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InsideOut Philip Kerr Series authors: Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Intermediate Workbook with key + re be MACMILLAN toe Philip Kerr Series authors: Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Intermediate c Workbook FA MACMILLAN eating Co ‘Friends @ Tense revision. Question forms and @ Friends © Writing emails page 4 short answers. Questions with Email vocabulary prepositions. Subject questions. Punctuation. ‘verbs of frequency” © Vowel sounds /1/ and /i/ © Friendship expressions, Mecting fiends ot 2 Adrenalin @ Present perfec simple @ My most exciting © Waiting a story page 10 ast simple and continous, holiday. Narrative time phrases ‘Comparatives and superatives © Strong and weak forms © Gradable and non-gradable adjectives. ‘Sports. Giving agvice about injuries 2 13 Relationships @ Dynamic and stative meanings. © Ourtop fveromantic @ Waiting an informal letter page 16 resent perfect simple and continuous movies Linking sentences with anony © Family. Relationships, @ Consonant sounds /0/ and /0/ ‘Deseribing character “Less direct language ‘4 Party @ Phrasal verbs, Future forms, @ The Haro wine festival @ Whiting letters of thanks and page 22 ‘Pronouns anybody, somebody, et. apology @ Festivals: Phrasal verbs. do andl make. @ Vowel sounds /5/, /2/, /1/ Parties. Inviting, and making excuses S edible @ Countable and uncountable nouns © Absinthe © Waiting a letter of complaint page 28 ‘Quantifying expressions. use to / woul @ The schwa sound /2/ © Food. Partitives:a bar of, a bow of. et. Describing food. Taste and texture. Ata restaurant Time © Prepositions of ime. @ Ourbody clocks {© Wiiting to request information age 24 Modals of obligation and permission Formal and informal language © Time expressions, Phrasal verbs. Work. @ Voiced and unvoiced consonants — ‘Time idioms and expressions 7 News @ Verb patterns, Passive structures @ Profile: Paris Filton © Writing an essay page 40 @ Adjectives to describe celebrities Linking sentences with although, Crime. Headline language. despite howeoer Personal news © Linking words together B3ourey __ @ Modals of deduction. Past perfect different holidays @ Wating a description page 45 © Geographical location, Planning your writing Describing places. Fixed expressions Paragraph orgenisation _giveo take, Sooner or later, et. © Vowel sounds /2:/,/31/, /o/ ‘Asking for directions 9 Opinions @ Reported statements and questions @ Spollighton.«theextra_ @ Writing a film review page52 © Books films, music. ed and ing adjectives. Making generalisations ving your opinion @ Vowel sounds /er/ and /ai/ 40 Childhood @ Defining relative causes. Real @Myworstteaching © Writing letter ofadvice age 58 conditional (frst conditional. experience Common spelling mistakes Indirect questions @ Vowel sounds /31/,/au/, /20/ © Phrasal verbs. make and et. Deseribing objects 11 Age © Unreal conditional (second and thied _@ Avery specialmother @ Writing a story age 64 conditionals). Wishes or regrets Narrative organisation © "Attitude! adverbs. On the telephone @ Sounding postive 125tyle © Adjective order hve something done», @ Fashion designer {© Writing a description of person page 68 @ Clothes. Physical description. Ralph Lauren’ Linking: adding information ‘Verb phrases, Smal talk ‘Stories: ‘Bernice Bobs Her Mair’ and ‘Gretchen's Forty Winks’ pace 72 ‘Answer key page 81 Intonation in fists Friends Grammar 1 Find examples in the text of the tenses below. 1 grew up in England, but l've been living in Belgium for about ten years. My wife is Belgian and I've known her for a long time. Before we came here, we were living in London. We speak French at home. In the evenings, I'm learning Flemish. resent simple a) is ») Present continuous 9 Present perfect a) Present perfect continuous 2 Past simple 8 2 Past continuous ») 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the tense that is stated. a) Present simple My best friend's name__is__(be) Roger. b) Present simple 1 (like) reggae and hip hop music. ©) Present continuous 1 (Git) at the desk in my bedroom right now. 4) Present perfect 1 (visit) England three times. ©) Present perfect continuous 1 (ive) in this town for eight years. 4 1) Past simple 1____(go) toSwitzerland on holiday last year, 8). Past continuous 1 (wear) jeans and a T-shirt yesterday. ‘Write questions that match the answers in Exercise 2. a) What____is your best friend’s name? b) What kind of. ©) Where: 4) How many times ©) How long 1) Where: g) What Answer the questions in Exercise 3. a) b) 9 a °) p) 8) Complete the short answers. a) Is your bes friend the same age as you? No,he__ isa b) Does he/she come from your town? Yes, he/she : ) Were your parents friends of his/her parents? Noy they 5 4) Ishe/she studying English, too? No, he/she ©) Has he/she been helping you with your homework? ‘Yes, he/she : £) Did you see him/her yesterday? No, '8) Was he/she working yesterday? Yes, he/she . hh) Have you ever been on holiday together? No, we 6 Write trae short answers tothe questions in d) Wenormally go for a walk together in the Exercise 5 about your best friend. afternoon. a) ») €) We enjoy often the same things. ° a ) Tuy him now and again clothes. Oe 9 8) [take him always on holiday with me. 8) hy h) However, he's occasionally more interested in Write questions that match the answers. a) Luse my computer mostly for playing games, What do you use your computer for? b) confide in my sister. Who ©) I'm good at playing the' guitar. What 2 ) [spend my money on holidays and going out. What ©) worry about finding a job and about money. What kind of things 8) Tusually have dinner with my parent Who 8g). Telong to a sports club What clubs or groups hh) I'm interested in lots of different things, What. Underline the correct verb form. 1) Who does live / lives next door to you? b) What do they do / they do for a living? ©) What kind of films do you like / like you? 4) What does make / makes you sad? .€) Which friends do you see / see you most often? £) Who does know / knows you best? 8) Who does send / sends you the most text messages? h) What do they write / write they about? Write true answers to the questions. Correct the grammatical mistakes in four of the sentences below. Tick (/) the sentences that are correct. a) Fido and I usually get on very well together. ea 5 b) Wehave never arguments. ©) He regularly wakes me up in the moming, other women, 10 Write the words in order to make sentences. a) a am huny I in usually Lan usually in a hurr b) buy ever hardly 1 online things ©) all friends I my text the time d) do from housework I the time time to @) a go I month once the theatre to f) am classes English for I late rarely g) about don’t I often things worry h) always dreams I my remember i) alone be I offen prefer to Change the sentences to make them true for you. Vocabulary 1 Complete the text with the phrases in the box. alotincommon alwaysbe there click close friends drifted apart fell out gotonreally well hititeft our separate ways ups and downs Charlotte and I first met when we were at college and we (1) hit it off immediately. We were ata party and we spent the whole evening laughing and talking, Very soon, we became @ We had the same interests and the same tastes in music so we had @)__. We did tots of things together and we (4) Atthe time, I was going out with a girl called Mandy from my home town, But we didn’ see each other often, and slowly we (5) When ‘we finally decided to go (6) it was no surprise to our friends when Charlotte and I started going out asa couple. But our relationship changed and we didn’t (7) in the same way. Everyone has their 6) , Charlotte said to me, but I knew something was wrong. We argued about little things and we finally (9) completely after one argument. I can’t even remember what it was about. The funny thing is that we're now the best of friends and we have been for more than ten years. We know we'll ao) for each other. @ 01 Listen and check. ‘Match the questions (a-g) to the responses (1-7) a) Do you have a lot in common with him/her? b) Are your close friends the same as his /hers? ©) Did you hit it off immediately? ) Are there any times when you don’t get on well? ) What kinds of things do you disagree about? 6) Do you think you will drift apart or become closer as you get older? 8) How sure are you that he/she will always be there for you? 1 No. At first, I didn’t think she was interested in ‘me at all. It was a long time before we clicked. 2 Notatall. She has her social life and Ihave mine. 3. One hundred per cent. I believe that marriage is forlife. ” 4 Politics. So we try not to talk about it. 5 We'll never go our separate ways. Every day, the ove between us gets stronger. 6 Yes, we have our ups and downs. Especially when one of us is under stress. 7 Insome ways, we're very different, but we share the same interests. als Write true answers for questions a-g in Exercise 2 about your partner (husband / wife / girlfriend / boyfriend). a) b) ° a °) 8) 4 Insert the missing letters to complete the conversation. Hey, Joe! Hil How's ‘Not (2) b__. What We @)m___g0 out for a drink (s___ time. Til give you a (10) ¢. @ 02 Listen and check. Put the lines in order to make a conversation. a) Alex: No worries. Take care. b) Alex: Hi, Ruth. How's life? ©) Alex: Fine, just taking it easy, you know. ) Ruth: You too. Bye. ©) Ruth: Great, thanks. What about you? 1) Ruth: Look, I'm afraid I can’t stop. peas eso bee b 03 Listen and check. That (8) w____be great Look, Imust 9) d_ 6 Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. better keeping busy pretty good See you things upto Nick: Hi,Sonya.How are(1)___éhings__? Sonya: Oh, (2) ‘And you? Nick: Yeah, fine. What have you been eee eal Sonya: Oh, (4) ; you know. Work, work, work Nick: Yeah, me too. Sonya: Good to hear it. Anyway, © get back to the office. (6) © 04 Listen and check. Pronunciation 1 @05 Listen to the recording and practise saying the different sounds. Fi dong) feel his he's live leave sit seat this these will welll 42 @06 Listen and write the words you hear. a) b) ° ad °) 9 7 Reading 1 Read the article opposite and choose the best title. ) Friends stars fall out in plans for new movie b) Nobody wants the new Friends movie ©) Real life friends get together one more time 2 Put the paragraph summaries in the correct order. a) The relationship between the stars b)_ The stars’ lives after the end of the series ©) The TV show and the movie 1 d)_ What happens in Friends 3. The article contains one sentence that should not bbe there. Find the sentence and cross it out. @ 07 Listen and check. 4 Read the article again and say if the sentences are true (1) or false (F). a) The stars of Friends are planning to make a new TV series. b)_ Ross is in love with Rachel. ©) Ross and Chandler knew each other ‘when they were students. d) The six stars clicked at the beginning of the first series @) Some ofthestars wanted ahigher | salary. f) Some of the stars have appeared together on other TV shows. 8). Lisa Kudrow is going out with Matthew Perry. 5 Choose the best concluding paragraph for the article. 4) Jennifer Aniston and her new boyfriend, John Mayer, went to Punta Mita in Mexico last weekend to stay ata friend's house. The previous week, the couple had dinner in a Los ‘Angeles restaurant with Aniston’s lose friend, Courteney Cox Arquette. b)_ Of the six stars, Jennifer Aniston has been the ‘most succesful since the show ended. Until recently, she was not sure that a Friends movie was a good idea, but, ifthe reports are true, she has changed her mind. Good news for all Friends fans everywhere! KOK kk kk kkk The TV series Friends was one of the most | popular TV shows of all time. More than 50 million ‘Americans watched the final episode of the show | in 2004 and the six main stars were all household names. Now, it seems, they will soon be back. According to some reports, filming of a Friends movie will start soon. The show followed the ups and downs in the lives of six New York friends. Monica and Ross are brother and sister. Rachel, Monica's best friend at high school, is the love of Ross's life. Phoebe lived for a time with Monica, and Chandler shared 2 room with Ross at college. Finally, there is Joey, an actor who is looking for work and loves his food, , drink coffee and talk about | | | | The six regularly mes their lives, The six stars of Friends worked closely together and got on well. According to David Schwimmer (Ross), the six hit it off from the start. ‘We were really lucky,’ he says. When they talked to the show's producers about their salaries, they did it together. In real life, they became close friends and, in an interview at the end of the series, they said that they were like family. Jennifer Aniston described the end of the show as a divorce that nobody wanted. Brad Pitt later married Angelina Jolie Since the show ended, Jennifer has appeared in Dirt, a TV show starring Courteney Cox Arquette (Monica). When Courteney had a baby daughter, Jennifer became the child's godmother. Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe) and Matthew Perry (Chandler) are also very close, He always talks to her about | his girlfriends and, he says, she gives him ‘amazing | advice’. David Schwimmer worked with Matt | LeBlanc (Joey) on Matt's new TV show. | Writing Writing emails Email vocabulary Punctuation Pee eS elephant vom eset Compose mail (GRY — Hi, Philip. How are things? | got yo Confirmation Thank you for your or Aub letherreteenaneerenrneeeciemaa Nati 1 Today 9:43 pm Today 8.07 pm > Sent mail Holidays for £2 Today 6.55 pm > Drafts (2) (2) Next week Good to hear from you Today 11.25 am > Spam © (no subject) Give me a call when yo Today 11.09 am > Delete b.wragg@ fnebank Loan request Re: Account No. 017 Today 9.01 pm >» Contacts FW: Holiday photos Got them thnx Jul 22 “ YOUR URGENT RESPONSE NEE Jul 22 Re: yr order ref no KY7342, Jul 22 ‘1 (2) No problem Just a quick note to sa Jul 19 Dinner Hi, Philip. See you on Friday Jule 1. Look at the inbox of emails above. Which of these are probably a) personal messages? )_ business messages? ©) spam? 2 Which underlined hyperlink on the left or at the top of the email inbox do you click if you want to: a) read your emails Inbox b) end your email session ©) write an email d) finda friend’s email address ©) look at an email that you started writing but did not finish, 4) report an email that you did not want to receive 8) send an email tothe rubbish bin 3. Match the punctuation marks to the words. a) question mark », apostrophe Q - ‘exclamation mark 4) 2 comma 5 3° dash 9! full stop 4 Rewrite the email using the punctuation marks in Exercise 3 and capital letters where necessary. Dear Katy and Paul havent written for ages so I thovaht Id drop you a line are you on holiday now Im atthe seaside with my family but the weather is terible rain rain rain | hope its better ‘where you are let me know how things are going T hope youre well ‘With best wishes, | Philip | PS A Belgian friend of mine is going tobe in London next_| ‘month he doesn't know anyone there is there any chance | fou could look after him for one day Id be really grateful 5 Read Katy and Pauls’s reply to the email in Exercise 4. Write Philip's reply. HI Philip, Just @ quick note to say yes — no problem We'd be really hapey to look after your friend wien he comes to London, ‘Can you tell us abit more about him? What's his name? ‘What sort of things does he like to da? When's he coming? Has he been here before? Love, Katy & Paul PS Could you snd us a photo at hin) Adrenalin Grammar Use the prompts to write questions. a) you / ever / have / xray? 1. Look at the verbs in the box and find: Have you ever had an x-ray? S regular verbs b) you / ever / play / badminton? kill ©) you / ever / climb / mountain? 3 verbs with a past participle that ends in -en spe d) you / ever / meet / American? 2 verbs with a past participle that isthe same as the SS oo ee eee aaa ) you / ever / fly / in / helicopter? you / ever / sleep / on / beach? 6 irregular verbs with a past participle that is the same as the past tense come fall feel get give ill lose pull push ride run shout sit spend start win Write the words in order to make sentences. a) a horse I many ridden ‘ve times Ive ridden a horse many limes. b) a I in never river swum ‘ve ©) been have I India n't to yet 4) already done homework I my ‘ve e) ages anyone for have I met n't . ) eaten I just lunch ) have lately much T n't slept hh) broken I leg my twice ‘ve. > ‘Change the sentences to make them true for you. ‘Write true answers to the questions. Delete the time expression that is not possible. a) He hasn’tscored a goal for ages /tastFune / yet b) She's already / never / yet won a gold medal. ©). Tbroke my arm in 2006 / Iately / two months ago. d) We haven't done karate before / never / yet. ©) She's played rugby many times / twice / yet. f) They've already / for ages / just swum ten Kilometres. g) He hasn’t been to a boxing match for ages / last week / lately. : Put the verbs in brackets into 4 the past simple or the : present perfect. ‘A: (1) Have you ever been (you ever be) really frightened? B:_ Yes, Ihave. One day last week, I @____ (be) really terrified. ‘A: Why? What @) (happen)? Be 1(d)___(Gee) awasp. It was enormous. 1() (never see) one like that before A © (you kill) i? B: Certainly not. A: (7)___ (you always be) frightened of wasps? B: Yes,butl(@)____(be) alot more scared of them since one stung me recently @ 08 Listen and check. 6 Correct the mistakes in the questions. 1) What you were doing at Spm last Saturday? What were yo 9pm last Saturday? b) What did you wearing? Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. Insert than and the where necessary. a) Myfriendsare__. funnier than (fanny) /me. b) I'm, lucky) person ©) How were you feel? Tea none ©) Teel (relaxed) today d) What you did after that? yesterday d) My bedroom is ) What time went you to bed? (cold) place in my house. ©) Mysisteris (pretty) £) When you got up the next day? Write true answers to the questions. a) ») ° a) ° 5 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. One day, Leo (1)__was walking (walk) home from work. The sun (2) (chine) and he @ (feel) happy. Suddenly, he ® (see) a group of people who © (look) up at the top of a built. Leo (6) (look) up, too. A woman (7) __ (tana) on the roof of the building Then, the woman (8) jump). Leo's heart 9) (stop), but then, aftera second oF two, her parachute (10) (open). 10 girlin the world f) [find history (interesting) sport. 8) —____(ad) film I've ever Seen is Titanic bh) F'musually my best friend. (happy) ‘Change the sentences to make them true for you. Underline the correct alternative. 4) Scuba diving in the Bahamas was by far / slightly the most exciting thing I've ever done. b) It was by far / much easier than I thought ©) The Bahamas are a lot / just as good for diving as the Red Sea. ) The hotels are by far / slightly more expensive than in my country. €) The weather isa lot / by farhotter in the 1) My last holiday wasn't a bit / nearly as nice as this. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. a) Tennis is more popular than badminton. Badminton isn’t ___as popular as dennis b) Bungee jumping isn’t as difficult as kite surfing Kite surfingis ©) Wembley Stadium is not as big as the Nou Camp Stadium in Barcelona. The Nou Camp Stadium in Barcelona is d) Real Madrid are better than Chelsea. Chelsea aren’t ©) Rugby isn’t nearly as exciting as football. Football isa lot f) Snowboarding is much more fashionable than fishing. Fishing isn’t. 8) Horse-riding isn’t as dangerous as boxing. Boxing is Vocabulary 4 a ee in the word square. The first one as been done for you. 1 Insert the missing leters in the non-gradable adjectives and match them with the gradable eTAs{kle|Tlelali[oiwir adjectives in the box. TIlvisikli{iinlelalealiia angry cold frightened funny Alo[s{alo[m[i[n[tfo[nfo ood pretty surprised tired e{tlala[u[elclFlulclo[r a) ges el t[c[slolvlofe[i[u[v[s]s DES efele[x[k]clals[elclule eS) 5 [tl y[elifalelolx[r[c[ata ° felelalntelstet titel 9 nialtlelalulK]nfe[u]ifo we Rpnoris Niefe{a[tfofefe[sle|n S if[e[sfufefoly|sfxlale[n 2 Complete the sentences with very or absolutely. a) Hewas feeling ver Hired after am [-©7):NE]CO5] 017/580] 08 AS RRM Ease ENE the work. b). Her final concert was a/an 5 Which 10 sports from the word square above use ehuilling experience. equipment you can see in the shop window? 6). thought the book was fascinating a) Im boiling in these winter clothes. ©) My dothes were filthy atthe end of the day. 1) Our day in the mountains was exciting. ). She tells some. funny stories. h) The stadium was dirty after the match, 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. bored embarrassed frightened nervous thrilled worried a) Lwasabsolutely drilled __—it was a fantastic present, thank you. b) Iwas extremely =the man hada gun. ©) Iwas feeling fairly ~itwas only my second driving lesson. @) Twas so ~Talmost fel asleep. €) Iwas very____about you-I didn’t know you were going to be late. Roe inmylite = my face went bright red. 1 ___basteibal 6 Zi 7 3 5 4 9 5 10 ‘Adrenalin 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. board harness kite rope shoes waterproof wetsuit a) The water was very cold so we needed a webs b). The cliffs were high but we came down ina ©) Some surfers spend more than $650 on their ‘most important piece of equipment - their d) Near the top of the mountain, the climbers used a for extra safety. ©) Many children enjoy flying a 1) Cyclists need clothes in wet countries like Ireland. 8) One famous French climber does not use climbing 7 Match the sentence beginnings (2-H) with their endings (1-8). a) Make sure that you drink lots of water b) I've got a painful black eye ©) Ym wearing sandals 4). You should have an x-ray ©) My finger’s killing me 1) Keep the skin clean fg). She twisted her ankle hh) often get cramp 1 and cover it witha plaster. and found it hard to walk. because I've got a blister on my toe. so that you don’t get dehydrated. to see if your thumb is broken. when [run for more than five minutes. ‘where he hit me where the wasp stung it. 5 8 Underline the correct alternative. a) You'd better see a dentist about that dehydrated / loose tooth. 1b) You need to get toa hospital for an ankle / xray. ©) You really should put some cream / thumb on. that sunburn, d) You'd better have a rest if you're limping / twisted. ©) Youneed to find out why your tooth / wrist is swollen. ) You really should take some aspirin for your headache / red nose. g) You'd better put a cramp / plaster on that to keep it clean. h)_ You need to change shoes to stop the blisters / sandals. Pronunciation Look at the auxiliary verbs (was, were, has, have) in the following conversations. Which verb is pronounced in the strong form and which is weak? 1A: [vas thinking of going skydiving. weak B: Were you? 2. A: Wewere beginning to feel nervous. B: Iwasn't! 3. A: Shehas never been so surprised. B: Well, [have! 4A: Have you ever ridden a horse? B:_ No, but my wife has, 5A: Were you thinking about me? Yes, Iwas. Ll eeeGee weak was wo! war! were fwd wal has ‘Ihe! pho) have Iueex/ nov] © 09 Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. Listening 1 @ 10 Cover the listening script and listen to four people talking about the most exciting holidays they have ever had. Match the speakers with the pictures. Speaker 1 picture Speaker 2 picture Speaker 3 picture Speaker 4 picture 2 Listen again and decide if the following sentences are true (1) or false (F). Speaker 1 4) They had to use special equipment. b) The sharks suddenly attacked. Speaker 2 ©) They went flying every day. d)_ One plane collided with another plane. Speaker 3 ©). They spent a week in the submarine. f)Itwas difficult to see anything under the water, Speaker 4 8) They were looking for elephants. h) They spent the nights with local people. Adrenalin 4 Last year, 41. Lwas on holiday once in the Bahamas and I saw an advertisement for an excursion ~ ‘Swim with sharks’ it said, I didn’t really believe it, but I thought it was a fascinating idea, and two days later I decided to give ‘ta try Iwas with 2 group of about 20 other people ‘on a special boat. We all put on our diving equipment. It was made of a special material, something very strong, to protect us against the sharks. The sharks arrived and, at frst, I was absolutely terified, but they were really friendly, They only wanted to play! It was amazing. 2 The most exciting thing T've ever done was just over a year ago when I was in Canada. I spent a week there, and every afternoon, we went up in a Harvard jet, and what happens is, you fly around looking for other jets, and when you see one, you have to try to shoot it down. There's a sort of gun, a sort of laser, and when you hit another jet, you hear a loud noise and you ‘can see black stoke. In one week, I shot seven other planes. It was great fun, but it was really expensive and I could never afford to doit again. 3. A few years ago, I spent a week in the Canadian Arctic with a friend of mine. One day we went out in a small submarine and it took us under the ice. It was totally dark but we had big lights, and they lit everything up, s0 we could see, you know. There were some really strange fish, and one time, I saw something that looked like a shark, but I'm not sure it was. Then we artived at an old shipmreck, an old ship from the seventeenth century. I don't know why, but I was a bit frightened for some reason. It was really beautiful though. went to see my friend Clyde, who lives near Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand. Near where he lives, there's an elephant camp, and we booked a three- day trip, you know, a trek, a sort of safari-thing, and. we spent three days on the back of the elephants, and at night, we stayed in little villages with the mountain people. At the end of it all, was filthy and exhausted, but what a trip! And the people that we met were all so ‘incredibly nice. Look at the script. Explain what it refers to. a) I didn’t really believe it (Speaker 1) that it was possible 40 swim with sharks b) It was amazing (Speaker 1) ©) you have to try to shoot it down (Speaker 2) d) it was great fun (Speaker 2) ©) ittook us under the ice (Speaker 3) £) it was really beautiful (Speaker 3) 8) the end of it all (Speaker 4) Writing Writing a story Narrative time phrases 1. Read the three paragraphs (4-C) and put them in the correct order. 1 2 3 problem / main event introduction / resolution background ‘A. Suddenly, my sister jumped up. ‘What's that smell?’ she shouted. We ran into the kitchen. There was a lot of black smoke, and flames ‘were coming from a pan on the cooker. Without thinking, I took off my jacket and threw it on top of the pan. Unfortunately, the jacket knocked the pan onto the floor. There was burning ol all over the floor. B_ Wewere both absolutely terrified. At first, my ‘ind went blank, but then I got out my phone and called the fire brigade. At the same time, Gail ran out of the room. A minute or two later, she returned with the neighbour. He had a special fire blanket and threw it over the flames. ‘The danger was over. ©. One day, was watching TV with my sister, Gail. The programme was not very interesting and I decided to go and cook dinner. I went into the kitchen and began the cooking. After a while, Gail called, ‘Hey, come and see this!’ Twent back into the living room. She was watching an action movie and it was so exciting that I completely forgot about the dinner. 2. Read the story again and find seven time phrases. 3 Insert a time phrase from Exercise 2 in spaces 1-6. More than one answer is possible. ()__I was swimming in the sea. 2) , felt something touch my leg. (3) , Tthought it ‘was just some seaweed, but (4) felt it again and decided it was probably a fish ‘of some sort. (5) / Tfeltita third time and I stopped swimming and looked around me. There was nothing, but © Isaw a dolphin about a hundred metres we 4 Think about a time when you were in a dangerous or exciting situation. Make short notes to answer the questions. 1. Introduction / background ‘Where were you? When was it? Who was with you? What were you doing? What happened bbefore the main event? 2 The problem /the main event What was the most dangerous or exciting moment? How did you feel? 3. Resolution What happened next? What happened in the end? Use your notes from Exercise 4 to write a short story about your experience. ‘+ Write three paragraphs. ‘+ Include examples of the time phrases from. Exercise 2. Grammar 1 Ineach sentence, put one verb into the present simple and the other into the present continuous, a) T__am smiling _ (smile) because you remind (remind) me of someone. b) We (share) a flatbut we (not have) much in common. ot (know) that you = (laugh) at me. a (Qook) for someone who (believe) inthe same things asme. ie (admire) the way she (try) to do well now. A. (not understand) why you (ey). a) 1 (read) a book that I really (ike) hI (hate) the job that (do) at the moment, 2 Complete the conversations with the verbs in the box in the present simple or the present continuous. have look think a) A: How long have you had your car? It looks very old. B: Yes, itis. 1 John, hi. It’s Mum. (you) time to talk? B: [can’t speak now. I dinner with my girliriend, Why that? B: It's because you tomato sauce on your nose! What. new James Bond movie? B: Idon't know yet. 1 of going to see it this evening. of getting a b) A: oA (you) at me like d) A: (you) of the eae: Relationships ~ Relationships 3. Write the present participles in the table, 4 Complete the sentences with for or since. a) I've been drinking coffee Twas fourteen. b) I've been to the cinema only once. last summer. since ©) Tvebeen using the internet years. 4) [ve been wearing this perfume last year. ©) Tveeaten nothing morning. 1) I've had the same group of friends we were at junior school. g) I'veread nothing interesting __four or {five months. h) I've wanted to make a change in my life along time. years and eight o'clock this ‘Make the verbs negative or change the words in italics to make the sentences true for you. 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect continuous. Carol is single, but she (1) _ has been ooking (ook) fora boyfriend. She (2) (go) to online dating sites and she @ (write) to one guy for 1 few months. She (4) (dream) of finding the ideal partner and she © (hope) she'll find him. soon. Her friends (6) (telly her tobe more realistic. They (7) (try) to stop her being so romantic, but she 6 (not listen. 6 Find and correct four grammatical mistakes in the conversation. The first one has been done for you. You've been being very quiet for afew minutes. Yes. I've been thinking. What have you been thinking about? Well, you see that guy over there? He's been looking at me non-stop since we arrived. ‘And you've been watching him. Yes. And you know what? Its love at frst sight I've been falling in love with him! A: But you've never been meeting him. Br Tknow. But since we came in I've been feeling very strange. I've never been having this feeling before. ‘As think he's looking at the kitchen door. He’s been waiting for his dinner to arrive. PPee Be @ 11 Listen and check. 7 Putthe verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. Then answer the questions. a) How long have you known (you know) your best friend? Lue known him/her for b) How long (you learn) English? ©) How long (you sit) in the same chair? d) How long (you have) your mobile phone? ©) How long (you be) with your present partner? 8) How long (you like) your favourite singer or band? 8) How long (you wear) the shoes that you have on? h)_-How long (you do) this exercise? Pronunciation 1 @12 Listen to the words in the box. Is the underlined sound /6/ or /6/? Put the words in the correct column. another athletic both clothes faithful father marathon something there think this _ thoughtful together with oI a i aihlelic another ‘@ 13 Listen and check. Repeat the words. 2 Look at the personal advertisement. Underline the ‘words that contain the /0/ sound. Circle the words that contain the /0/ sound. HEALTHY thirty-something theatre fan looking for someone with that special something. Call ‘me eariier than the third Thursday of this month, They call me Arthur! = _ SLIGHTLY disabled Soo @ 14 Listen and check. 3. 15 Try saying the sentences below. Then listen and repeat them. ‘They think that there'l be wet weather this month. My father thought that my brother threw the bal ‘This isthe third thing we've seen a this theatre. 18 Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with an appropriate family word. 4) Tused to be married to him. He's my exhusband b) We have the same mother, but different fathers. She's my ©) He's my brother's son. He's my d)_ We live together but we're not married. He's my ©) He married He's my 1) She married my son. She’s my ¥y mother after my father died. g) Idon’t have any brothers or sisters. 'm an 1h) She's my brother's daughter. She's my 2 Read the sentences below. Which sentence is logically (or legally) impossible? a) My nephew is five years older than my wife. b)_ My brother-in-law’s girlfriend is the step- daughter of my cousin. ©) My ex-wife's second husband is a grandfather. )_I'man only child but I have lots of cousins. ©) My niece's partner has three step-children, 4) My sister's husband is the son of my parents. 8) My father-in-law is the grandfather of my daughters. Sentence ___ is impossible because 3. Write the words in order to complete the questions. Then answer the questions. a) at fallen first in love sight Have you ever Yes, I have. / No, I haven’, b) an been dating online site to Have you ever fallen in love a first sight? ©) dreams meet of person the your Do you think you will ever d) ever proposed someone to 5 Have you e) had have relationships serious you How many Relationships f) a broken ever heart split up with Have you Match the words in the box with sentences a~I. considerate easygoing generous optimistic reliable shy seciable witty a) I think that I’m a very friendly person and L like being with other people._sociable ) I find it difficult to talk to other people, especially people that I do not know. ©) I'm very positive about life and I think that most things are usually OK in the end. ) Talways think about the feelings of other people. ©) Isay a lot of funny things and people laugh when they are with me. f)_I'malways happy to give my time or my money to people who need it. 8) Lalways do what I say Iwill do and my friends know that I will always help them. 1h) _I'mhappy to do what other people want, even if Idon’t agree with them. Choose the best alternative, a, b orc. 1 He's usually late and sometimes he doesn’t arrive atal: in short, he's completely nceliable (a) unfaithful (b) unrealistic (c) unreliable 2. Sometimes we don’t see each other for a long time but she's a very friend. (@) big-headed _(b) good-looking (€) loyal 3. He's too romantic for me: I prefer people who are more (a) arrogant (b) down-to-earth (c) selfish 4 You should be mare ifyou want to make new friends (a) miserable (b) narrow-minded (c) outgoing 5 T'venever met anyone so confident and (a) modest (b) self-assured (c) shy 6 realy like being with artists, writers and other people. (@) creative (6) optimistic (c) realistic 7 Tknow I'm very Dut I find it very hard to coniral my emotions. (@) dull (b) sensitive (c) witty 6 Put the words in the box into two groups. 8B Match sentences ah with responses 1-8. a). She's talks a lot, doesn't she? amusing arrogant _bigsheaded b) ‘Heseemed abit young, don't you think? broad-minded cheerful dull ©). She's not at all bad-looking, is she? ee eet el nade d) He's rather under confident, isn’t he? ©) She didn’t seem very interesting to me. narrow-minded self-centred selfish Fy He Wade tase Seale thoughtless tolerant _ trustworthy 4). It’s rather difficult to talk to her, isn't it? h)_ He's not exactly talkative, is he? ‘Goad qualities Bad qualities 1 agree. She tends to be a bit boring, 2 No,he's very quiet today. amusing 3. No, she’s very good-looking in my opinion. 4 Well, he wasn’t particularly old, that's for sure. 5 Yes, he can be a bit shy. 6 Yes, he was absolutely horrible. 7 Yes, she certainly tends to dominate the conversation. 8 Yes, there are times when she can be impossible! mee tls i 7 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. 9 Complete the conversation. The first letter of each pee ‘word has been given for you. demanding faithful cheerfat A: I'm sorry I'said that to her. I know I realistic self-centred _big-headed. (1)can___be a bit thoughtless at times. B: You certainly weren’t (2) p. considerate! ‘A: Tknow. But when I'm tired, 1 3) to say the first thing that comes into my head B: Well, try to be a (4) b more sensitive next time, OK? A: OK. Butshe wasn’t (5) tolerant herself, was she? B: True. She’s not (6) v. broad- ‘minded, but I think she was just tired. As Yes,1(7)5. so. We can al be a bit difficult when we're tired. A: What's up, John? What's the matter? You're usually so (1) _cheerdul Br It’s Helen. She's so (2) . She wants me to be with her twenty-four hours aday! A: So? That's good, isn’t it? B: No! We always have to do exactly what she wants, She's completely (3) ‘And everything that she does, she thinks she’s the best. I've never known anyone so ® Az Butat least she's (3) , She never even looks at other men. Anyway, if you're so unhappy, why don't you split up? B: Why? Because I have to be (6) know I won't find anyone else who wants to go out with me. @ 16 Listen and check. 17 Listen and check. Relationships TIVES x9 Reading 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. argument married relationship secret In most romantic movies: + a third person causes problems in the lovers’ + one person must hide a from the person he she loves. + thelovers have an __ of a misunderstanding + the lovers get the film. because __at theend of 2 Read about five films. Which ones have a happy ending? Which have a sad ending? Mr and Mrs Smith 07 2nti 9005) starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Joli ‘The marriage of John and Jane Smith isin rouble and both husband and wife are thinking of going their separate ways, But they both have a secret life as professional killers. When they find out the truth, they try to kill each other, but neither Can do it. They discover true love and fight together, very successfully, against their common enemies Moulin Rouge Porartc Nicole kidman and Ewan M Christian is an English writer in Paris who falls in love with Satine, an actress at the Moulin Rouge cabaret. Christian does not know that Satine is dying of tuberculosis, They are preparinga new showand they mustkeep the shows financial ‘sponsor happy. The sponsor, a rich Duke, wants Satine for himself, so Christian and Satine must hide their love, When the Duke discovers the truth, he tries unsuccessfully to kill Christian. Satine then dies inher lover's arms. Will Thacker is working in his London bookshop when # woman of his dreams, the beautiful actress, Anna Scott, walks in, They love each other from the start, but the difere between their lives make the relationship dificult. They spit up, get together again, spit up once more, before finally setting married. 20 TEENS eetatonshios 3. Read the article again and answer the questions. In which two a) does someone die? b)_ is money an important part of the story? ©) does the man not know something important about his partner? d) is there a problem with a third person? ©) does the story take place in Europe? {must the couple hide something from someone clse? 18) does it take some time for them to find true love? Love Story Romantic drama (1970) star Oliver rich young man, falls in love with and gets married to Jenny, a working-class girl, Oliver's father is unhappy about the marriage and refuses to see hs son and daughter- inlaw. When Jenny becomes ill wth cancer, itis hard for Oliver to find the money to pay for the treatment. By the time Oliver and his father end their disagreement, i is too late Jenny is already dead When Harry Met Sally Fomaniic co: 198 arring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan Harry and Sally meet a number of times, but at first they are not attracted to each other. Later on, they become good friends but both are having relationships with other people. Although their arguments continue, they slowly fallin love and finally get married, Writing Writing an informal letter Linking sentences with anyway 1 Read the letter. Is it (a) a love letter or (b) a letter from one friend to another? 1) Pear Wee, 2) Tharks for your letter. Tt uns great to hear rom you again. Zim sorry I didn't urite sooner Twas meaning t0 get in touch, but you kaw haw it ts. Anyway, I hope that youre well and tact everything is gong well uith your shudies Haw is everyone at the cdlege? 3| Z really opyed my time in England, but 2 rrisscd my Fronds back in Japan. I was happy to gct back hare and to séé everyone again. Po you remanber Masako? we oPten tak abaxt yous arth she sends her love. ve had sone letters From sone oF cur fries im Endard. Po you stil see thom? 4) 1\e boon lacking For a. job, but 1 haven't had much luck, So Tve deaded to come back to England for a Faw months. My Father said that one oF is London contacts was lacking for somaone who speaks Enalsh ard Japanese. Te got an interven uit the conpany in two weeks’ “tone. Z can’t wait! 5) Do yau stil have the same phone rumba? Zl GVE you a ting hor I arrve. Perhaps we could ‘go aut For a. meal? would, be great to mect up agan. 6) Lowe Chiyo PS, Le stil got your unbraa! 2. Read the letter again and match the headings below with the parts of the letter. a). the closing phrase é b) mews about friends ©) introduction and apologies d) the opening phrase e) news about her life 8) arranging to meet ) anything the writer forgot to ‘mention earlier (postscript) 4 Find informal phrases in the letter that match the more formal phrases below. a) Lam really looking forward to it. b) Took forward to seeing you again. ©) Iwas delighted to read your news. 4) will telephone you. ©) Twas my intention to write 1) Please accept my apologies for not writing before. 8) Yours sincerely, h) She sends her regards. ‘Why does the writer use the word anyzoay in the first paragraph? a) to say that something is important )_tosay something that the writer forgot ©) tochange the subject Insert anycway in an appropriate place in the short paragraphs below. a) Thaven’t been doing much recently. It's been very quiet at college. I must go now and buy ‘some stamps. 1b) It was good to hear from you. [hope you'll tell me more in your next letter. The reason I'm ‘writing now is to tell you my big news. I'm getting married! ©) Mike and Marion have split up. He's feeling, miserable and she's met another guy. What have you been doing in the last few weeks? Imagine that you are Vince and write a reply to Chiyo. In your letter, include the following points: ‘© thanks for her letter ‘+ news about friends ‘+ news about what you are doing now ‘© looking forward to seeing her Grammar 1 Delete the words it or them in four of the sentences below. Tick the sentences that are correct. a) Head a hat but he didn’t put iton. ¥ b) Some people were dancing and they asked us to join them in. ©). The festival goes it on for four days. d)_ The fireworks went off them at midnight. €) The house burnt it down in an enormous fire. 1) The children are very young and someone must look after them. 8) We have a lot of work to do and we must get down to it, 2 Replace the words in italics with itor them. Sometimes you will need to change the word order of the sentence. a). Lenjoy looking after children. Lenioy looking after them b) Talways wear out my shoes very quickly. ©) Tlike trying on clothes at the shops. 4) Tm really looking forward to my summer holiday. ©) Ittakes mea long time to get over an iliness People often ask me to turn down my music. 8) find it difficult to come up with good ideas. 1h) Inever look up new words in a dictionary. Tick the sentences that are true for you. 3. Correct the mistake in each of the following mini conversations. a) A: Are you going to get married soon? B: Maybe. I'l fg tell you when we've decided. ona date. b) A: Where you are going to find the money? B: The bank! I'm seeing the bank manager on Friday. ©) A: You will write to me often, won't you? B:_ Yes, I've decided that I'm going email you every morning. d) A: OK, I'll give youa call tomorrow night. B: No, don't. I going to be out tomorrow. e) A: Are you coming to the party? B: Yes, I going to be there. Az Are you going help him with that? B: No, think I'lllet him do it on his own, 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive + to. a) Are you __doing (do) anything interesting this evening? b) Are you (go) to any parties in the next few weeks? ©) Are you (meet) anyone later today? d)_ Are you going (use) public transport this week? ©) Are you going, (watch) TV later today? £) What time are you going (get) up tomorrow? 8) What's the next thing that you're going (eat)? 1h) Whenare you next (ee) your best friend? Write true answers to the questions, 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use the present continuous, going to or will! + infinitive. Sometimes more than one verb form is possible. A: Why are you looking so happy? B: I've just got my tickets. (1) m going (go) to London at the weekend. ‘What? Just for the weekend? B: Yes, it's the Notting Hill Carnival. 1@) (eave) early on Saturday at 6.30. A: Where (3) (you spend) the night? B: Idon’t know. [haven't thought about it. I guess 1a) (ook) for a hotel when I get there. ‘A: Thave an idea. 1(6) (give) you Maite’s number. She hats room in her flat. B: I think she (6) (go) away this weekend. She usually does during the carnival. A: OK, well, 1(7) (ask) my parents. Maybe they know someone with a room, Anyway, what is this carnival? Br It’s the biggest carnival in Europe. 108) (take) my camera, so Tan show you the pictures when I get back: @ 18 Listen and check. Underline the correct alternative. a) Anybody / Everybody / Somebody knows they're getting married - it’s in all the newspapers. 'b) He talks so fast that everyone / no one / someone can understand what he's saying, ©) He's so quiet. He never says anything / everything / something. )_Ithink that they live anywhere / everywhere / somewhere near here. ©) She's unhappy about anything / everything / something, but I don’t know what itis. ) There is anybody / everybody / somebody that T'd like you to meet —I think you'll like him. 8). There's anything / nothing / something worse than an office party ~ I hate them hh) We don’t go anywhere / everywhere / somewhere on holiday ~ we're happy to stay at ° home. 7 Complete the text with a word beginning with every, some-, any- or no The party was terrible. (1) _Everyhing _aboutit was terrible. It was (2) ee and t took me age o find it. When Larived there wasn’t (3). to eat and there was 4) to drink that I liked. 6 enjoyed it and (6) Neel cea fcaeel eee een, Tost my phone 1Tooked (7) fort, but with no luck. (8). said that there were. thieves at the party, so maybe they stole out of town Pronunciation Look at the underlined consonant sounds. Circle the word which has a different sound from the other words. a) course fancy promise special b) ag ig this was ©) brush goes has music d) ice mess noise sound ©) shoe shower sure worse push reason shame sugar @ 19 Listen and check. Choose 12 words from Exercise 1 and write them in the correct column. Isl il ML as brush 3. Underline the /s/, /7/ and /j/ sounds in these words. Use a different colour for each sound. dresses exercise shirts shoes. showers shush! surprise @ 20 Listen and check. Vocabulary 1 Label the pictures with the words in the box. bonfire firecrackers fireworks parade statue _ traditional dress 2 Complete the sentences with the words in 4. Match the sentence beginnings (a-g) with their Exercise 1. endings (1-7). The April festival in our town begins with a a) He came to the party dressed b) Ididn’t understand so I looked ©) I'veno idea at all, but maybe you can come d) Itwas very hard to keep ()__garade _ of women in (2) Early in the evening, people light a large 6 in the town square. Then there is ©) The festival usually goes a fantastic display of (4) and f) They decided to stop playing and get hilienrneicune ce wecee ceewine tty 8). You should come here and join 6) ‘The evening ends with a silent x ener AI = a ee ee in withthe rest of us. procession around the town walls when we carry Soo arte uy enormous (6) ofthe Virgin Mary. Tocreraigoulla = 5. up the word ina dictionary. 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 6 up wiliva goad alpeeniin 7 up with the faster runners. after down forward in on over off up anos a. ef te a) Afirework went off with an ft incredibly loud noise FN ce yoolr sor eniak pore 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. it soon. clear eemment decorating housework ©) I'm feeling tired and I think I'l stay this evening, mistake research wish 4) Lookat allthis mess! Who's going to lear it eae, honey © aboxof = \_ crisps 4) abunchof soap ©) ajarof soup 1) apacket of keys Complete the sentences with words from the left- hand column of Exercise 3, Sometimes more than one answer is possible. a) He threw his _packe!_of cigarettes in the rubbish bin, b) How much does this, of bananas cost, please? ©) Ineed to buy a large-size of tissues. d) Lonce ate a 250g, of chocolate in one day. e) Vdlikea of strawberry jam, please. f) She often has a breakfast. of cereal and milk for Complete the sentences with the words in the box. beer cheese coffee egg meal prawns wine a) Which has more sugar—dry or sweet _wine_? b) Which wakes you up more in the morning = strong or weak e ©) Which is better for your health -a heavy or a light 2 d) Which might make you ill- a cooked or a raw ©) Which is more expensive ~ draught or bottled 1) Which smells more ~ strong or mild ? 8) Which taste better— fresh or frozen Write true answers to the questions, a) b) che a °) f) Daa ea neipee ia 6 Insert the missing letters to complete the text. Twas the worst meal I've ever had. The soup was (1) tin aed and very (2) bl__d. For the main course, the meat was (3) to___, (4) c_ew_and over-cooked, and I think they probably (5) bo _ _ ed the vegetables for over an hour. The French fries were (6) gr ___.y and too salty. The bread was extremely dry and obviously not very (7) _res For dessert, Ihad a (8) spi ccréme caramel ~ found a piece of chilli pepper init! Finally, they gave me a (9) _it _e_cup of coffee which was too disgusting to drink @ 24 Listen and check. 7 Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box at the top of the next column. Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? Customer: (1) Yes ¢ dable for dvo in the name of Smith Waiter: Thank you, si. Please follow me. Waiter: Are you ready to order yet? Customer: (2) Waiter: Certainly. Would you like to order some drinks while you are deciding? Customer: (3) Customer: (4) Waiter: Certainly. What can I get you? Customer: (5) Waiter: Very good. How would you like that done? Customer: (6) Both well done, please. Excuse me, we're ready to order now. Not quite. Could you give us a minute or 60, please? We'll both have the steak, please. Yes, two glasses of dry white wine, please. @ 25 Listen and check. Pronunciation 1. ® 26 Look at the following groups of words. Listen to the recording and notice how the middle word is pronounced with the sound /. Practise saying the phrases. acup milk a pair of jeans akind fish something drink ready to 0 things do problems work stay at home dinner eight gin tonic fish and chips rock roll atable four late for work food thought 2 Complete the mini-conversations with words from the middle column of Exercise 1. 1 Barman: What can [get you, sir? Customer: Two glasses___beer_a packet___crisps, please. 2 Elly: Let’smeet___seven__the station. Anya: Yes, we'll find somewhere dinner in the centre__ town, @ 27 Listen and check. Then practise the mini- conversations. Reading 1 Read the article opposite about absinthe and put these topics in order. 8) Absinthe the latest fashion [7 b) How to drink it 6) The history of absinthe 4) The reasons for its popularity ©) What is absinthe? f) Where you can getit 2. Read the article again. In which numbered gaps in the article do these sentences belong? Write the number in the box. a) Add some water, and drink it while it’s still warm, b)_ However, itcan be found in many specialist shops. Inthe minds of mainy, it is associated with artists. In the United States, the government banned it even earlier — in 1912. Bookshops are selling two new books on the subject, 7 f) Unlike many alcoholic drinks itis not made with extra sugar. ° a 2 @ 28 Listen and check. 3. Find words or phrases in the article that you can replace with the words and expressions below. Paragraph 1 )_ Its quite possible d)_ strange There's « good chance Paragraph 2 ©) youcan getiit 4) cost you ©) find Paragraph 3 8) tobe honest ®) drink Paragraph 4 1h) anumber of different i) not changed in any way Paragraph 5 j)_alltypes of people k)_ the end of NTA SAl= Tf you go into one of London's most fashionable bars, there's a good chance that you will se fashionable young people with a curious blue-green drink in front of them, ...(1)... There are thousands of webpages that tell you everything about it. Wha is this drink that everyone is talking about? Absinthe ‘There's nothing new about absinthe. However, it is now available for almost the first time in a hundred years. It will set you back about £15 for a double in a bar, or £45 a bottle on the internet. It's often difficult to get hold of in your local supermarket. ..(2) The tastes, frankly, disgusting a bitlike cough medicine and you may wonder why people touch it. The answer is simple — fashion. ..(3).. The painters Van Gogh and Picasso, the poets Rimbaud and Baudelaire, and the novelist Ernest Hemingway all used to drink it Absinthe contains 70% alcohol and is made from a variety of plants. These include anise (which is also used in Greek Quzo and Italian Sambuca) and wormwood, which, in its pure form, is extremely dangerous. (4). In Britain it was never very popular, but in France people of all social classes used to drink it until it was banned in 1915. ..(6)... But after the fall of the Communist government in the Czech Republic, a company called Hills started making it again, and it has now found its way back into our lives. I you want to try it, you pour some absinthe into a glass, Put 2 lump of sugar on a spoon and dip this into the drink so that itis a litle wet, Then, light the sugar and siowly drop it into the olass. The drink wil begin to burn 0 cover the glass to put the flames out. ..(6)... You'll Probably hate it, but at least you'll be fashionable. Writing Writing a letter of complaint 1 Read this letter of complaint. In which numbered. gaps do phrases 2-i belong? a) aswell asa full refund b) Tam sure that you will understand ©) Lam writing this letter to complain about 7 4d) Took forward to receiving €) Iwas dissatisfied with f) This was not what I expected g) To make matters worse 1h) was not of the highest standard i) You can imagine my disappointment when _ 2. Look at the advertisement and the notes that you ‘made during your holiday and write a letter of complaint to the manager of Bellevue Hotel. cl Limited places! Beautiful sea views — Family atmosphere TV and shower in every room -— Excellent restaurant ~~ + Special offers for July We welcome childre! When we wert to pay, we were told we had to pay an extra sumeser supplement 1 Petty Street Little Bickering, Bast Sussex Dear Sir / Madam, (1) the meal that tein your restaurant last Saturday... (2). both the service andthe quality of the food that was served | was recommended your restaurant by my brother, who quality... (8)... Hearne that you had no seafood left by the time I arrived. That, after al, was my reason for assured me that you specialised in seafood ofthe highest | coming, What s more, the food that Las served | ® (8) the waiters were rude and unfriendly (6)... from a restaurant of your reputation... (7). | iy reasons for writing this leter... (8) letter of apology, .. (9) ».-Lenclose the receipt Yours fithlly, T. Wells T.Wells ~ Our room was at the back of the hotel. ~The TV didn’t work. The chef was on holiday! The children were terrified of a large dog that was always at reception. Edible usr 33 Grammar 1. Underline the correct alternative. a) Tsometimes get ill in Monday morning / January or February. b) last went to a disco in Friday / the 1990s, ©) [like listening to music in bed at night / Friday night. ) Talways read the newspaper on Sunday morning / the morning. ¢) like to get up late in Sunday / the winter. £) Toften work at Saturday and Sunday / the weekend. 8) My birthday ison June 7" / June. hh) Lwas bor at five o'clock / the morning in five o'clock / the morning, Change the sentences to make them true for you, 2 Complete the text with at, on, i or during. | first met my wife (1) _in__ the spring of 2006, (2)___April 17 to be exact. Itwas (3) a business trip to Belgrade, and (4) ‘Sunday ‘morning, the 16%, Iwoke up with terrible toothache. Ineeded to see a dentist but that wasn’t possible ()____the weekend. (6)__ worse and I couldn't sleep. (7) night it was ____ the morning, I managed to get an appointment for four o'clock that afternoon. (8)_ my meetings that ‘morning, my tooth was very painful and I was really pleased to get to the dentist’s (9)__the afternoon. I made sure that I was (10) ___ time for the appointment! But as soon as the dentist walked in, she smiled at me and my pain went away. (11) ___ the evening, I took her out for dinner and (12) __ July we got married! © 29 Listen and check, Time “qiveck. The boss is very Complete these job descriptions with the words in the boxes. y can denthavete have to mustn't should 1 (1) dont have 4o_start work at any particular time. I (2) choose because I work for myself.1(3)_______work hard to make enough money, but here in England, you a work, for more than eight hours a day. They say its dangerous because people“ a ‘get tired, but I think they tea, ©) __change the law. » can't don’thave to haveto must should We footballers (1) work at the weekend but we 2) work every day during the strict and says we @. gout the night before a match, but I very rarely play! know I (4) fight for my place in the team, but my wife thinks I @)___find another club 9 can can't haveto must shouldnt In my job, we 2 ()__ really do anything at all. We 2 sit there and watch people very carefully, because they @)_ get too close to the paintings. We (4) only have a break three times a day. I's really tring! 1 6 start looking for another job! 4, Write a sentence using the word in italics, so that it means the same as the first sentence. 2) 1 Wsimportant for us to be in good physical condition. (should) We. 2 «It’s necessary to follow orders all the time. (ave) We 3. We're allowed to live with our family when we're not abroad. (can) We 4 Itisn’t necessary to wear uniform in the evenings. (have) We 1b). 1 Ttisn’tnecessary to have any special training. (have) We 2. IWsnot permitted to disagree with our leader. (can't) We 3. Isa good idea to be well dressed. (should) We 4. I’snota good idea to tell the truth too much, (shouldn't) We 5 Match the pictures to the jobs described in Exercise 4. politician Pronunciation 1 @30 Listen to the recording and insert the missing letters. bee dg tpt a) pack b) _ack ©) _own d) Lown e) lea_e f) lea 8) -lass by _lass Listen again and practise saying the words after the recording. 2 31 Listen to the recording and cross off the ‘words that you hear. Which isthe first vertical column that you eross off? a add at bush cab could do few god hat of ride safe | true | 3. @32 Play the game again. Which vertical column do you cross out frst this time? 1 2 3 4 add. at back bag bush. cab cap cod | could do drew ary few god good had hat of off | push ride safe save | too | true try view write | Time fr ns with the phrasal verbs in Vocabulary 2 1 Look at the calendar and answer the questions. = Today is the 19%, calmdown cross off get by come up with puteff rely on JULY a Sea Se a 4) delay doing something that you donot want Wet gale ves Papi eee i eh Ot Cae b) draw a line through something on alist 12 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 46 | 47 | 48 ds 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 ©). begin to feel more relaxed, or make someone 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 do this a) What were the dates of the weekend before last? pte d) have just enough of something so that you can do what you need to do b) What is the date a week tomorrow? €) think of something, uch as an Idea or a plan ©) What is the date in-five days’ time? 1) trust someone to do something for you d) Whats the date the Tuesday after next? ¢) What was the date the day before yesterday? 4 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in 2 : Exercise 3 in the corrrect form, a) Twas going to do the housework today, but I've decided to put it __off until tomorrow. b) Twas really angry and it took me ages to 8) What was the date a fortnight ago? 8) What was the date the Tuesday before last? ©) Mound it very hard to 1h) Whatis the date a week today? 1 good reason to get up Today. 4) Leanalways my teacher to tell ‘me when I've made a mistake 2 Tick the earlier ofthe two times. UL ee one a) aweek today without help from my parents the Thursday after next 8) Tvealready three things from ry list of things to do today. ) the Friday before last y list of things to do today the day before yesterday ©) a fortnight ago ten days ago 4) in four days’ time the day after tomorrow ©) next Saturday a week tomorrow 4) the weekend before last a week ago g)_ the Monday after next in three days’ time Time ‘Match the questions (a-) with the responses (1-6). a) Do you have to work unsociable hours? b) How long is your working day? ©) How would you like your job to be different? 4) Isyour job very stressful? €) What sort of office do you work in? 8) What sort of qualifications do you have? 1 Thave a diploma in hairdressing. 2 Tusually do an eight-hour shift. 3. Vd like flexible hours so that I could come into work abit later some days. 4 It's open-plan with no dividing walls ata. 5 No, notatall. Ido the usual nine to five. 6 Yes, very. We have to work to strict deadlines all the time, b ¢ a e f Complete the text with the words in italics in Exercise 5. I's not a bad job and you don’t need to have any (1) __qualifications _ . Thave to work to @_____, oF course. Ihave to find ten new customers every day, and that means that I sometimes have to work a very long @__and very (4) hours. But the boss is very (5) about our hours if we do the job well. Atleast, it's better than my last job, where I worked in an © office. I thought I was going to dle in that job! 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes. 1 Frank enclose confirm writing a) __Thank you for your telephone call ‘earlier today. b) Tam sorry to learn that you were not happy ‘with the service provided by our company andI a complaint form, ©). Lwould be grateful if you could the details of your experience in 2 | apply curriculum vitae position response a) Lam writing in —___to your advertisentent in the Sunday News. b) As requested, enclose a and two letters of reference for your attention, ©) Lwould like to for the of Office Assistant in your company. 3. | attend available grateful hearing received a) Thank you for your letter of 22% July which 1 yesterday. b) Unfortunately, Lam not on the date you suggest in your letter ©) Iwill, however, be free to an interview at any time during the following week. 4) Iwould be ifyou could suggest a new date ©) Hook forward to from you as soon as possible 8 Insert the missing letters. a) [hope that I get home _n time ___ the tart of the match on TV, b) I've told you time and t___ _ but you never listen ©) She had arrived far too early and she was looking for a way to ___1 time. ) Some people say that we're ____ing ___of time to save the planet. ©) They had alittle time to s____, so they went fora walk around the town, 1) Time really _ doesn't it? 8) Wehavea lot of things to do, but well do them o__ -_ atime h) We're ___ing g___ time and we'll probably arrive early if we continue like ths. __S when you're having fun, Listening 1 33 Coverthe listening script and listen to an interview with Dr Le, an international expert on body clocks. Put the following actions at the best time on the body clock below. a)_ avoid taking important professional decisions b) have dinner ¢) drink alcohol 4) goto sleep at night ©) avoid people who are ill ) study 8) play competitive sports like tennis 1/213 1418 {67 Jaleo ne AM 4a 7/2/38) 4+8 617/89 112 PM 2 Listen again and complete the sentences. a) The hormones melatonin and cortisol affect how’ we feel b) Many people have dinner when their sense of and, atts best. ©) It's better to have an early dinner because our doesn’t work well at night. d)_It'sa good idea to go to bed early because it's good for our i ¢) The number of white blood cells in the body is at the start of the day. 6) Wecan think fast after lunch, although the is slow. Glossary hormone a substance that is produced by your body that helps it to develop and grow liver the part of your body that cleans the blood white blood cells the parts of your blood that defend the body against diseases Presenter: Dr Lee: Presenter: Dr Lee: Presenter: Dr Lee: Presenter: Dr Lee: Presenter Dr Lee: Presenter: Dr Lee: Presenter: Td like to welcome Dr Lee, an expert ‘in chronobiology, whois with usin the studio this evening. Dr Lee, I wonder if you could begin by telling us what chronobiology is exactly. Yes, ofcourse. Chronobiology is quite a young science. It studies how the bodies of animals are regulated by a sort of lock that tells them when it is best to do certain things — both physical things and imental thing. Do you study humans, too? Yes, of course. Humans are very sensitive to two hormones that are called melatonin and cortisol. These hormones affect how tired we feel. We have discovered, for example, that in the early hours of the morning, when most people ar asleep, oir body temperatures are at their lowest. This is the time when it’s very easy to make mistakes, mistakes of judgement. So people ike doctors, for example, who often have to work night shifts, need to be very careful imagine that the time we eat is vey important? ‘Absolutely. Our sense of taste and smell is at its best between 6 and 8 pm, so it's not surprising that many people have dinner at that time, Does that mean that I shouldr't eat later in the evening? No, nat necessarily. But the stomach doesn't work well at night, so it’s best to eat earlier. However, the liver tends to work better after about 8 pm so that's the best time for alcoholic drinks. Different parts of the body work more at different times of the day. The skin, for example, ‘grows most during the night, between 11. and 1, so it's important that we don't go to bed too late, Are there any other important times we should know about? Well, at the start of the day, the number of white blood cells you have is low, so that’s not @ good time to meet people with contagious diseases. Oh right, TU try to remember that! The best time for remembering is quite early in the afternoon ~ this is when the body is slow but the mind fs quick. 1F you're learning a foreign language, for ‘example, this is the time to do it, but leave your physical exercise until later, towards 4 or 5 o'clock. If you want to play. 2 game of tennis, doit after you've learnt ‘your irregular verbs! Right! And when's the best time for interviews? Writing Writing to request information Formal and informal language 1 Read the letter below and decide which advertisment itis in response to. One Week Time Management Courses Improve your work efficiency by managing your time Lear practical skils and techniques Develop personal action plans Take control of your life Many dates avaiable! APPLY NOWs chaz@usilscom Work with one of the world's top airlines ~ Courses Oi = Internationally ecognised training courses = Flexible online programmes Write to us to request more information: Cosmo Brickett Read the letter again and tick the questions that the writer requests information about. a) DoT need any qualifications to do the course? b) How much does the course cost? ) How long is it? 4) What do we study during the course? €) What kind of people is the course designed for? f) What kind of diploma do I get at the end of the course? 8) Do you provide help with finding a job at the end of the course? ‘Compare this informal version of the letter with the formal version in Exercise 1. Underline the informal language that is not appropriate for a letter of this kind. T saw your ad in the local paper and T thought drop you a line, Tim interested in doing a tine managenert couse asd it would be cool if y04 could send me a. bit mere. info Can you give me. a. fon mere. details abet the couse dates, the fees ard suff lke tad? Whar sort of suff do we. sudy ding the course? Are the cowses for people with a. job or for people. who are locking for ene? Finaly, can you tel me. if you alo run part-time. couses in the evering? | T cant wait te hear from you. Thasks in advance. AN the best Cosmo Brickett Rewrite the questions beginning with the phrases given. a) Can you send me an application form? T would be grateful if you could b) What's the course like? Could you also please tell me more about ©) How long is the course? would appreciate if f you could let me know Write a letter requesting further information about the course in the other advertisement, Time | a Grammar 1 Underline the correct alternative. a) I don’t mind being / to be the centre of attention b) People tell me / to me that I'm perfect. ¢) want having / to havea pierced nose. d) Tean’t stand reading / to read fashion ‘magazines. : ©) Lenjoy spending / to spend money. f) need getting / to get a new camera 8) I never ask people helping / to help me. 1h) 'venever tried go / to go ona diet. (Change the sentences to make them true for you. 2 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. a) ‘Don’t touch it’ he told me. He warned ‘me not to touch it b) ‘Tbe there at eight, she saia, She promised ©) ‘Why don’t you take the photographers to court?’ he asked me. He suggested 4) “The interest rate changes from time to time,’ she told me. ‘She explained @) ‘Imustn’t leave this job,’ thought I realised 3 4) ‘Forget about me,’ he said to his wife. He told g) ‘OK, ll see you both later,’ she said. She agreed h) ‘Could you stop being horrible?’ he asked her. He asked News 3. Find and underline seven examples of the passive voice in the text. The first one has been done for you. Patty Hearst was the granddaughter of the multi- millionaire, Randolph Hearst. At the age of nineteen, Patty was kidnapped by a terrorist organisation She was kept as @ hostage for two months. She then announced that she had joined the organisation. Two weeks later, she was photographed during a bank robbery. She was carrying a gun. She was later arrested in a San Francisco apartment with other members of the organisation ‘She was sentenced to seven years in prison, but she was released after twenty-two months. Her life has been made into a film which stars Natasha Richardson. 4 Complete the questions with the words in the box. Are be been being Has Have Is were a) Have you ever _ been _ involved in a car accident? b) Will your dinner cooked for you this evening? ° you ever described as ‘glamorous’? 4) What was the last thing you forced to do? ©) _____youever been told to go away? f) ____your private life talked about by other people? g) Are you watched by anyone at the moment? b) ‘your homework been checked recently? ‘Write true answers to the questions. 5 Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the passive form, Use the present simple, past simple or present perfect. 1). The rock star, Sonia Thome, __was arrested at Heathrow Airport last night. (arrest) b) She after arriving on a flight from Amsterdam. (stop) ©) Almost two kilos of cocaine in her bags. (find) d) This is the third time that Ms Thorne ‘on drugs charges. (arrest) ©) However, she (never / convict) ) Ms Thome station last night. (Keep) 8) Because of her arrest, her concert at Wembley. Arena (cancel) hit * that she will appear in court later today. (believe) in a police Rewrite the sentences using a passive verb. a) The paparazzi followed the car for ten Kilometres. The car was followed by the paparazzi for ten Hilometres. b) People photograph her when she walks down the street. She ©) The newspaper will pay her $50,000 for the photos. She 4) They are going to put the photos on the front pages of the newspaper. ‘The photos ) Thieves stole an enormous sum of money from a Hollywood celebrity last night. Last night, an enormous sum of money £) Police officers have accused the ex-footballer, Robert Flower, of burglary. ‘The ex-footballer, Robert Flower, g) The police described him as desperate and dangerous. 5 He. 1h) The judge sentenced him to four years in jail He. 2 Correct the following news stories by changing ‘one verb in each story. Some need to be changed from active to passive, and some from passive to active. ©) (Donat Thomas weo-eoceped tom prion in Rhode Island, US, afer serving 89 days of a 90- ay sentence, He was caught and sentenced to an extra six months, escaped b) Prilip Johnson, 32, from Prestonburg, Kentucky, shat himself inthe chest because he wanted to see fit hur. He was discovered that it hurt lat. y Bank robber, John Perkins, 37, arrested at Los Angeles airport. He was asked if he had anything in his bag and he replied, as a joke, ‘Only a bombl” His bag vas searched and the stolen money was found 4d André Gurmon, from Lyons, France, was put an advertisement in the newspaper. It said: ‘Ladies = write to me if you are bored with the man in your life’ He received reply from his wife | °) = Circus girl, Jacquelyn LaBow, 22, jailed for six days by a court in Nice, She was riding an elephant on a busy road and she was not ‘wearing any clothes, Hasrison Ford has false teeth. Ford told the truth about his teeth after he voted sexiest ‘man alive in an American magazine. Hollywood star Tom Duffy, has been seen ‘with his new girlriend, the glamorous Dolores Barker The happy couple were being visited Trinidad for a short holiday. | | 44 Vocabulary 3 Match the TV programmes withthe descriptions 1. Match the definitions with the words in the box. desperate hypocritical insensitive obsessed photogenic unflattering a) a'person who looks good in photographs photogenic oe b)_ believing something is so important that you think about it all the time ©) making someone seem less pleasant or attractive than usual )_ needing or wanting something very much ; €) not noticing or caring about the feelings ot needs of other people -j 8) saying that you believe certain things but 3) behaving in a different way d 2 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. a) He was extremeh insensitive and. didn't listen to me at all. ) b) fm __ to see her again. ©) Im the least person in the world and I don’t have a single good photo of 9 myself d) Money, money, money, that’s all she thinks about. She's completely ©) Stop being so. know you don’t really believe what you're saying, f) It’s an interesting painting of her, but it's a bit a) ») ° d) °) 5 8) Careers % Fugitives! (Channel 7, 19,00-20.00) ¢) % Parking Ticket (The Laugh Channel 21,30 - 22.15) % Family Court (88TV, 20.00-21.00) % Stop, Thief (1V22, 19.45-20.30) > Paparazzi Chase (Filmplus, 20.45- 22.30) 7 Hot Gossip (B8TV, 23.00-23.55) Celebrities in the news - find out which Hollywood stars suspected of leading a double life Hot Gossip Comedy series about a glamorous officer in the traffic police Documentary programme about six convicted criminals who escaped from a high-security jail Enjoyable action movie about a photographer who has to hide from a ‘mysterious man in black Ordinary members of the public in the fight against crime. This week: a burglar is caught in an embarrassing situation Proceedings are dramatically stopped in Kate's divorce when the judge has a heart attack Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. arrested committed escaped escorted Kidnapped patrolled stolen The police__ arrested __ her after a long car chase, She had the car that she was driving. She had more than fifty different crimes in twenty-four hours. In her worst crime, she had a ten-year-old child, She was __to the prison by four police cars Over two hundred armed guards the prison, She after only two weeks by climbing over a wall 5 Match the newspaper headlines (1-9) with the different kinds of news (a-c). a). celebrity neves b)_ financial news 6) political news ED Ecropean union meeting ends in row Footballer to wed minister's daughter INTEREST RATES SOAR [|] Government spokesman quits Ey London restaurant bars rock band G Opposition demands vote probe Banks hit as oil prices rise | EJ Jobless to get more cash 6 Complete the email with the words in the box. ia ay ee coe [Be er ee eae ass MTV winner in talks with record company| Dear Pia, twas ()___aread to hear from you. 1 didn’t know the (2) ‘Bout Anna and Giorgio but I'm not sorry to hear It They weren't geting on at al @) “ Tinever liked Giorgio, and ‘ona deserves someone better than him. The good @ ows that she can look far someone se ve got news from Sue, who was in (5) last week. She's looking forward to her baby and she's had all the tests. Apparently t's a boy, so her husband is pleased, but I think she wanted a ge ©). of happy couples, it sounds as though you're very Happy with your new boss! @. was so pleased to hear that you're having a holiday in August. (8) what! I'm ‘on holiday then too. 11 (9) you know my ‘exact dates when | have them, Wy don’t we do something together? Lots of co) Tan 7 Number the lines in the correct order to make mini-conversations. Conversation 1 a) __| Congratulations! Well done! Are you going to celebrate? b) [| I've been promoted at work. ©) 1, Whatare you looking so happy about? Conversation 2 a) _) Guess what? b) | How annoying! ©) |_| I gota parking ticket this afternoon. d) | What? Conversation 3 a) _) Mine, actually >) _| Yes, I'm going to an engagement party. ©) Are you up-to anything interesting this ‘weekend? d) |] You lucky thing! Whose is it? Conversation 4 a) _| Iwas arrested last night. b) | Ohno. I'msorry to hear that. What happened? ©) |_| That's terrible. Who did they think you d) __| The police thought I was someone else. ©) You don't look too happy. How are things? @ 34 Listen and check. Pronunciation 1 @ 35 Listen and repeat the sentences. Notice the ‘way that some words are joined together. a) Kate Moss asked_us,not to take photographs.of her daughter. b)_ People_also want to think that they’re,just normal people. )_ She stopped to ask her if she was, OK. ) They need to have their photos in the press. 2 @36 Listen and work out the correct spelling of the following phrases. a) wannathink wank fo think b)_ promistachange ©) unavailablefacomment 4) jusdoingajob ©) aholidayfatoo ) wazityafirstime « Reading 1 @37 Read the profile of Paris Hilton. Tick the descriptions of her below that are true. actress designer author dog lover business woman model convicted criminal singer crime fighter 2 Read the profile again and put the topics below in the order in which they are mentioned. her career her current life her education her family background hermoney her problems her prison sentence other people's opinion of her Paris Hilton Her grandfather gave over one billion dollars to charity last year, but Paris is probably not too worried. She made over seven million dollars herself in the last twelve months from a variety of jobs and investments, Paris Hilton, a star who is famous for being famous, and who sounds like a luxury hotel, calls herself ‘the blonde of the decade’ but is thought by some to be the world’s most overrated celebrity. She was born in 1981 into the family that started the Hilton hotel chain and she was never short of money. She lived in a five-star Manhattan hotel and in fashionable Beverly Hills. She attonded the best schools but stopped her education before getting her high school diploma. At the age of 19, she became a model with an agency that was owned by a family friend. She has been on the cover of all the top fashion magazines and has not been out of the news since then. She has recorded an album that reached number 6 in the US charts, she’s made several movigs (none of them especially successful), stared in a TV reality show and written her autobiography. There are four perfumes that are named after her and she was involved in the design of a range of best-selling jewellery. She has also been used in advertisements for Italian Prosecco wine. News 3° Match the verbs on the left with the noun phrases ‘on the right to make expressions from the text. a) attend, 1 amilllion dollars Db) attract 2 amodel ©) become 3 ashow d) make 4 analbum ©) record 5 jail f) release from 6 the best schools g). starin 7 publicity 4 What do you think is Paris Hilton’s greatest achievement? or another, she needs to attract publicity. She's very successful at it, but not always for the right reasons. In 2004, her pet chihuahua dog was Kidnapped by burglars who broke into her apartment. In 2006, she was arrested for drink: driving, In 2007, she was arrested again. This time, she was driving without a licence. She was sentenced to 45 days but she was released from jail after doing half that. Since leaving jail, she has promised to change her life and she has talked about a ‘new beginning’. According to her webpage at MySpace, she has many plans. There is one thing we can be sure of Paris Hilton will never be far from the news. Writing Writing an essay Linking sentences with although, despite, however 1 Read the examples in the box, showing how to contrast ideas using although, despite and however. Contrasting ideas although Although I'ma fan of Alicia Keyes, 'm not interested in her private life. He claims his marriage is happy, although he ‘was seen ina New York club with his personal assistant. despite Despite the fact that I'm a fan of Alicia Keyes, I'm not interested in her private life. He claims his marriages happy, despite the fact that he was seen in a New York club with his personal assistant however I'ma fan of Alicia Keyes. However, I'm not interested in her private life He claims his marriage is happy. However, he was seen in a New York club with his personal assistant. 2. Complete the sentences with although, despite or however. a) Alotof people buy gossip magazines _desvite the fact that they contain a lot of rubbish. b) Young people often look up to film and pop. stars. these celebrities are not always ‘good role models. ) some celebrities say they hate the tabloid press, they sometimes sell their stories to these newspapers for a lot of money. qd) like some film stars, I'm not terested in reading about their love lives. ©) Most people like to read a bit of gossip the fact that they claim the opposite. ) The press should not be allowed to print lies. - it must remain free ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Believe conclusion considered more opinion a) Inmy __ opinion __, itis wrong for the press to photograph the private lives of film stars. b)_ Personally, that we have the right to know about their lives. ©) Having said that, itis important to that the press sometimes goes int remember wrong two far 4) Although some people feel that itis to print these stories, many Stars do not mind at all. ©) However, perhaps the most important is what the individual ‘celebrities think about it. 1) Whatis some celebrities sell their stories to the press, 8) Allthings Ido not think that we should ban this sort of reporting. h) In , Lwould say that we should ‘ban the reporting of these scandals. Write an essay, using the title and essay plan below. + First, makea plan on a piece of paper. Use some of the ideas from Exercise 2to help you. + Before you start, look at the language in Exercise 3 tohelp you. Celebrity scandals* in the press: should they be banned? Paragraph 1: Introduction Explain that some people think that the reporting, of celebrity scandals* in the press should be banned. You may like to give an example of such a scandal Paragraph 2: Give your opinion and choose at least two reasons for this. Also give arguments against your reasons. Paragraph 3: State the opposite opinion with at Teast two reasons that could be given for it. Argue against these reasons. Paragraph 4: Conclusion Give your opinion again. * scandal eports inthe press about shocking behaviour Journey Grammar 1 Underline the correct alternative, ‘capital Name the mystery country! What do you think that sea (1) might / might be? Ireally don’t !now. (2) Could / Must it be the Caribbean Sea? No, I don't think so. Look at the trees. It must {@) be / to be in Europe somewhere Yes, I think you might (4) be / being right. OK, we're certain it's Europe. + ‘And it (5) can’t / may be Italy or Spain because the shape’s all wrong. ‘You know, I think (6) it / it’s may be somewhere in the Balkans. Do you think it (7) could / must be Bulgaria? Az Yes, of course. You're right! It(8) can / must be. Why didn’t I think of that before? 2 Can youname the countries A, B, C? Choose from this list. Angola, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Mozambique, Uniguay, Venezuela Country A B ic Population about 28 | about 185 about 11 million | million million [Official Spanish | Portuguese | Spanish language i Climate tropical tropical and | semi- sub-tropical | tropical Main oil, iron, steel, sugar, exports aluminium soybean, tobacco, machinery, coffee coffee Highest 49799m = 30MMm = 1974m mountain 3. Look atthe table above again and complete the sentences with the words in the box. Country A cent definitely might suppose a) It___cant___be Brazil because they speak Portuguese in Brazil, b) Ithinkit be Colombia, because there are some high mountains there, aren’t there? 9 1__ it could be Venezuela. I think they have lots of oil. 4) It isn’t Uruguay, because I'm. sure that isn’t tropical Country B could must can’t certainly ©) Its not Cuba, because that’s, Spanish-speaking. Andit be Honduras ~ that’s not a very industrialised country. 8) It perhaps be Angola -I think they have a climate like that. hy It bbe Brazil. None of the other countries have so many people. 4 Now write similar sentences about country C. 5 Read the text and number the sentences below in the order in which they happened in Michael Crichton’s life. Michael Crichton, the author of Jurassic Park, was one of the world’s greatest travellers. In his autobiography, Travels, he describes how he began ‘serious’ travelling when he was thirty and he went to Bangkok. He then began his amazing adventures, which included diving with sharks off Tahiti, watching gorillas in the Congo and living in the jungle in New Guinea. Itall began in Los Angeles, where Crichton was ‘writing films for Hollywood. He had given up his studies at Harvard Medical school and he had separated from his wife, because he wanted to spend his time writing. At Harvard, he had already sold one film, The Andromeda Strain, to Hollywood, and he had begun to lose interest in medicine. In LA. he made the successful science fiction film Westworld, but he then fell into a depression and did not know what to do next. He decided to {g0 to Bangkok, because a friend of his who lived there had invited him. It was the beginning of an credible life of travelling. a) A friend invited him to Bangkok b)_ He fell intoa depression. ©) He left Harvard. 4) He made Westworld, €) He sold The Andromeda Strain to Hollywood f) He went to Bangkok 8) He went to Los Angeles. hh) He went to Tahiti and the Congo. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past perfect. a) By the age of 30, Crichton had already visited Glready / visit) many countries. b)He wanted to leave Harvard because he (think) the classes were boring. 4 ©) He separated from his wife before he (go) to LA, 4) He went to Los Angeles because he (decide) to spend his time s ©) After he went to Los Angeles, he (fall) into a depression. £) He remembered that a friend (invite) him to Thailand. g) When he arrived in Bangkok, his friend (meet) him at the airport. 1h) Before he went to Bangkok, he (never / be) outside ‘America or Europe, 7 Write three true sentences about the topics below. * three things that you had done before ten o'clock this morning, * three things you had eaten or drunk before lunchtime yesterday + three people you had spoken to today before you began this exercise Pronunciation 1. Insert the missing letters to complete the words. The words in each group have the same vowel sound. a) lov g--den __m m__ket © 38 Listen and repeat. 2. Put the words in the box into three groups according to the vowel sound. | al birds bought car girl hardly | large horse part return start surf wall water world all. birds © 39 Listen and check. Repeat the words. Journey 0 | Vocabulary 3. Underline the correct alternative below to complete the texts. 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. The Flemish Coast “Most of the beaches are (1) by apartment buildings between far im in in not of and cafés. They are especially (2) with tourists in the on on to summer and the beautiful sands are full of (3). But there are still some (4) places. The prettiest part of a) Ilive (1)__in__ the north-west (2) the coast is the Zwin, where you get spectacular (5) my country not @) from the of the sea, mountains. My village is (4) the north ‘The Sussex Coast of Chiang Mai, which is the nearest big city. The towering white (6) of Sussex in the (7) part of b) Llive in the south-west of the country. The town England begin at the headland of Beachy Head. You is(6)__the coast, but we're (6)_ can follow the coastal path all the way to Brighton. far from the mountains. In Brighton, there are some great shops and ©) Llive (7) the north of the country. The delightful little pubs in (8) streets. The Grand Hotel, town is @) a lake to the north of Milan (9) the beach, is a great place for afternoon tea 4) live on an island in Lake Titicaca (9) Set p Ge 2 hidden / overlooking / popular 3. beach communities / sun loungers / white sands local / sandy / unspoilt coves / lagoons / views bay / beaches / cliffs island / southern / watersports coral / hidden / overlooking dynamite / overlooking / ranging 4 Answer the questions in the quiz. How good is your geography True or false? The Amazon is @ South American range of Which place (a, b, ¢ or d) is shown in the picture? 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. oli 3 2 The Danube goes through the cities of ancient Buddhist high-rise skyline Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade snow-capped waterfall ‘Mount Everest is the highest mountain in ae pn the Himalayas, a) Thereare seven temples at the __Buddhist Sees y cfnicag TS The Caribbean is part ofthe Indian Ocean. from a cliff at 700 metres above the river below. ‘The Pyrenees are found between France 'b)_ There are many good ski resorts in the and Spain Rocky Mountains The Andes separate Europe from Asia, © The ruins of Stonehenge were ‘The Nile goes into the Mediterranean Sea. possibly a temple to a sun god. 4) Water from the Tortum Lake, 100 kilometres Antarctica i to the north of the Atlantic Ocean north of Erzurum in eastern Turkey, falls 48 metres in a spectacular into the river below. ©) Youcan geta good view of the Manhattan from the Statue of Liberty. 4) You can go to the roof of many of the buildings of Manhattan. . Journey 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. allornothing clean and tidy comeand go give ortake peaceanclquiet sooner or later take itor leave it 4) Llike to work very early in the morning, when Tcan havesome peace and quiet. b) Idon't mind tea, but can ©) Talways keep my desk d) My English lessons last an hour, a few minutes. ©) When I meet someone new, I either like them or can't stand them ~ it’s 4) During our English classes, we can as we please. 8) Thave exams at the end of the year and Til need to start some serious studying Tick the sentences that are true for you. Find and insert four missing words in each of the conversations below. The frst one has been done for you. (Conversation 1 ‘A: Excuse me, I'm trying /get to Dover. Do you know what the quickest way? B:_ Yes, sure, You just need go to the roundabout at the end this road, and then follow the signs for the motorway. A: Oh, thanks. Great. Do you have any idea how long it will take? B: About an hour, probably. Conversation 2 As Excuse me, we're looking the swimming pool Could you tell which way we need to go? B;_ Yes, You need to take first turning the right. Then, it’s about five minutes on your right Youll see the signs. ‘A: OK, thanks, First right and follow that road? B: Yes, that’s right. Conversation 3 A: Excuse me, we're trying to get the centre of town. 4 B; The town centre? Yes, go to the end the road and tum left at the roundabout. As OK, thanks, So... straight down here to the roundabout and we take the turning the left? B:_ Yes, that's right. After that, you can follow signs. © 40 Listen and check. ‘Match the directions (a, b,c) from the Parliament building (A) to three different Metro stations 4,2,30r4).. Lye TZN} 4) Go out of the Parliament building and turn right. Go to the end of the road, turn right again, and then take the third turning on your left. You'l see a Metro station at the end of the road. Metro station b) Gout ofthe Parliament building and tum tight. At the end of the street, turn left and then take the first turing on your right. Go straight down here until you get to the end. Turn right and you'll see a Metro station on the other side of the road. Metro station }) Go out of the Parliament building and turn let. Follow the street to the end and then turn right. After that, I think it’s the first tuning on the right again and you carry on until you see the Metro station in front of you. Metro station Write directions from the Parliament building (A) Listening 1 @ 61 Coverthe listening script and people talking about their holidays. De enjoyed their holiday or not. Put ©) or box. 1 a 3 4 5 6 2 Listen again and match a topic from the box to each of the speakers. Topic Speaker entertainment food hotel journey : moneyand prices = _f weather 3. Listen again. Are the statements true (1) or false (A? Speaker 1 a) They didn’t like the restaurants or excursions. b). They didn’t have enough money. Speaker 2 ©) The holiday was very tiring d) They sometimes slept during the day Speaker 3 €) The hotel was not very clean. f) The hotel staff were very friendly. Speaker 4 8) The plane was only a litle late. h)_ They missed the train, Speaker 5 i) They didn’t enjoy their first meal. j) The restaurants in the town were very good. Speaker 6 k)_ They were unhappy about the snow. }) The weather had been better the previous year. 50 The resort was lovely with a beautiful sandy beach. The problem was that everything cost 2 fortune. Fantastic restaurants, brilliant excursions, windsurfing, diving, they had everything, but basicaly we did nothing at all because we couldn't afford it After two days we had spent all our money, 50 we just ate sandwiches after that and watched everyone else enjoying themselves. 1 was dead by the end of it. Ive always wanted to 40, so I decided to really enjoy myself. We didn’t do much during the day because we needed our sleep, but in the evenings we saw three musicals and then went clubbing to a different place every night. Brilliant! I can’t wait to get back. Yes, brilliant. The hotel was an ualy high-rise they hadi even finished building it. It was absolutely fithy, and there didn’t seem to be anyone working there. Oh yes, there was a man at reception but he was asleep most ofthe time. It was the perfect destination for your worst enemy. When we got tothe check-in they said there was a short delay. Sb hours later, we finally got on to an ancient plane, and when we were airborne, I just closed my eyes and hoped. When we arrived, we were too late forthe train and, in any case, they had lost our baggage somewhere, (nthe frst day, we went down to the hotel restaurant and it was horrible. Some kind of fish head ina spicy sauce. Ugh! So for the rest ofthe time we decided to check out the town centre where you could hardly move for restaurants. We found some really amazing places and we couldn't wait for dinnertime to ative. The funny thing is that although it was very cold, actually gota little bit of sunburn, There had been 2 lot of snow just before we got there, so conditions were perfect. The resort was really a its best. Iés a pity it wasn't tke that last year. Writing Writing a description Planning your writing Paragraph organisation 1. Read the instruction in the box and decide which place you are going to describe. Some friends are planning to visit the place where you went on holiday last year. Write them an email telling them about the place and ‘giving them any information or advice you think will be useful 2. Look at the list of topics below. Tick ¥ the topics that you think it is necessary to include (because they give essential information) Puta star # next to the topics that you think will be interesting to someone who is planning to v this place. Whats it called? Where is it? ‘Are there any interesting facts about this place (for example: size, population, history)? Isit famous or popular? Why or why not? ‘When did you go there? What time ofthe year is it best to visit? ‘What is the weather usually like? Why did you go there? Who did you go there with? What can people do there? What is there to doin the evenings? Are there any interesting places to visit nearby? What kind of scenery or buildings do you find there? What are the people like? ‘Are there any interesting places to eat or drink? How expensive is it? ‘Are there any interesting traditions or festivals? How did you feel about your visit? Do you have any advice for someone who is, planning to go there? 3. You can write a maximum of 180 words. Select the most interesting topics and make a plan. You should write three paragraphs. Decide which topics will go in each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 4 Look back at your coursebook. Make a note of any vocabulary that you want to include. You might find some of these words useful. high-rise buildings night life ruins skislopes temples _a spectacular view of during the trip to our surprise 5 Now write the email. Remember that the person who will read your description is thinking about going there too. Opinions Grammar 1. Underline the correct alternative. a) Men in cars never admit / tell that they are los. b) It’s more common for women than for men to claim / tell that they are younger than they are. ©) Men often suggest / tell their wives that they have to work late when they want to go out with their friends: 4) When a woman asks a man what he thinks of her clothes, he should reply / tell very carefully. ©) Women often think / tell that they know more about fashion than men. 9) Awife should never say / tell her husband that they need to talk more g) It’s nota good idea for people to say / tell that they want to get married on their frst date hh) Aman shouldn't explain / tell his girlfriend that she reminds him of his mother. Tick the sentences that you agree with. 2 Match the sentences (a-e) with their reported ‘equivalents (1-4). Two sentences have the same reported equivalent. She said: a) “I'malways thinking about you.” [4 b) “Tllalways think about you.” ©). “T've always thought about you.” d) “always think about you.” ©) “Talvays thought about you.” She said 1 she had always thought about him. 2 she always thought about him. 3. she would always think about him. 4 she was always thinking about him 3. Put the film quotes into reported speech and remember that the tenses move back. You will need to change some of the pronouns. 2). ‘Lifes like a box of chocolates’ (Forrest Gump) His mother said that life was like a box of chocolates. b) ‘Tm coming for you. (A Nightmare on Elm Street) Freddy told the children. ©) "You broke my heart, Fredo’ (The Godfather 1) He told Fredo ) ‘His eyes have made love to me all evening.’ (Camiite) She said €) ‘Tbe back.’ (The Terminator) He said ‘Tm going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.’ (The Godfather) He said g) ‘Thad a farm in Africa’ (Out of Africa) She said h) ‘We'll always have Paris.’ (Casablanca) He told her s Rewrite the text in direct speech. She told me that her favourite film was ‘Titanic’ explained that she had already seen it six times that she was going to watch it again tonight. She ‘said that she was a great fan of Kate Winslet and that she was hoping to meet her one day. She said. that she particularly liked the ending, although it always made her cry. She said that she didn’t find. Leonardo diCaprio very attractive, but she thou he was a great actor, ‘My favourite film is Titanic! I } © 42 Listen and check. Correct the grammatical mistakes in four of the sentences below. Tick the correct sentences. a). She asked me who my favourite living author 7 b)_ She asked me what was the title of his last book 8 Think of five questions that you have recently asked your teacher. Write the questions in direct speech and then report them. What does Yearjerker’ mean?” Lasked her what Yearjerker’ meant ) She asked me how many books he had written ) She asked me which book had [read first ©). She asked me I was going to read any of his books again. 8) She asked me whether [had read all his books. 8) She asked me did I know anything about his. life. = hh). She asked me what I was reading at the ‘moment. Put the questions in Exercise 5 into direct speech. ») 9 4) 2 4 8) h) Put the questions into reported speech, moving the tenses back. a) Did you enjoy it? She asked me if I had enioved b) Who are the main characters? She asked me ©) How does the story begin? She asked me ) Would you like to read it again? ‘She asked me e) What will you read next? She asked me ) Did anyone recommend the book to you? + She asked me 8) Was it easy to get into? She asked me h) Do you ever stop reading a book before the end? She asked me Pronunciation 1 43 Listen and tick the words that you hear. a) day dev b) fail file ©) late light d) main mine ©) tape type ) wait white 2 Put the words in the box in the correct column according to the vowel sound, age buy change child claim cry date great guy mind night quite save strange way wild L fe a uy age @ 44 Listen and check. Repeat the words. Vocabulary 1 Complete the text with the words in the box. acting based director hits _ plot premiere seiencefietion special effects EPISODI ‘The Star Wars films have been the most successful (1) science fction_films of alltime. So far, there have been seven in the series, and they have all been @ Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom _Menace has probably made over $1,000,000,000 and so many people wanted to attend the ®@ that some American companies closed on the opening day. George Lucas was the writer ofall ofthe films and the (4) of four of them. The (5) is quite simple. It tells the story of the fight between the forces of good and the forces of evil. The © ___isexcellent, with stars like Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson and Harrison Ford, but most people remember the films for the briliant (7) ‘games that are (8) have also become bestsellers Many video on the films © 45 Listen and check. Opinions Underline the correct alternative. a). The Dlack and white photography / pre was especially beautiful ')_ The film has a very happy ending / hit. ©) Iwasa real musical / tearjerker and everybody was crying, dd) [had to read the fantasy / subtitles because I couldn't understand what they were saying, ©) The plot / soundtrack includes two excellent songs by Elton John, 1) The film was based on / set in London in the twenty-third century. 8). I'mnot sure whether it's a horror film or a storyline / thriller both, I guess. Match the film titles (ah) with the types of film. 1-8). a) The First Kiss b) Cut, Burn, Kill ©) AlCapone and the Chicago Mafia d) My Girlfriend’s Sense of Humour ¢) Mysterious Planet £) The Confident Cowboy g) They Died for their Country h) CIA: Secret Agent 1 gangster film horror film love story romantic comedy science fiction film spy film war film western Insert the missing letters. 2) My favourite (1) albu tis called Live a the Roxy and my favourite song isthe sixth (2) ta__, No Woman, No Cry. I a recording of the great (@)regg_ singer, Bob Marley, performing (4) IL__ata (6) g__in West Hollywood in 1976: know the (6 lyr___ to all is songs and I love singing them. [play them a ull volume on my: (7)ste___(6) sys___athome and annoy the neighbours, b) Ican‘tstand modern music like (1) tec____or (@)hip-___. Iprefer (3) class_____music, like Beethoven or Mozart. especially enjoy going to the (4) ope__. Iplay the violin in an ©) orche_ a folk (6) ba (7) dan__music. _ in my town and [also play in We do a lot of traditional 5 Complete the text with the words in the box. character cover ending get revel paperback plot put chapters grippi ‘The last (1) _novel_ I read was called The (Other Boleyn Girl. The reviews all said it was Q. and that you couldn't @). it down after you'd started reading it. But after about fifty pages and four @ Twas stil finding it hard to ) into. The story is set in the time of King Henry VIll and the (6) follows the lives of two sisters, Mary and Anne, who both have the love of the king. Mary, the main a loses the king’s attention when her sister takes her place. But, in the well-known ®. head and her life. The (9) ofthe (10)__edition of the book shows a picture from the film that is based on the book. of the story, Anne loses her 6 Complete the adjectives with -ing or ed. a) He's so annoying _~I really don’t like him at all b) Iwi sobor___Ialmost fell asleep. 6) Youmay find this quite challeng__, but tel * me if you have a problem. d) She wasalittle confus__after his terrible explanation, ©) He was very disappoint____with his performance when he learnt that he hadn't won, £) It’s one of the most excit___films I've ever Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use one word from each pair, exhausted/exhausting relaxed /relaxing fascinated/fascinating tired /tiring inspired /inspiring worried /worrying, a) was very worried _ when Theard the news. My grandfather was very il. b) I’ssuch an really good after reading it. story that you feel ©) Twas absolutel more than ten kilometres, d)_ I'm going to bed early because I've had a very day after running, ©) Her autobiography was absolutely and I couldn't put it down, ) Tusually feel more__ cup of tea after a nice ‘Complete the conversations with the phrases ai a) AsfarasI'mconcemed )_I'mnotso sure b) do you know what [think g) [think ©) do you think h) take your point d) Don’t you think i) that’s true, but e) Lagree : (1)_d_ that’s absolutely fantastic? Definitely. (2)___, he's the best artist in the world today. A: Yes, @) you. In fact, if you ask me, he's the best artist in the world ever! B:_ Yes, probably. (4) __ this is definitely his best painting. A: Oh, (6)___ about that, He’s done so many ‘great paintings. C: What (6)__ of that picture? Di Its rubbish. In fact, (7)__?.A baby could paint better than that. CG: Yes, (8)__a baby might choose more attractive colours. D: Yes,1(9) © 46 Listen and check. 55 « Reading 1 Read the article about a film extra and put the questions (a-f) in the order in which Marko answers them. a) And your long-term plans? b) How could you be an actor without good English? ©) How long have you been an extra, Marko? @) Isit well-paid? €) What are your current projects? f) What kind of roles do you gel? 2. Read the article again and say if the sentences are true (1) or false (. 8) Marko came to London to be an actor. b) It was his wife’s idea for him to become an actor. ©) He had to improve his English before he could work as a walk-on actor d)_Walk-on actors sometimes have to speak. ) Marko was a businessman before he became an actor. §) He acts in films as well as TV programmes. 8) Heis sometimes given the part of foreign characters. h) He has never seen Emmerdale i) He wants to give up his acting work. 3. Find the following phrases in the text and translate them into your own language. a) Someone suggested I become an actor 1b) You may have a line or two to say ©) I suppose they think I look like a businessman ) You can make three or four times more if you eta good part ©) All these things are very similar £) I'm looking for something more challenging Opinions @Only about three years. | came to London about three years ago because my wife is English When arrived, my English wasn't very good, and it was dificult to find a job. Then, someone suggested | become an | actor @aAt the beginning, | was just what we call a'background artist. ‘Background artists’ don’t say anything. Were: the people that you see in a film in a crowd. Standing around at a party, for example. Later on, when my! English improved, | became a real walk-on actor As @ walk-on actor, you may have a line or two to say @ Sometimes! just somebody n a crowd ora apartyg but they often give me the part of a businessman. I suppose they thnk ook ikea businessman, but | know absolutely nothing about business | have one business suit and I've worn it dozens of times in films. Ive worn itn a james Bond fim, where Im a businessman who's a guest ata party And in the last of the Jason Bourne! fim, Im also a businessman on his way home from work at the station. fl have a speaking part, they often give me the part of a Russian, They think my accent sounds Russian although Im Slovenian. @tt cepencs tt starts at about £80 a day, but you caf make three or four times more if you get a good part. @ Tomorrow, doing a thriller — we're fiming iti Wales. I don't know much about it except that lim playing the part ofa'nice guy businessman ita film for TV.Then,on Friday, Ive got a part in aTV programme: that's very popular here in Britain it's called Emmerdale I've never watched the programme myselfbut all these: things are very similar @Now that my English is much better, 'm looking for something more challenging Id like to work in the theatre, but, of course, Id lke to make more movies t00. I'd love to work with some of the great directors, ike Spielberg or George Lucas. Writing Writing a film review Making generalisations 1. Read the film review and tick the topies that are mentioned. the cast v the ending the plot the seript the soundtrack the special effects Ocean's Eleven is 8 comedy thriller that was a big hit in 2001. it was directed by Steven Soderbergh and based ‘on another film of the same ttle that was made in 1960, Itstars George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon, and there are many other well-known actors too. ‘The film tells the story of Danny Ocean, a gangster who ‘comes out of prison and organises a group of friends to rob a casino in Las Vegas. The plot is not easy to ‘understand, but, on the whole, the details of the story are not terribly important. ‘The script is very funny and the acting is generally excellent. was especially impressed by Brad Pitt, who Played the character of Rusty Ryan. The scenes that ‘are set in the casino are particularly gripping and the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat. (Ocean's Eleven is full of action and it's funny at the same time. AS a piece of Hollywood entertainment, | thoroughly recommend I. 2 Find phrases in the review that you can replace with the phrases below. a) I particularly liked b)_Itis certainly worth seeing ©) take place in ) The film is about ©) The starring roles are taken by f) The story is hard to follow 8) very popular with movie-goers Look at the examples in the box. Then think of a film that you know and choose the best way to complete the sentences. Making generalisations On the whole, In general, the acting is excellent. By and large, The acting is generally excellent ) On the whole, the plot isa little confusing / not terribly believable / quite engaging. b) In general, the main characters of the film are a little disappointing / very convincing / very interesting, ©) By and large, the action scenes are rather boring / thrilling / very well done. @) The film's soundtrack is generally just right / quite inspiring / very annoying, Write a review of a film that you have seen. Use the paragraph plan below to help you. Paragraph 1 + Whats the film’s title? What kind of film is it? ‘When was it made? Who stars in it? Who directed it? How successful or popular was it? Paragraph 2 + Where isit set? + Who are the main characters? + What happens inthe film? (NB Use the present simple to tell the story ofthe film.) Paragraph 3 ‘© What did you like or dislike about the film? + What were the acting, the script, the soundtrack, ete like? + Were some parts of the film better or worse than others? Paragraph 4 + On the whole, did you enjoy the film? + Would you recommend it to other people? Why or why not? Opinions Grammar 1. Delete the relative pronoun that is not possible. a) ww a sister that /rehel /toho doesn’t pull my hair! b) «a house that /ihich / who has a big garden. 6) a school that /which / who Like. 4) a teacher that /ohich /aio doesn't give much homework @) a mobile phone that /which /who is also an MP3 player. ) sa friend thet / which / oho will let me win our games. g) «= lots of cousins that / hich /who are the same age as me. 1h). hair that /:oko /which is dark and curly. 2. Read the text and then do the following: a). Underline all the relative clauses in the text. b) Put (subject) above the relative pronouns that are the subject of the relative clause. 6). Delete the relative pronouns that are not necessary When Iwas a child, my favourite toy was an Action Man that my parents had given me. | used to play with it with a friend who lived ina house in my strecet It had ahead that you could pull offand ‘one day Tost it, looked foritin all the places that Tcould think of, bt never found it. For my next birthday, my parents gave me another Action Man ‘which was even better, but I still wanted to know ‘what had happened to the head that had lost. Five years later my friend admitted that it was he who had stolen it PEER) chitdhood Childhood 3. Join the pairs of sentences by using a relative clause. a) My dad isa nice man. He gives me lots of presents. b)_ Dad lives with anew girlftiend. She doesn’t like me. She has a daughter. I sometimes play with her. They have a house by the sea. I really like it. My mum and Thave a small flat. She's very proud of it, Mum has a jab. It's not very well-paid. She works for a man. He looks like my father. This is a picture of my dad. I did it. 4 Choose the most logical way to complete the sentences with if or unless. ) You'll never find a good job _unless _ you go to university b) Children are often unhappy they have pushy parents. ©) Children are much happier. they are brought up in the country, a) ‘you want your children to be successful, they must learn English, ) You shouldn't have children you have a lot of money. 1) Life is very hard rich family. 8) Children never learn from time to time. you come from a you yell at them Tick the sentences that you agree with. 5 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 4 that contain unless. Replace unless with ifand make any other necessary changes. a) Youll never find a good job if you don't go 10 university 6 Underline the correct verb form. a) If I have / ‘I have some free time this weekend, 1 go / might go for a walk b) Iprobably wateh / ‘l probably watch TV tonight iftheze is / will be something good on. ©) If the weather is / will be bad tomorrow, I stay / Il stay in bed 4) Ifit’s / might be hot tomorrow, I'll buy / “ve bought an icecream, )_Ifmy English improves / will improve quickly, I study / might study another language 4) Lean't / might understand English people unless they speak / will speak very slowly. 8) IFI/I1 make / ‘ve made mistakes inthis exercise, Mbe / "ve been very surprised Change the sentences to make them true for you. 7 Correct the mistake in each sentence. Hayley ran a) Do you know why did Hayley run away from home? b) Can you tell me this was the first time? ©) Do you think if she's been ill recently? ) Could you tell me if has she got a boyfriend? ©) Doyou know where she did go? 4) Doyou think that she having problems at school? 8) Do you have any idea will she do it again? 8 Change the direct questions into indirect questions. a) Do children have too much freedom? Do you think children have loo much freedom? b) Where is your son now? Do you have any idea )_Isyour child under stress at school? Can you tell me. ) What do your children think of you? Could you tell me ©) Are your children happy? Do you know ) Is school more important than the family ina child’s education? Do you think Pronunciation 1 Look at the underlined vowel sounds. Circle the Word which has a different sound. a) about allow doubt down own b) annoyed choice employ going join ) clothes cope drove ghost love © 67 Listen and check. 2 Put the words in the box in the correct column according to the vowel sound. esjey found grow hole how know noise our own point proud round toilet toy won't 48 Listen and check. Repeat the words. Childhood EET) so Vocabulary 1 Complete the phrasal verbs with a preposition. a) ») 9 4) ° ) 2) ») remember that my neighbours used to yell | ai_me every time I kicked my football into their garden. I didn’t mind helping with the cooking, but I hated tidying. was a very independent child and my parents knew that there was no need to worry _me wasn’t a very good child and my parents were always telling me ___for something or other. My parents both worked so they paid a nurse to come and care_me when | was il. On Saturday evenings, a babysitter came to look me when my parents went out. When my parents came to tuck me_, they always gave me a big kiss. My parents died when I was in my teens and I was brought __ by my grandparents, 2. Match the dictionary definitions with the phrasal verbs in Exercise 1. 1 take care of someone or something and make certain, that they have everything they need: 2 be responsible for something a) 1. [often passive] Look after a child until he or she becomes an adult; 1a teach a child to behave in a particular way or to have particular beliefs; 1b used for saying where or how someone lived when they were achild ») informal criticise someone for doing something wrong 9 feel nervous and upset because you keep thinking about 1 problem that you have or could have inthe future a 1 do the necessary things for someone who needs help ff protection; 2. treat someone carefully so that they stay in good health 2) Sic halsesiie elie coat eel put a child into bed and make sure that they are warm ‘and comfortable by covering them well 5 Childhood say something to someone in a loud voice, usually because you are angry 8) make a place look better by putting things in the correct place » Underline the correct alternative. a) Hehas the effects / innacence of a baby. b) It’s good idea to aim / avoid that part of town. after dark, ©) You can have some ice cream when you've eate down / up your vegetables. 4) Sunglasses will help you to protect / warn your! eyes. ©) What's the best way to origi students’ interest? 4) Some of the children need to develop / grow their reading ability g) They asked some very awkward / nutritious questions. ate / stimulate th Put the words in order to complete the questions. When you were 13 years old, a) did do make parents the washing-up you your ? did your parents make you do the washina b) a did have you ? let mobile phone they ©) did dinner eat front in let of the they TV you ? d) did make they room tidy up you your ? e) horror did movies let they you wai f) a at did friend’s house let sleep you ? g) come home did evening in make when the they you ? h) bed did go make they to time wi you ? Answer the questions. 5 Find and correct six mistakes the writer has made using make and let. The first one has been done for you. Iwent toa very strict school. In the mornings, they made us made-tso stand in a line in front of the school gates and they didn’t let we enter until everyone was silent. They made us work really hard, and if ‘you didn't pay attention in class, they didn’t letting ‘you go outside during the break. When you got bad ‘marks in atest, they made you stayed after school, and they only let you go home when you had finished the extra exercises, They made everyone ‘wear a school uniform. They were let the older boys ‘wear trousers, but they made to the younger kids ‘wear shorts, even in the winter. 6 Rewrite the sentences using make or let. a) My parents forced me to go to church every Sunday. My parents b)_ The boss never allows us to takea day off. The boss 9) [don’t allow the dog to come into the house. 1 4) You're going to force me to get angry: You're ©) They didn’t allow us to have any freedom. They {) Will you allow me to come with you? Will you 8). Don’t force her to talk if she doesn’t want to. Don’t Complete the sentences with the words in the box. for like looks of thing use with A: Have you seen this? It's a chopsticks fan, Bi Awhat? What'sit (1) _for_? A; It’sa fan that you attach to your chopsticks and you (2) it to cool down your food while you're eating, Could you pass me the butter stick, please? B:_ The butter stick? What does itlook (3) 2 Ar It's that thing over there that (4) like a lipstick ora tube of glue. It’s for putting butter on your bread. As Excuse me. Do you sell banana holders? B; Banana holders? I'm sorry, what do you do 6 them? As You puta banana in them. Its the same shape as a banana. It’s made (6) plastic and it's a) ‘you use fo protect your bananas. Childhood es: Listening 1 @49 Cover te listening script and listen to the teacher’ story. Number the events (a-H) in the onder in which they happened. a) Agirl started crying 1b). The teacher went to look forthe girls. ©) The head teacher spoke to Mr Cart. 4) Agitl left the room ©) The teacher realised why the girls had realy left the room. {) Thestudents began a test a g) The teacher returned tothe classroom. 1) The git’ friend went to help her. 2 Look at the script and find expressions which ‘mean the same as the following: a) Thad no idea (paragraph 2) b)_ make your life difficult (paragraph 1) ©) Twas responsible (paragraph 2) 4) she still hadn’t come back (paragraph 4) ©) the only thing to do was (paragraph 4) very well-behaved (paragraph 5) 3. Find four places in the first paragraph where you ‘can add that. The first one has been done for you. John Carr, a teacher who works in a London secondary school, was asked about his worst teaching experience. tat think that the worst exprience|Tve ever had was ‘in my first year of teaching, and the kids knew that I didn’t have a clue how to control them. I was giving the students a French test, a subject most of them hate. [had a class of Year 9s and they/re the worst, children who do anything they can to give you a hard time, Its the age group I hate most. ‘There was one girl in the class whose mother had died recently. She used to sit there and stare at me, as if ‘t was my fault. And she had a friend who sat next to her, who was probably the biggest trouble-maker in the whole school. ‘Anyway, one day, the students were doing their test ~ ‘it was about relative clauses, which we'd just done in class ~ when this gil started crying. She put up her hand and asked if she could go to the toilet. I knew that she was probably thinking about her mother, so said yes. I mean, what else could I do? So sheet the room and ten minutes later she still hadn't come ‘back. I was wondering what to do next when her friend put up her hand and asked if she could go and look for her. I couldn't go myself because the students, would all cheat, so T said yes, and she left the room, too. Tl, Ten minutes later, there was still no sign of her. I thought there was nothing for it but to go and find them both myself. I was coming out of the girs’ toilet - they weren't there - when the head teacher called me from the other end of the corridor. ‘Mr Carr! he yelled 1s there any particular reason why your class are all talking to each other in the middle of a test? I suggest that you get back to your classroom ‘immediately! Tran back to my classroom and there were the two. irs, sitting quietly, as good as gold. The rest of the class were also quiet, getting on with their test. It was only when I marked the test that I understood what had happened. The whole class scored more than ‘80% ~ the first and last time that ever happened! Writing Writing a letter of advice Common spelling mistakes 1 Read the three problems (1-3) that were posted on a website and the replies (a and b) that follow. Which problem were the replies responding to? Which reply gives the better advice? EB inca 1127 ana hoe 3 tiem wih my | Mother My fater ef us years ago and = we get on very well... too welll She tells rosrco me more thn | wart oro bat he a ‘men that she meets and she wants to kw even about ye meen, eventing Now ho want o start going fut the evening with me and my Mend. Ws geting too mich, Hee Paul 1was doing some stu onthe computer the 57 otter day and cacovered tat my father is [Seating dating sts onthe internet este and things lik thet im sure SEES, that my mum knows nothing about ent know whether | shoud tll her or not. What you tin? | Jen People say that 'm quit goodlooking, ~ | ButITm very unhappy about my | ©2appecrence. The problem is trat'm | 300m 1 mete 87. | think its because I'm so tall ‘that none of the boys want to go out with me. | want to know weather ican have blastic surgery to reduce my height. | | asked my parents for there advise but | they told me not to be so sily. | Lcertiny don't tink yu shoud speak o your moter before you've spoken to ou father Porhps yo could fro cuet moment wh him ag expan what youve let Wy don't you sk him for some hel wth te compite or example, and then show hm Raw ou discovered nis secret Wnatever yuo, ou, ake ture yu don't accuse im of anythng. BB] "mien be 2 good ices to do nothing at all for the moment. After al, you don’t actually know anything. Buti were you, I'd try to find out mare. You could try ‘checking the surfing history on the computer to see how often your father goes to those sites. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Have you thought about, asking them what they think? | don’t think you shout 4o anything without speaking to someone else who | knows your family and who you can trust. | 2 Find and correct six spelling mistakes in the third web posting. Find and correct two spelling mistakes in each of the sentences below. whole a) [think you should talk the hele thing over with friends ‘your freinds. b) I don’t think you need to talk about every thing with eachother. ©) I don’t think that the differense in your ages very relavant. 4) Limagine you'll be dissappointed with what T say but you can chose to ignore it ©) beleive you'll recieve the best advice from your parents 4) There's nothing wierd in the fact that she doesn’t want to loose you. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. could don’t idea shoulda sure thought try were a) You_shouldn’# worry about it. b) Have you about asking your friends what they think? Q it _you, Vd forget about it. d)_Itmight be a good to see a doctor. ) Make you'll regret later. you don’t say anything. 4) Perhaps you ‘wait a little. 8) Why ‘you think about ita bit h) You could doing it once. ‘Write replies to the other two problems in Exercise 1. Use the expressions in Exercise 4 to give your advice. Age Grammar 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate tense. a) Where would you live __ (you live) if you could live anywhere in the world? b) Ifyou (not need) to work, what would you do with your life? ©) Ifyou could change one thing with your appearance, what __ (you change)? d) What (you say) if you met your favourite film star? ®) (be) invited toa 1d, what would you wear? 1) How would you feel if the government in your country (change)? 8) What would you do if you only (have) twenty-four hours to h) Ifyou had three wishes, what seb EE SO TSS (they bale Write true answers to the questions. Write unreal conditional sentences based on the situations below. a) Idon’t understand, I can’t explain. ILL undersiood, I would /d be able to explain b)_ Ifeel tired. I won't go out tonight. ©) min love. I think about him all the time. 4d) ['mnota liar. [tell the truth. fe) Ican’t dance. I don’t go to discos. 8) Love the Rolling Stones. [buy all their albums. g)_ Thave five children. I spend a lot of time cooking. | Write a wish or regret for the sentences below. a) Thave so many regrets wish I didn’t have so many regrets b)_Tdon’thave a lot of money. wish €) Lean never find time for reading. Lwish d) [didn't pay attention in class yesterday. wish €) Toverslept this morning. wish 8) Late too much for dinner last night. Lwish g) mot good at sports. Twish 1h) Tfeel anxious all the time. wish ‘Tick the wishes or regrets that are true for you. Pat the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. a) IfThad met the right person, T_would have gol (get) married. b) IFT (go) out more often, I would have met more people. ot (go) out more of if Thad had more time. 4) Twould have had more time if | (not work) so hard 1 (not work) so. if Thadn’t needed the money £) IfThad had more money, I (be) more relaxed. Soe friends if had been more relaxed. ‘Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1). If Thad lived two hundred years ago, 1 b) 1fmy parents had been film stars, 1 ©) If Uhadn’t studied English, 1 d) If Thad been bom English, 1 Vocabulary 1. Underline the correct adverb, 4) A: Have you any idea where you are going on holiday this year? B: Yes, clearly / hopefully, we're going to ‘Tahiti A: [bet you're feeling tired. B: Actually / Unfortunately, 'm feeling fine. ‘A: Have you heard any news of Helen recently? B:_ Yes, Pete saw her last week. Apparently / Personally, she's decided to leave her jo. 4) A: Did you get tickets for the Rolling Stones? B: No. Definitely / Predictably, they sold out on the first day. ©) A: Philip, what's up? B:_Tdon't know how to say this, but, basically / surprisingly, [don’t want to se you any more. 1) A: Soyou hadn't seen her for twenty years? B: That's right. But, obviously / unbelievably, she hadn't changed at all. 8) A: Did you stay up late last night? B:_ Yes, but fortunately / stupidly I didn’t have to go to work this morning. b) ° Write the words in order to make sentences. a) a don't go I lot out L don't go out a lob b) I like loud pop singing songs very ©) can't drive 1 well very ) concerts don’t enjoy going 1 much to very e) childhood don’t I my remember very well ) a family 1 lot my see 8) I life live my sensibly very h) abroad don’t go I much very Change the sentences to make them true for you. 3 Put the telephone conversations into the correct order. 4) |_| Hold on, please. 1 try to put you through «+: 'mafraid he’s on the other line. Would ‘you like to hold? Oh, hic Is Teistan there, please? Hello Yes, thank you. b) [_] That's me. Who's calling, please? Good morning, Clyde Interiors. Can I help you? ‘Oh, hello.’ like to speak to Don, please. This is Miranda, from Perfect Home magazine, ©) Tom, hang on. Can you call me back in five minutes? Joanna? Hi, it’s me. Hi, Tom. Listen, Iean't chat now. Hello Just a quick question, OK? What are you up to later? d) _| Certainly. Are you available later on today? Hello. My name is Mark Watkins. Hello. This is Eve Brown. Can I help you? Oh, yes, Mr Watkins. Thank you for getting back so promptly, We need to havea meeting, 50 Listen and check. Pronunciation 1 © 51 Listen to v0 people speaking, Ten thirty’s fone for me Which speaker sounds more positive? Which speaker uses a higher tone of voice? (© 52 Listen tothe recording and practise saying the sentences in a positive way. a) See you tomorrow then, b) Tlook forward to seeing you tomorrow. ©) OK, I'll come round at about seven. ) Ise my family very regularly e) I'm going ona training course next week. £) I've got something to tell you. Age Reading 1. Read the newspaper article and put the paragraph summaries (a-d) in the correct order. a) Why some people think Dr Rashbrook was wrong b)_ The problems for Dr Rashbrook ©) Why some people think that Dr Rashbrook ‘was not wrong ) A special birth 2 Read the article again and insert the sentences (a-g) in the spaces in the article (1-7). a). Children do not want parents who are the age of grandparents, they say. b)_LEwe didn’t think we would be good parents, we wouldn't have done it, they said. ) On their first date; Dr Rashbrook had told Farrant that he would have been a wonderful father. ) She had received eggs from another woman and the treatment cost £10,000. e) The child weighed 3 kilos, f) The oldest mother in the world is believed to be a Romanian woman who was 66. g) The usual age limit for this kind of treatment is 45. (53 Listen and check. 3 Find the words in italics in the article and tick the correct definition. a) soul-searching looking for a reason to do something very careful thought about your reasons for doing something, b) determined really wanting to do something really unhappy about something, ©). fertility treatment help for people who want to havea baby psychological help d) counts is important is not important e) backed supported. not supported 4 A very special mother Patricia Rashbrook and her husband John Farrant, with their baby son. ON JULY 8, at @ hospital in Brighton, Patricia Rashbrook and her husband, John Farrant, 60, celebrated the birth of a healthy baby boy, who they: called}.J.(1)___ DrRashbrook, a child psychiatrist, ‘met her husband eight years ago and they married) five years later. Dr Rashbrook already had three grown-up children from a previous marriage, but Farrant, who had also been married before, had| had no children. (2)___ There would be nothing) special about the story if it weren't for the mother’s ‘age. At the age of 62, Rashbrook had just become) Britain’s oldest mother. (3) _ At the age of 62, Dr Rashbrook was too old ta have children in a normal way. After much soul- searching, she decided to seek fertility treatment. | However, doctors in Britain did not want to treat her. | (a)___ Because of her ago, they thought that there ‘were too many risks for both mother and child. But she and her husband were determined. They went to Rome to see Professor Severino Antinori, an expert in fertility treatment. After five attompts at treatment, De Rashbrook became pregnant. (5) Not everyone shares the couple's happiness. Some. critics have said that it will be impossible for JJ. to have @ normal childhood, as his mother will be 80 before he leaves school. (6) _ Others simply say that Dr Rashbrook is selfish But the happy couple said that they had thought very carefully about what they were doing, (7) ‘They were supported by Dr Antinori who said that age was not important. The physical condition of the mother is the thing that counts, he said. Their decision was also backed by the Minister for Health, Patricia Hewitt. ‘It is up to individual couples, they: must decide,’ she s Writing Writing a story Narrative organisation 1. Put the sentences in order to make the fist part of astory: 8) Thad always wanted to be a photographer, but at first it was hard to find work, )_Ithappened when I really wasn't expecting it ©) Neither of those was the sort of work that [had dreamt of doing and Iwas afraid that it would continue like that forever. 4) Sometimes, | got jobs taking photographs for websites that sold electrical equipment. ©) Then, after two years, I got my frst chance of a good photo. 9) Tobegin with, Tmade my living taking photographs at people's weddings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Complete the second paragraph using the pictures and notes to help you. Begin like this: Dne day, I was taking photos in the cenite of the town oldman running down tine younger man agua he Looked older nian ran away mot say anything ‘You may find the following expressions helpful. 1 knew Thad to act fast knew I didn’t have a second to lose. AAs quickly as I could, was just about to... when What happened next took me completely by surprise Now write the final paragraph. Say what happened next fo you, the young man and the old man. Begin by completing the following sentence: H only U had ste ed to think, Age 7 Grammar 1. Decide where to put the words on the left in these descriptions of clothes. a) checked, large a baseball cap a large checked baseball cap b) leather, black a pair of motorcycle boots ©) ridiculous, sik a pair of baggy trousers d) snakeskin, old a cowboy belt ©) cotton, brown _an old-fashioned shirt ) colourful, brand-new an Italian tie ) long, plain black a leather coat 2 Complete the sentences using the structure have something done. a) Ididn’t sharpen the knife myself. I b)_ She doesn’t wash her hair herself. She ©) Wedidn’t paint the house ourselves. We 4). They didn’t do all the work themselves. They Pparahaer ©) She doesn’t design the jewellery herself. She by a professional 4) She doesn’t colour her hair herself. She atthe hairdresser’ g)_ Thaven’t whitened my teeth myself. by a dentist 3. Put the words in order to complete the questions. a) cut do hair have you your How offen do you have gour hair eu ) cars ever had pierced you your Have 2 ©) did eyes have last tested you your When 4) have home like redecorated to you your Would 2 e) a ever had Have of pair taken trousers you pipe See ee ) do have you your repaired shoes Where 8) ever had Have photo taken you your by a professional photographer? ‘Write true answers to the questions. Pronunciation 1 @5é Listen to the way the voice rises on each ite in a list of words before falling at the end. He's in his early twenties, tall, dark, good-looking and tich. 2. 55 Listen and repeat the sentences. 3). She's slim, elegant, good-looking and married. b) He's smart, intelligent, attractive and mine €) She's got matching shoes, trousers, hat and bag. d) He's wearing a jacket, a belt, boots, jeans and a ‘T-shirt 3 @56 Listen to the lists below. Are they finished (Ge, the voice falls at the end) or unfinished (i.e. the voice rises at the end)? a) We have it in a range of colours: blue and green, red and orange, black and white ’b)_ They sell dresses, sweaters and tops, skirts, trousers and jeans ©). Which style do you prefer: skinny, low-waisted, tight or baggy d)_ Ihave wavy hair, a moustache, sideburns and a beard Vocabulary 1 Put the words in the box into the correct column, baggy belt checked cotton dress fur hoody jeans leather _ linen long-sleeved low-waisted pinstripe plain scruffy shirt silk smart snakeskin suede suit sweater top wool Clothes Materials Adjective to describe : clothes | cation as 2 Look at the pictures and complete the texts with the words in the boxes. deep-set freckles mole receding sideburns slim streaks wavy a) Alis(1)___slim and has dark, @. hair with grey (3) anda (4) hairline. He has ()__eyes and long (6) He has (7) and a (8) on his chin, bald eye-liner forehead goatee moustache tattoo well-built b) Brads (1) and has a Q on his arm. He is e) and has lines on his @ He hasa (5) beard and a (6) He wears black a. Underline the correct alternative. (On Sunday mornings, my husband always (1) has / makes me a cup of coffee and brings it to me in bed 1(2) get / put the radio on and listen to the news before (3) having / making a shower and (4) doing / getting dressed. I don't need to (5) get / make the children ready for school, 0 I have time to (6) do / make my Tai Chi exercises. My husband likes to (7) make / put the TV on and watch it while he’s (8) doing / having a cup of tea After that, he does the housework, (9) getting / ‘making the beds, (10) doing / having the washing- Up from the previous night and so on. Complete the text with the words in the box. fits get go look match put suit 4 wear hate shopping for clothes. I don’t need to (1) _tzy things on, because I know my size ~ only XL) me these days. Ijust want to get out of the shop as quickly as possible. always buy dark colours because bright ones don’t (3)___ meat all, and I always wear the same kind of things. The only thing that matters is that I feel comfortable in what I (4) Inthe ‘mornings, 1 (6) dressed very fast and (6) ___on the first pair of jeans that I find. always wear jeans because they (7) with everything. I can’t always find socks that 6 , but nobody sees them anyway. I feel sorry for people who worry about what they ° like, There are more important things in lite 57 Listen and check. Insert the missing letters to complete the four mini-conversations. A: That was very kind of you to give me that hat for my birthday. (1) Th @ ak you. B: You're (2) w_____e. My pleasure. Ci What a (3) L____y skirt! It really suits you. D: Do you (4) t___k so? Thank you. E: Whata fantastic dinner! That was absolutely Od. s F:_ I'm (6) g_ _d you enjoyed it. Tknow you like sea food. G: Thank you so (7) m__h for inviting us. We've had a wonderful few days. H: Don't (8)m_____nit. 'mglad you could Style fo Listening 4. @58 Listen toa radio programme about fashion designer Ralph Lauren. Tick the main topic of the programme. a) his business sense b) his career ©) his designs jen again. According to the programme, are the following statements true () or false (F)? a) Ralph Lauren is respected by many famous people. T b) He has shops in different countries, ©) Hehas financial problems. d) He came from a very rich background. e) He began selling ties before he left school : f) He did not complete his education. 8) He leamt about fashion when he was in the army. bh) He did not train as a fashion designer. i) Lauren's designs are highly fashionable ‘and modern. 3. Find the phrases below in the listening script and tick the best explanation. a) attale of rags to riches a story about becoming wealthy a story about making money from clothes bb) he's never looked back he has never looked at things twice he has become even more successful ©) that marks him out that was the reason for failing his exams that makes him special 4) he hada good eye he did not need to wear glass he had a natural talent for noticing, e) Lauren has it all Lauren has everything that anyone could want Lauren is near the end of his life Sy Presenter: Alison: Presenter: Alison: Presenter: Alison: Presenter: ‘Atison: Presenter: Aliso Presenter: ‘ison: Presenter: Alison: Presenter: This week on Catwalk Talk we look at one of the biggest names in high-street fashion, Ralph Lauren. Alison Martin, you were lucky enough to go to Ralph Lauren's fortieth anniversary party last week ‘Oh yes, the cream of American society came to pay their respects. The guests included Robert DeNiro and Dustin Hoffman, politicians such as the mayor of New York, supermodels and top designers like Donna Karan. Lauren had good reasons to celebrate. In the last few years, he has opened stores around ‘the world, from Tokyo to Moscow to Milan, and his company has grown into a multi-billion dollar business. The name Ralph Lauren is a household word. He must be very rich. His own personal wealth is estimated at four billion dollars and he has homes in New York, Colorado and Jamaica. He also has world- famous collections of vintage automobiles and watches. Were his family wealthy? Absolutely not! Lauren’ life story is a tale of rags to riches. He was born in New York, the son of immigrants from Belarus, his father a house painter, his mother a pianist. So how did it all begin? ‘At high school, he helped to make ends meet by selling ties to his classmates. He left college after two years ~ before completing studies ~ and spent two years in the army. He then worked as a salesman before his career took off ‘And that was when he opened his first shop? read that he began by selling ties that he designed himself. Yes, and since then he's never looked back. How do you explain his incredible success? During his years at college, Lauren studied business, not fashion, and it’s this perhaps ‘that marks him aut from other fashion designers. There's nothing especially fashionable of moder about his designs, but he had a goad eye for clothes and an even better business sense. Lauren's most famous brands are, of course, Polo and Polo Sport and his clothes are worn by everyone from President Sarkozy of France: to rappers and boxers. Don't forget that Lauren doesr't only sell clothes. He sells a complete lifestyle. Lau himself once said, ‘We are selling a dream ‘a vision! You can now drink from Ralph La Glasses, eat from Lauren plates and sleep i Lauren sheets. Now in his sixties, Lauren has it all. He he doesn’t want to be too successful, but kind of success would be fine with met Writing Writing a description of a person Linking: adding information 1. Read this description of a man and match the topics to the paragraphs. a) clothes paragraph ) appearance paragraph_ ©) interests paragraph 4) personality paragraph My friend, Scott, is in his late fifties, but he looks much younger. He has dark features with gentle black eyes, dark hair that is receding little, and a tanned, healthy face. Everyone agrees that he is 2 very handsome man, On top of that, he is tall and well-built and he keeps his body in good shape by going to the gym, The first thing you notice about him is his smile He is warm and friendly, enjoys the company of other people and likes having a good time. As well a5 these qualities, he has a great sense of humour and tells amusing stories. People always feel relaxed with him. EB xr: known for is fashionable clothes. He often wears elegant sus, but he looks casual tthe same time. | dont think he spends alot of money on his outfits, but even when hes wearing ordi and a'Tshit, you have the impression bought them from an expensive bos Heloves aveling and velostcountof the number ofcountiesheha visited He alsolovesa good meal and a bottle of fine wine, Besides these interests, his other hobbies Indude reading an the cinema Mos of al however, he us kes being with other neon 2 The following sentences have been cut from the description. In which paragraph should they go? a) His face reminds me of a Hollywood film star of the 1950s, i b) In addition to these interests, he's very keen on the Turkish singer, Tarkan. ©) [know that he used to have some of his jackets made specially for him. 4) Inhis spare time, he likes sitting in the sun on the terrace of his apartment, ©) Like me, he enjoys going out in the evenings. f) People say he isa real gentleman. g) When you get to know him better, you realise how generous he is, too. h)_ With looks like his, it’s not surprising that he’s so popular with women. 3. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. © (no preposition) ) He is confident and charming, and on top that he's very witty. b)_Inaddition being kind and friendly, he is also very intelligent, ©) He's good fun to be with and, besides that, he's very sensitive. d) He loves meeting new people as well spending time with his friends, 4 Now write a description of someone you know well. Organise your description in the same way. as the description opposite. Write between 150 and 180 words. 7 Story: Bernice Bobs' Her Hair ae stopped. All the dancers clapped their hands and the girls began talking again. Warren Melntyre looked around for pretty, witty Marjorie Harvey. He had always been crazy about’ her. Although Marjorie said she didn’t love him, Warren called on her every afternoon. But Marjorie’s cousin, Bernice, was staying with the Harveys for the whole of ‘August. It was impossible for him to see Marjorie alone! Bernice is boring, Warren thought. She's pretty, but she's no fun at a party, Someone touched Warren’s shoulder and he tumed quickly. Tt was Marjorie, and she was looking lovelier than ever. “Warren, do something for me,’ Marjorie whispered. “Dance with Bernice. No one’s cut in on* her for over an hour “Why, sure I will, Marjorie,’ Warren said slowly. ‘Don’t worry,’ Marjorie said, smiling prettily. ‘Tll see you don’t get left with her. I'l tell some of the other boys to cutinon you ‘A girl may be beautiful or clever, but if boys don’t want to dance with her, she will never be a success, No cone cut in on them, and Warren was with Bernice for the whole dance. And when the music stopped, she sat down beside him. Bernice waved her fan’ gently. ‘It's hotter here than at home in Eau Claire, she said Warren sighed and nodded his head. “Are you going to be staying here much longer?’ he asked. “Another week,’ Bernice answered. ‘Warren was so bored that he decided to flirt a little. ‘Your mouth was made to be kissed,’ he whispered. Bernice's face went red. “Don’t be fresh’Y’ she said sharply. Immediately, she realized she had said the wrong thing. Flirting was game. She smiled nervously at Warren. Warren was angry. When he flirted with other girls, they laughed and said something witty ‘What a bore Bernice is! Warren thought. How different she is from Marjorie. He sighed again. Marjorie and Bernice didn’t get home from the party ‘until after midnight, They said goodnight at the top of the stairs. As Bernice washed her face in the bathrooin, she wondered why no one admired’ her here. She was popular in her own small town ~ or so she thought. Bernice’s family was the richest family in Eau Claire. Her mother invited people to dinner with Bernice. She had given her daughter a little car. Bernice believed she was a success. But even in Eau Claire, the other girls had more dancing partners. Bernice hadn’t worried about that before. She had thought that the boys in her town didn’t ‘cut in because they respected” her. Bernice Bobs Her Hair Warren was so bored that he decided to fir alittle. [As Bernice left the bathroom, she saw that her au bedroom door was half-open and the light was Bernice decided to have a talk with her. But as Be went quietly towards the half-open door, she heard, own name. Bernice is completely hopeless,’ Marjorie was say “{ know she’s pretty, but she’s not having any fun. don't like her” ‘Does that matter?’ Mrs Harvey asked gently. ‘Oh, Mother. It’s the only thing that matters wi you're eighteen,’ Marjorie answered sharply. ‘I've da ny best to make men dance with her, but she bores & all, She has good hair and lovely skin, but that's enough, ‘She's from a good family,’ Mrs Harvey said ‘When I was eighteen, that was enough.’ “Well, these days, it's different. A girl must know: to do to be a success,’ Marjorie replied. ‘T've gi ideas about clothes and make-up, but she won’t She thinks I'm a flirt and will come to a bad end" Mrs Harvey sighed. ‘T'm sure you could do something for her, dear. She's not very lively, agree.’ “Lively!” Marjorie exclaimed, ‘She either says that there are too many people dancing or that the weather's very hot. How interesting! Other girls may natbe so attractive, bt they are wittier or better dancers. There's nothing to be done with Bernice! She's hopeless.” ‘The next day, Marjorie had breakfast late in the morning, Bernice came in and sat down at the table opposite her. “Good morning, Marjorie, Bernice said, staring hard at her cousin. “What's the matter?’ Marjorie asked. “‘T heard what you said to your mother about me last night. I guess" I'd better go back to Eau Claire. I'm not wanted here. I've tried to be nice, but instead I'm insulted.’ “When do you want to go” Marjorie asked quietly. Bernice gasped. s “Oh, I see,’ Marjorie said in a hard voice. “You didn’t mean that you were going to go home. Bernice burst into tears. “caine here for a month,’ she said erying. ‘IF go back carly, my mother will want to know why." ‘And crying loudly, she ran out of the room. An hour later, Bernice found Marjorie again. ‘L guess I'd better get my train ticket today,’ Bernice said. Her voice was calm, but her eyes were still red from ing. ‘All right. Il arrange it for you,’ Marjorie said calmly. “Just wait until finish writing this leter’ “Do you want me to go home?’ Bernice asked. ‘Well, if you're not having any fun, you'd better go, I guess. ‘You are so unkind!’ Bernice exclaimed. ‘You haven‘t been friendly at all’ “Ive done my best: You area rather difficult guest, you know! Bernice’s eyes filled with tears. “You are hard and selfish!’ she cried. ‘Girls shouldn't be like that!’ “You little fool,’ Marjorie said coldly. ‘It’s girls like you ‘who cause all those awful marriages. You're one of those girls who think itis right to be weak and to complain all the time, Men marry pretty girls like you, but they're soon disappointed.’ Bernice’s mouth fell open “Yes, all you can do is complain about girls like me, ‘who havea good time,” Marjorie went on. ‘Go or stay ~ do as you like.’ That afternoon, Bernice had a headache and refused to go out with Marjorie. But when Marjorie came home, Bemice was waiting for her. ‘Ive decided you may be right,’ Bernice said slowly. If you tell me why your friends aren't interested in me, I'll do what you tell me to do.’ Marjorie smiled. She looked at herself in her bedroom, ‘mirror and began to unpin" her long fair hai. ‘Will you do exactly as I say?” Marjorie asked. “Yes. Ifyou tell me to do sensible things.” ‘Wel, they are sensible, but you may not think so. I'l sive you a few examples. First, you make must yourself look as good as possible. To have charm, a girl must know she looks perfect. Then she can forget about her hair and her clothes and ~ be charming!” “Don't I look right?” ‘No. For example, your eyebrows are good. They're thick and dark. But they need to be more tidy.” “Oh, Isee. What else?” "Your dancing’ ‘Why, don’t I dance right either?” ‘No. You dance too straight. A girl should bend over a little. You should lean on a man.’ ‘Goon, Bernice said. “You've got to be nice to the unpopular boys ~ the sad birds, we call them. These quiet, shy boys will give you practice in conversation, And because these boys are clumsy they give the best dancing practice.’ Bernice sighed, but Marjorie hadn't finished speaking, ‘If you spend time with three or four sad birds at a patty, they'll dance with you next time, she explained, “The sad birds will cut in, Then the popular boys will cut in too. They will know whole dance, you see” hey won't be left with you for a “Yes, Ibegin to see,’ Bemice said quietly. “And then you'll have charm,’ Marjorie said. “You'll know you are charming and the men will know it too’ Bernice stood up. ‘You've been awfully kind,” she said. Marjorie said nothing, She continued to look at herself in the mirror. “I'm really very grateful,’ Bemice added, ‘although I don’t think you want me to say so.’ Marjorie turned round quickly. ‘Oh,don’tworry about that, she said. Iwas wondering whether we should bob your hai.” Bernice was so surprised, that she fell down backwards onto the bed! ‘There was a dinner-dance the next Wednesday, Sitting on Bernice's right at dinner was G. Reece Stoddard, a very popular young man. On her left, was a sad bird. Bernice remembered Marjorie's advice. So she turned to the sad bird and began to speak. ‘Do you think I should bob my hair, Mr Charley Paulson?’ “Why? Charley asked in surprise. ‘v's such an easy way of attracting attention, isn’t it? And that’s what I'm going to do. So, early next week, I'm going to the Sevier Hotel barber-shop", to get my hair bobbed!” Bernice stopped speaking. She realized that everyone near her was listening. Then she took a deep breath and went on. “Of course, you can all come and watch —but I'm going to make you buy tickets!” Everyone laughed. ‘Til buy a ticket right now, G, Reece Stoddard whispered. ‘Do you really think girls should bob their hair?” ‘T think its terribly wrong, but people have to have a good time!” Bernice answered quietly. ‘Two hours later, Warren McIntyre stood watching the dancers. He noticed that several young men had cutin on Bernice’s partners. Bernice looks really pretty tonight, Warren thought. voice Bobs Her Hair EER 73 ‘And she seems to be enjoying herself too. Warren looked round for Marjorie and then back at Bernice. She hacl changed her dancing-partner again. Warren took a step forward. He would dance with the sil! But G, Reece Stoddard had the same idea. Warren was pushed aside and Bernice had changed her partner once again! When they were back home, Marjorie looked into Bemice’s shining eyes. So my advice was good? Marjorie asked with a smile. “Oh, yes!’ Bernice cried “Lsaw you were having a good time,’ Marjorie sai. “As L told you, if a man sees someone cutting in, he'll try ito. Well, goodnight’ ‘Goodnight’ As Bernice unpinned her hair, she thought about the evening, She had taken Marjorie's advice and it had worked. But she had made tt work herself. Bernice herself had spoken the right words. It was her lips that had smiled, her feet that hac danced. It had been a nice evening, with nice boys. And the nicest of them had been Warren. Yes, that was his name, Warren... Warren. Malntyre Bernice was smiling as she fell asleep. Bernice’s success continued all that week. Young men came to call. They listened to her conversation with their mouths wide open. “Oh, Bernice, when are you going to get your hair cut?” they asked. And Bernice always gave the same answer. “The day after tomorrow, maybe. Be sure you're there!" “Sure, we'll be there!” ‘And Bernice, who had no intention of bobbing her hair, laughed, Every day that week, Warren MeIntyre’s car was parked outside the Harvey's house. But Warren was calling on Bernice, not Marjorie. Marjorie said she was glad. At last, Warren had found someone who was interested in him! Then, two days before the end of Bernice’s visit, Marjorie told Bernice what she felt. “You'd better forget Warren,’ she said coldly. ‘What!?’ Bernice cried. ‘Stop making a fool of yourself over Warren Mcintyre. He doesn’t care for you at all.” For a moment, Marjorie and Bernice stared at each other. Bernice looked half-angry, half-afraid. Then they heard two cars drive up. The girls hurried out of the house. ‘They were both going to the same party. At the party, the young people began talking, "Well, Bernice,’ Marjorie said in a hard voice, ‘when exactly are you going to bob your hair?” 5 ‘Tdon’t know,’ Bernice answered. “You're not going to bob your hair, Bernice ~ tell the truth,’ Marjorie said. ‘Come on, Bernice!’ someone called. ‘Tell her you're going to do it!” Bernice saw Warren looking at her. ‘Tlike bobbed hair and I'm going to bob mine,’ she said. . as jernice Bobs Her Hair “When?” Marjorie asked sharply. ‘Any time.’ “Then why not now?” “Yes, come on. We'll have a hair-bobbing, party Sevier Hotel barber-shop!” Suddenly, they were all standing up. Bernice’s heart ‘began to beat faster “Don’t worry, she won't do it!’ Marjorie cried. “Come on, Bernice!’ a boy shouted. Bernice saw Warren and Marjorie staring at her. Marjorie was smiling. “Allright, she said quickly. I don’t care. 'l do it!” A few minutes later, Bemice was in Warren's cat, on. the way to the Sevier Hotel Thave to do it, she thought. Then I shall really be a popular gi! ‘Warren stopped outside the hotel and helped Bernice cout of the car: Other cars, full of young people, stopped behind them. “All right, Bernice, Warren sid Bernice stood there for a moment. Then, she walked quickly into the barber-shop. She went up to the barber. “want you to bob my hair’ she said. “Huh? “My hair bob it Bernice sat down in the barber's chair. The many took the pins out of her hair, one by one. Her hai hi wonderful, dark, thick, heavy hair, hung down her b forthe last time. For a moment, Bernice nearly cried. ‘Then she remembered the smile on Marjorie's fa Bernice pressed her hands together and closed Her hair, her wonderful, dark, thick, he hher back for the last tome. vy hair, hung’ Twenty minutes later, Bernice looked at herself in the mirror in front of her. Her short, dark hair hung straight on either side of her pale face. She was ugly ~as she had known she would be. AsBernicestood up, she tried tosmile, butshe couldn't Everyone looked at her in silence. Marjorie was smiling and Warren's eyes were cold. You see... 'vedone it’ Bernice said slowly. Yes, you've done it’ said Warren. ‘Do you like it?” Warren did not answer. Marjorie turned to him ‘Would you mind driving me to the cleaner’s”, Warren?” she said. ‘I've got to pick up a dress before dinner. [want to wear it tonight.” Warren stared at Bernice for a moment and then he looked at Marjorie. “Vd be glad to,’ he said with a smile. Bemice saw her aunt just before dinner. ‘Bernice, what have you done to your hair?’ Mrs Harvey cried. T’ve bobbed it.I suppose you're shocked. ‘N'-no, But what will Mrs Deyo think?” Why will Mrs Deyo care?’ Bernice asked in surprise. Mrs Deyo's giving a dance for you and Marjorie tomorrow night, don’t you remember? She hates bobbed hair. Her speech last week to the Country Club was called “The Problems of Young People Today.” She spent about fifteen minutes talking about the wickediness of bobbed hair!” ‘didn’t think. I'm sorry, was all Bernice could say. Three boys called after dinner. Marjorie went out with, ‘one of them. Bernice tried, unsuccessfully to talk to the others. At half past ten, they left and she walked slowly upstairs. What a day! When Bernice was getting ready for bed, her door ‘opened and Marjorie came in. ‘I'm sorry about Mrs Deyo's dance tomorrow, she said, ‘Id forgotten about it” ‘Tt doesn’t matter’ Bernice told her. She stood in front of the mirror, combing her short hair. ‘Tll take you to a hairdresser’s" in the morning,’ Marjorie went on. ‘They'llcut i again and make itook all right. Butas tomorrow's your last night here, I suppose it doesn’t matter much, People here won't see you again.’ And Marjorie slowly began to twist her long blonde hair into two thick braids*, Bernice thought about Mrs Deyo's dance. People were going to look at her, laugh at her. I've been a fool, she thought. I've made myself ugly and unattractive, because I listened to an unkind, selfish sit. Bernice sat down in front of her mirror: “Tlike my bobbed hair’ she said slowly. ‘think it looks Marjorie smiled. ‘Atlooks allright. Don’t let it worry you,’ she said. ‘won't ‘Goodnight, Bemice. As soon as the door closed, Bernice jumped up. She got out her suitcase and packed it quickly Bernice put on a smart, new suit that Marjorie had helped her choose. She wrote a short note to her aunt and placed it on the bed. Bernice looked at her watch. There was a train to Eau Claire in an hour. If she walked down to the nearby hotel, she could easily catch a taxi to the station. Suddenly, Bernice took a deep breath. Then she went to the desk and picked something up. She turned out the lights and stood for a moment inthe darkness. Very quietly, Bernice walked to Marjorie's room and ‘opened the door. She moved towards her cousin’s bed. Marjorie was fast asleep. Bernice did not stop to think. Bendling over the bed, she picked up one of Marjorio's braids ~ and cut it off Then, very carefully, she cut off the other braid and left the room. Carrying her suitease, Bernice went quietly downstairs and out ofthe front door. As she hurried down the street, she realized she was sill holding the two blonde braids, Bernice stopped and laughed. She was outside Warren Melntyre’s house. Bernice put down her suitcase and threw the braids onto the wooden steps outside the front door. Bernice laughed again, more loudly this time. ‘T should have scalped” the selfish thing!” she said aloud ‘Then, picking up her suitcase, she set off again, running down the moonlit street. Bernice put down her suitcase and threw the braids onto the wooden steps outside the front door. Bernice Bobs Her Hair ETERS 15 Story: Gretchen's Forty Winks' Rees eee foor. It was cold. Autumn was over. There will be snow, before night, Roger thought. With a sigh, he took out his key and opened the door. Roger walked into the living-room and turned on the lamp. He put his portfolio® down on the table and lit a cigarette. Then, going to the bottom ofthe stairs, he called to his wife. ‘Gretchen!’ ‘Hello, dear. I'm just combing my hair’ his wife answered. “How soon will you be down? ieee ‘How soon?’ Roger shouted impatiently Gretchen came running down the stars ‘What is it? she asked. They kissed. ‘want to talk to you, Roger said. Gretchen, a bright-faced girl, with red hair, followed her husband into the living-room. She sat down on the sofa, ‘Listen, Gretchen ~' Roger began. Then he added, “What's the matter?’ "Nothing, dear. I'm just looking fora cigarette... and a ‘match. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Go on.’ ‘Gretchen! Scratch! The match flared. She lit her cigarette ‘Have you got time to listen to me?’ Roger said sharply. ‘"'m listening.” Gretchen sat, her dark eyes gazing at her husband, Roger took a deep breath. “Tonight, Lam beginning the most important six weeks of my life,’ Roger said slowly. ‘If I work really hard, I can get some of the biggest advertising accountst in the country. It’s my great chance’, “So, for the next the front door-bell, we won't answer’ Roger smiled. Butas Gretchen satin silence, hestopped smiling, “Do you expect me to be happy —to jump up and sing? Gretchen said crossly. ‘You've been working far too hard. for the past six months, Roger. If you work any harder, you'll have a nervous breakdown’. “Don’t worry, ll be all right’ Roger answered. ‘But you'll be bored, sitting at home every night.” ‘I don't mind, except for tonight, Gretchen said. ‘George Tompkins asked us to dinner. I accepted the invitation.” “Then I guess we'll have to go.’ Gretchen jumped up, kissed her husband, and ran upstairs to put on her make-up. With one sad look at his portfolio, George went upstairs to get ready to go out 76 MMMENEEEMIGNS reich Forty winks ‘weeks, we won't go out at all. I'm ‘going to bring work home every night. If anyone rings ‘The Halseys had no car, so George Tompkins called’ for them at six-thirty. Tompkins, a cheerful man with a moustache, was a successful interior decorator”. Very soon, the three of them were back at George's house. They were standing in the sitting-room that George had designed for himself. ‘Tlike the tom,’ Gretchen said, as George handed her: adrink. ‘So do 1/ George answered. ‘I designed it to please myself and I succeeded. Come on, Roger,’ George went. on, ‘you look awful. Have a drink!” ‘A drink? No, thank you. I've got to work when I get home.’ “Work?” Geonge Tompkins repeated. He smiled. ‘Listen, Roger, you work too hard George said, “You've got to balance your life. You know — work a lit playa little’ “That's what I tell him,’ Gretchen said. ‘Thelieve in a balanced life,’ George went on. ‘Let describe a day in my life to you.” “Oh, yes, do!’ Gretchen cried, opening her dark e very wide. ‘Well, said George, ‘when I get up, I do exercises f half an hour. Then I have a bath or shower ~ cold, course. I have breakfast and drive to my office, where work tll four. Then I play golf, oF squash* at my ch There's usually time for a quick game of cards be dinner. I may have dinner with a customer or eat alone!” “That sounds wonderful! 1 wish we lived like the Gretchen said. ‘Roger’s going to work at home ev night for the next six weeks. What do you think of that George Tompkins shook his head sadly. “By the end of those six weeks, you'll be on the way. the hospital, Roger,’ he said. “You'll work too hard at then — bang! It be too late, “And it's hard on you too,’ George Tompkins addi turing to Gretchen with a smile. “Idon’t mind,’ Gretchen answered, “Oh, yes she does, Roger said. ‘Gretchen minds a l But it can’t be helped. It won't be for ever!” “Let's not talk about it, Gretchen said quickly.‘ forget about work, Roger. Just for this evening!” It was eleven o'clock when George left them at own front door. Roger and Gretchen stood there ‘moment, looking at the moon. Roger put his arm aro his wife's shoulders. “I can make more money than George Tomp! Roger said firmly. ‘And I'll be doing it in just forty d ‘Forty days, Gretchen repeated sadly. ‘It so ‘an awful long time. I wish [ could sleep for those days’ ‘Why don’t you, honey"? Take forty winks and you wake up, everything willbe fine!’ ‘Two weeks went by. Roger was working so hard that he did not know what day it was. From eight in the moming, to five-thirty at night, he worked in his office. By seven- thirty, he was working again, at home, his work spread ‘out on the living-room table. Itwas often three o'clock in the morning before Roger turned away from his layouts" and walked slowly upstairs to bed ‘George Tompkins took Gretchen out on three Sundays in December. One night, he took her to the theatre. And, to Roger's horror, Gretchen put up a photograph of ‘Tompkins on their bedroom wall. Christmas came and went. Roger was working harder and harder. He had to finish the layouts for Garrod’s Shoes. He was trying to get eight new advertising accounts. Ifhe got only four of the eight accounts, Roger would have business worth $250,000 next year It was the first week of January. Roger's forty days of work had nearly ended. On the following Thursday, H.G. Garrod of Garrod’s Shoes was going to arrive in New York. On the Wednesday evening, Roger came home and found Gretchen looking unhappily at the December bills. “They're terrible, We've spent a lot of money. But I can'thelp it Gretchen sai. ‘Well, I didn’t marry you because you're careful with, money,’ Roger told her kindly. ‘Don’t let's quarrel about it, Llove you, Gretchen. Say you love me = quick!” "You know Llove you.” Later, after dinner, Roger spread his work out on the living-room table. ‘Oh, Roger, I didn’t think you had to work tonight,” Gretchen said sadly. ‘I've invited George Tompkins here.’ ‘Well, I'm sorry, honey, but you'll have to phone and. tell him not to come.” “But he's coming straight from his office,’ Gretchen said, ‘He'll be on his way by now.” When George arrived, he looked at Roger and shook hishead. ‘Still working, Roger?" he said. “Take my advice and stop. Stop before you're ill. We can only work so much and then - bang!’ “You must excuse me,’ Roger said, as politely as he could. ‘Thave to finish this work. I'm going upstairs.’ “Dowhat you like, Roger Georgesmiled. llbe happy here, talking to Gretchen. But if were you, I'd put that work away. Get a good nights sleep!” Roger found it difficult to work sitting on the bed. He could hear their voices downstairs and that disturbed him. At ten o'clock, he stopped trying to work and went downstairs. George and Gretchen were sitting together ‘on the sofa. ‘Oh, hello,’ George said cheerfully. ‘We were discussing, your health.’ ‘My health’s all right. I'm not ill Roger answered, “But what about Gretchen? You're selfish, Roger. You're not working on a great poem or a great picture, are you? It's justa silly advertisement about hair tonic or shoes.” “That's not fair’ Roger said. ‘My advertising work may be as useless as your interior designing. But to Gretchen and me, my work is the most important thing in the world” here,’ Roger said clearly. ‘ake my advice and stop. Stop before you're ill. We ean only ‘work so much and then ~ bang!” ‘So my work's useless, is it?’ Tompkins cried, looking at Gretchen. ‘So you think I've been wasting my time all these years, do you? But remember that [play as well. I'm not working all the time. ‘For the last six weeks you've done all your playing ‘Tompkins stood up. The two men stared angrily at each other. ‘Roger!’ Gretchen exclaimed ‘Tompkins lit a cigarette and smiled “You've lost your temper", Roger,’ George said. ‘You're so tired that you don’t know what you're saying, You're going to have a nervous breakdown.’ “You get out of here!’ Roger cried. ‘Get out ~ before 1 throw you out!” “Throw me out?’ Tompkins exclaimed, laughing, The two men both took a step forward. With a cry, Gretchen ran between them. She took hold of George ‘Tompkins’ arm, + ‘Roger's being a fool, George. You'd better go,’ Gretchen said. ‘Hie insulted me!’ Tompkins shouted ‘Never mind, George,’ Gretchen said. ‘He doesn’t now what he's saying. Please go now and I'll see you here tomorrow afternoon.’ ‘No, you won't,’ Roger told her. “He's not coming to this house any more.” Gretchen's Forty Winks ” Tompkins smiled at Gretchen. “Then we'll meet at my house’ he said. ‘When George had left, Gretchen burst into tears. “George was the only friend I had. And you insulted him’ she cried. “don’t want you going out with him any more, Roger said, “Twill I will I'll go out with him if want to!’ Gretchen cried Roger looked at his wife coldly. ‘Gretchen,’ he said, ‘put on your hat and coat, go out of the door and never come back!’ Gretchen’s mouth fell open. said “Then be quiet and be sensible, Roger told her. ‘You're not going out with George Tompkins again.” “Thate you,’ Gretchen said slowly. 'd like to tear up all the work you've done and throw it on the fire She stood up, ran upstairs and banged the bedroom door shut. ‘Once again, Roger spread out his work on the living- room table. He looked from one bright colour in the drawings to another. Picking up a coloured pen, he began to work. Half an hour passed and he was working well. ‘The only sound in the room was the sound of his pens. Roger looked at his watch. It was half past three in the morning. He did not feel tired, but his head hurt. ‘Tve got to sleep,’ Roger said aloud. ‘I've got to sleep or I'll go mad’ He went into the kitchen and fetched the alarm-clock", He set the clock to ring at seven. Then, wrapping himself in his coat, he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep at once. When the alarm went off at seven, Roger woke up. He felt better But there were many more hours of work ahead of him, Roger suddenly had an idea. He hurried out to the nearest drugstore! and was back by seven-thirty. He made some coffee and poured some into a cup. Then he took out a small packet and opened it. He put a spoonful of white powder into the cup and stirred the coffee carefully. Roger went upstairs with the cup of coffee and opened the bedroom door quietly. Gretchen woke up. “"Nobreakfast, just coffee’ she said coldly. Roger smiled and put the cup of coffee on her table. He left the room quickly. Five minutes later, he looked into the bedroom. Gretchen was fast asleep. The coffee cup was empty. Roger found a suitcase. He went to the cupboard and took out all of Gretchen’s shoes. Roger put the shoes in the suitcase, closed it and looked around the room. With a smile, he picked up a pair of scissors. Then he bent down andi cut the telephone wire behind the table. Roger looked down at Gretchen and kissed her gently. She did not move. Very quietly, Roger picked up the suitcase, locked the bedroom door after him and went quickly downstairs “But I don’t want to!’ she By five o'clock that afternoon, Roger's work on the Garrod's Shoe account was finished. He sent the layouts by messenger to H.G. Garrod atthe Biltmore Hotel Roger slept in his offce that night. He woke up at sx- Gretchen's Forty Winks thirty on Friday moming. By eight o'clock, he was anxious that his whole body felt as if it was on fire. Whe the phone rang at nine-thirty, Roger picked it up wit trembling hands. Hello,’ he said “Ig that the Halsey Advertising Agency?" “Yes. This is Roger Halsey speaking.’ "Mr HG. Garrod here.’ Roger's heart almost stopped beating, “Young fellow, this is wonderful work you've sent me,” Garrod said, ‘We want you to do all our advertising.’ “Oh, sure, Mr Garrod, sure,’ Roger replied. He put down the phone. Then he lay down on the sofa and cried and cried. ‘Three hours later, Roger was home again, He ran upstairs and opened the bedroom door. He had the moming newspaper under his arm. Gretchen sat up in bed. “What time is it? she cried. Roger looked at his watch. “Twelve o'clock’ Gretchen began to cry. ‘Tm sorry I was s0 bad last night’ she said. Roger smiled. “Everything's all right now, he said. ‘Tve got 1 Garrod’s account. It's the biggest one,” “You have?’ Gretchen cried. ‘Can | buy a new dress?” “Adress? You can buy a dozen! We will be earning all of money. This account is worth $40,000 a year.” “$40,000 a year,’ Gretchen repeated quietly. ‘Oh, Ro} won't go out with George Tompkins today’ “Lwouldn’tlet you anyway, Roger sad. “1 must phone him. We arranged to go out ‘Thursday’ “Too late. It isn’t Thursday today. I's Friday’ ‘Friday? Roger, you must be crazy. Do you think don't know what day it is?” ‘Itisn’t Thursday. It’s Friday’ Roger repeated. He out the newspaper and pointed at the date. “Look at this,’ he said. ‘Its Friday.’ Gretchen got up out of bed and began looking for clothes. Roger went into the bathroom to wash and shave When he came back, Gretchen was in bed again. “What's the matter? Roger asked. “Ym frightened. I must be going mad. I can’t find my shoes. “But the cupboards full of shoes!” 4Lknow. But I can’t see them. What's the matter with) me, Roger? Fist I've lost a day, then I've lost my shoes Help me, Roger!” ‘Tl get the doctor,’ Roger said. ‘Oh, the phone's working. I'l go and get him myself” ‘The doctor arrived in ten minutes. ‘woke up and found I'd lost a whole day.’ Gret whispered to him. ‘Ihad arranged to go out with Ge Tompkins’ ‘George Tompkins? The doctor laughed. ‘Geor won't be going out for some time,’ he said. ‘He's had nervous breakdown! ‘What!’ Roger and Gretchen exclaimed together. “What's the matter with me, Roger? First I've lost a day, then I've lost my shoes. Help me, Roger! ‘He collapsed in his cold shower’ the doctor explained. “But he was always talking about his healthy, balanced lite!’ “Lknow/ the doctor said. “He was stil talking about it this moming. I think it's made him a litle mad. He turned to Gretchen, “But allthis young lady needs is a good rest. She must stay at home for a few days. After forty winks, she'll be well again.’ “What about me, doctor?’ Roger asked quickly, ‘Don’t you think I need a rest? I've been working very hard lately.” “You!” the doctor cried. ‘You're very healthy. You've never looked better in your life!” Roger tumed away so they wouldn't see him smile, He looked at the photograph of George Tompkins on the bedroom wall. And Roger gave it - almost — forty winks. Gretchen's Forty Winks 79 80 Glossary Pa a Bernice Bobs Her Hair = 1° wnpin- fo unpin take out the curved metal pins 1 bob~to bob your hair which are used to fasten long, have your hair cut short so it hair on top of your head. isjust below your ears. Atthis 14. parber-sh time it was fashionable for ea (patie aera anes aeen ee was pinned on top of their heads. Some young women cut their hair short in a new fashion 15. intention of —hiave no intention of have decided not to (do and many people thought that something) this wasaterble thing todo. 16. feol of yourself -to make a feo of People thought that women yourself who did this were bad women behave ina way that makes you cane look foolish. able to say funny, clever things. 17 cleaner's 3. rary about be czy aout” a place where you take your zl eee clothes to be cleaned. Usually someone the clothes are cleaned with like someone very much. és y chemicals, not washed. This 4 cut in on type of cleaning is called dry cleaning. 18. hairdressers a place where women have their hair cut. 19 braid you twist three pieces of long stop two people who are dancing together and ask one of them to dance with you instead. 5 fan something a woman holds in. her hand and moves in front of her face, The fan moves the air and makes her cool if she is too hair together to make a braid. In warm. British English the word is plait. Chenier ace 20. scalped — to scalp play a sort of game with cut the skin and hair from ooreone, When you fit you the head of someone who has ieaeaveeadarea eas ie youl just been killed. Some North might be in love with them. ‘American Indian tribes did this epeatiiees to show that they had killed an flirt too much so you make ee someone upset or angry: (See flirt) Gretchen's Forty Winks 8 admired — to atmire + Whee aeny like someone because of what winking is to open and close they look like or what they do. cone eye quickly. People 9 respected — to respect someone sometimes do this to make a have a good opinion of friendly or secret sign. To take someone because of how they forty winks is to have a short ‘behave and what they say. sleep. 10 hopeless 2 portfotio if someone is hopeless they do a large flat case for carrying not know what to do, what to drawings or plans, say or how to behave. 3. sofa 11 end—tocome toa bad end a comfortable seat with arms have something terrible happen and a high back for two or three to you because of the way you people to sit on. behave. 4 accounts — advertising account 12 guess ~I guess ‘anarrangement to plan and do I think, I believe all the advertising work for a company. Glossary 10 n 6 chan a possibility to do something or succeed in something. To take a chance means to do something even if you might fal. breakdown — have a neroous breakdown ‘become ill and unable to work because you have been working too hard. decorator — interior decorator someone who designs the insides of people’s houses. An interior decorator decides on the colours of walls, curtains and carpets and the kind of furniture to go in a house. squash a game played by two people with rackets and a ball. You play squash in a court with high ‘walls and a roof. hhoney ‘special name for someone you love. spread out Roger's papers and drawings are lying everywhere. They are covering the top of the table. layouts drawings which a designer makes when he/she is, planning something like an advertisement. ‘temper fo lose your femper become angry. alarm-clock ‘a clock which makes a noise at certain time to wake you up. drugstore shop which sells medicines. (Other names for the same sort of shop are a pharmacy or a chemist's. collapsed ~ fo collapse fall down because you are ill 1 Friends Grammar 1 ayis ») speak ©) ‘mlearning 4) ‘ve known ©) ‘vebeen living z ) grew 4) came h) were living 2 a) is/'s » 6) ‘m/am sitting @) ‘we/have visited 2) ‘ve/have been living 4) went 2) was wearing 3 a) Whatiis your best friend’s name? bb) What kind of music do you like? ©) Where are you sitting right now? d) How many times have you visited England? ) How long have you been living in this town? §) Where did you go on holiday last year? 8) What were you wearing yesterday? 5 a) isn't ) does ©) weren't 4) isn't ©) has 1) didn't g) was, hy haven't Answer key 7 a) What do you use your computer for? ) Who do you confide in? «) What are you good at? 44) What do you spend your money ) What kind of things do you worry about? {Who do you usually have dinner with? 8) What clubs or groups do you belong to? 1h) What are you interested in? 8 a) lives ) do they do ©) do youlike @) makes @) do you see ) knows ) sends 1) do they write 9 av b) Wenever have arguments ov av ©) We often enjoy the same things. ) [buy him clothes now and again. 8) Talways take him on holiday with nv 10 a) Lam usually ina hurry. b) Thardly ever buy things online. ©) Ttext my friends all the time. d) Ido the housework from time to time @) Igo to the theatre once a month. ) Lam rarely late for English classes. 8) [don’t often worry about things. h) Lalways remember my dreams. i) Loften prefer to be alone. 5 Vocabulary 1 T hititoff 2 close friends 3 alotin common 4 got on really well 5 drifted apart 6 our separate ways 7 click 8 ups and downs 9 fell out 10 always be there a) 7 = aueune 6 1 things 2 pretty good 3 upto 4 keeping busy 5 better 6 See you Pronunciation 2 2) feel ») his «) live <) seat 6) this 5) well Reading 1 ©) Real life friends get together one more time 2 a3 bs 1 a2 : 3 Brad Pit later married Angelina Jolie. A a) F b)T oT aT °F HT aF 5 ») Writing 1 Suggested answers a) The email fom zarina49®, nickypodolski,clancylindfild, sonjakert, kpjones2tand joe-wilson are probably personal messages ‘The emails from sales@ budgethotel, bawragg and info 2) am smiling / remind ») are sharing / don’t have ) know / are laughing 4) am looking / believes ©) admire /is tying ) don’t understand / are crying 8) am reading / like 1) hate / am doing 2 a) A: looks B: ‘m / am thinking ) A: Do you have / Have you got B: ‘m /am having ©) A‘ are you looking B: ‘ve got / have (got) ) A: do you think B: 'm/amthinking 3 buying playing camying running crying sharing doing smiling getting staying living, swimming looking trying, planning waiting 4 2) since b) since 6) for d) ) since g) for fy for hhas been looking, hhas been going thas been writing has been dreaming hhas been hoping. have been telling have been trying. hasn't / has not been listening A: You've boon being very quiet for a few minutes. Yes. I've been thinking. What have you been thinking about? B: Well, you see that guy over there? He's been looking at me non-stop since we arrived. A: And you've been watching him. B: Yes. And you know what? It’s love at first sight. I've been falling fallen in love with him! _ A: But you've never heemmecting: met him, B: Tknow. But since we came in I've been feeling very strange. I've never beerrhaving had this feeling, before, A: Lthink he's looking at the kitchen. door, He's been waiting for his dinner to arrive. 7 a) have you known b) have you been learning, €) have you been sitting d) have youhad ©) have you been ) have you liked 8) have you been wearing / have you h) have you been doing es Pronunciation 1 1 i athletic another both clothes faithful father marathon there something this think together thoughtful with = Healthy thirty-something theatre fan Joking for someone with thadspecial something, Call me earlierhan the) ‘hind Thursday of €hi5 manth They) call me hut! + EEE Vocabulary 1 8) echusband ) half-sister 6) nephew 4) partner ¢) step-father 1) daughter-in-law 2) only child }y) niece 2 Sentence fis impossible because the son of her parents is her brother. 3 ) Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? }) Have you ever been to an online dating site? ©) Do you think you will ever meet the person of your dreams? 4) Have you ever proposed to ©) How many serious relationships have you had? f) Have you ever split up with a broken heart? 4 a) sociable ») shy ©) optimistic 4) considerate ©) witty 4) generous ) reliable h) easygoing 5 unreliable «) loyal ) down-to-earth outgoing ») self-assured a) creative ») sensitive Good qualities: amusing, broad- minded, cheerful, easygoing, kind, modest, tolerant, trustworthy Bad qualities: arrogant, big-headed, dull, impractical, narrow-minded, self-centred, selfish, thoughtless cheerful 4 demanding self-centred big-headed. faithful realistic 1 can 2 particularly 3 tend 4 bit 5 exactly 6 very 7 suppose Reading 1 + athird person causes problems in the relationship ofthe lovers. + one person must hide a secret from the person he/she loves. «the lovers have an argument because ofa misunderstanding + the lovers get married atthe end of the film, 2 Happy endings: Mr and Mrs Smith, Notting Hill, When Harry Met Sally Sad endings: Moulin Rouge, Love Story 3 a) Moulin Rouge, Love Story ') Moulin Rouge, Love Story ©) Mrand Mrs Smith, Moulin Rouge 4d) Moulin Rouge, Love Story ) Moulin Rouge, Notting Hill 8) Mrand Mrs Smith, Moulin Rouge g) Mrand Mrs Smith, When Harry Meet Sally Writing 1 (0)a letter from one friend to another 2) a) ») 9 d) ) ) 8) 3, a) ean’ wait. b) It would be great to meet up a €) Itwas great to hear from you again. d) Ilgive youa ring. @) Twas meaning to get in touch 8) I'm sorry I didn’t write sooner. g) Love h) She sends her love. 4 ©) to change the subject 5 a) Thaven’t been doing much recently. Irs been very quietat college. Anyay, [must go now and buy some stamps. Ttwas good to hear from you. I hope you'll tell me more in your next letter. Amyony, the reason I'm ‘writing now isto tell you my big news. I'm getting married! ¢) Mike and Marion have split up. He's feeling miserable and she's met another guy. Anyway, what have you been doing in the last few weeks? b) 4 Party Grammar i av ) Some people were dancing and they asked us to join them in. ©) The festival goes it on for four days 4) The fireworks went off them at midnight. ©) The house burntst down in an enormous fie ov av 2 a) Lenjoy looking after them, b) Lalways wear them out very quickly 6) Tike trying them on atthe shops. 4) Ym really looking forward toit 6) lttakes me along time to get over it 1 People often ask me to turn it down 8) Ifind it dffcul to come up with them. h) Tnever look them up in a dictionary. 3 a) A: Are you going to get married B: Maybe. I'l tell you when we've decided on a date. b) A: Where are you going to find the money? B: The bank! I'm seeing the bank ‘manager on Friday. ©) A: You will write to me often, won't you? B: Yes, I've decided that I'm going, tm email you every morning, 4) A: OK,T'l give you a call tomorrow night. B: No, don’t im going to be out tomorrow. @) A: Are you coming to the party? B: Yes, I'm going to be there. #) A: Are you going tohelp him with that? B: No, think I'l let him do it on his own, = a) doing ) going ©) meeting, d) touse ) towatch A) toget 8) tocat h) seeing 1. ‘mgoing /’‘m going to go 2 ‘mleaving / 'm going to leave 3. will you spend /are you going to spend / are you spending 4 ‘look 5 give 6 ’sgoing / ’s going to go 7 ‘Mask 8 ‘'m going to take / Il take /’m taking ©) something 6) somebody 8) nothing hy) anywhere Everything, somewhere anything nothing Nobody / No one everybody / everyone everywhere: Someone / Somebody Pronunciation 1 5 4) special b) this ©) brush 4) noise ©) worse 8) reason 2 12 of the following: Is ba w course as special is brush was shoe goes | shower has sure music | push noise | shame Worse | reason. | sugar 3 adresses (dresiz/ ‘exercise /eksosatz/ shirts (fons) shoes (Juz! showers /Javoz/ shush (fof surprise /sopratz/ Vocabulary 1 a) » Qo @) ° p 2 3 a) b) ° bonfire statue fireworks parade traditional dress firecrackers parade traditional dress bonfire fireworks firecrackers statue off 4) up °) 9 2) ) 4 a) ») ° @ °) 9 2) 5 a) b) ° after down / off forward 4 5 6 7 3 1 2 ‘comment wish mistake 4) clear 8) ) 2 research decorating housework EE «: 36 Missing words: dustpan, brush 7 a) » 9 @) °) ) 8) ») 8 a) ») 9 a) °) do make make make do : make do do surprise invitations dress balloons atmosphere ) greeted Are you doing anything Iwas wondering ‘That sounds great Do you fancy Where do you want to go? ‘Would you like to Yd really love to, but What a shame Listening 1 Spain 2 4 3 Everybody throws wine over everybody else. People go toa church service. People run away from young bulls in the bullring. The mayor leads a procession out of the town. ‘The procession retums to the town. ‘There is music and dancing in the town square, ‘They have breakfast. People go toa church service. People run away from young bulls in the bullring Ue 2) beautifal sunny summer's evening ») Iwas dressed and ready before half past five ©) Weal followed him on foot to small mountain six or seven kelometres away d) Brilliant fun! ©) with everyone's Tshirts now pink 4) unfortunately Tcouldn’ stay for that Writing z Dear David Tam just writing to say how much I ‘enjoyed your party at the weekend. I dida’t se you when left, which is why I'm writing to say thank you now. There was a really good atmosphere and we all had a ‘wonderful time Timagine you spent ages getting everything ready. The food was fantastic and the cocktails were brilliant. It was a really good idea to have the music and the dancing in the garden, to. “Anyway, thanks again. Itwas an evening Ill never forget Love Helen Dear David, 1f'm writing to say sorry for last ‘weekend. I feel very bad about it and I hope youl forgive me. hate to think ‘what other people think of me. know it wasn’t a good idea to dance on the table, but I was having such a good time. I'm afraid I didn’t realise that it wasn’t strong enough for my weight. ‘Anyway, please accept my apologies for being so stupid. It won't happen again! I’ve enclosed a cheque and I hope that it's enough to pay for the damage. Best wishes (with a red face) Benita 3 a) A ba oT a) A oT HT aT 5 Edible Grammar 1 1 sardines 2 tuna 3 garlic fish 5 mussels 6 seafood 7 veal 8 vegetables 9 meat 10 beer 11 olives 12 sandwiches 13 glasses cod 2 2) beers ») beer ) whisky 4) whiskies ©) cakes f) cake 8) chocolate fh) chocolates 1) coffees i) coffee 3 a) several ) enough ©) abitof 4) plenty of e) much f) alotof g) lots of h) afew 4 a) much, ») none ©) not 4) plenty ) few fy lot 8) many 5 4) Tused to hate my food when Iw child, »b) Tused to refuse to eat everything. ) [didn’t use to like meat, fish or vegetables. d) My parents used to be worried about me. ©) Used to can’t be used here. 4) Used fo can’t be used here 8g) After that, I used to be even mi difficult. 6 a) where did you use tohave lunch? b) ... what did you use to drink in the ‘morning? ©)... what did your favourite food. use to be? 4)... did you use to go out to restaurants? €) «did you use to eat too much? 4)... what chocolate bars did you use to prefer? 7 used to have a job in a restaurant. Every morning, [would go there at ten o'clock and [would have a coffee with all the others before work. The boss used fobe very tough, but all of us liked him. At the end of a good day, he would buy everyone a drink. On really good days, I would make about £40 in tips. I used tobe the best waitress there. 8 The nineteenth-century scientist Frank Buckland used to invite his friends for dinner in his London home. Buckland, Who msed-teserite wrote the best- selling Curiosities of Natural History, used to like serving his guests with ‘extremely strange meals. He would them things like kangaroo or roast zebra. Buckland would used to have a large collection of animals in his house, including a family of rats that used to Hiving live under his desk. His monkeys would running around, his home and he would give them beer to drink Vocabulary 1 ‘Ment and fish: hake, lobster, prawns, sausages, turkey, veal Vegetables: aubergine, beans, cauliflower, celery, garlic, leeks, lettuce Fruit: figs, grapefruit, lime, peach, plum, raspberries 2 Smoked salmon and cockroaches, Bitter radishes and crunchy grasshoppers Caterpillar and whisky yoghurt 3 a) abar of soap) b) abowlof soup ©) abox of matches 4) abunch of keys ) ajar ofhoney 8) a packet of crisps 4 a) packet ) bunch ©) box / packet dd) bar e) jar 1) bowl 5 a) wine ») coffee ©) meal 4) egg ) beer 1) cheese 8) prawns 6 tinned bland tough chewy boiled greasy fresh spicy biter 7 1. Yes, table for two inthe name of Smith 2. Not quite. Could you give us a minute or two, please? 3. Yes, two lasses of dry white wine, please 4 Excuse me, we're ready to onder 5. Well both have the steak, please. 6 Both well done please. Pronunciation 2 1. What can get you, sit? Two glasses of beer and a packet of crisps, please, 2 Let's meet at seven atthe station. Yes, we'll find somewhere for dinner in the centre of town, Reading a) Absinthe~ the latest fashion ) Where you can get it 4) The reasons for its popularity ©) What is absinthe? ©) The history of absinthe b) How to drink it? 2 a) 6 by2 93 a5 1 p4 3 a) There's a good chance ») curious ©) itis now available 4) set you back ) get hold of ) frankly g) touch 1) avariety of 1) nits pure form §)_ people ofall social classes ) the fall of Writing ae b)7 1 as 2 6 5 ha 3 6 Time Grammar i 2 | a) January or February ») the 19905 6) atnight 4) Sunday morning. @) the winter 1) the weekend g) June 7 1) five o'lock: the morning 2 Lin 2on 3 during 4on Sat 6 At 7 In 8 During 9in 10 on Tin Din 1 don’thave to 2 can 3 have to 4 mustn't 5 should b) 1 haveto don'thave to can't must should can't ave to shouldn't must 9 a) 1 We should be in good physical condition, : ‘We have to follow orders all the time, : 3. Wecan live with our family when we're not abroad. 4 We don’t have to wear uniform in the evenings, b) 1 Wedon't have to have any special training. 2. We can't disagree with our Ee leader. 3. We should be well dressed, 4 We shouldin’t tell the truth too much. 5 Soldier ~a; politician —b. Pronunciation 1 a) pack ) back «) down 4) town «) leave f) leaf 8) gl hy class 2 Columns 3 Column 2 Vocabulary ¥ a) the 10th and the 11th b) the 27th. ©) the 24th a) the 27th e) the 17th the 5th g) the 6th fy) the 26th » EE a) a week today b) the day before yesterday. ©) ten days ago 4) the day after tomorrow @) next Saturday #) aweek ago g) inthree days’ time a) putoff ) cross of «) calm down 4) getby ¢) come up with ) rely on i a) put... off ») calm down ©) come up with 4) rely on ©) got by 1) crossed off 5 a) ») ° a) ° 9 qualifications deadlines shift tunsociable flexible open-plan a) Thank b) enclose ©) confirm; writing, 2 a) response ») curriculum vitae ©) apply; position 3 a) received ») available ©) attend ) grateful ) hearing. 8 a) in; for ») time again ©) kill 4) running opt ©) spare £) flies g) one at hh) making good. Listening 1 a) eee eee 2 2) bred eee geal eee 2 sen ee 8 body Writing 1 ‘The letter isin response to the first advertisement. 2 a) x bv ov av ov Dx ax 3 Hi Isaw your ad in the local paper. and I thought 'd drop you a line, Tm interested in doing a time management course and it would be. cool if you could send me abit more. info. Can you give mea few more details about the course dates, the fees and stuff like that? What sort of stuff do wwe study during the course? Are the courses for people with a job or for ‘people who are looking for one? Finally, can you tell me if you also run part-time courses in the evening? Lcan't wait to hear from you, Thanks inadvance. II the best Cosmo Brickett 4 1) Iwould be grateful if you could send me an application form. ) Could you also please tell me more: about the course / contents of the ©) would appreciate it if you could Jet me know how long the course 7 News Grammar 1 a) being ») me ©) tohave €) reading ©) spending f) toget 8) tohelp h) togo = a) He warned me not to touch it. ») She promised to be thezeat eight. / She promised that she would be there a eight. ©) Hesuggested taking the photographers to court. / He suggested that I take the photographers to court 4) She explained that the intrest rate charges from time to time. / She explained thatthe interest ate changed from time to ime 6) [realised that I mustn’t leave this job. f) He told his wife to forget about * him. 8) She agreed to see them /us later. 1) He asked her to stop being horrible. 3 ‘was kidnapped was kept ‘was photographed was... arrested, was sentenced was released has been made 4 a) been b) be ©) Are d) were ©) Have Is g) being 1h) Has 5 a) was arrested b) was stopped ©) were found €) hasbeen arrested ©) has never been convicted f) was kept 8) has been cancelled hy isbelieved 6 a) The car was followed by the paparazzi for ten kilometres. b) She is photogeaphed when she walks down the street. ©) She will be paid $50,000 for the photos (by the newspaper). 4) The photos are going to be put on the front page of the newspaper. ©) Last night, an enormous sum of money was stolen froma Hollywood celebrity 8) The ex-footballer, Robert Flower, hhas been accused of burglary (oy police officers). 8) He was described as desperate and dangerous (by the police). hh) He was sentenced to four years in jail by the judge). 7 1) Donald Thomas escaped from prison. ) He discovered that it hurt a lot ©) Bank robber, John Perkins, 37, was. arrested at Los Angeles airport. ) André Gurmon, from Lyons, France, put an advertisment in the newspaper. Circus girl, Jacquelyn LaBow, 22, ‘was jailed for six days by a court in Nice. 4) Ford told the truth about his teeth after he was voted the sexiest man. alive ‘The happy couple were visiting ‘Trinidad for a short holiday. Vocabulary = 2) photogenic ) obsessed 6) unflattering &) desperate ¢) insensitive 4) hypocritical 2 2) insensitive ) desperate 6) photogenic d) obsessed «) hypocritical §) unilatering 3 a) Hot Gossip b) Parking Ticket ©) Fugitives d) Paparazzi Chase ©) Stop, Thief 4) Family Court ®) 4 a) arrested, b) stolen ©) committed d) kidnapped ) escorted ) patrolled escaped aaa 9 let 10 love 7 Conversation 1 ¢),b),) Conversation 2 a), ),),b) Conversation 3 ¢),b),d), a) ‘Conversation 4 e), a),b),d),c) Pronunciation 2 a) want to think ») promise/ promised to change 6) unavailable for comment 4) just doing ajob ©) aholiday fortwo ‘They are all true except rime fighter. her money ‘other people's opinion of her her family background her education her career her problems her prison sentence her current life 3 a) 6 thebest schools b) 7 publicity ©) 2 amodel ¢) 1 amillion dollars ©) 4 analbum 8) 5 jail g) 3 ashow Writing 2 a) despite b) However @) Although d) Although ©) despite 8) However 3 ) opinion +) believe ©) remember ) wrong e) point 1) more 4) considered fh) conclusion 8 Journey ee Grammar 1 1 mightbe 2 Could 3 be 4 be 5 cant 6 it 7 could 8. must 2 A Venezuela B Brazil C Cuba 3 a) can't ) might ©) suppose 4) definitely ) certainly f) can't g) could hh) must oo ES 4 Suggested answers It can’t be Angola because they don’t speak Spanish in Angola. It definitely isn’t Brazil because the population is too small. It might be Honduras or Cuba Decauise of the exports. Tt must be Cuba because I don't think Honduras has that many people. 5 a6 5 92 a4 at N7 23 he 6 2a) ad already visited WPhought o) went 4) had decided ©) fell 4) had invited g) met fy) had never been Pronunciation 1 a) author, board, cork, fll b) person, curving, worst, first <) heart, garden, arm, market 2 bod ba lel all birds | car ought | gitl | hardly horse | retun | large wall | suf | part water | world | start Vocabulary 1 a)lin 2of 3far 4t0 b) Son 6 not Q7in Son d) 9 in 10 between The place shown isc). 2 5 a) Buddhist b) snow-capped ©) ancient 4) waterfall ) skyline ) high-rise surrounded popular sun loungers unspoilt clits southern hidden overlooking False True True False True False True False DOU RON» CaNOueene 5 a) peace and quiet ») take itor leave it ©) dlean and tidy @) giveortake ¢) all or nothing #) come and go 2) sooner or later 6 Conversation 1 Ym trying to get to Dover. Do you know what the quickest way. aw ‘You just need to go to the roundabout at the end of this road ‘Conversation 2 ‘We're looking for the swimming pool Could you tell us which way we need togo? You need to take the first tuning on. the right Conversation 3 Excuse me, we're trying to get to the centre of town. ‘The town centre? Yes, go to the end of the road and tum left at the roundabout. OK, thanks. So... straight down here to the roundabout and we take the turing on the left? Yes, that’s right. After that, you can. follow the signs. 7 a) 3 b)2 o4 8 Suggested answer Go out of the Parliament building and turn right. Go to the end of the road and tur right again. Walk down this street and take the fourth road on your right. Go straight down this street and again take the fourth turning on your right. The café is on your left Listening 2 entertainment 2 food 5 hotel 3 journey 4 ‘money and prices 1 ‘weather 6 9 Opinions Grammar 1 a) admit ») claim «) tell 4) reply ) think A tell 8) say A) tell 2 a4 b)3 gi a2 et 3 4) His mother sai that life was like a box of chocolates >) Freddy told the children (that) he was coming for them. 6) He told Fredo (that) he had broken his hear. 4) She said (that) his eyes had made love to her all evening, «) He said (that) he would be back. f) He said (that) he was going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse. '8) She sai (that) she had had a farm in Africa. hh) He told her (that) they would always have Paris. 4 “My favourite film is Titanic’. I've already seen it six times and I'm going, to watch it again tonight. 'ma great fan of Kate Winslet and I'm hoping fo meejgper one day. I particularly like thé ending, although it always makes me cry. don’t find Leonardo ddiCaprio very attractive, but (I think) he'sa great actor” 5 av b) She asked me what the title of his last book was, ov ) She asked me which book I had. read first. €) She asked me if Iwas going to read. any of his books again. nv 8) She asked me if [knew anything, about his life. ne @) Who is your favourit author? ) What's the title of his last book? ©) How many books has he written? 2) a large checked baseball cap ') apairofblack leather motorcycle boots ) pair of ridiculous baggy silk trousers 4) an old snakeskin cowboy belt ¢) an old-fashioned brown cotton shirt {) abrand-new colourful Italian te 2) along plan back leather coat 2 4) had it sharpened, ) hasit washed, ©) had it painted. 4) had itdone fe) hasit designed 4) hasit coloured 8) ‘vehad them whitened 3 a) do you have your hair cut? b) you ever had your ears pierced? ©) did you last have your eyes tested? d) you like to have your home redecorated? ©) Have you ever had a pair of trousers taken 1) do you have your shoes repaired? 8) Have you ever had your photo taken Pronunciation 3 a) unfinished &) sunfnished 6) finished 4) finished Vocabulary = Clothes | Materials | Adjectives to describe ees clothes belt | cotton | baggy dress | fur | checked hoody | leather | long-sleeved jeans | linen | low-waisted shirt | silk | pinstripe suit | snakeskin | plain sweater suede scruffy top wool | smart slim wavy streaks receding, deep-set sideburns freckles mole well-built tattoo bald forehead ‘goatee ‘moustache eyeliner » 3 1 makes 2 put 3 having. 4 getting 5 get 6 do 7 put B having 9 making 10 doing ‘Thank welcome lovely think delicious glad much mention Listening 1 ) his career 2 aT »T oF ar oT T oF WT DF ONORRONE COLAGREnE e 3 a) astory about becoming wealthy ») he has become even more successful ©) that makes him special 4) he had a natural talent for noticing ©) Lauren has everything that anyone could want Writing a3 b)1 o4 a2 a1 b4 93° da a4 92 B)2 my. 3 a) of b) to 99 d) as 95

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