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Chairman’s Address 董事长致辞 董事长致辞

董事长致辞 Chairman’s Address


Since being founded, China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CAMCE) has grown strong in competition and innovation achieved repeated
success in various areas, such as international project contracting and complete equipment export, to make significant contributions to
the advancement of economic and diplomatic cooperation between China and project home countries.

Over the past years, CAMCE has successfully undertaken about hundred large-scale international turnkey projects, complete equipment
import and export projects and investment projects around the world. CAMCE has rich experiences in international project contracting,
far-reaching brand influence, favorable government support, smooth financing channels, highly officient management teams and
outstanding staff, and has won high recognition and extensive praise from project owners all over the world.

Based on branches in many countries and regions, CAMCE has established vast information channels and dynamic service systems, gained
rich experience in international project contracting management, acquired the capacity for providing customers with whole-industrial-
chain one-stop service such as planning, design, equipment supply, construction, installation, commissioning and operation, etc. and
entire-value-chain package services including EPC, investment and trade.

Facing the increasingly fierce and innovative international market environment, with the MISSION of “DELIVER THE VALUE OF CHINA
CAMCE will make persistent innovation in sincere cooperation with domestic and overseas strategic partners to achieve new success!

Chairman:Luo Yan

2 3



008 016 024 083 094 098 099 102 104

公司介绍 核心优势 工程总承包 海内外投资 贸易 远景规划 社会责任 企业文化 分支机构名录
Corporate Profile Core Advantages EPC Domestic and Overseas Trade Long-Term Plan Social Responsibility Corporate Culture Subsidiaries and Branches
公司简介 政府支持 工业工程 石化工程
Corporation Overview Government Support Industrial Projects Petrochemical Projects

组织机构 融资能力 农业工程 矿业工程

Organization Structure Financing Capability Agricultural Projects Mining Engineering Projects

资质文件 资源整合 水务工程 其他领域

Qualification Documents Resources Integration Water Engineering Projects Others

公司荣誉 信息优势 电力工程

Honor of the Company Information Network Power Projects

精英团队 交通工程
Elite Team Communications
Corporate Profile 08
奉献 基本态度 08 公司简介
Corporation Overview 10 资质文件
Qualification Documents

勇于奉献是一个企业和个人不断获得发展的根本存在。 09 组织机构
Organization Structure 12 公司荣誉
Honor of the Company
Dedication is our basic attitude towards work. The willingness
to devote is the foundation for the survival and development
of an enterprise or an individual.

传递中国工程价值 委内瑞拉比西亚联合循环电站及配套输变电项目
DELIVER THE VALUE OF CHINA ENGINEERING El Vigia Combined Cycle Power Plant and Transmission Line Project in Venezuela
公司介绍 公司简介 Corporation Overview Organization Structure 组织机构 公司介绍

公司简介 Corporation Overview

中工国际工程股份有限公司(简称“中工国际”)隶属于中国机械工业集团有限公司,成立于2001年5月, China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CAMCE) is an incorporated company affiliated to China National Machinery Industry Corporation

并于2006年6月在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,是中国股市实施全流通股改后第一家获准发行新股(IPO)的公司。 (SINOMACH). It was established in May 2001 and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in June 2006 (Stock Code: 002051), the first IPO
company after full circulation stock reform was carried out in the stock market of China.
前,已完成近百个大型交钥匙工程和成套设备出口项目,业务范围涉及亚洲、非洲、美洲和东欧地区,业务领域 With rich experience in international project contracting area, CAMCE’s business mainly consists of engineering procurement construction
(EPC) projects, domestic and overseas investment and trade. CAMCE has completed about a hundred large-scale turnkey projects and
equipment export projects. CAMCE’s global presence is felt in Asia, Africa, America and Eastern Europe. Its business covers industrial projects,
agricultural projects, water engineering projects, power projects, communications projects, petrochemical projects and mining projects.
All completed projects have received high recognition from project owners.
CAMCE enjoys extensive information acquisition channels, highly officient management team, long-term and stable strategic partners
and strong financing capability.

In the future, CAMCE will forge ahead and make innovations in engineering, investment and trade to achieve a greater success!
组织机构 Organization Structure

8 9
公司介绍 资质文件 Qualification Documents Qualification Documents 资质文件 公司介绍

2015年,中工国际通过北京市2015年度高新技术企业资格认定,获国家级高新技术企业资格 ENR World Rankings
CAMCE passed qualification verification of Beijing new high-tech enterprises and acquired national high-tech enterprise status in
the year of 2015.

企业信用评价AAA级信用企业-中国对外承包工程商会-对 企业信用评价AAA级信用企业-中国机电产品进出口商会
外承包工程行业 Enterprise Credit Evaluation Class 3A Credit Enterprise-China Chamber of
Enterprise Credit Evaluation Class 3A Credit Enterprise-China International Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products
环境管理体系证书 职业健康管理体系证书 质量管理体系证书
Contractors Association-International Project Contracting Environmental Management System Certificate Occupational Health Management System Quality Management System Certificate

10 11
公司介绍 公司荣誉 Honor of the Company Honor of the Company 公司荣誉 公司介绍

2015年,中工国际荣获“首都文明单位标兵”荣誉称号 2018年,中工国际再次获得“首都文明单位标兵”荣誉称号
In 2015, CAMCE was awarded the Capital Civilized Unit Model In 2018, CAMCE was awarded the Capital Civilized Unit Model again

In 2015, CAMCE won the honor of National Civilized Unit

2015中国对外承包工程企业社会责任绩效评价 2018中国对外承包工程企业社会责任绩效评价
——领先型企业 ——领先型企业
2017年,中工国际再次获得全国文明 The Leading Company--2015 CSR performance evaluation The Leading Company--2018 CSR performance evaluation
单位荣誉称号 of Chinese Overseas Contracting Engineering Companies of Chinese Overseas Contracting Engineering Companies
CAMCE won the honor of National Civilized
Unit again in 2017.

12 13
Core Advantages 16
诚信 秉 承 最 高 道 德 水 准,
诚信做人与做事 16 政府支持
Government Support 20 信息优势
Information Network

厚德载物。秉承最高道德水准,诚信做人与做事是我们 18 融资能力
Financing Capability 21 精英团队
Elite Team
Just as the earth carries everything on it, we tolerate those
who hold different opinions. We abide by the highest ethical
19 资源整合
Resources Integration

standards and are honest with man and thing. This lays a solid
foundation for us to win social recognition and build sound

传递中国工程价值 玻利维亚圣布埃纳文图拉糖厂项目 乍得巴阿赫水泥厂项目

DELIVER THE VALUE OF CHINA ENGINEERING San Buenaventura Sugar Mill Project in Bolivia Cement Plant in Baoare, Chad
核心优势 政府支持 Government Support Government Support 政府支持 核心优势

政府支持 Government Support

With a solid reputation and reliable contracting capabilities for international projects, CAMCE has obtained the support and trust from
governmental authorities at all levels.

16 17
核心优势 融资能力 Financing Capability Resources Integration 资源整合 核心优势

融资能力 Financing Capability 资源整合 Resources Integration

中工国际以良好的经济效益、优良的资信等级和优质的资产价值,获得了多家著名金融机构的信任与信贷支持。 中工国际拥有长期而稳定的设计、施工、设备供应等战略合作伙伴。

CAMCE’s reputation for enabling healthy economic profit, sound credit rating and increased asset value has gained its access to credit, CAMCE enjoys long-term and stable business relationships with its strategic partners of design, construction and equipment supply.
capital and loan support from numerous notable financial institutions.


18 19
核心优势 信息优势 Information Network Elite Team 精英团队 核心优势

信息优势 Information Network 精英团队 Elite Team

中工国际的业务人员遍布世界各地,拥有广泛的信息获取渠道,快速的信息反馈和信息处理能力。 中工国际拥有一支有活力、有理想、素质高、能力强的精英团队。
CAMCE, with staffs around the world, has extensive channels of information acquisition and the capability to process the information quickly. CAMCE has an outstanding team which is young, ambitious and competent.

Proportion of Human Resources

Master Degree and above (35.3%)

Bachelor Degree (61.6%)

Associate Degree (3.1%)

Countries where CAMCE staffs are located.

20 21
EPC 24
执着是我们事业永不止 24 65 交通工程
Industrial Projects Communications
37 农业工程
Agricultural Projects 73 石化工程
Petrochemical Projects
Persistence is the driving force for our progress. And persistence
has always been the key to the advancement of our career,
51 水务工程
Water Engineering Projects 75 矿业工程
Mining Engineering Projects

regardless of good times or bad times.

57 电力工程
Power Projects 78 其他领域

Domestic and Overseas Investment


传递中国工程价值 安哥拉库茵巴农场项目
DELIVER THE VALUE OF CHINA ENGINEERING Cuimba Agro-Industrial Farm Project in Angola
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

工业工程 Industrial Projects

On December 12, 2008, CAMCE held a ceremony in celebration of the “10th Anniversary of Thilawa Shipyard”. With the theme of “Achieving Success Through
中工国际工业工程领域积累了丰富的经验,具备承接大型纸浆厂、水泥厂、玻璃厂、纺织厂、轮胎厂等交钥匙工 Ten Years’ Efforts”, the ceremony reviewed the unforgettable days of development, construction and operation of the shipyard.

CAMCE has rich experience in industrial projects and is capable of undertaking turnkey projects such as large bleached kraft pulp plants,
cement plants, glassworks, textile mills, tyre factories, etc.

Thilawa Shipyard in Myanmar
The project includes building a shipyard that allows for combined ship-building and ship-repairing services, with an annual ship-building capacity of five
1,500-3,000 DWT ships and an annual ship-repairing capacity of fifty units of 1,500-3,000 DWT ships. The synchro shiplift capacity is 5,000 tons. The shipyard
has an area of 560,000 m2. Land area is 270,000 m2 with workshop construction area of 33,000 m2. The project was completed and taken over in February
2002. The synchro shiplift system won the Shanghai Progress of Science and Technology Award in 2003.
In 2005, CAMCE provided 4×5,000kW diesel engines, system propellers and generator groups to the 108-m ships built by the Thilawa Shipyard.

10th Anniversary of Thilawa Shipyard Celebration

公司领导陪同缅甸国家领导人视察蒂洛瓦船厂 缅甸蒂洛瓦船厂全景
CAMCE top managers showed the state leaders of Myanmar around Thilawa Shipyard Panorama of Thilawa Shipyard

24 25
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

白俄罗斯40万吨纸浆厂项目 委内瑞拉农副产品加工设备制造厂工业园项目
400,000t/a Bleached Kraft Pulp Plant Project in Belarus Farm and Sideline Products Processing Equipment Manufacturer Industrial Park Project in Venezuela
该项目是中国在白俄罗斯制浆领域承揽的第一个交钥匙总承包工程。内容为在白俄罗斯斯威特洛戈尔斯克市新建一座年产40 该项目位于委内瑞拉东部的安索阿吉特州安纳科市工业区内,总占地面积42.8公顷,其中本期使用30.3公顷,预留使用用地
万吨的漂白硫酸盐纸浆工厂。中工国际提供的服务包括设计、设备供应、土建工程、安装、调试试车、试生产、设备运行达 12.5公顷。主要内容是修建一个可生产农机、农副十一大类机械设备为最终产品的农业设备工业园及产品设备的技术转让。
产达标、培训和质保期内技术服务等。主体生产工程包括备料系统,蒸煮、洗选漂系统,桨板机、打包线系统,蒸发系统, The project, located in an industrial zone in Annaka city, Annsuoejite state in eastern Venezuela, occupies 42.8 hectares of area. The current phase uses 30.3
燃烧系统,苛化系统,石灰回收系统。 hectares, reserving 12.5 hectares for the future. It is to build an agricultural equipment industrial park for manufacturing 11 types of major agricultural and
This project is the first Chinese EPC turnkey project in pulp plant construction area in Belarus. It is to build a 400,000t/a bleached kraft pulp plant in Svet- sideline machinery and includes technology transfer.
logorsk, Belarus, including design, equipment supply, civil works, installation, test run, commissioning, performance test, training and technical service in
warranty period etc. The major part consists of wood handling system, heating, washing, screening & bleaching system, pulp drying & pulp baling line
system, evaporation system, combustion system, causticizing system and lime recovery system.

白俄罗斯40万吨纸浆厂项目 Farm and Sideline Products Processing Equipment Manufacturer Industrial Park Project in Venezuela
400,000t/a Bleached Kraft Pulp Plant Project in Belarus

白俄罗斯40万吨纸浆厂项目 铸造车间砂型铸造生产线
400,000t/a Bleached Kraft Pulp Plant Project in Belarus Sand Mould Casting Production Line of Casting Workshop

26 27
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

沙特轮胎厂项目 吉尔吉斯斯坦日产5000吨水泥厂项目
Tyre Factory Project in Saudi Arabia 5,000t/d Cement Plant in Kyrgyzstan
该项目为在沙特阿拉伯设计并建设一座年产180万条乘用车和轻型卡车子午线轮胎的生产工厂。项目建成后,该工厂将成为中 该项目位于吉尔吉斯斯坦南部城市克孜勒机亚市,项目规模为日产2500吨水泥熟料生产线,配套的原料生产、运输、储存和
东海湾地区第一座轮胎生产厂。中工国际还将为项目进一步提供项目融资、生产技术以及运营维护等服务。 电力公用设施满足日产5000吨水泥熟料生产能力。该项目是中国向上合组织提供九亿美元优惠买方信贷项下中吉双方第一个
The project is to design and construct a tyre manufacturing plant with an annual production of 1,800,000 radial tyres for passenger car and light truck in
Saudi Arabia. After the completion, it would be the first tyre manufacturing plant in the Gulf region. CAMCE would further provide financing, know-how,
The Cement Plant is located in Kyzyl-Kiya city in southern Kyrgyzstan. It has a production capacity of 2,500t clinker per day, and associated facilities for raw
operation and maintenance services for the project.
material production, transport and storage and electrical utility can meet the production capacity of 5,000t clinker per day. This is the first China-Kyrgyz
cooperation project using the preferential buyer’s credit, provided by Chinese government worth of $900 million in the framework of Shanghai Cooperation
Organization. It is also the first large-scale new dry cement production line exported by China to central Asia.

Tyre Factory Project in Saudi Arabia

Cement Plant in Baoare, Chad
该项目位于乍得巴阿赫,内容为建设年产20万吨熟料的水泥生产线、自备发电站、矿山道路、矿山开采和矿石运输设备供货。 The 5,000t/d Cement Plant, Kyrgyz
Located in Baoare, Chad, this project includes the construction of a cement plant with annual output of 200,000 tons as well as a dedicated heavy fuel oil
(HFO) power station, mining equipment and access roads, etc.
Grinding Station in Yangiyul, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Located at the old concrete precast plant in Yangiyul, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, this project includes the construction of a 3,300t/d cement grinding station
from material incoming (unloading) to cement outgoing. The station adopts the closed-circuit grinding system combining the mature roller presses and
two Φ3.8×13m cement grinders with clinker unloading into pits.

乌兹别克塔什干州阳格尤里粉磨厂辊压机输送设备 乌兹别克斯坦塔什干州阳格尤里粉磨站项目
乍得巴阿赫水泥厂 Roller Press Conveying Equipment of the Grinding Station in Yangiyul, Tashkent, Grinding Station in Yangiyul, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Cement Plant in Baoare, Chad Uzbekistan

28 29
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

乌兹别克斯坦别卡巴德水泥厂日产2500吨水泥熟料生产线项目 吉尔吉斯斯坦甘特水泥厂气改煤工程项目
Clinker Line Project with Production Capacity of 2500t/d in Bekobod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Gas-to-Coal Project of Cement Plant in Kant, Kyrgyzstan
该项目位于乌兹别克斯坦塔什干州别卡巴德市水泥厂内。内容为建造生产能力为日产2500吨水泥熟料线。 该项目位于吉尔吉斯斯坦甘特市甘特水泥厂内。内容为吉尔吉斯甘特水泥厂气改煤工程,工程范围从原煤进厂(卸车)到窑燃
Located at Bekobod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the project is to construct a clinker production line with production capacity of 2500t/d. 烧器。选用3台Φ3.8×10.5m煤磨以及转子称、煤粉燃烧器替代原有天然气燃烧器;原煤由火车运送进场,原煤卸车由卸车
Located at the cement plant in Kant, Kyrgyzstan, this project includes the gas-to-coal conversion of the plant from raw coal incoming (unloading) to kiln
burners, replacement of the original natural gas burners with three Φ3.8×10.5m coal grinders, rotary scales and pulverized coal burners. The raw coal is
transported by train, unloaded into pits, broken and homogenized at the coal yard.

AS Clinker Grinding Plant in Ankara, Turkey
Located at Bucak, Burdur, Turkey, this project includes the construction of AS 100TPH cement grinding station and AS 135TPH cement grinding station in
Burdur, Turkey (Line I) as well as AS 135TPH cement grinding station in Burdur, Turkey (Line II). CAMCE undertook the design, main equipment supply, instal-
lation, testing and commissioning of this project.
Clinker Line Project in Bekobod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Cement Plant in Kyaukse, Myanmar
This project was completed and put into operation in 2003.

Exterior of AS Cement Grinding Stations in Ankara, Turkey

Exterior of the Cement Plant in Kyaukse, Myanmar

30 31
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

土耳其马尔丁135t/h水泥粉磨站项目 缅甸浮法玻璃厂项目
135t/h Cement Grinding Station in Mardin, Turkey Float Glass Plant in Myanmar
该项目位于土耳其马尔丁市。内容为项目的设计、主机设备供货、安装和调试指导。 该项目位于缅甸中部的郊塞镇。内容为建造一条日融化量150吨的浮法玻璃生产线,并提供配套的钢化玻璃、夹层玻璃、制镜
Located at Mardin, Turkey, this project includes the construction of a 135t/h cement grinding station. CAMCE undertook the design, main equipment supply, 玻璃三条深加工生产线。
installation, testing and commissioing of the project. Located at Kyaukse in central Myanmar, this project includes the construction of a float glass production line with a daily melting capacity of 150t and the
provision of three supporting deep processing lines-tempering glass, laminated glass and silvering plate glass.

Exterior of the 135t/h Cement Grinding Station in Mardin, Turkey 缅甸浮法玻璃厂生产车间
Workshop of the Float Glass Plant

土耳其马尔丁德瑞克90t/h水泥粉磨站项目 缅甸丁茵玻璃瓶厂改造项目
90 t/h Cement Grinding Station in Derik, Mardin, Turkey Reconstruction of Glass Bottle Plant in Thanlyin, Myanmar
该项目位于土耳其马尔丁市德瑞克镇。内容为项目的设计、主机设备供货、安装和调试指导。 日产玻璃瓶126,990件。
Located at Derik, Mardin, Turkey, this project includes the construction of a Limak 90t/h cement grinding station. CAMCE undertook the design, main equip- A daily output of 126,990 glass bottles.
ment supply, installation, testing and commissioing of the project.

土耳其马尔丁德瑞克90t/h水泥粉磨站外景 缅甸丁茵玻璃瓶厂生产车间
Exterior of the 90 t/h Cement Grinding Station in Derik Mardin, Turkey Workshop of the Glass Bottle Plant in Thanlyin, Myanmar

32 33
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Industrial Projects 工业工程 工程总承包

缅甸轮胎厂项目 也门萨那纺织厂更新改造项目
Tyre Plant in Myanmar Rehabilitation of Textile Factory in Sana’a, Yemen
该项目位于缅甸孟邦比林市。内容为建造一座年生产能力为30万条子午线轮胎的轮胎厂,包括设计、设备材料制造及供货、大 该项目内容为承担主要纺纱工艺设备、配套公用工程设备的设备供货和相关技术服务工作。
厂房钢结构供货及安装、海运运输、设备安装监理、试车试运行和培训等。 This project includes the supply of major textile equipment and utility equipment and related services.

Located at Belin, Mon, Myanmar, this project includes the construction of a tyre plant with an annual production capacity of 300,000 radial tyres. CAMCE
undertook the design, equipment and material supply, fabrication and installation of the steel structure of the large workshop, equipment installation
supervision, commissioning and training, etc.

缅甸轮胎厂内景 Workshop of the Textile Factory in Sana’a
Workshop of the Tyre Plant in Myanmar

缅甸沙伦基纺织厂项目 500,000t/y Coking Project of UGML Company in India
Textile Factory in Sarlingyi, Myanmar
该项目位于缅甸沙伦基镇。纺织厂的规模为29760纺纱锭、8台精梳机、828台织布机。全厂占地面积为14.48万平方米,建 This project includes the construction of a coking plant with an annual production capacity of 500,000t metallurgical coke. CAMCE provides services of
筑面积为5.3万平方米。公司承担了该项目设计、设备供应、技术指导、培训、土建监理等工作。 design, equipment supply, installation and commissioning.
This project is located at Sarlingyi. The textile factory has a scale of 29,760 spindles, 8 combers and 828 looms, an area of 144,800m2 and a building area of
53,000m2. CAMCE undertook the design, equipment supply, technical guidance, training and civil construction supervision of the project.

沙伦基纺织厂生产车间 印度乌塔姆公司年产50万吨焦化厂内景
Workshop of the Textile Factory in Sarlingyi 500,000t/y Coking Plant of UGML Company, India

34 35
工程总承包 工业工程 Industrial Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

Air Separation Project in Sudan 农业工程 Agricultural Projects

该项目内容为设计、设备采购、安装、调试和培训。规模为2,000Nm 3 /h氮气或氧气(具备氮气/氧气两种工况,可根据需求
This project comprises design, equipment supply, installation, commissioning and training with a scale of 2,000Nm3/h nitrogen or oxygen (the two working
conditions can be switched on as needed) and some argon. 项目,承建大型糖厂、酒精厂及各种农产品加工厂。中工国际还一直致力于农业机械和成套设备的供货并提供优
With a traditional superiority in agricultural projects and complete agricultural equipment supply projects, CAMCE is capable of undertaking
agricultural planning, agricultural irrigation, farm construction projects, the construction of large sugar mills, ethanol plants and various
agricultural product processing plants. Meanwhile, CAMCE has always been committed to supply of agricultural machinery, complete
equipment and high quality after-sale services.

Integrated Agricultural Development Project Rio Guarico, Guarico State in Venezuela
Liquid Air Separation Equipment 土机械化衬砌灌溉渠道工程,建设大型农村社区住房及其配套设施工程。建设瓜里科灌区农作物多样化示范基地和农产品加
Project in Sudan 工园区、大米加工厂及粮仓、米粉条加工厂。
This project, located in Guarico Miranda, northern central Venezuela, contains rehabilitation and construction of irrigation canal, drainage and rural roads
within the irrigation system of 30,000 hectares, paving geomembrane of irrigation canal, mechanized pavement of irrigation canal with concrete, construc-
tion of housing units and supporting facilities, construction of the demonstration base of crop diversification and the agro-processing park and construction
印度阿雅集团年产120万吨球团厂项目 of rice processing plant, pasta factory and granaries.
1,200,000t/y Pelletizing Plant of Arya Iron & Steel Group in India
This project includes design and equipment supply.

Project of Integrated Restoration of the Irrigation System in the Guarico River in Venezuela Crop Diversification Demonstration Park

Exterior of the 1,200,000t/y Pel-
letizing Plant of Arya Iron & Steel
Group, India

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

Delta Orinoco Integrated Agricultural Development Project in Venezuela
This project, located in the Delta region between Monagas and Amacuro States, eastern Venezuela, includes construction of irrigation canals and drain-
ages for 11,000 hectares of land, construction of rice and rice seed processing parks, rehabilitation of an 80,000 laying hens farm, construction of a 270m2
agriculture and livestock husbandry laboratory, design of two bridges connecting Coguina, Manamito and Guara Islands.

Integrated Agricultural Development Project Rio Guarico, Guarico State in Venezuela

Feed Factory and
Drying Silo

Construction of Agro-Processing Park

社区建设 鸡舍设备
Construction of New Rural Community Poultry Equipment

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

委内瑞拉第斯那托斯农业综合发展项目 委内瑞拉皮里度贝塞拉综合农业项目
Tiznado Integrated Agricultural Development Project in Venezuela Piritu Becerra Integrated Agricultural Project in Venezuela
该项目位于委内瑞拉中北部瓜里科州的奥尔蒂斯市,内容为7000公顷喷灌设备及610公顷滴灌设备的配置及安装、灌渠新 该项目位于委内瑞拉中北部瓜里科州的卡拉波索市东南部,内容为近4万公顷农业发展区内农用道路、灌排渠系、机井、涵管
建、排水渠清淤、农用路建设等工程。 等基础设施建设、农业及工程设备供货等。
This project, located in Ortiz City, Guarico State, northern central Venezuela, includes supply and installation of pivot irrigation equipment for 7,000 hectares This project, located in southeast of Calabozo City, Guarico State, northern central Venezuela, includes supply of agriculture machinery and construction
and drip irrigation equipment for 610 hectares, as well as construction of new irrigation canals, dredging of drainage canals, construction of rural roads equipment, construction of infrastructures such as rural roads, irrigation and drainage canals, motor-pumped deep wells etc. in an agricultural development
and other infrastructure. area of nearly 40,000 hectares.

Pivot Irrigation Equipment

Piritu Becerra Integrated Agricultural Project in Venezuela

农用机械供货 排水渠道施工
Supply of Agricultural Machinery Construction of the Drainage Canal

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

委内瑞拉芦荟果汁饮料厂项目 安哥拉卡玛库巴农场项目
Aloe Vera Juice Project in Venezuela Camacupa Agro-Industrial Farm Project in Angola
该项目建设地点为委内瑞拉法肯州米兰达市,年产2.5万吨芦荟果汁饮料。 该项目为4000公顷耕种面积的玉米和大豆,400公顷喷灌设施,多种农机设备、仓储设备和加工设备。
The project, located at Miranda city of Falcon State, is to build an aloe vera juice factory with an annual production capacity of 25,000 tons. The project consists of 4,000 hectares of cultivated area of maize and soya bean, 400 hectares of irrigation facilities, a variety of agricultural equipment,
storage equipment and processing equipment, etc.

芦荟前处理线 芦荟果汁饮料生产
Pre-treatment Line of Aloe Vera Production of Aloe Vera Juice

农场配套设施 农场局部
Farm Facilities Farm Land

Longa Rice Farm Project in Angola
河右岸建设1500公顷耕种面积的水稻农场,建设有农田灌溉水利设施,水稻烘干、仓储、加工设施,场部办公、管理和农场宿 安哥拉库茵巴农场项目
舍,以及配套农场生产所需的农机设备等。项目建成后,可年产水稻1万吨以上,年加工大米2万吨以上。 Cuimba Agro-Industrial Farm Project in Angola
The project is located in Longa town, 70km away from Menongue, the capital city of Cuando Cubango Province, Angola. The farm occupies 4,500 hectares 该项目建设包括2,000公顷土地开垦,300公顷喷灌,一座存栏50,000只蛋鸡和25,000只肉鸡的养鸡场,饲料加工车间,农
of land. The project contains construction of the followings: 1,500 hectares of rice farm alongside the bank of river Longa, irrigation facilities, grain drying,
storage and processing facilities, office and dormitory buildings and agricultural equipment.The project is designed to have 10,000 tons of annual rice
production and 20,000 tons of annual rice processing capacity. The project contains land reclamation of 2,000 ha, sprinkling irrigation of 300 ha, one chicken farm capable of raising 50,000 layers and 25,000 broilers, feed
processing workshop, agricultural resources warehouse, agricultural machinery warehouse and office and accommodation facilities. In addition, the project
supplies agricultural machinery and equipment, modern planting and cultivation technique.

饲料加工厂和烘干筒仓 鸡舍设备
Feed Factory and Drying Silo Poultry Equipment
Rice Harvest

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

莫桑比克赞比西河谷农业机械及农产品加工成套设备出口项目 农机和小型农产品加工成套项目-向津巴布韦提供4.8亿元人民币农业机械、农机具及运
Agricultural Machinery and Agro-Industry Project in Zambezi Valley, Mozambique
该项目分为两个部分。一部分为农机设备的采购,包括农业机 Project of agricultural machinery and complete small farm product processing equipment-Exporting RMB480
械设备、运输车辆以及维修车间设备。另一部分则是三个农产 million worth of agricultural machinery, equipment and transportation vehicles to Zimbabwe
The project comprises two parts. Part one is to supply agricultural machinery
and equipment. Part two is to build three agricultural product processing
plants, including a rice processing plant with capacity of 150 tons per day
in Zambezi, a ginning factory with 120 tons cotton processing capacity per
day in Manica, and a maize processing plant with the capacity of processing 棉花厂轧花和剥绒车间
Cotton Ginning and Delinting Workshop
100 tons maize and producing 20 tons feed stuffs per day in Tete. Being part
of agricultural revitalization plan of Mozambique, the project prmoted the
agricultural development in the country.

H.E. President Mugabe of Zimbabwe inspects equipment

大米加工厂 玉米厂玉米粉加工车间
Rice Processing Plant Corn Meal Processing Workshop
斯里兰卡南部调水项目(一期) Project of agricultural machinery and complete small farm product processing equipment-Exporting USD 30
Sri Lanka Gin-Nilwala Diversion Project (Phase Ⅰ) million worth of agricultural machinery and USD 40 million worth of complete equipment for small farm product
项目位于斯里兰卡南部省汉班托塔地区,项目主要工作内容为针对3座混凝土大坝,3条总长度为37公里的输水隧洞及配套附 processing lines to Venezuela
属设施的测量、地勘、更新可研报告以及初步设计。 该项目是农业机械成套设备供货项目,内容为向委内瑞拉出口3000万美元农机设备,承揽4800万美元小型农产品加工厂的
Located in Hambantota District, Southern Sri Lanka, the project includes survey, geological and geotechnical investigation, updating Feasibility Study Report
and completion of Preliminary Design for three concrete dams, three diversion tunnels with total length of 37km and affiliated facilities.
This project, a complete agricultural equipment supply project, includes the export of USD 30 million agricultural machinery to Venezuela and the supply,
civil construction and installation of USD 48 million equipment for the small farm product processing plant.

Sri Lanka Gin-Nilwala 委内瑞拉3000万美元农机项目港口装船 小型农产品加工厂综合厂区
Diversion Project (PhaseⅠ) Agricultural machinery for Venezuela valued USD 30 million loaded at the port Complex buildings of the small farm product processing plant

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农机和小型农产品加工成套项目-向老挝出口价值750万美元的农业和工程机械 埃塞俄比亚瓦尔凯特糖厂项目
Project of Agricultural Machinery and Small Farm Product Processing Complete Equipment Export agricultural Welkait Sugar Mill Project in Ethiopia
and construction machinery worth of $7.5 million to Laos.
The EPC project for one sugar factory with a daily processing capacity of 24,000 tons sugar cane, including engineering, procurement, civil work, erection,
commissioning, test and training. The project is to be completed in two phases, comprising 3,000t/d raw sugar house, and 1,500t/d sugar refinery, as well
as a 4x30MW bagasse cogeneration power plant.

Export of Construction Machinery to Laos

San Buenaventura Sugar Mill Project in Bolivia
Design,geological suvey,equipment supply,civil construction,erection,commissioning,test run and technical services,supervision and warranty under an 埃塞俄比亚瓦尔凯特糖厂项目
EPC contract for a sugar plant with a daily processing capacity of 7,000t sugar cane and an affiliated ethonal plant with a daily output of 100,000 liters. Welkait Sugar Mill Project in Ethiopia

Power evaporation workshop in sugar mill

Blue Nile Sugar Mill in Sudan
Located along the Blue Nile River in Sinnar State, Sudan, this project has a design scale of a daily processing capacity of 7,500t sugarcane and can produce
糖厂 about 140,000t refined white sugar, with the supporting thermal power station to supply power to the mill and irrigation and connect to the grid to generate
The Sugar Mill 21MW. It includes design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and training, etc.

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Agricultural Projects 农业工程 工程总承包

印尼三林糖厂项目 缅甸永森糖厂项目
Komering Sugar Mill Project in Indonesia Yone Seik Cane Sugar Mill in Myanmar
日处理甘蔗8000吨的现代化糖厂。 日处理2000吨甘蔗。
A modern sugar mill with a daily processing capacity of 8,000t sugarcane. A daily processing capacity of 2,000t sugarcane.

印尼三林糖厂 缅甸永森糖厂压榨车间
Komering Sugar Mill in Indonesia Crushing Workshop of Yone Seik Cane Sugar Mill in Myanmar

越南平定糖厂项目 缅甸奥卡糖厂项目
Binh Dinh Sugar Mill in Vietnam Okkan Cane Sugar Mill in Myanmar
获得了越南农业部的嘉奖,日处理1000吨甘蔗。 日处理2000吨甘蔗。
With a daily processing capacity of 1,000t sugarcane, this project was commended by the Ministry of Agriculture of Vietnam. A daily processing capacity of 2,000t sugarcane.

越南平定糖厂外景 缅甸奥卡糖厂外景
Exterior of Binh Dinh Sugar Mill in Vietnam Exterior of Cane Sugar Mill in Myanmar

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工程总承包 农业工程 Agricultural Projects Water Engineering Projects 水务工程 工程总承包

Lampung Ethanol Plant Project in Indonesia 水务工程 Water Engineering Projects

Located at Bandar Lampung, capital of Lampung, Indonesia, the project includes plant design, equipment supply and commissioning of an edible ethanol 中工国际长期从事水务工程项目建设,可承接各类供排水、污水处理、工业废水处理、水厂、大坝、泵站等工程
plant with an annual output of 40,000t.
CAMCE has been engaged in water engineering projects for many years and can undertake various projects such as water supply and
苏丹面粉厂成套项目 drainage, sewage treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, dam construction, pump stations and etc..
Flour Mill Project in Sudan
A daily processing capacity of 100t wheat.

Water Transmission Project in Falcon, Venezuela
The project, which CAMCE undertakes the survey, design, equipment supply and construction, is implemented in three phases. 180km water transmission
pipelines and three municipal water treatment plants are designed and constructed. The first phase includes the overall design, supply of 60km steel
pipes and site construction; The second phase includes supply of 37km steel pipes and site construction, supply of 20km PEAD pipes and site installation,
construction of three water treatment plants with a treatment capacity of 16 l/s, 100 l/s and 100 l/s respectively; The third phase includes supply of 59km
steel pipes and site construction.

Interior of the Flour Mill in Sudan

Grain Storage Shed Project in Zambia
This project includes the construction of the grain storage sheds with a total building area of about 30,000m 2 and a total storage capacity of 100,000t in Zambia.

输水管道铺设现场 从中国采购的钢管运抵委内瑞拉港口
Laying of Water Transmission Pipeline The steel pipes fabricated in China arrive at the Venezuelan
赞比亚粮仓外景 port
Exterior of the Grain Storage Shed in Zambia

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工程总承包 水务工程 Water Engineering Projects Water Engineering Projects 水务工程 工程总承包

斯里兰卡延河灌溉项目 菲律宾阿格诺河综合灌溉项目
Yan Oya Reservoir Project in Sri Lanka Agno River Integrated Irrigation Project in the Philippines
该项目位于斯里兰卡中北省,内容为新建5座总长度为5.9km的土坝,溢洪道,输水系统及道路等。 该项目位于距马尼拉以北182公里处的邦嘎锡南省,内容为在邦嘎锡南省境内的阿格诺河上修建一座350米长,18米高的溢流
The project is located in North-Central province in Sri Lanka. It includes five earth fill main dams with the total length of 5.9km, spill way, water-carriage 坝,一个面积约100万平方米的调节水库、两座汇水闸、两个流量80立方米的取水口,为3.445万公顷农田提供全年灌溉服务。
system, roads, etc. Located at Pangasinan, 182km north of Manila, this project includes the construction of a 350m long and 18m high overflow dam on the Agno River in
Pangasinan, a regulating reservoir with an area of about 1,000,000m2, two catchment sluices and two water intakes with a flow of 80m3 to provide irrigation
services for the 34,450 hectare farmland all year around.

Yan Oya Reservoir Project in Sri Lanka
Agno River Integrated
Irrigation Project in the
菲律宾巴纳旺农业灌溉工程项目 Philippines

Banaoang Pump Irrigation Project in the Philippines

Located in Ilocos Sur of the Philippines, with a designed irrigation area of 6,300 hectares, this project includes the coustruction of the pump station, tunnel, 苏丹青尼罗灌区复兴项目
connecting canal, main canal, branch canals, etc. Blue Nile Scheme Rehabilitation Project in Sudan
This project includes providing construction machinery, water pumps, sprinkling irrigation equipment, dredgers and channel gate materials for the
rehabilitation of the 150,000 hectare irrigation area along the bank of the Blue Nile River in Sinnar State of Sudan.

Blue N ile Scheme
菲律宾巴纳旺农业灌溉工程项目 Rehabilitation Project
Banaoang Pump Irrigation Project in Sudan

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工程总承包 水务工程 Water Engineering Projects Water Engineering Projects 水务工程 工程总承包

孟加拉帕德玛水厂项目 苏丹达利和马兹穆供水项目
Padma (Jashaldia) Water Treatment Plant Project in Bangladesh Dali & Mazmoom Water Supply Project in Sudan
该项目为在孟加拉设计并建设一座日处理45万吨的净水处理厂。该项目还包括铺设一条直径2米,长度为34公里的输水管线。 该项目是中国公司在苏丹供水工程领域承揽的第一个卖方信贷交钥匙总承包工程。内容为达利和马兹穆两个水厂的全面勘察、
The project is to design and construct a water treatment plant with daily processing capacity of 450,000 tons. Besides, the project needs to lay a water 设计、设备采购、现场安装、现场土建和验收调试,包含140公里左右的输水管线建设,两个水厂日处理量为达利镇2万立方
transmission pipeline with 34km in length and 2m in diameter. 米,马兹穆镇7000立方米。
This project, the first turnkey project with supplier’s credit undertaken by Chinese companies in the water supply field in Sudan, includes the construction
of about 140km water transmission pipelines, and the comprehensive survey, design, equipment supply, site installation, civil construction, acceptance and
commissioning of the two water plants in Dali and Mazmoom with a daily treatment capacity of 20,000m3 and 7,000m3 respectively.

孟加拉帕德玛水厂项目 滤池
Padma Water Treatment Plant Project in Bangladesh Filter Tank

苏丹达利和马兹穆供水项目水厂局部 苏丹达利和马兹穆供水项目水厂鸟瞰图
Part of Dali & Mazmoom Water Supply Project in Sudan Bird View of Dali & Mazmoom Water Supply Project in Sudan

Sondos Pumping Station in Sudan
球墨铸铁管发运 孟加拉水厂效果图
Ductile Iron Pipes Shipping Design Sketch of Padma Water Treatment Plant Project in Bangladesh
Located 40km southwest of Khartoum, capital of Sudan, this project includes the equipment supply, installation, test and commissioning of a riverbank
pump station, a booster pumping station, 12 water pumping sets, 4 large transformers and other related electric systems.

Pumping Station in Bangladesh

孟加拉泵站内部分设备 苏丹桑多斯泵站项目
Part of Equipment in the Pumping Station in Bangladesh Sondos Pumping Station in Sudan

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工程总承包 水务工程 Water Engineering Projects Power Projects 电力工程 工程总承包

Multiple Project of Misicuni Dam Construction and Its Complementary Works 电力工程 Power Projects

Scope of works includes dam construction, spillway and underground works, instrument and equipment supply, installation, testing and commissioning 中工国际通过数个大中型电力工程项目的实施,在火力发电、水力发电、输变电以及其他电力领域积累了丰富的
of communication system and power distribution.
Through the implementation of several medium & large-sized power projects, CAMCE has gained rich experience in thermal and hydro power
generation, power transmission, distribution and other power sectors. CAMCE is capable to provide advanced power equipment、quality
engineering design and project contracting services in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

El Vigia Combined Cycle Power Plant and Transmission Line Project in Venezuela
建设及其附属工程施 该项目位于委内瑞拉梅里达州比西亚市。项目工作范围包括工程设计、土建工程、设备供货和安装调试等。项目内容包括:
Multiple Project of Misicuni
Dam Construction and Its 然气。新建一个230kV变电站,扩建一个230kV变电站和新建56公里230kV输电线路。
Complementary Works
This project, located in El Vigia City, Merida, Venezuela, is a turn-key project on the basis of engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning. It is
to build a gas turbine combined cycle power plant with installed capacity of 583MW designed as bifuel system with diesel oil as fuel in the early stage and
natural gas in the later stage, and to build a new 230kV substation, a 230kV substation extension, and a 230kV transmission line with total length of 56km.

Integrated Dredging Works in the Portuguese River Basin in Venezuela
Located in Portuguese Province, Venezuela, this project includes supply of dredgers with supporting equipment and dredging of natural channels and
artificial channels in the Portuguese River and relevant rivers with a total length of about 100km.

挖泥船下水 委内瑞拉比西亚联合循环电站及配套输变电项目
Trial Run of Dredger El Vigia Combined Cycle Power Plant and Transmission Line Project in Venezuela

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工程总承包 电力工程 Power Projects Power Projects 电力工程 工程总承包

The Expansion Project of Central-Western Transmission Line System in Cojedes State in Venezuela
该项目为在委内瑞拉科赫德斯州范围内新建1座400kV变电站, 2座115kV常规变电站,1座115kV GIS变电站,3座34.5kV
配电站及配套400kV线路、61.6公里115kV双回路、 28.3公里115kV单回路输电线路和高中压变电站相关的168.32公里
EPC project of a new 400kV sub-station , two new 115kV sub-stations, one new 115/13.8kV GIS sub-station, three new 34.5/13.8kV sub-stations of distribution,
and transmission lines of 400kV, 61.6km 115kV double circuit transmission lines and 28.3km 115kV simple circuit transmission lines, 74km 34.5kV distribution
lines and 168.32km 13.8kV distribution lines in the state of Cojedes of Venezuela.

The Expansion Project of Central-Western Transmission Line System in Cojedes State in Venezuela

Electricity Network Reinforcement and Expansion Project Transmission and Substation Rehabilitation Upgrading
Component for Six Substations in Ethiopia
Rehabilitation and upgrading of six existing substations.
El Vigia Combined Cycle Power
Plant Project in Venezuela

委内瑞拉比西亚输变电项目 变电站局部
The Transmission and Sub-stations Project Associated to El Vigia Combined Cycle Power Plant in Venezuela Substation

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工程总承包 电力工程 Power Projects Power Projects 电力工程 工程总承包

埃塞俄比亚400kV变电站和输电线路项目 肯尼亚电力传输系统升级改造项目LOT3A&3B
400kV Substation and Power Transmission Line Project in Ethiopia Power Transmission System Improvement Project Lot 3A&3B in Kenya
该项目包括Lot-2 400kV变电站项目、BM-2输电线路项目及TIH-2输电线路项目三个项目。内容为:Lot-2 400kV变电站 LOT3A: 承建四座132kV的新变电站和三座132kV的扩建站,包括设计、生产、供货、安装等。
项目,作为埃塞俄比亚目前电压等级最高的变电站将为由贝莱斯水电站经巴赫达尔、德卜勒马科斯,向首都亚的斯亚贝巴方 LOT3A: Detailed engineering design, manufacture, supply, delivery to and off-loading at site, erection, testing, setting to work/commissioning and completion
向送电的最主要的变电站。BM-2输电线路项目为首都西部地区供电,形成首都西部地区电网的一部分。TIH-2输电线路项 for four new 132/33kV substations and three 132/33kV substation extension.

目,配合位于埃塞西北部的特克泽水电站项目,将水电站发出的电输送到387公里外的地区,为线路沿线和周边地区供电, LOT3B: 承建四座132kV的变电站一座132kV的扩建站,包括设计、生产、供货、安装等。

LOT3B: Detailed engineering design, manufacture, supply, delivery to and off-loading at site, erection, testing, setting to work/commissioning and completion
for four new 132/33kV substations and one 132/33kV substation extension.
This project includes Lot-2 400kV substation, BM-2 power transmission line and TIH-2 power transmission line. The Lot-2 400kV substation, with the highest
voltage class in Ethiopia currently, will be the primary substation that transmits power from Beles to Addis Ababa via Bahir Dar and Debre Markos. The BM-2
power transmission line will supply power to the west of the capital as part of the power grid of the area. The TIH-2 power transmission line, together with
northwest Ethiopia’s Tekeze Hydropower Station, will transmit the power from the station to the areas 387km away, and areas along and surrounding the
line to form a power grid.

The Lot-2 400kV Substation 变电站局部
Project in Ethiopia Substation

肯尼亚城网改造项目 乌干达工业园区输变电项目
Power Distribution System Modernization & Strengthening Project in Kenya Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissionging of Substations for the Luzira Industrial Park, Mukono
Industrial Park, Iganga Industrial Park & Namanve South Industrial Park in Uganda
城市提供电力保障。二期内容为212.6公里的220kV线路及两座220kV变电站,108公里的132kV线路及一座132kV变电站, 在乌干达首都周边四个工业园区内分别建设四座132/33kV变电站及附属线路。
为肯尼亚东部旅游区提供稳定的电力供应。 The content of the Project is the construction of four 132/33KV GIS substations and ancillary transmission lines in Luzira Industrial Park, Mukono Industrial
Park, Iganga Industrial Park and Namanve South Industrial Park.
Project Phase I, which includes two 132/33kV substations, a 183km 132kV power transmission line and a of 76km 33kV power transmission line, will provide
reliable power to the two major economic cities in east and west Kenya. Project Phase II, which includes a 212.6km 220kV line, two 220kV substations, a
108km 132kV line and a 132kV substation, will supply stable power to the eastern tourist area of Kenya.

肯尼亚城网改造项目——132kV线路及33kV线路 肯尼亚城网改造项目——132kV变电站 Namanve South站33kV电容器组设备 Namanve South站132kV构架及户外设备

132kV Line and 33kV Line 132kV Substation 33kV Capacitor Bank Equipment for Namanve South Substation 132kV Framework and Outdoor Equipment for Namanve South Substation

60 61
工程总承包 电力工程 Power Projects Power Projects 电力工程 工程总承包

古巴-委内瑞拉酒精厂汽轮发电机组供货项目 古巴莫阿220kV变电站项目
Supply of Turbogenerators for Ethanol Plants Project in Venezuela Moa 220kV Substation Project in Cuba
该项目位于委内瑞拉,项目内容为6套25MW冷凝抽汽式汽轮发电机组、2套15MW背压式汽轮发电机组、1套7.5MW背压式 该项目位于古巴奥尔金省莫阿市,项目内容为220kV变电站的设计、供货和指导安装工作。
汽轮发电机组的设计、供货和技术服务。 The project is located in Holgin province of Cuba, which includes design, supply and technical services for a 220kV substation.

Located in Venezuela, the project includes design, supply and technical services for 6 sets of 25MW extraction-condensing turbogenerators, 2 sets of 15MW
backpressure turbogenerators and 1 set of 7.5 MW backpressure turbogenerator.

15MW汽轮机试验 25MW汽轮机试验
Operation Test of 15MW Steam Turbine Operation Test of 25MW Steam Turbine


Sancti Spiritus 220kV Substation Project in Cuba
11MW Hydropower Project in Taishir, Mongolia
The project is located in Sancti Spiritus Province of Cuba, which includes design, supply and technical services for a 220kV substation.
This project includes the construction of three 3,450kW hydro turbine generating sets and a 650kW hydro turbine generating set. The project includes
design, manufacture, equipment supply, transportation, installation, commissioning, delivery, training and quality assurance of the electromechanical works
as well as the civil construction of the 110/35kV substations.

现场安装 蒙古泰西尔11兆瓦水电项目现场
On-site Installation Site of 11MW Hydropower Project in Taishir, Mongolia

62 63
工程总承包 电力工程 Power Projects Communications 交通工程 工程总承包

Panitan-Nabas 138kV Transmission Line Upgrading Project in the Philippines
交通工程 Communications

电站,终点为帕尼坦变电站。项目工作范围为供货、土建、安装及调试。 中工国际多年来一直致力于交通基础设施建设,为项目所在国承建机场、港口、码头、公路、铁路和桥梁等项目。
project includes dismantling the damaged original transmission line and rebuild one 138kV new line with total length 60km from Panitan Substation to
Nabas substation in Visaya Island, Philippines. The scope of work contains material supply, civil, installation, and commissioning works. For years, CAMCE has been committed to the construction of communications and infrastructure projects, such as airports, sea ports, roads,
railways and bridges in different countries.

Reconstruction of Luang Prabang International Airport in Laos
Located in Luang Prabang, Laos, this project includes the reconstruction of the existing Luang Prabang International Airport, including the new runway,
apron, airport road, international terminal, parking lot and enclosure, the reconstruction of the existing infrastructure as well as the supply, installation and
commissioning of airport navigational equipment and terminal equipment.

Panitan-Nabas 138kV
Transmission Line Upgrading
Project in the Philippines

Dedicated Power Plant of Alkali Works in India

老挝琅勃拉邦国际机场航站楼 老挝琅勃拉邦国际机场跑道
The Terminal of Luang Prabang International Airport The Runway of Luang Prabang International Airport

Panorama of the Dedicated
Power Plant of the Alkali
Works in India

Supply of Transformers in Ethiopia
该项目内容包括苏卢勒塔和萨巴塔变电站提供两台400/230kV,250MVA的电力变压器及其附件,并完成变压器的安装。 老挝琅勃拉邦国际机场航站楼内景 老挝琅勃拉邦国际机场第一架航班出港
Interior of the Terminal The First Departure Flight of Luang Prabang International Airport
The project includes supply and installation of two 400/230kV, 250MVA transformers for Sululta and Sabata substations.

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工程总承包 交通工程 Communications Communications 交通工程 工程总承包

老挝万象瓦岱国际机场扩建项目 尼泊尔博卡拉国际机场项目
Wattay International Airport Upgrading Project in Laos Pokhara District International Airport Project in Nepal
该项目位于老挝首都万象市以北,距市中心约4公里,服务于2012年11月在老挝万象举办的第9届亚欧峰会。内容为改扩建现 采用EPC模式新建一座4D级国际机场。飞行区包括新建2500米长跑道、平行滑行道、停机坪等;航站区主要设施包括新建
有停机坪;改造并新建现有围场路;改造飞行区排水系统;近进灯光系统改造;进场路及航站楼前道路改造;新建民航局、机 14000平方米的航站楼、控制塔台、机库、货运站、停车场、消防救援站等设施;同时配备相应的给排水、消防、供电、通
场管理局办公楼等。 讯、导航、气象、监视等设施。
Wattay International Airport is located at Wattay area 4 km north of Vientiane, capital of Laos. This project provided services to the 9th ASEM Summit, held in Design and construction of a new international airport with 4D category under EPC model, including 2,500m runway, taxiway, aircraft parking apron, 14,000m 2
Vientiane in November 2012. It includes upgrading existing apron, rebuilding perimeter road, improving drainage system and lighting system, reconstructing terminal building, control tower, hangar, cargo terminal, car parking, RFFS building, water and power utilities and CNS facilities etc.
access and land side roads and construction of DCA office and LAA office buildings, etc.

2号停机坪 Aerial View of Nepal Airport
Apron No.2

Mandalay Bridge in Myanmar
The bridge is named YADANABON and means jewelry in Burmese. With a length of 1,711m, a steel structural length of 1,126m and a maximum span of
224m, it stretches over the Ayeyawady river and connects Mandalay and Sagaing in central and west Myanmar.

LAA Office Building

向老挝民航局正式交付瓦岱机场2号和3号停机坪工程 老挝万象瓦岱国际机场扩建项目竣工典礼 缅甸曼德勒大桥

Hand-over Ceremony of Apron No. 2 & 3 Hand-over Ceremony of Wattay International Airport Mandalay Bridge in Myanmar

66 67
工程总承包 交通工程 Communications Communications 交通工程 工程总承包

缅甸帕克库公铁桥项目 缅甸莫归-敏布桥项目
Ayeyawady Bridge (PAKOKKU) in Myanmar Magwe-Minbu Bridge in Myanmar
该项目内容为设计、钢结构及设备工具供货和安装指导。钢结构桥长3484米,横跨伊洛瓦底江,连接缅甸中部马圭省和曼德 全长2124米。
勒省。 Full length: 2,124m.

This project includes design, supply of steel truss, accessories and equipment and supervision of truss erection.With a steel structural length of 3,484m, it
stretches over the Ayeyawady River and connects Magway and Mandalay in central Myanmar.

Magwe-Minbu Bridge in Myanmar

PAKOKKU Bridge in Myanmar
Dedaya Bridge in Myanmar

缅甸密支那桥项目 全长432米。
Myitkyina Bridge in Myanmar Full length: 432m.

Dedaya Bridge in Myanmar
Myitkyina Bridge in Myanmar

68 69
工程总承包 交通工程 Communications Communications 交通工程 工程总承包

缅甸央东桥项目 孟加拉桥项目
Nyaungdon (Bo Myat Tun) Bridge in Myanmar Bangladesh Bridge
Full length: 1,877.4m.

Bridge in Bangladesh
Nyaungdon (Bo Myat Tun) Bridge in Myanmar

General Santos Fish Port Complex Expansion/Improvement Project in the Philippines
缅甸贝雷桥项目 理厂以及变电站等设施。
Bailey Bridge in Myanmar This project covers construction of two new deep water wharves of 500m long, setup of one 1,500 tons cold storage and one waste water treatment plant
with capacity of 500 t/d, substation and other facilities.

缅甸贝雷桥 菲律宾桑托斯将军城渔码头扩建项目现场
Bailey Bridge in Myanmar Construction Site of General Santos Fish Port Expansion/Improvement Project in the Philippines

70 71
工程总承包 交通工程 Communications Petrochemical Projects 石化工程 工程总承包

Upgrading of Mbala - Nakonde Road (171.9km) in the Northern Province of Zambia 石化工程 Petrochemical Projects

The project comprises the construction of a 171.9km two-way two-lane road with asphalt concrete surfacing from Mbala to Nakonde in Zambia.
CAMCE has been exploring the petrochemical projects area and has undertaken oil distribution plant projects, oil rig supply projects and
PVC production chemical synthesis projects, laying solid foundation for future development in the petrochemical area.

Construction of the Production Complex of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Caustic Soda and Methanol in Uzbekistan
The project includes construction of a production complex that produces 100,000 tons of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 75,000 tons of caustic soda and 300,000
赞比亚公路项目 tons of methanol annually.
Mbala-Nakonde Road Project in Zambia


孟加拉西南公路项目达卡-玛瓦标段 乌兹别克PVC生产综合体建设项目
Dhaka-Mawa Section of Southwest Road in Bangladesh Uzbekistan PVC Production Complex Construction Project

The road has a full length of 31.25km, with width of 10.8m to 12.2m and shoulder width of 1.5m.

孟加拉西南公路项目达卡-玛瓦标段 效果图
Dhaka-Mawa Section of Southwest Road in Bangladesh Design Sketch

72 73
工程总承包 石化工程 Petrochemical Projects Mining Engineering Projects 矿业工程 工程总承包

Petroleum Products Distribution Tank Farm in Nicaragua 矿业工程 Mining Engineering Projects

该项目内容为新建一座容量170,000立方米的石油产品储存及配送厂区,包括设计、供货、土建、安装、调试和技术服务。 在矿业领域,中工国际以加拿大普康公司为平台,持续开发加拿大及北美地区矿业工程业务,同时还承接了钾盐
The project is to construct a petroleum products storage distribution tank farm in Nicaragua with a total capacity of 170,000 m³, including design, equipment
supply, civil construction, installation, commissioning and technical services.
CAMCE continuously develops mining engineering projects in Canada and North America, taking Procon Holding as the platform, and has
undertaken potash plant and other projects.

AltaGas——Forrest Kerr Hydroelectric Underground Development Project
The project is located in British Columbia, Canada, Procon is responsible for executing all the underground rock works; approximately 6,300m of tunnels
ranging from 4m wide x 4m high to 9.6m wide x 9.8m high and a 64,000m3 large powerhouse.

Petroleum Products Distribution
Tank Farm in Nicaragua

Oil Rig Supply Project in Bolivia 佛利斯特·科尔水电站地下开采项目
Fo r re st K e r r H yd ro e l e c t r i c U n d e rgro un d
Development Project
Located in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the project is to supply three drilling rigs 必和必拓公司——伊开迪钻石矿综合服务项目
and ancillary equipment. BHP——Ekati Diamond Mine Master Services Project
Ekati Diamond mine project is located in Northwest Territory, Canada. Procon has been working at this site since 2000. Procon provided mine development,
reinforcement support and mechanical operation services, etc.

玻利维亚钻机项目——1500HP钻机 伊开迪钻石矿综合服务项目
1,500HP Drilling Rig Ekati Diamond Mine Master Services Project

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工程总承包 矿业工程 Mining Engineering Projects Mining Engineering Projects 矿业工程 工程总承包

加拿大钾盐公司艾兰矿地下服务项目 玻利维亚钾盐厂建设项目
PotashCorp——Underground Service Project, Allan Mine Bolivia Uyuni 350KTPA Potash Plant
该项目位于加拿大沙斯喀彻温省,普康向加拿大钾盐公司提供的服务包括竖井钢结构更换维护、储料仓开挖和安装、巷道开 该项目位于玻利维亚波多西省乌尤尼盐湖,项目内容为建设一条年产量35万吨的钾盐生产线。
拓等一系列矿山工程服务。 The project is located 110 km west of Salar de Uyuni, Potasi province of Bolivia. It is to build a potash plant with an annual capacity of 350,000 tons.

The project is located in Saskatchewan, Canada, Procon provides shaft steel repair and replacement, storage bin excavation and erection, access drift
services, etc.

Underground Service Project, Allan Mine 项目全景
Panorama of Bolivia Uyuni 350KTPA Potash Plant

Pretium Resources Inc.——Brucejack Gold Mine Project
Tank Fabrication Project in Ambatovy, Madagascar
The project is located in British Columbia, Canada. Procon provides underground deep well drilling, ore blasting and transportation, barren rock backfill,
This project includes design, fabrication and installation of 34 pulp tanks and the site installation of 11 thickeners.
underworkings and related construction work for the project.

布鲁斯杰克金矿项目 马达加斯加安巴朵韦制罐厂外景
Brucejack Gold Mine Project Exterior of the Tank Fabrication Plant in Ambatovy, Madagascar

76 77
工程总承包 其他领域 Others Others 其他领域 工程总承包

其他领域 Others 厄瓜多尔“国家安全应急指挥控制系统”配套土建施工项目

National Security System of Command and Control Civil Work Project in Ecuador
CAMCE engages in a wide variety of other business fields such as housing, telecommunications and metallurgy. The project is located in 7 cities in Ecuador. It is to build seven 911-security system centers.

楼宇建设 Building Construction

Hospitals Construction Project in Ecuador

Construction, procurement and installation of equipment for three 400-bed hospitals and one 200-bed hospital.

厄瓜多尔911 - 基多站
ECU911 - Quito

厄瓜多尔蒙特西纳伊医院项目 厄瓜多尔埃斯梅拉达斯医院项目
Monte Sinaí Hospital Construction Project in Ecuador Esmeraldas Hospital Construction Project in Ecuador

Ecuador Government Financial Management Platform Construction Project
The project locates at northern part of Quito, capital of Ecuador. The project scope is to build National Treasury and Central Bank office block and the auxiliary
projects, which has 13 stories above the ground and 3 stories underground.

Zofragua Hospital Construction Project in Ecuador

厄瓜多尔波多维耶霍医院项目 厄瓜多尔政府金融管理平台建设项目
Portoviejo Hospital Construction Project in Ecuador Ecuador Government Financial Management Platform Construction Project

78 79
工程总承包 其他领域 Others Others 其他领域 工程总承包

安哥拉学校、医院建设项目 设备进出口 Equipment Import and Export

Schools and Hospitals Construction Project in Angola
该项目内容为建造一座占地4000平方米容纳600名学生的理工学院、两座占地10000平方米的农业学院、两座占地1800平方 委内瑞拉港口机械供货项目
米的健康中心、建造两座占地4000平方米的市级医院及理工学校和农业学校的水电、道路建设。 Port Machinery Supplier Project in Venezuela
Construction of a Polytechnic Institute with an area of​4,000 m² for 600 students; two Agricultural Institutes, covering an area of 10,000 m² each; two Health
Centers, each covering an area of 1,800 m²; two Municipal Hospitals, covering an area of 4,000 m² each; and additional construction of electricity, water
The project is located in major ports of Venezuela. It is to provide a series of port unloading machinery and logistics equipment to the Ministry of the People’s
works and roads for Polytechnic Institute and Agricultural Institute.
Power of Aquatic and Air Transport , Ministry of the People’s Power of Food and Ministry of the People’s Power of Commerce of Venezuela.

海空部客户参观工厂 客户验货
Factory Visits Products Inspection

Exterior of Hospital Works in Angola

“Mi Emergencia” Ambulances and Medical Equipment Supply Project in Ecuador
This project includes the supply, delivery, installation and after sales service of 200 ambulances and 25 categories of medical equipment for the Ministry
of Public Health of Ecuador.
Construction of Campus of National University of Education (UNAE) in Ecuador
This project is to build two teaching buildings and affiliated infrastructure.

厄瓜多尔乌纳埃国家大学建设项目 厄瓜多尔“我的急救”救护车辆及设备供货项目
Construction of Campus of National University of Education (UNAE) in Ecuador “Mi Emergencia” Ambulances and Medical Equipment Supply Project in Ecuador

80 81
工程总承包 其他领域 Others Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

土库曼斯坦户外全彩LED大屏幕项目 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment

Outdoor Full Color Large LED Screen Project in Turkmenistan
该项目内容为户外全彩LED大屏幕的供货和安装。屏幕规格为P-10MM,尺寸为40.32米×9.12米,是目前中亚最大户外全 中工国际近年来大力拓展国内外投资业务,在海外区域综合开发和国内污水处理投资方面积累了丰富的经验。
In recent years, CAMCE has been developing the overseas and domestic investment business, gaining rich experience in overseas regional
This project includes the supply and installation work of a outdoor full color large LED screen. Screen Specification: P-10MM. Size: 40.32m X 9.12m.This screen
was the largest outdoor full color LED screen in Central Asia. general development and domestic sewage treatment concession.

China-Belarus Industrial Park in Belarus
This project, located in Smolevichi of Minsk oblast, 25km from Minsk, capital of Belarus, occupies 91.5km2 of land. It neighbors Minsk international airport,
and is 500km to Klaipeda port of Baltic Sea, 700km to Moscow, and 1,000km to Berlin. Easy access to international roads, inter-continental highways and
Outdoor Full Color Large LED Screen Project in Turkmenistan
railways ensures its potential to be an advanced manufacturing and modern service industry center. It aims to be built as an environment friendly, livable,
modern, vigorous and innovative international city, attracting intellectual resources from universities and scientific institutes of Minsk. On August 27, 2012,
China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. was founded. On May 12, 2015, H.E. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan in the company
of H.E. Belarusian President Lukashenko inspected the project site of China-Belarus Industrial Park.

16,050-Line SPC Exchange Project in Bangladesh

孟加拉3000门程控交换机及附属设备 中白工业园
3,000 SPC Exchanges and Auxiliary Equipment in Bangladesh China-Belarus Industrial Park

82 83
海内外投资 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

园区入口 工业、物流区俯瞰
Entrance An overlook of industrial and logistics areas

Chinese President Xi Jinping Asking about the Progress of the Park

北京大街 明斯克大街
Beijing Boulevard Minsk Boulevard
习近平主席和卢卡申科总统共同见证园区管委会主任为首批入园企业 习近平主席和卢卡申科总统在中白工业园发展蓝图上题名留念
颁发入园企业证书,及意向入园企业向管委会递交入园意向协议文本 Chinese President Xi Jinping and Belarusian President Lukashenko autographed as
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Belarusian President Lukashenko witnessed the a memento in the blueprint for the development of China-Belarus Industrial Park
certificate awarding to the first batch of resident enterprises by the Director of the Ad-
ministrative Committee of the China-Belarus Industrial Park and intention agreements
submitted by interested enterprises

标准厂房 中白合资公司办公楼
Standard Plant Office Building of China-Belarus Joint Ventures

84 85
海内外投资 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

Vientiane New World (VNW) Project in Laos

The Vientiane New World (VNW) project is located at the center of Vientiane along the Mekong River with the Presidential Palace to the east. The project
covers an area of 420,000m2 with construction area of 700,000m2. Consisting of the ASEM Villa, a five-star hotel, Lao style Commercial Street, shopping mall,

招商局中白商贸物流园 红宝石街 office buildings, service apartments and garden residence, VNW is the biggest contemporary city complex in Vientiane. On November 1, 2012, the ASEM
China-Belarus Commercial and Logistics Park of China Merchants Group Ruby Street Villa, the first phase of VNW, was completed and welcomed leaders, government heads and senior officers from 45 countries as their residence during the
9th ASEM Summit. Don Chan Palace Hotel is the most luxury five-star hotel in Vientiane with 215 rooms including Mekong River view suite, executive room,
and president suite. Don Chan Palace has a 4,800m2 conference hall, the biggest in Laos, and a top luxury club, making it the first-choice venue for large
international meetings and commercial events. The Lao style Commercial Street, the first one in Laos, occupies an area of 28,000m2 with construction area
of 25,000m2 and has 100 shops along its both sides.

110kV变电站 给水厂
110kV Transformer Substation Water Supply Plant

污水处理厂 雨水处理厂
Sewage Treatment Plant Rainwater Treatment Plant

86 87
海内外投资 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

ASEM Villa

Chairman Luo Yan attended the 9th ASEM Summit Opening Ceremony

官邸别墅会所 官邸别墅内景
ASEM Villa Club ASEM Villa Interior

万象新世界项目发布会 罗艳董事长接受中央电视台记者采访
VNW Launch Event Chairman Luo Yan received interview from CCTV

万象新世界商业街一期 万象新世界商业街一期
VNW Commercial Street PhaseⅠ VNW Commercial Street PhaseⅠ

88 89
海内外投资 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

Procon Holding (Alberta) Inc.

CAMCE purchased 60% shares of Procon’s stock on 30, April 2012, and acquired the rest 40% shares of Procon’s stock on 19, April 2018. Since then, Procon
has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of CAMCE.

东昌酒店夜景 酒店大堂
Don Chan Palace Hotel Hotel Lobby

December 19, 2011, Signing Ceremony of CAMCE-Procon Share Purchase Agreement

顶层俱乐部 酒店2层大厅
Penthouse Club Grand Hall

酒店会议室 中国特色的VIP包厢 2012年4月30日,中工国际-普康股权收购交割仪式

Conference Room Chinese style VIP Room April 30, 2012, CAMCE-Procon M&A Closing Ceremony

90 91
海内外投资 海内外投资 Domestic and Overseas Investment Domestic and Overseas Investment 海内外投资 海内外投资

北京沃特尔水技术股份有限公司 成都市龙泉驿区平安污水处理厂BOT项目
Beijing Woteer Water Technology Co., Ltd. Pingan Sewage Treatment Plant in Longquanyi District, Chengdu
水和高盐废水零排放的全套水处理系统,满足不同客户的需求,持续为客户创造价值。 Pingan Sewage Treatment Plant was constructed by Chengdu CAMCE Waterworks Co., Ltd., a wholly subsidiary of CAMCE, by the way of BOT (Build-Operate-
沃特尔秉承“寓艺于工,追求卓越”的品质理念,从工艺设计到设备布局、从部件采购到生产制造,从土建施工到安装调 transfer) with franchise period of 25 years (including construction period and operation period). The project contains Pingan Sewage Treatment Plant with
试,在满足各项性能要求的前提下,将工程艺术化,从而为客户创造最佳工作环境。采用国际先进的DBO(设计-建设- daily processing capacity of 60,000 tons and pipe network of 6km long. The Sewage Treatment Plant was constructed in two phases, with the first phase
having daily processing capacity of 20,000 tons, and the second phase 40,000 tons per day. The processing craft is improved oxidation ditch and ClO2
运营)和DBT(设计-建设-移交)等商业模式,为客户提供工程设计、项目管理和商务融资等服务,降低客户的投资风 disinfection technics for Phase One and A2O activated sludge process and ultraviolet disinfection process for Phase Two. The quality of discharged water
险,持续为客户创造价值。沃特尔以“科技改变水质、好水改善生活”为己任,致力于解决水污染之困,化解水资源短缺 into Yima river reaches Standard A of the first class.

In August 2013, CAMCE officially merged Beijing Woteer Water Technology Co., Ltd.. Woteer is a professional water treatment company that integrates water
treatment technology R&D, equipment manufacturing, construction and investment operations with global talent pool and sophisticated R&D team . Woteer
provides full set of water treatment system from raw water pretreatment, processing desalted water, seawater desalination, sewage treatment, sewage
recycling and zero discharging of industrial wastewater and high salinity wastewater by means of its detailed engineering design and high-standard service
to satisfy different clients and create value for them in a sustained way.

By adhering to the philosophy of pursuing excellent quality, Woteer creates optimum working environment for its clients, on the premise of meeting
all performance requirements, from process design, equipment layout, components purchasing and manufac­turing, civil construction, installation and
commissioning. Woteer provides services like engineering design, project management and financing to reduce investment risk and create value for its
clients in a sustained manner by adopting internationally advanced business model of DBO (Design-Build-Operate) and DBT (Design-Build-Turnover). By
upholding “technology changes water quality, and quality water improves people’s life” as its own duty, Woteer is committed to tackling issues of water 厂区综合楼 沉淀池
Complex Building Sedimentation Tank
pollution and water resources shortage to provide quality water for realizing Chinese Dream.

Sewage Treatment Plant in North of Pizhou City
The project was constructed by Pizhou CAMCE Waterworks Co., Ltd., a wholly subsidiary of CAMCE, by the way of BOT (Build-Operate-transfer) with franchise
period of 30 years (including construction period and operation period). The project is to construct a sewage treatment plant with daily processing capacity
of 40,000 tons. The processing technics is A2O activated sludge process and ultraviolet disinfection process. The discharged water quality reaches Standard
正渗透设备-长兴电厂 正渗透设备-沃特尔阳煤太化零排放项目
A of the first class, and the reclaimed water is reused in cooling system of surrounding power plants, and the rest enters tailwater diversion pipe network.
FO System of Changxing Power Plant FO System of Taiyuan Chemical New Material Park of
Yangquan Coal Group Zero Discharging Project.

石灰加药装置-长兴电厂 预处理澄清池-邯郸电厂 昌平实验室-理化分析室

Lime Dosing System of Changxing Power Plant Pretreatment of Clarifier in Handan Power Plant The Physical and Chemical Analysis Room of Woteer Laboratory 厂区大门 厂区光伏发电装置
Entrance in the Plant Area Photovoltaic Power Generation Device

92 93
贸易 贸易 Trade Trade 贸易 贸 易

贸易 Trade

In recent years, CAMCE has been expanding the international trade business and has achieved great success in the field of agricultural
products, agricultural materials, steel products, etc.

Company Profile of China National Construction & Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporation
China National Construction & Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CAMC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CAMCE, with a registered capital
of RMB 260 million, was incorporated in Haidian District, Beijing in January 1982. It has achieved outstanding results in bulk commodity trading including 牛羊肉 非转粮油
Beef and mutton Non-GMO Grain and Oil
frozen meat, non-GMO grain and oil, and agricultural products. Relying on CAMCE advantages both at home and abroad, CAMC has established its extensive
connections with governments and business communities, and obtained vast product and channel resources. Furthermore, CAMC has strong capability in
international resource integration and financing for it has established long-term strategic partnerships with many well-known domestic and international
manufacturers, traders and financial institutions.

Company Profile of CAMCE Resources Trade Co., Ltd.
CAMCE Resources Trade Co., Ltd. (CAMCE-RC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CAMCE, was incorporated in Shanghai Free Trade Zone with a registered capital
of RMB 200 million in July, 2014. As a resource-based international trade enterprise, it has achieved outstanding results in bulk commodity trading including
frozen meat, non-GMO grain and oil, and agricultural products.

Company Profile of Padonmar Resources Co., Ltd.
Padonmar Resources Co., Ltd. was incorporated in Hong Kong with a registered capital of HKD 10 million in 2018. Its purpose is to optimize
global resource allocation and expand international trade in bulk commodity such as beef and mutton, non-GMO grain and oil, and agricultural products,
sugar and pulp.
农产品 其他
Agricultural Products Others

94 95
Long-Term Plan 98
创新是我们事业不断 98 发展战略

创新 成长的重要动因
Development Strategies

Social Responsibility 99
Innovation is the main driving force for our growth. A high 企业文化
emphasis on innovation is the foundation for us to thrive in an Corporate Culture
increasingly competitive market environment.

Subsidiaries and Branches

远景规划 发展战略 Development Strategies Social Responsibility 社会责任 社会责任

发展战略 Development Strategies 社会责任 Social Responsibility

CAMCE takes practicing social responsibility and giving back to society as one of its important missions. It is committed to programs for
public good, and has carried out numerous donations both at home and abroad.


Corporate Strategy

To further strengthen the core business of Engineering Contracting in line with national strategies;

To implement investment business through combination between industry and finance;

To increase mergers and acquisitions both at home and abroad in order to realize extended growth;

To enhance capability in engineering, investment and trade to form “One Pillar, Two Markets, Three Linkages”.
向缅甸纳尔吉斯风暴灾区捐款 向国机集团帮困助学爱心基金捐款
Donation to Myanmar Nargis Victims Donation to SINOMACH Charity Fund

向在斯里兰卡山洪及山体滑坡侵袭灾区捐款 向厄瓜多尔克拉拉·莱昂学校的孩子们赠送爱心文具和文体用品,并
Donation to Landslide Affected Families of Sri Lanka 举办环境保护和安全知识讲座
Donation of Stationary and Sporting Goods and Holding Lectures on Environmental
Protection and Safety at Klara Leon School in Ecuador

98 99
社会责任 社会责任 Social Responsibility Social Responsibility 社会责任 社会责任

向四川地震灾区捐款100万元 向古巴“艾尔玛”飓风灾后重建捐款 向吉尔吉斯斯坦震区奥什州州政府捐款5万美元,用 向印度洋海啸灾区捐助

Donation of RMB 1 Million to Sichuan Earthquake Affected Area Donation to Cuba for its Reconstruction after Hurricane Irma 于购买活动板房 Donation to lndonesian Tsunami Victims
Donation of USD 50,000 to Earthquake Affected Area in Kyrgyzstan

向乌兹别克斯坦纳沃伊州盲人学校和纳沃伊州立图书 在厄瓜多尔强震后派出大型机械参与救援,成功救出
馆捐赠图书 3名生还者,并组织捐款和献血。 向委内瑞拉贫困儿童捐助 向尼加拉瓜乌戈·查韦斯小学捐赠文体用品
Book Donation to School for the Blind and Library of Navoi State CAMCE Successfully Rescuing 3 Survivors by Sending Large Machinery Donation to Children in Venezuela Donation to Hugo Chavez Primary School in Nicaragua
after Strong Earthquake in Ecuador and Organizing Money Raising and
in Uzbekistan Blood Donation as well

向白俄罗斯患病儿童捐助医疗费用 向老挝塔帕巴县淮开小学捐赠教材、学习和体育用品 向斯里兰卡三所学校捐赠教学用品 在乍得捐建小学

Donation of Medical Expenses to Belarusian Sick Children Donation of Textbooks, School Supplies and Sporting Goods to Donation of Teaching Supplies to Three Schools in Sri Lanka Donated and Built A Primary School in Chad
Local Primary School at Tapaba County of Laos

为安哥拉库茵巴地区遭受狂风暴雨袭击地区居民捐 在乌干达举办联合义诊活动,并向当地诊所和学校捐 在肯尼亚捐建小学 赞助老挝琅勃拉邦省请佛仪式

赠生活物资 赠医药和生活用品 Donated and Built A Primary School in Kenya Sponsored Inviting Ceremony of Phraba in Laos
Living Material Donation to Stormy Weather Victims in Cuimba Holding Joint Charity Clinics and Donating Medicine and Daily Articles
of Angola to Local Clinics and Schools of Uganda
100 101
企业文化 企业文化 Corporate Culture Corporate Culture 企业文化 企业文化

企业文化 Corporate Culture

我们的使命 我们的愿景 我们的企业宣言 我们的核心价值观


传递中国工程价值 做国际知名投资发展与工程服务商 做强中工 STRENGTHEN CAMCE 奉献 DEDICATION 诚信 INTEGRITY


102 103
分支机构名录 分支机构名录 Subsidiaries and Branches Subsidiaries and Branches 分支机构名录 分支机构名录

分支机构名录 Subsidiaries and Branches 中工国际缅甸代表处

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Commercial Representative Office in Myanmar
Add: No.13/14, Bahosi Complex, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar
中工武大设计研究有限公司 Tel: +95-1-211817,211837,211840
CAMCE WHU Design & Research Co., Ltd.
地址:武汉东湖新技术开发区光谷金融港B9栋。 Fax: +95-1-211805
Add: Building B9, Optical Valley Financial Port, Wuhan, 430070, China E-mail: wangyawei@camce.com.cn
Tel: +86-27-81659700 Fax: +86-27-81659701
加拿大普康公司 中工国际(老挝)有限公司
Procon Holding (Alberta) Inc CAMCE (Lao) Sole Co., Ltd.
Add: Suite 108, 4664 Lougheed Highway Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5C 5T5 Add: No.6 Dongphaleab Village, Chantaboury District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: +604-291-8292 Tel: +856-21-214950
Fax: +604-291-8082 Fax: +856-21-214950
E-mail: info@procongroup.net
E-mail: weibaoping@camce.com.cn
China National Construction & Agricultural Machinery I/E Corp.
地址: 北京市海淀区丹棱街3号A座。
Add: No.3 Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100080, P.R.China
Tel: +86-10-82688899 Fax: +86-10-82688010 CAMCE Investment (Lao) Co., Ltd.
E-mail: camc@camce.com.cn Add: Anouvong Road, Unit6, Phiavat Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: +856-21-262666
中工资源贸易有限公司 E-mail: wujunyuan@camce.com.cn
CAMCE Resources Co., Ltd.
Add: China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Futebeilu Road No.432, 3F, Room323
Tel: +86-10-82688899 Fax: +86-10-82688024
E-mail:camce.rc@camce.com.cn 中工国际菲律宾分公司
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Philippines Branch
中工国际物流有限公司 Add: 2104 A&B West Tower, Philippine Stock Exchange Building, Exchange Road, Ortigas,
CAMCE Logistics Co., Ltd. Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
地址:北京市海淀区丹棱街3号A座。 Tel: +63-2-7205336
Add: No.3 Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing,100080, P.R.China
Fax: +63-2-6256640
Tel: +86-10-82688280 Fax: +86-10-82688229
E-mail: camct@camce.com.cn E-mail: lvyunhuan@camce.com.cn

Beijing WOTEER Water Technology Co., Ltd. 中工国际印度尼西亚代表处
地址:北京市朝阳区西大望路甲6号一层沃特尔公司,100025 China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Indonesia
Add:6A, Xidawanglu Rd. Chaoyang Dist., Beijing China
Add: Satrio Tower, 15th Floor, Unit D Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. C4 Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Tel:010-56946800 Fax:010-88278408
E-mail: woteer@woteer.com.cn Tel: +62-21-27883517
Fax: +62-21-27883520
成都中工水务有限责任公司 E-mail: wangpin@camce.com.cn
Chengdu CAMCE Waterworks Co., Ltd.
Add: Group 8, Ping’an Village, Longquanyi District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, P.R.China
Tel: +86-28-84827112 Fax: +86-28-84862966
E-mail: chengdu@camce.com.cn
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Turkey
邳州中工水务有限责任公司 Add: Mashattan Residence A1 FL 12 Flat 98, Akasya, St Maslak Istanbul, Turkey
Pizhou CAMCE Waterworks Co., Ltd. Tel: +90-5438209708
地址:江苏省邳州市西安路(工业园区内)。 E-mail: sunguojian@camce.com.cn
Add: Xi’an Road, Pizhou, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China
Tel: +86-516-86263186 Fax: +86-516-86263186
E-mail: pizhou@camce.com.cn
中工投资管理有限公司 中工国际斯里兰卡代表处
CAMCE Investment Management Co., Ltd. China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Sri Lanka
地址:北京市海淀区丹棱街3号A座。 Add: Room 5A,West Tower, Seylan Tower,NO.90 Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
Add: No.3 Danling Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100080, China Tel: +94-112577195
Tel: +86-10-82688520 Fax: +86-10-82688204 Fax: +94-112577195
E-mail: camceim@camce.com.cn
E-mail: liweiwei@camce.com.cn

104 105
分支机构名录 分支机构名录 Subsidiaries and Branches Subsidiaries and Branches 分支机构名录 分支机构名录

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Zimbabwe
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Cambodia Add: No. 66, Mount Pleasant Drive, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Add: 20#, ST.302, BKK I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel:+263 773256073
Tel: +855-78315003 Fax: +263-4-744575
E-mail: zhengxiaoyu@camce.com.cn, liujiaji@camce.com.cn E-mail: Zimbabwe@camce.com.cn

中工国际尼泊尔代表处 中工国际埃塞俄比亚分公司
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Nepal China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Ethiopia Branch
Add: Bhatbhateni Apartments-7B1, Thirbamsadak, Balwatar Kathmandu, Nepal Add: House No. 2173, Woreda 03, Nefas Silk Lafto Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +977-9813853724 Tel: +251-937964452
Fax: +977-1-4602074 E-mail: huhuan@camce.com.cn
E-mail: yangzhigang@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Commercial Representative Office in Bangladesh
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Chad
Add: House No.20/E, Road No.13/C, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Add: Mobutu Joseph Désiré Road, Sabongali Community, Sixth District, N’Djaména, Chad
Tel: +880-2-8824739
Tel: +235-63137450
Fax: +880-2-8823793
E-mail: liuying@camce.com.cn
E-mail: wangxiaojiao@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Hong Kong Co., Ltd.
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Angola Branch
Add: 15/F., Chuang’s Tower, 30-32 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
Add: Condomínio Mirantes de Talatona D08, Município de Belas, Luanda, Angola
Tel: +852-37528848
Tel: +244-93883638
Fax: +852-37528818
E-mail: lilongfei@camce.com.cn
E-mail: yumiao@camce.com.cn

中工国际苏丹代表处 中工国际赞比亚代表处
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Sudan
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Zambia
Add: Flat No.105, Al-Hijaz Tower, Block 10 Riyad, Khartoum, Sudan
Add: 14C Serval Road Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +249-183-228809
Tel: +260-971591460
Fax: +249-183-228809
E-mail: liuguang@camce.com.cn
E-mail: sudan@camce.com.cn

中工国际南苏丹共和国分公司 中工国际乌干达代表处
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., South Sudan Branch China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Uganda
Add: Juba town Panorama Hotel, Juba, South Sudan Add: Plot 3-11 Akii Bua Close, Nakasero, Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+211-9133678787 Tel: +256-77901628
E-mail: leidi@camce.com.cn E-mail: baoyihong@camce.com.cn

中工国际肯尼亚代表处 中工国际喀麦隆分公司
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Kenya China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd.Succursale du Cameroun
Add: No. 85, Gigiri Road, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenyaof Saudi Arabia Add: B.P.35300, Nylon Bastos, A côté de Tradex, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Tel: +254-734178582 Tel: +237-698381798
E-mail: liqian@camce.com.cn E-mail: linxing@camce.com.cn

106 107
分支机构名录 分支机构名录 Subsidiaries and Branches Subsidiaries and Branches 分支机构名录 分支机构名录

中工国际沙特阿拉伯分公司 中工国际尼加拉瓜股份有限公司
CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd.,Saudi Arabia Branch CAMCE Nicaragua S.A.
Add: Room No.2, 2nd Floor, No.1 Tahlia Street, Khair Road, Hatin District, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Add: Lomas de Monserrat, Porton principal del Colegio Americano, 50 Veras al Este, Managua,
Tel: +966-114899890 Nicaragua
Fax: +966-114899890 Tel: +505-22700836
E-mail: sunhao@camce.com.cn E-mail: hewei@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Bolivia Branch, CAMCE Union Engineering
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. Sucursal in Equatorial Guinea Add: Piso 5, Oficina 5A, Edificio Calacoto Business Center, Calle 13 Esq. Sanchez Bustamante
Add: N7 de Edf. Miramar, Paraiso, Carretera de Aeropuerto, Malabo, Guinea Ecuatorial
No.7977, Zona Calacoto, La Paz, Bolivia.
Tel: +240-555557178
Tel: +591-2-2971584
Email: officegq@camce.com.cn
E-mail: liuyang@camce.com.cn

中工国际尼日利亚有限公司 中工国际墨西哥工程公司
Proyectos y Construcciones CAMCE, SAPI de CV
CAMCE Nigeria Ltd.
Add: Paseo de la Reforma 222, Torre3 Piso19, Dep.1903, Col.Juarez, Del.Cuanhtemoc, Mexico
Add: No. 22, Buchanan Crescent, Wuse Ⅱ, Abuja, Nigeria.
Tel: +234-8096296369
Tel: +52-1-5555338450,5564553956
Email: nigerialimited@camce.com.cn
E-mail: zhuyanqi@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Venezuela Branch 中工国际巴拿马分公司
Add: Av. Francisco de Miranda, Centro Lido, Torre E, Piso 11&12, Oficina única, Caracas, China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Panama Branch
Venezuela, Zona Postal 1060 Add: Piso 22, PH Sunrise, Obarrio Panama City, Panama
Tel: +58-212-9533589, 9531942, 9536550 Tel: +507-63964586
Fax: +58-212-9537161 E-mail: jiangyaning@camce.com.cn
E-mail: camcevenezuela@camce.com.cn

CAMCE SUDAMERICA, C.A. 中工国际哥伦比亚分公司
Add: Av.Francisco de Miranda, Centro Lido, Torre E, Piso 11&12, Oficina Única, Caracas,Venezuela, China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. Sucursal en Columbia
Zona Postal 1060 Add: Cra7A #90-33, Bogota, Colombia
Tel: +58-212-9533589,9531942,9536550 Tel: +57-3214900546
Fax:+58-212-9532201 E-mail: liwei@camce.com.cn
E-mail: pengwei@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Cuba 中工国际蒙古有限公司
Add: Centro de Negocios Miramar, Edificio Beijing, Oficina 116#3ra Avenida E/76y78, Miramar, CAMCE Mongolia Co., Ltd.
Playa, Habana, Cuba Add: Chingltei District, 2 Microdistrict, No.4, Choimbol Street, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: +53-72043620/21/22 Tel: +976-95022563
Fax: +53-72043621 E-mail: zhoutongjin@camce.com.cn
E-mail: wangliang@camce.com.cn

中工国际厄瓜多尔分公司 中工国际吉尔吉斯斯坦分公司
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Ecuador Branch China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Kyrgyzstan Branch
Add: Quito, Av. República Del Salvador N36-213 Y Naciones Unidas, Edificio Suyana Piso 10 Add: M. Sagenbaya 164-7, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Tel: +593-2-3824380 Tel: +996-778636391
E-mail: yangliang@camce.com.cn E-mail: handong@camce.com.cn

108 109
分支机构名录 分支机构名录 Subsidiaries and Branches Subsidiaries and Branches 分支机构名录 分支机构名录

Representative Office of CAMCE in Central and Eastern Europe
Add: Amir Temur Street 107-B, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084 中工国际中东欧代表处
Representative Office of CAMCE in Central and Eastern Europe Add: ul. Grzybowska 2/29, 00-131 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +998-71-2389719
Email: duantiezhu@camce.com.cn
E-mail: zuodayong@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Nginieering Co., Ltd. Turkmenistan Branch
Silvi Industries Management S.a.r.l
Add: 50/2,Avenue 2028, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
丝维林浆产业管理有限公司 Add: 14, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg
Tel: +86-10-82688089 Silvi Industries Management S.a.r.l
Tel: +352-422229209
Fax: +86-10-82688161
E-mail: yuyuhong@camce.com.cn
E-mail: renhao@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. -Branch in Finland
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Kazakhstan Branch
Add: Eteläesplanadi 2, FI-00130 Helsinki, Finland
Add: Apartment 251, No.5/3 Abylai Khana Avenue, Almaty District, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan 中工国际芬兰分公司
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. -Branch in Finland Tel: +358-505522903
Tel: +7-702-7641943
Fax: +358-207133499
E-mail: lijie@camce.com.cn
E-mail: finland@camce.com.cn

中工国际白俄罗斯代表处 百合资源有限公司
Padonmar Resources Co., Ltd.
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Representative Office in Belarus
Add: 220004, Belarus, Minsk, C.Zetkin Street 51A, 9th Floor
Add:15/F., Chuang’s Tower,30-32 Connaught Road Central, Hongkong
Tel: +375-172219206 Tel: +852-37528848
Fax: +375-172219208 Fax: +852-37528818
E-mail: lijinwei@camce.com.cn Email: shirley@goldenchinaltd.com

中工国际白俄罗斯有限责任公司 非洲物流供应链有限公司
CAMCEBEL Co., Ltd. Asialink Corporate Services Limited
Add: 220004, Belarus, Minsk, C.Zetkin Str. 51A, 9th Floor 非洲物流供应链有限公司 地址:香港上环禧利街27号富辉商业中心22楼2204室
Tel: +375-172219206
Asialink Corporate Services Limited Add:Room 2204, 22/F., Fu Fai Commercial Centre,27 Hillier Street, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852-28650113
Fax: +375-172219208
Fax: +852-28650378
E-mail: lifei1@camce.com.cn

China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd.
Add: Belarus, Minsk region, Smolevichi district, Industrial park Great Stone.
Tel: +375-445219999,172408624
Fax: +375-445219999
E-mail: lihaixin@camce.com.cn

China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd., Russia Branch
Add: MFC «Federation Tower East», Presnenskaya naberezhnaya 12, 31 floor, office-О, Moscow,
123100, Russian Federation.
Tel: +7-499-6438461
Fax: +7-499-6438463
E-mail: moscowbranch@camce.com.cn

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