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Industrial Plants and Project Management

Research · May 2015


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1 author:

Sherzod Horinov
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent


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Plant Layout

Total area X=146.15m Y=41.65m Surface=6087.1475m^2

Plant area X=98.66m Y=29.25m Surface=2885.805m^2. Without walls X=96.66m Y=28.45m Surface=2749.977m^2.
Parking Lots area=1071.7m^2
External area=3231.3425m^2
Internal wall=18.31m^2 (Thickness =0.25 m)
Protection grids is 4.7m^2 (Thickness =0,1m)
Supports: 20 office and auxiliary staff, 8 supervisors, 79 workers, 3 Forklift drivers, 1 cleaner, 1 doctor, 1 medical and 4 guards in each shift.

Total length of the conveyors is at least 510.5m.

In order to support transfer row material from truck to raw material storage (read 2.1.1), from row ma-
terial storage to bar cutting machines and for transfer tools and dies or transfer a machine to
maintenance room we need to use overhead travelling crane >20m, because we use it on whole
width of plant ,i.e. it moves throughout the plant.


1 Total area X=146.15m Y=41.65m Surface=6087.1475m^2. 2.3.1 Working area of the line of operations B (Routing 1) and B-H
(Routing 2). X=15m Y=10.8m Surface=162m^2. Contains 15 Fur-
1.1 Green area=738.648m^2
nace machines (operation B), 8 Roughing mill machines (operation
2 Manufacturing area=2033.037m^2 H). Supports: 1 supervisor and 2 workers in each shift.

2.1.1 Raw material storage( capacity =15 days) X=13m Y=6m Sur- 2.3.2 Furnace machine of routing 1. X=0.75m Y=2m
face=78m^2. Supports: 1 worker in each shift.
2.3.3 Furnace machine of routing 2. X=0.75m Y=2m + Roughing mill ma-
2.1.2 Finished product warehouse. X=15.8m Y=2.35m Sur- chine of routing 2. X=0.75m Y=1m.
face=37.17m^2. Maximum contain 96 unit loads(average 10 days
of finished production) . Supports: 2 Forklift (same for recycle bin 2.4.1 Working area of the job shop of operation C (Routing 1 and 2).
storage). 1 supervisor X=16.4m Y=9.6m Surface=157.44m^2. Contains 14 Hot stamping
machines (operation C). Supports: 1 supervisor and 14 workers in
2.1.3 Recycle bin storage X=8.5m Y=2.35m Surface=19.975m^2. Maxi- each shift.
mum can contain 48 unit loads. Supports: 2 Forklift (same for Fin-
ished product warehouse). 1 supervisor 2.4.2 Hot stamping machine. X=1.2m Y=2.5m.

2.1.4 Tool/die and maintenance room. Surface=188.871m^2. Supports: 2.5.1 Working area of the job shop of operation D X=15m Y=8.6m. Sur-
1 supervisor. face=129m^2. Contains 14 manual Hydraulic eccentric presses.
Supports: 1 supervisor and 14 workers in each shift.
2.1.5 Break area surface=15.42m^2 2.5.2 Hydraulic eccentric press. X=1m Y=2m.

2.1.6 Break area surface=15.42m^2 Working area of the job shop of operation E X=5.86m Y=18.4m
Surface=107.824m^2. Contains 19 manual Column drilling ma-
2.2.1 Working area of the A operation. X=9m Y=14.5m Sur-
chines (operation E) (9 for Routing 1 and 12 for Routing 2). Dis-
face=130.5m^2. Contains 5 bar cutting machines. Supports: 1
tance between two Column drilling machines is 1m. Supports: 1
supervisor and 19 workers in each shift.
Bar cutting machine. X=7m Y=1.7m. Distance between two bar
cutting machines is 1m.

2.6.1 Column drilling machine. X=0.63m Y=0.45m. 3 Administrative area X=26m Y=29.25m Surface=760.5m^2.
3.1 Medical facility. X=5.31m Y=5.65m Surface=30m^2. Supports: 1
2.7.1 Working area of two job shops of operation F. X=13m Y=9.4m Sur- doctor and 1 medical assistant
face=122.2m^2. Contains 10 manual Bar bending press (5 for op- 3.2 Toilet for women X=4.34m Y=5.65m Surface=24.521m^2
eration F (Routing 1) and 5 for operation F (Routing 2)). Distance 3.3 Toilet for men X=4.33m Y=5.65m Surface=24.4645m^2
between two Bar bending press machines in the same routing is 3.4 Entrance X=8.85m Y=5.65m. Surface=50m^2
3.5 Passage(stairs) to the second floor. X=1.57m Y=5.65m
1m. Supports: 1 supervisor and 10 workers in each shift.
3.6 Locker rest room for women. X=11m Y=9.8m Surface=107.8m^2
2.7.2 Bar bending press. X=1.4m Y=2.4m. 3.7 Locker rest room for men. X=11m Y=9.8m Surface=107.8m^2
3.8 Cafeteria and lunchroom X=12.2m Y=20m. Surface=244m^2
2.8.1 Working area of two job shops of operation G. X=7.8m Y=17.1m 3.9 Office spaces situated at the second floor of the administrative
Surface=133.38m^2. Contains 14 manual Broaching press (7 for building surface more than 300m^2. People can axes via passage
operation G (Routing 1) and 7 for operation G (Routing 2)). Dis- (read 3.5).
3.10 Direct labor = 82 workers each shift
tance between two Broaching press machines in the same routing
4 Parking Lots area=1071.7m^2. Can accept 52 private automobiles.
is 1m. Supports: 1 supervisor and 14 workers in each shift. 4.1 Parking Lot for private automobile. X=5m Y=2.5m Surface=
2.8.2 Broaching press. X=1.6m Y=1.3m.
4.2 Parking Lot for two private automobiles. X=11m Y=2.5m Sur-
4.3 Distance between two parking lots is equal to 5m.

Calculation for the conveyors length: In order to get cut bars from A operation to B or B-H operation we need at least 57.02m, in order to get bars from oper-
ation B or BH to C operation we need at least 83.24m, in order to get parts from operation C to operation D we need 60.6m, in order to get material from D to
E operation we need 68.78m, for getting parts from E operation to F operation we need 66.56m conveyor, for getting parts from F to G operation we need
58.2m,in order to collect finished product in the unit loads we need 33.2m conveyor. Also we should transfer slag (waste) from D operation (we need 36.64m)
and from E operation (we need 46.26m) 82.9m conveyor. After calculation we have to use 510.5m conveyors.

Also we should use 14 columns with dimensions X=0,5m Y=0,5m. Distance between columns should be approximately 10m.

Working process
Raw material which in this case bunches of stainless steel bars would be brought by truck to the Manufacturing w/o receiving area (truck enters near to RM
storage (left side to RM)). After that overhead travelling crane will take bunches of bars to raw material storage. Overhead travelling crane is managed by 1
worker with remote control. Then overhead travelling crane will take bunches to 5 bar cutting machines (2 for routing 1 and 3 for routing 2), bar cutting ma-
chines will cut bars and after metal parts, called billets, would be sent by the conveyors to the 15 Induction furnace machines (7 for routing 1 and 8 for routing
2). After the operation B work pieces will go to next operation (to manual hot stamps for routing 1 and to Roughing mill machines for routing 2). All metal work
pieces from routing 2 after operation H (roughing mill) will go to the manual hot stamps. But huge chunk of material which comes after roughing mill will be
stored in each machine’s own containers and then overhead traveled crane will transfer them to the recycle bin storage and then forklift will upload all recy-
cled materials to truck. After finishing operation C work pieces will be taken by conveyors to the next operation D which is excess metal trimming and support-
ed by 14 manual hydraulic press’s 60 tons. After operation D we will have scrap (waste) which first will removed by the conveyors to unit load and then this
unit load will be taken by the forklift to the recycle bin storage and then to recycling by the truck which used for raw material receiving . In order to save space
we should locate conveyors at 2 or 3 levels. Starting from operation D we will have 3 level conveyors. At first level (lower) will be located conveyor for scrap
(waste), at second level (middle) will be worked out parts and at the upper third level will be unworked part. All parts from operation D will be taken by con-
veyors to 21 manual column drillers (9 for routing 1 and 12 for routing 2). After operation E we also will have metal grit (chips) and we will recycle it as after
operation D. All good parts will go by conveyors to the 10 manual bar bending press’s 45 tons (5 for routing 1 and 5 for routing 2). After it almost finished metal
hand tools will be taken to 14 (7 for routing 1 and 7 for routing 2) manual broaching press’s 16 tons. Then finished metal hand tools will be taken to unit loads
and unit loads will be taken by the forklift to the finished product warehouse and by another forklift them will be uploaded to the tracks to sell.

Calculation of numbers of machines

Our plant should produce 440 metal hand tools per hour for each types of wrenches (7mm, 8mm, 10mm, 11mm, 13mm, 17mm, 19mm and 22mm).

Number of machines = Required number of parts/Time Standard Minutes

So in total we are requested to produce 440*8=3520 wrenches/hour (1760 for routing 1 and 1760 for routing 2). Taking to account 2% scrap rate and 90%
production efficiency we need to produce more than 3520 items/hour. It means that we should have factory capacity= 3520/0.9*0.98=3991 units; 1996
items/hour for each of routings 1 and 2.

Averaged time standard minutes (Items per hour)

Operation A B C D E F G H

Routing 1 1000 300 300 300 240 400 300

Routing 2 700 270 300 300 180 400 300 270

Calculation of number of machines for each operation for each routing to produce required 1996 items per hour.

Operation Name of machine Number of machines of Number of machines of Total number of machines

Routing 1 Routing 2

A Bar cutter 2 3 5

B Induction furnace 7 8 15

C Hot stamp 7 7 14

D Hydraulic press 60 tons 7 7 14

E Column driller 9 12 21

F Bar bending press 45 tons 5 5 10

G Broaching press 16 tons 7 7 14

H Roughing mill 8 8

In order to calculate number of machines we should use following formula (Number of machines=Required number of parts/ Averaged time standard
minutes (Items per hour)). Number of machines for operation A (routing 1)= 1996/1000=1.996. It means that we should use 2 bar cutting machines for this
operation in routing 1. In routing 2: 1996/700=2.85 In order to calculate number of machines for other operations we should use the same formula!

Material flow
By given data about producing of metal hand tools we have found that in production we have 2 routing and 9 operation for routing 1 and 10 operations for
routing 2. As it sequencing flow (string diagram) is most appropriate here. We don’t have backtrackings which result in penalties.

We have found that:

- Material flow for routing 2 is “Raw Material Storage” ->A1->B1->C1->D1->E1->F1->G1-> “Finished product warehouse”

- Material flow for routing 2 is “Raw Material Storage” ->A2->B2->H->C2->D2->E2->F2->G2-> “Finished product warehouse”

After combination of two routings we have found good solution of material flow for production of wrenches.

It represented at picture bellow.

In this case we have good productivity and all working operations are close to each other! It means that we shouldn’t transfer parts far away and this will save
Dimensionless layout
According to the calculations of surfaces of the operations working areas we have the following table:

Name Length in X direction (m) Length in Y direction (m) Surface (m^2)

Row material storage. 13 6 78

Working area of the A operation 9 14.5 130.5

Working area of the B-H operations 15 10.8 162

Working area of the C operation 16.4 9.6 157.44

Working area of the D operation 15 8.6 129

Working area of the E operation 5.86 18.4 107.824

Working area of the F operation 13 9.4 122.2

Working area of the G operation 17,1 7,8 133.38

Finished product warehouse 15.8 2.35 37.17

Calculating space requirement and arranging it in software program we got the optimal space requirement for u-shape:
Advantage of using conveyors.

We decided to use conveyors because by using conveyors we are saving space and there are no need to use very huge number forklifts. For example if we will
use not conveyors but forklifts at area of operation C.

Given: Operation C conveyors total length = 65.6m which will cost 918400.

If use forklifts we should use 1 forklift, increase space by X to at least 3 metros. Increased space surface will be 49.2m^2 + 150m^2 (for buffers and road for
forklift). It will cost 150000 (forklift)+1593600 (additional surface)=1743600. Difference between payment of conveyors and using forklifts is 1743600-
918400=825200. So without considering protection grids for safety of workers and other thinks we will lose 825200 Y.

If we use hand pallet jack and one worker which will move metal bin (unit load). It will cost 12000+1200000(additional surface=150m^2)=1212000. In this case
we will lose 121200-918400=293600Y.

Internal walls

Internal walls around operation B&B-H have width 0.25m, made from sandwich panel. Inside the B&B-H operation area the warmth keeps inside that makes
saving energy for heating and also energy for cooling outside of B-H operation area. Sandwich panel is very good isolator.

Bar cutting machine:


Place of origin: Italy

1 worker sets up the machine for of wrench appropriate length cutting operation. Set up time = 0 s. A spe-
cial side frame attachment serves as a bar feeder. Entire bunches of bars are placed onto the side attach-
ment, then unbundled to have any single bar glide into the automated cutter. After cutting operation
“Heating” begins.




An induction furnace is an electrical furnace in which the heat is applied by induction. Induction furnaces
produce their heat cleanly, without combustion. After operations, high temperature heated materials
must be sent to the successive operations via appropriate conveyor systems. Automated.

MODEL: Hengxu


This machine that uses a multi-toothed milling cutter to remove metal from the work piece surface to create flat
and angular surfaces. A roughing mill removes a huge chunk of material in a wavy cutting pattern. This cutting mill
produces a rough surface finish and is also known as ripping cutters. The wavy teeth minimize the vibrations and
chatter sounds that occur during the cutting process. Waste obtained after milling is directed to each machine’s
containers (hopper). Automated.




Worker will take hot parts with pincers and will stamp them in hot stamping machine. Stamping of sizes, number, brand neme.
Hot stamping is a straightforward process: 1. A die is mounted and heated 2. Foil is positioned above the part to be im-
printed 3. A combination of heat, dwell time, pressure control the quality of the stamp. Manually operated, in order to
be safe from hot metal parts which come from hot furnace worker should use pincers.
Hydraulic eccentric press

Model: KAAST HPC-60S

Place of origin: USA

After stamping process the parts owing to conveyors go to the manual eccentric press, where excess metal trimming is
operated. This metal trimming isa shearing operation that removes uneven section from the top rim of a previously
worked part. Trimming executed by pushing the press die towards the part. Operation is manually-feeded and manually-
operated by use of control box.


MODEL: 81010 Elmag


A vertical drill press consists of a base, column (or pillar), table, and drill head, usually driven by
an induction motor. In order to get desirable diameter size (7-22 mm) for box end diameter
wrench drilling tool of the drill press is used to drill the hole in wrench. In order to prevent over-
heating of metal the coolant should be used during drilling the hole. Chips go to the lower con-
veyor(as mentioned before) and then to the recycle bins. Manually operated.

MODEL: 3530


Semi-finished wrenches undergo broaching operation. The broaching tool of machine is used to make 1) open-end
wrench in desirable diameter also. 2) to give the box end wrench the hexagonal shape. Coolant should be used. Man-
ually operated.



PLACE OF ORIGIN: Jiangsu china (Mainland)

Bending gives to box-end wrench 15 °angle bending. Execution of bending is determined by straining box-
end wrench around straight axis. Bending operation compresses interior side and stretches exterior
side(>= 15°). Manually operated.
All information is listed in Excel file. But few notes:

Our mission is to reduce investment cost and get more profit as soon as possible!!!

1. We used manual machines in order to save money, that’s if we use from A to D operation automated machines we could get difference in cost:

106850000-91150000=15700000!!!! It’s only machines difference!!! But we made optimal and economic decision with job shop (w/o storage areas, be-
cause we don’t need because our machines can accept parts directly). In order that we used conveyors to transport parts from one department to anoth-
er/ it’s more economic. Therefore we’ve reduced investment cost.

2. Second advantage of manual operated machines is that when we use more workers ( guaranteed safety) we have more labor hours in year, alloca-
tion rate becomes lower, that’s the conversion cost decreases and consequently we get more profit!!!!

3. For raw material storage we didn’t use any racks or cantilevers. We’ve just put bars on the ground in order also to save money. We took into con-
sideration the cost of ground and got more profitable to put on the ground not using cantilevers.
Basic formulas: Total cost=production cost +selling cost + building maintenance. We posted separate cell for main building cost. Building maintenance is 2% of
main building cost. If you increase labor hours then conversion allocation rate decreases. We took total number of workers = 164, that means 82 workers per
shift(7,5 hours). We didn’t account supervisors as direct labor.

1. Distance 2 opposite standing workers is 1800 mm;

2. Protection grid used for automated bar cutting machines thickness is 0.1m. Protection grids only for manual machines are yellow lines not needed
as any forklift do not enter in working area.

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