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Soldiersof the E^Pire and highly

The Empirc is a divcrscnarionand this is rcflcctcdin thc uniformsof its soldicry.From profcssional
regimcnts,to hastily raiscd militia marchingundcr a common banncr, an Empire army can bc a homogcnous
unifi.d forc-.,or a widcly dirp.r.t. group.Each provioccor city-statchas its own distinct colours'iconography,
datc back to thc founding of thc Empirc itsclf. This
hisrory,whilc rcgimcntsi.". ih.i, own iraditions,somc of vhich
uniforms, cvcn for raiscd
rcgimcnts from thc samc town' and possibly within rhc
,.rolr, io . wid.' of diffcrcnt
vcry samcunit. Whii. in no way complctc,givcn thc Empirc'ssizc and lengthy.history,rhis guide will
panoplyof uniformsand how thcy might bc worn throughoutthc provinccsand city-statcs.

STATE TROOPS Hal\erdier of Altdorf in

Rcgiments of statc trooPs troditionol red ond blue
typically wcar thc colour or colours
Stccl hclm
associatcdwith thcir provincc or
city-statc, although thcrc arc notablc
exccptions.Thcrc arc no ovcrriding
rules govcrning how, whcrc' or in
what proportions thcsc colours arc
uscd. Instead colours differ bascd
on individual unit traditions' thc
whim of commandcrs or nobility Brcastplatc
(such as dukcs, barons or counts)' Tasscl

or possibly iust rhc availability of

matcrials and dycs. Onc rcgimcnt Stote troops are orgonised into
regimentsbeoring the same ueaPon '
mighr bc outfittcd entirely in its
so o unit could 6e all halberdiers,
provincial colours, whilc anothcr cross6oomen,or spearmenfor
could only bcar slccvcs or lcggings instonce.Wile theg moy all haoethe
sameueopon, it is unusualfor eaery
of their associatcdhuc. ManY
soldier to be armoured and outfttted
rcgimcnts distinguish thcmsclvcs by Lcathcr boots in enctly the same uay.
usc of a minor dctail such as a
slccvc, cuff, plumc, hat, or collar in
a cornmon colour. Unlcss notcd' thc
uniforms shown throughout this
book dcpict cxamplcs of PoPular
pattcrns - it would bc casY to find
statc regimcnts which mix thc
stvlcs shown with anv of thc
possiblc colour combinations.

Somc rcgimcnts follow a strict

uniform, but many units lcavc cach
soldier to sourcc his own garb,
rcsulting in a varicty of gcar, oftcn
in differing statcs of wcar. As cach
province cquips its soldicrs from its
own armourics, somc arc bcttcr ablc
to afford fincrics. Rcgardlcss'troops
on thc march, bascd in thc
wilderncss, or out camPaiSningarc
morc ra8ta8 in appcaranccas
cquipmcnt wcars oul and
rcolaccmentsmust be found. The sameuniform uom in colours of different prooincesor city-states'

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