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Q1 The agro promotion bank is trying to select investment portfolio for a cotton farmer.

The bank has chosen a set of five investment with subjective estimates of rates of return and risk as follows:-

Investement Annual Rate Risk

Tax free Municipal Bond 6% 1.3
Corporate Bond 8% 1.5
Common Stock 5% 1.9
Mutual Funnd 7% 1.7
Real Estate 15% 2.7

The bank officer woul like to maximize the average annual rate of the return on the portfolio. However the wealthy
investor has specified that the average risk of the portfolio should not exceed 2 and investment in real estate shoul
exceed 20% of the total investment.

Q2 A mutual fund company has Rs 20 lakhs available for investmen. The mutual fund is required to keep atleast Rs 2 la
in short term deposit and not to exceed average risk factor of 42. Speculative stocks must be atmost 20% of the tot
amount invested.

Investement Annual Rate Risk

Government bond 14% 12
Blue Chip stock 19% 24
Speculative stock 23% 48
Short Term Deposit 12% 6

Q3 Mr Krishnan Murthy recently received his retirement benfits. He is contemplating as to how much funds he should
in various alternatives so as to maximize return on investment. The data on the return on investment, the no. of ye
for which the funds will be blocked to earn this return on investment and estimated risk is mentioned below.

Investment Return No. of years Risk

Government Security 6% 15 1
Company deposit 15% 3 3
Equity Shares 20% 6 7
Time Deposit 10% 3 1
NSC 12% 6 7
Real Estate 25% 10 2

He has decided that the average risk should not be more than 4 and the funds should not be locked up for
more than 15 years.
and risk as follows:-

olio. However the wealthy

stment in real estate should not

ired to keep atleast Rs 2 lakhs

t be atmost 20% of the total

ow much funds he should invest

n investment, the no. of years
is mentioned below.

t be locked up for
Q1 The agro promotion bank is trying to select investment portfolio for a cotton farmer.
The bank has chosen a set of five investment with subjective estimates of rates of return and risk as foll

Investement Annual Rate Risk

Tax free Municipal Bond 6% 1.3
Corporate Bond 8% 1.5
Common Stock 5% 1.9
Mutual Funnd 7% 1.7
Real Estate 15% 2.7

The bank officer woul like to maximize the average annual rate of the return on the portfolio. However t
investor has specified that the average risk of the portfolio should not exceed 2 and investment in real e
exceed 20% of the total investment.

Investment Tax free Municipal Bond Corporate Bond Common Stock
Variable X1 X2 X3
Annual Rate 6% 8% 5%
Risk 1.3 1.5 1.9
Answer 0 0.8 0

Objective function
Maximize 0.094

1 1
Risk 1.74 <= 2
0.2 <= 0.2

None Negativity Constraints

a cotton farmer.
es of rates of return and risk as follows:-

e return on the portfolio. However the wealthy

ot exceed 2 and investment in real estate should not

Mutual Fund Real Estate

X4 X5
7% 15%
1.7 2.7
0 0.2
Q2 A mutual fund company has Rs 20 lakhs available for investmen. The mutual fund is required to keep atle
in short term deposit and not to exceed average risk factor of 42. Speculative stocks must be atmost 20%
amount invested.

Investement Annual Rate Risk

Government bond 14% 12
Blue Chip stock 19% 24
Speculative stock 23% 48
Short Term Deposit 12% 6

Investment Government bond Blue Chip stock Speculative stock
Variable X1 X2 X3
Annual Rate 14% 19% 23%
Risk 12 24 48
Answer 0

Objective function
Maximize 0

0 2000000
Risk 0 <= 0
0 <= 0
0 >= 200000
None Negativity Constraints

Solver Solution

Investment Government bond Blue Chip stock Speculative stock

Variable X1 X2 X3
Annual Rate 14% 19% 23%
Risk 12 24 48
Answer 0 1400000 400000

Objective function
Maximize 382000

2000000 2000000
Risk 54000000 <= 84000000
400000 <= 400000
200000 >= 200000
None Negativity Constraints
und is required to keep atleast Rs 2 lakhs
stocks must be atmost 20% of the total

Short Term Deposit


Short Term Deposit

Q3 Mr Krishnan Murthy recently received his retirement benfits. He is contemplating as to how much funds h
in various alternatives so as to maximize return on investment. The data on the return on investment, the
for which the funds will be blocked to earn this return on investment and estimated risk is mentioned belo

Investment Return No. of years

Government Security 6% 15
Company deposit 15% 3
Equity Shares 20% 6
Time Deposit 10% 3
NSC 12% 6
Real Estate 25% 10

He has decided that the average risk should not be more than 4 and the funds should not be locked up for
more than 15 years.


Investment Government Security Company deposit Equity Shares
Variable X1 X2 X3
Annual Rate 6% 15% 20%
Risk 1 3 7
No of Years 15 3 6
Answer 0 0.375 0.325

Objective function
Maximize 0.19625

1 1
Risk 4 <= 4
6.075 <= 15
0.3 <= 0.3
None Negativity Constraints
ntemplating as to how much funds he should invest
ata on the return on investment, the no. of years
and estimated risk is mentioned below.


he funds should not be locked up for

Time Deposit NSC Real Estate

X4 X5 X6
10% 12% 25%
1 7 2
3 6 10
0 0 0.3

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