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Florida Chemical Company | d-Limonene Chemical Constants


d-Limonene from Florida Chemical Company, Inc. is a very effective, biodegradable solvent and degreaser, ocurring in
nature as the main component of citrus peel oil. Due to its high solvency, attractive citrus odor, versatility, and GRAS
rating ("Generally Recognized As Safe") from the US FDA, d-Limonene can be used safely and effectively in a wide
range of products and applications.

This information is offered only as a guide.

Please contact Florida Chemical Company, Inc. for formulation assistance.

Acid Number 0.40

Aldehyde Content 0.37% to 1.50%

Auto-ignition Temperature Unknown

Boiling Point 349° F (176°C)

0.761 mL/L/°C

Coefficient of Expansion 0.425 mL/L/°F

158.2 mL/drum/°C, 88.3mL/drum/°F

Color Colorless

Copper Strip Number 0

Cubical Expansion Coefficient 0.00023 mL/L @ temp. change of 2.88°F or 1.6°C

Dielectric Constant 2.3

Dielectric Strength 48,000 volts/cm

Entropy, Temperature Coefficient

0.2032 at 20.2°C (ds/dt) ρ

Ester Content 0.07% to 2.46%

Evaporation Residue 0.03% to 0.80%

Flash Point (TCC) 123°F (50°C)

Freezing Point -142°F (-96.7°C)

Hanus Iodine Number 79.1

Heat Capacity 0.438 cal/g/°C

1.473.9 kcal/mol @ 77°F (25°C)

Heat of Combustion 19,470 BTU/lb @ 68°F (20°C)
45 kJ/g

Heat of Formation -13 kcal/mol at 25°C Lange 1985

Heat of Vaporization ∆vH= 10,508.4 cal/mol

Heat Transfer Coefficient 2

11.52 BTU/h · ft · °F

Kauri-Butanol Number 67

Liquid Density 0.844 g/mL @ 68°F (20°C)

Melting Point -74.35° C

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Florida Chemical Company | d-Limonene Chemical Constants

Molecular Formula C10H16

Molecular Weight 136.23 g/mol

Odor Clean citrus odor

Optical Rotation +96° to +104°

Peroxide Value Not more than 2.0

Purity 94% to 95% (varies by grade)

Refractive Index 1.4710 to 1.4740

Saponification Number 1.50

Specific Gravity at 20° C 0.84 - 0.85

Specific Gravity at 25° C 0.838 to 0.843

0.49 BTU/lb @ 80°F (26.7°C)

Specific Heat
[59.62 cal · g/mol @ 68.4°F (20.2°C)]

Thermal Conductivity
T is in Kelvin, and units are Joules/second · meter · Kelvin

Vapor Density 0.015 g/L @ 68°F (20°C)

1 mmHg - 14°C (57°F)

2 mmHg - 20°C (68°F)
10 mmHg - 54°C (129°F)
Vapor Pressure 40 mmHg - 84°C (183°F)
100 mmHg - 108°C (226°F)
400 mmHg - 151°C (304°F)
760 mmHg - 178°C (352°F)

Viscosity at 25° C 0.9 cP

VOC Content 95%, 850 g/L

A Note about pH measurement and d-Limonene

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