Heat Exercises

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1. The following amounts of energy in joules are needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg
of different materials, A, B, C and D, by 1 oC:
A. 4000 B. 960 C. 450 D. 390
a. Which material has the highest specific heat capacity? ...
b. What is the thermal capacity of 2 kg of substance C?....
c. thermal capacity=…

2. A hot stone is dropped into a bucket of cold water. Circle the statement that is untrue.
a) Heat flows from the stone to the water.
b) Heat flows from the water to the stone.
c) The average kinetic energy of the molecules in the water increases.
d) The stone and the water reach a common temperature.
e) The internal energy of the stone decreases.

3. Explain why a metal object at room temperature feels cold compared to a plastic
object at the same temperature.

4. Circle the one correct answer below.

We feel the heat from a coal fi re by:
A. convection B. conduction C. expansion D. radiation

5. Use the following words to fill in the spaces in the paragraph below.
electromagnetic energy fluid higher lower
radiation temperature thermal
Conduction is the transfer of .. energy through matter from places of . . . . . . . . .
temperature to places of ............... temperature without movement of the matter as a
whole. Convection is the transfer of thermal .................. through a fluid from places of
higher . To places of lower temperature by movement of the .... In ..... , thermal energy
is transferred from one place to another by means of .. . .. waves; no medium is

6. A cup of coffee is heated in a microwave oven. The mass of the liquid is 70 g and its
specific heat capacity is 4000J/kg oC. Calculate the energy needed to raise the
temperature of the coffee by 60 oC.
energy required = ................................................ J

7. How much thermal energy is needed to raise the temperature of 50 g of water at 0 oC

to 100 oC? Take the specific heat capacity of water to be 4.2 J/g oC.
thermal energy needed =…….

8. Two copper blocks are immersed in hot water until they reach the same temperature.
The blocks are identical except that block A is painted black and block B has a shiny
surface. When the two blocks are removed from the hot water and placed well
separated on a wooden board, which block cools faster? Explain your answer.
(hint : This question is about radiation)


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