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4R Recycling specializes in the cost effective and innovative recycling of

by-products from industry and utility companies to agricultural land and
restoration sites and in providing bespoke consultancy services to land
managers, waste producers, waste management companies and regulatory

A very strong technical and regulatory background acquired from working

with government bodies, industry and the Environment Agency enables 4R
Recycling to provide greater insight than competitors into the regulatory
problems that surround organic waste recycling operations and ensure that
clients remain compliant. This requires an in depth understanding of the
physical and chemical makeup of by-products as well as the uses to which
they can be applied.

REDUCE: We should reduce the use of materials that are harmful to us.
Like :We should use paper bags instead of polethene bags

.REUSE: We should reuse things like plastic bags can be used to make
decorative things.

RECYCLE: We should give waste things (which cannot be decomposed)

for recycling. like plastic materials. RECOVER: If there is still waste left
over after we have reduced, reused and recycled as much as we can, we
can use it to make energy at our energy-from-waste (EFW) facility. This
process is known as Recovery.


Technically there are many R's, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover,rebuy,

replenish , repair and rethink. Of course reduce means to reduce the
amount of waste. Reuse means to reuse another product for another job
such as a empty gallon of milk for a short pot for a plant. Recycle means to
throw away recyclable items in a recycling bin or box. Recover means if
you were to find a broken bottle or any recyclable item, you should recycle
it. Re-buy means to re-buy certain items so that you never use non-
recyclable items. This will allow you to start the process all over again.
Replenish means if your were to take out a tree, replenish the area with a
new tree or some soil to grow new grass there. You never know if that can
be an animals home. Repair means to take old and little defected things
into use by repairing them . Lastly Rethink means to think about what can
happen if your were to always recycle. The Earth would be just as beautiful as it
once was when it was flourished and teeming with beautiful wildlife.

 Reduce
You the consumer. You can reduce by choosing paper over plastic or not
using that plastic straw next time you’re out for dinner. You can also reduce
by not bagging grass clippings or lawn & garden refuse. **look for more
information to come in Spring 2019 on the Whitetail Disposal Compost
 Reuse
You the consumer. Purchase and use reusable shopping bags instead of
plastic shopping bags. Resale items that still have usable value on places
like Craigslist & Facebook Marketplace.
 Recycle
You the consumer partnered with WD & Cougle’s Recycling center.
With our Single Stream recycling toters WD is environmentally correct my
making sure your home’s recyclables make it to the recycle center and stay
out of landfills.
 Recover
You the consumer partnered with WD & our resource recovery facility
Covanta. WD ensures it is environmentally correct by partnering with the
energy from waste facility Covanta. This means everything that isn’t
recyclable is recovered and turned into energy.
 Disposal
Using literature and hands-on activities, the concepts of reduce, reuse and
recycle will be explored. The students make new paper from used
classroom scrap paper then use the hand made, recycled paper to create
cards to give to others in the community.
Learners clean up litter from the college grounds. The learners make new
paper out of old paper scraps (i.e. recycling). With this newly made 100%
recycled paper, students make greeting cards and/or stationery for others
in the community.
E - waste recycling business
Full fledged e-waste management facility for large scale recycling
4R will also facilitate large scale management of domestic solid waste
A sustainable e-waste management process where few e-wastes are used
for recreating innovative table-tops, show pieces for homes.

So, it’s important to get to know the Outcomes and not to treat them as
‘checklists’. The key is to start with the child, or group of children, noticing
what they are coming to know and do, looking at where that fits with
Outcomes and planning to extend that learning. For example, if we see a
child beginning to stand, hold onto a chair and take a few steps, we would
note it as evidence of progress in Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense
of wellbeing. We might also note that they feel safe, secure and supported
(Outcome 1) and are developing dispositions such as curiosity .(Outcome
4). We might take their hand and

support them to explore the new world that becomes visible from an
upright position and celebrate with them and their family about these
exciting learning developments.

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