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Durability, Concrete,

Environment and Sustainability

in the Eurocodes

Steinar Leivestad
Standard Norge
Norwegian clients
asks for
friendly concrete
70 – 80% of all
new contracts
Zero-emission building in Trondheim

Norwegian Concrete
- the past
- the future
We have great
expectations to the
general applicability
of the Eurocodes
Development of the concrete-material
Prime drivers; Sutainability –
Environmental- and CO2 - footprint
• New cements and new binder combinations
• Utilize gain in strength from 28- to 91-days
• Re-use of aggregates
• Other ???
• Consequences with respect to
• Durability
• Strength and strength development
• Mechanical properties in design

• There are two perspectives

• To save the world (+ 20C)
• To save the concrete (by maintaining its competitive position)
• Reduced concrete volume for same function
• Less CO2 per m3 used
• Account made up after end of life-cycle 4
Development on the material side will normally lead to
changes in performance, the requirements must be
able to accommodate this in an effective way

• With todays «Deemed to Satisfy» (DtS) will new materials have to be

documented to show «equivalence» based on a material (CEM I) that is
expected not to remain available in the future, and which show large
variations in performance even within the same class

• With performance based design we have a discipline that is not yet

mattured enough for daily use, where the selection of parameters gives
much room for «optimistic» and «pessimistic» choices with large
variations in results. The parameters should therefore be made on a
neutral basis as part of the standardization.

• By use of «Exposure Resistance Classes» (ERC) we can have a

performance based definition of classes, and the standards can give a
calibrated set of requirements to;

Exposure Class / Exposure Resistance Class / cover to reinforcement

dependant of Design Working Life.

Durability Design of concrete structures
Provisions coordinated between the various standards

Societal expectations
Interface Society / National legislation
construction project
Eurocode - 1990
Basis of structural design Basic requirement

Eurocode - 1991

The Ganeral provisions applies

Actions on structures
Material resistance classes


Eurocode - 1992
Design provisions
Design of concrete structures

EN 13670
Execution of concrete structures Ececution requirements

EN 206-1 ISO 6934 or ETA EN 10080 EN 13369 - xx or ETA

Concrete Tendons & PT kits reinforcement Prefabricated elements
TC104/SC1 TC229

Product and testing standards Product and testing standards Product and testing standards Product and testing standards
TC104/SCs and WGs
Meetings of TC250/SC2 and TC104/SC1 dealing with Durability and the work of the JWG

TC250/SC2 TC104/SC1 or TC104

2/11-2005 Larnaca (20) Mentioned

06-11-2006 Brussels (23) Mentioned
17-18/9-2007 Helsinki (24) Discussed 13-14/6-2007 Stockholm (21) Pre mature,
established TG17
9-10/6-2008 Brussels (25) Resolution 25-26/6-2008 Berlin (22) Discussed The work on
164 Resolution 360
11/11-2008 Torino (26) Discussed durability and
7-8/5-2009 Budapest (27) Discussed 16-17/9-2009 Gent (23) Discussed the development
Resolution 373 of the concept
12-13/11-2009 London (28) Discussed by the JWG
07-08/10-2010 Madrid (29) Discussed 15-16/2010 Delft (24) No discussion
Presentation has been
TC104 thorougly
30/5-2011 Oslo (30) Presentation 06-2011 Helsinki (25) No discussion presented and
discussed in
12-13/12-2011 Milan (31) Principles 23-24/11-2011 Milan (26) Principle agreed
agreed TC250/SC2 and
28-29/06-2012 Brussel (32) Discussed 11-2012 Berlin (27) No discussion TC104/SC1since
01/03-2013 Berlin (33) Discussed 20-21/02 2013 Paris (28) Discussed 2010
19/03-2014 Ispra (34) Principles 5-6/3-2014 Vienna (29) Discussed
22-23/10 2014 Workshop in Brussels convened by JWG
04/03-2015 Berlin (35) Discussed 5-6/5-2015 Brussels (30) Discussed
Resolution 440
05/11-2015 Berlin (36) Reported
06-2016 Berlin (37) Reported 10-11/5-2016 London (31) SC1/WG1 Road
map discussed
11-2016 Zürich (38) Reported

Eurocode 2 Section 4 NDPs
(5) The minimum cover values for reinforcement and prestressing tendons in normal weight concrete
taking account of the exposure classes and the structural classes is given by cmin,dur.
Note: Structural classification and values of cmin,dur for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The
recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for the indicative concrete strengths given in
Annex E and the recommended modifications to the structural class is given in Table 4.3N. The recommended
minimum Structural Class is S1.

The recommended values of cmin,dur are given in Table 4.4N (reinforcing steel) and Table 4.5N (prestressing steel).

Cover Table 4.3N - 4.5N out of 27;

7 use recommended value
5 use recommended value with conditions
15 use ammended values

Systematic review 30 comments 8

Exposure resistance classes system and definitions

Corrosion of reinforcement Deterioration of concrete

Carbonation Resistance Chloride Resistance Freeze/thaw Resistance Chemical Aggressiveness

Class Class Class Class
Low Medi- High Low Medi- High Medium High Medium High
um um

Corrosion of reinforcement Deterioration of concrete
Carbonation Resistance Chloride Resistance Freeze/thaw Resistance Chemical Aggressiveness
Class Class Class Class (for later)

(Low) (Medi- (High) (Low) (Medi- (High) (Medium) (High) (Medium) (High)
um) um) Void, not mature
Definition of class is 50- Definition of class is 50- Definition of class is 50- Definition of class is 50-
years of exposure to XC3 years of exposure to XS2, years of exposure to XF4, years of exposure to XA3,
(Rh 65%) with 10%- with 10%-probability of with 10%-probability of ground water with SO 4
probability of carbonation chloride concentration scaling loss exceeding 6000mg/l and 10%-
front exceeding (mm) exceeding 0,5% at depth (kg/m ) probability of loss
(mm) exceeding (g/m )[??]
40 30 20 75 60 45 10 2 ? ?

Quoting fib State of the Art report on
chloride ingress

Would not
going from
left to right
be nice

Draft proposal for text in EN 206

4.2 Exposure resistance classes, continued

(2) Concrete can be documented for the various classes in Table 2 by testing in accordance with
the listed testing standards and with the limiting values given in Table 3.

Table 3 Exposure resistance classes, limiting values and applicable test standards
Carbonation resistance Chloride resistance class Frost resistance
class RXC RXSD class RXF
Limiting value,
estimated after
20 30 40 45 60 75 0,5 1,0
50 years (mm) or
Classification CEN/TS 12390-9
prEN12390-10/12 EN12390-11
standard CEN/TR 15177

(3) Concrete may also as an alternative to testing according to (2) be documented by applying the
deemed to satisfy values in Annex F for the various cement/binders, water/binder ratios and
minimum binder content.
Table F.1 Exposure resistance classes; deemed to satisfy values for
various binder compositions (example, preliminary values)

Carbonation resistance Chloride resistance class Frost resistance class

Tentative - class RXC RXSD RXF

Cement type Maximum w/b-ratio

or equivalent b is the sum of cement and additions in the concrete, within the limits defining the cements
binder according to EN 197-1
0,55 0,60 0,65 NA NA 0,451 0,40 0,45 0,50
0,45 0,55 0,65 0,40 0,50 0,60 ? ? ?
0,40 0,50 0,60 0,40 0,50 0,60 ? ? ?
NA 0,45 0,55 ? ? ? ? ? ?
NA NA 0,45 0,38 0,45 0,55 ? ? ?
binder content 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
Minimum air
4% 4% -
1 CEM I shall only be used with minimum 4% silica fume

NA means that no deemed to satisfy values are given for that combination of binder and resistance class

The large scatter among the
curves show how different the
various cements within one
cement type can perform with
the same w/c-ratio

Alternative more refined approach distinguishing
between various binders in Annex F of EN206

Carbonation resistance Chloride resistance class Frost resistance class

Preliminary class RXC RXSD RXF
0,2 0,5 1,0
Cement type or Maximum w/b-ratio
equivalent binder b is the sum of cement and additions in the concrete, within the limits defining the cements
combination according to EN 197-1
0,55 0,60 0,65 NA NA 0,451 0,40 0,45 0,50
CEM II-A- V 0,45 0,55 0,65 0,40 0,50 0,60
CEM II-B- V 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,40 0,50 0,60
CEM III-A S NA 0,45 0,55 ? ? ?
CEM III-B S NA NA 0,45 0,38 0,45 0,55
Minimum binder
280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
content (kg/m3)
CEM I shall only be used with minimum 4% silica fume
NA means that no deemed to satisfy values are given for that combination of binder and resistance class
Exposure classes rate of carbonation and
risk of corrosion

Class Description of the exposure Informative examples and comments

1 No risk of corrosion or attack

For concrete without reinforcement or
X0 embedded metal: all exposures except
where there is freeze/thaw, abrasion or
chemical attack
2 Corrosion induced by carbonation
Where concrete containing reinforcement or other embedded metal is exposed to air and moisture, the exposure shall be classified as follows:
XC1 Dry Concrete inside buildings with low air humidity, where the risk of corrosion is insignificant

XC2 Wet or permanently high humidity, rarely Concrete surfaces subject to long-term water contact or permanently submerged in water or
dry permanently exposed to high humidity.
Many foundations, water containments (not external). EN 1992
Note: Leaching could also cause corrosion (see (5), XA classes). Table 4.1:
XC3 Moderate humidity Concrete inside buildings with moderate humidity
External concrete sheltered from rain
Exposure classes
XC4 Cyclic wet and dry Concrete surfaces subject to cyclic water contact, (e.g. external concrete not sheltered from rain as related to environ-
mental conditions
walls, fassades, concrete in the tidal zone).

3 Corrosion induced by chlorides

Where concrete containing reinforcement or other embedded metal is subject to contact with water containing chlorides, including de-icing salts, from sources
other than from sea water, the exposure shall be classified as follows:
XD1 Moderate humidity Concrete surfaces exposed to airborne chlorides
XD2 Wet, rarely dry Swimming pools
Concrete components exposed to industrial waters containing chlorides
Note: If the chloride content of the water is ≤0.5 g/l then XD1 applies.
XD3 Cyclic wet and dry Parts of bridges exposed to water containing chlorides
Concrete roads, pavements and car park slabs in areas where de-icing agents are frequently used
4 Corrosion induced by chlorides from sea water
Where concrete containing reinforcement or other embedded metal is subject to contact with chlorides from sea water or air carrying salt originating from sea Proposed changes;
water, the exposure shall be classified as follows: - X0 only for
XS1 Exposed to airborne salt but not in direct Structures near to or on the coast,
contact with sea water concrete without
Permanently submerged
Tidal, splash and spray zones
Parts of marine structures and structures in seawater
Parts of marine structures and structures directly over sea water
5. Freeze/Thaw Attack (XF classification is not necessary in cases where freeze/thaw cycles is rare) - XC1 deleted
XF1 Moderate water saturation, without de-
icing agent
Vertical concrete surfaces exposed to rain and freezing
permanently wet
XF2 Moderate water saturation, with de-icing
Vertical concrete surfaces of road structures exposed to freezing and airborne de-icing agents
-XC2 added
XF3 High water saturation, without de-icing Horizontal concrete surfaces exposed to rain and freezing permanently wet
XF4 High water saturation with de-icing agents Road and bridge decks exposed to de-icing agents
or sea water Concrete surfaces exposed to direct spray containing de-icing agents and freezing
Splash zone of marine structures exposed to freezing
6. Chemical attack
XA1 Slightly aggressive chemical environment Natural soils and ground water
according to Table 4.2
XA2 Moderately aggressive chemical Natural soils and ground water
environment according to Table 4. 2
XA3 Highly aggressive chemical environment Natural soils and ground water
according to Table 4.2


PROPOSAL in EN 1992-1-1
Table 4.4: Minimum concrete cover cmin,dur dependant on design working life, exposure
class and exposure resistance class
Preliminary Minimum cover for 50 and 100 years design working life,
values (preliminary values, values are rounded to nearest 5 mm)
Exposure RXC20 2 RXC30 2 RXC40 2

50-years 100-years 50-years 100-years 50-years 100-years

XC1 10 15 10 20 10 20
XC2 10 15 15 20 20 30
XC3 15 20 20 25 25 35
XC4 15 20 20 25 25 35


XD1 25 35 30 40 35 45
XS1 25 35 30 40 35 45
XD2 30 40 40 50 50 NA
XS23 30 40 40 50 50 NA
XD34 40 50 50 60 60 NA
XS33 40 50 50 60 60 NA
Concrete corresponding to RXC10, with kN,90 ≤ 1,4 mm/year0,5 may be designed with cmin = max {cmin,b; 10 mm}
The values are given for ‘slab type geometry’ in beams the cover shall be increased by 5mm in RC20 and by 10 mm in RC30 and
RC40 for exposure classes XC2, XC3, XC4,
In saline waters with chloride level below 2,0 % the minimum cover may be reduced by 10 mm, with a chloride level below 1,0 % the
cover may be reduced by 15 mm, the tabulated values are applicable for Mediterranean and North Sea conditions (3 %).
Structures in regions with only short periods of use of de-icing salts, or low quantities annually, the minimum cover may be reduced by
10 mm, in agreement with provisions valid in the place of use.
The tabulated values for minimum cover assume curing class 2 according to EN 13670 (curing to 35% of fck), where curing to curing
class 3 or more is specified the cover may be reduced by 5 mm in exposure classes XC3, XC4, XD1, XD2, XD3 and XS1.
Concrete RXSD75 is not considered applicable for structures with 100 years design working life in exposure classes XD2, XD3, XS2
an d XS3 due to excessive cover requirements.

DtS values compared to minimum cover
Carbonation resistance Chloride resistance class Frost resistance class
Tentative - class RXC RXSD RXF
RXC20 RXC30 RXC40 RXSD45 RXSD60 RXSD75 RXF0,2 RXF0,5 RXF1,0 Sammenligning overdekning i mm
Eksponeringsklasse RXC30 M60
Cement type Maximum w/b-ratio XC1 10 15
or equivalent b is the sum of cement and additions in the concrete, within the limits defining the cements
binder according to EN 197-1 XC2 15 25
combination XC3 20 25
0,55 0,60 0,65 NA NA 0,451 0,40 0,45 0,50 XC4 20 25
CEM II-A RXSD60 M40 (M45)
0,45 0,55 0,65 0,40 0,50 0,60 ? ? ?
CEM II-B XD1 30 40 (M45)
0,40 0,50 0,60 0,40 0,50 0,60 ? ? ?
XS1 30 40 (M45)
NA 0,45 0,55 ? ? ? ? ? ? XD2 40 40
NA NA 0,45 0,38 0,45 0,55 ? ? ? XS2 40 40
Minimum XD3 50 40
binder content 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280
(kg/m3) XS3 50 50
Minimum air
entrainment Preliminary 4%Minimum 4% -
cover for 50 and 100 years design working life,
1 CEM I shall only be used with minimum 4% silica fume
(preliminary values, values are rounded to nearest 5 mm)
NA means that no deemed to satisfy values are given for that combination of binder and resistance class
Exposure RXC20 2 RXC30 2 RXC40 2

50-years 100-years 50-years 100-years 50-years 100-years

XC1 10 15 10 20 10 20
XC2 10 15 15 20 20 30
XC3 15 20 20 25 25 35
XC4 15 20 20 25 25 35


XD1 25 35 30 40 35 45
XS1 25 35 30 40 35 45
XD2 30 40 40 50 50 NA
XS23 30 40 40 50 50 NA
XD34 40 50 50 60 60 NA
XS33 40 50 50 60 60 20NA
The durability concept is easy to apply
for all parties involved;

Exposure classes
Exposure resistance classes
Design working life
Minimum concrete cover

The designer will in the execution specification specify;

Strength class, Exposure resistance class, chloride class, Dupper/Dlower and nominal
cover as well as the Execution Class
e.g C30/37 – RXC30 – Cl 0,20 – Dupper 32 – Dlower 16 – cnom 30 mm (20+10) – EXC3

The contractor will in the concrete specification specify;

Strength class, Exposure resistance class, chloride class, consistence
class, segregation resistance class etc.
e.g C30/37 – RXC30 – Cl 0,20 – Dupper 32 – Dlower 16 – S4 – SR1 etc.

The concrete producer produce and deliver a conforming concrete

C30/37 – RXC30 – Cl 0,20 – Dupper 32 – Dlower 16 – S4 – SR1 21
New cements and
new binder-
combinattions that
reduces CO2-
Seems to give a
slower strength
development, a
major part of the
final strength
comes after 28-
Present draft EC2

5.1.3 Strength
(1) The compressive strength of concrete
shall be denoted by concrete strength
classes which relate to the characteristic
(5%) cylinder strength fck of the concrete
in accordance with EN 206, determined at
an age tref .
(2) The value for tref should be taken as:
(i) 28 days in general
(ii) or may be taken between 28 and 91
days when specified for a project.

Should be
default, to
become used
and have
effect on CO2 23
EN 206 deals with re-cycled aggregates, but not from a design
perspective, designers concern is within what limits of
- Aggregate type (EN 12620)
- Aggregate quantity (% – replacement coarse and fine)
- Intended concrete strength (upper limit)
are design parameters used in EC2 unaffected ?
Within this range use of RA should be open for the Ready-mix producer
Annex N (normative): Recycled aggregates concrete structures
(1) Concrete with recycled aggregates may be used where the use of recycled aggregates will
not impair durability, service performance like appearance or wear, or represent a risk of
polluting water or air. Recycled aggregates may be used in normal concrete production without
any particular consent if done in accordance with the provisions of EN 206.

Note: The National Annex or the project specification can give further provisions and restrictions for the
use of recycled aggregates for concrete.
(7) For concrete of strength Class C30 and lower, recycled aggregates may be used in New clause and table regarding recycled aggregates.
accordance with the parameters in Table 3.2. For higher strength classes or for higher Systematic review DK07
replacement values of the coarse fraction, including (2) If the properties listed in 5.1.2(3) for concrete with recycled aggregates are relevant for
replacement up to 10% of the fines
fraction, the design provisions of this standard may the
applied in accordance
provided with this standard,
it is demonstrated by they should be determined by testing in
tests that all values derived as a function of fck areaccordance
in accordance withthe
with the tests
given in Table
in EN 206. The exposure resistance class should be
3.1. The procedure for testing and approval shall determined
be given in thebased
execution specification.
on durability performance testing.

Table 3.2: Maximum fraction of recycled coarse aggregates (4/32) in strength class C30
(3) All other
and lower, for exposure resistance classes documented clausestoofsatisfy
by deemed this standard
values inare generally applicable, unless they are substituted by
EN 206 1 special provisions given in Table N.1.

Recycled aggregates (4/32) RX0 RC40 RC30 RC20 RSD

Type according to EN 12620
Type A 30% 30% 30% 20% 0

Type B 30% 30% 20% 0%

Where the resistance class is documented by tests with the actual recycled aggregates the 24
maximum value may be taken as 30%.
The report express concern for creep, shrinkage and E-
modulus, but also for normal density concrete there is a
variation of +/- 30%
There is also concern for shear, since failure mode can
differ, but capacities are not lower than the reference.
The Goal is there……………

Thank you for

your attention

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