Employee Recommendation Report

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Career Choice for Student of


Joshua Bredehoeft
Employee Recommendation Report: Career
Choice for Student of Communications

English 320: Unit II

By: Joshua Bredehoeft

October 11, 2010

Table of Contents
Summary Report …………………………………………………………………………………..I


Career Summaries…………………………………………………………………………III-

Visual Aids…………………………………………………………………………………….

Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………………………………………….

Works Cited……………………………………………………………………………………..

Summary Report
Soon to be a graduate of North Dakota State University’s Communication College, you have

been offered three different job positions. Each has their unique possibilities for an exciting

career in the field of communications. The companies include; ENERNOC, Boston, MA;

General Mills, Minneapolis, MN; and American Lung Association, Washington, DC. Each job

has caught Joshua’s attention but I have put together a report that I believe will assist in your


I have concluded that you are looking for three major things in his job which include; working

with people, working for a cause, and working in a collaborative setting. These three

characteristics of a job are very important to you so, I have committed my report to establishing

how the three job offers individually fill the criteria.

You have also expressed that you are excited for opportunities outside of Fargo, ND and would

be willing to accept a job offer anywhere around the country. However, you have certain criteria

that you would like the city you reside in to have. You are looking for a city that is diverse with

people of different backgrounds and cultures, good restaurants, and an interesting music scene.

In this report I will highlight how each compares to the other in order for you to live in a

community in which he can be involved.

From the criteria that you have given me I believe that an excellent choice can be made as to

which job best suits you.

Joshua has been studying Communications for four years at North Dakota State University. His

emphasis has been on management communications which will assist in the communication

skills that are necessary for managing a successful business. He has also had an emphasis in the

art of public relations where he has learned specific skills in media writing and public perception.

Joshua’s long term goals are to do public relations for a large scale company that specializes in

alternative fuels for vehicles. He has a great interest in tapping into new ideas to which will make

Earth a more sustainable planet. He believes that it starts with a brilliant idea but it is necessary

for a good public relations person to help the public learn about new technology for a speedy and

flawless switch to greener methods of transportation.

It is not an easy task to pick a job that offers three different, yet interesting, career avenues. To

assist I have done research on the three different companies and their philosophies of their

business. In the next section I will look further into how these jobs meet the criteria Josh has

explained to be important in both his career and the city he resides. I will also pay special

attention to how each job could catapult him to his dream job of ding public relations for a green


Career Summaries
EnerNOC, Public Relations Specialist
Company Information:
EnerNOC is a company that consults with other companies to reduce their energy costs and
become more efficient in their energy efficiency. Being the third largest company of its kind
(Cramer, 2010) it deals with with around 7,000 companies in helping to reduce energy costs.

Recently EnerNOC has segmented their applications into four different sections;
DemandSMART, SiteSmart, Supply SMART, and CarbonSMART.

• DemandSMART involves reducing the demand of energy in times where energy is in greater
demand; helping communities to function holistically.

• SiteSMART involves helping each business (site) to most effectively save on energy and
ultimately money. This plan attacks the individual company’s needs and creates a solution for
the most energy savings.

• SupplySMART helps companies sort through the mess that can be in energy negotiations so
the company can be confident when entering into an energy contract.

• CarbonSMART helps the business track its carbon footprint and gain the benefits from
governmental programs that can make money for the company in a long run.

EnerNOC recently met with the United Kingdom’s Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker on
ways to improve the United Kingdom’s use of energy and move to becoming a more sustainable
green country.

Company Position:
As a public relations specialist for EnerNOC you would be responsible mainly for reporting and
distributing important information pertaining to the company. The company is looking for
someone who is comfortable working with a diverse group of people who work at a fast pace.

In this position you would be responsible for releasing press-releases, articles, newsletters, and
brochures. You would be required to take the complicated systems the EnerNoc has created to
optimize energy efficiency and simplify them to be understood the non-experts outside of the
company. In this role you would act as the face of the company. Being said, you would be
expected to conduct yourself in a respectable manner and be able to instill confidence in clients
with your presence.

In a position like this one, according to United States Department of Labor you should make
around 51,000 dollars.
City Information:
Boston hosts some 509,00 people according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It has a diverse scene of
restaurants and stages and stadiums showcasing a colorful music scene. The Agganis Arena hosts
big name shows and talents. A new and popular restaurant is Friendly Toast, a new restaurant
with a great breakfast menu.

American Lung Association, Manager

Company Information:
American Lung Association is dedicated to reducing lung disease and eliminating the
contributing factors. American Lung Association is working towards this goal in several ways.
American Lung Association is also a philanthropic organization. They set aside money to be
used for research to gain medical advances in lung disease (i.e. tuberculosis, influenza, lung
cancer, etc.).

American Lung Association has been a long time fighter against smoking and the effects it has
on lung health. They were leaders in setting requirements for law-makers to pass laws and
establishing more authority over tobacco companies and public smoking policies.

American Lung Association also partners with schools and clinics to provide education on
asthma care. The organization also works with government agencies in providing healthier air to
breathe with reduced emissions from vehicles.

Freedom From Smoking is a program that has been established by American Lung Association
in order to help people be more successful in quitting the habit of smoking.

American Lung Association also puts out reports such as the State of the Air report and State of
Tobacco Control report that informs citizens and law-makers of legislation being pushed in order
to tackle lung diseases.

Cultural Diversity is amongst the top of the values of the organization. American Lung
Association believes that with the help of every person from any background we can live in a
place free of contributors to lung disease.

Company Position:
A person who obtains this position must be able to have good planning skills and be able to
execute the plans. It is important to be confident in writing of press releases as well as
informational pamphlets and brochures. Communications skills are also a must. One must be
able to keep good relationships with public relations agencies as well as the media.
Being that it is a public relations position one must also be acquainted with the fundamentals of
public relations. Team work and internal relationships within the organization is also a necessity
to being successful in this position.

This position pays well as it is listed at $50,000-$55,000 a year. According to the Department of
Labor a job like this would on average pay $43,000.

City Information:
Washington DC boasts many restaurants and eateries that show off fine cuisine. We the Pizza is
a pizza parlor that showcases cooks throwing pizza into the air while the crowd cheers and
chants in their praise. The Verizon Center hosts big name talents and shows providing a great
music scene for all.

General Mills, Corporate Public Relations

Company Information:
General Mills has three bullet points to the mission statement; make healthier lives, make life
easier and make lives richer. They do this by creating healthy foods such as whole grains, dairy
products and growing vegetables for consumers. The company’s products are easily prepared
making life simpler, and providing quality products that taste good to make life richer.

Since 1954, General Mills has been donating money as a part of the General Mills Foundation.
The Box Tops program has raised over $300 million for schools in the United States. The
company also contributes to Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, and Paint-A-Thon.

General Mills has been influential with policy making and governmental organizations as well.
General Mills founded the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points process that is used as the
requirements for the Food and Drug Administration. General Mills has also worked with NASA
to create food that is edible and nutritious for exploration of Space.

General Mills continues to explore new avenues to food production and reaching people around
the world with nutritious meals and treats.

Company Position:
This position lists many requirements for the position. Communication skills are required for this
position to maintain relationships both within and outside the company. As Manager of Public
Relations it is your responsibility to report to other managers, directors, and vice presidents. You
will also be representing General Mills to stakeholders.

This job asks you to be organized, professional, personable, and have good management skills.

You will be accountable for developing ideas and working with the media on coordinating and
developing the ideas. It will be important to be able to conduct yourself efficiently and fluently
with clients and companies General Mills has chosen to work with. It will also be your
responsibility to provide communication for the company in several channels and mediums to
both the inside and the outside.

In many cases you will be the person to which media comes to when there are questions, praises,
or concerns about the company.

This job does not have a pay listing but according to the Department of Labor your pay should be
around 43,000 dollars.

City Information:
Minneapolis has a thriving music and restaurant scene. With a population of nearly 372,833
according to the U.S. Census Bureau it provides a multitude of entertainment options. As far as
music the Target Center is one of the bigger stadiums that brings in big named artists and world-
class shows. Restaurants such as Chino Latinos offers a fun and exciting scene with great tasting
mexican food.

Visual Aids

Target Center

First Avenue

Chino Latino


Verizon Center

We the Pizza
Agganis Arena

Conclusion and Recommendation

Although, all three job opportunities provide most of what you are looking for I would

recommend taking the job with EnerNoc. All three jobs do philanthropic work that help and

work with people but EnerNoc provides you with the opportunity get started on a career in green

energy which ultimately is your dream.

All three cities boast great dining options and music scenes so any of the three would be a good

choice. In that case, it ultimately comes down to the job that fits you best. Your communications

background and passion for communication within a business and as well as public relations will

be backed up by a successful company that is emerged in the green jobs market.

Works Cited

American Lung Association, Americanlungassociation. com

"Cabot Creamery Coorperative Adopts EnerNoc's CarbonSMART to
track and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions." EnerNoc.com. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Oct 2010.

Career Builder, www.careerbuilder.com

"EnerNOC and UK Climate Change Minister Discuss Future of UK

Energy Innovation." EnerNoc.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct 2010.

EnerNOC, www.EnerNoc.com

General Mills, www.Generalmills.com

United States Census Bureau, www.census.gov

United States Department of Labor, www.dol.gov

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