Purpose of Graduate Study

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Muhammad Jamshed Khan

LL.B(Bachelor of Law), MBA(Finance), BBA (Banking & Finance) Honors.

The most dynamic program GPLLM has been exposed to me when time revealed the way to set life
purposeful in the field of law. GPLLM is unique program designed to emerge global professionals for
higher degree. In Pakistan, legal system needs to be modified. It will only possible with the team of
esteemed professionals, studied globally and who will have been acquainted with the law and
legislations of developed countries. I completed my BBA (Banking & Finance) four years program with
good position. Miserable reality of law & legal system in Pakistan convinced me to engage myself in
MBA (Finance) full time program and then LL.B (Bachelor of Law) full time program to make myself law
professional. Upon completion of my law graduation I discussed with my teachers and decided to
practice as an advocate. Upon continuous practice as lawyer, I have been awarded with life membership
of Islamabad Bar Association. Most of senior personalities of judiciary, parliamentarians and executive
authorities have been forwarded from our bar. I have successfully accomplished my degrees in Pakistan I
decided to further study my professional education from abroad. I am pursuing my career as a lawyer
and in the field of law Higher Professional education is very important to raise legal standards and
competencies. When I read about GPLLM then I realize this is what I was waiting for.

Pakistan due to its important geo-strategic location is considered important to sustain peace in South-
East Asian countries. In meeting with our Prime Minister, USA President Donald Trump said there would
be bilateral trade relationship between Pakistan and United States. I think it will only be possible with
the stable legal system and our present system need legal reforms. The success of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor has attracted foreign investors especially with the successful operation of GAWADAR
deep-sea-port which will be great breakthrough for development in this ignorant part of World. My
decision for GPLLM is greatest mile stone for my future and to do something great for my country in the
field of law. The concentration preferences Firstly, GPLLM innovation, law and technology will
strengthen me for next generations of innovations in technology and law reforms. My second
preference is GPLLM Canadian law in global context. Canada has most developed human rights and civil
laws. I am sure after completing this concentration I shall make legal revivals in my country. Thirdly,
GPLLM Business Law, with combination of business and law qualifications, will be good concentration
with experience of global professionals.

Constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan 1973 makes Supreme Court responsible for symmetrical
relationship between legislatures, executives and judiciaries. Chief Justice Pakistan Supreme Court Mr.
Saqib Nisar and Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa have mentioned in numerously that our legal
system needs to be reformed. Since 1947, formation of Pakistan, Practically we are following common
law based on The Code of Civil procedure 1908 and Criminal Procedure Code 1898. There is lacking of
civil rights awareness and because of misuse of law human rights violations disrupt whole legal sytem.
Barrister Dr. Muhammad Farogh Naseem, Minister of law and justice, practiced in same bar council I
practice, have also thrown light on legal reforms. After GPLLM, I will be important figure for my law
development and reforms in legal system to resolve regulatory issues.

“Justice delayed, justice denied” .To be important for my profession it’s my time to engage myself such
GPLLM which will definitely enable me to understand global legal system. GPLLM is very important
Muhammad Jamshed Khan
LL.B(Bachelor of Law), MBA(Finance), BBA (Banking & Finance) Honors.
program for me being lawyer and have seen our legal system closely. In District courts of Islamabad only
85 judges face every day thousands of litigants and every judge preside list of 100 to 150 cases. Some of
these heard and most of cases adjourned. The matters being resolved even blame old legal system for
not granting relieve to the aggrieved parties. If system put in automatic and modern standards of
profession I believe cases will be resolved on timely manner and litigants will not face unnecessarily
delay in hearings. The weak legal system facilitates perpetrators and mafias to run their illegal business.
Especially lawyers need to be professionally trained on continuous bases. Most of the law-officers being
away from professional counseling are use to implement non-professional practices for their livelihood
which have de-merits the respect of this honorable profession. I strongly believe if the legal system will
be reformed and sufficiently resources will be deployed the professional lawyers will practice ethically
with honor. Being a lawyer once I will be graduated globally will become more innovative for my country
to make my career more successful. It looks with stable law and order there will be time sooner that
strongest legal system will prevail in my country the practitioners of law will live with integrity and
respect. This all motivate me to pursue GPLLM degree and pursue my career for making transitional
changes in my field of law.

Being participant in international conference “law and politics of freedom of religion in Asia” in National
University of Singapore had seen presentation of internationally renowned lawyers. Rick Sarre Adjunct
Professor of University of south Australia, Frank S. Ravitch, Professor of Law and Walter H. Stowers Chair
in Law & Religion, Michigan State University, and Ewelina U. Ochab, PhD Candidate, University of Kent,
had presented their research works and papers before international delegations of professionals. I had
determined to contribute my experiences and learning with the global professionals. Most developed
countries like Singapore have their most advanced legal system which provides civil rights for all human
same like in Canada.

I have chosen GPLLM program due to its global combination of courses and outstanding faculty as well
as learning with professionals from different countries. I am hoping to experience more professional
environment to enhance my skills and eventually give me a breakthrough to work more effectively in
the field of law globally.

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