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Plane waves reflection from media

Dr. Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum

1 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction
Plane waves reflection
from a media interface

Normal Oblique
incidence Perfect incidence
conductor TE

Good TM Effect on
conductor Brewster angle polarization
Lossy conducting
Total internal reflection
Lossless medium
Fig. 6.1 Plane waves reflection from media interface
2 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.1 Introduction
 Till now, we have studied plane waves in various medium
 Let us try to explore how plane waves will behave at a media
 In practical scenarios of wireless and mobile
 radio wave will reflect from
 walls &
 other obstacles on its path
 When a radio wave reflects from a surface,
 the strength of the reflected waves is less than that of the
incident wave

3 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction
 The ratio of the two (reflected wave/incident wave) is
known as the ‘reflection coefficient’ of the surface
 This ratio depends on the
 conductivity (σ),
 permittivity (ε) and
 permeability (µ)
 of the material that forms the reflective surface
 as well as material properties of the
 from which the radio wave is incident

4 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction
 Some part of the wave will be transmitted through the
 How much of the incident wave has been transmitted
through the material is
 also dependent on the material parameters mentioned above
 It is given by another ratio known as ‘transmission
 It is the ratio of the transmitted wave divided by the incident

5 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction
 In plane wave reflection from media interface,
 what we will be doing is
 basically writing down the
 electric and
 magnetic field expressions
 in all the regions of interest and
 apply the boundary conditions
 to get the values of the
 transmission and
 reflection coefficients

6 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction
 One of the possible applications of such an exercise is in
wireless communication,
 where we have to find the
 transmission and
 reflection coefficients of
 Electromagnetic waves are often
 reflected or
 scattered or
 at one or more obstacles before arriving at the receiver

7 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 For smooth surfaces,
 EM waves are reflected;
 For rough surfaces,
 EM waves are scattered;
 For edges of surfaces,
 EM waves are diffracted
 Fig. 6.2 depicts multipath for a mobile receiver in the car from
 reflected and
 diffracted waves
 of the signal sent from the base station

8 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.1 Introduction

Fig. 6.2 Illustration of reflected and diffracted wave in mobile

communications (this chapter’s study will be very helpful in
understanding wireless and mobile communications)
9 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 We will consider the case of normal incidence,
 when the incident wave propagation vector is along the normal
to the interface between two media
6.2.1 Lossy conducting medium
 We will assume plane waves with electric field vector
oriented along the x-axis and
 propagating along the positive z-axis without loss of
 For z<0 (we will refer this region as region I and it is
assumed to be a lossy medium)

10 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Let us do a more generalized analysis by assuming this region
I as a lossy medium
 It could be a lossless medium like free space
 The incident electric and magnetic fields can be expressed as

ˆ o e−γ1z
Ei = xE
r 1
H i = y Eo e −γ1z

11 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 where η1 is the medium 1 wave impedance and
 Eo is the arbitrary amplitude of the incident electric field
 The expression for intrinsic wave impedance and propagation
jωµ1 jωµ1 jωµ1 jσ
η1 = = = ; γ 1 = α1 + j β1 = jω µ1ε1 1 − 1
γ1 jωµ1 ( jωε1 + σ 1 ) jωε1 + σ 1 ωε1

12 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence

rr r
EEii r Et r
γi γt
r 1
r 2

Hi Ht
r E
γr1 r

ε1 , µ1 , σ 1 ε 2 , µ2 , σ 2

Fig. 6.3 A plane EM wave is incident from region I or medium 1 for z<0
13 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 a circle with a dot in the center  an arrow pointing
perpendicularly out of the page and
 a circle with a cross  an arrow pointing perpendicularly into
the page)
 Notation for fields:
 subscript i incident, r reflected and ttransmitted

14 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Note that the incident wave from region I will be partially
reflected and transmitted at the media interface between two
 For reflected wave, z<0, wave direction is in the –z axis and
the reflected electric field is expressed as
Er = xˆΓEo e + γ 1z

 where the Γ is the reflection coefficient

15 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 The reflection coefficient is defined as the ratio of amplitude
of the reflected electric field divided by amplitude of the
incident electric field as follows:

 The reflected magnetic field can be obtained from the

reflected electric field using the Maxwell’s curl equations as

16 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
r r
∇ × Er = − jωµ1 H r
xˆ yˆ zˆ
r r
r ∇ × Er j∇ × E r j ∂ ∂ ∂
⇒ Hr = − = =
jωµ1 ωµ1 ωµ1 ∂x ∂y ∂z
ΓEo e + γ1z 0 0
j ∂ +γ1z  j γ1
= yˆ 
ωµ1  ∂z
Γ E(
o e 

= ˆ
γ 1Γ E(
o e + γ1z
= − ˆ
y )
ΓEo e + γ1z ( )

r Γ
∴ H r = − yˆ Eo e + γ1z

17 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Therefore, the Poynting vector for reflected wave of region I
r r r* 2 2 zˆ
S r = Er × H r == − Γ Eo e +2α z *
 shows power is traveling in the -z axis for the reflected wave
 For transmitted wave, z>0, wave is propagating in lossy
medium 2 (we will refer this region as region II),

18 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
E t = xˆτE o e −γ 2 z
r E
H t = yˆ τ o e − γ 2 z

 where η2 is the wave impedance of lossy medium 2 and τ is

the transmission coefficient
 intrinsic wave impedance and propagation constant are

19 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence

jωµ 2 jωµ 2 jωµ 2 jσ

η2 = = = ; γ 2 = α 2 + j β 2 = jω µ 2ε 2 1 − 2
γ2 jωµ 2 ( jωε 2 + σ 2 ) jωε 2 + σ 2 ωε 2

 transmission coefficient is defined as the ratio of amplitude of

the transmitted electric field divided by amplitude of the
incident electric field as follows:

20 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Our intention here is to find the transmission and reflection
 Let us rewrite the fields in the two regions: region I (z<0)
and region II (z>0) (see Table 6.1) and
 Apply the boundary conditions to obtain the two unknown

21 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Table 6.1 Fields in the two lossy regions (normal incidence)

Region I (lossy medium 1) Region II (lossy medium 2)

r r 1 r r Eo −γ 2 z
ˆ o e−γ1z
Ei = xE H i = yˆ Eo e −γ1z E t = xˆτE o e − γ 2 z H t = ˆ
y τ e
η1 η
r r Γ
Er = xˆΓEo e + γ 1z H r = − yˆ Eo e + γ1z

22 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 This is basically boundary value problem with boundary
conditions at z=0
 Note that total electric and magnetic fields (both incident
and reflected) are tangential to the interface at z=0
 Similarly, the transmitted electric and magnetic field are also
tangential to the interface at z=0
 Also note that there are no surface current density at the
 Hence, the tangential components of electric and magnetic
fields must be continuous at the interface z=0

23 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
r r r
Ei + Er = Et ⇒ (1 + Γ ) E0 = τ E0 ⇒ 1 + Γ = τ
z =0

r r r  1− Γ   τ  1− Γ τ
Hi + H r = Ht ⇒ E0   = E0 ⇒ =
z =0
 η1   η2  η1 η2
1− Γ τ 1− Γ 1+ Γ η 2 − η1
= ⇒ = ⇒ (1 − Γ )η 2 = η1 (1 + Γ ) ⇒ Γ =
η1 η2 η1 η2 η 2 + η1

η 2 − η1 2η 2
τ = 1+ Γ = 1+ =
η 2 + η1 η1 + η 2

24 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
6.2.2 Lossless medium
 If the regions are lossless dielectric,
 then, σ = 0 and µ and ε are real quantities
 The propagation constant for this case is purely imaginary
and can be written as
 γ = jβ =jω√(µε)
 The wave impedance of the dielectric is
 η= jωµ = jωµ = ωµ
= µ
= η0
γ jβ ω µε ε

25 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 For a lossless medium,
 η is real, so,
 both Γ and τ are real
 Electric and magnetic fields are in phase with each other
 The wavelength in the dielectric is
2π 2π
 λ = =
β ω µε
 And the phase velocity is
ω 1 c
 v p = = =
β µε µrε r
 where c is the speed of light in free space

26 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Table 6.2 Fields in the two lossless regions (normal incidence)

Region I (lossless medium 1) Region II (lossless medium 2)

r r 1
ˆ o e− j β1z
Ei = xE H i = yˆ Eo e − j β1 z r E
η1 H t = yˆτ o e − j β 2 z
r r Γ
Er = xˆΓEo e + j β1z H r = − yˆ Eo e + j β1z r
η1 Et = xˆτ Eo e − j β 2 z

27 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Applying the boundary conditions like before,
 we can get the expression for
 reflection and
 transmission coefficients,
 we will get the same expression as before

η 2 − η1 2η 2
Γ= ; τ=
η 2 + η1 η1 + η2

28 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Poynting vector in region I

r1 r 1 r1 * r r r r *  E0* j β1z E0* − jβ1z 

S = Etot × H tot ) ( ) (
= Ei + Er × H i + H r ) = (E e 0
− j β1 z
xˆ + ΓE0e + j β1 z
xˆ ×  e yˆ − Γ e yˆ 
 η1 η1 

 E0 2 Γ E0 2 e −2 j β1z Γ E0 2 e +2 j β1z Γ 2 E0 2   E0 2 Γ E
= − + −  zˆ =  (1 − Γ2 ) +
e+2 jβ1z − e −2 j β1z( )  zˆ
 η1 η1 η1 η1 
  η1 η1 
 E0 2 Γ E
= (1− Γ ) −
2 0
2 j sin ( 2 β1 z )  zˆ
 η1 η1 

29 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Poynting vector in region II
2 *
r2 r r *  τ E0 − jβ 2 z  2
τ E0
S = Et × H t = x τ E0 e
ˆ (
− j β2 z
× e )  y=z
ˆ ˆ
 η2  η2

Q1 − Γ 2 = 1 −
(η 2 − η1 ) =
4η η
2 1

1 − Γ 2
2 2 2
( 2 1) ( 2 1)
η + η η + η η 1 ( 2 1)
η + η

2η 2
⇒τ 2 =
4η 2

1− Γ τ r 2
= ∴ S = zˆ
21 − Γ 2
) E0

η 2 + η1 ( 2 1)
η + η η1 η2 η1

30 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Power conservation
 Compare the time average power flow in the two regions
 For z <0, the time average power flow through 1m2 cross
section is
1 r1 1 21
1−− Γ2
S 1
( 2
= Re S • zˆ = E0

 And for z >0, the time average power flow through 1m2
cross section is
1 r2 1 2 1− Γ
S 2
= Re S • zˆ = E0
) η1

31 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
1 2
Savg = Savg
 So real power is conserved
6.2.3 Good conductor:
 If the region II (z >0) is a good (but not perfect) conductor
 region I is a lossless medium like free space,
 the propagation constant for medium 2 is

32 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
ωµ2σ 2 1
γ 2 = α 2 + j β 2 = (1 + j ) = (1 + j )
2 δ s2
 where δ is the skin depth for the medium 2,

 which is a good conductor

 Similarly, the intrinsic impedance of the conducting medium
2 (see also example 6.2) simplifies to
jωµ 2 jωµ 2 j 2 (ωµ 2 ) j 2ωµ 2
η2 = = = =
γ2 ωµ2σ 1 + j ωµ 2σ 1+ j σ
(1 + j )
j (1 − j ) 2ωµ 2 ( j + 1) 2ωµ 2 ( j + 1) 2ωµ 2 ωµ 2
= = = = ( j + 1)
(1 + j )(1 − j ) σ (1 − j 2 ) σ 2 σ 2σ

33 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Now, the wave impedance of medium 2 is complex, with a
phase angle of 45o so the electric
 and magnetic field will be 45o out of phase and Γ and τ will
be complex.
 Now, let us write down the field expressions in region I and
II for lossless dielectric (region I) and good conductor
(region II) interface

34 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Table 6.4 Fields in the two regions (normal incidence)

Region I (lossless medium) Region II (good conductor)

r r 1 r
ˆ o e− jβ1z
Ei = xE H i = yˆ Eo e − j β1z Et = xˆτ Eo e − γ 2 z
r r Γ r
Er = xˆΓEo e + j β1z H r = − yˆ Eo e + jβ1z
H t = yˆτ o e − γ 2 z
η1 η2

35 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Applying the boundary conditions like before,
 we can get the expression for
 reflection and
 transmission coefficients,
 we will get the same expression as before

η 2 − η1 2η 2
Γ= ; τ=
η 2 + η1 η1 + η2

36 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Note that we have to use the previous expressions for
intrinsic wave impedances for lossless medium and good
µ ωµ2
η1 = ; η2 = (1 + j )
ε 2σ 2
Power conservation
 let us find out the Poynting vector in the two regions
 Noting that the field in region I comprise of incident and
reflected wave,
 we can write the Poynting vector for z <0

37 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
r1 r 1 r1 * r r r r *  E0* j β1z * E0 − j β1 z 
S = Etot × H tot ( ) ( ) (
= Ei + Er × H i + H r ) = (E e
− j β1 z
xˆ + ΓE0 e + j β1 z
xˆ ×  e yˆ − Γ e yˆ 
 η1 η1 
(1 − Γ e* −2 j β1 z
+ Γe +2 j β1z − Γ
) zˆ
 For z >0, only transmitted fields exist and we can write
down the Poynting vector as

2 2
r2 r r *  τ * *
E *  τ E
S = Et × H t = xˆ (τ E0 e −γ z ) ×  * 0 e −γ z  yˆ = zˆ 0
e −2α z

 η2  η 2*

38 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 At z=0,
r1 E0
S =
1 − Γ* + Γ − Γ
) zˆ
r 2 E0 2 τ 2 2
4 E0 η2 E0

S =
z =
(η1 + η2 )
z =
1 − Γ (
+ Γ − Γ

 Complex power is conserved

 Then the time average power flow through a 1m2 cross
section can be calculated as follows

39 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
−Γ*e −2 j β1z + Γe +2 j β1z

 is purely an imaginary number, therefore,

1 r 1 1 − Γ
S avg ( )
= Re S 1 • zˆ = E0
2 2

r2 1 − Γ
S avg
( 1
= Re S • zˆ = E0
2 2

e − 2αz

 which shows power balance at z=0 only

40 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 Note that the Poynting vector for z>0,
 this power density in the lossy conductor decays
exponentially according to the attenuation factor
6.2.4 Perfect conductor:
 Now assume that the region II (z >0) contains a perfect
conductor and region I is a lossless medium
 Let us rewrite the expressions for propagation constant and
wave impedance of a good conductor and deduce the
expressions for perfect conductor

41 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
ωµ 2σ 2 1
γ 2 = α 2 + j β 2 = (1 + j ) = (1 + j )
2 δ s2
η2 = (1 + j )
2σ 2

 Perfect conductor implies σ2→∝, and

 correspondingly, α2→∝, δs2→0, η2→0
 Note that 2η2 η −η
τ= ,Γ = 2 1
η1 + η2 η2 + η1

 Therefore, τ→0 and Γ→-1

42 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Table 6.5 Fields in the two regions (normal incidence)

Region I (lossless medium) Region II (perfect conductor)

r r 1
ˆ o e− j β1z
Ei = xE H i = yˆ Eo e − j β1 z r r
η1 Et ≅ 0 Ht ≅ 0
r r Γ
Er = xˆΓEo e + j β1z H r = − yˆ Eo e + jβ1z

43 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
 The field for z >0 thus decay infinitely fast and
 are identically zero in the perfect conductor as we have seen
in example 6.2 as well
 The perfect conductor can be thought of as ‘shorting out’ the
incident electric field
 Now let us write down the field expressions in region I and II
for lossless dielectric and perfect conductor interface (see
Table 6.5)

44 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
Power conservation
 In order to see the power conservation,
 let us find out the Poynting vector in the two regions
 Noting that the field in region I comprise of
 incident and
 reflected wave,
 we can write the Poynting vector for z <0 (Γ=-1)
r1 r r
( )
ˆ 0 e − j β1z − e j β1z = − xˆ 2 jE0 sin β1 z
Etot = Ei + Er = xE

45 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.2 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at normal incidence
r1 r E E
( )
H tot = H i + H r = yˆ 0 e − j β1 z + e j β1z = yˆ 2 0 cos β1 z
η1 η1

 Therefore, the Poynting vector for z<0 is

r1 r1 * 4 E0
S = Etot × H tot( ) = − zj
sin β1 z cos β1 z

 which has a zero real part and

 thus indicates that no real power is delivered to the perfect conductor
 Fields in region II is anyway zero and hence power is also zero

46 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 We will consider the problem of a plane wave
 obliquely incident on a plane interface
 between two lossy conducting regions
 We will first consider two particular cases of this problem as
 the electric field is in the xz plane (parallel polarization)
 the electric field is in normal to the xz plane (perpendicular

47 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Any arbitrary incident plane wave can be expressed
 as a linear combination of these two principal polarizations
 The plane of incidence is that plane containing
 the normal vector to the interface and
 the direction of propagation vector of the incident wave

48 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 For Fig. 6.4, this is the xz plane
 For perpendicular polarization (TE),
 electric field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence
 For parallel polarization (TM),
 electric field is parallel to the plane of incidence

49 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

r r
r r Et , H t
Er , H r

θr θt z
r r
Ei , H i n̂

ε , µ ,σ
1 1 1
ε 2 , µ2 , σ 2

Region I Region II

Fig. 6.5 Oblique incidence of plane EM wave at a media interface

50 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
6.3.1 Perpendicular polarization (TE):
 In this case, electric field vector is perpendicular to the xz
 Hence, it will have component along the y-axis
 Since the electric field is transversal to the plane of incidence
 They are also known transverse electric (TE) waves

51 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

x̂ x̂

ri γr
γ 1
γ 1 sin θ r
γ 1 sin θ i 1

n̂ θi ẑ n̂ θr ẑ
γ 1 cosθ i γ 1 cos θ r

γ 2t
γ 2 sin θ t
n̂ θt ẑ
γ 2 cos θt

Fig. 6.6 Wave propagation vector for (a) incident (b) reflected and (c) transmitted
EM waves at oblique incidence
Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum
52 3/25/2014
6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Let us assume that the incident wave propagates in the first
quadrant of xz plane without loss of generality and
 γ (incident propagation vector) makes an angle θi with

the normal (see Fig. 6.6 (a))

r r
γ 1i • z ' = (γ 1 cos θi zˆ + γ 1 sin θi xˆ ) • ( zzˆ + xxˆ ) = γ 1 cos θi z + γ 1 sin θi x = γ 1 ( z cos θi + x sin θi )

Ei = E0 e 1 ( i
− γ z cosθ + x sin θi )

r r r ∇ × Ei
Q ∇ × Ei = − jωµ1 H i ⇒ H i =
− jωµ1

53 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
xˆ yˆ zˆ
E0  ∂e 1 ( i   ∂e −γ1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )  
− γ z cosθ + x sin θi )
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
= =  − xˆ  +  zˆ  
− jωµ1 ∂x ∂y ∂z − jωµ1  ∂z  
  ∂x 
 
− γ 1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )
0 E0 e 0

E0  ∂e −γ1 ( z cosθi + x sinθi )   ∂e −γ1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )   E0γ 1 −γ1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )
=  xˆ  −  zˆ   = e {− cos θi xˆ + zˆ sin θi }
jωµ1  ∂z  
  ∂x 
  jωµ1

E −γ z cosθ + x sin θi )
= 0 e 1( i ( − xˆ cos θi + zˆ sin θi )

54 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Let us assume that the reflected wave propagates in the
second quadrant of xz plane and
 γ1 (reflected propagation vector) makes an angle θr with
the normal (see Fig. 6.6 (b))
r r
γ 1r • z ' = ( −γ 1 cos θ r zˆ + γ 1 sin θ r xˆ ) • ( zzˆ + xxˆ ) = −γ 1 cos θ r z + γ 1 sin θ r x = γ 1 ( − z cos θ r + x sin θ r )

Er = E0 ΓTE e 1 (
−γ − z cosθ r + x sin θ r )

55 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
r r
 Note that γ 1r and γ 1i will have the same magnitude
 since both the waves are still in the same region I,
 only their direction changes
 Since the Poynting vector must be negative like the previous
case of normal incidence,
r E
H r = 0 ΓTE e 1 (
− γ − z cosθ r + x sin θ r )
( xˆ cos θ r + zˆ sin θ r )

 You could also use the Maxwell’s curl equation below to find
this r
Hr =
∇ × Er
− jωµ1
56 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 The transmitted fields will have similar expression with the
incident fields except
 that now the θi should be replaced by θt (angle that transmitted
propagation vector makes with the normal),
 γ1 should be replaced by γ2 (wave is in region II now) and
 multiplication by (transmission coefficient)
 The transmitted fields are r
ˆ 0τ TE e−γ 2 ( z cosθt + x sinθt )
Et = yE
r ∇ × Et E0τ TE −γ 2 ( z cosθt + x sin θt )
Ht = = e ( − xˆ cos θt + zˆ sin θt )
− jωµ2 η2

57 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
Table 6.5 Fields in two regions (oblique incidence:
perpendicular polarization)

Region I (lossy medium 1) Region II (lossy medium 2)

Ei = E0e 1 ( i
−γ z cosθ + x sin θi )
yˆ r
ˆ 0τ TE e−γ 2 ( z cosθt + x sinθt )
Et = yE
E −γ z cosθ + x sin θi )
H i = 0 e 1( i ( − xˆ cos θi + zˆ sin θi )
r Eτ
H t = 0 TE e 2 ( t
− γ z cosθ + x sin θt )
r ( − xˆ cos θt + zˆ sin θt )
Er = E0 ΓTE e 1 (
− γ − z cosθr + x sin θ r )
yˆ η2

r EΓ
H r = 0 TE e 1 ( i
− γ z cosθ + x sin θ i )
( xˆ cos θ r + zˆ sin θ r )
58 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014
6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Equating the tangential components of electric field
 (electric field has only Ey component and it is tangential at the
interface z=0) and
 magnetic field
 (magnetic field has two components: Hx and Hz and only Hx is
tangential at the interface z=0)
 at z=0 gives
e −γ1x sin θi + ΓTE e −γ1x sin θr = τ TE e −γ 2 x sin θt

−1 ΓTE τ TE
cos θ i e −γ1x sin θi + cos θ r e −γ1x sin θr = − cos θ t e −γ 2 x sin θt

η1 η1 η2

59 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 If Ex and Hy are to be continuous at the interface z = 0 for all
 then, this x variation must be the same on both sides of the
equations (also known as phase matching condition)

γ 1 sin θ i = γ 1 sin θ r = γ 2 sin θ t

⇒ θi = θ r ; γ 1 sin θi = γ 2 sin θt

60 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 The first is Snell’s law of reflection
 which states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of
 The second result is the Snell’s law of refraction
 (refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to change in
velocity from one medium to another medium)
 Also note that refractive index of a medium is defined as

c µ r ε r µ 0ε 0
n= = = µr ε r
vp µ 0ε 0

61 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 hence, for a lossless dielectric media,

sin θi γ 2 β 2 µ 2ε 2 v1 ε n
= = = = = 2 = 2
sin θt γ 1 β1 µ1ε1 v2 ε1 n1

 Now we can simplify above two equations by applying Snell’s

two laws as follows
1 + ΓTE = τ TE

cos θi cos θr τ TE
− + ΓTE =− cos θt
η1 η1 η2

62 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 The above two equations has two unknowns τTE and ГTE and
it can be solved easily as follows
 cos θi cos θ r  η2
τ TE =  − ΓTE  1 + ΓTE = τ TE
 η1 η1  cos θt


 η cos θi η cos θr   η2 cos θr   η2 cos θi 

1 + ΓTE =  2 − ΓTE 2  ⇒ ΓTE 1 + = − 1
 1 cos θ t η1 cos θ t   η1 cos θt η
  1 cos θ t 
 η cos θt + η2 cos θr   η2 cos θi −η1 cos θt  η2 cos θi −η1 cos θt
⇒ ΓTE  1 =  ⇒ ΓTE =
 η1 cos θt   η1 cos θt  η1 cos θt + η2 cos θr

63 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt η1 cos θt + η2 cos θr + η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt 2η2 cos θi
∴τ TE = 1 + ΓTE = 1 + = =
η1 cos θt + η2 cos θr η1 cos θt + η2 cos θ r η1 cos θt + η2 cos θr

 Hence, the reflection and transmission coefficients for

oblique incidence (Fresnel coefficients) for perpendicular
polarization are given as follows:
η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt 2η2 cos θi
ΓTE = τ TE =
η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt
 For normal incidence, it is a particular case and put
θi = θ r = θt = 0

64 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
6.3.2 Parallel Polarization (TM):
 In this case, electric field vector lies in the xz plane
 Since the magnetic field is transversal to the plane of
incidence such waves are also called as transverse magnetic
(TM) waves
 So let us start with H vector which will have only y
r E
H i = yˆ 0 e − γ 1 ( z cos θ i + x sin θ i )

65 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
r r r ∇ × Hi
Q ∇ × H = jωε1 E ⇒ Ei =

xˆ yˆ zˆ
1 ∂ ∂ ∂ E0   ∂e−γ1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )   ∂e−γ1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )  
= = −  xˆ  +  zˆ  
jωε1 ∂x ∂y ∂z jωε1η1   ∂z  
  ∂x 
 
E0 − γ 1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )
0 e 0
E0γ 1 − γ 1 ( z cosθi + x sin θi )
= e {cos θi xˆ − zˆ sin θi } = E0e−γ ( z cosθ + x sinθ ) ( cos θi xˆ − zˆ sin θi )
1 i i


66 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Similar to the previous case of parallel polarization, we can
write the reflected magnetic field vector as
r EΓ
ˆ −γ 1 ( − z cosθr + x sin θr )
H r = − yˆ 0 TM ye

 The transmitted fields will have similar expression with the

incident fields except that
 now the θi should be replaced by θt (angle that transmitted
propagation vector makes with the normal),
 γ1 should be replaced by γ2 (wave is in region II) and
 multiplied by a factor (transmission coefficient for TM case)

67 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
r − γ ( z cosθt + x sin θt )
Et = E0τ TM e 2 ( xˆ cos θt − zˆ sin θt )
r τ E −γ z cosθ + x sinθt )
H t = yˆ TM 0 e 2 ( t

Table 6.6 Fields in two regions (oblique incidence: parallel

polarization) {next page}

68 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

Region I (lossy medium 1) Region II (lossy medium 2)

Ei = E0e 1 ( i
− γ z cosθ + x sin θi ) r
( cos θi xˆ − zˆ sin θi ) − γ ( z cosθt + x sin θt )
Et = E0τ TM e 2 ( xˆ cos θt − zˆ sin θt )
r E
H i = yˆ 0 e − γ 1 ( z cos θ i + x sin θ i ) r τ E −γ z cosθ + x sin θt )
η1 H t = yˆ TM 0 e 2 ( t
Er = E0ΓTM e 1 (
− γ − z cosθ r + x sin θ r )
{cos θr xˆ + zˆ sin θi }
r EΓ
ˆ −γ 1 ( − z cosθr + x sin θr )
H r = − yˆ 0 TM ye

69 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Equating the tangential components of magnetic field
 (magnetic field has only Hy component and it is tangential at the
interface z=0) and
 electric field
 (electric field has two components: Ex and Ez and only Ex is
tangential at the interface z=0)
 at z=0 gives

e −γ1x sin θi cos θi + e −γ1x sin θr ΓTM cos θ r = τ TM e −γ 2 x sin θt cos θ t

e −γ1x sin θi ΓTM e−γ1x sin θr τ TM e−γ x sinθ

2 t

− =
η1 η1 η2

70 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

γ 1 sin θ i = γ 1 sin θ r = γ 2 sin θ t

⇒ θi = θ r ; γ 1 sin θi = γ 2 sin θt

 which is Snell’s law of reflection and refraction and this

implies that
cos θi + ΓTM cos θ r = τ TM cos θt

1 τ TM
(1 − ΓTM ) =
η1 η2

71 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 The above two equations has two unknowns τTM and ГTM and
it can be easily solved as follows
cos θi + ΓTM cos θ r η2
τ TM =
cos θt
τ TM = (1 − ΓTM )
cos θi + ΓTM cos θr η2 η cos θi ΓTM cos θ r
= (1 − ΓTM ) ⇒ 2 (1 − ΓTM ) = +
cos θt η1 η1 cos θt cos θt
 η cos θ r   cos θi η2   −η2 cos θt −η1 cos θ r   η1 cos θi −η2 cos θt 
⇒ ΓTM  − 2 −  = −  ⇒ Γ TM  = 
 η1 cos θt   cos θt η1   η1 cos θt   η1 cos θt 
η cos θt −η1 cos θi η2 cos θt −η1 cos θi
⇒ ΓTM = 2 =
η2 cos θt + η1 cos θ r η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi

72 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
η2 η  η cos θt −η1 cos θi  η2  η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi −η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi 
∴τ TM = (1 − ΓTM ) = 2 1 − 2 =  
η1 η1  η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi  η1  η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi 
η2  2η1 cos θi  2η2 cos θi
=  =
η1  η2 cos θt + η1 cosθi  η2 cosθt + η1 cosθi

 Hence, the reflection and transmission coefficients for oblique

incidence (Fresnel coefficients) for parallel polarization are given as
η2 cos θt − η1 cos θi 2η2 cos θi
∴ΓTM = τ TM =
η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi

 Note that cosine terms multiplication in the above equations is

different from the previous expression for TE waves

73 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
6.3.3 Brewster angle:
 For Γ=0, the angle of incidence is known as Brewster angle
 This means at this angle of incidence of the EM wave from
region I,
 there will be no reflection from region II,
 all the EM waves will be absorbed

74 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 For parallel polarization,

θi = θ BTM

η2 cos θt − η1 cos θi
ΓTM = =0
η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi
⇒ η2 cos θt = η1 cos θ BTM

 Also we have from 2nd Snell’s law

γ 1 sin θ BTM = γ 2 sin θ t

75 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

 Using the above two equations, we can get (see textbook)

 η12 
 η2 − 1 
 2 
sin 2 θ BTM = 2 2 
 η1 − γ 1 
 η 22 γ 22 

 For lossless media, we have,

µ ε2
2 2 2
η12 µ γ µ µ2ε 2 µ ε 2 γ 12 µ ε1
2 ε1µ 2
Q 2 = 2 = 1
; 2 =
∴ sin 2 θ BTM
1 1
η2 γ 1 µ µ1ε1µ2 ε1µ2 γ 2 ε 2 µ2
2 µ ε 2 µ ε1
− 1

ε1µ2 ε 2 µ2

76 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

 For magnetic media, ε1 = ε 2

2 TM
 sin θ B is of the form 1/0 and Brewster angle does not
 But, for dielectric media, it exist and can be calculated as
ε1 ε2 ε n
⇒ sin θ BTM = = ⇒ tan θ BTM = 2 = 2
ε 2 ε1 ε 2 + ε1 ε1 n1

ε1 ε 2

77 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 For perpendicular polarization,
 Similarly, Brewster’s angle doesn’t exist for perpendicular
polarization at oblique incidence for a non-magnetic or
dielectric medium (see textbook for derivation)
 For magnetic medium

µ2 µ1 − ( µ2 ) µ2 µ2 µ2 n2
∴ sin 2 θBTE = 2 2
= ⇒ sin θBTE = ; tan θBTE = =
( µ1 ) − ( µ2 ) µ1 + µ2 µ1 + µ2 µ1 n1

78 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Brewster angle exist for oblique incidence (perpendicular
polarization) for interface between two magnetic media
 An incident wave consisting of both polarizations will have
reflected wave for only one polarization for Brewster angle
 Brewster angle is also known as Polarizing angle (used in
optics and lasers)
 In other words, an incident wave which is composed of both
TE and TM waves will have reflected TE (TM) waves only for
dielectric (magnetic) media interface
 Thus, a circularly polarized incident wave at polarizing angle
will become a linearly polarized wave

79 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
6.3.4 Total internal reflection:
 Used in optical fibers
 Light strikes an angle of incidence greater than critical angle,
 all of the light energy will be reflected back, and
 none of them will be absorbed
 This critical angle is related to the refractive index of the two
media and is given by  n2 
θ c = sin −1  
 1
 where are the refractive index of medium 2 and 1

80 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 In fact, this can be observed for both the polarizations we
have discussed above
 From Snell’s Second law, we have,

γ 2 sin θt
γ 1 sin θi = γ 2 sin θt ⇒ sin θi =
 If we consider non-magnetic materials (dielectrics) of , in
that case,
ε 2 sin θt
⇒ sin θi =

81 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 Hence, for

θi = θ c ,θt =
 (it means the transmitted wave travels along the interface, for
our case, it is x-axis) which implies that

ε2  ε2 
⇒ sin θ c = ⇒ θ c = sin 
ε1 ε
 1

82 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 We can write the above relation as

 ε2   µ 0 µ r 2 ε 0ε r 2   µ r 2ε r 2  −1  n2 
θ c = sin −1   = sin −1
  = sin −1
  = sin  
 1  µ0 µ r1ε 0ε r1   µ r1ε r1   n1 

 Note that ε1 > ε 2 to have a real value of critical angle

 Besides, we have assumed that for a dielectric, µ r1 = µ r 2 = 1

83 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 What will happen when the angle of incidence is greater than
the critical angle?
 For all angles greater than the critical angle,
 using Snell’s second law, and
 noting that waves are moving from a denser to a rarer dielectric
µ r1 = µ r 2 = 1 ε1 > ε 2

µ1ε1 sin θi
Qθi > θ c ∴ sin θt = > 1 ⇒ cos θt = ± 1 − sin 2 θt
µ 2ε 2

 The value of cos θt should be imaginary

84 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 It can be shown that (see textbook for derivation)
2 2
r r r* E0τ − j 2 β2 z cosθt E0τ − j 2 β2 z cosθt
∴ S = E × H = xˆ e sin θt + zˆ e cos* θt
η2 η2

 For z>0, since cos θ t is an imaginary number, cos* θt is

also purely imaginary
 Hence, the second term is imaginary, therefore, no real
power is flowing along z-axis in region II
 The first term which has direction along x-axis is real and is
exponentially decaying with z

85 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 When a wave is incident at an angle of incidence greater than
or equal to the critical angle from region I,
 the wave will be total internally reflected in region I
 Surface waves exist in the region II,
 which is propagating along x-axis (direction of power flow),
 attenuating very fast along z-axis
 People have used this for communications using submarines

86 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
6.3.5 Effects on polarization:
 Since any arbitrary wave incident obliquely from region I can
be decomposed into linear combinations of TE and TM
waves and
 we also know that the expressions for reflection and
transmission coefficients for parallel and perpendicular
polarizations are different
η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt η2 cos θt − η1 cos θi
ΓTE = ; ΓTM =
η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi

87 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence
 So, any circularly polarized incident wave will
 become elliptically polarized after reflection or transmission
 Similarly, a linearly polarized wave (note that linear
polarization could be expressed as linear combination of
RHCP and LHCP) may be
 rotated after reflection

88 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

6.3 Plane wave reflection from media
interface at oblique incidence

 For instance,
 If the region II is a perfect conductor, η2=0, Г=-1 for both
TE and TM cases,
 this means a RHCP wave after reflection will become LHCP
wave and vice versa

 This is why circular polarization is not used for indoor

communication systems since we have many reflections inside a

89 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

Plane waves reflection from a media interface
6.4 Summary
Normal incidence Oblique incidence
Perfect ΓTE =
η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt
η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt
Lossy conducting conductor 2η2 cos θi
Effect on
τ TE
medium polarization
η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt
η −η 2η2 τ→0 and Γ→-1
Γ= 2 1; τ =
η 2 + η1 η1 + η2 TM
Brewster CPEP
Lossless η cos θt − η1 cos θi
Savg 2
= Savg ∴ΓTM = 2 Total internal
medium η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi

1 r 1 2 1− Γ
2η2 cos θi
Savg =
( )
Re S 1 • zˆ = E0
2 η1
τ TM =
η2 cos θt + η1 cos θi tan θ BTM =
ε 2 n2
ε1 n1
Good conductor TE µ 2 n2  ε2 
θ c = sin −1  
tan θ = = ε 
µ1 n1  1

r+ 2 µ1ε1 sin θi
2 1− Γ > 1 ⇒ cos θt = ± 1 − sin 2 θt
S 2
( )1
= Re S • zˆ = E0
2 2 η2
e −2αz Qθ i > θ c ∴ sin θt =
µ 2ε 2

Fig. 6.7 Plane waves reflection from media interface in a nutshell

90 Electromagnetic Field Theory by R. S. Kshetrimayum 3/25/2014

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