Achievement Test 1

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4th Year

Achievement test 1
And for the mind there are all sorts of intriguing
Reading possibilities, including the old favourite of counting sheep.
1. From statements 1-10, circle five which reflect the Visualising a blackboard at school with someone slowly
content of the text. writing numbers on it, is one suggestion. Another is to
1. If you cannot sleep, walking around will make things think of a living room you know well. Then fill the sofa and
worse. chairs with friends - or pop stars. Then start talking to
2. What you do just before bedtime can affect how you them. Tell them what you're going to accomplish tomorrow
sleep. and ... And what's that? They've all fallen asleep without
3. Occasional sleeping problems should not be ignored. you? Oh well. Maybe it's time for your first little walkabout.
4. It is helpful to try to sleep for the same amount of time 5
each night.
5. Recording sleeping patterns seldom helps.
6. It is important to sleep in a darkened room. Vocabulary
7. You can help yourself to sleep at night by working things 2. Complete the sentences with one of the phrasal
out in the day. verbs in the correct form.
8. You have to focus on your body in order to relax properly. •come across • run out • give up
9. The old idea of counting sheep is no longer face up to • put off • break up • send out
10. Imaginary conversations may help you sleep. 1. Today Mrs. Lyle _________ all the invitations to her
Time for bed daughter's wedding.
2. Oh no, I _________ of paper. I'll have to buy some
When you can't sleep, two things can be guaranteed to upset
you. The first is being told to calm down. And the second is more.
3. My sister is feeling depressed as last week she
telling yourself that if you don't go to sleep at once, you're
going to feel dreadful in the morning. But at 3 a.m. what are ________ with her boyfriend.
4. I _________ an old photograph of myself as a child
the options? Get up and walk around, say the experts. Read a
book, listen to music, drink some milk. Only when you are when I was tidying up my room.
5. Marie is going to _________ having a birthday party
sleepy should you go back to bed, and if you still can't drop off,
then get up again, as many times as you need to. And if this until her brother has returned from holiday.
6. We'll have to _________ the fact that we can't afford
lying awake is getting to be a habit, then decide the next day
on a plan of action. a holiday this year.
7. I am trying to _________ eating chocolate, but it's
The most common advice is to get into a routine. Going to bed
and getting up at the same time help the body establish a very hard!
pattern (bodies like patterns), and keeping a record of your 7
routine and noting down what it is that wakes you up, and
when, might help further. Winding down and preparing for 3. Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
bedtime are also strongly advised. Stick to calming activities to • on • with • in • from •as • around • for • of
such as warm baths, and avoid vigorous exercise, exciting How to make real coffee
books, tense films and heated arguments. If you like a dark The British have always been well known
room, make sure it is dark. Get the temperature right and the ________ their tea-drinking habits, and if they
bed comfortable and switch off your phone. drank coffee at all, it was always instant. These days,
Rather than lying awake going over things, take some time however, the consumption 2_________ real coffee
during the day to write down those worries. Make a list of the has been increasing dramatically all3_________ the
problems you can deal with, decide how you are going to deal British Isles. But the British have yet to learn how
with them, then put them out of your mind. Once you get into ________ make it properly. The following tips for
bed, active relaxation seems to be what's required. perfect coffee come 5_________ a well-known
Concentrate intently on relaxing all your muscle groups, restaurateur.
starting with your scalp and working down to your toes.
4th Year

Always buy freshly roasted coffee beans and keep them 6. Complete the sentences using the following
6_________ an airtight container 7_______ expressions:
up to a week. Grind just what you need (or it will taste bitter in spite of • despite the fact that • without doubt
as the ground coffee reacts 8_________ the air). If you want •since • apart from
to make a cappuccino, professionals use an espresso 1. It was _________ one of the nicest holidays I have
machine, frothing some milk in a jug and then pouring it over ever had.
the coffee. You can also sprinkle a little chocolate '_________ 2. _________ Mr. Lyman is over ninety, he still enjoys
the top 10_________ an extra! going for a walk.
10 3. Everyone enjoyed the party _________ me.
4. The Smith family had a great time on their trip to
Grammar 5.
London _________ the terrible weather.
_________ I started reading this book, I haven't
4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the watched any TV.
verb in brackets. 5
1. Alice _________ (speak) French when she was a child,
she _________ (not / use) the language for five years. Listening
2. Jim _________ (worry) about his business all last year, 7. You are going to hear a radio programme about
so yesterday he _________ (decide) to postpone his food in Britain. As you listen, number the
summer holiday. comments A-E in the order in which you hear them.
3. My sister and I _________ (enjoy) singing in the choir at A Chinese food is the second favourite
the moment, 1
2 takeaway in Britain.
as we are singing some of our favourite songs. B You can see where the cooking takes place.
_________ you _________ (not / enjoy) the film last 4 C The takeaway is furnished very basically.
night? 5 D The shop looks like a typical Chinese
4. I saw that you ________ (not / laugh) at the jokes. takeaway.
5. Harry _________ (never / drive) a car until he started E There are several Indian restaurants nearby.
lessons last week. 5
8. Now listen to John Green's interview with Ricky
Tan, and decide if statements A-E are true or
5. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the
gerund or infinitive.
A East End has been open for less than two
1. Can I borrow your bicycle tomorrow? I need _________
(go) to the other side of town. years. □
2. Many people are really interested in _________ (learn) B Ricky has worked in the shop since it
about their family history.
3. My parents have been trying _________ (improve) their
opened. □
spoken Italian, but they don't seem to have made much C Ricky has to work in the
progress. mornings. □
4. I cannot work in here if you keep on _________ (make)
so much noise. D Ricky has worked since leaving school. □
5. I remember _________ (love) books about animals when E As a child, Ricky wished he
I was a child. Lived somewhere different. □
5 5

Total 50

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