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Typical active ingredients are: brodificoum, diphacinone, warfarin, bromadiolone, and others.

Most of
these products include green dyes for a characteristic appearance; however, dogs and cats have poor color
vision and to them these pellets may look like kibbled pet food.

CHAPTER 1: Problems and its Background………………………………5
Theoretical Framework…………………..…………………..6
Conceptual Framework………………………..……………..7
Statement of the Problem……………………..……………..9
Research Hypothesis…………………………………………9
Significance of the Study………………………..…………..10
Scope and Delimitation………………………………………11
Definition of Terms…………………………….……………..12
CHAPTER 2: Review Related Literature…………………………………...14
Foreign Literature…………………………………………….15
Local Literature……………………………………..………...16
CHAPTER 3: Methodology……………………………………..…………….20
Method Used…………………………………………………..20
Respondent of the Study……………………………………20
Sources of Data……………………………………...………..21
Data Gathering Instrument…………………………………..21
Data Gathering Procedure……………………..……………21
Statistical Treatment…………………...…………………….22
CHAPTER 4: Presentations, Analysis and Interpretation of Data……...23
Description of Respondents……………………………..…23
Comparison of Pre-test Mean Scores of the Experimental
And Control Group……………………………………..23
Comparison of the Pre-test and Post-test Mean
Of the Experimental and Control Group……….…24
Comparison of the Post-test Mean Scores of the
Two groups…………………………………………….25
CHAPTER 5: Summary Conclusion and Recommendation……………26
Summary of Findings……………………………………….….26
Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………….……………29

Scope and Delimitations

This research study was limit and conducted only at EARIST SCIENCE
LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL during the third grading period of the school year 2007-2008.
The respondents of the study were the third year students belonging to one intact class in
high school chemistry. The instrument used in this study was an achievement test which serve both as
the pre-test as post-test. This is used to classify the student’s performance and learning outcomes of
the students.
Scope and Limitations

This research study was limit and conducted only to rats as a substitute to their
appetite or can directly take by them as a trap.
The beneficiaries of the research study will be the people that aim cleanliness
inside and outside their houses. The instrument used in this study was an observational
___________________. This is used to __________________________. Rat Killer will
be used as a mixture or a main recipe as a mouse food trap.
The study will be conducted in two kind of rat. The rats will be categorized
according to their size, agility and physical stability. Their habitat also will be considered
as an important variable that can affect the rats’ stability, agility and size. The effectivity
of the Rat Killer depends on the volume of the rat has consumed and its physical ability
to penetrate the poison that is in the Rat Killer. The Rat Killer effectiveness will be
maximized of 12 hours before it totally poisons the rat, which depends on the rat’s size.
The research product will not be considered as a non toxic element. The product
will compose of highly poisonous compound that strengthen its effectiveness therefore
carefulness in preparation of the solution is needed.
The study determines the effectiveness of Peppermint as a Rat Killer in making it as a substitute to their appetite.
Peppermint as a Rat Killer only includes any kind of rat. The samples will undergo chemical process for the Peppermint to acquire
other chemical ingredients that will help to attain its effectiveness.
The study will benefit anyone that aims cleanliness inside and outside their houses. Peppermint Rat Killer were only
allowed to be used by adult due to its poisonous chemical content and should be hidden in a place were can’t reach.

 Patients (and the public more generally) suffer directly and indirectly
 Policymakers, practitioners, and patients have inadequate information to guide their choices
among alternatives
 Limited resources for health care and new research are used inefficiently.
 Research synthesis is the process through which two or more research studies are assessed with
the objective of summarizing the evidence relating to a particular question.
A Thesis-driven Synthesis

Sometimes there is very little obvious difference between a background synthesis and a thesis-driven
synthesis, especially if the paper answers the question "what information must we know in order to
understand this topic, and why?"  The answer to that question forms the thesis of the resulting paper, but it
may not be a particularly controversial thesis.  There may be some debate about what background
information is required, or about why, but in
most cases the papers will still seem more like a report than an argument.  The difference will be most
visible in the topic sentences to each paragraph because instead of simply introducing the material for the
paragraph that will follow, they will also link back to the thesis and assert that this information is essential

On the other hand, all research papers are also synthesis papers in that they combine the information you
have found in ways that help readers to see that information and the topic in question in a new way.  A
research paper with a weak thesis (such as: "media images of women help to shape women's sense of how
they should look") will organize its findings to show how this is so without having to spend much time
discussing other arguments (in this case, other things that also help to shape women's sense of how they
should look).  A paper with a strong thesis (such as "the media is the single most important factor in
shaping women's sense of how they should look") will spend more time discussing arguments that it rejects
(in this case, each paragraph will show how the media is more influential than other
factors in that particular aspect of women's sense of how they should look"). 
Black pepper
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Black pepper

Pepper plant with immature

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Magnoliids
Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: P. nigrum
Binomial name
Piper nigrum

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for
its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruit, known as a
peppercorn when dried, is approximately 5 millimetres (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red
when fully mature, and, like all drupes, contains a single seed. Peppercorns, and the
powdered pepper derived from grinding them, may be described simply as pepper, or
more precisely as black pepper, white pepper, or green pepper. Green peppercorns are
simply the immature black peppercorns.

Black peppers are native to India and are extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in
tropical regions. Currently Vietnam is by far the world's largest producer and exporter of
pepper, producing 34% of the world's Piper nigrum crop as of 2008.
Dried ground pepper has been used since wikt:antiquity for both its flavor and as a
medicine. Black pepper is the world's most traded spice. It is one of the most common
spices added to European cuisine and its descendants. The spiciness of black pepper is
due to the chemical piperine. It may be found on nearly every dinner table in the
industrialized world, often alongside table salt.

The word "pepper" is ultimately derived from the Sanskrit pippali, the word for long
pepper[2] via the Latin piper which was used by the Romans to refer both to pepper and
long pepper, as the Romans erroneously believed that both of these spices were derived
from the same plant.[citation needed] The English word for pepper is derived from the Old
English pipor. The Latin word is also the source of German Pfeffer, French poivre, Dutch
peper, and other similar forms. In the 16th century, pepper started referring to the
unrelated New World chile peppers as well. "Pepper" was used in a figurative sense to
mean "spirit" or "energy" at least as far back as the 1840s; in the early 20th century, this
was shortened to pep.[3]

 1 Varieties
o 1.1 Black pepper
o 1.2 White pepper
o 1.3 Green pepper
o 1.4 Orange pepper and red pepper
o 1.5 Region of origin
 2 Plant
 3 History
o 3.1 Ancient times
o 3.2 Postclassical Europe
o 3.3 China
o 3.4 As medicine
 4 Flavour
 5 World trade
 6 Notes
 7 References

 8 Further reading

[edit] Varieties
Black and white peppercorns

[edit] Black pepper

Roughly mashed black peppercorns

Black pepper is produced from the still-green unripe drupes of the pepper plant. The
drupes are cooked briefly in hot water, both to clean them and to prepare them for drying.
The heat ruptures cell walls in the pepper, speeding the work of browning enzymes
during drying. The drupes are dried in the sun or by machine for several days, during
which the pepper around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin, wrinkled black layer.
Once dried, the spice is called black peppercorn. Black peppercorn is considered spicier
than white peppercorn.

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