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The Effectiveness of Flashcard and Video Media of Pre-school

Children’s Knowledge about Vegetable and Fruit in Matsum City,

Medan Area

Chairani Dalimunthe1* Kintoko Rochadi1 Jumirah Jumirah2

Departement of Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Unversitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Departement of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
*chairanidalimunthe1980 @gmail.com

Kata Kunci: Flashcard, video, knowledge, vegetables and fruit, pre-school children

Abstrak : Giving fruit and vegetable for early-age children will support fulfillment of balanced nutrition for
optimization of children. This will form healthy dietary habit that will continue until adult. From the initial
survey done, there were 69% children who did not like fruit and vegetable. The research objective is to
know the effectiveness of flashcard and video media on the change of pre-school children’s knowledge
regarding fruit and vegetable. The research design is quasi experiment with pre-test and post-test groups.
This research was conducted in Early Childhood Education Program of Ibunda consisted of 20 children and
Al-Manar consisted of 16 children as samples. The data analysis was done by pair t-test to examine the
effect of flashcard and video before and after treatment. From the research result, it can be concluded that
there is an effect of flashcard and video media on the knowledge improvement which is respectively p
0,001. Based on the mean difference, it is obtained that video media is more effective in improving
children’s knowledge regarding fruit and vegetable. It is suggested to school party to use video and picture
as media to improve pre-school children’s knowledge regarding vegetable and fruit.

1 INTRODUCTION Health Research in 2013 revealed that the community

aged 5-9 years old was only 3.1 who fulfilled WHO
The government through the Ministry of Health of the standard in consuming vegetable and fruit. It is really
Republic of Indonesia attempts to enhance health unfortunate considering Indonesia is the tropical
quality in Indonesia; one of the attempts is through country which is abundant of vegetable and fruit, but
GERMAS (Healthy Life Community Movement). the consumption of vegetable and fruit on Indonesian
There are three main principles of GERMAS; one of community is still relatively low compared to other
them is eating vegetable and fruit. The problem of countries which do not have resource as the producer
consuming vegetable and fruit not only happens in of vegetable and fruit (Astawan cited in Putri, 2016).
Indonesia, but it also happens in other countries. Like World Health Organization (WHO) generally
in United States of America, only 31,5% of school also encourages toddlers and school-age children to
children who consume less fruit and 80,3% who consume vegetable and fruit as many 300-400 grams
consume less vegetable (Kerbs, 2010 cited in per day. The relevant study was expressed by Melati
Harnack et al., 2012). It is like in Canada, only 20,9% and Enik (2010) that 93.6% pre-school children in
school children who consume less vegetable and fruit Semarang consume vegetable less than 73.5% per
from the research of Pabayo, Spence, Casey and Store day, and 100% children consumed less fruit. The
(2012). In Indonesia, the consumption of vegetable other research done by Gunanti (2000) revealed that
and fruit is still low. The data from Basic Health school children consume less vegetable than what is
Research in 2017 and 2013, it was found that the recommended in average.
community aged ≥ 10 years old was only about 5.1 Vegetable and fruit are the biggest enemies for
and 5.3 who fulfilled WHO standard in consuming children. Many parents experience difficulties in
vegetable and fruit. Besides, the data from Basic feeding their children vegetable and fruit. Otherwise,
Early Childhood Education Program age is the age enzyme that can accelerate the chemical reaction in
where the children are growing and developing. the body. The nutrition component and the non-
Introducing vegetable and fruit for them is highly nutrition active component contained in vegetable
essential to do in order that the children are used to and fruit serve as antioxidant and neutralize anti-
eating vegetable and fruit because it will be brought cancer free radical and inhibit cholesterol buildup in
until they are adult. However, if not, it will be the body. In vegetable and fruit, there is also fiber
difficult for children to understand the importance of content that is beneficial for digestive health and
eating vegetable and fruit well. intestinal micro flora namely soluble fiber and
Early Childhood Education Program is insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can grow well and
something important considering early-age children is insoluble fiber inhibits the growth of bacteria that are
the “golden age” which means the age that dangerous for body. Some researches show that the
determines most in the human’s development. It is adequate consumption of vegetable and fruit can
because 50% of brain intelligence on brain and nerves decrease the risk of chronic diseases. The research
has been occurring when the children are five years result conducted by He et al (2007) reveals that the
old, the next 30% is on eight years old, and the improvement of vegetable and fruit consumption that
remaining 20% is when the children are eighteen is previously less than three portions to be more than
years old. Frequently, the parents force the children five portions per day is related to the 17% decrease of
to eat vegetable and fruit by getting angry on them, coronary heart disease risk. It is in accordance with
but that way is not appropriate because if the children what is expressed by Dauchet et al (2005), the stroke
are forced to eat vegetable and fruit, someday they risk decreases to 11% for every fruit portion addition
will hate to eat vegetable or fruit because they think per day.
that they are scolded because of vegetable or fruit so The children’s knowledge about vegetable and
that they will avoid eating them. Therefore, the fruit are extremely essential because it affects the
parents should act as the role model in consuming attitude and the behavior in consuming it. Thus, it is
food, not only eating, but also showing the enjoyment important for us to know the children’s habit from
when eating in front of the children. Therefore, early age so that we are able to anticipate it.
without being forced, the children will be motivated
to consume the food. According to Karyadi (1993),
dietary habit is one of the important factors that 2 METHOD
influence the children in consuming vegetable and
fruit. The formation of dietary habit on early age is The type of this research is quasi experiment with
extremely important for the development of the pre-test and post-test group design. This research uses
children’s dietary habit when they are in adulthood. two groups namely the first group which uses
Pre-school children have inconsistent nature in flashcard in Early Childhood Education Program of
consuming food. They tend to choose the food Ibunda consist of 20 children and video media in
without knowing its taste. According to Tuti Soenardi Early Childhood Education Program of Al-Manar
(2006) refusing food is the children’s first way to flex consist of 16 children. The research samples consist
muscles and to express free will. The food refusal of 36 children. This research aims to know the
nature will be a problem, but a mother should not effectiveness between flashcard and video media on
hurry in responding it as a problem if the right way to the pre-school children’s knowledge in consuming
face it is not found yet. Vegetable provides many vegetable and fruit. The data collection method is
benefits for body health if consumed routinely. done by asking the children directly by using
However, not all children have awareness to consume questionnaires containing pictures about the type of
it. The other finding shows that the children know vegetable and fruit done by the researcher. The data
and like food they consume as in line with that they analysis is done by conducting pair t test.
commonly eat (Drake, SC 2013).
Vegetable and fruit can provide benefits for
health such as: (1) Vegetable and fruit are rich of
minerals and vitamins, mineral and other nutrition 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
needed by our body. For example, the nutrition
contained in vegetable and fruit are Vitamin C, Children’s knowledge about vegetable and fruit in the
Vitamin A, Potassium, and Folat. If the consumption group of flashcard and video before and after
of vegetable and fruit is low, the nutrition need will treatment can be seen in the table below:
not be fulfilled; (2) Vegetable and fruit contain active
Table 1: Distribution of Age Frequency Characteristics on Table 4: Knowledge distribution on video group
Early Childhood Education Program Children
Video Media
Num Age Total % Knowledge Before After
. n % n %
1 4 years old 7 19 Good 0 0 11 68.8
2 5 years old 13 36 Average 14 87.5 5 31.2
3 6 years old 16 45 Less 2 12.5 0 0
Grand Total 36 100.0 Total 16 100.0 16 100.0
Based on Table 1, it shows that the six-year-old
children are the children at most number of 45%. It Based on Table 4, it shows that there is an
shows that the six-year-old children are the most in improvement of knowledge after being given the
the number in the playground. Some studies also treatment by using video media. Previously, there is
reveal eating difficult level frequently occurs on pre- no in good category, but after the treatment, it
school children Beautris (2007). The pre-school increases to be 11 children (68.8%), average category
children’s knowledge about vegetable and fruit is decreases from 14 children (87.5%) to be 5 children
very low which is caused by many factors. One of the (31.2%) and less category from 2 children (12.5%) to
causing factors is the children’s age which is still be none in less category.
young specifically 4-5 years old. The children’s
Table 5: Effect of flashcard media on knowledge about
knowledge is formed through imitating and sensing
vegetable and fruit
processes. The more things the children see, listen,
and feel, the faster the learning they will get. It is in Knowledge
Flashcard Media
accordance with the theory stating that age is one of Pre-Test Post-Test
the aspects that influence knowledge. N 20 20
Mean 9.85 15.10
Table 2: Distribution of male and female frequency Standard Deviation 2.64 2.29
P 0.000
Num. Gender Total %
1 Male 17 47 Based on Table 5 shows that there is an improvement
2 Female 19 53 of knowledge on children after getting treatment by
Grand Total 36 100.0 using flashcard. It can be seen from the mean before
the treatment from 9.85 to be 15.10 with deviation
Based on Table 2, it shows that based on standard from 2.64 to be 2.29. From the result of
characteristic distribution, the female is more in paired t-test, it is found that there is an effect of
number specifically 53%. It shows that the students in picture card on the children’s knowledge
playground are dominated by female. According to improvement in consuming vegetable and fruit with
Kristjansdottir et al (2006) and Rojas (2001), gender p 0.000<0.05, with difference of pre-test and post-test
influences the consumption of vegetable and fruit. is 5.25.
Table 3: Knowledge distribution on picture card group Table 6: Effect of video media on knowledge about
Flashard Media vegetable and fruit
Knowledge Before After Video Media
n % n % Knowledge
Pre-Test Post-Test
Good 0 0 8 40 N 16 16
Average 14 70 12 60 Mean 10.00 16.88
Less 6 30 0 0 Standard Deviation 2.45 1.82
Total 20 100. 20 100.0 P 0.000
Based on Table 6, it can be known that there is an
Based on Table 3, it shows that there is an improvement of children’s knowledge after getting
improvement of knowledge; before treatment, the treatment by using video which can be seen from the
average category consists of 14 children (70%) and mean, before getting treatment, is 10.00 and it
less category consists of 6 children, but after becomes 16.88 with deviation standard from 2.45 to
treatment, it increases to be good category with 8 be 1.82. From the result of paired t-test, it is seen that
children, average category with 12 children, and less there is effect of vide on the improvement of
category with no child. knowledge about vegetable and fruit with p
0.000<0.05, and the difference of pre-test and post- REFFERENCES
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