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5 min Breakfast

to Weight Loss!

Written by
Mark Leong
Asia's Juice Guru
5 min Breakfast

to Weight Loss!

10 Easy to make Recipes to 

Start your Day Right

Mark Leong
Asia's Juice Guru
Co-Founder of Farmz
Copyright @ 2018 by Mark Leong

All rights reserved. 

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without written permission from the copyright holder.

The contents of this book should be used as a general

guideline only. Nothing in this book should be taken as
medical advice or diagnosis, and you should always consult
with a qualified medical practitioner before starting any
detox programme, or if you have any concerns about your
health. The author and the publishers do not accept any
responsibility for any loss or harm that may occur from
your use or misuse of this book or your failure to seek
appropriate medical advice.
Table of Contents
5 Introduction

10 Breakfast is BAD!

12 Intermittent Fasting?

14 You're so Sweet.......

17 Fats don't make you FAT!

20 10 Easy Recipes for your Breakfast

30 See you on the other side


Hey there, Gorgeous!

I’m so happy that you’re decided to take the first step in

improving your Health & Waistline.

I hope to meet you in person someday. But before that, I

trust it’s important for you to know me & my vision for the
World. So here’s a little background about me to start….

Believe it or not, I used to be a meat lover. No, make that

‘Obsessive Meat Lover’!!!

For over 30 years of my life, I ate meat three times a day,

seven days a week with zero intake of Fruits
and Vegetables. I was a fan of fried and grilled food, and in
my teenage years I ate large quantities of Junk, Sweets to
boost my energy level. Supplements & Prescribed Drugs
were part of my daily diet.

My motto was ‘Live life to the fullest’ and I believed that we

should eat anything we crave because life is short.

To be honest, I sometimes wonder how I am still alive

today given my lifestyle and diet back then.

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 5

How Juicing Turned
My Life around
How did it all START?

In 2014, I was diagnosed with a series of health issues.

I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor digestion,
sleeping disorder, bad skin conditions and developed a
full-blown case of chronic fatigue syndrome.

I was so tired in the morning that I could barely crawl out

of bed, and sometimes I felt I could never make it through
the workday because I was so fatigued.

Sleeping pills and coffee were my best friends. I was always

falling sick and my weight yo-yoed. At one point, I was
looking like a human teletubby. 

Here is a picture of how I looked back then when I was at

Is This Book
For Me?
Great that you asked this question!
This book is for you if you are suffering from any of the
following conditions :

1. Challenges in Losing  or Maintaining Weight.

2. Chronic Fatigue (Always tired) 

3. High Cholesterol

4. High Blood Pressure

5. Junk or Sweet Food Cravings

6. Constipated

9. Poor Skin condition or suffering from Bad Skin Issues

such as Eczema.

10. Lactose Intollerant 

Breakfast is BAD!

Say's WHO? It's important to know whose advice you are

taking and what doesn't work for some people, may not
necessary mean it applies to you. 

For some cases where people gain weight from having

Breakfast, after analysing the food consumed by these
individuals, I noticed it's because of the wrong sort of
Breakfast instead of having a meal in the Morning that
caused the weight gain or health issues.

Being an Asian myself, most of us usually take Nasi Lemak,

Curry Noodles, Fried Noodles, or basically a lot of oily food
which are largely carbs and refine sugar. You see my
friend, thats what makes us FAT & un-healthy by having
Breakfast! It's what we eat that matters.

Most people think that by reducing the number of meals in

a day would lead to Weight Loss. Not realising, in fact it
causes them to put on weight instead.

From starving, leading to cravings, followed by eating large

amounts of sugar or carbohydrates in the first meal.
What you need to do is simply by eating more frequently
but in smaller servings. Avoiding Breakfast in this case is a
I am excited to share my collection of high-protein
breakfast recipes with you in this E-book.

These recipes taste Amazing, Healthy & easy to make.

It's something I personally consume myself and not just
sharing for the sake of sharing.
Breaking your fast with a meal packed with protein is
critical to give you the energy you need to take on the
day, and it will also help you feel fuller longer. This is to
avoid your lunch plate portion looking like you have not
eaten for a 100 years!

Our bodies need protein to help repair and grow muscles

and keep our hair and skin looking healthy. If you’re
active and participate in more intense workouts, your
protein needs may be higher, so start the day with a
breakfast that helps you get the nutrients you need!

With that, I would like to summarised that our body

absorbs best in the morning given it has been empty for
more than 8 hours.

Start taking your Breakfast Right!

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 11

Mark, what about me doing Intermittent Fasting?

While Intermittent Fasting is another alternative in

allowing an individual to achieve Weight Loss fast, i am not
going to suggest you to do so in this book, or go into
details about it yet.

Because I would only recommend Intermittent Fasting for

people who knows their body well and with certain
consistency in their eating patterns and timing. More
importantly, understanding your lifestyle and if you are
having any medical conditions.

Most people fail to achieve the desired results, thinking

that they can eat anything and everything in the next 2
meals after fasting for 16 hours.

Don't just follow  a diet, because some folks posted on the

social media showing you results, but without explaining in
details how it is done....... Some, end up suffering from
under nourish conditions or spike in sugar levels in their

So, let's focus on eating the right breakfast as a start!

You're so SWEET...

Being Sweet as a person is a good thing, but just make sure

you are not loading your body with "Artificial Sugar" in
order to enjoy sweetness in your everyday meals.

Did you know that the sugar you eat turns into Acids &
Poison to your body? I bet you don't!

Commercial White Sugar has a damaging effect, on our

teeth, the gastrointestinal tract and the alimentary canal. It
also causes intestinal disorders such as diabetes, cancer,
affects one's vision and destruction of the tissues of the
gums and loss of teeth. 

When we eat refine sugar, in any shape or form, it

ferments in the system causing the formation of acetic
acid, carbonic acid and alcohol.

Acetic Acid is a powerful destructive acid and often use to

burn off warts on the skin. Just imagine what it does to
inside your body if it burn so destructively on the surface
of the skin?
Make sure when you are having your breakfast, the
sweetness should only come from your natural food and
not those commercial cereals, flavoured milks and other

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 15

Fat's don't make
you FAT!
Switching your Full Cream Milk to Low Fat Milk, removing
all food with Fats and buying almost everything with the
label 'LOW FAT', feeling happy by thinking that you're on
the right path to a slimmer & healthier body? 

Well, I hate to disappoint you, but you are heading the

other way and paying more! It's not Fats that are making
you FAT, but it is the Sugar in the Low Fat food that is
making you FAT.

Stripping the fats from the food and to still make it

palatable, Sugar has to be added by the Food

And this is where most people wonder what hit them when
they are eating Cereals with Low Fat Milk every morning
yet, not losing any inch of their waistline.

Sounds familiar?

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 17

In Nutrition, use of Fats is very important.

I am not suggesting that you go load on all your bacons

and burgers next, but all you need to do is to select the
correct vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and oils,  and avoid
or reduce the use of animal food, heavy fats and greases,
particularly the manufactured grease products such as

I hope with this information, it becomes your guide to

choose your food intelligently and avoid eating food
containing an excess of the saturated fatty acids with their
correspondent excessive cholesterol.

Here are some of Nature's Fats that aren't Greasy and good
for you :

1. Avocado
2. Almonds
3. Olive Oil
4. Pumpkin Seeds
5. Brazil nuts
6. Pistachio
7. Olives
8. Pecans
9. Flax Seeds
10. Sesame Seeds

Almond / Cashew

Ingredients Instructions
2 cup of Baked Nuts 1. Blend nuts for at least 5 minutes
1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan salt until butter like consistency.
2. Enjoy the REAL nut spread! 

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21

Almond / Walnut
Ingredients Instructions
1 cup of Soaked Nuts (soak for 8 hrs) 1. Blend all ingredients together
2 cup of Filtered Water until smooth.
2 pitted Medjool Dates 2. Sieve pulp with nut milk bag.
1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 3. Enjoy the REAL nut milk! 
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract 

*Watch on nut milk making

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients (4 pax) Instructions

100g of Rolled Oats 1. Mix and Blend all
800ml of Almond Milk ingredients together.
80g of Chia Seeds 2. Refrigerate for 8 to 12 hours.
70g of Spinach (or any vegetables) 3. Add dry toppings before serving
70g of Raw Honey (optional).

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients Instructions
2 Green Apples 1. Wash all ingredients.
1 Cucumber 2. Peel off Beetroot and cut into smaller
1 Beetroot pieces.
1/2 Lemon 3. Remove lemon seed.
1 inch Ginger 4. Put all ingredients through the juicer
and enjoy!

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients Instructions
250ml Nut Milk 1. Prepare nut milk (refer to page 21).
1 Avocado 2. Remove pit from dates and blend all
2 Medjool Dates ingredients until smooth.
1 teaspoon of Chia Seeds 3. Mix Chia Seeds with smoothie and enjoy!

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21

Ingredients Instructions
1 cup of cooked Chickpeas 1. Saute sliced onions and garlic with olive
1 cup of Tomatoes puree oil till brown.
2 cloves of Garlic 2. Add chickpeas and sauté together.
1 Red Onion 3. Add in tomatoes and boil for 5 minutes.
1 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt
Olive Oil

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients (4 pax) Instructions

100g of Rolled Oats 1. Blend all ingredients together.
800ml of Almond Milk 2. Refrigerate for 8 to 12 hours.
80g of Chia Seeds 3. Add dry toppings before serving
70g of Blueberries (optional).
1 Fig
70g of Raw Honey

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients Instructions
1 cup of cooked Chickpeas 1. Blend all ingredients together for
20g Fresh Mint at least 1 to 2 minutes until the
80g Beetroot hummus is creamy.
130ml Olive Oil
1 pinch of Himalayan Salt
1 pinch of Ground Black Pepper

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients Instructions
2 Oranges 1. Wash and prep all ingredients.
3 Lettuce Leaves 2. Remove orange seed.
1 rib of Celery 3. Put all ingredients through the
juicer and enjoy!

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21


Ingredients Instructions
250ml Nut Milk 1. Prepare nut milk (refer to page 21).
1 tablespoon of Cacao Powder 2. Remove pit from dates and blend all
1 Banana ingredients until smooth.
1/2 Avocado 3. Add Chia Seeds to smoothie and enjoy!
1 teaspoon of Chia Seeds

5 min Breakfast to Weight Loss! 21

See you on the
other Side!
I sincerely hope you enjoyed the recipes in this book and
found yourself new alternatives when it comes to Tasty &
Healthy Breakfast Recipes. 

As I always say, knowledge is only powerful when applied,

else it's useless. Please take massive actions if you would
like to see improvements in your Life, Health & Body.

Consistency is the KEY, and it's not by eating right for 2 to 3

days, then returning to your old eating habits, but executing
it for at least 1 month consistently. Remember, Rome is not
build in 1 day. After all, these are not drugs or supplements.
Slowly but Surely you will experience the transformation.

I hope you continue to learn more about foods and your

body with me in this amazing journey together because I
have a mission in making the world a better place, by
making it a Healthier place. It STARTS with you.

I look forward to meet you in person so I can share with you

the blueprint that has been Tested and Proven by
thousands of people, of all ages and gender. Allowing you to
Transform your Health and Weight in just 23 Days!
Love Always, Mark Leong

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