Atexdsear Guide

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Relationship between European and UK legislation ATEX Workplace directive 99/92/EC & DSEAR Overview

Previsions DSEAR (UK)

II 2 G Ex d IIC T4
Assess the risks and identify the necessary control measures. Reg. 5 Article 4.1 HSE ACOP’s Complies with EC Mark Equipment Gas Type Of Gas Group* Temperature
ATEX L138 & L136 European Group Protection A, B or C Class
(atmosphÉre Directive *if omitted (T1 to T6)
explosible) suitable for
Implement the necessary technical and organisational measures Reg. 6 Article 3 HSE ACOP L138
Notified Body Equipment Explosion
Number Category Protection ALL gas groups
including suitable provision for accidents and emergencies. Schedule 1

II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80°C

Employers, workplace Classify the areas where potentially explosive atmospheres may Reg. 7 Article 7.1 EN 60079-10 MARKING FOR
owners & landlords exist into zones. Schedule 2 EN 61241-10 DUST OF AIRBORNE
Industry Codes
Mark the classified areas using the appropriate warning signage. Reg. 7 Article 7.3
Schedule 4
EUROPE Complies with Dust Type Of
EC Mark Equipment
Inspect, assess, modify or replace the equipment on the basis Reg. 5 & 6 Article 3 & 4.1 EN 60079-17 European Protection
product chemical workplace of the level risk and the ability of the equipment to create a Schedule 1 EN 60079-14 Directive Ingress protection level
directive agents directive source of ignition. EN 60079-19 Notified Body Equipment Explosion and maximum surface
(94/9/ec) directive (99/92/ec) Number Category Protection temperature
Ensure personnel at risk, and others who could potentially be Reg. 9 Annex II 1.1
(98/24/ec) affected, receive appropriate training.

Create and maintain and Explosive Protection Document Reg. 5 Article 8 HSE ACOP’s EQUIPMENT GROUP AND EQUIPMENT CATEGORY Types of Protection - GAS APPARATUS GROUPS AND IGNITION TEMPERATURES FOR
(EPD - ATEX 99/92/EC requirement only) or equivalent document L134-L138 TEMPERATURE CLASSES FOR COMMON
Mining Industrial Type of protection ATEX Code Standard COMMON COMBUSTIBLE DUSTS
referencing the necessary information (UK only) for the EN 60079-17 EXPLOSIVE GASES AND VAPOURS
identified hazardous areas. Documentation must include an
General Requirements – EN 60079-0 Gas/Vapour Gas Temperature Ignition
effective equipment maintenance and inspection regime. Dust Cloud
UK Temperature Group Class Temperature
Intrinsic Safety Ex ia & ib EN 60079-11
Acetic acid IIA T1
epsr si 1996 no 192 safety Regularly review and audit the areas and systems to ensure Reg. 5 No specific HSE ACOP L138 Aluminium 590°C
dsear that they remain effective. reference Increased Safety Ex e EN 60079-7 Acetone IIA T1
as ammended by related
si 2002 - no 2776
SI 2001 No 3776 aspects Flameproof Ex d EN 60079-1 Acetylene IIC T2 Coal dust (Lignite) 380°C
Note 1: DSEAR Reg. 7(4), ATEX 99/92/EC, Annex II 2,8 Prior to new plant and facilities being used for the first time,
Ammonia IIA T1
the overall explosion safety shall be verified by competent personnel. Equipment Equipment Protection Hazard Pressurisation Ex p EN 60079-2
Note 2: DSEAR Reg. 11 Article 6, where workers from several undertakings are present in the same workplace, Use Benzene IIA T1 Flour 490°C
Group Category Level Gas Dust
the employer responsible for that work-place must co-ordinate the health and safety measures. Powder Filled Ex q EN 60079-5
I Very high Operatable in Butane IIA T2
M1 - - Grain dust 510°C
Mining Protection Ex atmosphere
Encapsulation Ex ma&mb EN 60079-18 Cumene IIA T2
De-energised in
Zones and Equipment Categories Relevant Standards and Guidance M2 High Protection - - Cychlohexane IIA T3 Methyl cellulose 420°C
Ex atmosphere
Oil Immersion Ex o EN 60079-6
Zones Area of guidance Standard or Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) II Very high G Zones 0,1,2 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) IIA T2
ATEX Industrial 1 Phenolic resin 530°C
Broad Definitions of Zones Protection D Zones 20,21,22 Non-incendive Ex n EN 60079-15
Gases General guidance ACOP L134 - Design of plant, equipment and workplaces Ethylene IIB T2
Equipment Equipment Integrity Requirements
and Dusts (for guidance only) DSEAR compliance ACOP L135 - Storage of dangerous substances G Zones 1,2
Category 2 High Protection Hydrogen IIC T1
Vapours ACOP L136 - Control and mitigation measures Polythene 420°C
D Zones 21,22
ACOP L137 - Safe maintenance, repair and cleaning procedures Types of Protection - DUST Methane (industrial) IIA T1
0 20 Explosive atmosphere is present 1 Equipment must be safe under Normal G Zone 2
ACOP L138 - Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres 3 Methanol IIA T1 PVC 700°C
continuously, for long periods, normal operation, expected and Protection D Zone 22 Type of protection ATEX Code Standard
or frequently. rare malfunction. Petroleum IIA T1
Hazardous Area Classification EN 60079-10 - Classification of hazardous areas for explosive gas atmospheres General Requirements – EN 61241-0:2006 Soot 810°C
EN 60079-10 - Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present Protection by Propane IIA T1
1 21 Explosive atmosphere is likely 2 Equipment must be safe under normal CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS AREAS TO EN 60079-10 tD EN 61241-1:2004
Enclosures Toulene IIA T1
to occur under normal operation, operation, expected malfunction. Starch 460°C
occasionally. Protection pD EN 61241-4:2006
Classification Zone Criteria Turpentine IIA T3
Electrical Installation EN 60079-14 - Explosive Atmospheres - Part 14: Intrinsic Safety iD EN 61241-11:2006 Sugar 490°C
Gases Dusts Xylene IIA T1
2 22 Explosive atmosphere may occur 3 Equipment must be safe under of Equipment Electrical installations design ,selection and erection
Zone 0 Zone 20 present continuously or for long periods Encapsulation mD EN 61241-18:2004 A more comprehensive list of gases
under abnormal operation and only normal operation. Dust Groups - IEC60079-0 (2007)
(>1000hrs per annum) and vapours is provided in IEC 60079-20.
persists for a short period. Electrical Equipment Inspection EN 60079-17 - Explosive Atmospheres - Part 17:
Electrical installations inspection and maintenance Combustible Flyings IIIA
Type n according to EN60079-15
Zone 1 Zone 21 likely to occur in normal operation TEMPERATURE CLASS
Non-Electrical Equipment EN 13463-1 - Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres, occasionally Enclosed break device nC
Non-conductive Dust IIIB
The higher the probability of an explosive atmosphere occurring and persisting, the higher the integrity requirements of Ignition Hazard Assessment basic method and requirements (>10hrs, <1000hrs per annum) Non-incendive component nC T-Class Max surface temp in °C
the installed equipment. The relationship between the zones and categories can be varied following a full risk assessment. Note: This standard relates to new equipment but is a useful reference for Hermetically sealed device nC T1 450
retrospective assessment of existing equipment Zone 2 Zone 22 unlikely to occur in normal operation, Conductive Dust IIIC
if it does will only be for short periods Sealed device nC T2 300
(<10hrs per annum) Encapsulated device nC T3 200 A more comprehensive list of dusts
is provided in BS 7535.
Energy limited apparatus & circuits nL T4 135
Hazardous areas are classified into zones on the basis of the frequency A database of ‘Combustion and Explosion


and duration of the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere. Restricted breathing enclosure nR T5 100 Characteristics of Dusts’ is available at
Durations on table are typical. Non sparking nA T6 85


Became mandatory 1st July 2003 Became mandatory 1st July 2006
Protection against solid of foreign objects Protection against liquids and moisture
• Placing on the market and putting into service • Prevention, avoidance of mitigation of risks
• Equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres • Assessment of explosion risks 0 No protection. 0 No protection.
• Conformity assessment procedures • Classify into hazardous areas
• Explosion protection document (EPD) Protection against objects
Protection against vertically
EQUIPMENT GROUPS AND CATEGORIES – ANNEX I 1 larger than or equal to 50 mm 1
dripping water.
in diameter.
Protection against dripping when
2 larger than or equal to 12.5 mm 2
Ex ENVIROnMENT housing is 15 degrees tilted.
• Principle of integrated safety approach • Hazardous zones – gas, vapours or mist and combustible dusts in diameter.
Example of hazardous area zones - Petrol Station Forecourt & Garage
• Consideration of environment Protection against objects Protection against spraying

• Marking MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPROVING SAFETY & HEALTH – ANNEX II 3 larger than or equal to 2.5 mm 3 (water sprayed at 60 degrees on
in diameter. either vertical side of housing).
• Choice of materials • Training, working procedures
Protection against objects Protection against splashing
• All potential ignition sources • Criteria for selection of equipment and protective systems 4 larger than or equal to 1.0 mm 4 (water splashing on enclosure
• Risk caused by software in diameter. from any direction).

• Risk from gas, vapours, mist and dust WARNING SIGN WHERE EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES MAY OCCUR – ANNEX III Protection against dust (dust allowed
Protection against
5 but it should not interfere with 5
jetting (any direction).
satisfactory operation of product).
The Directive has been implemented in Great Britain by the Equipment 6
Protection against dust tight (no
Protection against powerful
Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulation 2002. dust allowance inside enclosure). jetting (any direction).
and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Health & Safety Executive (
Regulations Statutory Instrument SI 1996, No. 192 and amendments. Protection against temporary
7 immersion (30 minutes under
Office of Public Service Information ( 1m of water).

Protection against continuous

8 immersion (based on agreement
between manufacturer and user). 08457 201201 Over 260,000 products available at the touch of a button

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