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Humans totally depend on water for their survival. Recently, water is

becoming an issue of discussion in many developing nations due to an undergoing
radical transformation of ecology. In world 1.2 billion people lack access to safe and
affordable water for their domestic use. Another worrisome issue is that large world
populists are living in rural areas, have an income below the one-dollar-per-day
poverty line and lack access to quality water for their livelihoods. [1]
River, dam, lakes etc. provide water to our city. But we get water in impure
form as it contains impurities like bacteria, turbidity, dissolve gasses etc. Which cause
spreading of various diseases hence contaminated water is send to water purification
plant to remove out impure impurities in it and eventually water is supplied to the
people in city. On the other hand we can observe that same river water or dam water
is supply to the villagers. But where don‟t get purified water as it comes directly from
river and store in ESR. Sometime, adding bleaching powder for purification due to
kill only small amount of bacteria but turbidity, fluoride, dissolve gasses remain as it
in water. Due to which leads break out hazardous diseases in village, thus it is
indispensable to have “water treatment plant” in village. [2]



But it will be very costly to provide water purification plant in every village.
So we design such type of “Modern ESR” integrated with water treatment plant
shown in [fig 1.0]. units and it joining by piping system. Also in these we use some
atomization system. The maintenance of these “Modern ESR" is less and easy The
cost of these “Modern ESR” is very less as compare to the ground water purification
plant for small villages.


1. To study and hydraulic analysis the modern integrated ESR with water
treatment plant.
2. To compare the cost of modern integrated ESR with water treatment plant and
water treatment plant on G.L.
3. To prevent the villagers from water diseases by providing modern integrated
ESR with water treatment plant.
4. To reduce the fluorides present in the ground water.


1. To prevent the villagers from water diseases by providing modern
integrated ESR with water treatment plant.
2. The cost of ESR with water treatment plant is less as compared to the
ground water treatment plant.
3. The water treatment plant is constructed on storage tank. Therefore it
eliminates cost of land acquisition and reduces the foundation cost.
4. It reduces operator cost because in which purifier water is directly stored
storage tank.
5. It require less time to distribute purify water to the village.
6. It does not required sump well or storage tank to store purified water after
purification process.
7. To reduce the arsenic and fluorides present in the village water by using
Nalgonda method.
8. Reduces foundation cost of each unit.
2.0 Water Treatment
The available raw water must be treated and purified before they can supplied
to general public for their domestic, industrial or any other uses. The extent of
treatment required to the given to a particular water depends upon the characteristics
and quality of the available water, and also upon the quality requirments for the
intended use. In general, the public water supplies are mainly designed for the view
point of quality requirements of drinking water, and simultaneously, they should be
made reasonably suitable for industrial purposes like steam generation, dyeing,
brewing etc. the available water must, therefore, be made safe, good in appearance,
and attractive to human taste and tongue. Various methods which are use to make the
water safe and attractive to the customers and described below. However, the method
or methods adopted for purification depend mostly upon the character of raw water.

2.1. Methods of purification of water

The various methods or the techniques which may be adopted

for purifying the public water supplies are

1. Screening
2. Plane sedimentation
3. Sedimentation aided with coagulation
4. Filtration
5. Disinfection
6. Aeration
7. Softening
8. Miscellaneous treatments, such as fluoridation, carbonation liming,
desalination etc.

At pointed out earlier, it may please denote and kept in mind

that all the above techniques may or may not be used for treating a Particular
water. The necessity of few or all of these treatments depends slowly upon the
quality of the available water. Before we describe these techniques in details,
let us summaries the functions solve by each of this techniques in effecting
purification of raw water.Most of the big and visible objects, such as trees ,
branches, sticks, vegetation , fish, animal life , etc. present in water of surface
sources can be removed by screening. The coarser suspended materials can then
be removed by letting the water settle in sedimentation basin. The process is
called plane sedimentation. The effectiveness of sedimentation may however, be
increased by mixing certain chemicals with the water, so as to form flocculants
precipited , which carries suspended particles as it settles. The process is called
chemical coagulation. The final particles in suspension which may avoid settling
in sedimentation basins to the after using chemical coagulation , may then may
remove by filtering the water through filters. The process is called filtration.

Fig: -2.0 Flow Diagram of Water Treatment Plant

The filtered water which may still contain pathogenic bacteria, is then made
bacteria-roof by adding chemicals such as chlorine, etc. this process of
killing of germs called disinfection. The resulting water, through now become
safe, yet may not be attractive to the tongue of the customers . unpleasant
tastes and odour may then, therefore, have to be removed by adding certain
chemical compounds such as activated carbon or by using ozone. This process
is called aeration. The resulting water may sometimes much harder than
possible and may therefore, have to softened by a process softening.
Sometimes, the resulting water may be given further treatment, such as
fluoridation ( i. e. addition of lime in order to control acidity and reduce
corrosive action ) ,recarbonation (i. e addition of carbon dioxide so as to
prevent deposition of calcium carbonate scale ), desalination ( i.e removal of
excess salt, if at all present ), etc.[4]

2.1.1 Screening

Water obtained from the surface source often contains suspended as well as
floating matter. Floating matter includes debris, leaves, trees ,sticks, matter through
by people ,etc. Screens are provided to exclude such matter from waste before it is
admitted to the treatment plant. They are provided in front of intake or pumps ,so they
can exclude the large size particles.[4]

There are two types of Screening

a) Coarse screens-
Coarse screen traps coarser floating materials. They are in the form of bar
grill; consisting of 25mm size bars spaced at 75 to 100mm center to center .These
are kept inclined at 45 to 60 degree for easy cleaning. The velocity of water
through screen is not more than 0.8 to 1 m/sec
b) Fine screens-
Fine screens are provided after bars screens. Sometimes only fine screens are
provided without course screen. To avoid the clogging of fine screens a device is
provided to clean it continuously. Fine screens are provided on drums of
perforated materials having 6mm diameter holes. The drums rotate and remove
materials continuously the process is known as “automatic straining”. Fine screens
normally get clogged and are required to be cleaned often. Hence now day‟s fine
screens are avoided. These particles can be removed by sedimentation instead of
removing them by screening.
Fig.2.1 :- Screen Chamber

2.1.2. Aeration

Aeration is the process of bringing the water in intimate contact with air the
water absorbs oxygen from the air. While doing so the carbon dioxide gas is removed
up to 70% and bacteria and also killed up to certain extended in this process. The
aeration of water can be carried out in the following way Spray nozzles, Air
Diffusion, Cascade aerator. [4]

a) Spray nozzles:
In this method water is sprinkled in air or atmosphere through special nozzles
which breaks the water into droplets thus permitting the escape of dissolved gases.
Carbon dioxide gas thus considerably removed (up to 90% or so on) in this method.
However considerable head of water is required for the working of these nozzles,
which function efficiently at the pressure of 10 to 14 m head of water.
b) Air Diffusion:
In this method compressed air is bubbled through the water so as to
thoroughly mix it with water. Perforated pipes are therefore installed at the bottom of
settling tank and the compressed air is blown through them. The compressed air is
thus bubbled up from the bottom of the tank. During its upward movement through
the water body it gets thoroughly mixed up with water contained in the tank, thereby
completing the aeration process.
c) Cascade aerator:
In this method the water is made to fall through certain height over the series
of steps with the fall of about 0.15 to 0.3m in each step. The structure so formed is
known as free-fall aerator. The simple form of free fall aerator is known as cascade
aerator. Such aerator is used as water features. The plates can be made up of cast iron
or of RCC or of timber or of glass. The aerator should preferably be installed in open
air. However for protection against air pollution freezing and algal growth it can be
installed in small houses having plenty of louvered inlets. The cascade aerators are
efficient in raising dissolved oxygen content of water but for CO2 removal, which is
removed only in range of 60% to 70%.

Fig: -2.2 Aeration tank

2.1.3 Sedimentation Aided With Coagulation

Very fine suspended particles and colloidal matter present in water cannot
settle down in plain sedimentation tank of ordinary detention period. They can
however be removed easily by increasing their size by changing them into flocculated
particles. For this purpose certain chemical compounds called „coagulants‟ are added
to the water which on throughout mixing form a gelatinous precipitate called „floc‟.
The very fine colloidal particles present in water gets attracted and absorbed in these
floc forming the bigger size flocculated particles. The surface charge on colloidal
particles gives them long term stability and hence these particles which might
otherwise settle or coalesce are mutually repelled by there like charges. Coagulation is
the chemical technique which is directed towards the destabilization of charged
colloidal particles. Flocculation on the other hand is the slow mixing technique which
promotes the agglomeration of stabilized particles. The entire process of addition of
chemicals and mixing (flocculation)is referred as coagulation. The coagulated water is
finally made to pass through the sedimentation tank where the flocculated particles
settled down. The coagulants used are alum, copper, sodium aluminate, chlorinated
copperas. The coagulants are generally necessary for clarifying raw water containing
turgidities‟ greater than 30 to 50mg/l. The coagulation before sedimentation is almost
universally adopted in all major water treatment plant and is followed by rapid sand .

Fig:-2.3 Dry feeder

2.1.4 Clariflocculator

Clariflocculator is a combination of flocculation and clarification in a single

tank. It has two concentric tanks where inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and
the outer tank serves as a clarifier. In the Clariflocculator, the water enters the
flocculator, where the flocculating paddles enhance flocculation of the feed solids. As
heavy particles settle to the bottom, the liquid flows radially upward in the clarifier
zone,. The clarified liquid is discharged over a peripheral weir into the peripheral
launder. The deposited sludge is raked to the bottom near the central weir from where
it is routed to the sludge chamber and discharged. [5]
Fig No: - 2.4 Clariflocculator

2.1.5 Flash Mixer

After screening out debris and testing raw water, chemicals that encourage
coagulation are added to the water stream. The mixture is agitated quickly and
thoroughly in a process called flash mixing. The chemicals introduced into the water
stream will attract any very fine particles, such as silt, that will not readily settle or
filter out and make them clump together. These larger, heavier formations are called
floc, which are much easier to remove from the water. he duration of the flash mix
chamber is carefully controlled, and typically lasts from 10-90 seconds. If the duration
of the flash mix is not long enough, the chemicals will not be properly distributed
throughout the water. Too long, and the newly formed floc will be damaged by
impeller shear. When determining the length of time that water needs to spend in the
flash mix chamber, duration is calculated using the size of the tank and the volume of
flow. [5]
2.1.6 Filtration

The resultant water after sedimentation will not be pure, and may contain
some very fine suspended particles and bacteria in it. To remove or to reduce the
remaining impurities still further, the water is filtered through the beds of fine
granular material, such as sand, etc. The process of passing the water through the beds
of such granular materials is known as Filtration. Following are the method of
filtration Slow sand filter, Multimedia filters, Rapid-sand filter. Sand filter media
requires Sand, Gravel, Other materials. : Sand, either fine or coarse, is generally used
as filter media. The size of the sand is measured and expressed by the term called
effective size. The effective size, i.e. D10 may be defined as the size of the sieve in mm
through which ten per cent of the sample of sand by weight will pass. The uniformity
in size or degree of variations in sizes of particles is measured and expressed by the
term called uniformity coefficient. The uniformity coefficient, i.e. (D60/D10) may be
defined as the ratio of the sieve size in mm through which 60 percent of the sample of
sand will pass, to the effective size of the sand. The layers of sand may be supported
on gravel, which permits the filtered water to move freely to the under drains, and
allows the wash water to move uniformly upwards. Instead of using sand, sometimes,
anthrafilt is used as filter media. Anthrafilt is made from anthracite, which is a type of
coal-stone that burns without smoke or flames. It is cheaper and has been able to give
a high rate of filtration.

Following are the type of filter:

a) Slow sand filter:

They consist of fine sand, supported by gravel. They capture particles
near the surface of the bed and are usually cleaned by scraping away the top
layer of sand that contains the particles.

b) Multimedia filters:
They consist of two or more layers of different granular materials, with
different densities. Usually, anthracite coal, sand, and gravel are used. The
different layers combined may provide more versatile collection than a single
sand layer. Because of the differences in densities, the layers stay neatly
separated, even after backwashing.
c) Rapid-sand filter:
They consist of larger sand grains supported by gravel and capture
particles throughout the bed. They are cleaned by backwashing water through
the bed to 'lift out' the particle. [6]

Fig No: - 2.5 Filtration Tank

2.1.7 Disinfection

Water disinfection means the removal, deactivation or killing of pathogenic

microorganisms. When microorganisms are not removed from drinking water,
drinking water usage will cause people to fall ill.

Fig No: -2.6 Disinfection Tank

Disinfection can be attained by means of physical or chemical disinfectants. The
agents also remove organic contaminants from water, which serve as nutrients or
shelters for microorganisms. Normally chlorination is done for the removal of
disinfection process. [11]


Defluoridation was the conventional and widely tested method for supplying
safe water to the fluorosis affected communities. Defluoridation is defined as, „the
downward adjustment of level of fluoride in drinking water to the optimal levels
Various techniques and materials were tried throughout the world for defluoridation
of water.[11] Defluoridation techniques can be broadly classified in to four categories
a) Adsorption technique
b) Ion-exchange technique
c) Precipitation technique
d) Other techniques, which include electro chemical defluoridation and Reverse

2.2.1 Defluoridation by Precipitation technique

The two major drawbacks of Ion-exchange and adsorption techniques are: The
necessary flow through system is often difficult to arrange where there is no piped
water supply and gradual exhaustion of the active agent is not easily detected. In an
attempt to overcome these problems the precipitation techniques have been

developed.Precipitation methods are based on the addition of chemicals (coagulants

and coagulant aids) and the subsequent precipitation of a sparingly soluble fluoride
salt as insoluble fluorapatite [11]. Fluoride removal is accomplished with separation
of solids from liquid. Aluminium salts (eg. Alum), lime, Poly Aluminium Chloride,
Poly Aluminium Hydroxy sulphate and Brushite are some of the frequently used
materials in defluoridation by precipitation technique. The best example for this
technique is the famous Nalgonda technique of defluoridation.
2.2.2 Nalgonda technique
After extensive testing of many materials and processes including activated
alumina since 1961, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI),
Nagpur has evolved an economical and simple method for removal of fluoride which
is referred to as „Nalgonda Technique‟ (Nawlakhe et al 1974) Nalgonda Technique
involves addition of Aluminium salts, lime and bleaching powder followed by rapid
mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Aluminium salt may
be added as aluminium sulphate (alum) or aluminium chloride or combination of
these two. It is responsible for removal of fluoride from water. The dose of aluminium
salt increases with increase in the fluoride and alkalinity levels of the raw water. The
selection of either aluminium sulphate or aluminium chloride depends on sulphate and
chloride contents of the raw water to avoid them exceeding their permissible limits.
Lime facilitates forming dense flocks for rapid settling of insoluble fluoride salts. The
dose of lime is empirically 1/20th of that of the dose of aluminium salt. Bleaching
powder is added to the raw water at the rate of 3 mg/l for disinfection. Approximate
doses of alum required to obtain water with acceptable limit of fluoride (<1.0 mg/l) at
various fluoride and alkalinity levels in raw water are given below (Table 2).Bulusu et
al. stated in 1979 that Nalgonda Technique was preferable at all levels because of the
low price and ease of handling . The technique is highly versatile and has the
applications like; for large communities, fill and draw technique for small
communities, fill-and-Draw defluoridation plant for rural water supply, for domestic
defluoridation, etc.[11]
2.2.3 Mechanism of defluoridation by Nalgonda technique for large
This is a combination of the following processes: rapid mixing, chemical
interaction, flocculation, filtration, disinfection and sludge concentration to recover
water and aluminium salts. Different processes are allowed to take place in different
tanks of suitable size
2.2.4 Fill and draw technique for small communities
For communities with a population ranging from 200 to 2000, a defluoridation
plant of fill and draw type is recommended. The plant consists of a hopper-bottom
cylindrical tank with a depth of 2m. The diameter depends upon the quantity of the
water to be treated. All unit operations of mixing, flocculation and sedimentation are
performed in the same vessel. It has a stirring mechanism, which can be either hand
operated or power driven. Raw water is pumped to the unit and required quantity of
alum, lime and bleaching powder are added. The contents are stirred for 10 min and
allowed to settle for 1-2 hours. The settled sludge is discarded and the defluoridated
supernatant is filtered and supplied through stand posts [27].
Fig No: -2.7 Mechanism of Nalgonda technique
Advantages of Nalgonda technique
 Regeneration of media is not required.
 No handling of caustic acids and alkalies.
 The chemicals required are readily available and are used in conventional
municipal water treatment.
 Adaptable to domestic use.
 Economical
 Can be used to treat water in large quantities for community usage.
 Applicable in batch as well as in continuous operation to suit needs.
 Simplicity of design, construction, operation and maintenance.
 Local semi-skilled workers can be readily employed.
 Highly efficient removal of fluorides from high levels to desirable levels.
1. Optimizing coagulation process by using sludge produced in the water
treatment plant (M. Farhaoui1 and M. Derraz, 2016)-
In the water treatment processes, the coagulation and flocculation processes
produce sludge according to the level of the water turbidity. The aluminum sulfate is
the most common coagulant used in water treatment plants of Morocco as well as
many countries. It is difficult to manage . However, it can be used in the process to
improve the quality of the treated water and reduce the aluminum sulfate dose. In this
study, the effectiveness of sludge was evaluated at different turbidity levels (low,
medium and high turbidity) and coagulant dosage to find optimal operational
conditions. . A set of jar test experiments was conducted to find the sludge and
aluminium sulphate dosages in order to improve the produced water quality for
different turbidity levels. Results demonstrated that using sludge produced by the
treatment plant can improve the quality of the produced water and reduce the
aluminium sulphate using. The aluminium sulphate dosage can be reduced from 40 to
50% according to the turbidity level (10, 20 and 40 NTU). Results show that sludge
can be used in order to reduce the aluminium sulphate dosage and improve the quality
of treated water.
2. Disinfection Techniques of Rural Water Supplies in Developing Countries
(Husnain Haider. June 2006)-
About 1.2 billion people in the world have no or lack of access to safe drinking
water and most of them are living in developing countries. This paper reviews briefly
different disinfection techniques in the developing countries context both at the
household level and for community water supplies in rural areas, including filtration,
boiling, solar water disinfection (SODIS), chlorination, ultraviolet radiations (UV)
and mixed oxidant gases. . For surface waters, filtration supported with disinfection
through chlorination for rural water supplies appears to be the most feasible option.
However, difficulties associated with lack of skilled manpower to control chlorine
doses can be omitted by disinfecting filtered waters at household level through SODIS
or boiling rather than chlorination at the plant site.
3. Review on Defluoridation Techniques of Water ( Piddennavar Renuka
Krishnappa Pushpanjali , 15 March2013 )

Fluoride is often described as a „double-edged sword‟ as inadequate ingestion is

associated with dental caries, where as excessive intake leads to dental, skeletal and
soft tissue fluorosis- which has no cure. Considering the fact that fluorosis is an
irreversible condition and has no cure, prevention is the only solution for this menace.
Providing water, with optimal fluoride concentration is the only way by which the
generation yet to be born can be totally protected against the disease. Defluoridation
was the conventional and widely tested method for supplying safe water to the
fluorosis affected communities. Various techniques and materials were tried
throughout the world for defluoridation of water. Defluoridation techniques can be
broadly classified in to four categories; Adsorption technique, Ion-exchange
technique, Precipitation technique, and Other techniques, which include electro
chemical defluoridation and Reverse Osmosis. This paper discusses various
defluoridation techniques used across world and current status of defluoridation in
4. Physico-Chemical Properties Of Drinking Water Available In Educational
Institutes Of Karachi City (Asadullah , Seemaismat Khan, May 2013)-
In order to investigate the physic-chemical quality, 780 water samples were
collected from 490 educational institutes located in various areas of Karachi, during
the period of May to September 2005. The parameters include pH, turbidity, total
dissolve solids (TDS), hardness and conductivity that were varied from 3.2 to 8.7, 0.2
to 3.1 NTU (nephelometric turbidity unit), 79 to 1066 ppm, 69 to 558ppm and 96 to
1775μS/cm, respectively. On the basis of pH 6%, taste 2.1%, turbidity 0%, TDS 2.5%
and hardness 1.3%, of the samples were found out of acceptable limits of World
Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. Moreover, the conductivity of the studied
waters was found to be the multiple of 0.6001 to that of TDS (R2 = 0.987) when
regression model was established.

5. Pressure reducing valve characterization for pipe system management Silvia

Meniconia,*, Bruno Brunonea, Elisa Mazzettia,Daniele B. Laucellib, Giovanni
Pressure control strategy through Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) has been
deeply investigated as management strategy, aimed at water leakage reduction
avoiding very expensive pipe replacement programmes. On the contrary, few
experimental data are available in literature, particularly in unsteady-state conditions.
In this paper, the results of some tests carried out at the Water Engineering Laboratory
of the University of Perugia (I) in order to characterize a PRV with two set points for
high and low pressures are presented. The PRV is installed in a single high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) pipe supplied by a tank in which the pressure is assured by
pumps of different characteristics. Two types of tests are considered: steady-state
tests, to characterize the PRV, and extended period tests, to check its dynamic

6. Economical Size of Over Head Tank By Height/Diameter Ratio (Chhavi

Narayan Dewangan, Rahul Rathore) –
Storage reservoirs and overhead tanks are used for the storage of various
products like water , liquid petroleum products and similar liquid . The force analysis
of reservoirs or tank about the same irrespective of the chemical nature of the product
, the product is corrosive .For high value of H/D ,cost of OHT is higher as width of
vertical increases due to hoops stress . Similarly, for low value of H/D , cost of OHT
is higher as diameter of tank increases , more number of column and footings are to
be provided . So , economical cost can be achieved by optimizing the value of H/D
IRRIGATION IN BANGLADESH (Shahidul I. Khan, Md. Mizanur R. Sarkar
and Md. Quamrul Islam., December 2013)-
Irrigation by electric power is cheaper than diesel pump. Due to severe shortage
of electricity it is difficult to meet the demand. Harnessing solar power for irrigation
is a good alternative to grid electricity. This paper deals with the design, technical and
economic analysis of a low. [16]
3.1 Solar pump
For lifting water from intake structure to ESR, used solar pumps due to which
we save the electricity and minimise head losses. For the convenient purpose we also
use electric pump.

Fig No: -3.0 Solar Pumps

The sun is power full source of renewable energy for our planet. It has been
estimated that on average 1000 watts per unit earth area (m²) are available from sun
during one hour. This incident solar energy can be harnessed through photovoltaic
(pv) system to produce electricity for subsequent uses.

Table :- 3.0. AC Submersible pumps

The energy harnessed from sun called solar energy which is most reliable. [16] In our
project we use both pump i.e. solar as well as electric which is used to pump water
because in rainy season due to climatic condition and absence of solar energy. We use
electric pump while in summer season we use solar pump totally because large
amount of solar radiation is available. A solar power pumping system is made up of
two basic component i.e. pv panels and pumps. Smallest element of pv panel is solar
cell. Each solar cell has two or more specially prepared layer of semiconductor
material that produces direct current (DC) electricity when exposed to light. This DC
current is collected by wiring panel. It is supplied to DC pump which in turns pump
water whenever sun shine or stored batteries later use by pump. Solar system has low
maintained cost less and having useful for long live period. [16]

3.2 Pipe No.(1)

Pipe (1) which shown (fig:-3.1) carrying water from intake structure to attach
the aeration tank.
3.3 Aeration tank
For bringing the water in intimate contacts with air and remove all other
gasses. In these “Modern ESR” we are providing cascade aerator.
In this method the water is made to fall through a certain height (1 to 3m) over a
series of steps (3 to 10) with a fall of about (0.15 to 0.3m).The structure so formed is
known as free fall aerator. The simplest type of a freefall aerator is called as cascade
aerator. They will take large quantities of water in a comparatively small area at low
head, are simple to be kept clean and be made of robust and durable materials with a
long life. The plates can be made of cast iron, or of RCC or timber or even of glass.
The aerator should preferably be installed in open air. The cascade aerator are
efficient in raising dissolve oxygen content of water but not for CO2 removal, which
is removed only in the range of 60 to 7o%. In the cascade aerator usually; the rate of
flow may vary between 20 to 100 cum/h per m length of weir. To allow entrained air
to mix „in the water‟ each receiving basin should have a pool of water of depth 0.3 to
0.5m weirs with serrated edged performs better, as they help to break water flow into
separate jets. [4] The space requirement is typically of the order of 0.5 sq.m per/1
cum/h water treated. The oxygen transfer efficiency, which defined as the oxygen
transferred (kg/h) per unit of power input, should be as high as 2.5 kg O2/KWh.
Fig: - 3.1. Section of an Integrated ESR
Six steps of 0.30 m size shall be provided on which the water shall
be flowing down to the outlet chamber. Four pipes of 250mm diameter have been
provided at the outlet of aerator to the Alum mixing chamber. Enough discharged of
water will flow through these pipes. The over flow shall take place only when the
outlet of alum mixing chamber are logged. All masonry walls shall be plastered. The
wall thickness has been proposed to be kept as 0.30m. [4]
Fig:- 3.2. Plan and Section of cascade aeration

3.4 Pipe No.(2):-

Pipe No.2 is “Rain water harvesting pipe” is used to carry rain water , which is
connected to the top of aeration tank to rain water harvesting tank.

Fig: - 3.3. Plan and section of a various treatment units

3.5 Pipe No. (3)

Pipe no.(3) which transfer the aerated water from aeration tank to the clarifier
tank and it also attach the coagulant pipe.

3.6. Coagulant Tank:

After aeration, second main filtration unit is clarifier for formation of flock
coagulant like alum, lime is required. Hence for storing coagulant there are coagulant
tank provided. In which we use “Dry feeding” for feeding the coagulant in the raw
water pipe no3. [4]

Fig No: -3.4. Dry feeding

3.7. Clarification

Clarifiers work on the principle of gravity settling. The heavy suspended

solids settle in the clarifier due to quiescent conditions provided in the clarification
zone.The purpose of clarifier is to remove solids, produce a cleaner effluent and
concentrate solids. Concentration of solids removed from the waste water reduces the
volume of sludge for dewatering and or disposal. A clarification step is the first part
of conventional treatment for waste and surface water treatment. It usually consists in
screening physical, chemical treatment is a generic term for coagulation, flocculation,
sedimentation upon particles properties and water type. [5]
Fig No: -3.5. Clariflaculator
3.7.1. Flash Mixer
Flash mixer in water treatment after screening out debris and testing
water, chemicals that encourage coagulation are added to the water stream. The mixer
is agitated quickly and thoroughly in a process called Flash mixing. The mechanically
agitated mixing basins provide the best type of mixing as also the flocculating
devices. The chemical added to raw water is vigorously mixed and agitated by flash
mixer for its rapid dispersion in raw water, and the water is then transferred to a
flocculation tank provided with a slow mixer. Mixing therefore involves high degree
of turbulence and power dissipation.
Power required in flash mixing may vary from 2 to 5 KW per cum
minute. Power input in mixing and flocculation is frequently expressed in terms of
temporal mean velocity gradient „G‟.
3.7.2. Flocculator
As was pointed out earlier, the best floc will form when the mixture of
water and coagulation are violently agitated followed by a relatively slow and gentle
stirring to permit built up and agglomeration of the floc particles. For the mixing
basin, the water is therefore, taken to a flocculation Tank called a flocculator, where it
is given a slow stirring motion. Rectangular tanks fitted with paddles operated by
electric motors can best serve this purpose, although even plain flocculation.
Chambers with controlled flow velocities are also possible various patented
flocculators are now a days available in the market.
The water coming out from the flocculator is taken to the sedimentation
tank. The paddles usually rotate at a speed of about 2 to 3 rpm. The usual values of
detention period for this tank ranges between 20 to 60 minutes ( 30 min as normal
value ) and value of velocity gradient (G‟) ranges between 20 to 80. The clear
distance between the paddles and the wall or the floor of the tank is about 15 to 30
cm. The velocity of flow through such a flocculator is unimportant, because the
paddles provide a rolling motion which prevents the floc from settling.[5]

3.8. Sludge Pipe:-

Sludge pipe is used to carrying the turbidity or suspended particles from the
clarifier and filtration tank to the sludge tank.
3.9. Filtration
In this treatment process , We use rapid sand filter because we know that
rapid sand filter is very fast purification process than slow sand filtration. we
provide two rapid sand filtration , because when during the cleaning of the
filter media or sometime block the filter media at that time never stop the
purification process. Hence for its continuations , we are provide two rapid sand
It was pointed out earlier that that the slow sand filters can filter water
at a very slow rate, and thus require huge areas for their instructions. In addition
requiring huge quantities of filtering materials such filter will therefore, require huge
space which may prove to be very costly, particularly in congested cities and
industries towns. In order to reduce the requirement of space and to increase rate of
filtration, a lot of research was conducted, which finally led to the development of
rapid sand filters, or sometimes called mechanical sand filters.[6]
The rapid sand filters are of two types:
1. One which utilise comparatively larger sized sand particles, which allow
greater rate of filtration as compared to that of slow sand filters. They are
called rapid gravity filters.
2. One which utilise the development of pressure over the filtering water and
thereby increasing the rate of filtration. They are called pressure filters
3.9.2. Construction Of Rapid Gravity Filter

1] Enclosure Tank:-
It consists of an open water tight rectangular tank, made of masonry .or
concrete. The depth of the tank may vary from 2.5 to 3.5m in order to achieve
uniform distribution of water, the area of filter units should not be kept larger ,and is
generally limited to about 10 to 80m for each unit there should be at least two filter
units in any plant. and for a plant of more than 9 million litres per day capacity ,no
single unit should have a capacity greater than one fourth of the capacity of that plant.
2] Filter media:-
The filtering media consists of sand layers, about 60 to 90 cm in depth,
and placed over a gravel support. The effective size of sand must be laid layers. The
finer variety should be used towards the top and coarser variety towards the bottom.

Fig no: -3.6. Typical section of rapid sand filter

3] Base material:-
In slow as well as rapid gravity filters the base material is gravel, and it
supports the sand. But in a rapid gravity filter, in addition to supporting the sand, it
distributes the wash water it consist of 60 to 90 cm thick gravels of different sizes,
placed in layers. Generally, five to six layers each, of 10 to 15 cm in depth are used.
The coarse gravel (about 40 mm in size) is used in bottom most layer, and the finest
gravel about ( 3 mm in size ) is used in top most layer. The size of gravel in the
bottom layer is generally kept between 20 to 40 mm; and 6 to 12 mm (when two
intermediate layers, are used ), and the top most layer, between 3 to 6 mm. In rapid
gravity filter, the distribution of wash water is the critical function of gravel layer and
hence careful grading and equally careful placing of materials is important.
4] Under drainage system:-
In rapid gravity filters, the under drainage system serves to purpose; viz
I. To receive and collect the filtered water, and
II. To allow the back washing for cleaning of filter.

The under drainage system should, therefore, be designed in such a way

that in addition to collected the filtered water during its downward journey, it should
be capable of passing the wash water upward at a high rate of about 300 – 900
lit/min/sq.m of filter area. The rate of application of wash water is so much higher
than the rate of filtration.

3.9.3 Cleaning The Filtration Media (Back Washing :-
When and become dirty, as it indicate excessive loss of head, the filter must be
cleaned and washed. For cleaning, the raw supplies i.e. impure water supply as well as
filtered water supply have to be cut off or closed, bed drained down and wash water
sent back upward through the filtered bed.

Fig no: -3.7. Typical section of rapid sand filter

This forced upward movement of wash backwashing is located at the level of
disinfection tank which is shown in figure. Water and compressed air (if used) will
agitate sand particles and thus removing the suspended impurities from it.In our
project we installed solar pump which is used for backwashing process .
This can be accomplished as:-Valve no (1) and valve no (2) are closed and valve no
(5) and valve no (6) are opened show (fig no: -3.7.) The wash water and compressed
air are thus forced upward from the under drained through gravel and sand bed. Valve
(5) is closed after supply required amount of air. The dirty water resulting from
washing, overflows into wash water gutter.It required 3 to 5 minutes for complete
process. After complete washing filter, valve (2) and valve (6) will be closed and
valve (1) and valve (3) opened but filtered water in beginning is not collected and
washed for few minutes. This is necessary because remains wash water must be
removed from voids of filter and surface mat must be allowed to formed on sand.
Valve (3) close and valve (4) is opened to get filtered supplies again. This overall
process take about 15 minutes to complete. For rapid gravity filter 2 to 5 % of total
amount of filtered water required for backwashing after 24hrs to 48 hrs

3.10 Pipe No.5

Pipe no.(5) which is used to carrying the filtered water from both the tank to
the storage tank. It also attaches the disinfection pipe.
3.11. Disinfection Tank:-
The filtered water which is obtained from rapid sand filters, may,
normally contain some harmful disease producing bacteria in it. These bacteria must
be killed in order to make the water safe for drinking. The chemical use for killing the
bacteria are known as disinfectants. Hence for storing disinfectant there are
disinfection tank provided. In which we use “Dry feeding” for feeding the disinfectant
in the filter water in pipe no.5
3.12 Water Distribution pipe:-
Water distribution pipe which is used to supply the water from storage tank to
the main pipe in water distribution system at the village.
Fig: - 3.8. Section of an Integrated ESR

3.13. Cleaning Pipe:-

Cleaning Pipe which is use to carry cleaning water from storage tank , during
3.14. Overflow Pipe:-
Overflow pipe is use carry overflow water from storage tank to water distribution
system in village.
3.15. Hydraulic Pump:-
Hydraulic pump which is use for lifting the pure water from storage
tank for cleaning the filter media.
3.16. Spiral Staircase
We were providing spiral staircase to the ESR which save valuable square
meter because they occupy a much smaller area then a conventional staircase. The
spiral staircase for ESR is essential for the change or supply of coagulants , safty and
maintenance purpose of ESR integrated with WTP.

3.17. Pulley
A pulley is a simple machine made with a rope wrapped around a wheel. The
pulley is used to lift a heavy object (load). A pulley‟s job is to change the direction of
the force, making it easier to lift things. We will be using two different types of
pulleys: a fixed pulley and a combined pulley.

Fig No:-3.9. Double-Pulley-System

In combined pulley that has both a fixed pulley (top) and a movable pulley
(bottom). The main advantage of this pulley is that amount of effort is less than half
of load. This pulley is used for daily transportation of coagulants and for the
replacement of filter media almost in a one to two months.
3.18. Pressure-Reducing Valve
After aeration water flows under gravity with high pressure due to stable water
in clarifier tank get disturb or unstable. Hence for reducing the pressure in pipe no 3 it
attach pressure-reducing valve.

Fig No: -3.10. Pressure-reducing valves.

This type of valve (which is normally open) is used to maintain reduced pressures in
specified locations of hydraulic systems. It is actuated by downstream pressure and tends to
close as this pressure reaches the valve setting. Schematic diagram of pressure reducing valve
is shown in Fig.3.10 symbolic representation is shown in Fig. 3.10 and three-dimensional
view is shown in Fig. 3.11.

Fig No: -3.11.Three-dimensional view of a pressure-reducing valve.

4.1. Sample Collection
We have collect the water sample from Adan river near Pekarda village
Tq.darwha Dt.yavatmal. [Photograph no 9.1]

4.2. Experimental setup

We have performed various test on that water sample. We have design the
water treatment plant which purified 40,000 litre water in 6 hours. The acrylic sheet is
used for making the model. The dimensions are converted to the scale of 1:110.
shown in [fig 4.1]. The following are the result of the test conducted on the model
Photograph No 9.2 (c)

Fig: -4.1 Schematic diagram Integrated ESR



The ionisation of water results in the formation of hydrogen ion
(H+) and hydroxyl ion (OH-). Change in the concentration of one brings about the
simultaneous changing in the concentration of the other there by altering the condition
of the water. So, a number scale, termed as pH scale, is used to determine the pH of a
medium, i.e., the acidity or the alkalinity of the same.
i. Beaker – 100ml
ii. pH meter
iii. Buffer solution with a known pH
iv. Tissue paper
v. Distilled water
vi. Sample of which the pH is to be measured.
i. The pH meter is set on a flat surface.
ii. The electrode of the pH meter is dipped in a buffer solution with a known pH to
calibrate it
iii. After calibrating, the pH meter, the electrode is washed by dipping into distilled
water to get rid of any adhered buffer.
iv. The electrode is gently wiped with a tissue paper.
v. The electrode is then dipped in the sample solution and its reading is noted.
vi. The electrode is washed again by dipping in distilled water and the pH of the
sample is measured two more times.
Observation: -
Sample 1 dip 2 dip 3 dip Average pH

8.57 8.20 8.50 8.42

The pH of the given water sample was found to be 8.42, which indicates that
the sample is acidic/alkaline/neutral in nature.
Turbidity is a measure of the extent to which light is either absorbed or
scattered by suspended material present in the water. Turbidity is surface waters
results from the erosion of colloidal material such as clay, slit, rock fragments and
metal oxides from soil, vegetable fibers and micro-organisms may also contribute to
turbidity. Drinking water supplies requires special treatment by chemical coagulation
and filtration before it may be used for public water supply.
This turbidity can be brought down to required level by adding coagulants.
Coagulants when added to water it will form a geletaneous substance known as floc
and this will arrest the fine suspended and colloidal particles. These arrested particles
will settle down rapidly because of increase in their size.
i. Beaker – 100ml
ii. pH meter
iii. Buffer solution with a known pH
iv. Tissue paper
v. Distilled water
vi. Sample of which the pH is to be measured
vii. Nephelo turbidity meter.

Turbidity waters are aesthetically displeasant and are not accepted for domestic use.
The colloidal matter associated with turbidity provides adsorption sites for chemicals
and biological organisms that may be harmful or cause undesirable tastes and odour.
Disinfection of the turbid waters is difficult and unsatisfactory, since the colloids
partially shield organisms from the disinfectant. This IS values for drinking water is
10 to 25 NTU.
REAGENTS REQUIREDS:-Turbidity free water:- Pass distilled water through a
lower turbidity than distilled water, discard the first 200ml, collected. If filtration does
not reduce turbidity use distilled water.
Stock turbidity solutions:-
i) Solution 1:- Dissolve 1.0 grams hydrazine suplate (NH2)2.H2So4 in distilled water
and dilute it to 100 ml in a make up flask.
ii) Solution 2:- Dissolve 10.0 grams hexamethylene tetramine (CH2)6N4 in distilled
water and dilute it to 100ml.
iii) Solution 3:- In a 100ml flask, mix 5ml. each of solution 1 and 2. Allow it to stand
24 hours, then dilute it to 100ml and mix thoroughly. The turbidity of this solution is
400 NTU.
iv) Standard Turbidity Solution:- Take 10.0ml of solution 3 in a 100ml make up flask
and dilute it to 100ml. with turbid free water. The turbidity of this suspension is 40
a) Calibration of Nephelometer:-
i) Select proper range of NTU on Nephelometer.
ii)By placing distilled water in Nephelometer test tube, set the Nephelometer reading
to zero by using the knobs provided for zero setting.
iii) Using the standard turbid solution (i.e. 40 NTU), calibrate the Nephelemeter (i.e.
adjust the Nephelemeter reading to 40 NTU using calibration knob
b) Determination of turbidity of sample water:
i) For samples having turbidities less than 40 NTU: Thoroughly shake the sample so
as to remove any air bubbles and pour it into meter cell. Read out the turbidity of the
sample from the digital display.
ii) For samples having turbidities above 40 NTU:- Dilute sample with 1,2 or 3
volumes of turbidity free water and convert the value obtained as below.
If five volumes of turbidity free water were added to one volume of sample
and the diluted sample showed a turbidity of 30 NTU, then the actual value is equal to
180 units. i.e.

The turbidity of the given sample water by Nephelometric method is 6.51 NTU.


The term total dissolved solids refer to materials that are completely dissolved in
water. These solids are filterable in nature. It is defined as residue upon
evaporation of filterable sample. The term total suspended solids can be referred
to materials which are not dissolved in water and are non filterable in nature. It is
defined as residue upon evaporation of non filterable sample on a filter paper.
1) weight of clean porcelain evaporating dish (w1) = 35.432 gm
2) weight of the dish and the residue (w2) = 35.449 gm
3) weight of the residue (w) = 0.0169 gm
4) volume of sample = 50 ml
Total dissolve solid (TDS) = w2-w1/ v =338 gm
Total dissolve solid (TDS) = =338 gm.


 50 Ml Burette,
 20 Ml Pipette,
 250 Ml Conical Flask,
 100 Ml Beaker, 250 Ml
 Beaker,
 Glass Funnel.

REAGENTS: - EDTA solution, Standard CaCO3 solution, Eriochrome Black–T

indicator, Buffer solution.
1. Standardization of EDTA
(i) Pipette out 20 ml of standard hard water into a conical flask.
(ii) Add 5 ml of buffer solution and few drops of Eriochrome Black-T. The indicator,
which is originally blue color would acquire a wine-red color.
iii) Titrate with EDTA solution taken in the burette, till the wine red color changes to
blue which is the end point. Let the burette reading of EDTA be V2 ml.
2. Determination of Total hardness
Repeat the above titration method for sample hard water instead of standard hard
water. Let the burette reading of EDTA be V3 ml.
3. Determination of Permanent hardness
Take 100 ml of sample hard water in 250 ml beaker. Boil it to remove temporary
hardness to about half of this volume and cool to room temperature. Filter through
filter paper to remove insoluble CaCO3 and MgCO3. Make up the volume to the
original 100 ml by adding distilled water. Now pipette out 20 ml of this solution into a
clean conical flask. Then repeat the process of titration steps as mentioned above. Let
the burette reading of EDTA be V4 ml.


Volume Volume of 0.01 m EDTA

of H2O Total hardness Permanent hardness

6 4.5
5.4 4.6
10ml 5.6 4.8

 1 mole EDTA = 0.01 mole of CA-
 1 mole 1m EDTA = 100mg caco3
 6 ml of 0.01m EDTA =100×6×0.01=6
 6 ml of 0.01m EDTA = 5.4
 6 ml of 0.01m EDTA = 5.6

1) Total hardness in 1000 ml water sample =

2) Total hardness in 1000 ml water sample =540
3) Total hardness in 1000 ml water sample =560

Permanant hardness
4.5 ml of 0.01m EDTA = 100×4.5×0.01 = 4.5 mg of caco3
4.6 ml of 0.01m EDTA = 100×4.6×0.01 = 4.6 mg of caco3
4.8 ml of 0.01m EDTA = 100×4.8×0.01 = 4.8 mg of caco3
Hence hardness present in 10 ml of water sample 4.63 mg of caco3
So hardness present in 1000 ml water sample = 4.63×

463 mg of caco3
Permanent hardness = 463 mg of caco3
Temporary hardness = total hardness – permanent hardness
= 560-463
=96 mg
The hardness of the given water sample has been found to be as follows:
1) Total hardness = 560mg
2) Permanent hardness = 463 of caco3mg
3) Temporary hardness =97 mg

4.4 Final result water testing Name of test Result before purification Result after purification

of water of water in model
01 PH 8.42 7.4

02 Turbidity 6.51 NTU 4.7 NTU

03 TDS 338 gm 460GM

04 Hardness 560 gm 510 gm
5.0. Hydraulic Design of Complete Water Treatment Plant for Population of
Village 1000.
 Design Flow
 Design Plant Capacity = 40 m3/d
 Design Operation Flow = 6 hr.

5.1. Storage tank

As per is 3025-2006 (part 4)
Water demand per capita = 75 lit
For water required = 1000 × 75
= 75,000 lit/day
1.5% Total water required = 75,000 + 75,000 ×

= 76,125 lit/day
77,000 lit/day
But for economy, we provide treated water in two shift
For 500 people water required = 500 × 75
= 37,500 lit/day
= 40,000 lit/day or 40 cu. m
Providing dimension of sump well = 2.5 x 4 x 4 m
Dimension of storage tank = 2.5 x 4 x 4 m
5.2. Aeration Fountain
Hydraulic Design
Calculation For Internal Dimensions of Structure
Capacity ( 20 % Above ) = 40,000 Litres/day
Rate of Flow = 40,000/6 lit/hr
= 6.67 cum/hr

Surface Area Loading = 0.028 sqm/cum/hr

Surface Area Required = (6.67×0.028)
= 0.186sqm
Dia. Of Inlet Pipe ( Central Shaft ) = 0.2m(OD) , 0.15m
Total Surface Area Required = 0.186+(3.14/4)×(0.15)²
= 0.203 sqm

Diam. Of Fountain Required = sqrt [(0.203)/(3.14/4)]

= 0.159m
No of Cascade Required = 3nos
Tread of Each Cascade = (0.398-0.15)×(1/2×3)=0.372m
= 0.372
Provide tread of each cascade = 0.372mAS
Actual Diam. Provided
Rise of Each Cascade = 0.15m
Total Drop Over Cascade = 0.15× (3+1)
Additional drop of 0.05m over = 0.6+0.05=0.6
The last cascade =0.65m
Actual diam. Provided = 2.5m
Tread Of Each Cascade = 0.372m
Rise of Each Cascade = 0.15 M
No. of Each Cascade = 3 NOS
Total Drop = 0.65m
Diam. Of Inlet Pipe(Central S haft ) = 0.15m

5.3. Design of clariflocculator :-

5.3.1. Flash Mixer
Hydraulic Design
Calculation for Internal Dimensions Of Structures
Capacity = 40,000
Rate Of Flow = 40000/6
= 6666.67 lit/hr
= 6.67cum/hr
Detention Time = 60.00 sec
Volumetric Capacity Required = 6.67×603600)
= 0.111cum
Depth Of Water = 1.60 cum
Diameter Of Flash mixer = sqrt (0.111/1.60)×4/3.14
= 0.25m
Provide Diameter Of flash mixer= 0.3m
Check For Detention Time = [(3.14/4)×sqr(0.3)×1.60×3600)/6.67
= 63.48second As more than 60 seconds
Hence Ok
Freeboard = 0.50m
5.3.2 Calculation For Internal Dimension Of Structures
Capacity = 40,000 Lit
Rate Of Flow = 40,000/6 Lit / Hr
= 6666.67 Lit / Hr
= 6.67 Cub M/ Hr
= 6.67×1.2
= 8.0 Cub Mm / Hr
5.3.3. Central Wall
Velocity Through Well = 0.60m/S
Area Of Well = (8.0/3600)×(1/0.6)
= 3.70×10³ M²
= 0.0037 M²
Dimension Of Well Required (ID) = Sqrt {(0.0037×(4/3.14)}
= 0.68m
Dimension of Well Provided (ID) = Say 0.10m
Actual Velocity Through Well = (8.0×3600) × (1/ (3.14/4) × Sqrt 0.1
= 0.28 M/S
Area Of Central Well With O.D = (3.14/4) Sqrt (0.1+0.4)
(0.2M Wall Thickness) = 0.55 M²
5.3.4. Flocculation Zone
Detention Time = 30 Min
Volumetric Requirement = (6.67/60) ×30
Depth of Water = 1.6 M
Net Area Required For Flocculate = 3.335/2
= 1.66 M²
Diam of Flocculate = Sqrt {(1.66+0.55) × (4/3.14)3.14)}
= 1.67m²
Provide Diam of Flocculater (ID) = 1.8 M
Diam of Flocculater (OD) = (1.8+0.4) M
(0.2m Wall Thickness) = 2.2 M
Area Of Flocculation Zone With OD = Sqrt (2.2) × (3.14/4)
= 1.31 M²
5.3.5. Clarifier zone
Detention time = 2.5 hr
Volumetric required = 6.67 × 2.5
Side water depth = 2.5 m
Net surface area clarifier zone = = 6.67

Diameter of clarifloculator = sqrt

Provide diameter of clariflocullator = 3.2 m

6.0. Filtration Tank:-

Depth = 2.5 m
Depth of sand bed = 60 to 90 cm
Size of gravel = 2.5 cm at bottom 0.5 cm at bottom
Usually 5-6 layer = 10 cm each
D = 2.5
H = 3.5
Assume rate of filtration = 4500 lit/ hr / m²
Filtered water required = 40,000 litre
Filtered water required per hour ,
For 6 hour =

= 6.67 m³/hr
Design flow for filter after accounting for backwashing water 3% washing time ½

=7.49 m³ / hr
=0.124 m³/ min
=124.8 lit / min
Plan area of filter required
A = =1.66 m²

Assume, L = 1.5 B
A = B × L =B × 1.5 B

= B²
B = 1.05 m
L = 1.60 m
Assume a depth of sand as 60 cm and an effective size of sand as 0.5 mm. The depth
can be checked against beak through of floc through the sand bed by calculating
minimum depth required by Hudson‟s formulae in metric unit as
Design of sand depth
Q = 4.5 m³/m²/hour
Assuming 100% overloading of filter under emergencies
D = size of sand in m 0.6 mm, d=0.6
h = terminal head loss in meter, h=2.25m
B = 2× per poor response to filtration and average degree of per treatment.

= B × 29323

L = 0.37 m
L = 0.40 m

6.1 Design of drainage system

Design under drainage system:-

Plan area of each filter unit = 0.8 × 1.2
= 0.96 m²
Total area of perforation = 0.0028 m²
=3× ×0.96
= 0.0028 m²
= 28.8 cm².
Total no of perforation of diameter, 9 mm
= 142.22 Nos
Total cross sectional area of laterals
= 3×28.8
=86.4 cm²
=3 × Area of perforation
Area of central manifold = 2 × Area of laterals
= 2 × 86.4
= 172.8 cm²
Diameter of central manifold
⁄ = 14.83 cm

15 cm
Provide commercial available diameter of 15 cm or 150 mm
Assuming spacing of 15 cm for laterals
No of laterals on both side of manifold
2×1.2× = 16 Nos.

Cross sectional area of each laterals

= 2.32 cm²

Diameter of lateral = = 1.71 cm

Provide lateral of diameter 80mm No of perforation per lateral
= =71.11 72

Length of lateral = (width of filter – dia. of manifold )

= (0.8-0.15)

Spacing of perforation =

=0.44 cm
Provide 72 perforation of 9mm at c/c spacing of 5 cm

Check =

= 4.51
Now, let assume that the rate of washing of filter be 45cm/min or 0.45 m/min.
The wash water discharge = 0.45

= 0.0072 m³/sec
Velocity of flow in lateral for wash water

= ( )

= 0.00014
7.0 Alum dose is varies from 15 to 20 mg/lit
Now, assuming the peak alum dose to be 20 mg/lit and normal dose to be 20% at
that, we get alum required @20mg/lit. [9]
= ×80,000×

= 1.6 kg/d
8.0 Dose of Chlorine:-
Normal dose at chlorine to be taken =0.3 ppm for [11]
Contact Period 30 Min.
Chlorine required per day =

= 0.024 kg
Chlorine required per day = )

= 0.08 kg
= 80 gm.
From this project we have conclude that the result of the study we have
conducted in Pekarda village and some places in Malegaon taluka. Diseases are
spreading due to fluoride, salts, turbidity present in water. Therefore water treatment
is required to supply pure water to these villages.
Hence this modern ESR integrated water treatment plant is more suitable
economical for supplying the purify water and to minimised the fluoride content in
water by Nalgonda method for the villages. The approximate cost of the ESR
integrated with water treatment plant is less as compared to the ground level water
treatment plant. Hence this modern ESR is more suitable and economical for
supplying the purified water to these types of villages.
1. To provide the purified water to the village.
2. This treatment plant is economical and cost saving treatment plant.
3. It should be proactive approaches to the diseases.
4. Availability of water treatment plant in the village.
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College, C.C.S. University, Meerut, UP, INDIA 2Department of Chemistry,
ZakirHussain Delhi College, University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA, Available
online at: Received 28th May 2012, revised 2nd June 2012,
accepted 7th June 2012
15. Shahidul I. Khan1*, Md. Mizanur R. Sarkar2 and Md. Quamrul Islam3,
Design And Analysis Of A Low Cost Solar Water Pump For Irrigation In
Bangladesh,1department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering
3Department of Mechanical Engineering Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh 2Power
Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh *Corresponding e-
16. Dinesh W. Gawatre1,Mahesh H. Kandgule², Shankar D. Kharat² ,
Comparative Study of Population Forecasting Methods, 1(Asst. professor,
Civil Engineering Department ,Sinhgad Academy of Eengineering,Pune)
2(Student, Civil Engineering Department ,Sinhgad Academy of
Eengineering,Pune)Jul. - Aug. 2016
ORANGE WTP STUDY, Water Treatment Supervisor, Orange City Council
Peta Thiel, Managing Director, Research Laboratory Services Pty Ltd April,
18. Meniconia,*, Bruno Brunonea, Elisa Mazzettia,Daniele B.
Laucellib,Pressure reducing valve by characterization by pipe system,
Adiparimento Di Ingegneria Civile Ed Ambientale, The University Of
Perugia, Via Duranti 93, 06125, Perugia, Italy,

19. Mukesh A. Modi, Population Forecasting for Design of Dhrafad Regional

Water Supply System, Gujarat Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of
Technology &Engg., The M.S.University of Baroda Vadodara, Gujarat,
India, June 2017
20. Mohammad Mehdi Amin 1, Hassan Hashemi, Amir MohammadiBovini 2,
Yung Tse Hung1,A review on water disinfection,1 Mohammad Mehdi Amin
Isfahan University of Medical Science2 Amir MohammadiShahidSadoughi
University of Medical Sciences and Health ,04 June 2014
21. BhagvatZolapara 1, NehaJoshipura 2, Jaydeep Patel 3, Case Study on
Designing Water Supply Distribution Network Using Epanet for Zone-I of
Village Kherali, 1 P.G. Student, WRM civil Engineering Dept, L.E. College
Morbi, Gujarat, India, 2 Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Dept, L.E.
College Morbi, Gujarat, India, 3 Assistant Engineer Narmada Water
resources Water supply department, July 2015

Photograph No 9.1:- Water Sample Collection.


Photograph No 9.2 (a):-Preparation of model making.

Photograph No 9.2 (b):-Making model of water treatment plant

Photograph No 9.2 (c):- model of water treatment plant


Photograph No. 9.3(a):-Testing the hardness of water sample

Photograph No. 9.3(b):- Determining hardness by pipet method.

Photograph No 9.3(c) :-Testing the hardness of water sample

Photograph No 9.3 (d ) :- Determining the ph of water

Photograph No9.3 (e ):- Different solutions used in testing water sample

Photograph No9.3 ( f ) :- Buffer solution used in hardness

Photograph No. 9.3 (g) :-PH meter

9.4. Various Visit Under Project Work

Photograph No9.4(a) :-Visit to Maharashtra Jeevan pradhikaran vibhag, Yavatmal

Photograph No9.4 (b):-Taking guidance by N. S. Surywanshi sir for design work

Photograph No9.4 ( c):-Water resource from Nilona dam

Photograph No9.4 (d) :- Visit to water treatment plant ( filtration unit )


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