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481 E-PE-BoD-Tagging system-10049 A Znp / 2018-03-16

01.04 Equipment and Instrument Tags

Transmittal of information

Document revision history

Rev. Date Description By Checked Approved

WIP 2018-02-28 Issued for BE Znp

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This instruction is loosely based on Perstorp Sweden ID-19626
As for the Penta plant, most but not all items have been tagged according to this guideline
by Perstorp. In that case IPS-M to change according to this guideline, and for OBL items
this guideline is to be followed.
Use only standard A-Z characters plus space bar or hyphen (= “-“ minus) in strings. Other
systems might struggle otherwise.

Identification of plant. Is not shown in most documentation. Might be used in maintenance
systems etc.
S Production site. Indicates with three letters which specify where the factory
is located. In our case TBD
N Serial number, plant. Not currently used.


Process areas are designated by a 2 digit number which will be used by Equipment, Lines
etc. May also be used for buildings on a site.

Process Areas Elephant:

01-09 Spare
10-15 Raw materials
16-29 Spare
30-38 Penta plant.
39 Penta plant utilities.
Incoming water purification, boiler, cooling tower, nitrogen, compressed air,
waste water treatment are considered OBL
40-79 Spares
80-89 OBL Systems
90 Pipe bridges crossing between main process areas.
95 Environmental. Emission control

P&ID numbering
P&IDs are labelled after process area, but often more than one P&ID is required for each
area, so always use an extra suffix a-z letter after. Example 37a, 37b
This is not the way our P&IDs and Lists are labelled right now, where they are separated
by a dot and we have mish-mash of starting with a .1 and no dot at all. IPS-M to update
when redrawing. Every first area P&ID shall have the “a” as in “37a” in the P&ID ID.

Identification of main equipment
T - aa ## s

T Indicates the type of equipment with 1 letter. See below

- Hyphen (= “-“ minus)
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aa Process area (01-99). See 1.2

## 2 digits identifies the process equipment within the process area.
Different types of equipment on the same location preferably with same 2
digits, i.e. tank, pump and agitator can have same number, but not if
attached instrument tags will not suffice.
Strive for separating numbers for being able to insert future units.
s If required, add a suffix letter A-Z for identifying unique units. The ambition
should be to use individual ##.

The fields together produce a unique string. Examples:

Types of equipment
A Agitators
C Columns– taller columns. Smaller items under “E”.
E Equipment - all types of equipment not covered elsewhere.
Complex machinery falls under “U”
Simple items fall under fittings and are not listed in Equipment List
F Fan and blowers
H Heat exchangers
L Lifting aids not in direct contact with process media.
M Motors. Rarely or not used as they are normally attached to other
P Pump – all types of pumps, including vacuum pumps
S Separator – all types of static filter, separation and dewatering equipment.
T Transport – all types of mechanical transport equipment.
U Complex machinery often purchased as a package item, often controlled by
PLC. Decanters, Centrifuges, dryers, filter belt- and –press, bagging lines
V Vessel – all tanks and vessels for liquid or solids.
Also used for basins and containments.

1.4. PIPES
Each major branch shall have unique ID, but not every short bypass. Up to IPS-M to add
lines as suitable for isometric drawing and review.
Pipes in lists and on P&ID are specified with the following information:
aa ### - DN - media code - pipe class - ins - ET100

aa 2 digits identify the process area as in 1.2

### 3 digits which together with the area gives a unique 5 digit number.
DN Nominal diameter in mm.
In case of varying dimensions along the line, the largest diameter decides
the line DN number.
Media Code Abbreviation for Media Codes. See BoD chapter 01.04
Pipe class Abbreviations for Pipe class
ins Insulation standard to be developed.
So far only written “ins”, later preferably strength in mm.
All lines hotter than 65° need protection against burns where operators can
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come in accidental contact with them. This can be by insulation up to a

certain height, but also by restricting access.
ET100 Electrical tracing temperature in °C.
Preliminarily we only have electrical tracing. If steam tracing will be used, a
different abbreviation shall be found.

The separation between fields when printed out as a string is a hyphen (=”-“ minus).

In P&IDs, the string is often split after the DN number around a process line:

Fittings are smaller items not counted as Equipment, such as relief valves, steam traps,
sight glasses, strainers.
All special fittings get a unique identifier.
Many have been tagged by Perstorp, others have to be tagged by IPS-M.
type - string S
Type of fittings
BC Break-away coupling
BE Flexible bellows.
To be tagged by IPS as pipe engineering progresses.
Discuss if different types of bellow (steel, rubber, hose) shall use different
HA Pneum. Hammer. Often with a XSV solenoid valve attached.
OR Orifice plate- write out bore dimension in mm.
PVRV Pressure-vacuum relief valve. Write out opening pressure.
RD Rupture disc- write out opening pressure.
SG Sight glass (in process lines; sight glasses on equipment in corresponding
Data Sheet)
LSV- Sample valves.
Called SI in our documentation, but IPS-M to update
Most sample points are standard DN25 ball valves. Some (preliminarily
those for VOC service) shall be special sampling valves.
SP Steam trap (float-type).
Discuss if separate prefix for other types is meaningful.
SRV Safety Relief Valve- add opening pressure
ST Strainer (if used)

string chosen for helping to find the fitting, i.e. related to equipment tag or Line ID.
S A suffix letter A-Z in case there is more than one fitting of the same type on
a unit.
N.B. The material from us in March 2018 sometimes has a digit added to the type (ex.
SRV1) instead of the suffix after. To be changed by IPS-M
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SRV1-C-3310 becomes SRV-C-3310A


Each valve is to get a unique identifier based on line number plus a letter a-z. This letter
will be added to P&IDs during Detailed Engineering once the pipe engineering has
progressed far enough. Only the letter is shown on the P&ID. (But the field valve shall be
tagged with the full identifier)
The plant requires a lot of line flushing by hose, hence the many nozzles. Sometimes
additional high point vents and low point drains have to be added by IPS-M to our
engineering. To be identified with HPV / LPD

31310a, only the “a” to be printed out on the P&ID.
P&IDs shall use different graphic symbols for different types of valves.


Nozzles on Equipment are to be identified in P&IDs as in the Equipment Data Sheet.
Spare nozzles shall also write out DNxx
Preliminarily no individual tagging of flanges in lines.
Flanges that serve a purpose for the LoToTo philosophy are to be shown in P&IDs.


Instruments and automated/control valves are to be tagged the following:
FF - #### y - z

FF Two or more letters identify the main function. Basically the ISA 5.1
standard is followed, added at the end.
#### 4 digit number, usually the same as the main equipment nearby, or, if all “y”
numbers are used up, the next free 4 digit number.
y Last digit is arbitrary, but the ambition is to follow this logic, particularly the
“8” and “9” for level switches:
0 level
1 flow
2 pressure
3 temperature
4 vacant
5 vacant
6 vacant
7 vacant
8 low level
9 high level
z If required, an index letter (A-Z) for making the full string unique.
Typically used for on/off valves where one is open, the other closed.
LI-33000 Level indication
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WI-38400 Weight indication

FIC-30051 Flow indication and control
FV-30051 The corresponding control valve. Control valves get the designation FV-,
PV-, LV- depending on the function of the controlling instrument1.
FICQ-30051 the Q means the totalizer is shown/used in DCS Faceplate in a sequence,
but this will be decided during Detailed Engineering.
All flow meters totalize but these can be hidden from view and not written
out in DCS
PI-33002 Pressure, absolute or gauge
PDI-33002 Differential pressure
AI-36064 Turbidity or other analytical instrument
CI-36304 Conductivity
HS-34205 Field push-buttons or switches connected to DCS
SIC-34105 Variable frequency drives.
To be implemented by IPS, in our documentation the terminology for VFDs
is varying
II-33906 Electrical Amperage.
A modern MCC might offer amperage reading to the DCS for all drives, in
which case they will be spelled out on P&ID only when they serve a specific
JI-31025 Electrical Power (kW)
pHIC-33005 pH control
LS-34308 Low level switch
LS-34309 High level switch
XV-36307A On/off valve
Our documentation might still show AuV- in some places which was the old
designation. IPS-M to update.
XSV-12345 Solenoid valve
XZO-36307 limits witch open, only ZO shown in P&ID
XZC-36307 limit switch closed, only ZC shown in P&ID
XZA-36406 For 3-way valves, position “A”. Only ZA spelled out in P&ID
XZB-36406 For 3-way valves, position “B”. Only ZB spelled out in P&ID
XZT-36406 For “T” configured 3-way valves, position “T” as in split flow. Only ZT spelled
out in P&ID.
Drives / motors
For drives- pumps, agitators etc, the DCS tag is the same as the Equipment tag, the “y” is
not in use.
P-3410 Pump start/stop. (Hex symbol to be added to P&IDs by IPS-M)
A-3312 Agitator start/stop. (Hex symbol to be added to P&IDs by IPS-M)

1As functions to be programmed/ which controller has dual AUTO/CAS Modes will not be settled until
Detailed Engineering, we will at that point discuss whether to relabel them or keep them with “incorrect”

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There are systems not attached to the DCS or to the process that require ID. For instance
cameras, intercoms, sirens, fire alarms. The ID shall be unique, but is for many functions
not regulated.
CAM-U-3515 Camera
YA-10105 Audible alarms or beacons, triggered by DCS
EQM-3420 Equipment module. Sequences of DCS-controlled events, toggled by DCS
or panel operator or field operator by push button.
More as required

Currently not used, but in the future maintenance and asset registries we might choose a
unique ID number for any physical asset, which in turn is placed either under a technical
“position” with IDs as in 1.2, or under a physical location.


Currently not in use, but in a future maintenance system different locations might be of
use, maybe all the way to shelf, storage lot designation.
To be discussed again before implementation.

loc - area (- elev (m) - free text)

loc “loc” tells the reader that the string is about location, not about a physical
object or technical position.
area unique number for process area or building. To be developed
elev elevation in meters if relevant or free text

loc-36-6m one way of describing the 6m level in the Penta plant.
loc-82-45 assume a warehouse 82 exists with a shelf 45

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A Analysis Alarm
B Burner, User’s choice User’s choice User’s choice
C Conductivity Control Closed
D Density Differential
E Voltage (EMF) Sensor (Primary
F Flow rate Ratio, fraction
G Gauging Glass, viewing
H Hand (man. High
I Current Indicate
J Power Scan
K Time/Schedule Time rate of Control station
L Level Light (pilot) Low
M Moisture or Momentary Middle or
humidity intermediate
N User’s choice User’s choice User’s choice
O User’s choice Orifice, restriction Opened
P Pressure or Point (test
vacuum connection)
Q Quantity or Integrate, Integrator or
event totalizer totalizer
R Radioactivity Record or print
S Speed or Safety Switch
T Temperature Transmit
U Multivariable Multifunction Multifunction Multifunction
V Vibration, Valve, damper
Viscosity or louver
W Weight or Well
X Unclassified X-axis Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
Y Event, state or Y-axis Relay,
presence compute,
Z Position, Z-axis Drive, actuate

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