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[ D u p l e x M a r k e t s ]

The conditions under which one would

expect rising dem and for duplex
stainless steel are still in place. One of
the rationales for its use is to minimize
the use of expensive alloys such as
nickel or m olybdenum by achieving
the right balance betw een the ferrite
and austenitic crystal structures.
If raw m aterial prices are rising, end
users are m ore likely to seek cheaper
alternatives to classic austenitic
g rad es in o rd er to achieve equivalent
corrosion resistance and toughness.
It is therefore of possible significance
that the price of molybdenum, used to
boost corrosion resistance in austenitic
grades, has b een rising steadily on
the back of increased dem and (in 2017
dem and for Mo had risen 18% in a
decade). Much of this dem and comes
from the recovery in the oil and gas A pipelay vessel owned by oil and gas services company TechnipFMC.
sector, and especially from LNG.
Prices are p red icted to rise further in
com ing years (1).
Äs for nickel, the price flagged
somewhat in 2018, but the long-term
outlook is bullish, largely because of
its use in electric car batteries. Any
increase in dem and for Mo and №
is likely to push prices up, thereby
encouraging end users to turn to lower-
alloyed duplex grades (2).

Another issue affecting duplex use is
the ease with which it can b e welded
and formed. Manufacturers such as
Outokumpu and NSSMC have introduced
grades that make welding and forming
easier. Indeed, in February this year
Kenta Yamada of NSSMC was seconded to
the TWI laboratories in Cambridge to set
up a best-practice guide to the welding of
newly developed duplex stainless steel
welded pipes.
And now the possible use of duplex The Sheikh ]aber Al-Ähmad Äl-Sabah causeway, located in Kuwait Bay, built with Forta
is being studied in relation to a novel duplex stainless steel rebar from Outokumpu.
technology, WÄÄM (wire and arc
additive manufacturing), in which
welding is used in conjunction with Jaber Äl-Ähmad Äl-Babah causeway bridge in Boaertälje, Sweden (Forta LDX
additive manufacturing to make larger in Kuwait, in order to protect against 2101 lean grade); and the new Pamban
objects. Early indications suggest saltwater and C 0 2 emissions. Other railway bridge connecting the town
duplex and super duplex grades can bridges where duplex is applied of Rameswaram on Parnfoan Island to
b e used to WÄÄM-produce plates and have been built at Husarviken bay mainland India (2205 grades to be used
tubes (3). in Stockholm, Sweden (a hydraulic in the girders). Duplex (Forta DX 2205)
draw bridge w elded with an automatic was also applied in a walkway at the
Infrastructure welding robot); the footbridge at the Gap, a scenic coastal spot in Torndirrup
One area in wMch duplex use has been TRUMPF site at Gerlingerstrasse in National Park near Albany, Western
expanding rapidly is in infrastructure, Ditzingen, Germany (Forta DX 2205 Australia, where the spray from violent
especially bridges and walkways near double-curved sheets to combat waves creates a corrosive environment.
or over the sea, where saline conditions road salts and traffic pollution; the Outokumpu Forta DX 2304 and Forta
prevail. Duplex rebar (the lean grade sheets were laser-cut using TRUMPF DX 2205 were also used in the rebar
Forta DX 2304) was used in the Sheikh technology); the pedestrian and cycle applied in the completion of the tower

28 Stainless Steel World April 2019

[ D u p l e x M a r k e t s ]

Double-curved sheets in Forta DX 2205 grace the footbridge at the TRUMPF site at Gerlingerstrasse in Ditzingen, Germany.

of the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Duplex at sea

Barcelona, which has become a leading
touristic attraction despite the fact that Wind power
Antoni Gaudi5s famous design was left A relatively new m arket for duplex
unfinished at his death in 1926 and is not is wind power. The higher the tower,
due for completion until 2026. the greater the wind force and energy
yield; however, the powerful winds put
Storage tanks strains and pressures on the turbines
Storage tanks and containers are another that require materials of superior
area where duplex grades are replacing mechanical strength. Stalatube has
The Husarviken pedestrian bridge, the more traditional austenitic grades addressed this problem by offering
Stockholm ,Sweden, was constructed of such as 316L. Tank operator CIMC duplex stainless steel tubes that
Outokumpu Forta Duplex with a glass turned, to Forta DX 2205 with 2E surface can b e assem bled to create lighter,
blasted surface finish. nxusn to construct a new generation of stronger towers up to 160 m etres high.
tank containers to transport food and The “Stalatube tow ers” are easy to
chemicals. In wastewater treatment, install and are built to last. Likewise,
duplex is being applied to an innovative Outokumpu's Forta DX 2205 duplex
tank from Invest-Tech. The Polish grade was used in the Merkur offshore
company has invented a modular water wind farm, in com ponents that connect
tank that departs from the traditional a m onopile structure with the platform
round structure. In order to aUow for holding the wind turbines, in an
expansion, the tank is made from square environment subject to sea spray,
or rectangular stainless-steel segments freezing tem peratures and strong
that are bolted together rather than currents as well as high winds. These
welded using a polymer-polyurethane applications are typical of several
The Södertälje pedestrian and bicycle sealing system. High water pressure potential duplex applications in sea
bridge in Sweden was built using necessitated the application of a material environments, such as tidal power,
Outokumpu^ lean duplex grade Forta that combines corrosion resistance with sea-w ater nuclear plants (where
LDX 2.101 sheet and quarto plate, in mill strength and weldability, so lean grade pitting-resistant SÄF2507 is often u sed
finish ID. Forta LDX 2101 was applied. in cooling pipes) and fish farming.

Outokumpu supplied its Forta LDX 2101 lean duplex grade for Invest-Tech }s innovative modular water storage tanks. Photo courtesy o f
Invest-Tech. Stainless Steel World April 2019 29

[ D u p l e x M a r k e t s ]

Wärtsilä has b een researching the

benefits of using duplex stainless steel
on the waterjets of the SeaStar II fast
ferries. Already, the stress-prone the
shaft and impeller are available in
duplex stainless steel, but Wärtsilä has
also made the outboard parts available
m this material instead of grade 316.
This constitutes a significant weight
saving, with a corresponding gain in
speed. Duplex waterjets are also used in
propulsion systems supplied b y Marine
Jet Power to the US Army, for its new
MSV(L) vessels.

Another maritime activity where
duplex stainless steel figures largely is
desalination. With the global desalination
market set to expand by 7.8% p er year
between 2018 and 2025, the opportunities
for duplex manufacturers are great.
Ä wide range of duplex steels are
Shipbuilding stainless steel include the Swedish Steel applied, depending on the severity of
Then there are ships themselves. Until Yachts5P16 prototype, made of Forta the application, and the sheer variety of
recently, duplex use was largely limited SDX 2507, which, will b e used as a patrol duplex grades now available means that
to the lining of cargo tanks of chemical vessel by the coastguard, military and sea it is no longer necessary to over-specif/.
vessels. Now its use is spreading to areas rescue services. The grade was selected Generally, conditions at the intake end
previously catered for by copper or to provide saltwater corrosion resistance, of the process are more severe than
titaraum alloys. SMps made entirely of speed and resistance to wave pressure. further upstream, and it is here that the


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30 Stainless Steel World April 2019

[ D u p l e x M a r k e t s ]

xrore corrosion resistant grades, such technology is applied that will make to replace alloy 625, in areas where the
as super duplex 2507, SÄF2707 HD geothermal energy more affordable and geothermal fluid was less than 180° C.
and SÄF3207 HD are applied. Further environmentally firiendlier. Whereas
downstream, type 2205 and leaner older plants tap directly into steam References
grades are sufficient. Ä problem that is heated by magma, causing a certain (1) daily/
gaining increased attention is that brine amount of emissions, the new binary- resource-investing/industrial-
discharges into the ocean are damaging cycle plants create a closed loop that metals-investing/molybdenum-
wildlife and ecosystems. There are now transfers hot water via a heat exchanger investing/molybdenum-outlook/);
16 00〇 plants world-wide, which produce to another liquid that boils at a lower
about 1-5 litres of brine for every litre of tem perature than water. Future wells content/uploads/2018/04/GMO-
freshwater. Plants now discharge about will extend d eeper below the earth’s Molybdenum-Market-F actors-
142 million cu m of brine every day. surface, to the hot dry rock in the Aug-2017.pdf.
Brine irianagement strategies will need to earth's core, and there is even talk of (2) http://www.mining,com/electric-
improve: helpful processes would include repurposing depleted oil and gas wells vehicle-demand-will-double-
mineral extraction, electricity generation, as geothermal plants. Global capacity nickei-price-soon-2022.
irrigation of salt-tolerant species, as well is expected to rise to about 17 GW by (3) https://www.matec-conferences.
as sequestration and recycling (4). It is a 2023 from just 14 GW in 2017 (5). org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2018/47/
good guess that the transport and storage Geothermal environments are among matecconf_iceaf-v2018_03014.pdf;
c f brine vnll require duplex and super the sourest in existence, with hot
duplex grades. brine creating chloride and sulphide characterization-wire-arc-additive-
concentrations comparable to the manufacturing-duplex-stainless-
Duplex underground: geothermal sourest oil and gas wells. As well as steel-tubes.
Brine also figures prominently in nickel- and titanium-alloy grades, (4) edia-relations/
о:ле of the most promising forms duplex and super duplex grades are releases/un-warns-of-rising-levels-
of renewable energy. Geothermal often applied when possible. One of-toxic-brine.html;
■p.uts are among the hottest and most company that has b een using duplex (5) https://science.howstuffworks.
corrosive environments on the planet. over several decades at its Salton plant com /environm ental/energy/
At present geothermal constitutes a in southern California is CalEnergy. future-geothermal-energy.html;
tiny share of world power capacity, Alloy 2205 was used from the beginning, www
but this looks about to change, as new and super duplex 2507 was later applied geothermal.

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Certified ISO 9001 since 1995 Our production range includes: Dairy and Corrosion versions
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