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Problemset Chapter 2 Quiz


Question 1 A(n) ______ is a set of principles that people hold themselves to or that are held by
Type: organizations or groups.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 18
Answer Graded As Feedback
code of ethics Correct
code of honor Incorrect
ethical perspective Incorrect
persuasive tactic Incorrect

Question 2 ______ is the ability to commit to doing what is right no matter the situation.
Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 18
Answer Graded As Feedback
Dedication Correct
Drive Incorrect
Devotion Incorrect
Morale Incorrect

Question 3 There are two abilities that you must have to properly understand ethics. The first is the
Type: ______, and the second ability is ______.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 18
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ability to discern; concentration Incorrect
ability to visualize; devotion Incorrect
ability to distinguish; dedication Correct
ability to judge; dedication Incorrect

Question 4 “We advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of
Type: communication.” This is a commitment that would most likely be found in a(n) ______.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, pp. 18-19
Answer Graded As Feedback
mission statement Incorrect
code of ethics Correct
code of conduct Incorrect
employee handbook Incorrect

Question 5 ________ are beliefs and attitudes we have that can actually conflict with our ethical
Type: decisions.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 20
Answer Graded As Feedback
Morals Incorrect
Principles Incorrect
Virtues Incorrect
Values Correct

Question 6 ________ value truthful information. They want to help others make the best choice based
Type: on fair and accurate information.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 20
Answer Graded As Feedback
Moral crusaders Incorrect
Ethical persuaders Correct
Politicians Incorrect
Unethical persuaders Incorrect

Question 7 According to the text, what undermines persuasion and communication?

Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 20
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Facts Incorrect
Lying Correct
Storytelling Incorrect
Emotion Incorrect

Question 8 Jim, who is married, has a crush on a co-worker. He invites her out for a drink after work one
Type: day, and gets home later than usual. He tells his wife he was “out for drinks with people from
Multiple Choice work.” Jim has not told his wife the whole truth. Someone who only knew Jim from this one
anecdote might characterize him as a(n) ________.
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 20
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aggressive communicator Incorrect
ethical persuader Incorrect
unethical persuader Correct
passive communicator Incorrect

Question 9 ________ is the degree to which others can depend on us. Like reputation, it can take a
Type: lifetime to build and only seconds to destroy.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 21
Answer Graded As Feedback
Likability Incorrect
Persuasiveness Incorrect
Reliability Correct
Eloquence Incorrect

Question 10 ________ are the true reasons for our actions when we have something to lose or gain as a
Type: result.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 21
Answer Graded As Feedback
Motives Correct
Schemes Incorrect
Plans Incorrect
Ruses Incorrect

Question 11 Amanda’s parents are going through a trial separation. She doesn’t want them get divorced,
Type: so she tells them both she wants to try a new restaurant and asks them to join her. However,
Multiple Choice her real goal is to get them in the same room so they can talk. Amanda could be described
as having a ________.
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 21
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delusion Incorrect
ruse Incorrect
gimmick Incorrect
motive Correct

Question 12 What does philosopher Carl Wellman assert about the use of an ethical system?
Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Defining Ethics, p. 22
Answer Graded Feedback
An ethical system is not necessary in order for one to choose and Incorrect
act rationally, but incredibly helpful.
An ethical system is all one needs in order to solve all practical Incorrect
An ethical system does not solve all one’s practical problems, but Correct
one cannot choose and act rationally without some explicit or
implicit ethical system.
An ethical system will tell one what to do in any given situation and Incorrect
is therefore invaluable.

Question 13 Why is it often challenging to stay on top of ethics when engaging in persuasion?
Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Ethical Considerations, p. 23
Answer Graded Feedback
because many times you don’t recognize when you’re engaging in Correct
persuasion or when you’re being persuaded.
because unethical persuasion tactics are usually more convincing Incorrect
because emotions often get in the way of ethics when using Incorrect
because ethics generally don’t apply to most persuasive Incorrect

Question 14 ________ are exchanges of messages about a particular topic using email, blog spaces, and
Type: other electronic tools to encourage participation that will hopefully lead to new ideas,
Multiple Choice planning, and sound decision making.
Feedback for all Ethical Considerations, p. 25
Answer Graded As Feedback
E-meetings Incorrect
Email roundtables Incorrect
Email dialogues Correct
Virtual debates Incorrect

Question 15 Molly has just read a controversial political article online. She has been scrolling through
Type: other readers’ responses and is getting more and more agitated. She decides to comment on
Multiple Choice the article as well, and soon finds herself in a heated exchange, in which she writes some
nasty things. Molly is engaging in __________.
Feedback for all Ethical Considerations, pp. 25-26
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electronic aggression Correct
cyber bullying Incorrect
political debate Incorrect
online persuasion Incorrect

Question 16 What is the downfall of new media as it relates to ethical communication?

Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Ethical Considerations, p. 26
Answer Graded Feedback
It is too impersonal. Incorrect
Technology “glitches” irritate people and put them in a bad mood, Incorrect
making them more likely to respond to others in an unkind way.
You never know who you are actually communicating with, since Incorrect
you can’t physically see or hear them.
People often don’t take the time to think before they “speak” or hit Correct

Question 17 ________ includes the elements of fulfilling duties and obligations, of being accountable to
Type: other individuals and groups, of adhering to agreed-upon standards, and of being
Multiple Choice accountable to one’s own conscience.
Feedback for all Ethical Responsibility, p. 27
Answer Graded As Feedback
Reliability Incorrect
Responsibility Correct
Morality Incorrect
Charisma Incorrect

Question 18 According to the text, what is the ethical responsibility of someone who receives a message?
Type: Hint:
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Feedback for all Ethical Responsibility, p. 27
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to read the message immediately in case it contains important or Incorrect
time-sensitive information
to relay the message to as many people as possible Incorrect
to check the credibility of the sender and, if the sender is being Correct
unethical, take appropriate action
to ensure it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands Incorrect

Question 19 Why is it nearly impossible to monitor ethics in a political campaign?

Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Ethical Responsibility, p. 28
Answer Graded Feedback
because political campaigns exist outside the realm of ethics Incorrect
because the media does everything they can to protect the ethical Incorrect
integrity of the candidates
because the federal government enforces strict laws about Incorrect
monitoring certain aspects of political campaigns
because campaigns use so many types of communication and so Correct
many different communicators

Question 20 Which of the following should you be mindful of when adapting your persuasive message to
Type: your audience?
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Ethical Responsibility, p. 28
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their spiritual perspective Correct
what you can say to win their favor Incorrect
their physical attributes Incorrect
your own educational background Incorrect

Question 21 Which ethical perspective examines the relationship between us as humans and a higher
Type: power?
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Some Ethical Perspectives, p. 30
Answer Graded As Feedback
human nature perspective Incorrect
religious perspective Correct
dialogical perspective Incorrect
dogmatic perspective Incorrect

Question 22 The ________ states that we have an ability to judge, to reason, and to comprehend that far
Type: exceeds that of any other species.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Some Ethical Perspectives, pp. 30–31
Answer Graded As Feedback
religious perspective Incorrect
human nature perspective Correct
dialogical perspective Incorrect
situational perspective Incorrect

Question 23 ________ emerge from current scholarship on the nature of communication as dialogue
Type: rather than as monologue.
Multiple Choice Hint:
Feedback for all Some Ethical Perspectives, p. 31
Answer Graded As Feedback
Dialogical perspectives Correct
Interpersonal perspectives Incorrect
Situational perspectives Incorrect
Conversational perspectives Incorrect

Question 24 What is the difference between a monologue and a dialogue?

Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Some Ethical Perspectives, p. 31
Answer Graded Feedback
A monologue is persuasive, whereas a dialogue is informative. Incorrect
A monologue is an unethical form of persuasion, whereas a Incorrect
dialogue is an ethical form of persuasion.
A monologue is a performance or speech that involves at least two Incorrect
people, whereas a dialogue is a conversation one has internally
with him or herself.
A monologue is the performance or speech of one person, whereas Correct
a dialogue is a conversation that occurs between two people.

Question 25 Which ethical perspective examines every situation that we encounter related to persuasion?
Type: Hint:
Multiple Choice
Feedback for all Some Ethical Perspectives, p. 32
Answer Graded As Feedback
the dialogical perspective Incorrect
the situational perspective Correct
the religious perspective Incorrect
the human nature perspective Incorrect

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