Sharygin 2020 Solutions

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Abstract. Solutions for the Sharygin 2020 Correspondence Round

In this solution and all others that follow ] denotes directed angles mod 180◦
and ∠ denotes normal angles.

1. Solution
Lemma 1. In a 4ABC, M is the midpoint of side BC,H is the orthocentre, line l
is perpendicular to AM at A, let T = BH ∩ l, R = CH ∩ l, then A is the midpoint
of T R.
Proof. Consider the circle with diameter AH, it passes through E, F, X where
E, F are the feet of perpendiculars from B, C to the opposite sides, and X =
(AH) ∩ AM . Then it is well known that tangents to (AH) at E, F meet at M
which implies that quadrilateral AEXF is harmonic. Let l∞ be the point at infinity
on line l. So,
(E, F ; A, X) (T, R; A, l∞ ) = −1

This implies that A is the midpoint of T R, proving the lemma. 




Back to the main problem, since

]EHQ = ]QHF = ]P HF

⇒ 90 − ]EHQ = 90 − ]P HF
⇒ ]F P H = ]AP Q = ]HQE = ]P QA
Now, since QAP K is cyclic, this implies that ]P KA = ]AKQ which means that
K lies on the external angle bisector of ∠A.
Let HM meet the external bisector of A at K 0 , let the perpendiculars to AC and
ABfrom K 0 be Q0 , P 0 respectively. Let the line m ⊥ HM meet AB, AC at X, Y
respectively, then, looking at the circumcircle of AXY , K 0 lies on the perpendicular
bisector of XY and the exterior angle bisector of ∠A and it is well known that the
intersect on the circumcircle hence, AK 0 XY is cyclic. So, by Simpson’s line on
AXY and K 0 , we see that Q0 , P 0 , H are collinear. Now,
]P K 0 A0 = ]AK 0 Q0 because K 0 lies on the external angle bisector of ∠A
⇒ ]P 0 Q0 A = ]AP 0 Q0
⇒ ]HQ0 E = ]F P 0 H
⇒ ]EHQ0 = ]P 0 HF

Which implies that P 0 Q0 is the angle bisector of ∠BHC. This means that Q0 , P 0
are nothing but Q, P respectively and hence K = K 0 and the proof is complete.

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