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signs as types of chill

"never really understands whats going on so they just kinda go with the
flow" type chill: PISCES, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius,

"physically and emotionally exhausted but people mistake it for chill"

type chill: VIRGO, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn

"woke af but hopeless" type chill: AQUARIUS, Cancer

"just chill" type chill: TAURUS, Libra

#inspired by my recent post #astrology #zodiac #zodiac signs #Aries #gemini #cancer #leo

138,633 notes


♀Venus Signs and Seduction♀

Aries Venus - The Burning Flame
how they seduce: When they feel a strong pull towards you, they must have you, so they will
immediately try to get your attention. They are normally very open and blunt and they will tell you
what they want and how they want it. They are very likely to take the lead and show you how
they like it by guiding your hands or just straight-off telling you. They will take your breath away
with their tremendous passion and intensity and they know how to touch and kiss you until you
are begging for more.

how to seduce them: They love the thrill of the chase, so make them conquer you because they
want to earn your affection. They probably like little fights under the sheets with a lot of body
touching.They possess an incredible amount of energy and passion, so give them all you have
and more. Heat is very important, hold them, trace your fingertips over their skin, they want to
feel your warmth. Playing with their hair, running your finger through it or even pulling it a little
and touching their face is a big turn-on since Aries is the ruler of the head area.

Taurus Venus - The Sensualist

how they seduce: They will make you feel so adored. They will enjoy touching you, hearing you
breathe, tasting your lips and skin. They take their time because they need to capture every inch
of you and every moment you have together. They just generally like to have you around them
which is why they are great cuddlers and will hold you very tighly to make you feel safe. They
looove spending every free minute in bed where it is warm and they are alone with you .

how to seduce them: Let them see and know you completely.They will love to know every inch
of you because they are best with the things they know. Give them a lot of physical affection,
they want to really feel that they are loved. They probably like some good and alluring lingerine or
a nice wine since they appreciate everything that intensifies the pleasures of love. They might
also enjoy kisses on the neck or dirty talk since they are the ruler of the throat.

Gemini Venus - The Siren

how they seduce: They will bewitch you with great stories and words of kindness that will make
you want to know more about them. They are very charming and know exactly what to say
according to the situation you are in. You will feel like their best friend because they want to tell
their loved one everything they feel and all that has importance for them. They are unbelievably
stormy lovers who love to spice it up, take you on adventures and try something new and they
know damn well how to kiss.
how to seduce them: Whisper sweet nothings in their ear and do not be too shy to talk about
what you want and how you want it. Open communication is very important for this placement.
They need fun in a relationship which is why they love playing games. Tease them, try new
things, role-play and kiss them in every way possible because they love this shit. Intellectual and
deep conversations are extremely arousing for them, so take your time, listen to them and
discuss things with them before you take it to the next level.

Cancer Venus - The Rose

how they seduce: This sign is especially known for seducing their lovers through caring for them
or protecting them. But most of all they want you to be theirs entirely, they want to be able to
touch and kiss you as often as possible. Venusian Cancers can sense your feelings and are able
to adapt to them. Suprisingly, they know every trick there is to win the affection of their crush:
they can use every feminine/masculine wile theres is, from mother/father to beauty queen/king
and sex symbol. They will not only love but admire you for the beauty you possess inside out.
Once they feel comfortable around you they will want to explore the adventures of love with you
but they will most likely enjoy staying in because there they will not have to share you and are not
afraid to be themselves.

how to seduce them: They looooove cuddling and touching you. Hugs and every other act of
physical affection means security for them and therefore is a way to show them that they are
safe. Their ideal men/women are typically masculine/feminine, at least in their fantasies and they
are the sign most attracted to breasts. Not only physically but also mentally they search for a
deep connection, so do not be afraid to show how you feel and what you want. Feeling is
immensely important to them and you have to give them time to sort out what kind of emotion
they sense when they are around you. But when they know what they feel around you, they open
up to the point where everything is just natural, warm and suprisingly passionate.

Leo Venus - The Femme/Homme Fatale

how they seduce: This sign knows damn well how to seduce the subject of their desire. They
enjoy looking good and getting the attention of those around them. They will dress, walk and talk
to impress you and their facial as well as physical expressions sparkle with sex appeal. Probably
most of all, they are persistent to the core and if they want you, they will hunt you like a lion(ess).
They are very energetic and wild and most likely intoxicate you with their honesty and
straightforwardness. While they want sex to first and foremost be a pleasure for them, they can
not stand to be anything less but the best lover you had, which is why they will want to indulge
you until you are completely satisfied just to see the gleam in your eyes or the smile on your face.
They like to know that you want to be exclusively with them and desire to possess you.
how to seduce them: People with Venus in Leo want to be treated like royalty, showered with
affection and romantic gestures. They can only feel good in your surrounding when they are
comfortable with who they are around you which is why they want to look good for you. This
placement wants to experience love with burning passion and just a hint of drama which is why
they usually enjoy trying out new things in the bedroom or other locations. You need to stand out
from the crowd to catch the attention of this sign (speak with passion, show your unique
talents,..). It’s hard for them to separate love and sex which is why they need to sense a deep-
reaching understanding between you two before they take it to the next level.

Virgo Venus - The Good Girl Gone Wild

how they seduce: This sign is fiercely devoted to you and enjoys handling the trouble in your
life. They are very intelligent and reliable which is why you will feel safe in their surrounding. While
they may come off as shy, sweet and polite, Virgos in Venus have serious potential to be aroused
by kinks and everything unusual. They pay close attention to your body language and therefore
know exactly what turns you on, determined to use that knowledge to your benefit. Most of all,
this sign is always good for a suprise, they are spontaneous and curious in bed and love to learn
new things and show you new sides of themselves.

how to seduce them: Although they seldom ever tell you, those born with Venus in Virgo have
some very dirty or unique fantasies and love experiencing something new in their bedroom. If you
take the lead and express your ideas and desires in an open manner, those fantasies can turn
into reality and bring some real passion under the sheets. They might feel a little insecure about
their looks but they will give you all the love they have when you show them that they are the
most beautiful person on earth for you. They generally expect you to be thoughtful and to see the
details. They can not be with someone who is not able to read their body or face or think of
something to make them feel better when they are sad.

Libra Venus - The Enchanter/Enchantress

how they seduce: They carry an aura of aristocracy and elegance others admire and long for
from afar. They are sweet and caring and love to spoil you with kisses, flowers and other
affections in any form. Their smiles are usually disarming and they are polite from their head to
their feet. They want pretty much everything to be beautiful which is why they will set the mood
before having sex, lighting candles or arranging the sheets. Being beautiful themselves is also
very important since sensual lingerine or red lips can get them exactly what they want. They are
gentle lovers who enjoy being touched softly and with meaning but can definitely roughen up
when they feel a strong connection to you.
how to seduce them: Since Libras in Venus worship harmony, they can not stand people who
constantly need confrontation or drama. A surrounding of peace and understanding is more than
arousing for their sexual appetite and they will want to spend some time in bed with you when
they feel comfortable and loved around you. Romance is what keeps them lively and happy in a
relationship and they will care for you if you fulfill their fantasies fuelled by movies and books now
and then.

Scorpio Venus - The Enigma

how they seduce: Their gaze conveys power and it seems like it is looking right into your soul.
They can be very intimidating and mysterious but you long to uncover and know them although
they may seem cold and reserved when you first meet them. They seem to promise intensity and
commitment and are deeply sensual when it comes to sexual pleasures. They want to feel
everything and combine deep physical and mental understanding to a sort of ecstatic
experience. A Scorpio in Venus partner makes you feel understood and desired and sweeps you
off your feet with their overwhelming passion which can be sensed in a very high sex drive.
how to seduce them: Lay your soul and heart bare at their feet and show them who you really
are because they have no interest in people that barely ever express their feelings or true self.
They love warmth and fire and people that sparkle with energy and life and passion is one of the
essential things they need for an exciting sex life. Intimacy is also very important for them and
they will not like it if you are someone who kisses and tells or drags your private life into the
public. Honestly, there is not much you can actually do when the connection between you two is
lacking. A Scorpio Venus will always love deeply and unconditionally when they sense a certain
depth, loyalty and chemistry.

Sagittarius Venus - The Adventure

how they seduce: They come across as optimistic, idealistic and lively and they just take your
breath away with their love for life and all it has to offer. They can easily slip into excessive
behaviour and you start to wonder where all those life inside them comes from. They are not
bound by restrictions or rules and everything is just so easy and exciting with them, no secrets or
taboos or pudency. They have a certain innocence about them and in bed they just charm you
with endless giggles because they love to laugh. They are very direct in their approach to love
and sex, so do not expect them to play with ambiguity, it is more likely that they will straight
away tell you when they want to have sex.
how to seduce them: In a relationship honesty is essential to them, they do not like to hide their
feelings and thoughts and they do not want to have a romance which is based on
misunderstandings. So you should better tell them what you want straight away and they will
surely appreciate that. Be open-minded and adventurous because they enjoy giving their love
and sex life a new direction. They are easily bored when sex or romance get too predictable, so
try new things, change locations or positions or just generally soften or roughen up. Also make
them feel alive, take them to beautiful places or challenge them with a different opinion/point of
view, be everything but ordinary. They want love to feel like it is light and pure joy instead of
serious business.

Capricorn Venus - The Lady/ The Gentleman

how they seduce: They provide an alomst unreal amount of stability and warmth and you just
have to feel at ease in their company. They might charm you with some very traditional flirting
rules, like holding the door for you or taking your jacket. They can be real charmers, because
they seem aloof and considerate at the same time. Alpha-males/females is one term especially
accurate when it comes to Venus in Capricorn because they just naturally like to take the lead
and show you that they can care for you. Their sexuality is deep and powerful but not a thing
they want to be dragged out in public. What they do in the bedroom is a silent secret between
the two of you and they would never hurt your intimate connection by kissing and telling.
how to seduce them: They generally fall for people that convey power, confidence and stability
as they search for comittment and long-lasting relationships. Their approach to love is very
mature, so they probably will not connect with persons that are volatile or unreliable. In bed they
trust in experience and consistency because they probably know how they like it best and how it
feels perfect for the both of you. If you want them to do something for you or to try something
new, you have to challenge them because they are eager to prove their love for you every day. In
fact, Capricorn Venus is a placement that feels very deeply but may never tell you about their
emotions but you can show them that you understand this by holding them or just being there for

Aquarius Venus - The Rebel

how they seduce: Those born with their Venus in Aquarius may seem unapproachable and a
little cold which is not necessarily less magnetic than the burning heat of an Aries or a Scorpio.
They just generally are not that good with commitment and like freedom, which is why some of
them may not like the idea of a relationship at all. They are, however, very experimental when it
comes to their sex-life and they love to try new things, although they might be too shy to turn
their fantasies into reality.
how to seduce them: They need someone who is not only able to satisfy their physical but also
intellectual needs. Talking about your ideals, philosophies or mantras is very interesting to them
and also kind of arousing. They like intelligent people who look behind the nature of things. They
can be quite turned on by situations that are unusual, like a love-affair with a married
man/woman or cyber and phone sex (any situation where no direct commitment is needed is
attractive). This placement is one that has no problem separating love and sex and might has a
“friends with benefit”-relationship. They need their freedom under all circumstances. If you can
show them that you will not try to change them or restrict them in any way and make them feel
like they are in the company of a good friend, you stand good chances of receiving their
undivided love.

Pisces Venus - The Dream

how they seduce: Venus in Pisces is gentle and soft with a dreamy gleam in their eyes and an
indescribable patience and acceptance. People with this placement will love you for who you
truly are and they would give up themselves to please you. Nothing gives them more joy than to
give and receive love and being their partner leaves you fulfilled and strangely complete. Their
fantasies often mix with reality and they often seem more like a desired dream of yours. They pay
attention to the details and love physical affection, so it is not unusual that a little touch from your
fingertips leaves them with a racing heart. They want physical and mental intensity and search for
purity and immense feelings in bed.

how to seduce them: They love romance and fantasy and sometimes they may search for their
knight on a horse or their princess in the tower. Not only a connection to reality but also a strong
contact to dreams and fantasy is required if you want to understand them. They search for
someone tender-hearted who holds them when they are sad but is also able to turn their
romantic ideals into reality. You should not be too straight-forward but gentle, also in bed.
Although they enjoy caring for you and fulfilling your pleasures, you should definitely show them
that you adore and admire them for who they are. They actually enjoy to try out new things and
passionate people really turn them on.
#astrology #zodiac signs #zodiac #zodiac queens #zodiac sign #all signs #venus #venus sign

28,766 notes


What Each Sign Reminds Me Of

ARIES: bloody knuckles, smiles that melt your heart, laughing until your stomach hurts, forearm
tattoos, driving fast, guilty pleasures

TAURUS: natural beauty, happy tears, the warmth of a hug, clean laundry, going to the store at 1
am and buying junk food
GEMINI: summer afternoons, long drives with all of the windows down, the 1975, the sun, Troye
CANCER: New York City, the faint buzz of a neon sign, writing until 3 am, unsweetened green
tea, the stars, black lights

LEO: hands covered in paint, giggles, hugs from behind, blowing bubbles, fresh cut grass, soft
VIRGO: antique shops, chai tea, vanilla candles, sketch books, sweaters, art museums
LIBRA: fairy lights, gold jewelry, dream catchers, sage incense, Lana del Rey, ukulele music,
being gay as fuck

SCORPIO: black and white photos, space, making out, the smell of fresh coffee, Joji Miller,
menthol cigarettes

SAGITTARIUS: Emily Dickinson, the view out of the window of a plane, the moon, sneaking out,
lilacs, piano

CAPRICORN: unconditional love, late nights, lingerie, soft hair, Hozier, the smell of a bookstore

AQUARIUS: the sky, waves on the shore, sweet peaches, long phone calls, polaroids
PISCES: quiet acoustic guitar, rain, watching movies in the dark, cedar, the library
#zodiac #astrology #astrologie #astrologie-blog #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo

24,211 notes


The Signs Loving Somebody

*Check Sun and Moon Sign*

Aries: excitement, restlessness, caring, delicate, a truthful kind of love

Taurus: communicative, smiley, wants to connect, so thoughtful, a sweet kind of


Gemini: forward, honest, endearing, can be quite nervous, intuitive, a unspoken

kind of love

Cancer: emotional, affectionate, kind, hilarious, always has heart eyes, a once in
a life time kind of love

Leo: passionate, supportive, sometimes mixed signals, positive, a lasting kind of


Virgo: sincere, hesitant, soft, often goofy, an "I'm here for all of you" kind of

Libra: affectionate, pure, harmonizing, proud, 'a meant to be' kind of love

Scorpio: beautiful, emotional, deep, sometimes tense, wild, an unforgettable kind

of love

Sagittarius: full speed, committed, generous, unstoppable, an intense kind of


Capricorn: stubborn, faithful, intimate, slow, a forever kind of love

Aquarius: sexy, earnest, confident, clingy, a daydream kind of love

Pisces: heart stopping, romantic, shy, devoted, a soulmate kind of love

#astrology #Aries #Taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #Virgo #libra #Scorpio #sagittarius

16,300 notes


the signs as summers

ARIES ∞ the humid summer: heat slipping sticky hands down the slope of your thighs// sweat
collecting in your collarbones // ponytails and shirts pulled down over sunburns

TAURUS ∞ the tepid summer: clouds coming to gather over the lakeside// cabins and
campfires// grass sliding slow through idle fingers
GEMINI ∞ the stormy summer: thunder threatening to crack the world in two// rain pelting the
pavement, droplets lingering, sweet, on the overhang of your bottom lip// bathing suits soaked
through and the air heavy with petrichor

CANCER ∞ the sleepy summer: ladybugs drowsing in your hair// blanket forts and bedtime
stories// the crackle of the bonfire leaking lazily through the trees
LEO ∞ the nostalgic summer: counting the constellation of scratches the season left you//
polaroids strung like fairy lights across every corner of your room// sun-kissed cheeks that glow
until December

VIRGO ∞ the stable summer: part-time jobs and parties that last until the sun peeks back up
over the trees// fingers laced through yours; hands smoothing sunscreen over your shoulder
blades// beach towels and Frisbees that arc like shooting stars over your head

LIBRA ∞ the aesthetic summer: white linens and lace// sundresses sweeping the curvature of
your ankles// a sky freckled with stars

SCORPIO ∞ the brazen summer: plunging necklines and nights that stretch til morning// kicking
firecrackers across empty street corners// festivals that thrum through your body like a second

SAGITTARIUS ∞ the springlike summer: daisy crowns looped over the crest of your forehead//
the air heavy with the smell of hyacinths// the sun draping itself over you like a quilt

CAPRICORN ∞ the renewing summer: hair trims and catching trains// the tide sucking the sand
out from beneath your toes// convertible rides and laughter that that gets whisked away by the

AQUARIUS ∞ the adventurous summer: broken rules and hopped fences// counting passports
like money// adrenaline beating inside you like a third lung
PISCES ∞ the spiritual summer: smoke rooms and music festivals// fingers lazily laced together//
connecting the stars with Sharpie// pinky swears and promise rings
#the signs #horoscopes #zodiacs #astrology #zodiac signs #the signs as

9,237 notes


• Zodiac lockscreens •
• like and/or reblog if you use please •
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7,320 notes


how to tell if the signs have a crush on you

aries: talk to you about serious things, in-depth conversations
taurus: talk to you about things they really like, smile a lot around you (they don’t usually smile
gemini: giggle at everything. lots of giggling

cancer: they will get excited around you, be more outgoing

leo: they will try to play with your hair, stand near you in a group of people

virgo: seem to have nervous habits, laugh loudly at every joke

libra: act cool around you, seem more chill

scorpio: make ten times more jokes than normal, look into your eyes

sagittarius: act nicer around you, subtly flirt with you

capricorn: scratch their nose a lot, look mostly at you when you’re around a lot of people

aquarius: do lots of peace signs, smile at you bigger than they smile at other people

pisces: act no different, maybe try to talk to you more than they talk to other people.
#astrology #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capri

7,682 notes


the signs as beautiful things

Aries: Edison Lights, balloons, diverging roads, ripped jeans

Taurus: Succulents, architecture, cherry blossoms, lock and key

Gemini: Cityscape, freshly baked cookies, black coffee

Cancer: Polaroid Pictures, mason jars, knee high socks

Leo: Fireworks, stars, glasses, flower crowns, bonfires on a beach

Virgo: Dandelions, typewriters, watercolours, stargazing,

Libra: Droplepts on a window, peonies, rose gold rings

Scorpio: Palm trees, oversized hoodies, lightening

Sagittarius: Fairy lights, sunflowers, plaid shirts

Capricorn: Marble Top, candles, embroidery, vintage cameras

Aquarius: Silhouettes, neon lights, crystals, new paint brushes

Pisces: Waves, lavenders, pools, knitted sweaters,

#astrology #zodiac signs #zodiac posts #the signs #all signs #zodiacs #zodiac #horoscopes
5,952 notes


the signs as supernatural beings

Mermaids: Cancer, Libra

unicorns: Virgo, Taurus, Gemini

Vampires: Scorpio, Aquarius

Werewolves: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Angels: Capricorn, Pisces

#zodiac signs #zodiac posts #the signs #all signs #astrology #zodiacs #horoscope #zodiac

5,650 notes


aries: naturally optimistic
taurus: naturally patient
gemini: naturally friendly
cancer: naturally reliable
leo: naturally attentive
virgo: naturally maternal
libra: naturally helpful
scorpio: naturally caring
sagittarius: naturally spontaneous
capricorn: naturally intelligent
aquarius: naturally humorous
pisces: naturally hopeful
#astrology #astrology sign #astrology signs #ASTROLOGY POST #star sign #star signs

5,297 notes


The Zodiac Signs in Class

Aries: Always yelling about something. Or eating.
Taurus: *corrects the teacher*

Gemini: Not in class lmao they skipped

Cancer: Staring at their crush and doodling

Leo: Hitting on someone. always.

Virgo: Trying to get a good grade. *silently annoyed by everything*

Libra: Not paying attention. They have better things to do.

Scorpio: ….thinking about…something………..definitely pissed. Trying not to kill someone

probably. I love Scorpios
Sagittarius: Sitting in the back of the class, probably high

Capricorn: *working hard and sometimes paying attention but only because they know
everything they learn throughout life can apply to their career*

Aquarius: With friends or kicked out of class for laughing too hard at their own joke. But they
get good grades ???
Pisces: Daydreaming or giggling or both and also singing
#astrology #astrology post #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio

5,545 notes


What The Signs Need To Focus On

Check Sun & Moon Sign.

Reblog to remind yourself.

Aries: Finishing things they've put off. *You've procrastinated for far too long.

Taurus: What they want to do in school/work/life. *You can't keep living without a
clear goal.

Gemini: Being honest with their true selves. *Stop trying to change yourself for
your friends or family.

Cancer: Not depending on others for their personal happiness. *Sometimes those you
count on most will fail you.

Leo: Being okay with being alone and independent. *You don't always need someone
to feel secure.

Virgo: Understanding not everyone thinks like them. *You don't need to convince
everyone of your beliefs.
Libra: There are better things to concern yourself with than superficial things.
*Looks and status don't define you or anybody else, so stop thinking that it does.

Scorpio: Starting a healthy eating/ fitness regimen. *You keep telling yourself
"someday" - the time is now and the longer you wait the more time you're wasting.

Sagittarius: Being real and genuine. *You think you're good at fooling people,
but you're not, it's completely transparent.

Capricorn: Doing what they enjoy. *You get so swept up in what everybody else is
doing tend to lose your interests easily.

Aquarius: Being truly kind and compassionate. *Sometimes your selfishness and
arrogance can get in the way of your relationships, try thinking of others
feelings first for a change and watch your life get better.

Pisces: Being humble. *You tend to compare yourself with others so much that you
may start building a complex that you're better than everybody else - forget that
and just try to be okay with who you are at the moment.

#the signs #astology #Aries #Taurus #cancer #Gemini #Leo #Virgo #libra #Scorpio #sagit

4,845 notes


the "offends people without even realising" squad

Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo, Scorpio

#zodiac signs #zodiac posts #the signs #horoscopes #zodiacs #zodiac #horoscope #astrology

4,467 notes


the signs as things boys at my school have said/done part 2

aries: i only write in capital letters now. this is the new me

taurus: *yelling marco up a flight of stairs*

gemini: if you're not sinning you're not winning

cancer: party hard, work hard

leo: *sticking hand out of the classroom window* this is football weather

virgo: *uses his notebook as a pillow to nap in class*

libra: i keep putting the back of this pen in my mouth but then i remember i found
it on the floor
scorpio: *to his friend* trip me again and i'll break your knee

sagittarius: *yelling polo down a flight of stairs*

capricorn: why did god make humans flammable

aquarius: i can make some sick dolphin noises wanna hear

pisces: *holding his butt the entire class because he sat on the radiator for too

#half of these were said or done by the same kid he's just Iconic and quoteable #astrology #zodiac

3,437 notes


The Signs Going Back to School

Excited Girl:
Miserable Boy: Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Leo, Cancer,
Gemini, Sagittarius
#astrology #the signs as #astrology signs #zodiac posts #zodiac signs #zodiac #school #aries

3,554 notes


Taurus, you are everything you were destined to be.

Gemini, loving you is not a chore or inconvenience.

Cancer, do not forget the friends who always asked about the best part of your day.

Leo, not everyone has to like you in order for you to be powerful.

Virgo, you are entitled to a safe environment- this city is yours, too.

Libra, it isn’t practical to imagine you becoming anything less than remarkable.

Scorpio, persuading others to care doesn’t require you to prove that you’re hurting.

Sagittarius, how you identify does not have to be the defining aspect of who you are.

Capricorn, glorious and kind things are said about you behind your back.

Aquarius, let no one mistake your emptiness for a shelf.

Pisces, avoid abandoning people as soon as they get close enough to know your faults.

Aries, the stories living inside you are relevant and valuable.”
— MAY HOROSCOPES, by Blythe Baird (2016)
#may horoscopes #horoscope poems #horoscopes #astrology #blythebrooklyn #blythe baird

3,198 notes


Signs as things with flashing lights:

Ambulance: Libra, Cancer

Police Car: Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Virgo

Cameras: Taurus, Pisces

Christmas Tree: Capricorn, Gemini

UFO: Aquarius, Sagittarius

#astrology #zodiac #signs as #lights #ambulance #police #camera #cameras #christmas

2,683 notes

Signs as people I know (Pisces perspective)

Aries: deeply down romantic; don't take shit from anyone; care about everyone; can
give you 1052626 compliments per day; can look very serious and scary;
enthusiastic; always ready to help those in need; very protective sweethearts; can
be whiny but hate when other people are; argumentative af; very honest

Taurus: stubborn babes; they take care of new people; can be very social;
impudents; argumentative af; when they know they are right they will fight till
the end (the case is they always think they're right); can become easily very
obssesed over sth; hard-working; consistent; mama squad; very chill

Gemini: clever af; words game is very strong in this one; that kid in the class
who makes jokes and everyone laughs (i mean EVERYONE even Capricorn); they could
even make a funeral funny; very nice and open; great friends; more caring than you
can imagine; good buddy to party; they will always listen to you; always ready to
cheer you up; spontaneous

Cancer: basically satan relatives; still cute tho; always get shit done; helpful;
creative; when they are angry run fast or they will make you feel like shit in
3,2,1...; protective and caring of those who they call family; adorable laughs;
you can see all of their emotions in their eyes; there is something really special
about the way they look at you when they like you (and dissapointing if they
don't); very intuitive

Leo: creative babes; drama queen babes; hates to be ignored (who likes tho??);
very fragile ego; likes to shine in front of people; this friend who always has
something to say; can be an animal party but actually prefers to cuddle on the
couch; dad jokes 24/h; the winner in the "loudest scream" contest; very
protective; hollywood romance material

Virgo: smartypants; great analysts; knows how to pass tests; worries too much!;
you will always make it through babes trust me (chill a little bit); good
advisers; can work alone but hate loneliness; beautiful hearts; just want to do
things perfectly; judgy af; sherlock holmes descendants

Libra: the one who talks to the new kid in the class; great listeners; charming
aura; always finds a way to make people happy; even when this can break their own
heart; so cute without trying; really smart; their smile is their best weapon (and
they know how to use it); they can be very nerdy; hide their negative feelings and
tend to be passive-agressive; but when they had enough they will disappear from
your life and you won't get them back

Scorpio: actually really kind; the owners of the cutest smiles ever; very
passionate about their hobbies and will talk about them also very passionately so
be nice and don't make fun of them; fragile egos; just wants to be loved; nerds;
are not afraid to talk about hard topics; the aura of inaccessibility and mystery;
very loyal; it's really hard to make them cry (especially in public); tend to
"test" people before trusting them (so much trust issues)

Sagittarius: always talk to you first; sometimes can be a really insensitive

jerk; loves to make fun of you; optimistic till the end; confident; easily make
friends with other people; also forgives too easily; is that one friend who you
lost from your sight at the party basically 5 minutes after entering; can talk
about every crazy stuff; can do every crazy stuff; will call you out on your
bullshit (even in front of everyone)

Capricorn: the best example of "don't judge book by its cover"; sarcasm is their
second name; goofy character hidden in serious face expression; the biggest
procrastinator on the world; their determination is the best thing ever; obsessed
with their fav tv shows more than they are ready to admit; mature; wants to be
recognized by society for their hard work; like having power; loves to chill (but
can't chill); best huggers

Aquarius: curious; enjoy talking with people (and vice versa); fair; love debates;
asks about everything; calm; ambitious; helpful; probably the cool kid in
highschool(and anywhere else too); kind (even when they have bad day); you just
really want to see them smiling cause their smiles are so refreshing!

Pisces: naturally funny; crazy; always does stupid shit but somehow survive???;
sensitive and cries on movies; good friend; witty (for real they are the smart
ones!); snarky; can be a satan but choose not to be; sneaky (seriously they get
what they want so easily); helpful ; kind

#my own #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capric

2,634 notes


the signs as things my friends have said (with their respective signs)
Aries: you can't make me do anything stop trying

Taurus: fight me i'm rihanna

Gemini: if you touch my soap again, i'm gonna burn you alive

Cancer: the hands of our physics teacher are so big he could go to the school's
rooftop and jump off it with them up in the air and go flying back home

Leo: and then when we were fucking i threw my hair back and said "it's all yours"
but he couldn't fuck me and pull my hair at the same time, thats why i cant be in
a relationship with him

Virgo: *substitute biology teacher says the old teacher is coming back and the
class is quiet as fuck* "oh thank GOD"

Libra: i'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, i'm so nervous i have
Scorpio: i'm not saying i'm special or better than anyone, but no one can be like
me *this is a part of their philosophy essay which they had to read out loud in

Sagittarius: my feet are huge, and they're gonna be meeting your face if you
don't stop talking

Capricorn: it's not that i don't have any feelings, i just honestly don't care
about what people think of me because they are irrelevant

Aquarius: once i smoked weed before going to school and i learned math for the
first time that year

Pisces: look i love and respect you as a friend, but i have to say that you have a
really nice ass

#astrology #zodiac #zodiac signs #horoscope #horoscopes #aries #gemini #funny #taurus

2,672 notes


Life mottos
"It is what it is and I'll make the best of it":

Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces

"It is what it is but I wish it was different":

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius

"They say it is what it is but I say it is what you make it":

Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn

#Astro #zozodiac #zodiac #horoscope #all the signs #the signs as #astrology #star signs

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