bottom C.Igneous rock D. none of the above

49. This era is said to be the age of reptiles.

A. PreCambrian B. Paleozoic C. Mesozoic D. Cenozoic

50. A natural fuel that was formed from the remains of once living organisms.
A. Wood B. Fossil fuel C. Diamonds D. Uranium

II. Essay. 51-60. Answer the following statements briefly but substantially.(10pts)

51-55. Explain why the earth can support life?How can you treasure and take care of the things around you?(5pts)

56-60. As a student,how can you help the government conserve the mineral resources that the Philippine have?Give
some ways and specific project or program that could help the government. (5pts)

******Good luck and God bless*******

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